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鳗鲡繁殖生物学研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
鳗鲡是优质养殖鱼类,但鳗鲡苗种完全依靠天然捕捞。近年来鳗鲡苗种的短缺限制了鳗鲡养殖业的进一步发展,开展鳗鲡人工繁殖技术研究势在必行。文章从鳗鲡的催熟与催产、产后鳗鲡的某些繁殖生物学以及鳗鲡胚胎和仔鱼发育等方面简要回顾了鳗鲡繁殖生物学的研究概况,并着重介绍了日本的最新研究进展,日本已将人工苗培育至20多厘米的成鱼,实现了实验室内鳗鲡由卵到成鱼的全人工养殖。文章最后指出人工育苗中存在的问题,并提出今后应从内因和外因两方面研究,才能真正实现鳗鲡苗种规模化生产。  相似文献   

Abstract— Isozyme genotypes of 400 glass eels recruiting to 4 localities along the east Asian coast, stretching from Taiwan to the Yalu River of northeastern China, were studied using starch gel electrophoresis. Geographic cline was found to exist in two loci: NADP-isocitrate dehygenase-1 and 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase. Frequencies of the most common allele of these two loci increased from south to north. In the latitudinal range of 25°N to 40°N, the magnitude of difference of IDH100 and PGD100 was 13% and 9% respectively. However, deviations from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium were found to be insignificant in both loci at three of the four localities. The cline was, therefore, unlikely to have resulted from selection. Migration time-lag from different parts of the continent to the spawning ground in the western Pacific was suggested to be a possible reason for the formation of the cline.  相似文献   

日本鳗li初孵仔鱼耗氧率的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了不同盐度、温度、光照条件下日本鳗鲡仔鱼 ( 4 .4 2± 0 .0 34 mm )的耗氧情况。结果表明 ,幼鱼的耗氧率随盐度的升高而下降 ,随温度的升高而上升 ,耗氧率遮光比在自然光下要低。同时还测定了幼鱼的窒息点。  相似文献   

日本鳗鲡腐皮病病原菌的分离及鉴定   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
从患腐皮病的日本鳗鲡(Anguilla japonica)体表溃烂处分离到1株病原菌(322A),对其进行了人工感染实验和生理生化分析,测定了该菌株的16S rRNA基因序列和促旋酶(gyrase)B亚单位gyrB基因序列,并分别构建系统发育树。结果显示:感染实验证实菌株322A具有致病性;生理生化分析鉴定该菌株属于气单胞菌属(Aero-monassp.);16S rRNA基因分析显示,该菌株与气单胞菌属细菌的同源性均在99%~100%,构建的系统树显示,菌株322A与嗜水气单胞菌(A.hydrophila(FJ462702))亲缘关系最近;gyrB基因分析表明,该菌株与A.hydrophila种内序列的相似性为96%~98%,种间序列的相似性为94%~95%,构建的系统树结果显示,该菌株与A.hydrophila(FJ608553、FJ608552、AF208259)聚为一个分支。综合上述实验结果,菌株322A可鉴定为嗜水气单胞菌(A.hydrophila)。  相似文献   

The zonal velocity produced by a Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS)‐based Pacific Ocean circulation model was validated against in situ measurements along the 137°E longitude. The Pacific model successfully reproduced the position and the shape of the North Equatorial Current (NEC) as well as the latitude of maximum surface velocity in the NEC region (8–17°N). The flow field produced by the Pacific model was then used to conduct numerical Lagrangian experiments, in which passive particles were released along a transect (142.5°E, 12.5–17°N) that traverses the known Japanese eel spawning area, and the effects of NEC strength and bifurcation latitude on the particle advection in the northwest Pacific were studied. Our results suggest that, in the 20‐yr period (1993–2012), the variability of the currents alone can cause interannual variability of one order of magnitude in the Kuroshio Entrance (KE), the percentage of particles entering the Kuroshio, the range of which varies from 43% in 1997 to 6% in 2012. The yearly‐averaged KE is not sensitive to the NEC bifurcation latitude. Instead, it is controlled by the average zonal velocity of a fixed domain (125–143°E, 13.5–17°N) and related to a recently‐developed climate index, the Philippines–Taiwan Oscillation (PTO). During the positive phase of the PTO, the zonal velocity in the domain, hence the yearly‐averaged KE, increases, and the opposite is true in the negative phase of the PTO. Considering only the trajectories, diel vertical migrations (DVM) in the top 400 m do not significantly affect Japanese eel larval transport, as incorporating DVM schemes does not increase the KE.  相似文献   

抗冻剂对日本鳗鲡精子活力及运动时间的影响   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
利用精子稀释液(0.5%氯化钠+0.25%氯化钾+0.25%葡萄糖)分别配制4%、8%、12%、16%、20%、24%的二甲亚砜(DMSO)、甘油(Glycerol)、1,2-丙二醇(1,2-Propanediol)、乙二醇(Ethyleneglycol)四种抗冻剂,对日本鳗鲡精子进行激活处理,观察记录精子在不同浓度抗冻剂中的活力和5种运动(激烈运动、快速运动、慢速运动、摆动、死亡)时间。结果表明:4%~24%的四种抗冻剂都可以激活日本鳗鲡精子,其中二甲亚砜浓度为12%时,精子活力最高,平均可达到78.3%;甘油浓度为8%时,精子活力最高,平均可达到72.8%;12%的1,2-丙二醇和乙二醇激活精子后,精子活力都可以达到最高,分别是47.6%和57.8%。日本鳗鲡精子在8%的二甲亚砜、8%的甘油、8%的1,2-丙二醇和8%的乙二醇中,激烈运动时间均为最长,分别为11.8 s、11.1 s、6.0 s和2.9 s;用8%的甘油、16%的二甲亚砜、16%的1,2-丙二醇和12%的乙二醇激活日本鳗鲡精子后,精子存活时间均最长,分别达到154.6 s、45 s、20 s和34 s。与其它几种抗冻剂相比,8%的甘油能显著延长日本鳗鲡精子的寿命。四种抗冻剂对日本鳗鲡精子都有一定的毒性作用,处理后精子的活力和寿命均降低。  相似文献   

益生菌的应用对鳗鲡池塘水质变化的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在鳗鲡养殖池中应用益生菌,研究其对池塘水质变化的影响。结果表明,在鳗鲡养殖池中添加芽胞杆菌、光合菌及EM菌,能有效降低养殖水体的氨氮(NH4+-N)、亚硝酸盐氮(NO2--N)及化学耗氧量,有利于水质净化和微生态环境的修复。  相似文献   

超低温冷冻对日本鳗鲡精子酶活性的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
研究超低温冷冻保存(-196℃)对日本鳗鲡精子内总ATP酶、肌酸激酶(CK)、琥珀酸脱氢酶(SDH)、乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)、谷胱甘肽还原酶(GR)等酶活性的影响。运用试剂盒分别测定了冷冻前后日本鳗鲡精子内酶活性的变化。结果表明,经过超低温冷冻保存后,日本鳗鲡精子的活力下降,精子内GR活性显著升高(P<0.05),酶活性从冻前的358.52±45.65 U/L上升到646.30±70.30 U/L;其它几种酶的活性均显著下降(P<0.05),总ATP酶、CK和SDH的活性分别从冻前的3.14±0.61 U/ml、17.10±3.51 U/ml和32±5.94 U/ml下降到1.83±0.43 U/ml、7.33±1.74 U/ml和21±1.41 U/ml,LDH、SOD和CAT活性分别从冻前的2 266.67±313.25 U/L、220.47±32.94 U/ml和48.51±5.94U/ml下降到1 195.91±198.51 U/L、84.16±22.11 U/ml和21.8±4.14 U/ml。超低温冷冻对日本鳗鲡精子酶活性和精子活力均有较大影响。  相似文献   

使用鲤脑垂体和HCG对雌性日本鳗鲡人工催熟,用临床医学检验方法,测定分析了雌性日本鳗鲡卵巢发育过程中,血清总蛋白(TP)、血清甘油三脂(TG)、血清胆固醇(TC)、血糖(Glu)、血钙(Ca)和血清无机磷(P)6项生化指标的水平及变化趋势,并与对应的不同卵巢发育阶段的性腺成熟系数(GSI)进行比较分析。结果表明,84d的注射过程中,实验组的性腺逐渐成熟,GSI显著升高,第12针时达到46.32%±1.75%;而对照组性腺GSI一直在2.42%±0.18%。实验组和对照组血清TP水平相对平稳,各组变化无显著差异(P>0.05)。实验组和对照组血脂在56d前差异显著(P<0.05):实验组血清TG,TC一直维持较高水平,平均分别为(12.67±2.83)mmol/L和(15.54±3.01)mmol/L;对照组TG和TC一直下降且水平较低,平均分别为(6.33±4.14)mmol/L和(8.53±3.30)mmol/L。实验组和对照组血清Glu均在实验初的较低水平基础上持续上升。相关分析表明,实验组血清TG与GSI水平极显著负相关(r=0.732,n=6,P<0.01)。实验组血清Ca与GSI(r=0.961,n=6,P<0.01),血清P与GSI(r=0.775,n=6,P<0.01)都呈现出极显著的相关性:血清Ca和P在28d后持续上升,GSI逐渐增大。对照组中的血清Ca和P水平则一直维持在一个较低的水平。研究结果表明:雌性日本鳗鲡卵巢发育与其脂类代谢密切相关,无机离子(Ca,P)在此过程中起到重要作用。利用繁殖鱼体营养代谢特点,检测日本鳗鲡血脂或血清Ca和P水平,可成为初步判断雌性日本鳗鲡发育情况的新方法。  相似文献   

Winter‐to‐spring variability in sea surface temperature (SST) and mixed layer depth (MLD) around the Kuroshio current system and its relationship to the survival rate (ln [recruit per spawning stock biomass], LNRPS) of Japanese sardine (Sardinops melanostictus) were investigated based on a correlation analysis of data from 1980 to 1995. The data were from a high‐resolution ocean general circulation model using the ‘Kuroshio axis coordinates’, in which the meridional positions are relocated to a latitude relative to the Kuroshio axis at each longitude, rather than the geographically fixed coordinates. A significant positive (negative) correlation between LNRPS and winter MLD (winter–spring SST) was detected near the Kuroshio axis from areas south of Japan (where eggs are spawned) to the Kuroshio Extension (where larvae are transported). This result is in contrast to previous studies using geographically fixed coordinates, which showed a significant correlation predominantly in the area south of the Kuroshio Extension in winter, where at this time few larvae have been found. From the late 1980s to early 1990s, when the survival rate was remarkably low, MLD around the axis was shallow and SST was high. Although MLD and SST show a significant correlation, significant partial correlations were also observed between February MLD and LNRPS when the contribution of SST was excluded, and between March SST and LNRPS when the contribution of MLD was excluded. We presume that MLD shoaling reduced the nutrient supply from deep layers, resulting in less productivity in the spring, and SST warming could have a negative influence on larval growth.  相似文献   

Japanese eels (Anguilla japonica) perform large‐scale oceanic migrations between their spawning ground and growth habitats in continental waters during life history. However, between these migrations, they spend most of time in growth habitats such as rivers. To investigate the diel and seasonal activities, homing behaviour and home range of yellow‐phase Japanese eels in the lower reach of the Tone River, we tracked them throughout a year using a fine‐scale positioning system (VPS) based on acoustic telemetry. The tracked eels were generally nocturnal, but not exclusively. They were mainly mobile from spring to autumn, with little or no activity observed during winter. A transport‐release experiment showed that most eels returned to their original capture area within 13 days after release. The eels had very small home ranges (mean ± SD = 0.085 ± 0.068 km2), core areas (0.014 ± 0.014 km2) and linear home ranges (744 ± 268 m). They also tended to be distributed on one particular side of the river (right or left bank) and in one particular shore type (revetment or vegetation), rarely moving from one to the other. This study provides evidence for nocturnal, dormancy, homing behaviours, limited habitat use and small home range size in Japanese eels. The eels clearly showed strong fidelity to a “familiar” site, which contrasts with the long distances travelled during upstream and downstream migration phases in the river, and during spawning migrations in the ocean.  相似文献   

Bacteria with lethal effect on eel larvae were isolated from moribund captive‐bred eel larvae and their 16S rRNA gene sequences were analysed. Nucleotide sequence of 10 isolates showed highest similarity with Lacinutrix algicola, Crocinitomix catalasitica and Pseudoalteromonas rubra. Age‐dependent changes in the susceptibility of eel larvae were observed in response to challenge by a highly lethal isolate. Compared with 10 and 11 days after hatching (DAH), larval susceptibility to the highly lethal isolate was lower at 18 DAH. We found that the bacterial isolates have lethal effect on the captive‐bred eel larvae, especially at the early developmental stage. These results will be useful to establish appropriate culture practices for eel larvae that will improve the success of mass production of glass eels for aquaculture.  相似文献   

Marbled eels, Anguilla marmorata (Quoy & Gaimard), cultured in Taiwan exhibited haemorrhage and mortality in January 2012. The severely diseased eels bled from the gills and showed congestion of the central venous sinus of the gill filaments and haemorrhage throughout the body similar to viral endothelial cell necrosis of eel. In this study, a novel polyomavirus (AmPyV) was isolated from the diseased eels using the AMPF cell line established from the pectoral fin of healthy marbled eels. AmPyV was found to encode a long T‐antigen orthologous gene. Phylogenetic analysis showed that AmPyV was closely related to Japanese eel endothelial cell‐infecting virus. PCR assays revealed AmPyV infection throughout the systemic organs. AmPyV proliferated in the AMPF, EK‐1 and EO‐2 cells at temperatures 25–30 °C, and the progeny virus yields were 107.0, 107.4 and 107.7 TCID50 mL?1, respectively. The purified virions were icosahedral particles, 70–80 nm in diameter. No clinical signs or mortality was observed among the eels injected with the virus; however, the virus was reisolated from the brain, eyes, kidneys, fins and gills of infected eels 2 month after injection. Our results suggest that AmPyV exhibits a latent infection. Pathogen of the disease needs to study further.  相似文献   

In the marine environment, pelagic dispersal is important for determining the distribution and abundance of populations, as well as providing connections among populations. Estimates of larval dispersal from spawning grounds are important to determining temporal and spatial patterns in recruitment that may have significant influences on the dynamics of the population. We present a case study of the dispersal of Centropristis striata (black sea bass) larvae on the southeast U.S. continental shelf. We use a coupled larval behavior – 3D circulation model to compare the effects of the timing and location of spawning against that of larval vertical migration on larval dispersal. Using the results of field data on larval vertical distributions, we compare the dispersal of virtual 'larvae' which have ontogenetic changes in vertical behavior with that of particles fixed near the surface and near the bottom. Larvae were released at potential spawning sites four times throughout the spawning season (February through May) for 3 yr (2002–04) and tracked for the assumed larval duration (from 27 to 37 days including the egg stage). Results indicate that adult behavior, in the form of spawning time and location, may be more important than larval vertical behavior in determining larval dispersal on the inner- and mid- continental shelves of this region.  相似文献   

To clarify the effects of temperature on the recruitment of chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus) in the North Pacific, we investigated the influence of winter surface temperature (WST) on spawners at the time of maturity around the spawning grounds and the influence of ambient spring temperature on larvae using estimated temperature (ET) obtained from particle tracking experiments. We found a significant positive correlation between ET approximately 10 days following hatching and the recruitment per spawning stock biomass (RPS) after 2000. The closer (more meandering) the Kuroshio Current (KC) axis was in relation to the spawning ground, the higher (lower) the spring surface temperature and the higher (lower) RPS was in the spawning ground. In contrast, WST inside KC near the maturity/spawning ground was significantly negatively correlated with RPS. A significant negative correlation between the temperatures in winter and spring was detected in the area after 2000, when the conditions of the Pacific decadal oscillation index and the stability of the Kuroshio Extension were synchronous, indicating that KC shifted northward during this time. The reversed temperature pattern was consistent with the winter–spring movement of KC axis in the offshore direction and was correlated with the winter–spring difference in the intensity of the Aleutian low. These results suggest that the annual variation in chub mackerel recruitment after 2000 was strongly affected by the combined effects of ambient temperature because of the reversal of conditions that occurred between winter and spring around the maturity/spawning ground, which was related to the KC path.  相似文献   

We sought to determine the organs that function as phosphorus (P) reservoirs for supplying this mineral to the ovary during the sexual maturation of the Japanese eel, Anguilla japonica (Anguilliformes). The P content of the ovary increased markedly during sexual maturation despite the lack of an extrinsic P supply (e.g., diet). This phenomenon suggests that the P that accumulated in the ovary was derived from other parts of the eel. In addition, the P content of bone dramatically decreased during maturation, as did the total bone weight. This result suggests that resorption of bone occurred during the sexual maturation of the eel. Whereas the P content and mass of muscle markedly decreased during maturation, the Ca and P contents of the skin (which was scaled) did not. The total (whole-fish) P content was constant throughout maturation. Together, our results suggest that almost all of the P lost from bone and muscle is incorporated in the ovary and that bone and muscle function as P reservoirs during the sexual maturation of the Japanese eel. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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