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Decreased Litopenaeus vannamei performance resulting from excess total suspended solids (TSS) has been highlighted in previous studies. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of different TSS concentrations on the L. vannamei growth performance in a BFT system for 42 days. Five TSS concentrations were used—250, 500, 1000, 2000, and 4000 mg L−1—in three replicates identified as T250, T500, T1000, T2000, and T4000, respectively, in 200 L-tanks each. Dissolved oxygen concentration (DO) was maintained above 5 mg L−1. Shrimp with an initial average weight of 4.57 ± 1.07 g were stocked at a density of 277 shrimp m−2. The physical and chemical parameters were monitored. Water quality parameters and animal performance were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA − one way). The physical and chemical parameters were within the recommended range for L. vannamei. Weekly weight gain, feed conversion rate, survival, and productivity showed no significant differences (p > 0.05). The high TSS concentrations did not seem to affect the performance of this species when DO concentrations were maintained above 5 mg L−1.  相似文献   

We studied the effect of rearing densities of Pacific white shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei in three densities with three replicate treatments [T1: 0.4 million post-larvae (PL) ha−1, T2: 0.5 million PL ha−1, T3: 0.6 million PL ha−1] and water cutback approach on rearing environment, water use efficiency, water footprint and production performance. Conditional water exchange was carried out based on water quality parameters. Water quality suitability index was very good (7.5–9.0) up to 13th, 10th and 5th week of culture in T1, T2 and T3, respectively; which was attributed to rearing density, smaller-sized shrimp and low early feed input. Optimum rearing density of 50 PL m-2 (T2) led to total water use of 3.25 × 104 m3. It was seeming as a way to improve shrimp productivity (10.58 t ha−1 120 d−1), consumptive water use index (1.72 m3 kg-1 biomass), total water footprint (1229 m3 t−1 biomass) and net consumptive water productivity (USD 1.28 m-3). L. vannamei culture with low to moderate water exchange as in T2, helped uphold water quality suitable for the shrimp growth, improved water use efficiency (0.58 kg biomass m-3 water), minimized sediment load (45.3 m3 t-1 biomass), effluent outputs (0.63 × 104 m3), pumping cost (USD 30.1 t−1 biomass produced), and ratio of output value to the cost of cultivation (1.97). The findings and advancement in knowledge would offer the basis to augment shrimp rearing efforts and the water management approaches will help in preventing the production of waste and effluent while increasing water use efficiency and production performance.  相似文献   

In a Biofloc Technology System (BFT), there is constant biofloc formation and suspended solids accumulation, leading to effects on water quality parameters that may affect the growth performance of cultured shrimp. This study aimed to analyse during biofloc formation the effect of different total suspended solids (TSS) levels on water quality and the growth performance of Litopenaeus vannamei shrimp in a BFT system. A 42‐day trial was conducted with treatments of three ranges of TSS: 100–300 mg L?1 as low (TL), 300–600 as medium (TM) and 600–1000 as high (TH). The initial concentrations of 100 (TL), 300 (TM) and 600 mg L?1 (TH) were achieved by fertilization before starting the experiment. Litopenaeus  vannamei juveniles with an average weight of 4.54 ± 1.19 g were stocked at a density of 372 shrimp m?3. Physical and chemical water parameters and shrimp growth performance were analysed. After 6 weeks, TSS mean concentrations were 306.37, 532.43 and 745.2 mg L?1 for, respectively, TL, TM and TH treatments. Significant differences (P < 0.05) were observed in TSS, settleable solids, pH, alkalinity and nitrite, especially between the TL and TH treatments. Similarly, differences (P < 0.05) were observed in the growth performance parameters, specifically final weight, survival, feed conversion and productivity. The water quality parameters at lower range of total suspended solids concentration (TL) treatment resulted in a better performance of L. vannamei in the BFT system. The maintenance at range of 100–300 mg L?1 TSS is thus important to the success of shrimp culture.  相似文献   

The experiment was conducted with three biofloc treatments and one control in triplicate in 500 L capacity indoor tanks. Biofloc tanks, filled with 350 L of water, were fed with sugarcane molasses (BFTS), tapioca flour (BFTT), wheat flour (BFTW) and clean water as control without biofloc and allowed to stand for 30 days. The postlarvae of Litopenaeus vannamei (Boone, 1931) with an Average body weight of 0.15 ± 0.02 g were stocked at the rate of 130 PL m?2 and cultured for a period of 60 days fed with pelleted feed at the rate of 1.5% of biomass. The total suspended solids (TSS) level was maintained at around 500 mg L?1 in BFT tanks. The addition of carbohydrate significantly reduced the total ammonia‐N (TAN), nitrite‐N and nitrate‐N in water and it significantly increased the total heterotrophic bacteria (THB) population in the biofloc treatments. There was a significant difference in the final average body weight (8.49 ± 0.09 g) in the wheat flour treatment (BFTW) than those treatment and control group of the shrimp. Survival of the shrimps was not affected by the treatments and ranged between 82.02% and 90.3%. The proximate and chemical composition of biofloc and proximate composition of the shrimp was significantly different between the biofloc treatments and control. Tintinids, ciliates, copepods, cyanobacteria and nematodes were identified in all the biofloc treatments, nematodes being the most dominant group of organisms in the biofloc. It could be concluded that the use of wheat flour (BFTW) effectively enhanced the biofloc production and contributed towards better water quality which resulted in higher production of shrimp.  相似文献   

High concentrations of total suspended solids (TSS) need to be controlled, as they can affect shrimp production due to the excess of particles in the water column. Water renewal and clarification are alternatives used to reduce TSS. In order to determine the better method of TSS control, we carried out a study using water renewals and clarification on a commercial scale with nine ponds (600 m2 each) in an intensive biofloc system. A total of 87 shrimp m−2 were stocked in each unit divided into three treatments: R (water renewal), C1 (one clarifier) and C2 (two clarifiers in series). Each treatment had three replicates, and the experiment lasted 105 days. There were no significant differences (p > 0.05) in the parameters of water quality and zootechnical performance. Significant differences (p < 0.05) were observed in the performance of clarifiers (time of operation, TSS removal rate and total solids removed) and in the efficiency of water use and effluent generation. All treatments maintained controlled TSS levels, although C2 showed a better removal efficiency than C1, with percentages rates of 71.2 and 47.9%, respectively. This difference resulted in a 160-hour reduction in the total operating time in C2. Compared to the R treatment, the percentages of water saved in C1 and C2 were 50.7 and 51.3% higher, respectively, and the percentages of effluent generated in C1 and C2 were 97 and 96% lower, respectively. The use of clarifiers helps to control TSS concentrations in large-scale. In addition, they reduce both the amount of water used for renewals and the effluent discharges into the environment, thereby increasing biosafety in the biofloc system.  相似文献   

Biofloc systems rely on microbial processes in the water column to recycle animal waste products, reducing the need for water exchange. These increases biofloc concentration in the water and some form of removal is needed. An experiment was carried out to evaluate two management practices to control biofloc in Litopenaeus vannamei culture. Six tanks (48 m3) were divided into two treatments: water exchange and solid settler. Shrimp were stocked at 164 shrimp m?2 and with 0.67 g of weight. After 61 days, shrimp under solid settler treatment demonstrated mean weight of 12.7 ± 0.5 g with survival of 73.8 ± 1.4%, and those under water exchange had a final weight of 10.1 ± 0.2 g and survival rate of 57.8 ± 11.1%. Total suspended solids did not differ between the treatments: 326.8 ± 24.9 mg L?1 for water exchange and 310.9 ± 25.3 mg L?1 for solid settlers. Settleable solids and productivity/respiration ratio was higher (P < 0.05) in water exchange treatment, indicating differences in physical and biological characteristics of bioflocs. Solids removal method influenced the water use, in which 1150 ± 249 L of water was necessary to produce one kilogram of shrimp using water exchange strategy, and 631 ± 25 L kg?1 with the use of settlers. Our results indicate that continuous operation of settlers can reduce variability in solids characteristics and water quality variables such as ammonia. Both strategies are efficient in controlling biofloc concentrations of the water; however, settlers can reduce water use and improve shrimp production.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of light limitation on the water quality, bacterial counts and performance of Litopenaeus vannamei postlarvae reared with biofloc at low salinity (≈9 g L?1). Two treatments were designed: T1 = culture with natural sunlight and T2 = culture in darkness. After 28 days, in both treatments, the final weight of shrimp was over 0.6 g with a specific growth rate over 7.4% d?1, and a survival rate over 70%. In both treatments, Vibrio sp. concentration presented low values (culture with natural sunlight = 0.1 to 9.9 × 102 CFU mL?1, culture in darkness = 0.4 to 11.7 × 102 CFU mL?1) and Bacillus sp. had high values (culture with natural sunlight = 0.7 to 66.0 × 104 CFU mL?1, culture in darkness = 0.7 to 65.8 × 104 CFU mL?1). All water quality parameters remained within the ranges suitable for shrimp culture, except for alkalinity during the first stage of the study. Although in some sampling periods some significant differences were found in bacterial counts and water quality parameters, shrimp productive performance under culture with biofloc at low salinity was not affected significantly by light limitation.  相似文献   

This study aimed to evaluate the contribution of three diatom species on the lipid content of bioflocs, their permanence on the bioflocs and influence on the growth performance of juvenile shrimps. Juveniles of Litopenaeus vannamei were reared (30 days; three replicates per treatment) in biofloc systems inoculated with diatoms Amphora coffeaeformis (A), Cylindrotheca closterium (C), Conticribra weissflogii (W), or biofloc only (BF, chlorophycean rich). Water quality parameters were monitored daily and the microbiota on days 1, 10, 20 and 30. The lipid content and fatty acid profiles of bioflocs were analyzed at the end of the experiment. Shrimp survival rate (99%) at treatment A was significantly higher than at BF. The bioflocs in A treatment presented the highest lipid content, differing significantly from BF and W. The content of EPA (20:5) (n‐3) was significantly higher in A and lower in BF, while linoleic acid (18:2) (n‐6) was significantly higher in BF. The results indicate that high cell density of diatoms can be successfully maintained with silicate addition in biofloc systems and that the pennate A. coffeaeformis and the centric C. weissflogii are potentially better suited than the pennate C. closterium as food supplements for shrimp diets in biofloc nurseries system.  相似文献   

Growth, immunological and physiological parameters of white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei reared at different salinity levels (1, 10, 15, 25 and 35 g/L) at stocking density of 214 shrimp/m3 were examined at 1, 30 and 63 days. Results showed that the total haemocyte count (THC) of shrimp decreased with time at all salinity levels, indicating a potential reduction in the resistance of shrimp against pathogens, since a low value of THC indicates a perturbation of the immune system. Glucose and protein values observed in the haemolymph throughout the study indicate that shrimp adapted well to low salinities (1, 10 and 15 g/L). Although of those shrimp reared at 10 g/L only 83.3% survived, at this salinity, shrimp depicted a higher glucose concentration in haemolymph at the beginning and end of the study.  相似文献   

为分析水解单宁对凡纳滨对虾生长及其肠道微生物菌群结构的影响,以基础饲料为空白组,在基础饲料中分别添加0.1%、0.2%和0.3%的水解单宁作为实验组,进行为期60 d的养殖实验后,统计生长性能,并取其肠道内容物提取DNA,用Illumina MiSeq测序平台进行16S rDNA基因V3~V4区高通量测序,检测对虾肠道内菌群结构及变化情况。结果表明:(1) 3个水解单宁添加组的增重率、特定生长率和肥满度与对照组相比均显著升高(P0.05),肝体比均显著降低(P0.05)。(2)4组样品中共获得206192条优化序列,操作分类单元(OUT)总数达542个。对照组凡纳滨对虾肠道微生物以变形菌门和蓝细菌门为主,其次是放线菌门和拟杆菌门;试验组肠道主要菌群为变形菌门、软壁菌门。试验组与对照组相比,蓝细菌门、放线菌门和拟杆菌门的比例降低,变形菌门、软壁菌门和厚壁菌门比例增加。(3)Rank-Abundance曲线和多样性指数结果可见,实验组的物种丰度和均匀度大体上均高于对照组。PCoA分析发现, 0.1%和0.3%添加组的微生物群落较为接近,而与0.2%添加组差别较大,结合生长性能指标可知,饲料中水解单宁的最适添加量为0.1%。以上研究表明,饲料添加水解单宁可显著改变对虾肠道的微生物组成,提高对虾生长速度,影响凡纳滨对虾的生长性能。  相似文献   

以凡纳滨对虾(Litopenaeus vannamei)为研究对象,探讨了水体中不同方式和不同浓度铜绿假单胞菌(Pseudomonas aeruginosa)YY24对凡纳滨对虾生长及水质的影响。试验设7个处理,每个处理3个重复,每个重复样本30尾,试验时间10 d,每2 d投放1次YY24,并保持其活性完好,有效养殖水体(50±3)L,控制温度(28±1)℃,盐度(20±1),每天每箱投料量按总重量的1%,溶解氧充足。试验期间,每24 h测定水体基础指标,在试验开始后的0、12、24、48、96、144、168、192、240 h测定水体理化指标。结果表明,与对照组相比,各试验组存活率与增重率均显著高于对照组(P0.05);各试验组均能明显净化水质,试验组的pH呈上升趋势,各试验组NH_4~+-N、NO_3~--N、NO_2~--N浓度均在96 h时就达到最低值;初始投放10~6CFU/m L浓度的YY24,在96 h内去除氨氮的效果较好,而每隔一天投10~4CFU/m L浓度YY24的持续作用效果更好。  相似文献   

为研究复合酶制剂对凡纳滨对虾(Litopenaeus vannamei)生长性能、血淋巴生化指标和免疫性能的影响,选用初始体重为(0.40±0.02)g的虾苗240尾,随机分为两组,对照组投喂基础饲料,试验组饲料中添加0.04%复合酶制剂,试验为期10周.结果 显示:与对照组相比,试验组凡纳滨对虾生长性能无显著变化(P...  相似文献   

A 4‐week feeding trial was conducted to determine the effects of oxidized fish oil (OFO, POV: 234.84 meq kg?1) on growth performance and oxidative stress of Litopenaeus vannamei. Five diets containing various OFO levels (0, 25, 50, 75 and 100 g kg?1) with the same dietary lipid level were fed to L. vannamei. The results showed that the body weight gain and the specific growth rate of the shrimp fed with 50, 75 and 100 g kg?1 of OFO diets decreased significantly (< 0.05), whereas the hepatosomatic index increased significantly (P < 0.05). The malondialdehyde concentrations in the serum and muscle of the shrimp fed with 50, 75 and 100 g kg?1 of OFO diets were significantly higher than that of the shrimp fed with fresh fish oil (P < 0.05). The total antioxidant competence decreased significantly compared with the control group. Therefore, dietary OFO affects the growth performance and increases the oxidative stress of shrimp.  相似文献   

凡纳滨对虾高位池养殖氮、磷收支研究及养殖效果分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
对凡纳滨对虾(Litopenaeus vannamei)高位池养殖氮(N)和磷(P)收支情况进行系统研究,比较分析不同放养季节、虾苗品系以及是否进行分段养殖引起养殖效果的差异。结果显示,饲料是最主要的N和P输入源,分别占池塘N和P总输入的91.76%~93.68%和94.55%~96.97%。收获对虾输出N和P分别占总输入的29.46%~40.46%和12.64%~17.41%,随养殖废水排出的N和P分别占24.63%~54.52%和23.03%~59.02%,沉积在池塘底部的N和P分别占14.10%~44.59%和27.59%~62.25%。放养季节和虾苗品系对养殖效果有显著影响。夏季组(ZS)对虾平均生长速度达到0.175g.d-1,分别比秋季组(ZF)和冬季普通组(ZW)高73.0%和139.3%。ZW成活率77.70%~87.75%,显著高于ZS和ZF。与相同养殖季节放养一代苗的ZW相比,放养本地苗的冬季组(BW)养殖成活率62.10%~72.30%,单位面积产量8821~9878kg.hm-2,均显著较低。采用分段养殖的冬季标粗组(ZWb)养成池塘单造使用周期缩短56.13%。  相似文献   

本实验旨在研究外源核苷酸混合物对凡纳滨对虾(Litopenaeus vannamei)幼虾生长性能、体组成、中肠肠道形态和抗氧化酶活力的影响。选取960尾初始体质量为(1.01±0.02)g的凡纳滨对虾,随机分为8组,分别投喂基础饲料和添加5种核苷酸混合物(5′-腺苷酸∶5′-胞苷酸∶5′-尿苷酸二钠∶5′-肌苷酸二钠∶5′-鸟苷酸二钠=1∶1∶1∶1∶1,mix-NT)的实验饲料,各实验组添加量分别为0.1、0.2、0.4、0.6、0.8、1.0和1.2 g/kg饲料,养殖期为7周。结果显示,饲料中添加5种核苷酸混合物对凡纳滨对虾的特定生长率(SGR)和饲料系数(FCR)影响不显著(P>0.05)。外源核苷酸显著影响凡纳滨对虾全虾水分含量(P<0.05),但对全虾粗蛋白、粗脂肪和灰分含量影响不显著(P>0.05)。肝胰指数(HSI)随饲料中核苷酸添加量的增加而显著升高(P<0.05),在0.6 g/kg组达到最高。0.4 g/kg组的肝胰腺谷草转氨酶(GOT)和谷丙转氨酶(GPT)活力及尿酸(UA)含量最低,但与对照组相比差异均不显著(P>0.05)。中肠肠壁厚度和肠绒毛高度均随着核苷酸添加量的增加呈先升高...  相似文献   

A 60‐day feeding trial was conducted to assess the effects of xylooligosaccharides on growth performance, immunity and Vibriosis alginolyticus resistance of juvenile Litopenaeus vannamei. Five diets were formulated to contain 0 (T0), 1 (T1), 2 (T2), 4 (T4) and 6 (T6) g/kg of xylooligosaccharides, triplicate groups of 40 shrimps with initial weight of 0.10 ± 0.01 g were fed to apparent satiation four times daily. At the end of the feeding trail, ten shrimps from each tank were challenged with V. alginolyticus. Results showed that shrimps fed xylooligosaccharides containing diets had higher (p < 0.05) feed efficiency, survival rate and intestinal villi length and area than those of T0. There was no significant difference in final body weight, weight gain rate and chemical compositions of whole shrimp among treatments. Shrimps fed T4 and T6 diets had higher (p < 0.05) phenoloxidase and lysozyme activities than those in T0. Concentration of albumin, phenoloxidase activity and survival rate of shrimps decreased (p < 0.05) after 72 hr of challenge, with SR being greater (p < 0.05) in T2, T4 and T6 than that of in T0. Results demonstrate that supplementing 4–6 g/kg of xylooligosaccharides in diets increased feed efficiency, survival rate, intestinal villi length and area, and improved the resistance of juvenile L. vannamei against V. alginolyticus. This study suggests that xylooligosaccharides could be a potential feed additive in practical diet of juvenile L. vannamei.  相似文献   

This study provides a preliminary evaluation of feasibility of brackish water breeding. Shrimps were initially cultured at brackish water. Shrimps were reared at different stages (5, 6, 7 and 8 months, respectively), and 300 female shrimps were selected from each stage for growth at an enhanced salinity of 30 ppt. When the shrimps were sexually mature, the reproductive characteristics (mating rate, egg number and nauplii number) of the broodstock shrimps, quality of nauplii (malformation rate of nauplii) and quality of postlarvae (survival rate and desalination stress) were tested to evaluate of the effects of brackish water (10 ppt) on these shrimps. Oceanic water (30 ppt) for rearing shrimps was used as control group. Histopathological analysis of gonads and hepatopancreases from oceanic and brackish water shrimp was performed. The results showed that shrimps cultured for a maximum of 8 months in brackish water remained sexually mature. There were no significant differences regarding the quality of shrimps in the oceanic water and brackish water. However, the brackish water cultured shrimps were easily adapted to salinity changes. Our results demonstrate the good feasibility of the present scheme, in which the broodstock shrimps were cultured at a salinity of 10 ppt.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of mixed Bacillus on growth, water quality and disease resistance against Vibrio harveyi in whiteleg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei). Postlarval shrimp (PL30) were fed with (a) a basal diet (the control), (b) a diet containing mixed freeze‐dried Bacillus probiotics (FB) and (c) addition of mixed microencapsulated Bacillus probiotics (MB) in culture water. Addition of FB and MB probiotics improved (p < .05) growth, feed efficiency, survival and culture water quality (ammonia and nitrite) compared to the control group although there was no difference (p > .05) between the two treated groups. Bacillus numbers in gastrointestinal tracts and culture water of FB‐ and MB‐administrated shrimp were higher (p < .05) than in the control. After a 30‐day culture, shrimp were infected with V. harveyi and monitored for 10 days. A significant reduction (p < .05) in cumulative mortality was observed in FB‐ and MB‐supplemented shrimp (43.24% and 45.05%, respectively), compared to the control (63.06%). This finding demonstrated that administration of microencapsulated probiotics was as effective as freeze‐dried probiotics for improving growth, feed efficiency, survival, Bacillus in gastrointestinal tracts, water quality (ammonia and nitrite) and conferring disease resistance to V. harveyi.  相似文献   

The ability of Litopenaeus vannamei (initial mean weight: 0.96 ± 0.02 g) to utilize different levels of cornstarch was examined in terms of growth indices, body composition, digestibility and microscopic structure of the hepatopancreas. Six isonitrogenous semipurified diets were fed to satiation to shrimp for 8 weeks in triplicate tanks (30 shrimps per tank) connected to a natural brackish water (6–8 g L?1) recirculating system. Diets contained different levels of cornstarch (100, 150, 200, 250, 300 and 350 g kg?1) as the source of carbohydrate and were balanced using cellulose. Weight gain (WG), survival rate and feed conversion rate (FCR) were considerably affected by cornstarch levels of diets. The highest WG (453.6 g kg?1) and best FCR was observed in shrimp fed the 150 g kg?1 (cornstarch level) diet and was significantly (P < 0.05) higher than those fed diets containing 250–350 g kg?1 cornstarch. However, the survival rate reached maximum in shrimp fed the 100 g kg?1 diet (96.7), some 30% higher than the lowest rate, which was found in shrimp fed the 250 g kg?1 diet. Body lipid tended to be higher in shrimp fed diets with higher cornstarch levels. The apparent digestibility of dry matter and crude fat increased with increasing levels of cornstarch and, hence, decreasing levels of cellulose. In addition, histological study on shrimp fed 10–350 g kg?1 diets exhibited histological changes. The overall conclusion was that the optimum cornstarch level may be set at 100–200 g kg?1 when the diets contain 380 g kg?1 protein.  相似文献   

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