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Targeting at the development needs of ecological cities, the landscape design of water conservancy scenic areas has begun to take the ecological protection concept as the design essence, based on the theory of landscape ecology, ecological restoration and ecological compensation. The principles and methods of ecological design are summarized in this paper to achieve the unity of economic benefits and ecological benefits in water conservancy scenic areas and create a livable environment for cities.  相似文献   

This paper defined tourism environment, analyzed the impact of tourism development on the water environment, soil, vegetation and landscape and proposed main measures for protecting tourism environment on this basis.  相似文献   

Under the market economy system, the development of scenic areas must adhere to the regulation that the scenic resources must be turned into tourism resources under the guidance of scenic area planning at first, then the tourism resources has to be developed into tourism products directed by tourism development planning. Meantime, in this paper, Fengjie Tiankengdifeng Scenic Area Planning and Fengjie Tourism Development Planning are taken as examples to support this viewpoint.  相似文献   

为了探讨研究麦积山景区水分变化特征,为景区水资源的开发利用提供依据。运用麦积山景区内多年土壤湿度资料及气象资料,对景区内生态需水特征进行分析。结果表明,麦积山景区内年实际需水量为678×106m3,土壤含水占21%,蒸散量占79%;最小生态需水定额为480×106m3,土壤含水占16%,蒸散量占84%;最小适宜生态需水定额为624×106m3,土壤含水占18%,蒸散量占82%。降水量为614×106m3,可消耗水中水分盈余78×106m3。降水量大于蒸散量的年份占76%。自21世纪80年代以来,蒸散量呈线性增加趋势。一年之中,6—10月降水量大于蒸散量,11—12月、1—5月降水量小于蒸散量,蒸散需水靠土壤水调节。春季降水量与蒸散量相差较大,对瀑布、溪流等有一定影响。  相似文献   

灵山作为北京西部地区的天然生态屏障,其发展对整个北京地区生态和旅游有着深远影响,为给景区旅游发展提供有价值的参考,运用SWOT法对灵山景区旅游发展进行分析。结果表明:景区优势有资源丰富、基础设施健全、政策优势、成立生态修复基地、开展生态修复项目;劣势为思想认识不足、人才短缺、产品单一、交通不便、禁牧难推;机遇有旅游业蓬勃发展、市民健康消费、景区发展势头好、有力的战略引导;威胁有区域竞争激烈、欠缺文化发展、景区经营不成熟、生态环境脆弱。灵山旅游的发展应以“S+O”战略为主,积极发展农业生态旅游。  相似文献   

基于AHP法的上海崇明岛旅游资源评价与开发利用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
作为旅游业产生和发展的物质基础的旅游资源,其丰富程度与开发利用的价值直接影响着旅游地区旅游业的兴旺发达。笔者采用层次分析法,通过建立旅游资源综合评价体系,结合定性与定量分析的方法,对上海崇明岛的海岛旅游资源进行综合评价,指出了崇明岛在旅游资源的开发与利用中,资源条件是最重要的考虑因素,旅游资源的开发价值与观赏价值决定了崇明岛旅游的发展,并根据崇明岛旅游开发实际存在的旅游资源丰富与客源充足等优势与发展程度低、发展不完善等劣势,为崇明海岛旅游资源的合理开发与利用提供了决策意见。  相似文献   

Local color is not only the cultural counter in the competition between cities,but the main cultural element that attracts foreign tourists.In recent years,many cities have regarded tourism development as a major mean of reviving ancient towns.The excavation of local culture,material reconstruction of local characteristics,and the resurgence andreproductionof local industries have become an important work in the tourism development of ancient towns.Apart from the discussion of the protection,inheritance,and touristification of tangible cultural heritage and intangible cultural heritage,this paper demonstrated the possibility of the integration and production capacity of local characteristic industry resources and analyzed the impact of the integrated development on the lifestyle and living atmosphere of residents in the ancient towns.In this paper,ways to realize the integrated development of the tourism and protection of ancient towns were included as follows:(1)to ensure the principal status of local residents and give full play to their initiatives;(2)to protect the local traditional way of life and improve the public service system;(3)to choose the appropriate development pattern and achieve the diversified development;(4)to improve service facilities in tourism and adjust the structure of tourism products.  相似文献   

河南农村生态环境保护与建设研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
农村的生态环境问题不容忽视。长期以来,由于工农业污染,经济发展的压力和自然环境的恶化等原因,使农村生态环境问题十分突出,已成为社会经济可持续发展的严重制约因素。为了创造一个有利于实现农村经济社会可持续发展的良好生态环境,笔者就人口大省河南为例,对农村生态环境保护与建设提出一些新的看法。  相似文献   

With the rapid development of the economy, people's living standards have been improved constantly. As people's material life has been gradually improved, people pay more attention to the pursuit of high-quality spiritual life, and the flourishing development of rural tourism just meets people's pursuit about returning to nature that is far away from the hustle and bustle of the city, and about experiencing funny and quiet life in the countryside. The development of rural tourism relies on agricultural landscape resources, and the correct understanding and protection of the original value of agricultural landscape resources can effectively ensure the sustainable use of agricultural landscape resources. If land for agricultural landscape resource is occupied for developing blindly without reasonable planning and construction, it will lead to the distortion of the authentic value of agricultural landscape, which in turn affects the sustainable development of rural tourism.  相似文献   

The authors begin with traditional architectural design methodology,review basic theories and development trends of architectural designs from the ancient times to the present.On the basis of combining traditional oriental integral view,modern architectural design and landscape design theories,current construction of building facilities in scenic areas are analyzed,integrated design of the building facilities is proposed,andintegrated design systemfurther analyzed to offer effective references and theoretical support for the design and construction of building facilities in scenic areas.  相似文献   

陈钰 《中国农学通报》2011,27(4):483-487
城市湿地公园是城市生态环境的重要组成部分,在可持续发展理念下,从保护和改善湿地生态环境入手,充分发挥湿地综合功能,探索湿地公园生态旅游发展对策,以促进湿地公园建设和生态旅游可持续发展。立足于生态学、经济学、旅游学、社会学等学科交叉与整合的背景,运用归纳法、演绎法、调查研究法等方法,通过完善基础设施和城市旅游产业环境,提高湿地空间景观质量,在科学理论指导下发展湿地生态旅游将促进湿地公园建设和生态旅游可持续发展,使自然资源与人文资源协调发展,提升湿地公园的生态效益、社会效益和经济效益。科学地开展湿地生态旅游,利于湿地生态环境保护,促进生态城市建设,实现湿地综合效益最大化。  相似文献   

In this paper, the water resources development and water environment protection in Chongqing is analyzed systematically by investigating and monitoring for water, especially, the water ecology protection in Three-gorges reservoir region is discussed. It is proposed that there should be five protection systems for water formed in Chongqing and it is of great value to the authorities concerned.  相似文献   

This paper applied literature research, model analysis, considered current community-participated tourism development, established a four driving forces model on the basis of analyzing the driving forces for community participation in heritage site protection and tourism development. The driving forces and applicability of community participation in heritage site protection and tourism development from the perspectives of interests drive, government pushing, tourism development attraction and environmental protection pressure.  相似文献   

Ecological carrying capacity is a significant index for measuring sustainability of natural resources in a region. This paper applied ecological footprint counting model to calculate ecological footprint and ecological carrying capacity of the typical resource-based city—Shennongjia from 2008 to 2012. The results showed that(a) ecological footprint and per capita ecological footprint in Shennongjia area increased from 86,464.48 ha and 1.076 ha. in 2008 to 93,13.59 ha. and 1.171 ha. in 2012;(b) total ecological carrying capacity, and per capita ecological carrying capacity fluctuated, and total ecological carrying capacity > total ecological footprint, per capita ecological carrying capacity > total ecological footprint, thus it had ecological surplus;(c) among all land use types, water resources had the largest ecological surplus, construction land and woodland had the second and third largest; waters and fossil energy land showed ecological deficit and needed outer supply. As a whole, Shennongjia area had an excellent ecological environment with less destruction and good sustainability.  相似文献   

结合山地景观开发利用的农业观光园区规划设计研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
近些年,随着经济、社会发展和人们的需求,农业观光项目正在迅速蔓延开来,但大多数农业观光园区都是在以前基地条件较好的平原或者平地进行改造和建设。本文通过对山东蓬莱“凤凰山庄”的开发规划进行实践研究,运用相关知识,从功能分区的角度,探讨如何利用山地有利的条件,扬长补短,建成具有独特的山地景观特色的农业观光园,以求能够对同类农业观光园的规划有所启示,获得更好的经济和社会效益。  相似文献   

基于农业发展不确定性的经济生态机制探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过建立农业发展长效机制以解决农业发展的不确定性问题。笔者利用时间序列分析方法、经济学理论总结工农业发展的周期性规律特点和工农业协调发展的规律,基于农业发展的不确定性分析,探讨工农业协调发展以减少农业发展不确定性的可行性,并提出减少农业不确定性的制度安排及多层次政策体系。结果表明,对农业发展产生不确定性的冲击主要有自然条件及自然灾害、经济周期、知识经济时代下农业运用现代知识技术的短缺等3大冲击。降低这3大冲击,不仅是农业发展本身的需要,也是建立生态经济系统的需要。农村土地经营权拍卖机制、健全农村社会保障体制、加强农村财政转移支付、创新农村金融与保险体系等措施可以降低农业发展不确定性的风险。  相似文献   

Low-carbon tourism is an irresistible development trend of world tourism industry, domestic and international theoretical researches and practices have remained in the exploration stage, especially function and role of humanistic tourism resources in low-carbon tourism have not been fully recognized. In this study, facility environment is regarded as the fundamental requirement of low-carbon tourism development, and humanistic elements as the connotative support. Therefore, based on exploring low-carbon utilization features and functions of humanistic tourism resources, the low-carbon techniques and models of using humanistic tourism resources were proposed, for example, designing low-carbon humanistic tourism products characterized by inheritance + innovation; establishing the coordinated development system for low-carbon utilization and connotative preservation of humanistic tourism resources; realizing the utilization model with low energy consumption, low emission and pollution under the premise of maintaining integrality, diversity and sustainability of humanistic tourism system, so as to enrich connotations of low-carbon tourism and bring sustainable vitality of low-carbon tourism.  相似文献   

This article uses the conventional ecological footprint method and its improved model of ecological footprint to analyze the state of the sustainable development of Wuhan City in 2009, the results show that the per capita ecological deficit calculated by the method of emergy ecological footprint is 3.8629 hm2, and the per capita ecological deficit calculated by the method of conventional ecological footprint is 2.0169 hm2. The results obtained by the two methods respectively show that current development of Wuhan is unsustainable. The emergy ecological footprint method introduces the energy flow to reflect the relationship between human resource demand and supply of nature to human and adopts parameters—emergy conversion rate and energy density to calculate the ecological carrying capacity data which is more accurate.  相似文献   

Water level fluctuation zone(hereinafter referred to as WLFZ) is a transitional ecosystem between terrestrial ecosystem and aquatic ecosystem,and also a key area to control its neighboring terrestrial and aquatic ecosystem. After the Three Gorges Reservoir was put into use,ecological environment of its WLFZ has aroused wide concern from domestic and foreign experts. On the basis of introducing characteristics of WLFZ of the Three Gorges Reservoir,current ecological environment and main problems of this area were analyzed,plant selection and configuration was elaborated as well as the implementation effect of many WLFZ protection and ecological restoration modes. In view of the actual conditions,pertinent suggestions were proposed for WLFZ of the Three Gorges Reservoir,namely classified protection and ecological restoration,enhancing monitoring and assessment of current situation and change tendency,carrying out technical researches and demonstration of WLFZ wetland ecological restoration.  相似文献   

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