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云南魔芋优良地方品种特性分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
从征集自云南高原的一批魔芋地方品种中筛选出 6个有代表性的魔芋优良地方品种 ,进行对其植物学形态特征、种芋萌芽出苗特性及球茎产量的比较分析 ,结果表明 :魔花 7号、魔花 3号、魔白 4号、魔白 1 0号的综合性状较好 ,生产力水平高 ,在魔芋生产上有较大的推广利用价值  相似文献   

Regional culture shows the personality of a city, the expression of regional culture in urban landscapes is the focus of modern urban landscape construction. By elaborating connotations of landscape furniture and regional culture, the ways of refining cultural connotations of city history, and expressing regional cultures in landscape furniture were explored to provide references for the expression of regional cultures in urban landscapes.  相似文献   

The heating and air conditioning energy consumption of residential buildings is influenced by the behavior of indoor living personnel.On the basis of research and analysis,two kinds of calculation modes reflecting the behavior of indoor living personnel are estimated.Under two kinds of different calculation modes,by using the building thermal environment simulation Toolkit DeST to simulate the energy consumption calculation for certain residential building in Shanghai,and the simulation results are compared with the research results.The influence of calculation mode on heating and air conditioning energy consumption of residential buildings in Shanghai is analyzed in this paper.In order to obtain the right simulation calculation method correctly reflecting the energy consumption of residential buildings.This method can be used for analysis and evaluation of heating and air conditioning energy consumption of residential buildings in Shanghai,and it can serve as instruction for right energy design of residence building.  相似文献   

Energy Performance of New Rural Residential Buildings in Chongqing   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The DeST-H, developed by Tsinghua University, was used to analyze the Heating and cooling energy consumption of the typical design project obtained from the General Dwellings Atlas of Chongqing Ba-Yu New Rural Residential. The whole year energy consumption after opting energy-saving measures was simulated by varying the relevant parameters. Meanwhile, the technical and economic performance were analyzed by taking the cost increment into account which was caused by energy-saving measures. Based on the optimization results, the priority design parameters adapted to residential buildings of new rural development in Chongqing are summarized as follows: exterior wall thermal insulation with 30mm EPS board; the external window of the main function room with Low-e film hollow glass or others with ordinary single 6 mm glass; strengthened ventilation at over-season; indoor temperature in summer is set to 28℃, the heating temperature in winter is set to 16℃; building orientation is north-south.  相似文献   

At present, there is a lack of study on the destruction mechanism and characteristic in the investigation after gas explosion accident. The destruction and treatment scheme of two accidents happened in Shanghai were introduced. According to the precast slab and poured slab that badly damaged in the two accidents, the anti-explosion ability of the slab was obtained through theoretical calculation and numerical simulation, and then explosion overpressure was estimated. The reason why the overpressure differs little but the destruction differs much in the two accidents and the destruction characteristic of the gas explosion to the building were all analyzed. It is considered that: 1) the anti-explosion ability of the poured slab is far superior to the one-way precast slab; 2) Room with the ignition source is impacted by the overpressure directly and the damage is most serious, while the destruction of the other rooms is caused by the vibration, and its influence is smaller as the house is far from the explosion.  相似文献   

This paper puts forward a new way in air_conditioning,which combines the fresh_air supply unit and such floor radiation system for the dehumidication and cooling in summer or heating in winter. By analyzing its advantages and limitations, it is found that this so called Cooling/Heating Floor AC System can improve the IAQ of residential building while keep high efficiency quality. It is also recommended that an methodology for the HVAC system designing,which will ensure the reduction of energy cost of users.  相似文献   

Using Designer's Simulation Toolkit DeST h developed by Tsinghua University, research was carried out on the energy consumption of a typical residential building in Ningbo, P. R. China, with a focus on the heat transfer coefficient of external windows facing every direction. Results show that variation of the heat transfer coefficient of external windows in all directions has a substantial effect on energy consumption for heating but little effect on energy consumption for cooling. It is difficult to decrease cooling energy consumption by decreasing the heat transfer coefficient of external windows in summer. The heat transfer coefficient of external windows facing south has a significant effect on building energy consumption, but the windows facing north have less effect, and those facing east and west have the least impact. Decreasing the heat transfer coefficient of external windows facing north and south from 4.7 to 3.2 produces the most favorable performance cost ratio for energy saving investments. Reasons for the decrease in the heat transfer coefficient of external windows leading to increased air conditioning energy consumption were discussed. The conclusions are useful for guiding energy efficient building design in other subtropical cities.  相似文献   

Energy-saving design of residential building is an important part of energy-saving architectural design. Planning and design of residential buildings in Hanzhong area should pay more attention to the building orientation, sunshine, summer ventilation and wind resistance in winter and so on, so as to create favorable conditions for energy-saving design of single buildings. The geographical location, climatic characteristics, residents living habits and indoor and outdoor thermal environment situation were analyzed in this paper, and combined with the existing problems of energy conservation in the planning and layout of residential buildings in Hanzhong area. Based on the investigation, this paper drew some conclusions to provide references for the energy-saving planning and design of urban residential buildings in the local area.  相似文献   

A Study on Human Settlement Environment from View Point of Regional Culture   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Culture is a basic element in human settlement environment.In this paper,considering the characters of progress in China's urban development in different stages,the urban culture is studied in respect of the age and space,then the connotation and development of regional culture are discussed.Through comparing the growth of Chongqing and Hong Kong cities,this paper presents a new idea for the study on Chinese urban development of modern times from the view point of regional culture.  相似文献   

Northern foot of the Qinling Mountains(Xi'an Section) is a transitional section between the Qinling Mountains and Xi'an City, so it has great ecological signifi cance. On the basis of sorting out landscape city, space structuring of the northern foot of the Qinling Mountains was studied within the theoretical framework of landscape city, it was disclosed that northern foot of the Qinling Mountains was a signifi cant ecological screen for the landscape city spatial pattern of Xi'an, and an important carrier for its mountain, water and city cultures. Then, fi ve infl uence factors for the space structuring of the study area were given, and basic contents of the space structuring analyzed from fi ve perspectives of spatial structure, spatial form, ecological environment, integration of regional spaces, historical and cultural context, so as to explore ecological conservation and moderate utilization of the northern foot of the Qinling Mountains from the perspective of space structuring.  相似文献   

火地塘林区地处秦岭南坡中段,是中国暖温带向亚热带气候的过渡带。林区森林主要为天然次生林, 树木种类丰富并具有明显的垂直分异性。准确估算森林碳储量在研究全国乃至全球碳平衡中起着重要的作用。笔者基于生物量的回归方程, 估算该林区主要森林类型碳储量和碳密度的大小,并运用GIS软件Citystar(4.0)进行数据的空间分析。结果显示:不同树种随海拔高度呈垂直地带性分布。华山松和红桦的分布范围广,且碳储量大小明显高于其它三种类型的;锐齿栎、油松主要分布于中低海拔地带;华北落叶松的平均碳密度值最大;锐齿栎和红桦的平均碳密度接近但低于华北落叶松的;油松和华山松的平均碳密度接近且较低。  相似文献   

[目的]通过对秦岭地区猕猴桃园进行行间生草,来探讨多年生草对土壤pH、有机质及养分的影响。[方法]在西安猕猴桃试验站4年生的海沃德种植园,设置间作黑麦草、三叶草和林间组合,以自然生草为对照,于种植后第1、第2和第3年萌芽期分别测定果园不同土层的土壤pH、有机质、全氮、全磷、全钾、速效磷、速效钾含量的变化,并采用方差分析对数据进行分析。[结果]随着生草年限的递增,通过生不同的草种,土壤中全氮、有机质含量整体呈递增趋势;当生草年限达到3年时,随着土壤深度的增加,土壤中速效磷、速效钾含量逐渐降低;随着生草年限的递增,不同土层中自然生草的pH先增加后降低,三叶草的pH先降低后增加,黑麦草和林间组合的pH逐渐降低。[结论]在猕猴桃园生草能改良土壤养分状况,提高土壤有机质含量调节土壤pH。不同草种对土壤pH的影响不同,行间生林间组合和黑麦草能够改良北方的盐碱地。  相似文献   

This paper reviews the evolvement of the atrium. In this paper the function of atria in buildings and the thermal performance and climatic factors of atria were described. The factors influencing the energy consumption of atrium buildings were analyzed and some measures for energy saving were presented. By using a computer simulation, the impact of the atrium's physical parameters including atrium proportion, top-glazing area and atrium wall mass on its energy costs was studied.  相似文献   

鲜食甜玉米香甜可口,营养丰富,经济价值高,是当前农业种植结构调整中的主要替代作物,我县近几年甜玉米发展态势良好,面积增长较快。为加快甜玉米新品种的推广应用,更好地掌握品种特性,我们在浙江省种子公司的统一安排下,对引进品种进行了联合区试,结果如下。  相似文献   

对乳酸链球菌素分子结构、作用机理、产品功效、成本核算、经济效益及国内外研究进展进行概述,并介绍了乳酸链球菌素在畜产品加工过程中的应用方法与用量.  相似文献   

City residential structure is the main aspect of city spatial structure and in western countries it has been experienced three phases: centripetal collection, centrifugal pervasion and organic collection.From the viewpoint of historical development, the evolvement of residential structure in China can be summarized in three phases: archaic city, neoteric city and modern city.The character of city residential structure is different at different times.However, the residential sub-urbanization and the residential redistribution are the two central forms of the evolvement of residential structure in the modern city.  相似文献   

As a famous historical and cultural city of China, and one of the ecological conservation experimental plots of Huizhou culture, Likeng owns many cultural units under state and local protection. The paper elaborated the significance and principles of protecting ancient buildings in Likeng, analyzed the restoration principles and technical schemes. Through analyzing the protection of ancient buildings in Likeng, the rationality of protection, and the balance between protection and development was proposed, and protection of the projects in the national historic and cultural heritage list, cultural relics protection units at all levels, famous historic and cultural cities was introduced.  相似文献   

By using the building thermal environment simulation Toolkit DeST to simulation calculation of a residential building in Shanghai,the quantitative relationship between the factors of operation mode of air conditioning affecting the energy consumption of heating and air conditioning in residential buildings has been obtained in this paper,moreover,it has come to a conclusion that the tolerable temperature is superior to control temperature of air conditioning in respect of sensitivity and the living mode of indoor personnel has certain effect on the cold energy consumption.  相似文献   

1 选地,整地 架豆忌连作,要在2~3年未种过豆科作物的田块种植,上年种过胡麻的田也不能种.冬前深耕30cm以上,打破犁底层.4月上旬,打耱田块、整平土地. 2 施肥,起垄 结合整地施农家肥4.5万~6.0万kg/hm2,以圈粪、猪粪为好.  相似文献   

秦岭火地塘林区景观格局破碎度分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
秦岭火地塘林区原生森林景观曾因森林主伐遭到严重破环,经过20多年的恢复,到1988年该地区基本形成以次生天然林和人工林为主的森林景观格局。利用该地区1988年森林资源二类调查资料,对天然及人工干预形成的火地塘林区景观格局破碎化程度进行了分析。结果表明:天然林的破碎化程度比人工林低,并且主要林分破碎度明显低于其它林分,同样外界干扰下,树种的生长习性决定其破碎化程度。  相似文献   

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