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Rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum), were exposed continuously to infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPNV) at 0, 101, 103 or 105 plaque forming units (pfu) L−1 of water to estimate the effects of chronic IPNV exposure on early life stages. Fish density averaged 35 fish L−1 (low density) or 140 fish L−1 (high density), and the tank flow rate was 250 mL−1 min. Virus exposure began at 6 days before hatch and continued until fish were 44 days old. Cumulative per cent mortality, analysis of survival and hazard functions, and discrete-time event analysis were used to explore the patterns of survival and mortality. In eggs and fish exposed to IPNV, mortality significantly greater than in the 0 pfu L−1 exposure did not occur until IPNV concentration was 105 pfu L−1 at low fish density and 103 pfu IPNV L−1 at high fish density. These results suggest that in the natural aquatic environment, where rainbow trout densities are likely to be considerably lower than in this study, mortality resulting from infection with IPNV will very likely not occur when ambient concentrations of virus are ≤103 pfu IPNV L−1. In aquaculture rearing units, trout density is likely to be as high or higher than the densities used in this study. Therefore, continuous inputs of virus at concentrations greater than 101 pfu L−1 may result in IPN epidemics in aquaculture facilities.  相似文献   

Flavobacterium psychrophilum, the causative agent of bacterial cold‐water disease (BCWD) in freshwater‐reared salmonids, is also a common commensal organism of healthy fish. The virulence potential of F. psychrophilum isolates obtained from BCWD cases in Ontario between 1994 and 2009 was evaluated. In preliminary infection trials of rainbow trout juveniles, significant differences (0% to 63% mortality) in the virulence of the 22 isolates tested were noted following intraperitoneal injection with 10cfu/fish. A highly virulent strain, FPG 101, was selected for further study. When fish were injected intraperitoneally with a 106, 107 or 10cfu/fish of F. psychrophilum FPG 101, the 108 cfu/fish dose produced significantly greater mortality (p < 0.05). The bacterial load in spleen samples collected from fish every 3 days after infection was determined using rpoC quantitative polymerase chain reaction amplification and by plate counting. Bacterial culture and rpoC qPCR were highly correlated (R2 = 0.92); however, culture was more sensitive than the qPCR assay for the detection of F. psychrophilum in spleen tissue. Ninety‐seven per cent of the asymptomatic and the morbid fish had splenic bacterial loads of <2.8 log10 gene/copies and >3.0 log10 gene copies/reaction, respectively, following infection with 108 cfu/fish.  相似文献   

This study assessed the effects of Hexamita salmonis (Moore) on metabolism of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum) and its effect on the host's susceptibility to infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPNV) after antiparasitic treatment. Rainbow trout naturally infected with H. salmonis were treated with 10 mg metronidazole kg fish?1 per day, and their physiological recovery was assessed through measuring resting metabolism on the 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th day after treatment. In addition, we exposed the naïve fish to H. salmonis and measured the resting metabolism (oxygen consumption as mg O2 kg?1 per hour) on the 10th, 20th and 30th day after the exposure to assess the variation in metabolic rates after infection. Significantly lower rates of metabolic activity (P < 0.05) were anticipated 20 days after infection with H. salmonis compared with the fish infected with H. salmonis for 10 days or with the parasite‐free fish. Similarly, the treated fish needed about 20 days to fully recover from hexamitiasis. The susceptibility of rainbow trout to IPNV remained unchanged in the presence of H. salmonis. Weight loss was significantly higher (P < 0.05) in infected than that in the parasite‐free fish. Fish should be examined regularly for H. salmonis and treated immediately whether found to prevent economic losses and excessive size variation.  相似文献   

Relative resistance of Pacific salmon to infectious salmon anaemia virus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Infectious salmon anaemia (ISA) is a major disease of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, caused by an orthomyxovirus (ISAV). Increases in global aquaculture and the international movement of fish made it important to determine if Pacific salmon are at risk. Steelhead trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, and chum, O. keta, Chinook, O. tshawytscha, coho, O. kisutch, and Atlantic salmon were injected intraperitoneally with a high, medium, or low dose of a Norwegian strain of ISAV. In a second challenge, the same species, except chum salmon, were injected with a high dose of either a Canadian or the Norwegian strain. Average cumulative mortality of Atlantic salmon in trial 1 was 12% in the high dose group, 20% in the medium dose group and 16% in the low dose group. The average cumulative mortality of Atlantic salmon in trial 2 was 98%. No signs typical of ISA and no ISAV-related mortality occurred among any of the groups of Oncorhynchus spp. in either experiment, although ISAV was reisolated from some fish sampled at intervals post-challenge. The results indicate that while Oncorhynchus spp. are quite resistant to ISAV relative to Atlantic salmon, the potential for ISAV to adapt to Oncorhynchus spp. should not be ignored.  相似文献   

A DNA vaccine against infectious haematopoietic necrosis virus (IHNV) is effective at protecting rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, against disease, but intramuscular injection is required and makes the vaccine impractical for use in the freshwater rainbow trout farming industry. Poly (D,L-lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) is a U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved polymer that can be used to deliver DNA vaccines. We evaluated the in vivo absorption of PLGA nanoparticles containing coumarin-6 when added to a fish food pellet. We demonstrated that rainbow trout will eat PLGA nanoparticle coated feed and that these nanoparticles can be detected in the epithelial cells of the lower intestine within 96 h after feeding. We also detected low levels of gene expression and anti-IHNV neutralizing antibodies when fish were fed or intubated with PLGA nanoparticles containing IHNV G gene plasmid. A virus challenge evaluation suggested a slight increase in survival at 6 weeks post-vaccination in fish that received a high dose of the oral vaccine, but there was no difference when additional fish were challenged at 10 weeks post-vaccination. The results of this study suggest that it is possible to induce an immune response using an orally delivered DNA vaccine, but the current system needs improvement.  相似文献   

The present paper describes, for the first time, clinical signs and pathological findings of pancreas disease (PD) in farmed Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., and rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum), in sea water in Norway. Similarities and differences with reports of PD from Ireland and Scotland are discussed. Samples of 68 rainbow trout from disease outbreaks on 14 farms and from 155 Atlantic salmon from outbreaks on 20 farms collected from 1996 to 2004 were included in the present study. The histopathological findings of PD in Atlantic salmon and rainbow trout in sea water were similar. Acute PD, characterized by acute necrosis of exocrine pancreatic tissues, was detected in nine Atlantic salmon and three rainbow trout. Salmonid alphavirus (SAV) was identified in acute pancreatic necroses by immunohistochemistry. Most fish showed severe loss of exocrine pancreatic tissue combined with chronic myositis. Myocarditis was often but not consistently found. Kidneys from 40% and 64% of the rainbow trout and Atlantic salmon, respectively, had cells along the sinusoids that were packed with cytoplasmic eosinophilic granules. These cells resembled hypertrophied endothelial cells or elongated mast cell analogues. Histochemical staining properties and electron microscopy of these cells are presented. SAV was identified by RT-PCR and neutralizing antibodies against SAV were detected in blood samples.  相似文献   

Control methods for Flavobacterium psychrophilum are limited and oftentimes ineffective; hence, research efforts have focused on vaccine development. This study tested the hypothesis that a crude lipopolysaccharide (LPS) extract from F. psychrophilum will elicit a protective immune response in rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum) against F. psychrophilum challenge. Rainbow trout (mean weight, 3 g) were immunized intraperitoneally with the following treatment and control preparations: 10 μg of crude LPS with or without Freund's complete adjuvant (FCA), 25 μg of crude LPS with or without FCA and saline with or without FCA. Immunization of fish with 10 or 25 μg of crude LPS/FCA resulted in significant antibody responses against F. psychrophilum using ELISA with a whole‐cell lysate as the coating antigen, but only minimal levels of protection were conferred following F. psychrophilum challenge at 14 weeks post immunization. Western blot analyses demonstrated that fish exhibited antibodies specific for low‐molecular mass proteins present in the crude LPS extract, but did not exhibit antibodies specific for F. psychrophilum LPS. The results indicate that higher immunization doses and/or the use of an alternative extraction method that yields larger LPS molecules (23–70 kDa) may be necessary to elicit specific antibody responses against F. psychrophilum LPS.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the pathogenesis and histopathological and immunohistochemical findings in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) following experimental vagococcosis. For this purpose, 60 rainbow trout were used. The experimental study used the pathogen Vagococcus salmoninarum. The fish were intraperitoneally (IP) administered with an inoculate containing 0.1 mL of the bacteria, resulting in a dose of 1.2 × 109 cfu mL?1 per fish. For histopathological observations, tissue samples were taken from fish that died during the experiment and fish that survived until the end of the trial (60th day). All the tissue samples were immunohistochemically stained by the avidin–biotin–peroxidase complex and immunofluorescence methods using polyclonal antibody to detect V. salmoninarum antigens. In immunoperoxidase staining, positive reactions to bacterial antigens were most commonly seen in the kidney, heart and liver. In the immunofluorescence analysis, the distribution of antigens in the tissue and organs was similar to that observed with the immunoperoxidase staining. The results reveal an important correlation between histochemical and immunohistochemical staining in demonstrating the distribution of V. salmoninarum antigens in the affected tissues.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to induce Lactococcus garvieae infection in young and adult fish through different routes [intraperitoneal (IP) and immersion (IM)] and to investigate the pathogenesis and histopathological and immunohistochemical findings comparatively. For this purpose, a total of 180 rainbow trout (90 young, 20 ± 5 g and 90 adult, 80 ± 10 g) obtained from a commercial fish farm were used. The fish were divided into eight groups, four experimental groups (Young‐Adult IP groups and Young‐Adult IM groups, each contain 30 fish) and four control groups (Young‐Adult IP Control groups and Young‐Adult IM control groups, each contain 15 fishes). The experimental study was conducted using L. garvieae, and confirmatory identification was performed by PCR. The sequence result of the PCR amplicon of 16S rDNA from isolate L. garvieae LAC1 was determined and deposited in the GenBank database under accession number KC883976 . Fish in the IP groups were intraperitoneally administered an inoculate containing 10cfu mL?1 bacteria 0.1 mL. In the IM groups, fish were kept in inoculated water containing 10cfu mL?1 bacteria for 20 min. Mortality as well as clinical and pathological findings was recorded daily, and significant differences in macroscopic and microscopic results were observed between the IP and IM administration groups. All tissue samples were immunohistochemically stained by the avidin‐biotin‐peroxidase complex and immunofluorescence (IF) methods using polyclonal antibody to detect L. garvieae antigens. In immunoperoxidase staining in the IP groups, positive reactions to bacterial antigens were most commonly seen in the spleen, kidney, heart, liver, peritoneum and swim bladder. In the IM groups, bacterial antigens were most commonly found in the eye, gill, spleen and kidney. In the IF method, the distribution of antigens in tissue and organs was similar to the reactions with immunoperoxidase staining. Finally, in this experimental study, an important correlation was seen between the distribution of L. garvieae antigens and lesions developing in many organ and tissues.  相似文献   

Co‐infection of rainbow trout with infections haematopoietic necrosis virus (IHNV) and Flavobacterium psychrophilum is known to occur, and it has been speculated that a combined infection can result in dramatic losses. Both pathogens can persist in fish in an asymptomatic carrier state, but the impact of co‐infection has not been well characterized or documented. In this study, it was hypothesized that fish co‐infected with F. psychrophilum and IHNV would exhibit greater mortality than fish infected with either pathogen alone. To test this, juvenile rainbow trout were co‐infected with low doses of either IHNV or F. psychrophilum, and at 2 days post‐initial challenge, they were given a low dose of the reciprocal pathogen. This combined infection caused high mortality (76.2%–100%), while mortality from a single pathogen infection with the same respective dose was low (5%–20%). The onset of mortality was earlier in the co‐infected group (3–4 days) when compared with fish infected with F. psychrophilum alone (6 days) or IHNV (5 days), confirming the synergistic interaction between both pathogens. Co‐infection led to a significant increase in the number of F. psychrophilum colony‐forming units and IHNV plaque‐forming units within tissues. This finding confirms that when present together in co‐infected fish, both pathogens are more efficiently recovered from tissues. Furthermore, pathogen genes were significantly increased in co‐infected groups, which parallel the findings of increased systemic pathogen load. Extensive tissue necrosis and abundant pathogen present intracellularly and extracellularly in haematopoietic tissue. This was pronounced in co‐infected fish and likely contributed to the exacerbated clinical signs and higher mortality. This study provides novel insight into host–pathogen interactions related to co‐infection by aquatic bacterial and viral pathogens and supports our hypothesis. Such findings confirm that mortality in fish exposed to both pathogens is greatly elevated compared to a single pathogen infection.  相似文献   

Flavobacterium psychrophilum is responsible for significant economic losses in rainbow trout aquaculture. Antimicrobial treatment remains the primary means of control; however, there are limited choices available for use. The objectives of the study were therefore to determine the minimum inhibitory concentrations for erythromycin and florfenicol in selected F. psychrophilum isolates and to evaluate their clinical treatment efficacy in experimentally infected rainbow trout. All isolates tested had moderate susceptibility to florfenicol and erythromycin except one isolate, which had low susceptibility to erythromycin. Two isolates (one with moderate and one with low susceptibility to erythromycin) were used in an experimental infection trial. Rainbow trout juveniles were injected intraperitoneally with 108 cfu/fish and after mortality had begun, fish were given erythromycin‐ and florfenicol‐medicated feed at a rate of 75 mg kg?1 day?1 and 10 mg kg?1 day?1 fish body weight, respectively, for 10 consecutive days. The splenic F. psychrophilum load was determined using an rpoC quantitative PCR throughout the 30‐day trial. Relative to antibiotic‐free controls, erythromycin treatment significantly (p < 0.05) reduced mortality of rainbow trout juveniles infected with FPG101, even when treatment was initiated after clinical signs developed.  相似文献   

Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) cultured in cage systems in the South Eastern Black Sea were surveyed for the type, occurrence and prevalence of infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPNV). Two nearby farms (designated as Farm A and Farm B) were visited monthly in 2007 and 2008. At each farm, 385 fish were selected randomly from five cages. Another farm with infected trout from a hatchery also was monitored for IPNV from the transfer to harvest. IPNV was found to be prevalent in both farms surveyed. In Farm A, IPNV was present throughout the growing period, from January to May, and all five randomly sampled cages tested positive for IPNV in March and April of 2007. In Farm B, IPNV was present only in February and March in 2007, and in 2008, IPNV was observed in January (two cages) and February (one cages) at low levels. Interestingly, IPNV was absent 2 weeks after transfer to the sea at 17.5°C. The same strain of IPNV, genotype III that was isolated from the same stock of fish at the hatchery, reoccurred when water temperatures dropped to 12°C in December in the Black Sea. Transferring fish to the sea at high water temperatures could lessen the negative impacts of IPNV on growth of rainbow trout in brackish water.  相似文献   

This study investigates the occurrence and distribution pattern of infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPNV) within the pancreas, liver, kidney and spleen of naturally infected cultured rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum), using immunohistochemistry (IHC). A nested PCR was also employed to confirm the presence of the virus in the pooled tissues of the specimens. All the examined tissues except spleen were immunohistochemically positive for IPNV, but staining intensity and distribution pattern varied. The kidney tubules had the most intense and widespread staining by IHC, indicating a specific tissue tropism at least for this particular serotype. The nucleotide sequence had the greatest identity with the Sp serotype confirming the presence of the nucleic acid of IPNV in the pooled tissues. Based on the present findings, it could be concluded that the absence of lesions consistent with infectious pancreatic necrosis (IPN) disease in the H&E‐stained sections cannot rule out the presence of the IPNV, and the use of an alternative rapid confirmatory method such as IHC with formalin‐fixed, paraffin‐embedded tissue sections is helpful for the final diagnosis of IPN in rainbow trout.  相似文献   

In this study, 318 bacterial strains were isolated from the gastrointestinal (GI) tracts of 29 rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum). These bacteria were screened in vitro for their ability to inhibit growth of Flavobacterium psychrophilum, the causative agent of coldwater disease. Bacteria observed to inhibit F. psychrophilum growth were further screened against rainbow trout bile, as an indicator of their ability to survive in the GI tract. This screening resulted in narrowing the pool to 24 bacterial isolates. Those 24 isolates were then tested for pathogenicity in rainbow trout by intraperitoneal injection. Following a 28‐day challenge, eight isolates were shown to cause direct mortality and were eliminated from further study. As a result, 16 bacterial isolates were identified as probiotic candidates with the potential to control or reduce disease caused by F. psychrophilum.  相似文献   

A candidate vaccine against Aeromonas hydrophila in rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, was developed using a bacterial lysate. To test the strength of protection, A. hydrophila challenge models were compared using injection into both the intraperitoneal (IP) cavity and the dorsal sinus (DS) with selected doses of live bacteria washed in saline or left untreated. Unlike the IP route, injection into the DS with either saline washed or unwashed cells resulted in consistent cumulative mortality and a dose response that could be used to establish a standard challenge having an LD50 of approximately 3 × 107 colony forming units per fish. Survivors of the challenge suffered significantly lower mortality upon re‐challenge than naïve fish, suggesting a high level of acquired resistance was elicited by infection. Passive immunization using serum from hyper‐immunized fish also resulted in significantly reduced mortality indicating protection can be transferred and that some portion of resistance may be antibody mediated. Vaccination of groups of rainbow trout with A. hydrophila lysate resulted in significant protection against a high challenge dose but only when injected along with Freund’s complete adjuvant. At a low challenge dose, mortality in all groups was low, but the bacterial lysate alone appeared to offer some protection.  相似文献   

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