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The concept of urban green space system planning was proposed after analyzing the background of compiling Guangzhou green space system planning and current situation of local green spaces,i.e. design landscape pattern of Guangzhou City during urban agglomeration of the Pearl River Delta,and highlight Lingnan cultures(Lingnan refers to south of the Five Ridges) and features of Flower City(another name of Guangzhou). Key points of planning are protecting ecological barriers in the north,improving urban garden structure in the center,using wetland reasonably in the south,to maintain integrality and continuity of the landscape pattern.  相似文献   

Design of central landscapes in Longxijiayuan Residential District, Zhucheng City, Shandong Province was introduced. By implementing the design concept of classical Chinese garden in the whole process, this landscape design presented well-organized central green spaces, took fl owing water as the framework, arranged different activity spaces according to actual terrains, designed the bridge to connect both sides of the brook, placed garden settings and benches properly, combined plants properly, and make the whole residential district green and energetic. From the overall planning to the architectural unit design and central landscape design, the residential district shows the ancient rhythm of Chinese elements, and an ecological and harmonious overall environment. The unit design has practical plane, beautiful form, graceful and elegant style, it integrates well into the overall environment.  相似文献   

Ecological security of arable land is closely related to grain security and social stability. This paper took 12 typical indexes from the aspects of ecological pressure, state and response of arable land considering natural, social and economic conditions to construct the ecological index system of arable land in Panyu District, Guangzhou City, and adopted objective weighting method and comprehensive analysis method to analyze the dynamic change of ecological security and security level of arable land in the study area. The results showed that ecological security pressure value and response value of arable land in Panyu District from 2008 to 2013 increased and the overall ecological security level was low, manifesting the level of sensitive–risky–sensitive. Specifi cally, ecological security of arable land in 2008 was sensitive, risky from 2009 to 2011, and the security level rose to the sensitive level again in 2012 and 2013. Ecological restoration and rebuilding of arable land should be enhanced, and ecological security early warning system should be established by protecting quantity and quality of arable land, so as to protect arable land resources effectively, and promote sustainable development of arable land.  相似文献   

This paper used Google Earth satellite maps of Wenjiang District, Chengdu City in 2008, 2012 and 2015 as basic data sources, and field investigation data in recent years, and employed Photoshop and Auto CAD to analyze landscape pattern of urban and suburban areas of Wenjiang District—the international livable communities. The results showed that urban forest patches accounted for the absolute dominance in the study area, the overall landscape fragmentation index in 2008 was 0.0054, landscape diversity index 1.3603, landscape dominance index 0.2937, and evenness index 0.8452. From 2008 to 2012, patch density index reduced by 7.04, landscape fragmentation index increased by 0.0014, diversity index reduced by 0.043, evenness index reduced by 0.0269, landscape dominance index increased by 0.0027. From 2012 to 2015, patch density index increased by 1.22, landscape fragmentation index kept stable, diversity index reduced by 0.024, evenness index reduced by 0.0149, landscape dominance index increased by 0.0196. Through analyzing quantitative indexes of urban landscape pattern, and exploring basic features of the international livable communities from the perspective of landscape eco-pattern, this paper put forward suggestions for city management and green space system protection of Wenjiang as the references for the future researches on maintenance and operation of landscape eco-pattern.  相似文献   

Huacheng Square is located at the core node of Zhujiang New Town, the new central axis of Guangzhou.It is a typical case in Guangzhou in the plant landscape.Taking Huacheng Square for example, this study investigates and analyzes the landscape in the entrance space of Huacheng Square from the aspects of plants, waterscapes, landscape ornaments and facilities and pavements, and summaries the stratified mixed plant configuration pattern of the entrance space of Huacheng Square, with a view to providing references for landscape design in other parts of Guangzhou and even South China.  相似文献   

庆阳市西峰区土地利用结构分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于西峰区1997—2012年土地利用变更数据,对西峰区土地利用空间结构及其动态变化特征进行定量分析。通过SPSS对16年土地利用现状数据进行分析处理,采用经济学中的空间洛伦茨曲线和基尼系数,绘制洛伦兹曲线,分析西峰区土地利用结构特征。结果表明,西峰区土地利用结构分布比较均匀。从空间尺度上看,土地利用类型中水利交通用地和其他建设用地这2种地类分布最不均匀。从时间尺度上看,耕地、林地、城乡建设用地、其他建设用地和未利用地分布离散程度增大,分布趋向分散,而园地、牧草地、其他农用地和水利交通用地分布趋向均衡。  相似文献   

为加速张家界市脱贫攻坚进程及其他旅游地区旅游扶贫提供重要依据。以该区2016 年初贫困村数据为基础,运用GIS 空间分析方法中的叠加分析、缓冲分析和密度分析3 种方法,通过探索张家界市武陵源区贫困村空间分布规律,对该区31 个贫困村空间分布规律进行研究。结果表明:景区和乡(镇)政府辐射作用明显,贫困村的数量呈现出随着景区和乡(镇)政府距离的递减而向外递增的态势;贫困村呈现沿进入景区主要交通干线分布,但主要交通干线对扶贫的作用微弱;贫困村在经济薄弱的地方呈现集聚特征,而在经济较好的地区集聚特征不明显。因此加强景区的带动和辐射作用是核心,提升基础设施建设是关键,强化政府机构扶贫职能是保障,为新形势下其他地区旅游精准扶贫提供重要的理论参考。  相似文献   

广州市水稻作物生态系统碳汇功能   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据广州市水稻作物系统的相关资料和实地的观测数据,通过实验分析,研究了广州市水稻作物生态系统的碳汇功能。结果表明:2005年广州市水稻作物生态系统净生产力吸收CO2 1621649t?a-1,其土壤CO2排放1168625t?a-1,吸收大于排放,系统净吸收CO2 总量为453024t?a-1,广州市水稻作物生态系统具有碳汇功能,单位面积CO2吸收量为5.58t?hm-2 a-1,是一个弱的碳汇。  相似文献   

Major greening plants in Youjiang District, Baise City were investigated, species composition and growth status of these plants were analyzed. On this basis, advantages and existing problems of street landscaping in the study area were summarized to improve landscaping level and urban environment of the city.  相似文献   

三明市梅列区绿地景观结构分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
为全面了解三明市梅列区绿地分布结构,采用目视解译技术,提取三明市梅列区2007年航空遥感影像绿地信息,并分析其绿地景观格局特征。结果表明:梅列区绿地率为23.58%,绿地斑块密度为147.4776个/hm2,平均分维数为1.5840,蔓延度(或聚集度)为72.7777,绿地多样性指数SHDI为0.9494,均匀度指数SHEI为0.4879。6种绿地类型面积:公共绿地PU>居住区绿地R>交通绿地T>公共建设绿地PC>防护绿地PR>农业绿地A。从斑块特征看,梅列区绿地斑块类型以中型斑块为主(45.54%),Ⅱ中型斑块(116.9398 hm2)>Ⅲ中大型斑块(72.5536 hm2)>Ⅳ大型斑块(51.9676 hm2)>Ⅰ小型斑块(15.3127 hm2)。对8个景观破碎化指数进行主成分分析,降维处理后4个主成分的累计方差贡献率达99.782%。不同绿地类型的破碎化水平为R> PC> PR> T> A> PU。从空间关系看,R、A、T、PR斑块较连续、紧凑,而PC和PU斑块相对比较孤立。研究结果旨在为三明市绿地系统规划建设和生态安全格局研究提供参考依据。  相似文献   

为了更好地开展脱水青红椒终霜冻气象服务,本研究选用脱水青红椒‘茄门’幼苗为试验材料,利用MSX-2F人工模拟霜箱系统模拟自然降温过程,通过测定幼苗的叶温,记录植株冻伤、冻死情况,结合光合作用,综合确定河套灌区脱水青红椒终霜冻指标。结果表明:(1)脱水青红椒幼苗全部冻死的最低温度≤-4℃;(2)脱水青红椒幼苗结冰点的范围为-2.7℃~-3.2℃,过冷却点的范围为-3.4℃~-4.8℃;(3)苗龄越大的脱水青红椒幼苗,耐受冻害的能力越强;(4)脱水青红椒幼苗轻霜冻地表温度指标为-3.5℃,重霜冻地表温度指标为-5.0℃。  相似文献   

贵阳市白云区摆茅村乡村旅游规划设计研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
充分利用贵阳市白云区摆茅村优美的农业自然生态环境,结合村内果蔬种植现状,精心设计,科学规划,积极挖掘民俗风情、农耕文化,以形成农业产业优势,营造乡村气息浓郁的田园风光为目标。将摆茅村规划为6个功能区,分别是自然生态观光区、果树采摘观光区、蔬菜产业观光示范区、高新农业技术示范区、生态珍禽养殖观光区、休闲度假区及民俗农耕文化馆。结合每个园区的主题,构建景观,开发各种旅游形式,最终将摆茅村建设成集观光采摘、休闲娱乐、高新农业技术展示、农事体验参与、科普教育等多功能于一体的都市型现代农业,为贵阳市社会主义新农村建设提供可以借鉴的发展模式。  相似文献   

The urban green landscape in Chongqing was analyzed from the view of landscape ecology. It was believed that the urban green landscape was developed rapidly in recent years, but there are still some problems existed, including mainly: (1) the structure of green landscape was unreasonable, (2) the quality of green patches was low, and (3) the function of green corridors was incomplete. It is pointed out that in some urban regions there were lack of green patches, furthermore, some patches were isolated from each other due to lack of green corridors. In the last, taking account of the foundational theory about patch and corridor, some aspects for the design of urban green landscape in Chongqing were proposed: connecting the river and road green corridors and increasing the green patches at the ecological strategic points.  相似文献   

Green infrastructure(GI) is ecological supporting system for the sustainable development of urban construction, and plays an important role in promoting the urban ecological economic and social development.In this paper, Suzhou Dushu Lake Higher Education District is taken as an example, and landscape ecological resources in Dushu Lake Higher Education District are analyzed on the basis of field investigation.Combining with the relevant theory of green infrastructure, structure of GI in Suzhou Dushu Lake Higher Education District is analyzed and evaluated from hubs, links and sites, and the corresponding optimization strategy is put forward.  相似文献   

The hydrolytic acidification, biological contacting oxidation process has been adopted to treat the wastewater with capacity of 100 m 3/d in the city district. An effluent with BOD<20 mg/L, COD<60 mg/L, SS<20 mg/L, NH 3-N<15 mg/L has been obtained when the inlet BOD,COD, SS and NH 3-N are 86 mg/L, 215 mg/L, 116 mg/L and 28 mg/L, respectively. It meets the national wastewater discharge standard.  相似文献   

天水市秦州区农村居民点整理潜力测算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
练夏  赵敏娟 《中国农学通报》2011,27(27):179-183
考虑自然、经济社会发展水平以及农民生产生活现状3个方面的因素对农村居民点整理潜力释放的制约,通过采用人均建设用地标准法、多因素综合评定法、成对比较和层次分析法,对天水市秦州区农村居民点整理潜力理论值进行修正测算,得出更加符合实际的现实潜力,为农村居民点整理专项规划和实施提供有益参考。结果表明,秦州区农村居民点整理潜力理论总面积为2084.11 hm2,各乡镇理论潜力综合修正系数介于0.17~0.77之间,修正后潜力总面积为978.6 hm2;其中潜力较大的乡镇依次为玉泉镇、皂郊镇、藉口镇和平南镇。由于受现实条件的限制,秦州区农村居民点整理修正后潜力占理论潜力的46.95%,应根据各乡镇潜力大小和现实转化能力,合理有序安排农村居民点整理,以提高整理效率。  相似文献   

上海市杨浦区公园、道路绿地土壤物理性状及电导率分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高国荣 《中国农学通报》2019,35(26):107-114
为了给土壤改良治理提供数据支撑,笔者采用环刀法测定杨浦区公园和道路绿地的土壤物理性质,使用便携式土壤水分测量仪测定电导率,使用便携式渗透仪现场观测土壤导水率。结果表明:杨浦区土壤电导率略高于标准值0.05 mS/cm3,土壤通气性不良,土壤非毛管孔隙度比城市园林绿化种植要求低5.88%。道路绿地土壤容重比标准高0.03 g/cm3、土壤总孔隙度比城市园林绿化种植最理想的标准低2.42%,公园绿地符合标准。道路绿地土壤含水量与持水能力均显著低于公园绿地。及时翻松地表土壤,通过堆积树皮、凋落叶增大土壤中腐殖质含量,降低土壤紧实度;加强日常养护管理,防止人为因素的破坏干扰;植物绿化种植过程中,从使植物群落结构丰富多样等方面入手改良土壤质量。  相似文献   

The Phase I Construction of Guangzhou University City Project has not only witnessed a miracle in construction speed and quality, but in the systematic management of large engineering projects. Of the management systems, there are three ones that have played an important role in the Phase I Project. One is the Small Employer Management System with Large Supervision System, which is characterized by Supervising coordinator; the second one is the large quantity construction materials supply management in which Party A bids and Party B supplies. The third one is the incentive system by means of comprehensive evaluation carried out by a third Party.  相似文献   

Pond is the lung of city and a signifi cant ecological infrastructure on which sustainable development of the city relies, it plays an essential role in maintaining healthy development of the city. This paper, on the basis of landscape design theories, explored the means of restoring ecological conditions of abandoned ponds in the city, applied various approaches to create park green spaces with beautiful landscapes and complete functions. Pond renovation is an essential task in the rapid urban construction.  相似文献   

浅析淮南市潘集现代农业示范园区规划   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
浅析了淮南市潘集现代农业示范园区规划,对规划的背景、示范区现状、规划意义、规划目标、示范区的空间结构布局和功能分区以及规划的创新进行了充分的分析。淮南是全国重要的大型煤炭生产基地,面临着资源枯竭的危机和产业转型的机遇,综合示范区现有农业资源禀赋、产品定位、空间分布、市场区位和交通条件等因素,通过不同功能区的培育和交通系统的完善,因地制宜,针对性地提出了现代农业的规划,形成六区一带的总体格局,将蔬菜、粮食、循环养殖、加工物流、观光农业等产业及新农村建设有机结合,为采煤塌陷区产业转型提出了有效的现代农业的规划思路,促进潘集区现代农业的快速发展,给当地带来十分广阔的发展前景,给类似地区的发展提供参考。  相似文献   

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