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The migratory behaviour of adult wild and escaped farmed Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., before, during after spawning in the River Namsen, Norway, was analysed using radio telemetry. The fish were caught, radio tagged and released into the fjord between 7 and 25 km from the river mouth. A significantly higher proportion of wild (74%) than farmed (43%) salmon was subsequently recorded in the river. Wild salmon (33%) were more frequently captured in the sea and in rivers than farmed salmon (14%). The migration speed from release to passing a data logger 11 km upstream from the river mouth was not significantly different between wild (20.6 km day?1) and farmed (19.8 km day?1) salmon. Wild salmon tagged when water flow in the river was increasing had a significantly higher migration speed than wild salmon tagged when water flow was decreasing. This was not true for farmed salmon. Farmed salmon were distributed significantly higher up the river than wild salmon during spawning, although both types of fish were found together in spawning areas. Thus, there was no geographical isolation to prevent spawning between wild and escaped farmed salmon. Farmed salmon had significantly more and longer up- and downstream movements than wild salmon during the spawning period. Unlike farmed salmon, the number of riverine movements by wild salmon increased significantly when variation in water flow increased. A smaller proportion of wild (9%) than farmed (77%) salmon survived through the winter after spawning.  相似文献   

Landlocked Atlantic salmon (ouananiche, Salmo salar) spawning migration timing varies throughout its range and is influenced by a variety of environmental variables. This study examined the spawning migration time of landlocked Atlantic salmon in a small (4 ha) constructed stream linked to a large reservoir (32,600 ha) in Newfoundland, Canada. Salmon use of the stream was passively monitored using Passive Integrated Transponder (PIT) Tags from 2006 to 2012. Of the salmon tagged throughout the reservoir, 48% entered the stream during the spawning season and remained there for 18–36 days from late September to November before they returned to the reservoir. Most fish entered the stream at dusk (32%). The lunar cycle influenced the timing of migration each year. Mean stream discharge (cubic metres per second) influenced migration timing in some years, and water temperature appeared to have minimal impact on migration timing. Twenty per cent of fish migrated to the stream in multiple years and 51% of these individuals appeared to use the stream on a biennial or alternate year cycle. These results demonstrate that small constructed streams can attract salmon from throughout a large reservoir and can provide valuable habitat in areas where spawning habitat is limited.  相似文献   

External morphological characteristics were used to identify escaped farmed Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., in a coastal salmon fishery in County Antrim, Northern Ireland during four fishing seasons and at an adjacent freshwater location (R. Bush) during a 5-year period. Out of a total of 36 326 adult salmon examined in the fishery, 883 (2.4%) were identified as having escaped from sea cages. Annual average values ranged from 0.26% to 4.04% of the fish caught. Occurrence of escapees entering an adult trap in fresh water averaged 0.88%, with a range of 0.13–2.62%, depending on year. No correlation between presence in the marine fishery and in fresh water was evident, the latter year-round figures probably being more indicative of presence of escapees in spawning stocks. Entry to fresh water was significantly later on average for escaped farmed salmon, compared with wild salmon.  相似文献   

In hydropeaking rivers, flow regulation typically follows demands in electricity consumption. One hundred and twenty one adult salmon were tagged with radio transmitters to study their spawning run migration patterns in hydropeaking conditions. The fish were released in small groups into the rivers Kemijoki and Iijoki, in Finland. Typically, salmon made subsequent up‐ and downstream movements ascending upstream to the tailrace of the power station and then descending again downstream to lower water velocities. The rate of these migration attempts was higher in mid‐summer and at relatively high flows. On an hourly basis, the pattern of migration attempts followed a trend of increasing attempts at dawn and higher discharges and a decreasing trend towards dusk and low flows. It was concluded that day length and discharge were the most important environmental factors, while temperature had less effect on the pattern of migration attempts.  相似文献   

An assumption of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., management is that river flow influences their upstream migration; but the quantitative relationships between flow and movements are variable and inconsistent. A consensus has emerged that standard rules on salmon flow needs for water management across all rivers are unattainable. However, this does not preclude an underlying conceptual framework that should guide a consistent scientific basis to flow management for protecting salmon. This article examines the potential for a conceptual framework from a British Isles perspective, assuming that upstream migration is an emergent property from selection to optimise lifetime fitness. The template for this adaptation is the diversity of river types and hydro‐morphology in British rivers coupled with life‐history and migration adaptations that may be influenced by flow‐related factors. Models of adult salmon migration through estuaries and rivers are outlined that may provide a basis for developing generic guidance.  相似文献   

Interannual variation in the timing of the return migration to fresh water of adult sockeye salmon, Oncorhynchus nerka, from 46 populations throughout the species North American range was examined in a broad analysis of how timing patterns are affected by marine and freshwater conditions. Migration timing data (measured at various points along the migration, including just prior to freshwater entry, just after freshwater entry, and near the spawning grounds) were examined for correlations with sea‐surface temperatures (SST) prior to migration and to freshwater temperatures and flows during migration. Following a spring–summer period with warm SST, populations from southwestern Alaska tended to return early, Fraser River populations returned late, and populations from other regions showed no consistent patterns. Similarities between interannual timing of both nearby and distant populations indicated the presence of common or coincidental influences on timing. When riverine conditions related to timing, high flows and low temperatures were associated with late migrations, low flows and high temperatures were associated with early migrations. However, even counting stations at upriver locations showed correlations with SST. Notwithstanding some inconsistencies among the many populations examined and the indirect nature of the inferences, the results supported the hypotheses that (i) interannual variations in salmon distributions at sea reflect temperature conditions, and (ii) the date when salmon initiate homeward migration is a population‐specific trait, largely unaffected by the fish's location at sea.  相似文献   

The migratory behaviour of sea-ranched Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., was analysed by radio-telemetry in the River Gudenaa, Denmark. The main objectives were to: (1) estimate mortality of returning adults through the fjord; (2) observe rate of progression and migratory pattern in the fjord and river; and (3) record whether spawning occurs in the river. Forty-two returning salmon (19 males and 23 females of total body length from 60–97 cm) reared and released as smolts, were caught and equipped with external radio transmitters in the outer estuary of the River Gudenaa in 1994 and 1995. Of the tagged salmon, 18 (43%) were caught in the estuary, four (10%) were not recorded after release and 20 (47%) entered the river. The mean rate of progression through the fjord was 7.6 km d−1 (range 1.4–18.2) in 1994 and 5.4 km  d−1 (range 1.6–17.1) in 1995. Eleven salmon were alive at the onset of the spawning period. Eight were retrieved dead from the river during or after the spawning period; four with empty gonads assumed to be successful spawners, and four with intact gonads. In 1994, unsuccessful spawners (found dead with intact gonads) entered the river earlier and had a longer total migration distance in the river compared to successful spawners. This suggests that spawning success of sea-ranched salmon is associated with time of river entry and river migration length.  相似文献   

Abstract Many habitat enhancement techniques aimed at restoring salmonid populations have not been comprehensively assessed. The growth and diet of juvenile Chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha (Walbaum), rearing in a reach designed to enhance spawning were evaluated to determine how a non‐target life stage fared in the engineered habitat. Prior work demonstrated differences in food web structure between restored and unenhanced reaches of the Merced River, thus juvenile salmon feeding dynamics were also hypothesised to vary. Dependent variables were compared among fish collected from within and near the upper boundary of the restored reach and in an unenhanced habitat upstream. Diets, otolith‐derived growth and stable isotope‐inferred trophic positions were compared. Baetidae mayflies were particularly important prey in the restored reach, while elsewhere individuals exhibited heterogeneous diets. Salmon residing at the bottom of the restored reach exhibited slightly faster growth rates relative to fish collected elsewhere, although stable isotope and diet analyses suggested that they fed at a relatively low trophic position. Specialised Baetis predation and/or abundant interstitial refugia potentially improved rearing conditions in the restored reach. Data suggest that gravel enhancement and channel realignment designed to augment adult spawning habitat may simultaneously support juvenile Chinook salmon despite low invertebrate food resources.  相似文献   

The substantial growth of the farmed salmon industry in Europe since the 1970s has highlighted concerns regarding the genetic impact of escaped farmed salmon on wild salmonid stocks. High incidences of salmon × trout hybrids have been recorded in rivers situated near intensive salmon farming in Norway and Scotland, which may be indicative of a breakdown in reproductive isolation between salmon, Salmo salar L., and brown trout, Salmo trutta L. In the present study, salmonid fry and 0+ parr were collected from rivers in western Ireland. Allozyme and minisatellite DNA analysis were carried out on fry to determine the frequency of F1 hybrids from 10 rivers located within 38 km of salmon farms and three rivers at least 80 km from salmon farms. A total of 49 hybrids were recorded from 4135 salmonid fry (frequency = 1.2%). Mitochondrial DNA analysis showed that all hybrids arose from Atlantic salmon female × brown trout male crosses. Hybrid parr were recorded from one of the low-risk rivers (1.0%), but were present in seven out of the 10 catchments located within 38 km of salmon farms, with frequencies ranging from 0.7% to 3.1%. The results of the present survey, which represents the first extensive record of the levels of salmon-trout hybridization in Ireland, are discussed in relation to the continued growth of salmon farming in this country.  相似文献   

The migration patterns of wild and released farmed Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., were studied by radio-telemetry during migration from entering a river to after spawning. The wild salmon were caught during return migration in bagnets and the farmed salmon were produced in a near by fish farm. Both groups were tagged and released at sea near the river mouth of the River Alta, North Norway. A pronounced individual variation in migration pattern was observed. No significant differences was found between wild and farmed salmon in the distance from entering the river mouth to the place of the first stop (recorded in the same pool for 5 days or longer) and the days from entering the river mouth to arrival at the first stop. For both wild and farmed salmon, mean migration speed was 2.6 km day1, varying from 0.4 to 11.0 km day-1. A larger proportion of farmed salmon distributed to the upper part of the river at spawning; mean distances from the river mouth were 30.1 and 19.1 km. respectively. Farmed salmon spent a significantly longer time from entering the river to reaching the area occupied during spawning.  相似文献   

Understanding how oceanographic factors independently and interactively influence fish behavior, physiology, and survival is essential for predicting the impact of climate change on fish. Such predictions are especially challenging for highly migratory species such as salmon that experience a broad range of conditions. We applied a novel modeling approach that combines an individual‐based particle model with a bioenergetics model to evaluate the effects of oceanographic variability on migration of post‐smolt Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Interannual variability in the surface current velocity and sea surface temperature differentially influenced post‐smolt salmon migration. The magnitude, duration, and direction of the currents relative to a fish's intended swimming direction had the strongest influence on migration. Changes in ocean circulation led to changes in currents at a regional scale that have a similar, relative effect across multiple populations during out‐migration. Results of this study suggest that the Nova Scotia Coastal Current has a strong influence on the migration pathways of migrating salmon through the Gulf of Maine. The influx of cool fresh water from the Arctic, observed in the early 1990s, changed the Nova Scotia Coastal Current and, as suggested by model results, could have dramatically influenced post‐smolt salmon migration success. There was a trade‐off between arriving at the destination quickly but at a small size and not arriving at the destination at all. Fish that took a long time to migrate had more opportunities to feed and encountered warmer summer waters, increasing their overall growth.  相似文献   

Levels of two moleculer types of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), salmon GnRH (sGnRH) and chicken GnRH–II (cGnRH–II) in the various brain regions and pituitary gland of sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) and chum salmon (O. keta) during smoltification and spawning migration, respectively, were measured using specific time-resolved fluoroimmunoassay (TR-FIA) systems. Changes in sGnRH levels in different brain regions tended to be specifically synchronized with serum thyroid hormone or pituitary gonadotropin (GTH) levels during smoltification and spawning migration, respectively. In contrast, cGnRH–II levels did not show such synchronized changes. SGnRH and cGnRH–II in various brain regions might have different roles during smoltification and spawning migration of salmonid fishes.  相似文献   

Upstream counts of adult salmon in a tributary to the River Dee during autumn and winter were examined over a 13‐year period using an optical fish counter. Statistical analysis indicated that salmon were mainly primed to enter the tributary at a particular time of year, peaking at early December. However, environmental factors also had a large influence. Entry of salmon was initiated by high flow rates in the main stem of the River Dee. Increases in water level in the tributary itself were not needed to stimulate the entry of salmon. Moreover, a change in flow from 1 day to the next did not result in a response from salmon. Rather, they reacted only after more than a day of flow increase. There was no consistent threshold level of flow that triggered tributary entry. The upstream passage of salmon was reduced at low temperatures (below 3°C). The numbers of salmon migrating upstream showed a gradual increase as the temperatures increased up to 11°C, and then sharply decreased at higher temperatures. Female salmon migrated earlier by about 2 weeks on average than males. Increasingly, counters and traps are being installed on spawning tributaries to examine the state of salmon stocks. Caution should be exercised, however, in using upstream entry data from individual tributaries to provide an overall assessment of salmon abundance, as local conditions in the tributaries may affect the salmon counts in particular years.  相似文献   

Abstract The timing of ovulation and survival of eggs following exposure of 2-sea-winter Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., to different temperature regimes during the spawning season were investigated. Water temperature was either increased from 10 to 13–14°C (warm water), decreased abruptly from 10 to 5–7°C (cold water), or gradually decreased from 10 to 8°C (ambient control) from 1 November onwards. Median ovulation time was delayed by 5 weeks in the warmwater group compared with ambient controls, with 43% of the females remaining non-ovulated at the end of the study. Only minor effects were observed on timing of ovulation in the coldwater group compared with ambient controls. Survival of eggs to the eyed stage was significantly higher in the coldwater group (92·1%), compared with both the ambient control group (84·5%) and the warmwater group (76·6%). The results indicate that high water temperature during the spawning season inhibits ovulation and has a detrimental effect on gamete quality in Atlantic salmon.  相似文献   

  • 1. The decline of salmonid populations in the Pacific Northwest has been well‐documented. It is unclear, however, which threats to salmonid persistence are the most serious, and how best to prioritize recovery efforts intended to ameliorate these threats.
  • 2. It has been argued previously that one possible cause of salmon endangerment is degradation of spawning grounds. In order to explore this hypothesis, this study examines the relationships between chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) productivity and landscape‐level characteristics of spawning grounds in the interior Columbia River Basin.
  • 3. Population productivity is expressed as the mean and maximum recruitment rates for different stocks, measured from 1980 to 1990; habitat conditions are calculated using sub‐watershed scale data on land cover, land use, water quality and watershed hydrology.
  • 4. Significant linear regression results were obtained for three environmental variables: percentage of land classified as urban, proportion of stream length failing to meet water quality standards, and an index of the ability of streams to recover from sediment flow events. A multiple regression with all three variables accounts for over 60% of the variation in mean salmon recruitment.
  • 5. It further appears that these landscape attributes may limit the maximum recruitment rates of salmon, with a magnitude of difference in productivity large enough to be relevant to recovery planners. Additional study will be necessary to identify cause‐and‐effect linkages between habitat quality and salmon recruitment success, and to determine the ultimate impact of changes in recruitment rates on short‐ and long‐term salmon population trajectories.
Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Keefer ML, Taylor GA, Garletts DF, Gauthier GA, Pierce TM, Caudill CC. Prespawn mortality in adult spring Chinook salmon outplanted above barrier dams.
Ecology of Freshwater Fish 2010: 19: 361–372. © 2010 John Wiley & Sons A/S Abstract – Dams without fish passage facilities block access to much of the historic spawning habitat of spring Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in Oregon’s Willamette River basin. Adult salmon are routinely outplanted above the dams to supplement natural production, but many die before spawning despite extensive suitable habitat. In 2004–2007, we examined prespawn mortality patterns using live detection and carcass recovery data for 242 radio‐tagged outplants. Total prespawn mortality was 48%, but variability was high, ranging from 0% to 93% for individual release groups. Prespawn mortality was strongly condition dependent, consistently higher for females than males and higher for early release groups. Across years, warm water temperature in the migration corridor and at the collection site was associated with sharply higher mortality. Results highlight a need for better evaluations of the effects of adult mortality on population reintroduction and recovery and relationships among prespawn mortality, dam‐related temperature change and salmon life history and behaviour.  相似文献   

Smolt lengths are increasingly recognised as an important determinant of salmonid marine survival rates. Overwintering growth rates could thus strongly influence adult return rates. In Atlantic salmon Salmo salar, most overwintering studies focus on rivers in harsh climates with minimal growth, yet in more southerly rivers, overwintering growth rates can be relatively high. Here, the factors influencing annual overwinter growth rates were tested for juvenile S. salar in a temperate chalk stream in southern England over 13 years, where over 10,000 salmon parr were tagged annually in autumn and a proportion recaptured the following spring during smolt emigration. Winters of higher and more variable water temperatures, with longer periods of high flows, showed increased overwintering growth rates. Faster growth rates were recorded from sites further upstream and that had lower parr densities; smaller individuals also grew more than expected for their initial size. These results suggest that a range of factors influences overwintering salmonid growth rates and can be used to inform management decisions to maximise the quality of emigrating smolts.  相似文献   

Atlantic salmon are an ecologically and economically important migratory fish in the UK, whose stocks have been declining over the past 30 years. Future climate and water use changes have the potential to alter the reproductive behaviour and distribution of salmon within a river, by restricting times and ability to access suitable spawning areas. As the survival of emergent salmon juveniles is density dependent, understanding how climate‐driven changes in flow affect the location of salmon redds is important for future conservation efforts. This study examined how flow conditions affect the distribution of redds within a UK chalk stream, the river Frome in Dorset. Sixteen years of redd distribution and flow data between 1980 and 2015 were analysed using linear mixed‐effects modelling. Generally, highest redd densities occurred within middle reaches of the main river. Mean flow during the river Frome critical migration period (October–December) did not affect the density of redds directly but affected the relationship between redd density and distance from tidal limit: redd densities were spread more uniformly throughout the river under high flow conditions, whereas redds were more aggregated in the middle river reaches under low flow conditions. Together, these findings suggest that access to upstream spawning grounds was limited under low flow conditions, which could have negative repercussions on juvenile survival. This study has revealed the distribution of redds along the river Frome for the first time and provided a basis for further study into the effects of redd distribution on subsequent juvenile life stages.  相似文献   

We investigated the independent effects of age at smolting and body condition at the time of spawning on egg production by female Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). For a given body size, female salmon that had smolted as juveniles after 2 years in fresh water produced smaller, more numerous eggs than females that smolted 1 year later. Furthermore, fecundity (but not egg size) was related positively to maternal body condition at spawning. Given that age at smolting is closely related to juvenile growth rate; results from this study suggest that conditions experienced by female Atlantic salmon during both early life and adulthood have implications for the size and number of eggs that they produce.  相似文献   

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