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通过对2007年春、秋两季天津市潮间带生物的取样、调查和分析,结果表明目前生物栖息密度、生物量和种类,同2005年潮间带生物调查相比,都有一定程度的增加。  相似文献   

一、开展渔业资源调查与评估的意义开展渔业资源调查是保护生物多样性,可持续发展水产业的基础。保护生物多样性是人类生存环境保护、改善和持续利用的重要方面。国家对开展渔业资源调查,进行生物多样性保护十分重视,1992年  相似文献   

<正>3月23日,河北省海洋与水产科学研究院专家张海鹏带队一行4人,深入磁县岳城水库开展水生生物资源量和增殖放流效益评估调查。分别对水库的水质、水生生物、底栖动物及现有鱼类品种进行现场调查。此次调查的目的在于弄清岳城水库水生生物和鱼类资源现状,评价水质营养与污染程度,分析鱼类种群结构,为后期实施水库渔业资源增殖放流提供科学依据。  相似文献   

<正>沧州对虾综合试验站,2011年在海水大面积池塘对虾养殖中,开展了以"对虾病害生物防控"为内容的试验示范和生物防控病害养殖效果调查。现将试验示范和调查实例情况做以下报告。1对虾病害生物防控试验示范  相似文献   

根据2013年6月本底调查中海域环境、饵料生物及敌害生物种类和生物量现状,进行了牙鲆增殖放流适宜性分析。结果显示,调查海域环境条件符合牙鲆增殖放流要求,其水温、盐度、溶解氧、pH值及透明度,均在牙鲆生长适宜范围内。海域牙鲆主要饵料生物量平均值约580kg/hm2,评价等级为Ⅴ级,很丰富,可为牙鲆放流苗种的存活及生长提供有利条件。牙鲆仔稚鱼敌害生物种类主要是口虾蛄和尖尾鰕虎鱼,生物密度分别为134ind./h和16ind./h,但因主要集中在离岸较远区域,对牙鲆放流苗种的危害不大。调查海域适宜进行牙鲆增殖放流。  相似文献   

庙岛群岛毗邻海域位于黄渤海交汇处,是渔业生物的重要栖息地与洄游通道,也是生物多样性的热点区域。为系统掌握庙岛群岛毗邻海域渔业生物多样性特征及其影响因素,分别于2020年9、11、12月和2021年3―12月对该海域底层渔业生物开展了调查,共鉴定出渔业生物115种,其中,鱼类49种,软体动物29种,甲壳动物28种,棘皮动物8种,腕足动物1种。鱼类主要为白姑鱼(Pennahia argentata)、虾虎鱼类和其他鱼类;甲壳动物主要为口虾蛄(Oratosquilla oratoria)、日本鼓虾(Alpheus japonicus)和其他甲壳类。3―6月庙岛群岛毗邻海域底层渔业生物高密度区主要集中在调查海域东南部,7、8月集中分布于调查海域西南部,其余调查月份没有明显的高密度集中分布区。7―10月整个调查区域呈现出较高的生物多样性,而11、12月则具有较高的渔业生物丰度和生物量。白姑鱼和日本鼓虾在生物量(r= –0.75, P<0.01)和丰度(r= –0.73, P<0.01)方面均具有极显著的负相关。主要生物类群和环境因子的冗余分析(redundancy analysis, RDA)表明,水深和温度可能是影响庙岛群岛毗邻海域底层渔业生物的主要因子(P<0.05),其中,棘皮动物和酸浆贝(Terebratella coreanica)与水深表现出正相关性,其他大部分种类与温度表现出正相关性。丰度生物量比较曲线(abundance-biomass comparison curves, ABC曲线)分析发现,庙岛群岛毗邻海域ABC曲线虽然各有不同,但大部分W统计值为负,仅有3个月的W统计值为正(接近于0),说明该海域底层渔业生物群落整体受到较高程度干扰,仅部分季节呈现中等程度干扰,群落处于不稳定状态。本研究可为庙岛群岛毗邻海域生物多样性保护提供科学基础,同时,为探究典型岛屿生物多样性形成的内在、环境与人为因素提供基础资料和数据支持,但典型岛屿生态系统生物多样性的形成与演化机制尚需进行长时间序列深入研究。  相似文献   

商丘市渔业资源调查是《河南省渔业资源调查》的主要组成部分,《河南省渔业资源调查》是省财政厅下达的科技专项,目标是在全面系统地开展河南省境内四大水系鱼类和其他主要经济动物区系与资源、水文、气候、水体物理和化学性状、饵料生物等生态基础调查的基础上,查明各水系生物与生态的现状,摸清渔业生物资源的时空分布特征,为渔业生产、资源保护与生态修复提供基础资料。  相似文献   

南通市大型海洋排污海区潮间带底栖生物研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2008年6月在即将建设的南通市大型海洋排污海区附近区域,设置3个断面进行潮间带底栖生物调查.调查结果表明,该海区共调查发现潮间带生物24种,种类组成以软体动物最高(占37.5%),环节动物次之(占33.3%).优势种为:托氏虫昌螺、文蛤、四角蛤蜊、彩虹明樱蛤和泥螺,这5个优势种均为软体动物.该区域潮间带生物的平均生物密度为203.73 个/m2,平均生物量为72.42 g/m2,其中以软体动物的平均生物量和生物密度为最高(分别占89.22%和82.20%).  相似文献   

从1981年1~2月,日、美、苏等十二国的十五艘调查船联合调查南极洋生态系的构造和机制。调查将以南极生态系的关键生物——南极磷虾为中心进行,以达到了解生物间相互关系、物理和化学方面的环境因素等。该次调查是根据南极海洋生态系及海洋生物资源的生物学研究计划组织的,  相似文献   

丹江口库区生态环境问题是南水北调工程建设和运营中关注的热点,生物多样性是生态环境的重要组成部分以及主要评价指标.本文通过资料收集和对库区野外调查,对丹江口库区野生植物、陆生动物和水生生物三个方面进行了生物多样性资源统计,重点从大坝加高蓄水淹没、移民安置破坏两方面分析了南水北调中线工程可能对库区生物多样性造成的影响,并根据目前库区生物多样性的现状以及面临的威胁,提出了生物多样性保护措施.  相似文献   

We examined variability in growth rate during the larval stage of northern anchovy (Engraulis mordax) in response to physical and biological environmental factors in 2005 and 2006. The onset of spring upwelling was anomalously delayed by 2–3 months until mid‐July in 2005; in contrast, spring upwelling in 2006 began as a normal year in the northern California Current. Larval and early juvenile E. mordax were collected in August, September, and October off the coast of Oregon and Washington. Hatch dates ranged from May to September, with peaks in June and August in 2005 and a peak in July in 2006, based on the number of otolith daily increments. Back‐calculated body length‐at‐age in the June 2005 hatch cohort was significantly smaller than in the August 2005 cohort, which had comparable growth to the July 2006 cohort. Standardized otolith daily increment widths as a proxy for seasonal variability in somatic growth rates in 2005 were negative until late July and then changed to positive with intensification of upwelling. The standardized increment width was a positive function of biomass of chlorophyll a concentration, and neritic cold‐water and oceanic subarctic copepod species sampled biweekly off Newport, Oregon. Our results suggest that delayed upwelling in 2005 resulted in low food availability and, consequently, reduced E. mordax larval growth rate in early summer, but once upwelling began in July, high food availability enhanced larval growth rate to that typical of a normal upwelling year (e.g., 2006) in the northern California Current.  相似文献   

The spatial habitat utilization of juvenile southern bluefin tuna in southern Western Australia was investigated using automated acoustic receivers with acoustic transmitters implanted in tagged fish during three austral summers (2004/2005, N = 79 fish, 2005/2006, N = 81, 2006/2007, N = 84). Seventy acoustic receivers were deployed at three cross-shelf lines and three coastal topographic features (lumps) between December and May. We observed markedly different patterns of habitat utilization between the three seasons: (i) aggregation at lumps in 2004/2005 and 2006/2007, and (ii) wide distribution over the continental shelf (i.e., few occurring at lumps) in 2005/2006. Vertical profile by conductivity-temperature-depth casts showed these spatial shifts were caused by interannual changes in the presence of sub-Antarctic water. The sub-Antarctic water was present in the subsurface layer close to the continental slope only during 2005/2006, and the area had higher chlorophyll-a concentrations than the coastal areas, including at the lumps. These environmental characters, related to the nutrient rich sub-Antarctic water, appear to have a strong influence on fish distributions in 2005/2006, and may occur generally during La Niña events. Interannual fluctuations in habitat utilization will influence detection of fish in recruitment monitoring surveys and thus bias the resulting juvenile abundance indices.  相似文献   

苏北浅滩生态监控区鱼卵的种类组成和数量分布   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2004、2005年5月,在苏北浅滩生态监控区采用水平和垂直拖网两种方式进行了鱼卵调查,从南至北共设8个断面,范围为121°17′~121°55′E、32°00′~32°28′N。结果显示,第3~6断面(121°25′~121°36′E、32°08′~32°20′N)为鱼卵的密集区,密度最高的站位分别为2004年的7断面1站位(121°25′E、32°24′N)和2005年的5断面3站位(121°27′E、32°16′N)。主要的种类组成有多鳞鱚、鳀、斑鰶、远东拟沙丁鱼等。2004、2005年第一优势种均为多鳞鱚,2004年的第二、三位优势种分别为鳀和远东拟沙丁鱼,而2005年的第二位优势种则为斑鰶。  相似文献   

The present study explores the settlement and recruitment capacity of Mytilus galloprovincialis L. on artificial collectors in the Ría de Ares‐Betanzos (Galicia, NW Spain) in 2004 and 2005 following standard industrial techniques. Three locations in the ría (Arnela, Redes and Miranda) were selected to investigate larvae settlement after the main spawning event (July 2004/2005). Assessment of the recruitment capacity was performed in autumn (September 2004/2005) when mussel seed is usually gathered from the collector ropes and introduced into industrial cultivation at low densities. For both years, the highest settlement densities were recorded at the most seaward location, Miranda. Differences in settlement densities between locations are discussed in terms of the water circulation regime in the ría and the local hydrographic conditions. In 2004, statistical differences in post‐settlement mortality resulted in similar recruitment densities at Arnela and Miranda, which were higher than at Redes. In 2005, recruitment densities in Redes and Arnela could not be assessed because predators (Spondyliosoma cantharus L.) eliminated the settled population at these locations. Site‐specific differences in recruitment density may be attributed to the environmental limitations of each location as well as intra‐specific competition.  相似文献   

The morphometry, length–weight and condition index of green mussel P. viridis (L.) from St Mary's Island, off Malpe, near Udupi, were examined from December 2004 to December 2005. The calculated regression equations between length and breadth and length and width for the entire study period were L=0.5071+ 0.3921B and L=0.0179 + 0.3225W respectively. The monthly b values of length–breadth and length–width relationships varied from 0.3636 (March 2005) to 0.4374 (December 2004) and from 0.3022 (December 2005) to 0.3466 (August 2005) respectively. The data on length–total weight (W=0.0986L2.9495), length–wet tissue weight (W=0.031L2.7173), length–dry weight (W=0.005L2.9337) and length–shell weight (W=0.0351L3.061) showed a nonlinear pattern. The coefficient of allometry (b) values ranged from 2.7949 (April 2005) to 3.0999 (September 2005) for length–total weight relationship and from 1.5203 (August 2005) to 3.328 (March 2005) for length–dry weight relationship. The monthly mean values of the condition index varied from 5.17 (December 2004) to 7.76 (November 2005). The variation in condition index followed the breeding period and seasons. The maximum condition index (22–24) was recoded in May 2005. Based on the data on condition, it is suggested that the ideal period for commercial exploitation of Perna viridis from the Island is from March to August, when the meat yield is the highest. The hierarchical cluster analysis using complete linkage showed three major groups of biological parameters of mussels. The PCA showed a total of five components, which together accounted for 89.31% of total variance. The first component accounted for 44.08% of variance, followed by second component for 18.02% and the third component for 11.66% of variance. The remaining fourth and fifth components together accounted for 15.55% of variance.  相似文献   

Seasonal variations in osmoregulatory and metabolic parameters were assessed in juvenile gilthead sea bream ( Sparus auratus ) cultured in earthen ponds under a natural photoperiod and temperature. Specimens were sampled, and the plasma, gill, kidney and liver were collected during winter 2005 and 2006 (January), spring 2005 (April), summer 2005 (July) and autumn 2005 (October). Plasma osmoregulatory parameters showed higher values in summer, while metabolic parameters presented different patterns of variations. Gill Na+,K+-ATPase activity decreased significantly in winter, while gill metabolite levels showed different patterns of variations among seasons. The enzymatic activities tested did not present a clear pattern of variation [(glutamate dehydrogenase (EC (GDH) and hexokinase (EC (HK)] or significant differences along seasons [glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase (EC]. Kidney Na+,K+-ATPase activity decreased during summer and autumn. Different patterns of variation were observed in kidney metabolite levels while all the enzymatic activities assessed [lactate dehydrogenase-oxidase (EC (LDH-O), HK and GDH] presented the highest values during summer. In the liver, metabolite levels and enzymatic activities did not show significant variations or present clear patterns of variation along different seasons. These results indicated seasonal variations in the osmoregulatory and metabolic parameters of different organs (blood, gill, kidney and liver) in earthen pond-cultured gilthead sea bream ( S. auratus ), which could be mainly attributed to seasonal changes in temperature.  相似文献   

依据2003~2005年洋山海域大型底栖动物的监测结果,运用y、C、d、H’和J等参数,结合聚类分析探讨了该海域大型底栖动物的种类数、生物量、栖息密度和多样性指数的年间变化情况。结果表明,2003~2005年底栖动物出现种类数依次为2003年(21种)〉2004年(17种)〉2005年(16种),种类数趋于减少;生物量呈现2003年(4.26g/m2)〉2005年(2.18g/m2)〉2004年(0.62g/m2),栖息密度2003年(31.10ind/m2)〉2004年(12.50ind/m2)〉2005年(11.00ind/m2),Shannon-Wiener多样性指数(H)、均匀度指数(J)、丰富度指数(d)逐渐降低,单纯度指数(C)相应上升。通过对各次监测结果的聚类分析,将聚类结果分为两类:2003年2、5和8月为一类,2004~2005年6次监测为一类,2003年与2004~2005年的大型底栖动物生态变化明显,洋山深水港工程建设对洋山海域大型底栖动物造成了影响。  相似文献   

长江江苏段中华绒螯蟹资源现状及保护对策初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据2004年7月~2006年3月间对长江江苏段靖江江段渔获中中华绒螯蟹的比例分析,结果显示:江段中中华绒螯蟹在渔获中比例的数量峰值主要集中在上半年度,以3月份为最高,达到渔获数量的1438%。重量比例峰值主要集中在05年的3月份和9月~11月份,以05年10月份最高,达27.17%,11月份次之。在04年秋季至05年冬季间,05年渔获中中华绒螯蟹的数量比例和重量比例部比04年同季节的值要高,江段中华绒螯蟹资源正处于恢复阶段。  相似文献   

2004年和2005年分别对江苏省沿海滩涂4个具有代表性的文蛤重点增养殖区的环境因子进行了连续调查、监测和研究,主要分析测试了以下3个对文蛤生存影响较为重要的环境因子:底泥中的硫化物(S2-)、底泥渗水中的总氨氮(NH4-N)和底泥渗水中的化学需氧量(COD)。结果表明:S2-季节性变化明显,地点上随监测站位不同有显著差异;NH4-N夏季较高,其它时段基本无变化,均值远远高于上覆水体;COD含量除受气温影响外,还显著受到人类生产生活(如排污等)的影响。另外,2005年较2004年部分监测站位养殖环境有恶化趋势。  相似文献   

黄颡鱼规模化人工繁殖生产技术研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
总结了2005—2007年黄颡鱼大规模人工繁殖生产结果,依据黄颡鱼鱼卵和仔鱼的生物学特性,提出新的孵化生产操作程序,使生产能力大幅提高。2006年催产19批次,共计36465组,下塘仔鱼10968万尾,平均组出苗尾数3007尾;2007年催产16批次,共计27010组,下塘仔鱼10683.4万尾,最高可达每组亲鱼产仔鱼7821尾。亲鱼质量和水质仍是影响黄颡鱼人工繁殖生产的关键因素。  相似文献   

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