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在水体中发现大型底栖动物入侵种是一种世界范围普遍的现象。人类移动的同时将物品从一个大陆带到另一个大陆,这使许多水生动物物种能够突破自然的防线侵入到其他的区域和大陆。藉由人类现代的旅行方式,在不同区域间移动的物种数量显著增加,成功入侵种的数量也随之增多。成功入侵种需要具备一些特征,如可动性,小体型,适应性强和繁殖率高等,这些均有利于物种跨区域的入侵。当然,新生活环境也必须满足可适应的标准。对一个受人类活动破坏而丧失其原有物种的水环境来说,它对新物种入侵的抵抗力会很弱甚至缺乏。德国水体受人类活动的胁迫非常严重,许多自然水体受到的破坏已无法挽回,有些甚至已经完全成为了人工环境。这些水体由相互连接着的溪流河川网络组成,这很容易使新物种的入侵范围扩大。在外来物种的入侵面前,受人类活动胁迫和直接破坏的水体,比尚保持着天然环境状况的水体更加脆弱。  相似文献   

Riegel KW 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1973,179(4080):1285-1291
There have been major qualitative and quantitative changes in outdoor lighting technology in the last decade. The level of skylight caused by outdoor lighting systems is growing at a very high rate, about 20 percent per year nationwide. In addition, the spectral distribution of man-made light pollution may change in the next decade from one containing a few mercury lines to one containing dozens of lines and a significantly increased continuum level. Light pollution is presently damaging to some astronomical programs, and it is likely to become a major factor limiting progress in the next decade. Suitable sites in the United States for new dark sky observing facilities are very difficult to find. Some of the increase in outdoor illumination is due to the character of national growth and development. Some is due to promotional campaigns, in which questionable arguments involving public safety are presented. There are protective measures which might be adopted by the government; these would significantly aid observational astronomy, without compromising the legitimate outdoor lighting needs of society. Observatories should establish programs to routinely monitor sky brightness as a function of position, wavelength, and time. The astronomical community should establish a mechanism by which such programs can be supported and coordinated.  相似文献   

Arsenate [As(V)]-respiring bacteria affect the speciation and mobilization of arsenic in the environment. This can lead to arsenic contamination of drinking water supplies and deleterious consequences for human health. Using molecular genetics, we show that the functional gene for As(V) respiration, arrA, is highly conserved; that it is required for As(V) reduction to arsenite when arsenic is sorbed onto iron minerals; and that it can be used to identify the presence and activity of As(V)-respiring bacteria in arsenic-contaminated iron-rich sediments. The expression of arrA thus can be used to monitor sites in which As(V)-respiring bacteria may be controlling arsenic geochemistry.  相似文献   

The potato psyllid Bactericera cockerelli(Hemiptera: Triozidae) has recently emerged as a serious pest of potatoes and other solanaceous crops. It causes direct feeding damage and also vectors Candidatus Liberibacter solanaceaerum(Lso), a pathogen that causes zebra chip disease in potatoes and which potentially costs growers millions of dollars each year. Such producers rely on frequent sprays of pesticides for psyllid control but the results are unsatisfactory and there are negative side effects. The psyllid has spread beyond its native range in southwest US and northern Mexico to Canada, El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala and Nicaragua via medium to long range dispersal flights perhaps aided by wind currents, and through anthropogenic means. It was accidentally introduced into New Zealand in 2006 and most recently Australia, most likely through the importation of infested plant material. This review summarizes information from studies on the biology, impact and management of B. cockerelli, and highlights the imminent risk of this insect and its associated pathogen invading China, the world's largest producer of fresh potatoes. Development of risk maps leading to increased surveillance, could prevent or delay an incursion and facilitate early detection or eradication should this occur. Long-term management with Lso-tolerant potato cultivars and psyllid control using the parasitic wasp Tamarixia triozae and other natural enemies should be pursued, rather than depending on synthetic pesticides.  相似文献   

基于VC的上位机与PLC可靠通信的实现方法   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
针对目前市场上上位机通信软件专用、封闭、不兼容等问题,提出了用VC实现上位机与PLC通信的方法。采用西门子公司的S7-200系列PLC为下位机,按照RS-485标准与上位机通信;通信协议为以自由口模式创建用户自定义的协议,数据传输格式为16进制ASCⅡ编码,求和校验;上位机采用VC编程的可视化界面,在编程过程中采用不可中断方式和多缓冲区结构,并建立相应的控制指针。试验结果表明,当数据传输速率为9.6kbit/s时误码率〈10^-5能够实现现场网络的在线监控、调试及数据修改。  相似文献   

Inoculation of wheat(Triticum aestivum L.) leaves with wheat powdery mildew fungus(Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici) induces the cell death in adventitious roots. Reactive oxygen species(ROS) play a key role in respond to biotic stress in plants. To study the involvement of ROS and the degree of cell death in the wheat roots following inoculation, ROS levels and microstructure of root cells were analyzed in two wheat cultivars that are susceptible(Huamai 8) and resistant(Shenmai 8) to powdery mildew fungus. At 18 d after powdery mildew fungus inoculation, only Huamai 8 displayed the leaf lesions, while root cell death occurred in both varieties. Huamai 8 had a high level of ROS accumulation, which is associated with increased root cell degradation, while in Shenmai 8, there was little ROS accumulation correlating with slight root cell degradation. The molecular study about the expression levels of ROS scavenging genes(MnSOD and CAT) in wheat roots showed that these genes expression decreased after the leaves of wheat was inoculated. The difference between Huamai 8 and Shenmai 8 on subcellular localization of H2 O2 and O2–· was corresponded with the different down-regulation of the genes encoding for superoxide dismutase and catalase in two wheat cultivars. These results suggested that ROS were involved in the process by which powdery mildew fungus induced cell death in wheat roots.  相似文献   

Fire blight, caused by Erwinia amylovora, is a devastating disease of apples and pears, causing enormous economic losses around the world. The disease is indigenous to North America and has spread to more than 50 countries since its discovery in 1870s. Recent reports of the disease in China's neighboring countries, including South Korea, Kyrgyzstan, and Kazakhstan, pose great threat to the world's leading producer of apples and pears. This mini-review intends to provide an update on the disease, pathogen biology, epidemiology, and control. It will also provide some perspectives and suggestions for the apple and pear industry and growers in China, which will face the imminent threat of this devastating disease.  相似文献   

Erratic display as a device against predators   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Prey animals in many different taxonomic groups behave erratically when attacked by predators. This reaction is not accidental, but acts as a specific antipredator device. Observational data and theoretical considerations indicate that such protean displays function to confuse and disorient the predator and to increase its reaction time. Thus the survival of the prey is assisted, and the selective advntage whereby such erratic patterns of the prey animals may have evolved is created.  相似文献   

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