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In recent years, outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) viruses have caused the death of millions of poultry and of more than 200 humans worldwide. A proper understanding of the transmission dynamics and risk factors for epidemic spread of these viruses is key to devising effective control strategies. The aim of this study was to quantify the epidemiological contributions of backyard flocks using data from the H7N7 HPAI epidemic in the Netherlands in 2003. A dataset was constructed in which flocks in the affected area were classified as susceptible (S), infected but not yet infectious (E), infectious (I), and removed (R). The analyses were based on a two-type SEIR epidemic model, with the two types representing commercial poultry farms and backyard poultry flocks. The analyses were aimed at estimation of the susceptibility (g) and infectiousness (f) of backyard flocks relative to commercial farms. The results show that backyard flocks were considerably less susceptible to infection than commercial farms (), while estimates of the relative infectiousness of backyard flocks varied widely (). Our results indicate that, from an epidemiological perspective, backyard flocks played a marginal role in the outbreak of highly pathogenic avian influenza in the Netherlands in 2003.  相似文献   

The backyard chicken (BYC) movement in the USA has increased human contact with poultry and subsequently, human contact with the pathogen Salmonella. However, to date, there have been few studies assessing prevalence of Salmonella in backyard flocks, despite the known public health risk this zoonotic bacterium poses. The objective of this study was to characterize human‐BYC interactions and assess the prevalence of Salmonella among BYC flocks. We interviewed 50 BYC owners using a structured questionnaire to determine flock and household characteristics that facilitate contact with BYC and that may be associated with Salmonella in the BYC environment. Composite faecal material, cloacal swabs and dust samples from 53 flocks housed on 50 residential properties in the Greater Boston, Massachusetts area were tested for Salmonella using standard culture techniques and confirmed using Matrix‐Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization‐Time of Flight Mass Spectrometer. Microbroth dilution and whole genome sequencing were used to determine phenotypic and genotypic resistance profiles, respectively, and sequence results were used to determine multilocus sequencing type. No owners self‐reported a diagnosis of salmonellosis in the household. Over 75% of a subset of owners reported that they and their children consider BYC pets. This perception is evident in how owners reported interacting with their birds. Salmonella enterica subspecies enterica serotype Kentucky ST152 (serogroup C)—a strain not commonly associated with human infection—was confirmed in one flock, or 2% of tested flocks, and demonstrated resistance to tetracycline and streptomycin. We detected Salmonella at low prevalence in BYC. Further study of the health effects of exposure to zoonotic gastrointestinal pathogens such as Salmonella among families with BYC is warranted.  相似文献   

Low‐pathogenicity avian influenza (LPAI) viruses have caused illness in poultry and humans with poultry contact. To determine whether there is evidence of exposure to avian influenza viruses (AIV) among backyard poultry in Minnesota and their human caretakers, 150 flocks of backyard birds were sampled for antibodies to AIV from August 2007 through December 2008. One hundred flocks were tested through routine slaughter surveillance by the Minnesota Board of Animal Health and an additional 50 flocks were contacted and sampled by study investigators. Blood was collected from 10 to 13 birds from each flock and a survey of biosecurity and management practices was administered to the flock owner. Blood samples were tested by agar gel immunodiffusion (AGID) for influenza A antibodies. Tested flocks had a median flock size of 100 birds (range: 12–800 birds), and were most commonly owned for meat for personal use (81% of respondents), fun or hobby (58%) and eggs for personal use (56%). Although 7% of flock owners reported that their birds had shown respiratory signs in the previous 3 months, only 1 of 150 flocks tested positive for influenza by AGID. Antibodies to LPAI H6N1 were detected in the positive flock. The owner of the positive flock did not have antibodies to H6 or other common AIV. Based on the findings of this study, the risk of transmission of LPAI viruses from backyard poultry to owners in Minnesota appears to be low under current conditions and management practices.  相似文献   

This paper presents the findings of an exploratory study on ethnoveterinary medicines used for backyard pigs and backyard chickens in Trinidad and Tobago. Research data was collected from 1995 to September 2000. Six plants are used for backyard pigs. Crushed leaves of immortelle (Erythrina pallida, E. micropteryx) are used to remove dead piglets from the uterus. Leaf decoctions of bois canôt (Cecropia peltata) and bamboo (Bambusa vulgaris) are used for labour pains or leaves are fed as a postpartum cleanser. Boiled green papaya fruit (Carica papaya) is fed to pigs to induce milk let-down. The leaves and flowers of male papaya plants (Carica papaya) are fed to de-worm pigs. Sour orange juice (Citrus aurantium) is given to pigs to produce lean meat, and coffee grounds are used for scours. Eyebright and plantain leaves (Plantago major) are used for eye injuries of backyard chickens. Worm grass (Chenopodium ambrosioides) and cotton bush (Gossypium species) are used as anthelmintics. Aloe gel (Aloe vera) is used for internal injuries and the yellow sap from the cut Aloe vera leaf or the juice of Citrus limonia is used to purge the birds. A literature review revealed few toxicity concerns and the potential usefulness of the plants.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to determine prevalence, virulence gene profile, serotyping, and antibiotic resistance patterns ofSalmonella in birds kept under the backyard system in West Bengal, India. The study also incorporated the detection ofSalmonella prevalence in their environment, including feed, drinking water, utensils, litter, dried manure under the house, soil, and eggs, which helped to formulate a biosecurity strategy. The study was conducted in 4 agro-climatic zones, such as the terai, new alluvial, red laterite, and coastal. Out of 360 samples, 22Salmonella isolates (6.1%) were identified.Salmonella were isolated from cloacal swabs of 6 birds (15%, n = 40), from 4 feed samples (10%, n = 40), 8 drinking water samples (20%, n = 40), and 4 eggs (10%, n = 40). Similar antigenic structure, nucleotide sequence (invA) ofSalmonella Enteritidis and Typhimurium, and randomly amplified polymorphic DNA banding patterns ofSalmonella Enteritidis were observed. It seems that the sameSalmonella isolate was present in feed sample, cloacal swabs, and eggs in the terai zone, whereas, it was found in drinking water, birds, and eggs in the new alluvial and in drinking water and birds in the coastal zone. A zone-specific biosecurity strategy was formulated based on the findings. The isolates were found to be resistant to chloramphenicol, ciprofloxacin, gentamicin, levofloxacin, norfloxacin, and oxytetracycline. None of the isolates possessed genes for major extended spectrum β-lactamases. Thus, the present study identified the source ofSalmonella contamination in the backyard chickens and their eggs in India with possible forms of biosecurity strategies. Our study was the first attempt in India to determine the prevalence, virulence gene profile, serotyping, and antibiotic resistance pattern ofSalmonella in backyard birds, including the environment and product.  相似文献   

Obtaining a complete history and performing a physical examination are key steps in any clinical assessment. In addition, being familiar with common clinical signs helps in the formulation of a differential diagnosis. Once a definitive diagnosis is made, it is important to follow up each case with client education as well as the development of preventive medicine programs for avian patients.  相似文献   

PCV2 antibodies have been found in pigs from all continents. However, this finding has been mainly studied in domestic swine reared under intensive production conditions. Mexico City, with a human population over 19 million in 2005, has both urban and rural areas. The pig production in its rural area is based on small family backyard farms. Taking into account this rather unique form of rearing pigs, the objective of this study was to determine the seroprevalence in backyard pigs from the rural area of Mexico City. A total of 695 backyard pig serum samples from 108 small family farms belonging to seven municipal areas were studied by immunoperoxidase monolayer assay technique. One hundred six out of the 108 family farms (98.14%) had at least one positive serum sample. On the other hand, 136 (19.57%), 264 (37.99%) and 248 (34.82%) pigs had low, intermediate and high titres to PCV2, respectively. Only 53 samples (7.63%) were negative for PCV2 antibodies. No apparent differences in antibody titre groups were observed among backyard pigs from the different municipal areas. In conclusion, the present study, the first one performed in this kind of extensively produced pigs, indicates that PCV2 is ubiquitous in backyard pigs from Mexico City.  相似文献   

AIMS: To investigate the prevalence of lead exposure in hens and eggs from backyard poultry in a sample of Auckland households, the relationship between concentrations of lead in the blood of the hens and in the shells and yolks of eggs from the same household, and to examine associations with measures of hen health, environment and husbandry factors.

METHODS: Thirty households participated in the study from August to November 2016, each providing one adult hen for sampling, an egg from the household if available, and completing a questionnaire on hen husbandry. Concentrations of lead in blood were determined using a portable lead analyser. Eggs were analysed for concentrations of lead in the yolk and shell using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry after biological digestion with a mixture of nitric and hydrochloric acid.

RESULTS: Twenty three of 30 hens (77%) showed evidence of lead exposure, with median concentrations of lead in blood of 0.77 (min?<0.16, max 8.02) μmol/L. All eggs showed evidence of lead exposure, with concentrations of lead in the yolk ranging from 0.003–1.07?mg/kg, and concentrations of lead in the eggshell ranging from <0.1–0.82?mg/kg. A positive correlation existed between concentrations of lead in the blood of a hen and concentrations of lead in egg yolk from the same hen (R2=0.97), and both the yolk (R2=0.58) and shell (R2=0.30) of an egg from her flock. No association was found between concentrations of lead in blood and hen health indices measured in this study. Concentrations of lead in blood were higher in hens from properties with homes built before 1941 than between 1941–1960 (p=0.03), and in hens from properties with weatherboard homes than brick homes (p=0.049).

CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: There was a high prevalence of lead exposure in this sample of Auckland backyard chickens, with the majority of hens being sub-clinically affected. Associations were found between concentrations of lead in the blood of the hens, and properties with homes built before 1941 and clad in weatherboard. Concentrations of lead in over half the egg yolks sampled were at levels sufficient to warrant human health concern. The assessment of concentrations of lead in backyard poultry and eggs intended for human consumption is recommended to protect human and bird health.  相似文献   

Litter size determined ultrasonographically at 45–90 days after mating in eight groups of commercial sheep (n = 2609) treated with slow release melatonin implants immediately prior to the natural breeding season showed a 19% treatment effect averaged over the eight groups, from 148% to 167% (P < 0.01) compared with controls (n = 2499). Control groups had a litter size ranging from 124% to 194% thereby representing most commercial production systems in the UK sheep industry. This is the first large scale study of slow release melatonin implants in commercial UK flocks to demonstrate a significant positive effect on litter size when used before the natural breeding season. The data indicate that increased productivity and profitability could be achieved while maintaining desirable purebred characteristics.  相似文献   



Farm-level biosecurity provides the foundation for biosecurity along the entire production chain. Many risk management practices are constantly in place, regardless of whether there is a disease outbreak or not. Nonetheless, the farm-level costs of preventive biosecurity have rarely been assessed. We examined the costs incurred by preventive biosecurity for Finnish poultry farms.


We used a semi-structured phone interview and obtained results from 17 broiler producers and from 5 hatching egg producers, corresponding to about 10% of all producers in Finland.


Our results indicate that the average cost of biosecurity is some 3.55 eurocent per bird for broiler producers (0.10 eurocent per bird per rearing day) and 75.7 eurocent per bird for hatching egg producers (0.27 eurocent per bird per rearing day). For a batch of 75,000 broilers, the total cost would be €2,700. The total costs per bird are dependent on the annual number of birds: the higher the number of birds, the lower the cost per bird. This impact is primarily due to decreasing labour costs rather than direct monetary costs. Larger farms seem to utilise less labour per bird for biosecurity actions. There are also differences relating to the processor with which the producer is associated, as well as to the gender of the producer, with female producers investing more in biosecurity. Bird density was found to be positively related to the labour costs of biosecurity. This suggests that when the bird density is higher, greater labour resources need to be invested in their health and welfare and hence disease prevention. The use of coccidiostats as a preventive measure to control coccidiosis was found to have the largest cost variance between the producers, contributing to the direct costs.


The redesign of cost-sharing in animal diseases is currently ongoing in the European Union. Before we can assert how the risk should be shared or resort to the ''polluter pays'' principle, we need to understand how the costs are currently distributed. The ongoing study contributes towards understanding these issues. The next challenge is to link the costs of preventive biosecurity to the benefits thus acquired.  相似文献   

This retrospective study assessed the diagnoses of emergency presentations and the survival to discharge of backyard chickens in five veterinary clinics within Australia. A total of 333 cases were reviewed from September 2019 to March 2022. October to December was the busiest period in both 2021 and 2020, with cases steadily increasing in the warmer months. Discharge following emergency presentation occurred in 57.4% of reviewed cases. Female chickens represented 92.7% of total cases, with an average age at presentation of 2.2 years (ranging from 1 day to 10 years). The most frequent diagnoses were of reproductive disease (n = 94/333), open diagnosis (n = 55/333), respiratory disease (n = 42/333), predator attack (n = 28/333), musculoskeletal disease (n = 22/333) and parasitism (n = 22/333).  相似文献   

The National Animal Health Monitoring System (NAHMS) Poultry '04 study was conducted to better describe non-commercial United States poultry populations, in particular, backyard and gamefowl breeder flocks. To estimate the density of backyard flocks in close proximity to commercial operations, a sample of 350 commercial poultry operations in 18 top poultry producing states was selected from the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) list of poultry operations. A 1 mile radius circle was drawn around each operation, and door-to-door canvassing was conducted within these circles to enumerate premises with all species of birds. Premises with backyard poultry flocks completed a questionnaire focusing on bird health, bird movement, and biosecurity practices. A similar questionnaire, provided in both English and Spanish, was mailed to all members of State affiliates of the United Gamefowl Breeders Association (UGBA) as well as to members of State associations not affiliated with UGBA. An average of 29.4 residences was found within a 1 mile radius of commercial operations, of which 1.9 residences per circle had backyard poultry flocks. Gamefowl breeder flocks were larger, used more health care and biosecurity practices, and moved birds more frequently compared to backyard flocks.  相似文献   

Owners of small backyard poultry and swine operations may be at higher risk of zoonotic diseases due to husbandry inexperience and/or a lack of knowledge. Backyard poultry and swine owners in southcentral Pennsylvania were surveyed regarding their knowledge and attitudes towards zoonotic disease prevention. One hundred and six backyard poultry and/or swine owners completed the survey (74 poultry, 15 swine, 17 both), which included questions on demographics, flock/herd characteristics, recognition of selected zoonotic diseases and clinical signs in animals, and biosecurity practices for visitors and owners. Most responded that they were aware of avian (92.2%) and swine (84.4%) influenza, and were less aware of other zoonotic diseases such as salmonellosis and brucellosis. The majority of backyard poultry and swine owners combined (62.9%) reported allowing visitors freely around their animals and did not require any special precautions. Backyard poultry and swine owners most commonly reported rarely (32.7%) or never (28.9%) wearing work gloves and never (57.1%) wearing nose/mouth coverings, such as a respirator mask, while handling animals or manure. The study findings indicated that veterinarians (61.5%) and the Internet (50.0%) are the main sources where small‐scale farm producers seek animal disease information. Approximately one‐third (34.9%) of the respondents reported receiving seasonal influenza vaccine. The findings of this study will be utilized to provide targeted veterinary and public health education for the prevention of zoonotic diseases in backyard farm animal settings in Pennsylvania.  相似文献   

Prevalence and persistence of Salmonella in broiler chicken flocks.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Cecal contents of 2,345 broiler chickens consisting of 28 flocks originated from 12 farms were examined for the prevalence of Salmonella to know the actual status of infection with Salmonella in the chicken flocks. Salmonella was isolated from 336 (14.3%) samples. From these isolates, eight serovars were identified. Of the 336 Salmonella isolates, 242 (72.0%) were serotyped as S. Blockley, 60 (17.9%) S. Hadar, 15 (4.5%) S. Bredeney, nine (2.7%) S. Schwarzengrund, four (1.2%) S. Anatum, three (0.9%) S. Enteritidis, two (0.6%) S. Ohio, and one (0.3%) S. Livingstone. The same serovars of Salmonella were repeatedly found in the chickens from the same farms. S. Typhimurium and S. Enteritidis were detected in pooled broken eggshell samples collected from the hatchery. Analysis of plasmid profiles revealed 11 patterns of S. Blockley and seven patterns of S. Hadar. Strains of the same plasmid profiles of S. Blockley were isolated repeatedly from the same farm over one year after the first isolation.  相似文献   

在生产实践中,常常会遇到产蛋鸡群产蛋率突然下降的情况。现就鸡群产蛋率突然下降的原因和防制办法简述如下。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of Arcobacter spp. on chicken carcasses at different stages of broiler processing in a major commercial poultry processing plant in central Iran. Overall, 80 chicken carcasses were sampled from 5 sites along the processing line during a total of 10 visits. When the culture method was used, 185 of 400 (46.3%) carcasses were positive for Arcobacter. Arcobacter butzleri was more frequently isolated (82.7%) than Arcobacter cryaerophilus (12.4%) and Arcobacter skirrowii (4.9%). The frequency of Arcobacter spp. on carcasses was 36.3% before defeathering, 41.3% after defeathering, 48.8% after evisceration, 67.5% at 20 min postchilling, and 37.5% at 24 h postchilling. The frequency of Arcobacter spp.-positive carcasses was reduced in completely chilled chickens, but not during the slaughtering process. The PCR assay identified 57 Arcobacter-contaminated carcass samples that were negative when using the culture method. When the PCR method was used, the frequently of Arcobacter spp. on carcasses was 43.8% before defeathering, 45.0% after defeathering, 55.0% after evisceration, 88.8% at 20 min postchilling, and 85.7% at 24 h postchilling. Therefore, there was a high prevalence of Arcobacter spp., especially A. butzleri, in poultry carcasses. To our knowledge, the present study is the first report in which Arcobacter spp. were isolated from chicken carcasses in Iran.  相似文献   

Backyard poultry has become increasingly popular in industrialized countries. In addition to keeping chickens for eggs and meat, owners often treat the birds as pets. However, several pathogenic enteric bacteria have the potential for zoonotic transmission from poultry to humans but very little is known about the occurrence of zoonotic pathogens in backyard flocks. The occurrence and the antimicrobial resistance of Salmonella enterica, Campylobacter spp., Listeria monocytogenes and enteropathogenic Yersinia spp. was studied in 51 voluntary backyard chicken farms in Finland during October 2012 and January 2013. Campylobacter isolates were further characterized by pulsed‐field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), and the occurrence of ESBL/AmpC‐producing E. coli was investigated. The findings from this study indicate that backyard chickens are a reservoir of Campylobacter jejuni strains and a potential source of C. jejuni infection for humans. Backyard chickens can also carry L. monocytogenes, although their role as a primary reservoir is questionable. Campylobacter coli, Yersinia pseudotuberculosis and Salmonella enterica were only found sporadically in the faecal and environmental samples of backyard poultry in Finland. No Yersinia enterocolitica carrying the virulence plasmid was isolated. All pathogens were highly susceptible to most of the antimicrobials studied. Only a few AmpC‐ and no ESBL‐producing E. coli were found.  相似文献   

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