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Sudden Oak Death, caused by Phytophthora ramorum, poses a serious threat to native American oaks, and is also present in Europe where it has been isolated from numerous European ornamental plant nurseries. Its proven aggressiveness against plants in the Fagaceae and Ericaceae and the damage it has caused in North America have lead to it being assigned quarantine status. The timely and accurate detection of P. ramorum is a critical aid in the study of the epidemiology and biology of this pathogen. As a regulated organism, the availability of a sensitive and reliable assay is essential when attempting to achieve early detection of the pathogen. In this work, new specific hybridization probes for a real‐time PCR amplification method were found to be rapid, robust and labour‐saving, and proved suitable for routine use in a molecular diagnostic laboratory.  相似文献   

Real‐time PCR assays based on the TaqMan system and using ITS sequences were developed for the identification of Phytophthora species, including P. cactorum, P. megasperma, P. plurivora, P. pseudosyringae and P. quercina, all of which are currently causing significant damage to roots of forest trees in both managed stands and natural ecosystems. Total genomic DNA was extracted from mycelia of aforementioned Phytophthora isolates. Species‐specific primers for P. cactorum, P. megasperma, P. plurivora, P. pseudosyringae and P. quercina were designed based on ITS sequences of rDNA. The amplification efficiency of target DNA varied from 93.1% (P. pseudosyringae) to 106.8% (P. quercina). The limit of the detection was calculated as 100 – 1,000 fg DNA, depending on the Phytophthora species. In mixed soil samples, all Phytophthora species were detected for Ct values shifted by 0.7 – 2.1 cycles. Based on these real‐time PCR assays we were able to identify the five Phytophthora species. These techniques will be of value in the identification of these pathogens, which may cause up to 80 – 90% fine root loss in oak stands.  相似文献   

该文利用城市绿地有害生物风险分析体系,从病原菌传入、种群定殖、潜在的危害严重度等方面分析了栎树猝死病菌的风险性。结果表明栎树猝死病菌传入我国及其在我国定殖的风险性(R)为0.87,属于极高风险;其传入风险性(P1)、定殖风险性(P2)、潜在的危害严重度(S)值分别为0.783,0.891,0.873。  相似文献   

Phytophthora ramorum, the cause of sudden oak death and ramorum blight, has three major clonal lineages and two mating types. Molecular tests currently available for detecting P. ramorum do not distinguish between clonal lineages and mating type is determined by cultural methods on a limited number of samples. In some molecular diagnostic tests, cross‐reaction with other closely related species such as P. hibernalis, P. foliorum or P. lateralis can occur. Regions in the mitochondrial gene Cox1 are different among P. ramorum lineages and mitochondrial genotyping of the North American and European populations seems to be sufficient to differentiate between mating types, because the EU1 lineage is mostly A1 and both NA1 and NA2 lineages are A2. In our study, we were able to identify P. ramorum isolates according to lineage using polymerase chain reaction‐restriction fragment‐length polymorphism (PCR‐RFLP) of the Cox1 gene, first by using ApoI to separate P. ramorum from other species and EU1 from North American populations, and then AvaI to distinguish between NA1 and NA2 genotypes. However, P. foliorum had the same restriction profile as P. ramorum NA1 isolates.  相似文献   

In this paper, we demonstrate that 140 mg/kg of essential oil from the wood of yellow‐cedar, incense cedar, Port‐Orford‐cedar or western juniper strongly inhibits zoospore germination and hyphal growth of Phytophthora ramorum in culture. Four individual compounds in yellow‐cedar heartwood were also tested. Zoospore germination was reduced to 0% with 10, 100 and 1000 mg/kg of nootkatin, carvacrol and valencene, respectively. Nootkatone was the least active compound, with 3.5% zoospore germination at 1000 mg/kg. Sporangia germination was 0% with 500 mg/kg of nootkatin or carvacrol. The disruption of the zoospore outer membrane and the loss of sporangial contents were often observed and indicative of sporicidal activity. Hyphal growth was inhibited by 99.9% with 50 mg/kg of nootkatin or 500 mg/kg of carvacrol, but growth resumed upon removing the inhibitors. The zoosporicidal activity of yellow‐cedar heartwood shavings stored dry for approximately 10 years was consistent with the quantity of extractable compounds they contained. Thus, spreading fresh shavings or chips of yellow‐cedar heartwood with appreciable higher concentrations of the active compounds, over areas in infection zones where spores might be difficult to control such as trails and parking lots used by hikers and bicyclists, might be useful as part of an integrated program to minimize P. ramorum spore distribution.  相似文献   

栎树猝死病原在中国的适生区预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用CLIMEX生态气候模型和GIS系统,对栎树猝死病原在我国的适生区进行预测.模型分析表明:温度和湿度是栎树猝死病分布的主要气候限制因子,新疆、甘肃、内蒙古、宁夏和青海地区主要受干胁迫影响,广西、广东、江西和海南的大部分地区主要受热胁迫影响,这些地区均不适宜栎树猝死病菌生存.栎树猝死病菌适合于阴冷潮湿环境下生长,长江流域附近被划为边缘适宜区域,主要包括山东、河南、陕西、江苏和湖南的部分地区,其中还包括黑龙江、吉林和辽宁的东部地区和台湾省南部地区.适宜区域和最适宜区域主要集中在中国西南地区的四川、贵州、云南、重庆和中部的湖北,以及东南部的浙江、江苏、安徽、福建和台湾.这些区域正是我国杜鹃花属、栎属和石栎属等重要寄主的主要分布地区,提前预防该病害入侵是非常必要的.  相似文献   

Variation in virulence was examined among isolates of Phytophthora ramorum from epidemiologically important or infectious (non‐oak) and transmissive dead‐end (oak) hosts from North America. Twelve isolates representative of the genetic, geographic and host range of P. ramorum in the western United States were inoculated on leaves of Umbellularia californica (bay laurel or bay) and stems of Quercus agrifolia (coast live oak). In spite of extreme genetic similarity among the isolates employed, and even within the same genotype, significant differences in lesion size were measured, suggesting virulence in this pathogen is also controlled by epigenetic factors. A strong positive correlation between lesion size on bay laurel and coast live oak provides experimental evidence P. ramorum is a generalist pathogen that lacks host specificity. Isolates from non‐transmissive oaks were significantly less pathogenic both on oaks and bays than isolates from infectious hosts. These results are essential to further our understanding of the epidemiology and evolutionary potential of this pathogen. A quantitative differential in virulence of isolates from hosts with different epidemiological roles has been described for many animal diseases, but is a novel report for a plant disease.  相似文献   

A TaqMan real‐time PCR assay was developed for Phytophthora austrocedrae, an emerging pathogen causing severe damage to juniper in Britain. The primers amplified DNA of the target pathogen down to 1 pg of extracted DNA, in both the presence and absence of host DNA, but did not amplify any of the non‐target Phytophthora and fungal species tested. The assay provides a useful tool for screening juniper populations for the disease.  相似文献   

Phytophthora ramorum is the causal agent of the sudden larch death epidemic in Ireland and the UK. Within the EU, it is a quarantine pathogen and eradication measures are required if it is detected in horticultural or forest environments. Eradication measures in forests include the clearance of susceptible tree hosts from the infected stand along with all host known to support pathogen sporulation within a 250‐m buffer zone of the infected stand. Between 2010 and 2016, these measures have affected over 18,000 ha of Larix kaempferi forests in Ireland and the UK, but the epidemic continues to spread. An assessment of the efficacy of the eradication measures has not been published to date. Here, we provide details of the detection frequency of P. ramorum from aerial (rainwater) and terrestrial (soil, watercourses, plant material) sources in three forest locations in Ireland that had significant areas of L. kaempferi affected by P. ramorum before their removal. Monitoring of six plots with differing infection and eradication management histories was carried out from September 2013 to 2015. Presence of P. ramorum was confirmed by plating plant material onto selective media, followed by morphological identification. Phytophthora ramorum was detected in 65 of 1283 samples, in all sample types and in 17 of the 20 months sampled. Only three of the 295 soil samples were positive for P. ramorum, with all of these coming from an area under perennial standing water. The most positive samples came from a plot where symptomatic Larix trees had not been removed and the findings occurred consistently over the 2‐year study. Plots where infected Larix had been removed were rarely positive for P. ramorum across all the sample types indicating a level of success from the eradication measures in reducing pathogen levels on the sites.  相似文献   

Phytophthora austrocedri is a recently invasive soilborne pathogen which is causing widespread mortality of Juniperus communis in northern Britain. The pathways by which a single genotype of P. austrocedri has spread to infect such a geographically dispersed range of woodland sites within a relatively short timeframe are unknown. This study examined the detectability of P. austrocedri in soil and water within infected J. communis woodland using qPCR to gain a better understanding of the pathogen's key mechanisms of spread. A Phytophthora metabarcoding method was also applied to investigate the wider diversity of Phytophthora species present in water at one of the sites. qPCR analyses of P. austrocedri in soil samples at a J. communis woodland exhibiting low‐to‐moderate levels of disease suggested a slow natural spread of the pathogen in soil, requiring high moisture conditions. However, the ubiquity of P. austrocedri DNA in soil samples collected across a heavily infected J. communis site suggests that once established at a site the pathogen can be spread readily in soil locally, most likely vectored by animal movements and/or human activities. The hypothesis that P. austrocedri is aerially transmitted in rainwater was not adequately proven, and an alternative hypothesis for the widespread distribution of the pathogen on J. communis in northern Britain is presented. Metabarcoding identified DNA from a diverse range of Phytophthora species in river and rainwater samples although the main target pathogen, P. austrocedri, was not amplified which disagreed with some of the qPCR findings. Possible reasons for this are discussed.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated whether birds could be vectors facilitating long‐distance spread of Phytophthora ramorum in Britain. Migratory bird species associated with the main sporangium‐producing host plants and most likely to pick up P. ramorum spores were considered. Swabs were taken from the flank and “feet” of 1,014 birds over a 12‐month period (April 2011–March 2012) in the west of Britain and subsequently analyzed for the presence of P. ramorum using nested PCR. Ten positive samples from 10 birds were identified: three in Cornwall, one in Devon, three in Gloucestershire, two in north Wales and one in Merseyside. Phytophthora ramorum was detected on samples from four species of thrushes (Redwing Turdus iliacus, Fieldfare T. pilaris, Blackbird T. merula and Song Thrush T. philomelos) and one species of warbler (Chiffchaff Phylloscopus collybita). All birds that tested positive were sampled in late autumn and winter (October–February), when long‐distance movements (over 100 km) would have stopped. The low incidence of P. ramorum found using PCR suggests that the incidence of inoculum, whether viable or not, on birds was low. The apparently low incidence of inoculum on birds suggests migratory passerine birds can carry P. ramorum inoculum on their feathers and “feet,” albeit at low frequency. The dates of positive samples indicate that birds would not have been moving long distances at the time but further work is needed to estimate the extent of their contribution to the spread of P. ramorum in Britain.  相似文献   

Four isolates of Phytophthora cinnamomi were able to produce selfed oospores when cultured in vitro on modified Ribeiro’s minimal medium. Phosphite inhibited the production of selfed oospores at 100 μg phosphite/ml, lower concentrations had no effect. Selfed oospores were considered dormant as 16–47% of selfed oospores were found viable using viability staining techniques such as thiazolyl blue tetrazolium bromide and 4′,6‐diamidino‐2‐phenylindole·2HCl yet they did not germinate on a range of media. Phosphite up to 100 μg/ml did not change the proportion of viable selfed oospores. This study shows that phosphite does not affect the production of selfed oospores.  相似文献   

A new evolutionary lineage of the destructive introduced tree pathogen Phytophthora ramorum, EU2 lineage, was recently discovered attacking larch and other hosts in Northern Ireland and south west Scotland, UK. Sixteen ‘medium × agar concentration × incubation temperature’ stress environments were tested to find a rapid and repeatable method to discriminate the known EU2 lineage from the EU1, NA1 and NA2 lineages in culture, in particular from the EU1 already prevalent across the UK; and to investigate whether EU2 might be adaptively different. At 25°C 1 on both Carrot agar and V8 juice agar, the mean radial growth rates of all four lineages were significantly different, with NA2 > EU2 > EU1 > NA1. At this temperature, EU2 colonies were not only phenotypically distinct from EU1 and all other lineages but on average grew three times as fast as EU1. This indicates that EU2 is adaptively different from EU1. Twelve days growth in the environment ‘V8A/2% agar/25°C 1 gave excellent discrimination of all four lineages in three repeat experiments, including clear discrimination of EU2 from EU1. Each lineage exhibited a distinctive colony pattern. The utility of this test environment was examined further by screening fresh UK isolates of unknown lineage from new larch outbreak sites alongside standard isolates. The lineage assignments predicted were corroborated by gene sequencing and RFLP profiling. These results also revealed that the EU2 lineage was present at several new larch sites in south west Scotland, whereas isolates from geographically adjacent areas such as the Isle of Mull, north west Scotland, the Isle of Man and north west England were all of EU1 lineage.  相似文献   

Oak decline that was affecting three holm oak sites in the province of Huelva (south‐western Spain) was studied during 1998–1999. The syndromes of dieback and sudden death have been observed and, in both cases, foliar symptoms were associated with root rot. Characterization of the fungal isolates from necrotic roots led us to identify Phytophthora cinnamomi A2 as consistently associated with the disease. The optimum growth temperatures of these isolates were very high (30°C). Inoculation tests under controlled conditions demonstrated the pathogenicity of the isolates on holm and cork oak seedlings. None of the other biotic factors of Mediterranean oak decline that have been previously described were found in the present study and so, in this case, the forest decline model does not seem to be necessary in order to explain the disease observed. The defoliation and mortality of the oaks was primarily caused by P. cinnamomi, although some abiotic factors such as alternating periods of drought and wet weather in the region may play an important role.  相似文献   

Kauri Agathis australis, an iconic tree of New Zealand, is under threat from an introduced disease‐causing pathogen provisionally named Phytophthora ‘taxon Agathis’ (referred to as PTA). This soilborne, Pythiaceous species belongs to the Chromista and causes a collar rot resulting in yellowing of the foliage and thinning of the canopy, which eventually causes death of the infected tree. The management and containment of this pathogen requires rapid and reliable detection in the soil. The current method for soil detection utilizes a soil bioassay involving lupin baits and soil flooding in a process that takes between ten and twenty days. We describe a real‐time PCR assay based on TaqMan chemistry for the specific detection of PTA, which targets the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of the nuclear ribosomal DNA. This TaqMan real‐time PCR assay could be used with DNA extracted directly from bulk soil samples to enable rapid quantification of PTA within soil. The detection limit was 2 fg of PTA DNA from pure culture, or 20 fg in the presence of DNA extracted from soil. The assay was validated using soil samples taken from a PTA‐infested site and soil spiked with a known concentration of oospores. We conclude that the TaqMan real‐time PCR assay offers a more time‐efficient method for detection of PTA in soil than existing methods.  相似文献   

The ability of Phytophthora cinnamomi to survive long dry periods is the key to its persistence in the south‐west of Western Australia. It has been proposed that dead Banksia grandis are a significant long‐term reservoir for P. cinnamomi inoculum. To test this, 36 healthy B. grandis trees were inoculated in April 1999, and the presence of viable propagules in planta was determined between 2 and 34 months after tree death. By 10 months after inoculation, 75% of the trees had died, with the remaining seven trees dying by 22 months. The pathogen was more commonly recovered from bark than from wood, except from those trees that died at 22 months, and more commonly from above‐ground trunks than below‐ground trunks and roots until 8 months after plant death. In trees that died 12 months after inoculation, P. cinnamomi was recovered from 60% of trunk and root core samples at 3 months, declining to 33% at 10 months, 5.5% at 12 months and 0.1% at 34 months after tree death. In trees that died at 22 months, P. cinnamomi was recovered from 87% of trunk and root samples 2 months after tree death, decreasing to 0.5% by 33 months. This study suggests that the pathogen does not have a saprotrophic phase within dead B. grandis tissue, and B. grandis is unlikely to be a long‐term reservoir for P. cinnamomi. However, the manipulation of the density of B. grandis and the use of fire to facilitate the breakdown of dead Banksia trunks in the Eucalyptus marginata (jarrah) forest may reduce the spread and impact of P. cinnamomi.  相似文献   

Bud rot disease or “Pudricion del cogollo” (PC) of oil palm is a major constraint on production in Colombia and neighbouring countries such as Brazil, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru and Surinam. To date, there are no documented reports of Phytophthora disease of oil palm in South‐East Asia. This research, therefore, was conducted to determine the pathogenic potential of Phytophthora palmivora and Phytophthora nicotianae on oil palm using both in vitro and nursery inoculation experiments. In vitro inoculation of both Ppalmivora and P. nicotianae on immature oil palm leaflets caused discoloration within 2 days of inoculation and incubation at 25 ± 1.5°C, 100% RH. Similarly, in nursery trials, lesions formed on the buds (unopened leaflets) 3 days after inoculation with Ppalmivora or P. nicotianae zoospore suspensions. No lesions developed on untreated leaflets in either in vitro or nursery inoculation experiments. Phytophthora spp. were re‐isolated from leaflet lesions and confirmed as the inoculated pathogens.  相似文献   

The oomycete Phytophthora cinnamomi is an aggressive plant pathogen, detrimental to many ecosystems including cork oak (Quercus suber) stands, and can inflict great losses in one of the greatest ‘hotspots’ for biodiversity in the world. Here, we applied Fourier transform‐infrared (FT‐IR) spectroscopy combined with chemometrics to disclose the metabolic patterns of cork oak roots and P. cinnamomi mycelium during the early hours of the interaction. As early as 2 h post‐inoculation (hpi), cork oak roots showed altered metabolic patterns with significant variations for regions associated with carbohydrate, glycoconjugate and lipid groups when compared to mock‐inoculated plants. These variations were further extended at 8 hpi. Surprisingly, at 16 hpi, the metabolic changes in inoculated and mock‐inoculated plants were similar, and at 24 hpi, the metabolic patterns of the regions mentioned above were inverted when compared to samples collected at 8 hpi. Principal component analysis of the FT‐IR spectra confirmed that the metabolic patterns of inoculated cork oak roots could be readily distinguished from those of mock‐inoculated plants at 2, 8 and 24 hpi, but not at 16 hpi. FT‐IR spectral analysis from mycelium of P. cinnamomi exposed to cork oak root exudates revealed contrasting variations for regions associated with protein groups at 16 and 24 h post‐exposure (hpe), whereas carbohydrate and glycoconjugate groups varied mainly at 24 hpe. Our results revealed early alterations in the metabolic patterns of the host plant when interacting with the biotrophic pathogen. In addition, the FT‐IR technique can be successfully applied to discriminate infected cork oak plants from mock‐inoculated plants, although these differences were dynamic with time. To a lesser extent, the metabolic patterns of P. cinnamomi were also altered when exposed to cork oak root exudates.  相似文献   

Nadezhdina N 《Tree physiology》1999,19(13):885-891
Night and especially predawn tree water status is an important indicator of drought stress in trees. Leaf water potential (LWP) is frequently used as a measure of tree water status and hence drought stress; however, there are difficulties associated with sampling foliage from tall trees and determining LWP automatically. The current study was undertaken to determine whether sap flow index (SFI), which can be automatically and continuously recorded even during very low flows, can be used to estimate drought stress in trees caused by dry air under non-limiting soil water conditions. We made simultaneous measurements of LWP, heat pulse velocity (HPV) and SFI on apple trees (Malus domestica Borkh.) in the semiarid climate of southern Ukraine over several growing seasons. Predawn values of LWP were highly correlated with SFI. Over the range of low sap flow rates occurring at nighttime, where other methods of measuring sap flow are not sensitive, the SFI method was linear and very sensitive. Additional information about tree water status was obtained by comparing nighttime and daytime values of SFI. The ratio of predawn SFI to midday SFI and the period between the two daily SFI maxima (the first SFI peak occurred in the morning and the second peak occurred in the evening on cloudless days) can be used to characterize internal plant water balance. Although the daily course of SFI was variable, specific patterns were identified that reflected particular stages in the development of plant drought stress. An "air-drought-stress curve" was used to characterize the development of water stress in trees subjected to air drought during the growing season.  相似文献   

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