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从进境的唐菖蒲中检出菜豆黄花叶病毒   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文将荷兰进口的唐菖蒲种球进行隔离试种,通过症状观察,从中发现一株唐菖蒲幼苗叶片出现花叶症状,经DAS-ELISA,RT-PCR检测和序列分析验证,确认该批从荷兰进口的唐菖蒲鳞球茎中携带有菜豆黄花叶病毒(Bean yellow mosaic virus, BYMV).  相似文献   

Zucchini yellow mosaic virus   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
Zucchini yellow mosaic potyvirus (ZYMV), first isolated in Italy in 1973, described in 1981, and then identified in all continents within a decade, is one of the most economically important viruses of cucurbit crops. It is efficiently aphid-transmitted in a nonpersistent manner and it is also seed-borne in zucchini squash, which could have contributed to its rapid spread worldwide. Biological variability has been observed among ZYMV isolates, concerning host range, symptomatology and aphid transmissibility. More recent studies also revealed a serological and molecular variability. The survival of ZYMV in areas where cucurbits are not grown throughout the year remains to be elucidated, because very few natural over-wintering hosts have been identified so far. Partial control of ZYMV can be achieved by limiting transmission of the virus to the crops by aphids, using adapted cultural practices. Cross-protection with a mild strain has been shown to be effective against most ZYMV isolates. Resistance genes found in cucurbit germplasms are currently being introduced into cultivars with good agronomical characteristics. Pathogen-derived resistance strategies using the expression of ZYMV genes in transgenic plants have also been developed and appear promising. Nevertheless, the high biological variability of ZYMV justifies a careful evaluation of the deployment of genetic control strategies in order to increase their durability.  相似文献   

A virus disease causing severe mosaic in melon (the melon isolate) was identified as a strain of zucchini yellow mosaic virus (ZYMV). Identification was based on host range, aphid transmissibility, electron microscopy, and serological tests. The virus was recovered from all cultivated cucurbits in Jordan and from naturally infected Moluccella laevis. It was seed-transmitted in Ranunculus sardous. Host-range comparison showed that the melon isolate and a French isolate belong to a different biotype group from a Connecticut isolate (ZYMV-CT); this was confirmed by indirect ELISA. During 1987–1988. ZYMV appeared to be the predominant virus affecting cucurbits.  相似文献   

进境唐菖蒲种球南芥菜花叶病毒分子鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

一步法RT-PCR检测小西葫芦黄花叶病毒   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张永江 《植物检疫》2005,19(3):141-142
本文在两步RT-PCR检测ZYMV的基础上进行了一步法RT-PCR检测小西葫芦黄花叶病毒(ZYMV)的实验,并对商品化一步法RT-PCR试剂盒和本文实验的一步法RT-PCR的效果和成本进行了比较,最终建立了一种比较实用的检测ZYMV的方法.  相似文献   

Twelve virus isolates from pea, broad bean, red clover and yellow lupin have been compared with the B25 strain of bean yellow mosaic virus (BYMV-B25), the E198 strain of pea mosaic virus (PMV-E198) and the pea necrosis virus (E178), which were described earlier (Bos, 1970).On the basis of host ranges, symptoms and bean and pea varietal reactions most isolates could be classified into three groups, representatives of which did not differ appreciably serologically. These groups were considered to be typicalbean yellow mosaic virus isolates (E212, L1, B25),pea yellow mosaic strain isolates of BYMV (E198, E204, Kow28) andpea necrosis strain isolates of BYMV (E197, E199, E221). From these results and from a survey of literature it is concluded that PMV is only a strain of BYMV.The pea necrosis virus (E178), described earlier as a distinct entity, is still considered a different virus. A severe pea necrosis isolate (Kow14) resembled E178 in many respects and was also more distantly related serologically to the BYMV isolates tested. Four other virus isolates from pea and broad bean (E196, Vf15, Vf18 and Vf30) could not yet be identified. Lettuce mosaic virus (LMV) was found to be serologically rather closely related to BYMV.Results of cross-protection tests were erratic, and particle length measurements were no help in differentiating the strains and viruses studied.Samenvatting Twaalf virusisolaten uit erwt, tuinboon, rode klaver en gele lupine werden vergeleken met de eerder beschreven (Bos, 1970) B25-stam van het bonescherpmozaïekvirus (BYMV), de E198-stam van het erwtemozaïekvirus (PMV) en het erwtenecrosevirus (E178) (Tabel 1).Op grond van waardplantreeksen, symptomen en de reacties van bone- en erwterassen (Tabel 2) konden de meeste isolaten worden ingedeeld in drie groepen, waarvan vertegenwoordigers serologisch niet duidelijk verschilden (Tabel 5). Een groen erwteisolaat (E212) en een met zaad overgaand isolaat uit gele lupine (L1) bleken typische bone-isolaten van hetbonescherpmozaïekvirus, dat duidelijke symptomen veroorzaakt in de meeste bonerassen en groen mozaïek in erwt (Fig. 1A) en tuinboon. InChenopodium amaranticolor geven deze isolaten in tegenstelling tot alle andere getoetste isolaten gewoonlijk systemische symptomen, die met het lupineïsolaat zeer hevig zijn (Fig. 4A).Twee erwtegeelmozaïekisolaten (E198 en E204) en een isolaat uit rode klaver (Kow28), die geelmozaïek in erwt en tuinboon doen ontstaan en slechts milde symptomen in een deel der op het bonescherpmozaïekvirus reagerende bonerassen, werden opgevat als behorend tot deerwtegeelmozaïekstam van het bonescherpmozaïekvirus.Drie erwtenecrose-isolaten (E197, E199, E221), die necrose veroorzaken in erwt (Fig. 3) en tuinboon (Fig. 2) terwijl de bonerassen gewoonlijk overgevoelig bleken, werden beschreven alserwteecrosestammen van het bonescherpmozaïekvirus.De drie voor erwtemozaïek onvatbare erwterassen bleken immuun voor alle isolaten van het bonescherpmozaïekvirus behalve E197, dat een latente systemische infectie gaf in Relonce.Het eerder als een aparte eenheid beschreven erwtenecrosevirus (E178) gedroeg zich ook nu duidelijk verschillend van de bonescherpmozaïekvirusisolaten. Het isolaat Kow14, dat in erwt eveneens ernstige necrose veroorzaakte, leek op E178 in de necrose die werd teweeggebracht in erwt en tuinboon, in de lokale vlekken in komkommerzaadlobben en in het ontbreken van systemische necrose inLupinus angustifolius, maar de meeste bonerassen waren onvatbaar voor Kow14. Het was ook serologisch minder nauw verwant aan de onderzochte bonescherpmozaïekvirusisolaten.Vier andere virusisolaten uit erwt en tuinboon konden nog niet worden geïdentificeerd. Eén ervan (Vf18) vertoonde een unieke latente systemische infectie in alle drie mozaïekonvatbare erwterassen (Tabel 2).Resultaten van de premunitieproeven (Tabel 3) waren wisselvallig en nergens werd een volledige bescherming verkregen. Deeltjeslengtemetingen (Tabel 4) bleken niet van nut bij de onderscheiding van de onderhavige stammen en virussen.Uit de verkregen resultaten en uit een overzicht van de literatuur wordt tenslotte geconcludeerddat het erwtemozaïekvirus opgevat moet worden als een stam van het bonescherpmozaïekvirus. Het laatstgenoemde virus is tamelijk nauw verwant aan het slamozaïekvirus, zoals met een antiserum tegen dit virus werd aangetoond.De variabiliteit van het bonescherpmozaïekvirus en zijn relaties met een groep van nauw verwante virussen wordt verder besproken. Biologische eigenschappen van de onderhavige virussen hoeven niet samen te vallen met de lichamelijke eigenschappen van hun deeltjes, inclusief de serologische. De virussen en hun stammen kunnen gemakkelijk worden onderscheiden met behulp van een beperkte reeks van differentiërende waardplantsoorten (Tabel 6). Een indeling van de betrokken virussen op grond van pathogeniteit is zowel van betekenis om praktische redenen, als voor het verkrijgen van inzicht in hun ontstaan.Guest worker from May through November 1973 as a fellow of the International Agricultural Centre, Wageningen. Research worker of the Institute of Plant Genetics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Pozna, Poland.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The mechanism of virus transmission through seed was studied in Arabidopsis thaliana infected with Turnip yellow mosaic virus (TYMV) and Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV). Serological and biological tests were conducted to identify the route by which the viruses reach the seed and subsequently are located in the seed. Both TYMV and TMV were detected in seed from infected plants, however only TYMV was seed-transmitted. This is the first report of transmission of TYMV in seed of A. thaliana. Estimating virus seed transmission by grow-out tests was more accurate than enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay due to the higher frequency of antigen in the seed coat than in the embryo. Virus in the seed coat did not lead to seedling infection. Thus, embryo invasion is necessary for seed transmission of TYMV in A. thaliana. Crosses between healthy and virus-infected plants indicated that TYMV from either the female or the male parent could invade the seed. Conversely, invasion from maternal tissue was the only route for TMV to invade the seed. Pollination of flowers on healthy A. thaliana with pollen from TYMV-infected plants did not result in systemic infection of healthy plants, despite TYMV being carried by pollen to the seed.  相似文献   


Rose yellow mosaic virus, which belongs to the Roymovirus genus in the Potyviridae family, was isolated here in Japan from a rose cultivar, Irish Mist. The full-length genomic sequence was similar to a strain in Minnesota, United States, which was the first ever isolated, with 85% nucleotide and 94% amino acid sequence similarities. Unlike the Minnesota strain, which lacks 220 nt including the 6K1 protein region, the Japanese isolate contains this coding region, which is commonly found in those of the Potyviridae.


About 90 barley cultivars mostly of European or Japanese origin, were grown for 2–5 years at eight sites in China where barley yellow mosaic virus was known to occur. The sites were selected because they had previously been used to screen breeding lines and some differences between them in cultivar response had been suspected. ELISA tests showed that symptomless plants were not infected by the virus and the proportions of plants with symptoms were therefore recorded as a measure of susceptibility. European cultivars carrying the ym4 gene, which confers resistance to the common European strain, were usually resistant at two sites but susceptible at the others, but one (cv. Energy) was resistant at all sites. Eleven of the Japanese cultivars showed differential responses between sites but there was no correspondence with strains recognized in Japan. There are probably several distinct Chinese strains but further experiments would be needed to identify them. The Japanese cultivars Chosen, Hagane Mugi, Iwate Mensury 2 and Mokusekko 3 seem to be resistant to all known virus strains and are probably the most useful for plant breeders.  相似文献   

小西葫芦黄化花叶病毒杭州分离物的鉴定   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
 小西葫芦黄化花叶病毒(Zucchini yellow mosaic virus,ZYMV)为侵染葫芦科作物的主要病原病毒之一。  相似文献   

Various modifications of the tissue-blot immunoassay (TBIA) for the detection of barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV, luteovirus) were compared. Similar results were obtained by using three different labelled molecules; goat anti-rabbit antibodies conjugated to alkaline phosphatase, protein A conjugated with alkaline phosphatase and goat anti-rabbit antibodies conjugated with colloidal gold. Blocking the nitrocellulose membrane with polyvinyl alcohol for 1 min was effective and allowed the procedure to be shortened by one hour. TBIA was sensitive enough to detect BYDV in old dry tissue wich had been soaked in water for 1 h.BYDV was monitored by TBIA in wheat, oat and barley after inoculation at heading, flowering and grain filling growth stages. The later the inoculation date, the greater the chance of detecting the virus in stem bases rather than in the upper part of the stem. The later the inoculation the less virus moved, from the inoculated tiller to other tillers of the same plant.  相似文献   

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