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The period of leaf expansion in white clover ( Trifolium repens ) grown with perennial ryegrass ( Lolium perenne ) in mixed swards and the relationship between the period of leaf expansion and leaf appearance rate were examined in a field experiment in The Netherlands in which two cutting frequencies (low and high) and three white clover cultivars (Alice, Retor and Gwenda) were used. A significant positive correlation existed between the period of leaf expansion and leaf appearance rate under a low frequency of cutting, indicating that a longer cutting interval might allow the expression of cultivar and environmental differences in both leaf expansion and leaf appearance rate. In most cases, frequent cutting tended to shorten the period of leaf expansion, which may be an important cause of lower dry-matter yield in the high frequency of cutting treatment. The large-leaved cv. Alice had a significantly longer period of leaf expansion than the other cultivars under frequent cutting in autumn. This might partly account for the mixtures with Alice having a greater proportion of white clover than the mixtures with Retor and Gwenda in autumn. Some of the variation between low- and high-frequency cutting treatments in the period of leaf expansion could be explained by mean and minimum temperatures (38% and 15% respectively).  相似文献   

The aim was to study the effects of white clover cultivar and combinations with perennial ryegrass cultivars on seedling establishment in autumn‐sown swards and on winter survival of seedlings. Large‐leaved white clover cv. Alice and small‐leaved white clover cv. Gwenda, and an erect and a prostrate perennial ryegrass cultivar were sown in autumn in pure stands and as four binary grass‐clover mixtures. Mixtures of white clover cv. Huia and Aberherald with perennial ryegrass were also sown. Companion grasses had no significant impact on the establishment of white clover. The number of seedlings of white clover cv. Alice in mixtures (335 m?2) was higher than cv. Gwenda (183 m?2) and pure swards had similar white clover population densities as mixed swards. White clover cv. Huia tended to have more seedlings than Aberherald (355 and 205 m?2 respectively). No stolons were produced prior to a severe winter, because of the late sowing date. Winter survival of clover seedlings was 0·56 in mixtures and 0·69 in pure stands, irrespective of white clover or companion grass cultivar. Stolon development of white clover in autumn is often considered essential for overwintering survival and spring growth. In this study, there was considerable survival of the non‐stoloniferous tap‐rooted seedlings of all four clover cultivars despite a severe winter.  相似文献   

The severity of damage by certain invertebrate species to white clover (Trifolium repens) leaves on the main stolons of plants grown in mixed perennial ryegrass/white clover swards was examined in a field experiment in the Netherlands in which two cutting frequencies (high and low) and three white clover cultivars (Retor, Alice and Gwenda) were used. The damage to the leaves was described in terms of the numbers of damaged leaves and the extent of that damage (slight <20%, moderate 20–50% and heavy >50%). The relationships between leaf damage and sward characteristics (white clover content, above-ground biomass and sward height) were evaluated throughout the growing season. Over the whole experimental period, 23·7% and 27·4% of the total number of leaves produced per stolon were damaged by slugs and weevils in the low- and high-frequency cutting treatments respectively. High-frequency cutting increased the number of leaves in the total leaf damage and moderate leaf damage categories by 21·4% and 34·8%, respectively, compared with the low-frequency cutting. The cv. Retor (medium-leaved) experienced the most severe damage by invertebrates. It had much higher leaf damage than cvs Alice (large-leaved) and Gwenda (small-leaved) at either cutting frequency, both in the total number of damaged leaves and in the different damage categories. Differences among cultivars in the number of damaged leaves and relative leaf damage occurred primarily in spring, late summer and autumn, but did not differ during the early- and mid-summer months. This study indicates that variations in leaf damage among clover cultivars were associated with differences in measured sward characteristics. Both the number of damaged leaves and the relative leaf damage were strongly negatively correlated with white clover content and biomass in spring, late summer and autumn under each cutting treatment. White clover content and biomass explained 65%, 59% and 50% of the variation in the number of damaged leaves in spring, late summer and autumn, respectively, and 58%, 57% and 45% of the variation in relative leaf damage in these three periods. Thus, sward characteristics may play a role in regulating the severity of invertebrate damage to clover leaves in addition to the primary effects of HCN.  相似文献   

A trial was carried out over two harvest years to assess the effect of sheep grazing and closing date on stolon density and seed yield components of two contrasting white clover varieties and to determine the potential for producing clover seed from mixed swards in an integrated livestock/seed production system.
Overall, the small-leaved cv. S184 had a higher stolon density at closing and harvest than the large-leaved cv. Olwen, but only significantly so in 1987. Stolon density at closing was generally increased by delaying closing. Varieties also differed in their response to closing date. Stolon density of cv. S184 in both harvest years, generally increased with later closing whilst cv. Olwen was less influenced by closing date and at all dates in 1987, and all but one date in 1986 was not significantly different from the ungrazed treatment.
Delay of closing significantly increased stolon density at harvest on all closing dates in 1987 but had no effect in 1986. Varieties responded similarly to a delay in closing but the magnitude of increase of cv. Olwen was less than that of cv. S184.
The seed yield components of both cv. S184 and cv. Olwen were influenced by closing date, but the effect differed between years. Although there was some initial increase in inflorescence production, delaying closing after inflorescence buds appeared on the stolon reduced inflorescence number of cv. Olwen in both years but reduced inflorescence number in cv. S184 in 1986 only. However, inflorescence size, seed yield per inflorescence and the proportion of ripe inflorescences at harvest was reduced in both years. Cultivar S184 produced more inflorescences than cv. Olwen in both years and in both years tolerated later closing than cv. Olwen.
The effect of sheep grazing and closing date is discussed in relation to stolon removal and the suitability of particular leaf types for this system of seed production.  相似文献   

An examination was made of the effects of different spring treatments on the growth of white clover in a ryegrass/white clover sward. Plots were either cut once (in February, March or April) or twice (in February and April) or left uncut. Nitrogen was applied to half of the plots in each instance. The clover was sampled at intervals of approximately 3 weeks from February to June to determine numbers of leaves and growing points and weights of plant parts. Rates of leaf appearance were also observed and estimates were made of total herbage mass from ground-level cuts.
Percentages of white clover in the herbage were higher in unfertilized than in fertilized plots and in defoliated than in undefoliated plots. The percentage increases that followed defoliation were usually maintained into later regrowth, showing that clover content was not automatically reduced as herbage mass increased. Increases in growing points were recorded after the beginning of April in defoliated unfertilized plots but not in undefoliated fertilized plots or in plots fertilized and defoliated twice during the spring period, in which numbers fell substantially.
Inverse relationships were found between rates of leaf appearance, or the number of green leaves retained per stolon, and herbage mass, whereas heights of clover and grass leaves and the percentage of dry matter allocated to petiole rather than leaf in the clover increased with increasing herbage mass.
We suggest that the observed differences between spring treatments in clover percentage result primarily from their differential effects on the formation and death of tillers and growing points in the early stages of regrowth.  相似文献   

The effects of spatial location of white clover ( Trifolium repens L.) within a perennial ryegrass ( Lolium perenne L.)/white clover pasture on stolon and petiole extension were investigated in two experiments, where patch size containing white clover (0·5 m, 1·5 m and 4 m diameter), location within the patch (inside and edge) and cutting height (4 cm and 8 cm) were varied. Stolon extension rate was greater on the edge of a patch (12·1 mm week−1) than inside the patch (7·2 mm week−1). Patch size affected both stolon and petiole extension rate, which were both greater in small and medium-sized than in large patches. It is suggested that the fastest spread of white clover in patchy sward environments should occur from small patches, which could double in diameter during a growing season. Manipulating the heights of vegetation within and outside large patches affected light quality (red-far red; R/FR) at ground level, which was greater under shorter than taller swards and greater under the canopy of the grass matrix than the grass/white clover patch. However, the height differences between adjacent vegetation had little effect on stolon or petiole growth. In May only, stolon extension at the patch boundary was greatest when both patches and the grass matrix had a height of 8 cm.  相似文献   

Two contrasting Gremie perennial ryegrass and Blanca white clover seeds mixtures were established. Each sward type was either continuously or rotationally (four paddocks) grazed at two stocking rates by lambs of 26–28 kg initial mean live weight in two 12-week experiments. Dry matter production, assessed by the cage method, was lower on the high-clover sward during the first experiment but overall was similar between seeds mixtures. Clover content, and differences between sward types, declined with time and was lowered by continuous grazing in both experiments and by the higher stocking rate in the first experiment. Animal performance was related to intake and both were increased by lowering stocking rate, increasing clover content and adopting a continuous grazing system. The results are discussed in relation to the experimental methods used and to other published findings.  相似文献   

A preliminary investigation evaluated six grass-suppressing herbicides applied on two occasions in late winter to a predominantly ryegrass ley containing only 15% ground cover of white clover. Substantial increases in clover growth, estimated visually, and flower head numbers per unit area were recorded in the first summer after treatment with 2·8 kg ha-1 carbetamide, 0·8 kg ha-1 propyzamide and 0·6 kg ha-1 paraquat. To achieve these increases, visual estimates suggested that spring growth of grass was reduced by 40–80%. However, grass growth recovered fully by mid-summer on the majority of the treatments.
The following year five of the herbicides were compared in a field experiment. Dry matter (DM) and nitrogen (N) assessments of the grass and legume components were made at three harvests in the first growing season and a single harvest in the second year. Carbetamide, paraquat and, especially, propyzamide increased the proportion of clover in the DM (to 89% in the case of 1·2 kg ha-1 propyzamide); in general, using herbicides to raise clover contents above 20% lead to reductions in spring grass growth of about 70%. However, such reduction was offset by subsequent increased growth so that total annual yields were largely unaffected. The increased legume content resulted in an increased N concentration in both grass and legume components, measured in the second summer. At this time, the greatest increase in total N yield (up to 35%) was recorded from 0·6 kg ha-1 propyzamide. Potential uses to achieve legume dominance by grass-suppression are suggested and the needs for further research are outlined.  相似文献   

Four varieties of white clover (small-leaved cv. Aberystwyth S184. medium-leaved cv. Grasslands Huia and large-leaved cvs Linda and Olwen) were sown at 3 kg ha-1 together with 10 kg ha-1 perennial ryegrass cv. Talbot. Herbage productivity was measured for three harvest years, 1979-81, over four annual rates of fertilizer N (0,120,240 and 360 kg ha-1) and two closeness of cutting treatments (80 and 40 mm from ground level). A simulated grazing regime of six cuts per year at 3- to 6-week intervals was used.
Production of total herbage DM was increased by increasing N rate; mean annual DM production ranged from 783 1 ha-1 with no N to 11701 ha-1 at 360 kg ha-1 N. Mean herbage response to N (kg DM per kg N applied) was 73,90 and 108 for the three successive N increments relative to no N. Mean white clover DM production was reduced from 4 14t ha-1 with no N to 051 t ha-1 at 360 kg ha-1 N.
The large-leaved clover varieties were more productive than the small- or medium-leaved varieties at all N rates. Close cutting increased total herbage and white clover by a mean annual 16% and 31%. respectively. White clover varieties did not interact with either N rate or closeness of cutting.
It is concluded that repetitive N application over the growing season is incompatible with white clover persistence and production, even with large-leaved clover varieties or with close cutting, two factors which improved clover performance in the experimental swards.  相似文献   

Two field trials were carried out in successive years in which (1) perennial ryegrass and white clover seeds were drilled together, or (2) clover was broadcast and grass drilled, or (3) both clover and grass were broadcast. The last two treatments were followed by harrowing or not of the seed bed. Sowing took place in early May or August. Four harvests were taken in each full harvest year. In establishment years, sowing in May resulted in a total dry matter (DM) production at least ten times higher than that resulting from sowing in August. No sowing method treatment effects on total DM or clover yield were significant in the establishment year (measured only in spring-sown plots). In the first harvest year the August-sown treatments produced 15% less DM than those sown in May and clover yield was, on average, 40% lower than the earlier sown treatments; clover proportion followed a similar pattern to yield. Drilling of both grass and clover without harrowing produced swards with a significantly lower proportion of clover in the first harvest year in the first trial than in treatments in which clover was broadcast but not harrowed. In the second trial at harvest 1, clover proportion just failed to be significantly lower in the treatment in which grass and clover were drilled than in the treatment when clover was broadcast and the seed bed harrowed. In the second harvest year (first trial only), annual clover yield and proportion were not affected but drilled grass and clover had lower DM yield than when grass was drilled and clover broadcast without harrowing and when both were broadcast, without harrowing. At one harvest, the yield of clover in treatments sown in May was actually lower than that in the later-sown plots. In a subsidiary controlled environment experiment to investigate the effect of stage of clover development on cold hardiness (a factor in autumn-sown swards), plants which were about to initiate stolons (58 days old) had an LD50 of ?5·1° compared with ?9·3°C for plants 60 days older. It is concluded that autumn sowing delays the time at which optimum clover production is achieved (late in the first full harvest year) and method of sowing does not compensate for this. However, sowing in August under Northern Ireland conditions does not seem to jeopardize the chances of a successful establishment of white clover, and plants should be sufficiently winter hardy to withstand relatively hard freezing conditions.  相似文献   

The annual contribution of clover to a mixed sward for 5 years was compared for a range of cultivars, viz. S1OO, Sabeda, Blanca and Olwen, in order of increasing leaf size. The contribution referred to as'clover-derived nitrogen N', was measured as the difference between N harvested in mixed swards and that in similarly treated swards devoid of clover. The swards were harvested four or five times each year and received N fertilizer, annually, at 0, 30, 60 or 90 kg N ha−1 in March.
Blanca swards had the highest clover-derived N yield in the second year and lowest in the fourth year. By the fifth year Sabeda and S100 (medium leaved cultivars) were contributing more N than the other two cultivars. When related to the amount of clover harvested, S100 had the highest value in the second year and S100 and Sabeda in the third year. Relating the total lover-derived N harvested over the 5 years to the amount of clover harvested, S100 had an efficiency of contribution of 54-3 kg N t−1 dry matter (DM) compared to a mean of 49 0 kg N t−1 clover DM for the other three cultivars. Nitrogen fertilizer reduced the contribution of clover N in the first 3 years owing to a reduction in clover yield, but it did not affect clover's efficiency to contribute N.
It is concluded that although the smallest leaved type of the four (S100) made the most efficient N contribution to the sward more information is required to relate morphology of clover to its capability to contribute N directly or indirectly to the sward.  相似文献   

The effects of a combined pesticide and fungicide (P + F) treatment on the proportion of white clover in an established perennial ryegrass/white clover sward were assessed on six occasions during 1988 and 1989, under two cutting frequencies (2- or 6-week intervals) and with or without N fertilizer (120 kg ha-1 per annum). In 1988 P + F treatment significantly increased the proportion of clover in August and October, with an increase at the latter harvest being much greater where N was also applied. There was no significant interaction between P + F treatment and cutting frequency, although less frequent cutting increased significantly the proportion of clover in October where N was not applied.
In 1989, drought prevented the proportion of clover from exceeding 1% throughout, regardless of management factors. P + F treatment significantly increased the proportion of clover in August, and significantly reduced populations of slugs, foliar-feeding insects (mainly Collembola; Sminthuridae) and the area of clover leaf damaged by pests. No marked effect of P + F treatment on populations of plant parasitic nematodes was detected. No appreciable incidence of fungal diseases was observed in either year.  相似文献   

Development of white clover stolons ( Trifolium repens ) was compared when grown in rejected areas and in adjacent defoliated areas over 28 days in May - June in continuously stocked grass/white clover swards. In the cut areas more branches were borne on stolons with more but shorter internodes and shorter petioles than in the rejected areas. Red (R)/far red (FR) ratio at the base of the cut sward was significantly higher than in the rejected sward.
Five experiments were carried out in which red light-emitting diodes (LEDs) supplied supplementary irradiation at the node of the youngest fully expanded leaf on white clover stolons growing in association with dense canopies of perennial ryegrass. Axillary bud/branch length was the only significantly affected aspect of development that was measured, irradiation enrichment increasing length by about three-fold over a 2–4 week period. One of the experiments involved identification of the site of perception of the R/FR effect. Natural and supplementary light were excluded from the stolon (by covering with a 2-cm layer of black beads), petiole (by wrapping in aluminium foil), both or neither and showed that exposure of the stolon/ petiole base to supplementary light was necessary to stimulate axillary bud growth.
It is concluded that the relative content of red light, and possibly absolute level, in irradiance at the base of the canopy in rejected areas is implicated in the young branch growth and that release of the buds can be achieved by defoliation, presumably due to increasing the red light content; however, the effect of increased photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) reaching stolons and young leaves cannot be discounted as an additional factor.  相似文献   

Three experiments designed to investigate different facets of autumn management on white clover stolon development are described. The effects of defoliation interval (2, 4, 6 and 8 weeks during 16 weeks from 27 July) were investigated. The shortest interval resulted in the shortest length of stolon material per unit area but cutting interval had no effect on growing point density nor on hardiness of stolon tips evaluated in October, December and January.
Chemical grass suppressants were employed to reduce grass biomass during winter in two experiments to evaluate the influence of grass on white clover development. One experiment involved varying grass tiller density by spraying a perennial ryegrass/white clover sward in October with three rates of three chemical suppressants (Clout, Kerb and Checkmate). Although tiller and clover growing point density were inversely related in January, the overall relationship was not strong.
Clout at l·5kg a.i. ha−1 was sprayed in October on one of two subplots in each of twelve grazed grass/white clover plots that had been maintained at 7 or 9 cm from July to October then grazed to 3–4 cm with sheep. Sward height had no effect on clover population density but the shorter sward had a greater mean node number per secondary stolon branch. By March, suppressing grass resulted in more than double the stolon population density, a higher proportion of plants with tertiary and quaternary branches, and on marked stolons, five times more branches and 60% higher dry matter (DM) produced during winter but with shorter petioles compared with clover in untreated plots.
It is concluded that white clover has the capacity to branch during a mild winter and as stolon branch numbers can suffer a net loss as a result of the presence of the grass canopy, management that controls grass growth during winter should aid over-wintering and improve persistence of white clover.  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N), accumulating in stubble, stolons and roots, is an important component in N balances in perennial ryegrass–white clover swards, and the effects of cutting frequency on the biomass of above‐ and below‐harvest height were studied during two consecutive years. Total dry matter (DM) and total N production, and N2 fixation, were measured at two cutting frequencies imposed in the summers of two years either by cutting infrequently at monthly intervals to simulate mowing or by frequent cutting at weekly intervals to simulate grazing. Total DM production harvested was in the range of 3000–7000 kg DM ha?1 with lower DM production associated with the frequent cutting treatment, and it was significantly affected by the different weather conditions in the two years. The higher cutting frequency also reduced the biomass below harvest height but the different weather conditions between years had less effect on stubble and, in particular, biomass of roots. The biomass of roots of white clover was significantly lower than that of roots of perennial ryegrass and remained at a relatively constant level (200–500 kg DM ha?1) throughout the experiment, whereas the biomass of perennial ryegrass roots increased from 2400 kg DM ha?1 in the year of establishment to 10 200 kg DM ha?1 in the infrequent cutting treatment and 6650 kg DM ha?1 in the frequent cutting treatment by the end of the experiment, giving shoot:root ratios of 4·7–16·6 and 0·5–1·6 for white clover and perennial ryegrass respectively. Annual N2 fixation was in the range of 28–214 kg N ha?1, and the proportion of N fixed in stolons and roots was on average 0·28. However, as weather conditions affect the harvested DM production and the shoot:root ratio, care must be taken when estimating total N2 fixation based on an assumed or fixed shoot:root ratio.  相似文献   

In a study of growth rates and developmental morphology of simulated swards of two contrasting white clover varieties, Katrina and Kent, it was found that both varieties continued to produce dry matter throughout the winter at Aberystwyth. The gross crop growth rate in the coldest periods was about 7 kg ha-1 d-1. The rates of formation and loss of new leaves were approximately equal so that there was no net increase in weight until the latter part of March. This initial net weight increase in both varieties was observed in the same harvest interval, the most important factor being the difference in weight between the new leaf plus petiole unit and the weight of the unit which it replaced. The weight of laminae and petioles throughout the experiment was somewhat higher in Katrina which has come to be regarded as the 'earlier' variety.
The prospects for improving spring production in white clover by variety improvement are discussed.  相似文献   

Four cultivars of perennial ryegrass (intermediate diploid cv. Talbot and tetraploid cv. Barlatra, and late diploid cv. Parcour and tetraploid cv. Petra) were each sown at 10,20 and 30 kg ha-1, all with 3 kg ha-1 of white clover cv. Donna. Herbage productivity was measured over 3 harvest years, 1982–84. under two annual rates of fertilizer N (0 and 150 kg ha-1); the 150 kg ha-1 rate was split equally between March and August applications. Fertilizer N increased total herbage DM production; the 3-year means for the 0 and 150 kg ha-1 N rates were 8·04 and 8·91 t ha-1, respectively. In successive years, total herbage responses to N (kg DM (kg N applied)-1) were 6·6, 35 and 72 (overall mean, 58). Mean white clover DM production over the 3 years was reduced from 4·48 t ha-1 at nil N to 2·82 t ha-1 at the 150 kg ha-1 rate, a fall of 37%. Grass seed rate did not influence total herbage production or white clover performance. The two intermediate perennial ryegrass cultivars had a marginal advantage in total herbage production over the two late cultivars, but white clover content and production were higher with tetraploids than diploids. It is concluded that the value of increased herbage production from strategic use of fertilizer N has to be weighed against its depressive effect on white clover performance; application of 75 kg ha ha-1 N in both spring and autumn was excessively high if maintenance of a good white clover content in the sward is an objective. There is considerable flexibility in the grass: clover seed ratio in seeds mixtures. Modern highly-productive perennial ryegrass varieties do not differ substantially in compatibility with white clover but tetraploids permit better clover performance than diploids.  相似文献   

A microsite comparison technique was used to characterize differences between clover and non-clover patches in two field swards, one grazed by cattle and the other sheep-grazed. Within clover patches of both swards, ryegrass tiller weight and the percentage of dead dry matter (DM) was lower than in non-clover patches, while the ratio of other grass DM: ryegrass DM was higher. Leaf senescence rates for ryegrass tillers within clover patch microsites were less than half of those of non-clover patch microsites, and consequently net leaf production was higher. At clover patch microsites, soil carbon dioxide levels were lower, soil oxygen levels higher and levels of N, Na, Ca, Mg and P in the ryegrass component of the herbage DM were elevated, compared with non-clover patch microsites.  相似文献   

White clover seedlings were defoliated when either two, four or six leaves had opened. There were four defoliation treatments, involving removal of younger laminae, older laminae, all laminae or all laminae and petioles, plus a control (no defoliation).
Leaf removal reduced area of subsequently emerging leaves when measured as they became fully opened, though some compensatory expansion occurred after this. Petiole length was also reduced considerably. The magnitude of these effects varied according to severity of the treatment: removal or older laminae had little effect, removal of younger laminae had a similar effect to removing all laminae, but the effect was considerably increased by removing petioles in addition to laminae. The youngest plants showed the greatest reductions in leaf size following leaf removal. Defoliation had little effect on the rate of development of subsequent leaves.
The most severe defoliation treatments reduced plant dry matter but younger seedlings appeared to have a capacity for recovery equal to or greater than that of older seedlings.
It is concluded that white clover seedlings have a considerable ability to recover from leaf removal, especially if only laminae of old leaves are removed, but the growth reduction following removal of petioles as well as laminae appears to be especially severe.  相似文献   

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