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Aquaculture is the fastest‐growing animal production sector, and shrimp production already exceeds that of the capture fishery. Viruses and bacteria account for the majority of disease losses for shrimp farmers. Viral pandemics in the mid 1990s and, more recently, a bacterial pandemic from 2009 to 2015 have led to the conclusion that future, sustainable shrimp aquaculture will depend on the development of more efficient, biosecure production facilities that cultivate specific pathogen‐free (SPF) shrimp, genetically improved for growth and disease tolerance or resistance. Major requirements for development, maintenance, and use of SPF stocks in aquaculture are effective pathogen surveillance and disease prevention methods. When protective measures fail and diseases occur in production ponds, there are currently only a few approved and practical therapeutic methods available for use with bacterial pathogens and none so far for viral pathogens. To improve existing methods of prevention and therapy and to develop new ones, research is being carried out on the nature of shrimp–pathogen interactions. Promising results have been obtained at the laboratory level for possible applications involving the use of immunostimulants for “immune priming” or “trained immunity” of RNA interference and of endogenous viral elements. Some of these promising new directions are discussed.  相似文献   

A cyanobacterium (Spirulina platensis) was co-cultured with black tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon) for water quality control. We evaluated the effects of: (1) three S. platensis trial conditions on inorganic nitrogen concentrations at one shrimp density (S. platensis trial conditions included: absent, nonharvested and semicontinuous harvesting) and (2) two shrimp densities on inorganic nitrogen concentrations, with and without S. platensis. Semicontinuous harvesting of S. platensis at one shrimp density resulted in significantly reduced (P<0.05) inorganic nitrogen concentrations (NH4, NO2 and NO3). With S. platensis absent, ammonium and nitrite concentrations ranged from 0.5 to 0.6 mg l−1, while nitrate concentrations ranged from 16 to 18 mg l−1 by day 44. With nonharvested S. platensis, considerable variability occurred with nitrogen concentrations. Semicontinuous harvest of S. platensis reduced nitrate to 4 mg l−1, while ammonium and nitrite ranged from 0.0 to 0.15 mg l−1, respectively. The factorial evaluation of shrimp density versus presence and absence of S. platensis resulted in greatly reduced nitrogenous compounds with S. platensis present regardless of shrimp density, and only moderately increased nitrogen with greater shrimp density. Without S. platensis, all nitrogen compounds were substantially elevated and shrimp survived was significantly reduced at high shrimp density.  相似文献   

Hydrology of inland brackishwater shrimp ponds in Chachoengsao, Thailand   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study focuses on a new trend in shrimp aquaculture, the development of brackishwater ponds for Penaeus monodon culture in inland freshwater areas of Thailand’s Central Plain. Water balances were calculated for ponds and reservoirs at an inland shrimp farm in Chachoengsao, Thailand, between May and July 1999. Regulated inflow and outflow were the largest water fluxes, averaging 0.94 and 0.70 cm/day. Other daily average water gains were rainfall (0.52 cm/day) and runoff (1.7 cm/day), and other water losses were evaporation (0.31 cm/day) and seepage (0.52 cm/day). Over an entire crop cycle, of average length 109 days, average water inputs were: initial pond filling (84 cm); regulated inflow (103 cm); rainfall (57 cm); and runoff (3 cm). Average outputs were: regulated outflow (76 cm); seepage (57 cm); evaporation (34 cm); and draining at harvest (87 cm). The main feature of note in the water balance is the large volume of regulated outflow. All regulated outflow and most (82%) of the pondwater drained at harvest went directly to the irrigation canal system. Such large volumes of discharge could have serious environmental implications because small inland waterways have low assimilative capacity and pond effluent is saline. Consumptive water use for 14 inland shrimp ponds and reservoirs averaged 0.83±0.14 cm/day. Consumptive water use was also measured for 11 nearby rice fields, the main land use in the regions where inland shrimp farming is proliferating. Rice paddy water use averaged 0.91±0.17 cm/day. There was no significant difference in the daily consumptive water use of shrimp ponds and rice fields, suggesting that conversion from rice farming to shrimp farming would have little net impact on water availability for irrigation.  相似文献   

In aquaculture, methods for collecting soil, that represent the mean concentrations of its constituents are not well established. We use the variogram technique to determine the distance between two locations where soil phosphorous is no longer correlated. Using this technique, we estimate that samples need to be taken between 15 and 20 m apart to compose a composite sample that represents the average amount of phosphorus in the soil of four Texas shrimp ponds. Broad spatial trends in phosphorus levels are observed and the trend is qualitatively common to all four ponds. The similarities among three of the four ponds suggest that the results are applicable to similarly managed shrimp ponds in Texas, and elsewhere throughout the world.  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel method to evaluate fish feeding intensity for aquaculture fish farming. Determining the level of fish appetite helps optimize fish production and design more efficient aquaculture smart feeding systems. Given an aquaculture surveillance video, our goal is to improve fish feeding intensity evaluation by proposing a two-stage approach: an optical flow neural network is first applied to generate optical flow frames, which are then inputted to a 3D convolution neural network (3D CNN) for fish feeding intensity evaluation. Using an aerial drone, we capture RGB water surface images with significant optical flows from an aquaculture site during the fish feeding activity. The captured images are inputs to our deep optical flow neural network, consisting of the leading neural network layers for video interpolation and the last layer for optical flow regression. Our optical flow detection model calculates the displacement vector of each pixel across two consecutive frames. To construct the training dataset of our CNNs and verify the effectiveness of our proposed approach, we manually annotated the level of fish feeding intensity for each training image frame. In this paper, the fish feeding intensity is categorized into four, i.e., ‘none,’ ‘weak,’ ‘medium’ and ‘strong.’ We compared our method with other state-of-the-art fish feeding intensity evaluations. Our proposed method reached up to 95 % accuracy, which outperforms the existing systems that use CNNs to evaluate the fish feeding intensity.  相似文献   

Secondary crops provide a means of assimilating some effluent nitrogen from eutrophic shrimp farm settlement ponds. However, a more important role may be their stimulation of beneficial bacterial nitrogen removal processes. In this study, bacterial biomass, growth and nitrogen removal capacity were quantified in shrimp farm effluent treatment systems containing vertical artificial substrates and either the banana shrimp Penaeus merguiensis (de Man) or the grey mullet, Mugil cephalus L. Banana shrimp were found to actively graze biofilm on the artificial substrates and significantly reduced bacterial biomass relative to a control (24.5±5.6 mg C m−2 and 39.2±8.7 mg C m−2, respectively). Bacterial volumetric growth rates, however, were significantly increased in the presence of the shrimp relative to the control (45.2±11.3 mg C m−2 per day and 22.0±4.3 mg C m−2 per day, respectively). Specific growth rate, or growth rate per cell, of bacteria was therefore appreciably stimulated by the banana shrimp. Nitrate assimilation was found to be significantly higher on grazed substrate biofilm relative to the control (223±54 mg N m−2 per day and 126±36 mg N m−2 per day, respectively), suggesting that increased bacterial growth rate does relate to enhanced nitrogen uptake. Regulated banana shrimp feeding activity therefore can increase the rate of new bacterial biomass production and also the capacity for bacterial effluent nitrogen assimilation. Mullet had a negligible influence on the biofilm associated with the artificial substrate but reduced sediment bacterial biomass (224±92 mg C m−2) relative to undisturbed sediment (650±254 mg C m−2). Net, or volumetric bacterial growth in the sediment was similar in treatments with and without mullet, suggesting that the growth rate per cell of bacteria in grazed sediments was enhanced. Similar rates of dissolved nitrogen mineralisation were found in sediments with and without mullet but nitrification was reduced. Presence of mullet increased water column suspended solids concentrations, water column bacterial growth and dissolved nutrient uptake. This study has shown that secondary crops, particularly banana shrimp, can play a stimulatory role in the bacterial processing of effluent nitrogen in eutrophic shrimp effluent treatment systems.  相似文献   

In marine aquaculture, fish populations constantly decrease throughout the cultivation period because of mortality and escape. Current production management systems provide limited opportunities to count the cultured fish, making it difficult to estimate accurately the fish population in the cage. To overcome this problem, an automatic fish identifying method based on particle tracking velocimetry (PTV) flow visualization technology is proposed in this paper. The proposed method utilizes an image processing unit that extracts individual fish from the acquired image and a motion analysis unit that calculates the motion vector for each individual. Thus, the accuracy of the extraction results in the image processing unit affects the system’s counting results. To validate the efficiency and robustness of the image extraction performed by the image processing unit, individuals were extracted from images using the open-source image deep learning semantic segmentation method (SegNet), which is able to distinguish between the background and foreground in the images via analysis at the pixel level. SegNet is able to improve the image discrimination performance by multiplying the learning paths, and the robustness of the detection results can be ensured by changing the layer structure according to the detection target. Accordingly, the use of SegNet was evaluated in terms of the number of layers and images in the training set. The results of this study indicate that the application of SegNet with PTV technology represents a promising method for the automatic identifying and behavioral tracking of fish in an aquaculture net cage.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to propose a low-cost nitrogen removal system through the nitrification / denitrification process in order to maintain the water quality required for the Pacific white shrimp superintensive cultivation in closed systems without water renewal. The increase in productivity consequently causes the accumulation of organic matter and nitrogenous compounds, especially ammonia nitrogen and nitrite, which in high concentrations can be lethal to aquatic organisms. In addition, the accumulation of solids in the system provides conditions for the emergence of opportunistic pathogens, microalgae booms, and increases the producer's cost of inputs to maintain the equilibrium physicochemical relationships required for shrimp farming. The experimental productive cycle lasted 36 days using Litopenaeus vannamei shrimps with 7.1 g ± 0.56 g and density of 350 shrimps m³. The nitrogen removal efficiency observed during the study period was 71.3 ± 5.3 %, and the shrimp had a survival of 92.9 % and a final weight of 13.1 ± 1.4 g. Thus, we established a system (ammonia and nitrite), capable of managing solids without interaction with the sea, ensuring high biosecurity against exogenous diseases in marine shrimps farms.  相似文献   

While marine aquaculture has grown rapidly, so have concerns regarding the environmental impacts caused by the industry. In particular, increasing discharges of solid and dissolved fish excretions, nutrients and therapeutic chemicals have coincided with greater public awareness of the possibility of environmental damage. This has stimulated a number of criticisms, drawn from a wide spectrum of interests, ranging from the use of natural fish stocks to produce fish meal for aqua feeds to the effects of enhanced nutrient input on the coastal marine environment. The present study reviews available information on the environmental effects of feeding practices in salmonid aquaculture in Europe. Accumulation of waste food and fish faecal material results in changes in the sediment under fish cages, characterized by a low redox potential, high content of organic material and accumulation of nitrogenous and phosphorous compounds. Although significant environmental impacts have been reported in the literature at distances of up to 100 m from the cages, in general such impacts are reported to be localized to within 20–50 m around the cages. For farmed salmon and trout, mass balance models have been developed for nitrogen and phosphorus, indicating that 50% of the nitrogen and 28% of the phosphorus supplied with the food is wasted in dissolved form. The maximum nutrient release can be estimated from the hydrographic conditions in the immediate vicinity of the farm, such as water volume, tidal water exchange and currents. At present production levels, improvements in the feeding efficiency and feed quality of aquafeeds could reduce waste and consequent environmental impacts.  相似文献   

The present study identifies and quantifies appropriate sites for brackish water aquaculture development in southwestern Bangladesh using remote sensing, GPS and geographical information systems (GIS). A colour composite Landsat TM image from 1996 covering the southwestern part of Bangladesh was used to identify the extent of brackish water and to classify land use. The remotely sensed data were complemented by secondary data digitised from a range of sources, including hard copy maps, to create a spatial database that included environmental and infrastructural data. A series of GIS models were developed in order to identify and prioritise the most suitable areas for brackish water shrimp and crab farming. Using qualitative and quantitative output from the models, the benefits of shrimp and crab farming and alternative land uses in the Khulna region were compared, based on gross production, economic output and employment potential. Comparisons were made of brackish water shrimp and crab culture with moderately saline-tolerant tilapia and prawn culture, freshwater carp culture and traditional rice production systems. Shrimp was identified as the most capital intensive and risky production system. Earnings per hectare were a little higher for shrimp culture than for crab culture. The present study demonstrates the usefulness of GIS as an aquaculture planning tool in a region where natural resources are already under considerable pressure.  相似文献   

Coastal shrimp (Penaeus monodon) aquaculture in Bangladesh is mostly practiced in a special type of field/pond situated by the side of a river -- called a Gher -- that is used to cultivate rice in winter and shrimp in summer. Ghers of different sizes are managed in different ways. In order to understand the effects of Gher size and their corresponding management practices on the production and economic returns of shrimp farming, we conducted an on-farm study in three small (1–5 ha), three medium (6–10 ha) and three large (>10 ha) Ghers located in the coastal Southwest region of Bangladesh. The mean harvest weight of shrimp was similar in all Ghers, but survival rates were higher in the small (50%) and medium (37%) ones than in the large (18%) ones. The high mortality in the large units led to a production that was lower than one-half of that in the small Ghers (about 80 and 200 kg/ha, respectively). The total variable costs per unit area were similar in all Ghers, but the importance of different items varied with Gher size. In the small Ghers, there are relatively high investments on inputs and labor. This expenditure results in lower shrimp mortality and higher production, which in turn results in gross returns that are larger than the total costs -- hence, a positive and high net return. In large Ghers, the fixed costs are larger than in the small ones simply because of the size of the pond. Variable costs include higher investments in post-larvae and labor than in small Ghers, and lower inputs applied only at pond preparation. This results in higher shrimp mortality and lower production, which in turn results in gross returns that are smaller than the total costs -- hence, a negative or low net return. These findings have positive implications for the future policy formulation of coastal shrimp aquaculture in Bangladesh.  相似文献   

Aquaculture production of molluscs is worth US$11 billion per year and represents 65% of World mollusc product. A significant limitation to the industry is loss of stock through bacterial disease. Traditional methods to combat disease with antibiotics have been questioned and alternatives have been sought. The field of probiotics as well as the screening methods used to acquire probiotic strains for the alternative management of disease in aquaculture is discussed. This review provides a comprehensive summary of probiotics in aquaculture with special reference to mollusc culture.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   An experiment in which water was circulated between shrimp aquaculture ponds stocked with 10 000 or 20 000 PL-15 stage Penaeus monodon , and mangrove enclosures each planted with 476 Rhizophora mucronata per enclosure, was carried out at the Samut Songkhram Coastal Aquatic Research Station, Faculty of Fisheries, Kasetsart University, Thailand. Shrimp survival rate was significantly higher ( P  < 0.001, Fisher's exact test) in ponds where 10 000 larvae was stocked and water was exchanged with the mangrove enclosure, compared with the control pond with no water exchange, over the 136 day experimental period. Phosphorus transport to the mangrove enclosure was estimated to be 0.41 kgP and 0.18 kgP over the experimental period and change in phosphorus content in mud was reduced there compared with the control pond. A load reduction effect to the environment was confirmed in this aquaculture system with mangrove enclosure compared with the phosphorus budget in the control pond, and 6.2 or 8.9 ha of mangrove area was estimated to be required by 1 ha shrimp ponds to fully process the phosphorus.  相似文献   


The impacts of improved agricultural technologies on smallholder households in Africa are well documented in the literature. However, the literature on the welfare impacts of aquaculture technologies, especially in the context of smallholder households, is very scanty. This paper applies the propensity score matching technique to household survey data to examine the impact of improved feed technology on fish income and poverty in Kenya. After controlling for observable household characteristics, the results indicate that improved feed technology increases aquaculture income and reduces poverty among fish farming households. Specifically, the income effect of the technology is 23–37%, with resultant poverty reduction effect of 19–23% points. Evidence from the study indicates that the likelihood of adopting improved feed in Kenya will surge with improved extension service delivery, access to government subsidized feed, and easy market access for purchasing improved feed and sale of mature fish.  相似文献   

We have investigated the impact of shrimp farming waste on benthic invertebrates in a mangrove estuary in southern Thailand. Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analyses were used to assess the contribution of aquaculture feed as a nutrient source for benthic invertebrates (fiddler crabs Uca annulipes, U. bengali, and U. forcipata) and to compare the organic origin of sediments in tributaries with and without a shrimp farm. The isotopic contributions of shrimp feed to crabs varied between the tributaries: in the tributary with the farm, the crabs had higher contributions from shrimp feed, whereas there was only a small contribution from aquaculture feed in crabs from the reference tributary. In contrast, the contribution of shrimp feed to the sediment did not differ between the tributaries, the contributions to sediments from aquaculture feed were, in general, quite low. Based on these results, we suggest that, in mangrove estuaries, changes in the food sources of several surface feeder invertebrates would be an effective indicator of the possibility that aquaculture waste was affecting the benthic ecosystem.  相似文献   

Experiments were carried out to establish the effect of a simulateddecrease in daylight intensity on the yield of the cultured shrimpPenaeus stylirostris. The purpose of these experiments wasto simulate the periods in intertropical regions, which may last for severaldays, when solar radiation levels fall due to seasonal cloud cover. After 4weeks of culture, the light reduction resulted in lower shrimp yields comparedto unshaded tanks. Survival rates ranged from 54.9 to 71.1% for shaded tanksandfrom 77.0 to 83.0% for unshaded tanks. Growth rates varied between 0.091 and0.110 g.d–1 for shaded tanks and between0.189 and 0.224 g.d–1 for unshaded tanks.In unshaded tanks, variation in growth rate is related to initial shrimpstocking densities. The light reduction led to a reduced phytoplankton growthwith, as a consequence, an increase in the concentration of dissolved mineralnitrogen [(NO3 +NO2 )-N,(NH4 ++NH3)-N] and dissolved organicnitrogen (DON). The higher mortality and lower growth observed in the shadedtanks cannot be entirely explained by the concentrations of mineral nutrients,the temperature, the pH or the O2 concentration. The lower resultsobtained with the shaded tanks could be most likely a consequence of thetoxicity of dissolved organic matter.  相似文献   

When the environmental and/or market conditions of an intensive aquacultural operation vary with time, maximization of profit may require a time dependent fish stocking rate. A simplified stocking problem is formulated where temperature, market price and/or market demand change sinusoidally over the annual cycle. The fish biomass sustaining-capacity is limited by the water treatment equipment, and is expressed in terms of maximum feeding rate per unit volume of culture tanks.It is demonstrated that under such conditions, sinusoidal stocking rates produce good sub-optimal solutions. A critical element of the solution is the time delay (phase-shift) between the constraining (restricting) conditions (temperature and market), and the stocking cycle. Furthermore, if the solutions for two individual conditions have very different time delays, a combination of the two conflicting restrictions is likely to produce poor returns.  相似文献   

The objective of the work is to improve the design rules of rectangular aquaculture tanks in order to achieve better culture conditions and improve water use efficiency. Particle tracking velocimetry techniques (PTV) are used to evaluate the flow pattern in the tanks. PTV is a non-intrusive experimental method for investigating fluid flows using tracer particles and measuring a full velocity field in a slice of flow. It is useful for analysing the effect of tank geometries and water inlet and outlet emplacements. Different water entry configurations were compared, including single and multiple waterfalls and centred and tangential submerged entries.

The appearance of dead volumes is especially important in configurations with a single entry. Configuration with a single waterfall entry shows a zone of intense mixing around the inlet occupying a semicircular area with a radius around 2.5 times the water depth. A centred submerged entry generates a poor mixing of entering and remaining water, promoting the existence of short-circuiting streams. When multiple waterfalls are used, the distance between them is shown to have a strong influence on the uniformity of the velocity field, increasing noticeably when the distance between inlets is reduced from 3.8 to 2.5 times the water depth. The average velocities in configurations with multiple waterfalls are very low outside the entrance area, facilitating the sedimentation of biosolids (faeces and non-ingested feed) on the tank bottom. The horizontal tangential inlet allows the achievement of higher and more uniform velocities in the tank, making it easy to prevent the sedimentation of biosolids.  相似文献   

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