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Resistance to glyphosate and paraquat has evolved in some populations of Conyza spp. from California, USA. This study evaluated whether herbicide absorption and translocation were involved in the mechanism of resistance to both herbicides. Three lines of each species were used: glyphosate‐paraquat‐susceptible (GPS), glyphosate‐resistant (GR) and glyphosate‐paraquat‐resistant (GPR). Radiolabelled herbicide was applied to a fully expanded leaf, and absorption and movement out of the treated leaf were monitored for up to 24 h for paraquat and 72 h for glyphosate. Plants treated with paraquat were incubated in darkness for the first 16 h and then subjected to light conditions. More glyphosate was absorbed in C. bonariensis (52.9–58.3%) compared with C. canadensis (28.5–37.6%), but no differences in absorption were observed among lines within a species. However, in both species, the GR and GPR lines translocated less glyphosate out of the treated leaf when compared with their respective GPS lines. Paraquat absorption was similar among lines and across species (71.3–77.6%). Only a fraction of paraquat was translocated in the GPR lines (3% or less) when compared with their respective GPS or GR lines (20% or more) in both species. Taken together, these results indicate that reduced translocation is involved in the mechanism of resistance to glyphosate and paraquat in C. bonariensis and C. canadensis.  相似文献   

Glyphosate‐resistant weeds are an increasing problem in perennial cropping systems in the Central Valley of California, USA. To elucidate the evolutionary origins and spatial spread of resistance, we investigated the geographical distribution of glyphosate resistance and the population genetic diversity and structure of Conyza bonariensis and compared the results with previously studied C. canadensis. Thirty‐five populations from orchards and vineyards across the Central Valley were sampled. Population genetic structure was assessed using microsatellite markers. Population‐level resistance was assessed in glasshouse screening of plants grown from field‐collected seed. Bayesian clustering and analyses of multilocus genotypes indicated multiple origins of resistance, as observed in C. canadensis. Pairwise FST analysis detected spatial spread of resistance in the south of the Central Valley, also similar to C. canadensis. The results strongly indicate that the southern valley was an environment markedly more suitable than the northern valley for resistance spread and that spread in Conyza species was driven by increased uniformity of strong selection in the southern valley, due to recent regulation on herbicides other than glyphosate. Accordingly, resistant C. canadensis individuals occurred at high frequencies only in the southern valley, but interestingly resistant C. bonariensis occurred at high frequencies throughout the valley. Expression of resistance showed varying degrees of plasticity in C. bonariensis. The lower selfing rate and substantially greater genotypic diversity in C. bonariensis, relative to C. canadensis, indicate greater evolutionary potential over shorter time periods. Interspecific hybridisation was detected, but its role in resistance evolution remains unclear.  相似文献   

Acetolactate synthase (ALS) inhibitors are the most resistance‐prone herbicide group. Rapid resistance diagnosis is thus of importance for their optimal use. We formulate rules to use the derived cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence method to develop molecular tools detecting a change at a given codon, the nature of which is unknown. We applied them to Alopecurus myosuroides (black grass) to develop assays targeting ALS codons A122, P197, A205, W574 and S653 that are crucial for herbicide sensitivity. These assays detected W574L or P197T, or both substitutions, in most plants analysed from a field where ALS inhibitors failed after 3 years of use. Similar assays can easily be set up for any species. Given the rapidity of selection for resistance to ALS inhibitors, these assays should be very useful in proactive herbicide resistance diagnosis.  相似文献   

Evolution of resistance to herbicides in weeds is becoming an increasing problem worldwide. To develop effective strategies for weed control, a thorough knowledge of the basis of resistance is required. Although non‐target‐site‐based resistance is widespread, target site resistance, often caused by a single nucleotide change in the gene encoding the target enzyme, is also a common factor affecting the efficacies of key herbicides. Therefore, fast and relatively simple high‐throughput screening methods to detect target site resistance mutations will represent important tools for monitoring the distribution and evolution of resistant alleles within weed populations. Here, we present a simple and quick method that can be used to simultaneously screen for up to 10 mutations from several target site resistance‐associated codons in a single reaction. As a proof of concept, this SNaPshot multiplex method was successfully applied to the genotyping of nine variable nucleotide positions in the CT domain of the chloroplastic ACCase gene from Lolium multiflorum plants from 54 populations. A total of 10 nucleotide substitutions at seven of these nine positions (namely codons 1781, 1999, 2027, 2041 2078, 2088 and 2096) are known to confer resistance to ACCase‐inhibiting herbicides. This assay has several advantages when compared with other methods currently in use in weed science. It can discriminate between different nucleotide changes at a single locus, as well as screening for SNPs from different target sites by pooling multiple PCR products within a single reaction. The method is scalable, allowing reactions to be carried out in either 96‐ or 384‐well plate formats, thus reducing work time and cost.  相似文献   

[目的]建立简单、快速、有效的小麦抗叶锈基因复合PCR体系,从而提高分子标记辅助选择效率。[方法]以28个‘Thatcher’为背景的近等基因系和16个已知基因载体品系作为试材,测试了小麦抗叶锈病基因Lr9、Lr26、Lr19和Lr20的STS标记特异性,通过优化PCR反应体系和循环条件,构建了抗叶锈基因Lr9-Lr26和Lr19-Lr20的复合PCR检测体系。对116个小麦品种(系)所含有的抗叶锈病基因进行了分子检测。[结果]供试品种均不含有Lr9和Lr20,47个品种含有Lr26(基因频率为40.5%),‘中梁22’含有Lr19。经反复验证,Lr9-Lr26和Lr19-Lr20复合PCR技术检测结果可靠,且与上述单个分子标记检测结果一致。[结论]建立的Lr9-Lr26和Lr19-Lr20的复合PCR检测体系可以准确、稳定、高效地检测小麦抗叶锈基因Lr9、Lr26、Lr19和Lr20。  相似文献   

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