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The use of proper management strategies for citrus huanglongbing (HLB), caused by ‘Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus’ (Las) and transmitted by Asian citrus psyllid (ACP) (Diaphorina citri), is a priority issue. HLB control is based on healthy seedlings, tolerant rootstock cultivars and reduction of ACP populations. Here, dynamic populations of Las in different citrus hosts and each instar of ACP were studied, together with the seasonal growth and distribution of Las in different tissues, using conventional and TaqMan real‐time PCR. Different levels of susceptibility/tolerance to HLB were seen, resulting in different degrees of symptom severity and growth effects on hosts or rootstocks. Troyer citrange, Swingle citrumelo and wood apple were highly tolerant among 11 rootstock cultivars. Regarding distribution and seasonal analysis of Las, mature and old leaves contained high concentrations in cool temperatures in autumn and spring. Las was detected earlier through psyllid transmission than through graft inoculation, and the amounts of Las (AOL) varied in different hosts. Thus, different AOL (104–107 copy numbers μL?1) and Las‐carrying percentages (LCP; 40–53.3%) were observed in each citrus cultivar and on psyllids, respectively. Furthermore, both AOL and LCP were lower in nymphs than in adult psyllids, whereas the LCP of psyllids were not affected by increasing the acquisition‐access time. The present study has significant implications for disease ecology. The combination of early detection, use of suitable rootstocks and constraint of psyllid populations could achieve better management of HLB disease.  相似文献   

Huanglongbing (HLB) is a systemic disease of citrus caused by phloem‐limited bacteria ‘Candidatus Liberibacter’ spp. with ‘Ca. Liberibacter asiaticus’ (Las) the most widespread. Phloem‐limited bacteria such as liberibacters and phytoplasmas are emerging as major pathogens of woody and herbaceous plants. Little is known about their systemic movement within a plant and the disease process in these tissues. Las movement after initial infection was monitored in leaves and roots of greenhouse trees. Root density, storage starch content, and vascular system anatomy in relation to Las presence in field and greenhouse trees, both with and without symptoms, showed the importance of root infection in disease development. Las preferentially colonized roots before leaves, where it multiplied and quickly invaded leaves when new foliar flush became a sink tissue for phloem flow. This led to the discovery that roots were damaged by root infection prior to development of visible foliar symptoms and was not associated with carbohydrate starvation caused by phloem‐plugging as previously hypothesized. The role of root infection in systemic insect‐vectored bacterial pathogens has been underestimated. These findings demonstrate the significance of early root infection to tree health and suggest a model for phloem‐limited bacterial movement from the initial insect feeding site to the roots where it replicates, damages the host root system, and then spreads to the rest of the canopy during subsequent leaf flushes. This model provides a framework for testing movement of phloem‐limited bacteria to gain greater understanding of how these pathogens cause disease and spread.  相似文献   

Huanglongbing (HLB), associated with the phloem‐limited bacterium ‘Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus’ (Las), is devastating trees in citrus orchards of Florida. Additionally, Phytophthora nicotianae, omnipresent in citrus soils, causes root rot that reduces water and nutrient uptake by fibrous roots. To investigate fibrous root damage and replacement and canopy size in relation to infection of fibrous roots by Las and P. nicotianae, rootstock seedlings of Swingle citrumelo (Citrus paradisi × Poncirus trifoliata) were inoculated with Las or P. nicotianae in two greenhouse pot trials. Phytophthora nicotianae caused root damage within 5 weeks post‐inoculation, which led to greater reduction of canopy size than for Las‐infected seedlings by the end of the experiment. Las increased accumulation of fibrous root biomass at 5 weeks post‐root trimming (wpt) in the 2014 trial and at 11 wpt in the 2015 trial. New root length was not consistently increased by Las. Reduced total leaf area of symptomless Las‐infected seedlings compared to noninoculated controls might be due to the combined effect of altered carbohydrate allocation between shoots and roots and altered leaf morphology.  相似文献   

Huanglongbing (HLB) disease is seriously threatening and/or damaging the citrus industry worldwide. Accurate detection of the three species associated with HLB disease, ‘Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus’, ‘Candidatus Liberibacter africanus’ and ‘Candidatus Liberibacter americanus’, is essential for the preventive control of the disease. Real‐time PCR is a useful tool for bacterial detection. However, nucleic acid purification steps limit the number of samples that can be processed by PCR. Universal detection of ‘Ca. Liberibacter’ species was achieved by direct tissue‐printing and spotting of plant leaf petiole extracts or squashing of individual psyllids onto paper or nylon membranes. Primers were designed and used with TaqMan chemistry for accurate detection of the bacterium in immobilized targets (prints of 10 overlapping leaf pedicels per tree, or squashed single vectors), by extraction with water and direct use for real‐time PCR. This simplified method was validated and could detect HLB‐liberibacters in 100% of leaves with symptoms and 59% of symptomless leaves collected from HLB‐infected trees. The use of direct assays as template showed good agreement with use of purified DNA (κ = 0·76 ± 0·052). The squash assay allowed detection of the bacterium in 40% of mature Diaphorina citri that fed on leaves of HLB‐infected trees with or without symptoms. A commercial ready‐made kit based on this technology showed 96% accuracy in intra‐laboratory performance studies. The simplified direct methods of sample preparation presented herein can be effectively adopted for use in rapid screening of HLB agents in extensive surveys, certification schemes or for epidemiological and research studies.  相似文献   

A protocol for the specific detection and quantification of ‘Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum’ in carrot seeds using real‐time PCR was developed. The bacterium was detected in 23 out of 54 carrot seed lots from 2010 to 2014, including seeds collected from diseased mother plants. The average total number of ‘Ca. L. solanacearum’ cells in individual seeds ranged from 4·8 ± 3·3 to 210 ± 6·7 cells per seed from three seed lots, but using propidium monoazide to target live cells, 95% of the cells in one seed lot were found to be dead. Liberibacter‐like cells were observed in the phloem sieve tubes of the seed coat and in the phloem of carrot leaf midrib from seedlings. The bacterium was detected as early as 30 days post‐germination, but more consistently after 90 days, in seedlings grown from PCR positive seed lots in an insect‐proof P2 level containment greenhouse. Between 12% and 42% of the seedlings from positive seed lots tested positive for ‘Ca. L. solanacearum’. After 150 days, symptoms of proliferation were observed in 12% of seedlings of cv. Maestro. ‘Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum’ haplotype E was identified in the seeds and seedlings of cv. Maestro. No phytoplasmas were detected in seedlings with symptoms using a real‐time assay for universal detection of phytoplasmas. The results show that to prevent the entry and establishment of the bacterium in new areas and its potential spread to other crops, control of ‘Ca. L. solanacearum’ in seed lots is required.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In the present investigation, the effect of Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus (Las), a bacterium considered to be responsible for causing huanglongbing (HLB) disease in citrus, on the physiology of its vector, the Asian citrus psyllid (ACP) Diaphorina citri Kuwayama, was determined. Specifically, the effects of Las infection on the susceptibility of ACP to selected insecticides were determined. Furthermore, total protein content and general esterase activity were quantified in Las‐infected and uninfected ACP to gain insight into the possible mechanism(s) responsible for altered susceptibility to insecticides owing to Las infection. RESULTS: LC50 values were significantly lower in Las‐infected than in uninfected ACP adults for chlorpyrifos and spinetoram. Furthermore, there was a general trend towards lower LC50 values for three other insecticides for Las‐infected ACP; however, the differences were not statistically significant. Total protein content (µg mL?1) was significantly lower in Las‐infected (23.5 ± 1.3 in head + thorax; 27.7 ± 1.9 in abdomen) than in uninfected (29.7 ± 2.1 in head + thorax; 35.0 ± 2.3 in abdomen) ACP. Likewise, general esterase enzyme activity (nmol min?1 mg?1 protein) was significantly lower in Las‐infected (111.6 ± 4.5 in head + thorax; 109.5 ± 3.7 in abdomen) than in uninfected (135.9 ± 7.5 in head + thorax; 206.1 ± 23.7 in abdomen) ACP. CONCLUSION: Susceptibility of ACP to selected insecticides from five major chemistries was greater in Las‐infected than in uninfected ACP. The lower total protein content and reduced general esterase activity in Las‐infected than in uninfected ACP may partly explain the observed higher insecticide susceptibility of Las‐infected ACP. Copyright © 2010 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Vector‐borne plant disease management can be enhanced by deployment of antifeedants in addition to the use of broad‐spectrum neurotoxic insecticides. The effects of pymetrozine on Asian citrus psyllid (ACP), Diaphorina citri Kuwayama, feeding behaviour, survival and transmission of Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus (Las), the presumed causal pathogen of huanglongbing, were investigated. RESULTS: Pymetrozine applied at 52 and 104 µg mL?1 to citrus plants [Swingle citrumelo (X Citroncirus webberi Ingram and Moore)] modified the feeding behavior of ACP and increased the amount of time spent performing non‐penetration behaviors while decreasing the time spent performing ingestion behaviors compared with the controls 1 day after treatment. However, the antifeedant effect of pymetrozine subsided 5 days after application. Pymetrozine reduced the survival of both adults and nymphs on treated plants compared with the control. However, it had a greater impact on survival of nymphs than on survival of adults. Pymetrozine applied at 52 and 104 µg mL?1 on Las‐infected ‘Valencia’ sweet orange plants [Citrus sinensis L. (Osbeck)] reduced acquisition (12 and 21% respectively) and transmission (11 and 18% respectively) of Las by feeding ACP adults compared with the controls; however, these reductions were not statistically significant. CONCLUSIONS: Pymetrozine exhibited moderate antifeedant effects by modifying the feeding behavior of ACP adults with short residual activity. The impact of pymetrozine on survival of nymphs was greater than on adults at the higher concentrations tested. Pymetrozine also reduced the acquisition and transmission of Las by feeding ACP adults up to 21 and 18%, respectively, compared with untreated controls. Copyright © 2010 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

《EPPO Bulletin》2017,47(3):513-523

Specific scope

This Standard describes a national regulatory control system for Bactericera cockerelli and the bacterial pathogen ‘Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum’ the cause of zebra chip disease in potato. The scope is as follows:
  • Exclusion from the EPPO region of B. cockerelli an efficient vector of ‘Ca. L. solanacearum’ within solanaceous crops (e.g. potato, tomato)
  • Eradication of incursions of B. cockerelli
  • Exclusion from the EPPO region of ‘Ca. L. solanacearum’ haplotypes A and B. Although reference will only be made to haplotypes A and B, the Standard would also apply to new non‐European haplotypes of ‘Ca. L. solanacearum’ which may have different host ranges, or which may be vectored more efficiently by psyllids which are widespread in the region.
The reduction of the risk of spreading ‘Ca. L. solanacearum’ haplotypes C, D and E to potato production systems and potatoes being moved within the EPPO region may be recommended in future when more information is available but is not covered in this Standard.

Specific approval

First approved in 2017‐09.  相似文献   

Huanglongbing (HLB), caused by ‘Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus’ (Las), is a devastating disease of citrus trees in Florida. Previous work showed that the rootstock cultivar Cleopatra mandarin (Citrus reticulata) has a higher population of Las in roots than Swingle citrumelo (C. paradisi × Poncirus trifoliata). Las reduced fibrous root biomass and sucrose content in Cleopatra mandarin more than in Swingle citrumelo. To understand the mechanisms for susceptibility to Las infection, sucrose and hormone metabolism status were evaluated in Cleopatra mandarin and Swingle citrumelo. In fibrous roots of Cleopatra mandarin, higher expression of genes related to sucrose cleavage was consistent with lower sucrose content compared to noninoculated seedlings at 5 weeks post‐root trimming (wpt). In fibrous roots of Swingle citrumelo, both sucrose content and gene expression related to sucrose cleavage were less disrupted by Las infection compared to Cleopatra mandarin at 5 wpt. Genes associated with salicylic acid (SA), ethylene (ET) and abscisic acid (ABA) synthesis, and ABA signalling, phospholipases D (PLD), and phospholipase A2 (PLA2) were activated by Las infection at 5 wpt in Cleopatra mandarin. Expression of downstream effectors of SA, i.e. NPR1, WRKY70 and PR1, did not change in Cleopatra mandarin, suggesting inhibition of the response to SA by the elevation of ABA, ET and PLD. In contrast, the up‐regulation of PR1, lower response of sucrose metabolism genes and down‐regulation of biosynthesis of phytohormones indicates that Swingle citrumelo activates a more effective defence against this biotrophic pathogen than Cleopatra mandarin.  相似文献   

Carrot psyllid Trioza apicalis was recently found to carry the plant pathogenic bacterium ‘Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum’ (CLs). To confirm the transmission of bacteria by the psyllids and to dissect the symptoms caused in carrot plants by psyllid feeding and CLs infection, a greenhouse experiment with single psyllids feeding on separate plants was performed. A positive correlation was found between the amount of CLs bacteria in the psyllids and in the corresponding plants exposed to feeding, indicating CLs transmission. The female psyllid feeding caused more severe damage than male feeding, and resulted in a substantial decrease in the root weight. Female psyllid feeding also significantly reduced the carrot leaf weight and increased the number of curled leaves. The number of curled leaves was also increased by the nymphs when their number exceeded 10 per plant. A high titre of CLs bacteria significantly reduced root weight, while not affecting the weight or number of the leaves. However, the amount of CLs correlated with the number of leaves showing discolouration symptoms. Microscopy of infected carrot plants revealed that the phloem tubes throughout the whole plant, from leaf veins to the root tip, were colonized by bacteria. The bacterial cells appeared to be long and thin flexible rods with tapering ends and a transversally undulated surface. Microscopy also revealed collapsed phloem cells in the infected carrots. Damage in the phloem vessels is likely to reduce the sucrose transport from source leaves to the root, explaining the observed leaf discolouration and reduction in root weight.  相似文献   

Occurrence of ‘Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum’ (CLso) was studied in field‐grown carrots (Daucus carota) in different regions of Finland. In addition, the frequency of CLso in carrots and in field populations of its vector, the carrot psyllid (Trioza apicalis), was studied in southwestern Finland. CLso was detected in six of the seven regions where the main carrot cultivation areas are located. The highest disease incidence was found in southwestern Finland, in the area where this carrot pathogen was originally found. In the Tavastia Proper and Southwest Finland regions, CLso was detected in 26 out of 30 randomly chosen fields inspected in 2013 and 2014, and in a third of those fields more than 10% of plants showed symptoms. Of those carrots showing both psyllid feeding‐associated leaf curling and CLso infection‐associated leaf discolouration symptoms, 77% were CLso positive in the PCR test. Some symptomless carrots from the affected fields also tested positive. Of the carrot psyllid individuals collected from the same area, 60% were CLso positive. Elsewhere, disease incidence was variable in South Ostrobothnia in western Finland and low but established in South Savonia in eastern Finland. CLso was not detected in the North Ostrobothnia region. Sequencing of the amplified DNA fragments confirmed that the bacteria in the carrot samples from different areas within Finland all represented CLso haplotype C. The frequent occurrence and wide distribution of this pathogen, transmitted by a psyllid that does not migrate over long distances, suggest that it is persistent in Finland.  相似文献   

柑橘黄龙病防控药剂筛选试验初报   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为筛选有效防治罹病柑橘植株体内黄龙病菌的药剂,选取6种药剂进行韧皮部输液,利用实时定量PCR对病株体内带菌量进行动态监测以确定相对防效。结果表明,连续施药8个月后,硫酸铜、布罗波尔处理组和对照组带菌量下降了20%~30%,2,2 二溴 3 次氮基丙酰胺、异噻唑啉酮以及氨苄青霉素带菌量减少了80%以上;ZnSO 4处理带菌量下降了65.60%。各观察期内相对防效都超过50%的药剂有2,2-二溴-3-次氮基丙酰胺(≥50%)和氨苄青霉素(≥70%)。相对防效分析表明,施药后8个月1 g/L 2,2 二溴 3 次氮基丙酰胺、异噻唑啉酮、氨苄青霉素相对防效分别达到了89.75%、83.72%和87.27%,初步判断这3种药剂对黄龙病病树有防控效果。  相似文献   

International agreements on plant health and trade require that regulating a pest should be justified by economic impact assessment. Economic impact assessments are usually qualitative, weakening the objective and transparency of the regulation decision. This study assessed the potential economic impacts of the invasion of the plant pathogenic bacterium ‘Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum’ into the European Union in order to economically justify a decision on its quarantine status. Direct economic impacts resulting from yield loss in potato and tomato were computed using partial budgeting at a regional scale, while total economic impacts on the potato and tomato markets were computed using partial equilibrium modelling at the EU scale. Annual direct impacts at the most likely infestation level were estimated at €222 m for the whole EU. Uncertainty analysis showed a distribution of foreseeable annual impacts with a 5th percentile of €192 m, and a 95th percentile of €512 m. Increased market prices of potato and tomato resulting from reduced supply were found to increase profits for non‐infested producers and to compensate in part for the production losses of infested producers, with consumers paying for this mitigation of impacts on producers. The expected negative impact on societal welfare at the most likely infestation level is less than the estimated direct impacts, viz. €114 m/year. The potential economic impacts of ‘Ca. L. solanacearum’ in the European Union are demonstrably of major importance. Therefore, a decision to categorize this organism as a quarantine pest is supported.  相似文献   

Citrus huanglongbing (HLB), previously called greening, is a serious citrus disease in Asia, eastern and southern Africa. It is caused by Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus (Las), a phloem-limited, nonculturable bacterium transmitted by the Asian citrus psyllid ( Diaphorina citri ) in Asia. A PCR-based assay was developed for monitoring Las in vector psyllids using a rapid DNA extraction from psyllid bodies and PCR amplification. The entire procedure for Las detection in psyllids can be completed within 5 h. Using this method, Las can be accurately detected in psyllid adults as well as nymphs in different instar stages. The assay is sensitive enough for Las detection in single-psyllid extract from adult, fifth, fourth and third instars. In a transovarial transmission experiment, Las was not detected in eggs or in offspring produced by Las-carrying psyllid females. In a retention test, the Las-carrying psyllids remained Las-positive for 12 weeks after they were moved to common jasmine orange, a Las-immune plant. From these experimental results it was concluded that Las persists in the Asian citrus psyllid vector, but is not transovarially transmitted by the vector. These data help in understanding epidemiological characteristics of Las and psyllids in citrus HLB.  相似文献   

The presence of phytoplasmas in seven coniferous plant species (Abies procera, Pinus banksiana, P. mugo, P. nigra, P. sylvestris, P. tabuliformis and Tsuga canadensis) was demonstrated using nested PCR with the primer pairs P1/P7 followed by R16F2n/R16R2. The phytoplasmas were detected in pine trees with witches’ broom symptoms growing in natural forest ecosystems and also in plants propagated from witches’ brooms. Identification of phytoplasmas was done using restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis (RFLP) of the 16S rDNA gene fragment with AluI, MseI and RsaI endonucleases. All samples showed RFLP patterns similar to the theoretical pattern of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma pini’, based on the sequence of the reference isolate Pin127S. Nested PCR‐amplified products, obtained with primers R16F2n/R16R2, were sequenced. Comparison of the 16S rDNAs obtained revealed high (99·8–100%) nucleotide sequence identity between the phytoplasma isolates. The isolates were also closely related to four other phytoplasma isolates found in pine trees previously. Based on the results of RFLP and sequence analyses, the phytoplasma isolates tested were classified as members of the ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma pini’, group 16SrXXI.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The Asian citrus psyllid (ACP), Diaphorina citri Kuwayama (Hemiptera: Psyllidae), is a cosmopolitan insect pest of citrus and vectors the bacterium Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus, a suspected causal organism of citrus greening or ‘huanglongbing’ disease. Aldicarb 150 g kg?1 GR (Temik® 15 G) was evaluated at three rates, two placements and three timings for ACP control in orange trees. RESULTS: Application of aldicarb at 5.6, 2.8 and 1.4 kg AI ha?1 in March 2006 reduced adults by 58–66%, 45–46% and 25–37% respectively compared with untreated controls in two separate trials. No difference was observed in placement (one versus two sides of the tree) or tree size (8 years old versus 12 years old). Application at 5.6 kg ha?1 in January 2007 reduced adults by 86% and shoot infestation by 77% in spring, and was generally better than the November and especially February applications. Even more striking results were evident on adults caged on treated plants for 25 days in March. Spiders and ladybeetles were equally abundant in treated and untreated trees. CONCLUSION: Aldicarb application at 5.6 kg ha?1 to the bed side of mature citrus trees 2–3 months before spring growth can suppress ACP through spring without a direct effect on principal psyllid natural enemies. Copyright © 2008 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum’ was recently described as the causal agent of potato zebra chip disease. This pathogen occurs in North America, New Zealand, and Northern Europe on various crops, and may spread to other potato growing regions. Observation on ‘Ca. L. solanacearum’‐infected tomato and potato plants propagated in growth chambers over 5 years indicated that tomato plants (cvs Moneymaker and Roma) can be a latent carrier of ‘Ca. L. solanacearum’. Tomato plants graft‐inoculated with scions from latently infected tomato plants remained symptomless, but tested positive in a species specific PCR assay. ‘Ca. L. solanacearum’ was consistently detected in the top, middle and bottom portion of the symptomless tomato plants, including stem, petiole, midrib, vein, flowers and fruits. In tomato fruits, ‘Ca. L. solanacearum’ was evenly distributed in the tissues at the peduncle and style ends, as well as in the pericarp, and columella placenta tissues. This is the first report that ‘Ca. L. solanacearum’ is present in a plant reproductive organ. In contrast, potato plants (cvs. Jemseg, Atlantic, Shepody, Frontier Russet, Russet Burbank, Red Pontiac, and Russet Norkotah) grafted with scions from the same latently infected tomato plants resulted in typical symptoms of purple top, leaf scorch, and other disease symptoms in plants and brown discoloration in the vascular ring and medullary rays in tubers.  相似文献   

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