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基于植物多样性的衡阳市道路绿化研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在采用抽样调查方法对衡阳市区道路绿化进行调查的基础上,分析了衡阳市道路绿地的物种组成、物种丰富度、频度及植物多样性组成。结果表明:衡阳市区道路绿地植物种类共有60种,其中木本植物50种,占总数的83.3%。木本植物中常绿植物35种,落叶树种15种;乔木20种,灌木30种。在乔木层中,樟树、广玉兰、桂花、二球悬铃木、欧美杨、雪松等出现频度及丰富度均较高;灌木层中出现频度及丰富度较高的植物有:红花檵木、海桐、石楠、月季、紫叶李等,并针对城市绿化现状与存在的问题提出了道路绿地建设的建议与对策。  相似文献   

Street greening effectively embodies the ecological and landscape functions of plants,and is of great significance to regional maintenance and ecological protection.In this study,an evaluation system was constructed based on plant diversity,and typical sampling method was used to study the landscape and evaluate the ecological function of main roads in Jingzhou City.The results showed that:①the average species richness of the 14 plot roads was 2,and the average Shannon-Wiener diversity index (H’) and average Pielou evenness index (Jsw) were 0.892 and 0.911,respectively;due to single street landscape and high homogeneity of landscape,there is a lack of landscape characteristics in Jingzhou;②the ecological functions of five streets were compared:shading > dust fall > humidity elimination > noise reduction > temperature reduction;street greening has significant shading effect and certain dust retention effect.The investigation and research will provide reference and improvement suggestions for street greening construction in Jingzhou City in the future.  相似文献   

研究旨在探讨不同类型绿化园林植物的差异与关系,为太原市绿化园林植物的优化配置和城市园林植物群落指标评价体系的建立提供一定的科学依据。采用抽样地调查的方法,以太原市居住区绿地、公园绿地、道路绿地3种类型园林植物为对象,对三者物种的组成、多样性以及相似性进行对比分析。研究表明:居住区绿地的多样性系数整体要高于公园绿地与道路绿地,而道路绿地的各项指标都位于较低水平。说明由于不同类型绿地的功能和需求不同,太原市城区的不同类型的绿化园林植物还是存在着较大差异。  相似文献   

为探究双鸭山市岭东区药用植物资源特征及其植物区系组成与相邻地区的亲缘关系,依托第四次全国中药资源普查工作并结合植物地理学理论进行研究。岭东区共有药用维管植物71科199属272种,以被子植物占优势;在科属组成上以单种科、寡种科和单种属、寡种属构成该区植物主体;生活型以多年生草本为主;药用部位主要以全草入药;重点调查品种共36种,总蕴藏量为1808736.85 kg。种子植物区系成分丰富,以温带性质成分为主,多种成分共存;岭东区的R/T值最低,温带成分最高,聚类分析的结果显示岭东区与鹤岗的亲缘关系最近。岭东区野生药用植物资源丰富,生活型、药用部位与科属的地理成分都具有明显的多样性,其植物区系的亲缘性受多种因素影响。  相似文献   

On the basis of field investigation in 13 typical villages in Xinyu City, Jiangxi Province, and questionnaire survey over 45 local residents, this paper analyzed rural production and living environment, greening conditions, and villagers' consciousness about greening in the local area, and proposed 5 major principles for village greening: government plays the leading role, rural households are subjects; adopt unifi ed planning and coordinated development; choose suitable species for suitable land according to actual conditions; put ecology on the top priority, balance economic and ecological development; facilitate operation and management. In addition, the paper highlighted 5 characters in village greening, namely, cultural, ecological, practical, concise, and lifeconcerned.  相似文献   

From the perspective of ecological construction of roads, the reduction and purifying effects of greening plants on noise, raising dust and automobile exhaust, selection principles of arbors, shrubs, ground cover plants and herbaceous fl owers, and the methods of collocating arbors shrubs and grass in the construction of ecological roads were discussed in this study.  相似文献   

庆阳市西峰区土地利用结构分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于西峰区1997—2012年土地利用变更数据,对西峰区土地利用空间结构及其动态变化特征进行定量分析。通过SPSS对16年土地利用现状数据进行分析处理,采用经济学中的空间洛伦茨曲线和基尼系数,绘制洛伦兹曲线,分析西峰区土地利用结构特征。结果表明,西峰区土地利用结构分布比较均匀。从空间尺度上看,土地利用类型中水利交通用地和其他建设用地这2种地类分布最不均匀。从时间尺度上看,耕地、林地、城乡建设用地、其他建设用地和未利用地分布离散程度增大,分布趋向分散,而园地、牧草地、其他农用地和水利交通用地分布趋向均衡。  相似文献   

黄山市城区行道树结构特征分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
行道树是城市森林的重要组成部分,城市行道树结构特征的研究,有助于城市规划和建设,为正确评价城市生态系统的服务功能提供依据。本文通过对黄山市城区15条主干道路行道树的抽样调查,发现有乔木树种24种,灌木树种37种,分析行道树的组成、直径和冠幅结构及行道树物种多样性。结果表明,黄山市城区行道树组成优势种明显,直径在6~14cm的行道树占55.7%,街道之间行道树冠幅差异明显,新安北路的冠幅最大,为11.31m,天都大道冠幅最小,为2.4m,滨江中路树种多样性最大,H指数为2.6850,黄山东路树种多样性指数最小,H值为0.7498。  相似文献   

三明市梅列区绿地景观结构分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
为全面了解三明市梅列区绿地分布结构,采用目视解译技术,提取三明市梅列区2007年航空遥感影像绿地信息,并分析其绿地景观格局特征。结果表明:梅列区绿地率为23.58%,绿地斑块密度为147.4776个/hm2,平均分维数为1.5840,蔓延度(或聚集度)为72.7777,绿地多样性指数SHDI为0.9494,均匀度指数SHEI为0.4879。6种绿地类型面积:公共绿地PU>居住区绿地R>交通绿地T>公共建设绿地PC>防护绿地PR>农业绿地A。从斑块特征看,梅列区绿地斑块类型以中型斑块为主(45.54%),Ⅱ中型斑块(116.9398 hm2)>Ⅲ中大型斑块(72.5536 hm2)>Ⅳ大型斑块(51.9676 hm2)>Ⅰ小型斑块(15.3127 hm2)。对8个景观破碎化指数进行主成分分析,降维处理后4个主成分的累计方差贡献率达99.782%。不同绿地类型的破碎化水平为R> PC> PR> T> A> PU。从空间关系看,R、A、T、PR斑块较连续、紧凑,而PC和PU斑块相对比较孤立。研究结果旨在为三明市绿地系统规划建设和生态安全格局研究提供参考依据。  相似文献   

Through investigating Tibetan courtyard landscapes in Linzhi City, Tibet, it was found that Tibetan courtyards attached more importance to flower plants and garden crops, focused on natural style and easy maintenance, but not pruning; Tibetan courtyard landscaping valued shape, color, flower season and visual aesthetics of fl owers, tried to build gardens with fl ower confi guration as the major content, similar aesthetic concepts and landscaping style with European gardens; moreover, it paid more attention to plants, but not waterscape design; in Tibetan gardens, lawns occupied a secondary position next to fl owering plants, fruit trees and garden crops.  相似文献   

为探索屋顶绿化木本植物的抗寒能力,筛选出耐寒强的屋顶绿化木本植物,在2010年12月、2011年1月和2月冬季自然降温条件下,结合实地观测屋顶和地面温度、风力、相对湿度等气象因子,采用电导法,分别对12种木本植物1年生休眠枝条细胞膜透性进行测定。结果显示,石家庄冬季屋顶比地面温度高、风速大、相对湿度低。构树、柳树、金银木抗寒能力强,‘金叶’榆、桑树、杠柳、白榆、小叶杨、‘金叶’女贞抗寒能力较强,珍珠梅、棣棠、红瑞木抗寒能力较弱。运用电导法评定屋顶绿化木本植物抗寒性是可靠的,为快速筛选抗寒性强的屋顶绿化木本植物提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

2012-2015年,对郑州市市区园林绿化植物害虫种类和危害程度进行了调查,鉴定园林植物害虫10目53科属126种。针对郑州市城市园林植物害虫的发生现状,提出了相应的防治对策。  相似文献   

To find out the current situation and configuration of aquatic plants in landscape water of Chengdu wetland parks,sample-plot survey of aquatic plants in landscape water in the built wetland parks of Chengdu and urban parks was conducted.The results showed that there are 41 kinds of aquatic plants in the research region,belonging to 23 families.They are mainly hygrophyte and emergent plants,while floating and submerged plants are rarely used.Configuration of aquatic plants is mainly composed of emergent plants,supplemented by floating-leaved and submerged plants,and water landscape is rich.Then,configuration of aquatic plants in wetland parks was analyzed from the ecological function,landscape construction and other aspects,to provide the reference for plant configuration of urban wetland parks.  相似文献   

屋顶绿化木本植物的抗旱性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了筛选出适宜屋顶绿化需要的节水抗旱木本植物,在2010年4-6月,以石家庄市的气候条件为基础,测定自然干旱胁迫条件下16种屋顶绿化木本植物的叶片面积、相对含水量、质膜相对透性、可溶性糖含量等指标,综合分析16种木本植物树种的抗旱性。结果表明,柳树、小叶杨、白榆、杠柳抗旱性最强,推荐用于屋顶绿化;金叶女贞、桑树、紫叶小檗、棣棠、红瑞木、珍珠梅、金银木、臭椿、大叶黄杨的抗旱性中等,通过精细管理也可用于屋顶绿化;金叶榆、构树、火炬的抗旱性弱,建议选用时应加强灌溉措施。  相似文献   

黔西南是我国野生果树种质资源最为丰富的区域之一.本文选择贵州省西南部的兴义市作为研究区域,在野生果树资源调查的基础上,从种类、分布、多度、利用价值和野生果树的区系成分等方面,对该区野生果树的资源状况进行了分析.兴义市的野生果树有32科、45属、73种(含种下单位),其中种类较多的是蔷薇科(Rosaceae)和桑科(Moraceae),分别有20种和6种;野生果树种类在不同区域和垂直分布上存在着差异;目前已经形成产业规模的有刺梨(Rosa roxburghii)、北枳椇(Hovenia dulcis)、仙人掌(Opuntia stricta var.dillenii)和胡桃(Juglans regia)等;在区系成分上,45个属可归于14个分布区类型(或变型).对野生果树资源的利用与保护也提出了建议.  相似文献   

近年来北京市政府非常重视街头绿地的建设,街头绿地一方面可以改善城市小环境,另一方面可以为附近居民提供休闲场所。右安街心花园是2003年建造的一个街头绿地,其无论是在植物材料应用的种类上,还是在植物配置方面都有许多可取之处。笔者对其植物造景进行了分析,以期为今后街头绿地建设提供借鉴。  相似文献   

City is not a concretionary but a dynamic matter. It should keep close touch with the animated tradition, and we should look forward to its future too. Thus we will be facing with the problem of inheritance and development of the tradition. Because the tradition is a potential for good as wdll as for evil, it can promote the development of a thing, and also may hinder its progress, so there should be correct attitudes to the traditional inheritance. This paper studies the modem application of the traditional street, lane and courtyard, which brings new vitality to the tradition and imparts fresh life to the modem city.  相似文献   

摸清泸水市药用植物资源家底,旨在为区域内药用植物资源保护和合理开发利用提供科学依据.根据第四次全国中药资源普查技术方案,以中药资源普查技术规范为指导,对云南省泸水市的野生药用植物资源、栽培药用植物资源、传统医药知识及中药材市场进行调查.野外普查采用样线调查和样地调查相结合的方法获取野生药用植物资源种类信息和实物凭证,共...  相似文献   

Urban landscape, as an important part of the overall landscape or the overall image of the city, is of great significance in highlighting city features, building green cities, and improving city image, so image of green spaces has become one of the key construction objectives for many cities. Taking Huadu District in Guangzhou City for example, urban green landscape pattern was analyzed from the level of region and district, according to the landscape ecology. The results showed that local green landscapes had many problems such as unreasonable structure, high fragmentation, unbalanced distribution of green space types, poor corridor networks etc.. In view of these problems, countermeasures for improving green landscape images in Huadu District were proposed.  相似文献   

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