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The outcomes of previous studies have resulted in differing recommendations on the rate and timing of fertilizer N applications for forage maize. In order to gain an improved understanding of the role of N fertilizer, a field experiment was carried out to investigate the effects of time and rate of N application on total and plant‐fraction yield, nutritive value and efficiency of nutrient utilization in early‐ and late‐sown forage maize. Treatments included two sowing dates (early, late), two rates of N (0, 135 kg ha?1) applied pre‐sowing (N1) and three rates of N (0, 79, 158 kg ha?1) applied post‐sowing (N2) at the six‐leaf stage (V6). Application of N at N1 (N0 vs. N135) increased dry‐matter (DM) stover yield by 11% and total yield by 7%. Application of fertilizer N at N2 (N0 vs. N158) increased grain yield by 44% and total yield by 34%. Application of N2 also increased irrigation and total water‐use efficiency (WUE) from 30 to 40 and 46 to 61 kg DM ml ?1 water respectively. Late sowing increased DM yield by 6%, but decreased WUE compared with early sowing. The results indicate that application of N at both N1 and N2 is essential to maximize total DM yield from forage maize, but application at V6 is recommended when N input is reduced.  相似文献   

为确定华北平原饲用油菜高产优质的适宜播期,选用甘蓝型油菜品种4个,设置4个播期,研究不同播期下温度对饲用油菜鲜草产量和饲用品质的调控效应。结果表明,随播期推迟,饲用油菜生育期内日均温与有效积温升高,花前生育期天数缩短但花后生育期延长,总生育期天数缩短2~7 d。饲用油菜鲜草产量随播期推迟呈降低趋势,3月28日前播种超过35 t/hm2;品种间华油杂62鲜草产量显著高于其它品种(P<0.01)。饲用油菜鲜草产量和饲用品质与纤维含量显著负相关,中性洗涤纤维含量与苗期的有效积温量极显著负相关,与营养生长和花后有效积温量显著正相关。因此,在华北平原春播饲用油菜可选用华油杂62,播期以3月8日-3月18日为最佳,鲜草产量稳定在50 t/hm2以上,具有较高的粗蛋白、淀粉、水溶性碳水化合物和总可消化养分含量,可实现华北平原饲用油菜的高产优质生产。  相似文献   

Maize and amaranth forages, produced during the wet season, have the potential to bridge the gap in forage supply to ruminants during the dry season in Nigeria. In two growing seasons (2006 and 2007), effects of intercropping and fertilizer application on dry matter (DM) yield and chemical composition of forages, and land use efficiency, were studied in two experiments. The digestibility of sun‐dried or ensiled maize, amaranth or maize–amaranth mixtures was measured using West African dwarf sheep in a third experiment. Maize showed a higher response to fertilizer application than amaranth or maize–amaranth mixtures. With fertilizer application, DM yield varied significantly (P < 0·05) between species and intercropped mixtures. Dry matter yield ranged from 7·1 (amaranth) to 12·6 t ha?1 (maize) in 2006 and 6·9 (amaranth) to 11·3 t ha?1 (70:30 maize–amaranth population mixture) in 2007. Crude protein (CP) concentration of whole plants ranged from 99·0 (maize) to 227·0 g kg?1 DM (amaranth). Dry matter digestibility values of sun‐dried maize, sun‐dried maize:amaranth 50:50 mixture, sun‐dried amaranth, ensiled maize, ensiled maize:amaranth 50:50 mixture and ensiled amaranth were 0·718, 0·607, 0·573, 0·737, 0·553 and 0·526 respectively. Intercropping increased forage yield and land use efficiency compared to amaranth but had no yield advantage over maize. Although DM digestibility of maize was higher than that of amaranth or the maize:amaranth mixture, digestible CP yield ha?1 was higher with amaranth in the cropping mixture, showing that amaranth could complement maize in systems where CP is the limiting factor to livestock production.  相似文献   

The objectives of these studies were to examine the effects of sowing date and plastic film on the yield and quality of forage maize ( Zea mays L.) in Ireland, a marginal maize-growing area. In 1989–95, comparisons were made of maize sown through clear plastic film (PP treatment), and maize sown in the conventional manner without plastic (NP treatment), in terms of dry-matter (DM) yield and quality (cob, grain and starch contents). The PP treatment significantly increased DM yields in five years, with a mean yield increase of 3·10 t ha−1. Whole-plant DM content increased (significant in four years) by a mean of 0·15; cob content increased (significant in five years) by a mean of 0·32; grain content increased (significant in all of the three years examined) by 0·75; and starch content increased from 236 to 318 g kg−1 DM ( P  < 0·01) in 1995 where the plastic film treatment was used. Organic matter digestibility values were similar for both treatments in 1995. Sowing date in the April-May period had no consistent effect on DM yields, but early sowings did increase cob (significant, except in 1994), grain (significant in one (1995) of the two years tested) and starch ( P  < 0·05) contents (only tested in 1995). Sowing on 11 April 1995 through perforated plastic gave lower yields than the NP treatment sown on the same date, due to severe frost damage in early May.  相似文献   

Hail affects yield and quality of maize crops, and consequences also depend on the growth stage at which the injury occurred. Whole‐plant maize (WPM) silage is often used within the same farm for cattle feeding and biogas production. The present study aimed to verify the effects of hail damage, simulated by artificial defoliation, on yield and chemical and nutritional features, as well as on biochemical methane potential (BMP) of maize forage. In a randomized block design with three replicates, four defoliation levels (0%, 33%, 66% and 100% of leaf area removal respectively) have been applied at either the V12 (12th leaf), R1 (silking) or R3 (milk) stages for two consecutive years. WPM yield, chemical and nutritional features, and BMP were measured. Dry‐matter (DM) yield per hectare was progressively reduced (p < 0.001) with increasing levels of defoliation and with application at V12 in comparison with R1 or R3 (1.26 vs. 1.39 and 1.46 kg ha?1 for V12 vs. R1 and R3; p < 0.003). Nutritive value and BMP per unit of product were less altered than dry‐matter yield per hectare by defoliation. Anticipating defoliation reduced net energy for lactation (5.26 vs. 5.46 MJ kg?1 DM for V12 and R3 respectively; p = 0.02). Total defoliation resulted in an accumulation of nitrates (NO3) compared to the other treatments (3.98 vs. 1.53 g NO3 kg?1 DM; p < 0.001). BMP was mainly reduced by early and complete defoliation. Equations were developed to estimate the effects of defoliation on yield, composition, and nutritive and energetic values of WPM.  相似文献   

In pasture‐based dairy farming, new sustainable systems that involve the annual dry matter (DM) production of grazed and conserved forage beyond the potential of grazed pasture alone are being sought. The objective of this experiment conducted in Australia was to compare a complementary forage rotation (CFR) for conservation and grazing, comprising an annual sequence of three crops, namely maize (Zea mays L), forage rape (Brassica napus L) and a legume (Persian clover, Trifolium repesinatum L or maple pea, Pisum sativum L), with a pasture [kikuyu grass (Pennisetum clandestinum) over‐sown with short‐rotation ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum L)] as a pasture control treatment. The experiment was a complete randomized block design with four replicates (~0·7 ha each). Annual dry‐matter (DM) yield over the 3 years averaged >42 t ha?1 year?1 for the CFR treatment and >17 t ha?1 year?1 for the pasture treatment. The high DM yield of the CFR treatment resulted from >27 t ha?1 year?1 from maize harvested for silage and >15 t DM ha?1 year?1 utilized by grazing the forage rape and legumes. Total input of nitrogen (N) and water were similar for both treatments, resulting in higher N‐ and water‐use efficiency for the CFR treatment, which was more than twice that for the pasture treatment. Overall, the nutritive value of the pasture treatment was slightly higher than the mean for that of the CFR treatment. The implications of these results are that a highly productive system based on the CFR treatment in conjunction with the use of pasture is achievable. Such a dairy production system in Australia could increase the total supply of feed resources grown on‐farm and the efficiency of use of key resources such as N and water.  相似文献   

Improved forage management can support increased production in smallholder beef systems. Our objective was to evaluate the effects of mineral nitrogen (urea) and composted cattle manure on Brachiaria cv. Mulato II yield and nutritive value in south‐central coastal Vietnam. Study design was a randomized complete block on six farms (blocks), with treatments derived from the factorial combination of five rates of composted cattle manure (0, 4, 8, 12 and 24 Mg DM ha?1 year?1) and three urea rates (0, 60 and 120 kg N ha?1 year?1), split into six yearly applications. Yield was measured from 2011 to 2013 with 36‐day average harvest intervals. Forage nutritive value was measured in September 2011 and December 2012. Highest yields were achieved when both compost and urea were applied at high rates. The initial yield and tiller responses to urea application were not sustained over the duration of the study when no compost was applied. Compost applied in isolation did not increase yield. Compost application increased ash concentration. Urea increased nutrient yield for all forage nutritive value parameters measured. Composted cattle manure combined with urea benefits grass yield, but high application rates are needed for sustained high yields on sandy soils.  相似文献   

Panicum maximum is important for cattle production in tropical regions, and it responds well to nitrogen (N) fertilization. Many cultivars have exhibited potential for use in silvopastoral systems, although there is limited information on how different levels of N can influence plant growth and nutritive value under shading. Morphogenetic and structural traits, biomass production and nutritive value of two P. maximum cultivars (Tanzânia and Massai) were investigated under three shading levels (0, 37 and 58%) and four N rates (0, 50, 100 and 150 mg N dm?3). Plants were grown in pots under shade. Leaf and stem elongation rate and leaf blade length increased with shading and in response to N. Tiller density was reduced with shading, but showed a linear increase fashion with N under full sun and moderate shading. Under intense shading, the tillering showed a quadratic response to N. Plant biomass production increased linearly with N under full sun and moderate shade, but it increased quadratically under intense shade. Crude protein (CP) content increased with shade and N and was greater for Tanzânia than Massai under shade. Contents of NDF and ADF were greater for Massai than Tanzânia. Acid detergent insoluble protein was reduced in Tanzânia under shade, but it increased for Massai. It is suggested that the positive shading effect on CP content may not result in increased nutritional value. Although N fertilization was important for increasing biomass production under full sun and moderate shade, it should be avoided under intense shading.  相似文献   

Annual forage yields of intercrops of berseem clover (Trifolium alexandrinum L.) and oats (Avena sativa L.), as affected by timing of initial harvest and sowing rate of oats, were investigated. Berseem clover was intercropped with oats at 0, 30, 60, 90 and 240 plants m?2 of oats in 1999 and 2000 in Alberta, Canada. Cutting date treatments involved initial harvest at 10‐d intervals between 35 and 88 d after planting (DAP), and one or two subsequent harvests of regrowth. Total intercrop dry‐matter (DM) yield averaged 12·9–13·3 t ha?1 with proportions of 0·21–0·43 of berseem clover in the forage. Treatments with an initial cut at the silage stage of oats (76 DAP in 1999, 88 DAP in 2000, at about soft‐dough stage of oats) had greater yields of oats, lower yields of berseem clover, and lower proportions of berseem clover in total annual yields than treatments with an earlier initial cut. Total crude protein (CP) yield was greater with an initial cut at 65–66 DAP than with a silage‐stage initial cut. With an initial cut at 35 DAP (before stem elongation of oats) or after 65 DAP (after heading of oats), yield potential of oats was sometimes reduced compared with silage‐stage treatments, but this was balanced by a greater yield of berseem clover. The impact of harvest timing on total yield decreased as the proportion of berseem clover in the intercrops increased. With decreasing density of oats, DM yield of first‐cut intercrops and total DM yield of oats decreased, while regrowth and total DM yields of berseem clover increased. Intercrops with oats at 60 plants m?2 had equal or greater total DM and CP yields than intercrops with 240 plants m?2 of oats. For intercrops with oats at 60 plants m?2, with initial cuts at 65–66, 75–76, or 88 DAP, yields of regrowths were 0·30–0·35, 0·16–0·26 and 0·09 of the total yield respectively. Oats–berseem clover intercrops showed potential to manipulate the pattern of annual forage yield and to provide flexibility of harvest without reducing annual yields.  相似文献   

Deficit irrigation (DI) is a water-saving irrigation strategy in which irrigation water is applied at amounts less than full crop-water requirements. Some researchers have suggested that greater increases in water use efficiency (WUE) could be realized if DI was used in combination with water conservation or rainwater harvesting techniques. The objective of this six-year field study was to determine the effect of DI in combination with straw mulch (SM) or plastic film-mulched ridge and straw-mulched furrows (RF) on grain yield and WUE in a winter wheat-summer maize rotation. Interactive effects between the water-saving management practices and N fertilizer rate were also investigated. Results indicated that maize yields in the RF + DI and SM + DI treatments were as much as 1.6 times those in the DI and conventional furrow irrigation (CFI) treatments. Over the six-year study, total maize yield in the RF + DI treatment was 5580 kg/ha more than in the CFI treatment and 6500 kg/ha more than in the DI treatment. Wheat yields in the RF + DI and SM + DI treatments were similar to the CFI treatment but slightly more than in the DI treatment. At harvest, there was no significant difference in water storage in the 0-200 cm soil profile among the RF + DI, SM + DI, DI, and CFI treatments. Nitrogen fertilizer application significantly increased maize and wheat yield compared to the unfertilized treatment; however, there was no further yield response when the N application rate exceeded 120 kg N/ha. In summary, these results indicated that DI in combination with SM or RF practices increased crop yield and WUE in the winter wheat-summer maize crop rotation. Compared to CFI practices, the SM + DI and RF + DI practices reduced the amount of irrigation water applied over a six-year period by about 350 mm.  相似文献   

Seven forage types (diploid and tetraploid perennial ryegrass, Italian ryegrass and hybrid ryegrass, a low‐input mixture of perennial ryegrass, cocksfoot, timothy and meadow fescue, a mixture of perennial ryegrass and white clover, and monoculture of red clover) were sown in late July 2004. Each received one of four rates of dairy cattle slurry in three annual applications by trailing shoe, which supplied average nitrogen (N) inputs of 0·0, 114·9, 204·8 and 301·2 kg N ha?1 annum?1. Treatments were cut either three or four times annually over four years. Average dry‐matter yield (DM) response to slurry N was 15·6 kg DM kg?1 N. Lowest recovery of slurry N was in the second application each year (after first cut). The data suggest that slurry applied to Italian ryegrass, and also to swards containing legumes on soils with high phosphorus content, will produce a lower DM response to slurry N and result in a lower slurry N recovery than on swards of perennial ryegrass or cocksfoot‐dominant low‐input mixtures. Apparent recovery of slurry N was low at the second cut, especially when first‐cut yields had been high. To maximize slurry N recovery, application to regrowths with potentially slow rates of growth or high legume content should be avoided.  相似文献   

The inclusion of legumes in semi‐arid native grasslands may promote the productivity and nutritive value of forage. This study was designed to assess the effect of legumes (the introduced legume Medicago sativa or the native legume Dalea purpurea) and soil P fertility (addition of 0, 50, or 200 P2O5 kg/ha at seeding) on the dry matter and nutrient content of native grasses mixtures, compared with the commonly used introduced forage grass Bromus biebersteinii grown with M. sativa. Plant harvests were performed in September 2008, July 2009 and September 2009. Plants nutrient content, δ15N value and dry matter were analysed. Results show that the M. sativa enhanced the N and P concentrations of native grass mixtures early in the summer, as well as the N concentration in Bouteloua gracilis in late summer of the driest year, 2009. The higher AM fungal diversity promoted by M. sativa was positively correlated with the dry matter and nitrogen uptake of M. sativa and with the P concentration of native grasses, in early summer. Overall, this study shows that M. sativa promoted beneficial AM fungal taxa and improved forage production in the semi‐arid prairies.  相似文献   

Two field experiments were conducted at Teagasc, Moorepark, Ireland, to determine the effect of sowing date and nitrogen application on the dry‐matter (DM) yield and crude protein (CP) content of forage rape and stubble turnips. The first experiment consisted of three sowing dates (1 August, 15 August and 31 August) with four rates of fertilizer N (0, 40, 80 and 120 kg N ha?1) on forage rape DM yields. The second experiment consisted of three sowing dates (1 August, 15 August and 31 August) with four rates of fertilizer N (0, 40, 80 and 120 kg N ha?1) over two soil sites (fertile or nitrogen depleted) on forage rape and stubble turnip DM yields. A delay in sowing from 1 to 31 August characterized a 74·5% decrease in forage rape DM yield, while stubble turnip DM yield decreased by 55·5%. Forage rape DM yields increased positively up to 120 kg N ha?1 at the first two sowing dates over both sites. In contrast, stubble turnips showed less response beyond 40 kg N ha?1 on site 1 in the first two sowing dates, while DM yield increased positively up to 120 kg N ha?1 on the less fertile site. The results indicate that the optimal sowing time for forage rape and a stubble turnip in Ireland was early August.  相似文献   

The effects of growing forage maize (Zea mays) with or without plastic mulching treatments on the dry‐matter (DM) yield, cob yield, DM content and starch content was investigated in Northern Ireland in 1996 and 1997. Cultivars differing in maturity characteristics were sown in spring at a range of dates in three replicated plot experiments and were used to compare the effects of two plastic mulches and an untreated control: one plastic mulch completely covered the rows (floating); the other had holes punched in the plastic, through which the plants grew (punch). Between April and October in 1996 and 1997, the Ontario heat units (OU) received were above average at 2489 and 2660 respectively; in those years without plastic mulches, the earliest maturing cultivar, Melody, yielded 11·0 and 13·6 t DM ha–1, with dry‐matter contents of 214 and 215 g kg–1 respectively. Mean daily increases in soil and air temperature under plastic mulches of up to 6°C and 11°C, respectively, were closely related to solar radiation. Under plastic mulches, 15% fewer OU were required to reach silking, and 33% more OU were available between silking and harvest. Meaned over three experiments, two years and three cultivars, plastic mulches, when compared with the unmulched control, increased maize yield from 12·0 to 14·7 t DM ha–1, cob yield from 3·7 to 6·8 t DM ha–1, dry‐matter content from 230 to 270 g kg–1 and starch content from 198 to 272 g kg–1. The effect of plastic mulch on the maturation of the crop was greatest at earlier sowings. In 1997, plants from an early sowing date (10 April) that had recently emerged through the punch plastic mulch were damaged by frost, whereas those in the floating plastic mulch plots were unaffected. When the floating plastic mulch was left on after the six‐ to eight‐leaf stage of the first‐early maize cultivar Hudson, the plants were physically damaged and the yield reduced, but DM and starch contents continued to increase. The increases in yield and dry‐matter content under the plastic mulch were greater in Diamant (second‐early cultivar) than in Melody (first‐early cultivar). It was concluded that, under marginal climatic conditions, plastic mulches ought to be used to improve the reliability of early cultivars rather than growing later maturing cultivars.  相似文献   

Forage maize grown in areas where spring temperatures are low and accumulated heat is limited will be restricted in terms of maturity and thus nutritional value. A stagnant growth phase is commonly caused by low temperatures between germination and the five-leaf stage, which could be caused by reduced mineral availability. The effects on maize plant development and harvest characteristics of supplying phosphorus and zinc to young plants in a foliar spray were investigated. Three different application dates, between the four-leaf and the seven-leaf stage, were compared. Applying the phosphorus and zinc foliar spray at the four-leaf stage resulted in a significant ( P  < 0·05) increase in starch content at harvest. Cob index [proportion of plant dry matter (DM) in the cob] was increased ( P  < 0·05) by applying the nutrient spray at the four-, five- and seven-leaf stages. However, there was no effect on DM yield, suggesting some alteration in partitioning within the plant.  相似文献   

Poor seed yield of soybean in Mediterranean-type environments may result from insufficient iron (Fe) uptake and poor biological nitrogen (N) fixation due to high bicarbonate and pH in soils. This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of N and Fe fertilization on growth and yield of double cropped soybean (cv. SA 88, MG III) in a Mediterranean-type environment in Turkey during 2003 and 2004. The soil of the experimental plots was a Vertisol with 176 g CaCO3 kg−1 and pH 7.7 and 17 g organic matter kg−1 soil. Soybean seeds were inoculated prior to planting with commercial peat inoculants. N fertilizer rates were 0, 40, 80, and 120 kg N ha−1 of which half was applied before planting and the other half at full blooming stage (R2). Fe fertilizer rates were 0, 200 and 400 g Fe EDTA (5.5% Fe and 2% EDTA) ha−1. It was sprayed as two equal portions at two trifoliate (V2) and at five trifoliate stages (V5). Plants were sampled at flower initiation (R1), at full pod (R4) and at full seed (R6) stages. Application of starter N increased biomass and leaf area index at R1 stage whereas Fe fertilization did not affect early growth parameters. N application continued to have a positive effect on growth parameters at later stages and on seed yield. Fe fertilization increased growth parameters at R4 and R6 stages, and final seed yield in both years. This study demonstrated an interactive effect of N and Fe fertilization on growth and yield of soybean in the soil having high bicarbonate and pH. There was a positive interaction between N and Fe at the N rates up to 80 kg N ha−1. However, further increase in N rate produced a negative interaction. Fertilization of soybean with 80 kg N ha−1 and 400 g Fe ha−1 resulted in the highest seed yield in both years. We concluded that application of starter and top dressed N in combination with two split FeEDTA fertilization can be beneficial to improve early growth and final yield of inoculated soybean in Mediterranean-type soils.  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted from 1998 to 2001 to measure the performance and environmental effects of a maize crop (Zea mais L.) in a continuous production system with and without a grass understorey (Lolium perenne L.), with varied N inputs. The experiment was located on a sandy soil in northern Germany and comprised all combinations of slurry application rate (0, 20, 40 m3 ha?1) and mineral N fertilizer (0, 50, 100, 150 kg N ha?1). Understorey treatments included maize with and without perennial ryegrass. Net energy (NEL) yield of maize increased with mineral N application rate but reached a plateau at high rates. Increase in yield of dry matter because of mineral N fertilizer was lower with increased slurry application rate. Neither slurry and mineral N application nor a grass understorey affected NEL concentration of maize, whereas crude protein (CP) concentration increased with increase in application of slurry and mineral N fertilizer. Nitrogen supply by slurry or mineral fertilizer had no effect on the amount of N in the grass understorey after the harvest of maize. The average amount of N bound annually in the understorey was 60 kg N ha?1. The reduced biomass of the understorey because of enhanced maize competition was compensated for by an increased CP concentration in the grass. The grass understorey affected the NEL yield of maize negatively only at very low levels of N input but increased the N surplus at all levels.  相似文献   

In Appalachian USA, silvopasture offers promise of increased farm productivity. A synchronized, temporal understanding of open pasture (OP) and silvopasture (SP) nutritive characteristics is essential for grazing system development. We examined pasture‐type nutritive‐value relationships when herbage was harvested based on morphological maturity rather than calendar date. Neutral detergent fibre and acid detergent fibre (ADF and NDF) content were greater in silvopasture, while organic matter (OM) was lower (P < 0·05). Digestibility of SP herbage dry matter (DM) and OM tended (P = 0·10) to be lower (418 vs. 471 and 437 vs. 491 g kg?1 respectively). Neutral detergent fibre digestibility was greater (< 0·05) for OP than SP forage (538 vs. 480 g kg?1), and ADF tended to be greater (P = 0·10; 551 vs. 501). Open‐pasture forage fermentation effluent exhibited slightly higher microbial richness and Shannon diversity than SP. However, overall community composition of both bacteria and archaea did not differ between pasture types or sampling times. Pasture types show proximate analyses differences generally favourable to OP, although both have similar overall nutritive value. In addition, the SP sward exhibited a 4‐ to 6‐days delay in reaching equivalent maturity. Conversion of farm woodlots to SP would increase overall herbage production and improve pasture management flexibility.  相似文献   

为探求豫南砂姜黑土区花生高产和氮肥高效利用栽培技术,采用大田试验,研究了氮肥管理与不同根瘤菌接种模式(拌种或土施)对花生生长、氮吸收利用及产量的影响。结果表明,施氮提高了花生叶片SPAD值,有效促进花生生长,显著增加了氮利用率和荚果产量。两种根瘤菌接种模式下,不同氮肥管理中均以50%N基施+50%N开花期追施和100%N基施处理的第一侧枝长、总分枝数、单株饱果数、单株饱果重和百果重、氮利用率和产量显著高于50%N开花期追施+50%N结荚期追施处理,说明要实现花生高产和氮素高效利用需在花生生育前期施用一定量的氮肥。比较根瘤菌拌种和土施2种接种模式,以根瘤菌拌种配施氮肥对花生的增产效果较好,但与根瘤菌土施配施氮肥处理间差异不显著。综合分析,在豫南砂姜黑土区,花生种植采用氮肥50%基施、50%开花期追施配合根瘤菌拌种的模式增产效果最好,氮肥利用效率最高。  相似文献   

本研究以农花5号为试材,在施氮肥总量一致的条件下,设3个不同施用时期处理:基施氮肥135 kg·hm-2(T1)、基施氮肥67.5 kg·hm-2+苗期追肥67.5 kg·hm-2(T2)、基施氮肥45 kg·hm-2+苗期和开花下针期分别追肥45 kg·hm-2(T3)、以不施氮肥CK为对照,研究氮肥后移对花生叶片氮代谢相关酶活性、氮素积累量与利用效率、产量及其构成因素的影响。试验结果表明,不同施氮时期处理下,氮代谢相关酶活性和氮素积累量的变化趋势大致相同,但活性和含量的高低因施氮时期的不同发生变化。T3处理能显著提高花生生育后期叶片的硝酸还原酶、谷氨酰胺合成酶和谷氨酸脱氢酶的活性;花生生育后期植株总氮素积累量、根系和荚果氮素积累量以T3处理最高,但各施肥处理间差异不显著;氮肥农学利用率和氮肥偏生产力亦以T3处理最高,且差异达到显著水平(P<0.05);T3处理产量最高,为5361.11 kg·hm-2,比CK、T1和T2处理分别增产20.79%、...  相似文献   

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