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概述我国热带地区牧草研究和发展现状,以及热区牧草推广应用存在的问题及改进方法,展望热带牧草的未来发展。  相似文献   

椰园/牧草间作:主间作物之间相互的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
进行了椰园间作牧草生态系统的研究。通过不同类型椰园间作不同品种牧草的适应性试验,观测了不同主间作物栽培方式中椰园根系分布、土壤养分与温度、主间作物生长及产量等方面的变化。结果表明:(1)在种植密度为10m×6m的椰园(相对光照强度约在50%以上)中,禾本科和豆科牧草均能正常生长;在8m×6m的椰园(相对光照强度约在30%左右)中,多数牧草品种能正常生长;在6m×6m的椰园(相对光照强度不足30%)中,只有少数禾本科牧草能基本正常生长。(2)禾本科牧草与椰树组成的系统稳定性比豆科牧草的好。(3)间作物一般应距幼树1m、成龄树2m以外的地方种植。(4)合理压青培肥与科学防治金龟子害虫,有利于加强主间作物生态系统的稳定性。   相似文献   

针对福建省红壤区域的特点,从国内外引进了128份豆科、禾本科牧草品种(品系)种质材料进行多年的适应性栽培,并从中筛选出圆叶决明、平托花生、南非马唐、鸡脚草、小黑麦等一批可供生产应用的品种(品系)。试验结果表明,在山地果园中合理套种圆叶决明、平托花生等牧草,不仅可有效防止水土流失(其发生径流次数减少11.4%,径流量则降低98.7%),而且可在一定程度上改良小生态环境,有利于果树生长,获得较好的经济效益和生态效益。  相似文献   

Abstract The effects of turning beef cattle out to pasture earlier in the spring than is conventional in Northern Ireland on performance until slaughter in late summer were examined. Thirty‐eight steers, which were initially 525 kg live weight (LW), were divided into blocks of two according to breed type, previous plane of nutrition and LW and were allocated to two treatments at random within each block. Steers on Treatment 1 were turned out to pasture on 14 March and grazed a permanent perennial ryegrass‐based pasture with a mean sward surface height of 8·4 (s.e. ± 0·36) cm until Treatment 2 steers were turned out on 2 May. Thereafter, all steers grazed as a single group until slaughter at the same estimated carcass fat content, which occurred between June and September. Between the two turnout dates, steers on Treatment 2 were given grass silage ad libitum. For the early and late turnout treatments, respectively, LW gains between the two turnout dates were 1·5 and 0·7 kg d?1, carcass gains from 14 March until slaughter (mean 143 d) were 0·69 and 0·53 (s.e. ± 0·022) kg d?1, and carcass weights were 370 and 347 (s.e. ± 2·7) kg. It is concluded that, under the conditions of this experiment, turning beef cattle out to pasture in early spring may offer economic benefits in beef production in situations in which this is practicable.  相似文献   

Our ability to develop strategies to mitigate climate change includes an understanding of, and our capacity to predict soil organic carbon (SOC) dynamics in livestock systems. Here we assess the capability of the Sustainable Grazing System (SGS) Pasture Model for predicting pasture growth (elongated wheatgrass, Thinopyrum ponticum) and SOC accumulation in different environments and under a range of pasture management practices in hydrohalomorphic soils located in South-eastern Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. After Model calibration, aerial net primary productivity (ANPP) and TSOC content under two grazing intensities (7.5 and 11 cm post-grazing target heights) and two N fertilization levels (0 and 100 kg N ha−1 yr−1) were simulated over a 10 year-period. The SGS Pasture Model predicted 87% of the observed ANPP, with observed and predicted ANPPs averaging 1.46 and 1.42 Mg ha−1 yr−1, respectively. There were differences in simulated ANPP between fertilized and unfertilized treatments both at high and low grazing intensities for the last year of the period. Total SOC contents from the modelling showed differences between high (83.7 to 84.2 Mg ha−1) and low (86.8 to 87.5 Mg ha−1) grazing intensities, with treatments receiving N also showing higher carbon stocks. The positive effect of reduced grazing intensity on soil carbon was explained by an increased input of aerial and subterranean dry matter into the soil. Sensitivity analysis showed that SGS is a robust model, capable of performing effectively under a variety of conditions. Hence, it can be used for exploring management practices to mitigate the impact of livestock systems on emissions and SOC stocks.  相似文献   

Chilean needle grass [Nassella neesiana (Trin. & Rupr.) Barkworth; CNG] is a perennial spear grass that has invaded pastures in south‐eastern Australia and can lead to a substantial reduction of stockcarrying capacity during the summer months. This study examined a range of grazing, herbicide and pasture resowing options, alone or in combination, on CNG and introduced pasture grass basal cover, for several CNG‐infested sites in south‐eastern Australia. At each site, options were chosen on the basis that they were most likely to control the CNG infestation while maintaining a productive sheep‐grazing enterprise on grass pastures. After 2 years of management, the reduction in CNG basal cover in set stock plots that were sprayed with flupropanate, versus those not sprayed, ranged from non‐detectable to a reduction of 80%, depending on site location. After 5 years of management, the reduction ranged from zero to 50%. Grazing management or sowing of competitive pastures did not generally reduce CNG basal cover to low levels. None of the management options maintained reasonable levels of desirable perennial species by the end of 4–5 years. We conclude that, because of the persistence of CNG, the need for regular spraying of herbicide, and the relative ineffectiveness of other control methods, management systems may need to be developed that utilize CNG while minimizing its input to the soil seedbank.  相似文献   

To maintain biodiversity in semi‐natural grasslands, the choice of breed of livestock and season of grazing can be important. The objective was to determine the effects of breed and season on the composition of plant fragments in the faeces of cattle grazing a heterogeneous semi‐natural grassland. Twelve heifers of the traditional Swedish Väneko breed (live weight 309 kg) and twelve heifers of the Charolais breed (live weight 431 kg) were allocated to three pastures per breed. Faeces samples were collected in spring, summer and autumn for micro‐histological examination of plant fragments. On the same occasion, defoliation of four competitive plant species was recorded. Faecal plant fragments mainly consisted of grasses but also herbs, whereas Cyperaceae, despite their abundance on the pastures, only composed a small proportion of fragments. Season affected the composition of plant fragments in the faeces, with a higher proportion of Cyperaceae and herbs in spring than later in the grazing period (P < 0·001), and the heifers ingesting more grasses and woody plants in autumn. In spite of a clear difference in live weight between the two breeds, no effects of breed on the composition of plant fragments in faeces were observed, although Väneko heifers defoliated more Filipendula ulmaria in spring than the Charolais heifers (P < 0·01). In addition, defoliation of Alnus glutinosa increased later in the grazing period (P < 0·05), especially for the Väneko heifers, indicating control of pernicious brushwood by grazing may be more effective in autumn.  相似文献   

Ugandan farmers were interviewed in order to investigate their knowledge, perceptions and ability to manage pests in agroforestry generally and on Alnus species particularly. Farmers’ ability to recognise pest problems on Alnus species was significantly influenced by their length of experience in cultivating the species, but not their age, sex or formal education. Most farmers (77%) were aware of pest problems on Alnus species. However, identification of pest problems was based largely on damage type rather than causal agents. Whereas farmers had good knowledge of vertebrate pests of Alnus, insects and diseases that infest the tree species were unknown to most farmers. Apis mellifera damage on Alnus was the most frequently described damage, but its cause was either unknown or misdiagnosed. Most farmers did not control insect and disease infestations on Alnus because they did not know the causal agents and/or appropriate control measures. Farmers were generally more knowledgeable on insect and disease infestations on crops than on multipurpose tree species (MPTS) and most of them (98%) perceived that crops suffer more damage from such pests than do MPTS. However, farmers’ ability to manage insect pests and diseases seemed weak on both crops and MPTS. Most farmers suggested the use of pesticides to combat pests, but they mentioned only one insecticide, permethrin and one fungicide, mancozeb. More alarming were the suggestions by a few farmers on the use of mancozeb against aphids, and permethrin to combat crop wilt and dieback. Farmers need to be educated about diagnosis, basic ecology and management strategies for both crop and tree pests to ensure sustainable pest control in agroforestry.  相似文献   

Disease perception and adequate management practices are two essential issues faced by farmers, especially in the current context of climate change which may potentially increase disease risk. We investigated the diversity of water yam cropping systems in Guadeloupe through interviews, how producers and international yam research scientists perceived anthracnose, and how this perception correlated with farmers’ risk management strategies. We found that disease perception by farmers is very close to perception by international yam experts, as both have the same perception of the hierarchy of factors translating into disease. Three different yam production strategies coexist at a local scale, where agronomic practices and socio-economic profiles are distinct and consistent with attitude toward anthracnose risk management. Six factors were perceived as decreasing the disease: associated crop species; crop rotation; staking; weeding; crop monitoring and varietal admixture. Yam producers raising crops more intensively were risk prone, while others usually sought practices to manage disease appearance and spread. Both cumulative risk and past anthracnose epidemic experiences translated into heavier reliance on chemicals. These results have practical implications for designing best yam crop management systems and control of yam anthracnose.  相似文献   

Although the process of reforestation of grassland has been widely studied in Europe, little is known about the effect of deforestation on grassland development. Thus, the specific objective of this study was to evaluate early changes in plant species composition, functional group, yield and biomass quality after deforestation of long‐term abandoned pastures. The experiment was established immediately after deforestation on sparse herbaceous vegetation (mean initial cover 27%) with the following treatments: grazing management only (G0), cutting and grazing aftermath (CG), grazing after seeding of grassland mixture (GS), grazing after a burning treatment in which branches were burned after deforestation (GB) and unmanaged control (U). Very rapid recovery of bare ground by germination and/or sprouting of grassland species was similar under all types of grazing management. Total plant species richness increased in all managed treatments except GB. Similarities according to redundancy analyses in plant species composition were found among G0, CG and GB treatments, especially for forbs with correlated rosette or creeping growth. The woody species, tall grasses and tall forbs had higher abundance in the U treatment. The restoration of grassland following deforestation of formerly reforested grassland area by grazing management was a relatively fast process, and swards were created after 3 years. The highest biomass yield was observed under treatments GS and GB. Forage quality of all managed treatments was sufficient for the demands of beef cattle grazing. However, for subsequent grassland preservation, some type of grazing management is necessary to prevent reforestation, which can occur immediately after deforestation in unmanaged places.  相似文献   

From their introduction in 1996, glyphosate resistant (GR) soybean cultivars have been rapidly adopted by farmers in Argentina and in other countries in the world. The high rate of adoption of this technology seems to be based on the simplicity of use provided by a single herbicide (glyphosate), its high efficacy to control many weeds and, the low costs of the technology relative to that used in conventional crops. During 2001–2002, 2002–2003 and 2003–2004 soybean growing seasons, field surveys and field experiments were performed with the aim of studying the effect of different glyphosate management strategies on the diversity of soybean weed communities, weed control, individual survival, fecundity and crop yield. In addition, the emergence pattern of three important weeds, Digitaria sanguinalis, Cyperus rotundus and Anoda cristata, was also studied. Both field surveys and field experiments were carried out on no-till soybean crops sown immediately after wheat or barley harvest (double cropped system). Experiments were set up in commercial soybean crops and consisted of different times of a single glyphosate application, two glyphosate applications and also the application of glyphosate plus a residual herbicide imazethapyr. A. cristata, D. sanguinalis, Stellaria media, Chenopodium album and Cyperus sp. were the most prevalent weeds recorded at pre-harvest of the soybean crops, showing regional constancy higher than 80% in both years. In three out of four field experiments, crop yield was not increased when glyphosate was applied twice compared with a single application of the herbicide. In addition there was a lower negative effect on weed species richness when glyphosate was applied once during the crop cycle than with two applications of glyphosate or glyphosate plus imazethapyr. D. sanguinalis escaped the glyphosate early treatment because of the long weed emergence period, while A. cristata and C. rotundus survived treatments due to their high individual tolerance. The results suggest that it is possible to manage glyphosate application to get high crop yield with a low impact on weed diversity, depending on the weed species and their abundance.  相似文献   

Abstract An experiment was carried out over 2 years to evaluate the effects of increasing the proportion of cereal‐based concentrates in diets containing high‐digestibility and conventional medium‐digestibility grass silages on the dry‐matter (DM) intake, liveweight gain and carcass composition of beef cattle, and to examine the effects of grazed grass and the ratio of grass silage:concentrates in the diet on the fatty acid composition of selected muscle tissues. Late‐maturing steers (n = 231) were offered diets based on high‐digestibility (HD) (0·743 digestible organic matter (DOM) in DM) or medium‐digestibility (MD) (0·643 DOM in DM) grass silages supplemented with barley/soyabean meal‐based concentrates. The concentrates constituted 0·20, 0·40, 0·60 and 0·80 of total DM of the diets, which were offered ad libitum (AL). The two diets, which contained 0·80 concentrates, were also offered at 0·80 of AL intake. A further group of fourteen animals were given the medium‐digestibility silage only for 5 months and then grazed perennial ryegrass pastures for a further 5 months (silage/pasture treatment). For the diets containing HD silage and 0·20, 0·40, 0·60 and 0·80 concentrate, and 0·80 concentrate at 0·8 of AL intake, the DM intakes were 9·4, 10·2, 10·4, 10·2 and 8·1 (s.e. 0·16) kg d?1, respectively, and daily carcass gains were 0·67, 0·78, 0·77, 0·79 and 0·62 (s.e. 0·029) kg d?1, respectively; for those containing MD silage and 0·20, 0·40, 0·60 and 0·80 concentrate, and 0·80 concentrate at 0·8 of AL, the DM intakes were 8·2, 9·3, 10·1, 10·1 and 8·0 (s.e. 0·16) kg d?1, respectively, and daily carcass gains were 0·38, 0·48, 0·64, 0·77 and 0·56 (s.e. 0·029) kg d?1 respectively. Increasing the proportion of concentrates in silage‐based diets decreased the concentration of omega‐3 (ω‐3) polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) (P < 0·001) and increased the concentration of ω‐6 PUFA (P < 0·001) in muscle. Cattle on the silage/pasture treatment had the highest concentration of ω‐3 PUFA in muscle (51 g kg?1 lipid), this value being over three times that for animals given diets containing MD silage and 0·80 concentrate in the diet. These results demonstrate the potential of HD silage made from perennial ryegrass relative to high concentrate diets. The consumption of pasture‐finished beef could make a significant contribution towards increasing the intake of ω‐3 PUFA in the human diet.  相似文献   

Chilli anthracnose, caused by Colletotrichum spp, is one of the main causes for post-harvest decay of chilli. It can develop on the field, during long distant transport, cold storage and shelf-life. In conventional agriculture, the whole plant including the fruits, are sprayed with fungicides as a prerequisite for post-harvest control of chilli anthracnose. Due to consumer concerns regarding the use of synthetic fungicides and the demand for safer storage methods, the use of synthetic fungicides is no longer allowed for the post-harvest control of chilli anthracnose. As a result, studies on alternative methods to control post-harvest decay have been developed over the years along with the demand for safer storage methods. In this review, results published within the last decade have been summarized and alternative approaches to synthetic fungicides for post-harvest control of chilli anthracnose were discussed in detail. Overall, the use of natural antimicrobials, biocontrol agents, resistant cultivars and ozone shows promise as treatments that can be adopted on a commercial scale to control post-harvest chilli anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum species.  相似文献   

Field indicators of forage nutritive value could help farmers with rapid management decisions to optimize timing and intensity of grazing and meet objectives regarding animal nutrition. The objective of this research was to evaluate the likely relationships among leaf blade nutritive value, herbage mass and leaf stage of pasture regrowth under different growing seasons and residual sward heights. Experiments were performed on perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) and tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) pastures during spring and summer of 2016. In both pastures, three residual sward height treatments (3, 6 and 12 cm) were imposed on plots arranged in a split plot design, replicated in three blocks. Sward plots were harvested 5–6 times at intervals spaced 7–10 days apart to measure herbage mass, plant morphology, neutral detergent fibre (NDF), and the 24-hr in vitro digestibility of NDF (NDFD) and dry matter (DMD) of leaf blades. Pastures showed strong (R2: .62 to .70), but variable, negative relationships between NDFD and herbage mass that varied with the rate at which pasture grew in each season of experimentation. Although there was a consistent NDFD decline as leaf stage of regrowth progressed (R2: .75 to .97), the NDFD also decreased as residual sward height increased, most notably in tall fescue. Additionally, findings indicate that the greater leaf length plasticity of tall fescue compared to residual sward heights may offer opportunities to manage both post- and pre-grazing targets to achieve tall fescue forages with a similar high nutritive value as perennial ryegrass. However, the evaluation of this hypothesis at the farm level and its impacts on animal intake and performance warrants further careful investigations.  相似文献   

运用Arc GIS 9.0、Microsoft Access 2003、ASP(Active Server Pages)、Adobe Photoshop、FrontPage 2003、Java等软件建立了武夷山珍稀动植物管理信息系统。本系统分静态页面和动态页面,共生成“系统简介”、“珍稀动物管理”、“珍稀植物管理”、“武夷山珍稀动植物分布图”、“生物图片”6个模块,为有效地保护和管理武夷山珍稀动植物提供依据和交流平台。  相似文献   

The botanical composition, intake and digestibility of the diet consumed by mature lactating and non‐lactating cows grazing a native white grass (Cortaderia pilosa) plant community in the Falkland Islands was measured in four periods between September 1998 and June 1999. Five lactating and five non‐lactating cows were used in the summer, autumn and winter; five non‐lactating cows were used in the spring. Different cows were used in each period. Plant cuticle patterns in the faeces of cattle were used, in conjunction with the patterns of concentrations of n‐alkanes in the faeces, to estimate the botanical composition of the diet and predicted concentrations of C32‐ and C33‐alkanes in the herbage allowed herbage intake and digestibility to be estimated using the n‐alkane technique. White grass, sedges and rushes comprised 0·78, 0·64 and 0·63 of the diet in autumn, winter and spring respectively. Fine grasses, smooth‐stalked meadow grass (Poa pratensis L.), annual meadow grass (Poa annua L.), bent grass (Agrostis capillaris L.), native fescue (Festuca magellanica Lam.), Yorkshire fog (Holcus lanatus L.), wavy hair grass [Deschampsia flexuosa (L) Trin.] and early hair grass (Aira praecox L.), were consumed at the expense of sedges and rushes in summer and this coincided with the period of greatest estimated metabolizable energy and crude protein intakes by cows. Lactating cows suffered substantial liveweight loss during autumn and winter and this reflected the low quality of the diet consumed. Phosphorus intakes were insufficient and there was an estimated deficiency of vitamin D in the winter and early spring in cattle that were grazed with the experimental cows. The nutrient restrictions imposed on cattle by the low quality of native pasture during autumn and winter are likely to impair the reproductive potential of breeding females and methods should be investigated to improve the diet consumed by cows during these critical periods if cattle systems are to become sustainable in the Falkland Islands.  相似文献   

The sustainability of white clover in grass/clover swards of an upland sheep system, which included silage making, was studied over 5 years for four nitrogen fertilizer rates [0 (N0), 50 (N50), 100 (N100) and 150 (N150) kg N ha?1]. A common stocking rate of 6 ewes ha?1 was used at all rates of N fertilizer with additional stocking rates at the N0 fertilizer rate of 4 ewes ha?1 and at the N150 fertilizer rate of 10 ewes ha?1. Grazed sward height was controlled, for ewes with their lambs, from spring until weaning in late summer by adjusting the proportions of the total area to be grazed in response to changes in herbage growth; surplus pasture areas were harvested for silage. Thereafter sward height was controlled on separate areas for ewes and weaned lambs. Areas of pasture continuously grazed in one year were used to make silage in the next year. For treatments N0 and N150, white clover stolon densities (s.e.m.) were 7670 (205·4) and 2296 (99·8) cm m?2, growing point densities were 4459 (148·9) and 1584 (76·0) m?2 and growing point densities per unit length of stolon were 0·71 (0·015) and 0·67 (0·026) cm?1 respectively, while grass tiller densities were 13 765 (209·1) and 18 825 (269·9) m?2 for treatments N0 and N150 respectively. White clover stolon density increased over the first year from 780 (91·7) cm m?2 and was maintained thereafter until year 5, reaching 8234 (814·3) and 2787 (570·8) cm m?2 for treatments N0 and N150 respectively. Growing point density of white clover increased on treatment N0 from 705 (123·1) m?2 to 2734 (260·7) m?2 in year 5 and it returned to the initial level on treatment N150 having peaked in the intermediate years. Stolon density of white clover was maintained when the management involved the annual interchange of continuously grazed and ensiled areas. The non‐grazing period during ensiling reduced grass tiller density during the late spring and summer, when white clover has the most competitive advantage in relation to grass. The increase in stolon length of white clover in this period appears to compensate for the loss of stolon during periods when the sward is grazed and over winter when white clover is at a competitive disadvantage in relation to grass. The implications for the management of sheep systems and the sustainability of white clover are discussed.  相似文献   

Deficit irrigation (DI) is a water-saving irrigation strategy in which irrigation water is applied at amounts less than full crop-water requirements. Some researchers have suggested that greater increases in water use efficiency (WUE) could be realized if DI was used in combination with water conservation or rainwater harvesting techniques. The objective of this six-year field study was to determine the effect of DI in combination with straw mulch (SM) or plastic film-mulched ridge and straw-mulched furrows (RF) on grain yield and WUE in a winter wheat-summer maize rotation. Interactive effects between the water-saving management practices and N fertilizer rate were also investigated. Results indicated that maize yields in the RF + DI and SM + DI treatments were as much as 1.6 times those in the DI and conventional furrow irrigation (CFI) treatments. Over the six-year study, total maize yield in the RF + DI treatment was 5580 kg/ha more than in the CFI treatment and 6500 kg/ha more than in the DI treatment. Wheat yields in the RF + DI and SM + DI treatments were similar to the CFI treatment but slightly more than in the DI treatment. At harvest, there was no significant difference in water storage in the 0-200 cm soil profile among the RF + DI, SM + DI, DI, and CFI treatments. Nitrogen fertilizer application significantly increased maize and wheat yield compared to the unfertilized treatment; however, there was no further yield response when the N application rate exceeded 120 kg N/ha. In summary, these results indicated that DI in combination with SM or RF practices increased crop yield and WUE in the winter wheat-summer maize crop rotation. Compared to CFI practices, the SM + DI and RF + DI practices reduced the amount of irrigation water applied over a six-year period by about 350 mm.  相似文献   

The spatial variability in crop yields commonly observed in smallholder farms of sub-Saharan Africa is often caused by gradients of declining soil fertility with increasing distance from the homestead. This heterogeneity means that recommendations based on regional soil surveys are of limited value. The variability in soil qualities within farms must be considered when designing management strategies, and their feasibility analysed by integrating results at the farm livelihood scale. For this purpose, we have developed the model FARMSIM, a dynamic bio-economic model for analysis and exploration of trade-offs in resource and labour allocation in heterogeneous smallholder farms. Focusing on farm-scale strategies, the approach to simulation of soil and crop processes in FARMSIM (the sub-model FIELD) is designed to be simple, but to keep the necessary degree of complexity to capture heterogeneity in resource use efficiencies. To test our approach, the sub-model FIELD was calibrated against chronosequences of woodland clearance in three agroecological zones of Zimbabwe (with soil textures of 3, 10, 35% clay), and used to simulate: (i) the creation of soil fertility gradients, and (ii) different strategies of N, P and manure applications to maize and soyabean rotations in homefields and outfields of smallholder farms on clayey and sandy soils. The results of the simulation of management strategies were tested against on-farm experimental data from Murewa, Zimbabwe. The model produced satisfactory predictions (r2: 0.6–0.9) of long-term changes in soil organic C, of crop responses to N and P and of nutrient use efficiencies across a wide range of yields and different field types. This demonstrated the broad applicability of the model despite the sparse data required for initialisation. However, the model results were less accurate in predicting crop responses to N and P applications in the outfields on sandy soils. Experimental evidence indicated yield limitation by Ca and Zn deficiencies in highly depleted outfields on sandy soils, which were not included mechanistically in the current version of FIELD. Repeated applications of 16 t ha−1 year−1 of manure allowed larger responses to applied N and P after 3 years of experimentation; such a corrective effect of manure was simulated to be due to improved N and P recovery efficiencies in the model. In combination with the experimental data, the simulation results suggested that soil fertility gradients affect nutrient use efficiencies, operating mostly on the efficiencies of nutrient capture rather than conversion. A typology of fields according to the type of management interventions needed is introduced, based on a generic application of FIELD with this parameterisation.  相似文献   

Our objective was to compare herbage accumulation and nutritive value of Urochloa decumbens (Stapf) R. Webster managed under pre-grazing canopy light interception (LI) targets of 90%, 95% and 100% in silvopastoral system (SPS) and 95% in open pasture (OP; U. decumbens under full sunlight) to establish a pre-grazing target for SPS of ~43% shade. The evaluations were made during two rainy seasons and one dry season. The total herbage accumulation in SPS was lower than in OP at all LI targets and seasons. However, the difference in total herbage accumulation between SPS and OP was reduced when SPS was harvested at 95% LI, with reductions of 20% and 28% in both rainy seasons (12,191 × 15,324 kg DM/ha and 11,158 × 15,424 kg DM/ha respectively). Moreover, under 95% LI in SPS, crude protein concentration was 18% and 19% greater than that in OP in both rainy seasons (155 × 131 g/kg DM and 144 × 121 g/kg DM respectively), thus representing the optimal pre-grazing LI target for U. decumbens in SPS. In addition, a canopy height of 20 cm was necessary for 95% LI in OP and a height of 40 cm in SPS. Therefore, U. decumbens should be grazed at 40 cm canopy height, in SPS with ~43% shade to keep 95% LI as the target. However, this target will only be effective if the shade level is maintained, which will reduce height variation over time.  相似文献   

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