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Almond is a highly heterozygous species with a high number of S‐alleles controlling its gametophytic self‐incompatibility system (GSI). In this work, we have analysed 14 Spanish local almond cultivars for S‐RNase allele diversity. Five new S‐RNase alleles were identified by cloning and sequencing, S31 (804 bp) in ‘Pou de Felanitx’ and ‘Totsol’, S32 (855 bp) in ‘Taiatona’, S33 (1165 bp) in ‘Pou d’Establiments’ and ‘Muel’, S34 (1663 bp) in ‘Pané‐Barquets’ and S35 (1658 bp) in ‘Planeta de les Garrigues’. Additionally, seven already known almond alleles could be recognized in the local cultivars studied. The high number of new alleles identified reveals the wide diversity of almond germplasm still existing and requiring characterization, and points to the possibility of new findings by a wider study focusing on other provenances. The almond S‐RNases have been compared to those of other Prunus species, showing a high identity and confirming that the S‐RNase gene in this genus presents a probable common ancestor.  相似文献   

German chamomile is an important medical plant with a long history of usage and a wide range of medical applications. Wild forms are diploid, whereas cultivated ones are diploid and tetraploid. Ploidy level variation within 15 origins (varieties, accessions, populations) of chamomile was investigated. Both naturally occurring triploids and those induced through directed crosses between diploid and tetraploid parents were identified and analysed, and these data could facilitate the exploitation of triploidy in chamomile as in other crop plants (fruit and ornamental plants).  相似文献   

Perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) displays a two‐locus gametophytic self‐incompatibility (SI) system that remains intact at the tetraploid level. Two models are plausible for SI in autotetraploids. In Model I: both alleles at the S locus and both at the Z locus in diploid pollen matching the female genotype results in incompatibility. In Model II: only one allele at S and one at Z locus in diploid pollen matching the female results in incompatibility. The goals were to determine which of the models best explains SI in our autotetraploid ryegrass population and to evaluate the efficiency of high‐resolution melting (HRM) genotyping for discriminating different iso‐allelic genotypes. The progeny of a cross between two autotetraploids was characterized with three HRM‐based markers co‐segregating with Z. Segregation ratios were used to make inferences about the mode of action of the SI system. The observed segregation differed significantly (P < 0.001) from the expected under Model I, but not from the expected under Model II (P = 0.463). Thus, Model II explains SI in this population, and HRM is an efficient tool to distinguish different iso‐allelic genotypic classes.  相似文献   

Sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.) has stylar gametophytic self‐incompatibility, which is controlled by the multi‐allelic S‐locus and encompasses the highly polymorphic genes for the S‐ribonuclease (S‐RNase) and S‐haplotype‐specific F‐box (SFB), which are female and male determinants, respectively. The self‐compatible mutant SFB4′ corresponds to an allele variant of SFB4 and presents a frameshift mutation. Even though male‐determinant molecular markers can discriminate between SFB4 and SFB4′ alleles, the methods required are laborious, time‐consuming and expensive, and not suitable for massive analysis and integration into breeding programmes. Our aim was to develop molecular markers for the evaluation of self‐compatibility alleles in sweet cherry, that could be used as a high‐throughput screening strategy to identify SFB4 and SFB4′ alleles, based on a marker for male determinacy. Our results were consistent using primers flanking the mutation responsible for the SFB4′ allele. We designed a specific molecular marker and confirmed it in sweet cherry commercial varieties. This new molecular marker is feasible for self‐compatibility alleles in the male determinant in sweet cherry‐assisted breeding programs.  相似文献   

The New Zealand hop breeding programme is based solely on the development of seedless triploid cultivars. This relies on the use of tetraploid parents. While a sexually derived tetraploid parents have been used successfully, sexually derived tetraploids offer a useful alternative. They may have a higher level of heterozygosity and are easier to obtain. Methods for the identification of tetraploids from seedling populations by flow cytometry are described. Two studies were conducted; one on field-grown plants, the other on plants grown in a glasshouse. Approximately 15%of seedlings in the two studies were identified as tetraploids (2n = 4x = 40). Between 70 and 80% were identified as either diploid (2n =2x = 20) or triploid (2n = 3x = 30). Remaining plants were haploid, pentaploid or probably aneuploid. Within triploid and tetraploid populations from 40to 50% of seedlings were female, 30 to40% were monoecious, with the remainder being males and non-flowering plants. Sexually derived tetraploid parents have been used successfully in the breeding programme, from which several promising triploid selections have subsequently been made. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Prunus avium is primarily cultivated for its fruit, sweet cherries. However, it is also used to produce high‐quality timber. In a P. avium seed orchard, gametophytic self‐incompatibility is a restriction for free pollen flow and should be considered when establishing basic forest materials. In this study, S‐locus diversity and cross‐incompatibility of wild cherry individuals in clonal banks established for breeding for timber production were investigated. Wild cherry trees (140) with outstanding forest growth habit, collected in northern Spain, grafted and planted in two clonal banks, were genotyped at the S‐locus. The self‐incompatibility S‐locus genes, S‐RNase and SFB, were analysed by PCR. Twenty‐two S‐haplotypes, resulting in 72 different S‐genotypes, were identified. The genotypes were grouped into 33 incompatibility groups and 39 unique genotypes. This initial S‐locus analysis revealed large genetic diversity of wild cherry trees from the Spanish northern deciduous forest, and provides useful information for seed orchard design. Wild P. avium displays significantly more genetic diversity than what is detected in local cultivars, revealing a narrowing of genetic diversity during local domestication.  相似文献   

Most cultivars that belong to the Rosaceae are self‐incompatible and depend on cross‐pollination. The pollen donor and pollen recipient have to flower synchronously and must be genetically compatible. Genetic compatibility is governed by the S‐locus, which holds the S‐RNase and S‐haplotype‐specific F‐Box (SFB) genes. Thus, the S‐genotype of cultivars is an important feature and is characterized molecularly by the S‐RNase and SFB alleles which are distinctive for each S‐haplotype. Here, we report the usage of DNA chromatography (denaturing high‐performance liquid chromatography – DHPLC) for identifying the S‐genotypes of European apricots on the basis of their SFB alleles. DHPLC is amenable to high‐throughput automation, and therefore is valuable for breeding and for high‐quality plant typing in the nursery.  相似文献   

Genetic improvement of Trifolium alexandrinum L. is hampered because of narrow genetic base and lack of interspecies compatibility information. The study was envisaged to understand the interspecies incompatibility and the affinity between T. alexandrinum and 22 species of the genus representing different sections and to develop interspecific crosses. Development of interspecific hybrids with T. resupinatum, T. lappaceum, T. subterraneum, T. vesiculosum and T. echinatum, through embryo rescue, revealed their affinity with T. alexandrinum. Failure of pollen germination or restricted pollen tube growth showed its distant relatedness with T. clypeatum, T. balansae, T. purpureum, T. leucanthum, T. hirtum, T. pilulare and T. hybridum. Pollen tubes reached up to ovule among the crosses with T. alpestre, T. repens and T. nigrescens, whereas it travelled up to ovary among the crosses with T. angustifolium, T. grandiflorum and T. dasyurum indicating need of manipulation to overcome barrier. Thus, incompatibility of T. alexandrinum with many Trifolium species could be overcome through embryo rescue with intensive crossing. Egyptian clover ecotype ‘Fahli’ was more compatible with other species than ‘Mescavi’.  相似文献   

Nitrogen fertilizer is the most used nutrient source in modern agriculture and represents significant environmental and production costs. In the meantime, the demand for grain increases and production per area has to increase as new cultivated areas are scarce. In this context, breeding for an efficient use of nitrogen became a major objective. In wheat, nitrogen is required to maintain a photosynthetically active canopy ensuring grain yield and to produce grain storage proteins that are generally needed to maintain a high end‐use quality. This review presents current knowledge of physiological, metabolic and genetic factors influencing nitrogen uptake and utilization in the context of different nitrogen management systems. This includes the role of root system and its interactions with microorganisms, nitrate assimilation and its relationship with photosynthesis as postanthesis remobilization and nitrogen partitioning. Regarding nitrogen‐use efficiency complexity, several physiological avenues for increasing it were discussed and their phenotyping methods were reviewed. Phenotypic and molecular breeding strategies were also reviewed and discussed regarding nitrogen regimes and genetic diversity.  相似文献   

Elevated ultraviolet‐B (UV‐B; between 290 and 320 nm) radiation, because of depletion of the stratospheric ozone layer, is one of the major environmental factors influencing plant metabolic processes and yield. The southern US rice cultivars contribute greatly towards US rice production, but the effects of elevated UV‐B radiation on these cultivars are not well known. The objective of this study was to determine the effects of elevated UV‐B radiation on leaf photosynthetic rate (Pn), membrane stability, pollen viability, phenolic concentration and yield of eight commercially popular southern US rice cultivars (five inbred cultivars and three hybrids). Plants were grown in a temperature‐controlled greenhouse in Beaumont, TX, USA, and were exposed to UV‐B radiation of 0, 8 or 16 kJ m?2 day?1 for 90 days. For most of the cultivars, plants grown under 8 or 16 kJ UV‐B radiation showed significant decreases in Pn, membrane stability, pollen viability, and yield compared with the plants grown under an UV‐B‐free environment, whereas there was a significant increase in leaf phenolic concentration under 16 kJ UV‐B radiation. The hybrid ‘Clearfield XL729’ performed best among the selected southern US rice cultivars under 16 kJ UV‐B radiation.  相似文献   

This study describes the identification of a quantitative trait locus (QTL) in the recombinant inbred line population of ILL2024 × ILL6788 and subsequent validation of associated molecular markers. A high‐quality genetic linkage map was constructed with 758 markers that cover 1,057 cM, with an average intermarker distance of 2 cM. QTL analysis revealed a single genomic region on Lc2 to be associated with B tolerance and accounted for up to 76% of phenotypic variation (Vp). The best markers for B tolerance were assessed for their utility in routine breeding applications using validation panels of diverse lentil germplasm and breeding material derived from ILL2024. A marker generated from the dense genetic map of this study was found to be the most accurate of all markers available for B tolerance in lentil, with a success rate of 93% within a large breeding pool derived from ILL2024. However, given the number of the unrelated lines for which the marker–trait association was not conserved, B tolerance screening is still required at later stages to confirm predicted phenotypes.  相似文献   

Summary The size of pollen grains is commonly used to indicate the ploidy level of pollen grains. In this paper observations of the diameter of pollen grains are evaluated from one diploid accession of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.), which was expected to produce diploid (unreduced) pollen grains in addition to haploid pollen grains. The considerable overlap of the diameter distributions of haploid and diploid pollen grains severely hampers the accurate estimation of the proportion of diploid pollen grains. To overcome this problem we develop in this paper a statistical normal mixture model and we describe a method to test for the production of diploid pollen grains from a diploid parent, and to estimate the proportion of diploid pollen grains.  相似文献   

Soft rice with low amylose content (AC) ranging by 5–15% is a unique type with special eating and appearance quality and has become popular in the rice market. We resequenced the Wx‐mp, a key allele from Milky Princess, a Japanese low AC variety, and found that the +473 mutation in exon 4 is the key mutation in both Wx‐mp and its ancestor allele, Wx‐mq from Milky Queen. Based on this functional mutation, an allele‐specific PCR (AS‐PCR) marker was developed and proven in a breeding population derived from a cross between a Chinese late variety Nan Keng 46 (Wx‐mp/Wx‐mp) and an early line Ning 63121(Wx‐b/Wx‐b). Based on the marker‐aided selection by our newly developed AS‐PCR marker for Wx‐mp and the known ST10 marker for Stvb‐i, a total of 12 Wx‐mp homozygotes were selected from 198 F2 progenies, and four of them were immune to rice stripe virus (RSV) with averagely 11.3 days earlier heading than Nan Keng 46 without significant change in grain yield.  相似文献   

Production of doubled haploid plants through androgenesis in flue‐cured Virginia (FCV) tobacco is a promising and convenient alternative to conventional selfing techniques for the generation of absolute homozygous lines. Here, we show a robust in vitro haploid and doubled haploid development protocol in FCV tobacco with major emphasis on improving the efficiency of chromosome doubling using in vitro colchicine treatment. We used five FCV tobacco hybrids for comparison of colchicine treatments. The anther culture response varied with developmental stages of the buds, and the highest response was observed in stage 2 buds. The effect of cold pretreatment was significant, and 4 days of pretreatment was optimum for gametic embryogenesis. Among the methods used for determining the ploidy status of plants, flow cytometry was found to be easy, fast and reliable for high‐throughput screening of haploids. Doubled haploids regeneration percentage varied from 6.77 to 11.95 in in vivo treatment, while the range of variation was 22.11% to 28.40% in in vitro colchicine treatment. We observed a pronounced increase in plant survival and the proportion of doubled haploid plants in in vitro treatment compared with the standard in vivo approach.  相似文献   

Changing global climatic conditions and irrigation water shortages impose water stress conditions on crops. To develop genotypes tolerant to water stress necessitates reliable high‐throughput methods to study plant water status and water stress tolerance mechanisms. We report the use of a non‐destructive, automated, precise and rapid system for assessing real‐time water status in canola plants. Leaf patch clamp pressure probes were clamped on the leaves of four different genotypes of canola grown under field conditions. The data generated diurnal curves characterizing the pattern of turgor pressure maintenance within the leaves. A novel methodology termed ‘inverse hysteresis’ was developed to measure relative water stress levels in plants using the probe‐derived data. The inverse hysteresis data show that genotypes CT12 and CT15 had a higher ability to withstand water stress and were more tolerant to water stress than DS23 and DS35. The chlorophyll content and seed yield were also higher in CT12 and CT15. This novel analytical tool for monitoring water status in canola plants will be of great benefit in other crop species to efficiently screen genotypes for water stress tolerance.  相似文献   

Chemical‐induced male sterility (CIMS) is a method for hybrid rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) production. Some sulphonylurea herbicides such as tribenuron‐methyl (TBM) are used as chemical hybridization agents (CHAs) in CIMS systems. However, the male parents must be protected from herbicide injury with a shield during spraying of the female parents with CHAs to induce male sterility. Thus, using herbicide‐resistant rapeseed lines as the male parents can significantly simplify the seed production procedure and reduce the cost in hybrid seed production. A rice cytochrome P450 hydroxylase, OsCYP81A6, has been previously characterized to confer resistance to bentazon and sulphonylurea herbicides. We demonstrate here that the introduction of OsCYP81A6 renders rapeseed plants resistant to TBM. Compared with wild‐type plants, the transgenic plants displayed normal stamen development and male fertility when treated with 0.05 mg/l of TBM, the dose used for inducing male sterility in hybrid seed production. These results indicate that the OsCYP81A6‐expressing rapeseed plants can be used as the male parents for hybrid rapeseed production using CIMS.  相似文献   

Group A acetylsaponins are the main causative components for bitter and astringent tastes of soybean (Glycine max). In this study, we examined the genetic nature of the absence of group A acetylsaponins in 12 Korean wild soybean (Glycine soja) accessions. In all 12 accessions, the coding region (1431‐bp) of Sg‐1 locus was identical with Sg‐1a, which adds the xylose sugar moiety at the terminal position of the C‐22 sugar chain of SS‐A, except one nucleotide (G→A change) at +948th position. This point mutation results in change of one amino acid from tryptophan (TGG) to stop codon (TGA). We observed that the mutated Sg‐1 was controlled by a single recessive gene (sg‐10‐a1). This gene was mapped between BARCSOYSSR_07_1561 and BARCSOYSSR_07_1598 on soybean chromosome 7. Our study demonstrated that the mutated Sg‐1 gene in Korean wild soybeans is genetically different from those identified in Japanese soybean cultivar ‘Kinusayaka’ and wild soybean JP‐36121. We believe that the new Sg‐1 mutants can also be utilized to produce a new soybean variety without bitter and astringent properties.  相似文献   

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