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Extensive and unregulated harvest of marine ornamental fishes can lead to localized depletion of target species and habitat degradation from inappropriate collecting techniques. One potential solution to these problems is the creation of marine reserves where fishing is prohibited. Marine reserves have been shown to increase fish abundance and protect ecosystems from habitat destruction associated with fishing. If protective areas are to be effective, they must include the diversity of habitats necessary to accommodate the wide range of fish species that are of interest to the marine ornamental fish trade.Fish assemblages with high diversity and abundance are often associated with habitats of high structural complexity. A relationship between fish size and reef complexity suggests the importance of shelter as a refuge for certain fishes in avoiding predation. Many species tend to aggregate to spawn in structurally complex habitats to reduce their risk of predation. Closing of spawning areas during aggregation periods has been shown to be a highly effective management strategy for these species. The limited home ranges and high degree of habitat specificity associated with many marine ornamental fishes should make marine reserves a highly effective strategy for managing these resources.  相似文献   

Currently, as many as 30 million coral reef fish belonging to 1,000 species are collected annually to supply private and public aquaria around the world. In addition, over 100 species of invertebrate are used, involving hundreds of thousands or even millions of individuals. The majority of these specimens come from coral reefs and associated habitats, with about 45 countries supplying the ornamental market. Considering the many pressures currently faced by reefs it is vital that ornamental fisheries are investigated and monitored, and management strategies formulated to ensure they are sustainable. This requires research, monitoring, training, use of non-damaging collecting methods and adoption of conservation strategies for controlling catch, such as reserves, quotas and closed seasons. There are also a number of possibilities for enhancing the fishery, such as mariculture and construction of artificial reefs. This paper concentrates on some of the conservation measures that can be taken and discusses their application and effectiveness. Such measures include limiting collecting effort, establishment of species-based or overall quotas, restrictions on rare and/or endemic species, temporary closures and establishment of fisherybreak reserves.  相似文献   

The long-term sustainability of the marine ornamental industry is being threatened by environmental pressures that are severely degrading the health of coral reef ecosystems. There is now a compelling need to practice resource conservation through the development of 'reef friendly' aquaculture technologies as an alternative to wild collection practices and to restore degraded wild populations. The commercial culture of marine ornamental finfish is very much in its infancy, but advances can be made more rapidly using insights from years of research and development with marine foodfish species. Many of the bottlenecks and constraints to developing marine ornamental fish culture are those now being addressed with the more challenging species of foodfish being attempted. The two key bottlenecks that currently limit expansion of the marine ornamental industry are the control of captive maturation and spawning and the identification of appropriate first-feed items for marine ornamental fish larvae. This paper highlights basic principles and recent achievements in marine foodfish culture that might be applicable to rapid development of controlled reproduction and propagation techniques for marine ornamental finfish.  相似文献   

Cyanide-free Net-caught Fish for the Marine Aquarium Trade   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The International Marinelife Alliance (IMA) has been training collectors in the Philippines and Indonesia to use barrier-nets rather than sodium cyanide to capture marine-aquarium fish. Despite the training, collectors have been slow to switch to using nets because they can earn more using cyanide. A new Philippine export company has agreed to pay the collectors more for net-caught fish and to adhere to standards being set by the USA-based Marine Aquarium Council. The IMA is monitoring the collectors and conducting cyanide testing to certify that the fish are net-caught and totally cyanide-free. Clearance certificates now accompany shipments of these marine-aquarium fish being shipped to wholesalers and retailers associated with the American Marine Dealers Association (AMDA) situated in the USA and Canada. AMDA members are being surveyed to assess whether the net-caught fish are more cost competitive compared to cyanide-caught fish for the marine ornamental fish trade because of reduced mortality through the chain from reef to retailer.  相似文献   

The worldwide market for ornamental saltwater invertebrates supplies the needs of millions of aquarium hobbyists, as well as for public exhibition (zoos, aquaria), universities, and research institutions. The large-scale continuous collection of marine organisms is responsible, in many places, for the destruction of habitats, including coral reefs. The perceived expansion of the animal trade further threatens these fragile habitats. In the present paper, several concepts for the domestication of marine ornamental invertebrates (mainly colonial species) are discussed, offering an alternative commercial approach. The major rationale is based on future ex situ propagation, not field collections; a strategy aimed to circumvent the need for wild-harvested animals. This strategy is based on: (1) collection, settlement and metamorphosis of large numbers of larvae from marine organisms or of naturally shed germ cells under aquarium conditions, where survivorship exceeds several orders of magnitude than that in nature; (2) fragmentation of very small pieces (such as the size of a single polyp in colonial corals or blood vessel ampullae in tunicates) for the production of new colonies; (3) the development of replicates and inbred-lines from chosen ornamental species; (4) the use of cryopreservation of larvae and germ cells which will support the supply of material year-round; (5) several concepts for husbandry methods. Some benefits and deficiencies associated with the strategy for ex situ cultures are discussed, revealing its importance to the future of the trade.  相似文献   

新加坡观赏渔业分析及对我国的借鉴意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当今,在水族箱内饲养观赏鱼已遍及全球,已成为一种休闲时尚,可以说,每类观赏鱼的发展,都是一个长期文化交流和贸易交往的结果。从观赏鱼的出口量情况看,新加坡最大,而且新加坡观赏鱼管理制度化、组织化、规范化、普及化,重视观赏鱼养殖的可持续发展,是中国观赏鱼外向型发展应该吸取的;对于中国观赏鱼产业健康全面发展面临的挑战,更应值得深思,而且观赏渔业作为一个新兴产业,在促进社会主义精神文明建设和国民经济的快速发展等方面有非常重要的意义。  相似文献   

A market survey and review of government statistics were carried out to establish imports and exports of marine ornamental fishes into and out of Hong Kong, and to examine the local trade in terms of volume, value and species composition. Official government import figures for marine aquarium fishes were available from 1984 to 1991 and from 1997 and 1998. When compared with net imports, export and re-export volumes over the 15-year period were small, indicating that most imports entered the local market, or were exported unrecorded. The market survey of marine aquarium shops in Hong Kong was carried out between August 1996 and January 1997. From this survey, an annual estimate of 957,563 coral reef fish was calculated for the local trade, valued at HK$57,453,780, with a mean retail price of HK$60 per fish. These figures account for an estimated 2–3% of the global value and volume of marine aquarium fish trade, according to 1992 figures and, compared with government figures, indicate that official declarations of imports are underreported by at least 2–3 fold. A total of 342 marine aquarium fish species, from 49 families, were recorded with about 60% belonging to the families Labridae, Chaetodontidae, Pomacanthidae and Pomacentridae. It was estimated that a large proportion of the trade was in juvenile fishes and almost all fish were less than 10cm in standard length. It was common to see fishes in poor condition, species hard to maintain in captivity, or those listed for conservation concern, on sale. There are no regulations for local traders of live marine fishes other than those relating to either protected species or animal welfare. Licensing of traders in marine fishes could be introduced under existing Hong Kong legislation if fishes were to be re-classified as animals. This is strongly recommended as a step towards regulating and managing the trade in Hong Kong.  相似文献   

基因工程在海水鱼类养殖中的应用前景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐斌 《齐鲁渔业》1994,11(2):41-43
综述了鱼类基因转移的研究现状、研究方向及在海水鱼养殖中的应用前景,着重介绍了利用生长激素基因、生长激素释放因子基因、抗冻蛋白基因、金属硫蛋白基因、珠蛋白基因以及其它基因的转移培育海水鱼新产品的可能性。  相似文献   

Following independence from Ethiopia in 1993, Eritrea resumed exploiting Red Sea and Arabian fish species for the ornamental trade in 1995 as a means to earn foreign exchange from sparsely exploited marine resources. This paper describes the findings of research conducted in 1997, in collaboration with the Eritrean Ministry of Fisheries. The capture, transport and export of aquarium fish were reviewed and potential impacts and the status of management were investigated through liaison with stakeholders and researchers. From 1995 to 1997 two companies exported approximately 60,000 fish per year, mainly to the USA, worth US$65,000 (export value). Seventy-five species (from 22 families) were exported. Damselfishes made up two-thirds of total exports but more valuable families (angelfishes and butterflyfishes) were more economically significant. To earn revenue for Eritrea, a 20% export tax was imposed, although this was calculated from declarations by the operators. The emerging nature of the trade allowed detailed monitoring by the Ministry of Fisheries. However, management efforts were constrained by a lack of capacity for enforcement and baseline research. Several potential effects of the trade exist but other, land-based impacts may be more pressing concerns for Eritrea's reefs. Research priorities for management are discussed as well as the implications of mariculture of Eritrean species by other nations.  相似文献   

由于鱼类洄游是大尺度的水生动物迁徙运动,恢复鱼类洄游通道规划应在流域尺度进行。本文讨论了恢复鱼类洄游通道规划要点,包括河流鱼类调查及评价方法、规划范围和流域恢复洄游通道目标量化方法,提出了恢复鱼类洄游鱼类通道项目的优先排序方法,并以保护和恢复多瑙河鲟鱼规划作为典型案例进行了分析。恢复鱼类洄游鱼类通道项目的优先排序方法中,应根据工程性质、特点和当地自然条件确定优先排序准则,从而选择重点河段和重点工程,解决洄游通道中的关键问题。优先排序准则包括有效性、栖息地适宜性、效益/投资分析、自然保护区范围、预期物种多样性、鱼类生产力和栖息地面积等。在保护和恢复多瑙河鲟鱼规划案例中,确定了多瑙河鱼类洄游障碍物的5个等级划分标准和评分等级,采用改进的多准则多权重分级计分法计算了各障碍物的排序指标。在671处障碍物中,29处为最优先排序,99处为中等排序,543处为低等级排序。其中,位于多瑙河中游和下游的铁门水电站Ⅰ、Ⅱ级是流域内的主要障碍物。优先级排序方法为恢复鱼类洄游通道提供了指导意见。  相似文献   

以AT89C51单片机为核心设计了一套适用于活鱼运输装置的自动监控系统,本文描述该系统的工作原理和系统的软硬件设计,实验结果表明,该系统设计方案合理,应用于活鱼运输具有较高的性价比,且结构简单、性能可靠、实用性强等特点。  相似文献   

大量研究表明,海水鱼苗对饵料中的某些高不饱和脂肪酸(HUFA)有特殊的需要,如果饵料中缺乏这些HUFA,如DHA(docoaahexaenoic acid 22:6n-3)、EPA(eicosapentaenoic acid 20:5n-3)和AA(arachidonic acid 20:4n-6),将严重影响其营养价值。主要介绍了HUFA对海水鱼苗的营养和生理作用以及饵料中的各种HUFA水平在海水鱼苗培育中的作用,并且给出了某些海水鱼苗对饵料中HUFA的需要量和各种HUFA之间的适宜比例。  相似文献   

2013年9月15日至2014年2月22日,在自然状态下观察江豚在皖河口活动作为对照组。2014年3月2、11、17、20日购买2龄鲢(Hypophthalmichthys molitrix)等冬片鱼种692 kg,在投食状态下观察江豚在皖河口活动作为试验组。每次在白天整点时刻,采用瞬间扫描法记录10 min内江豚的出水次数和出水位置,作为1个样本。皖河汇流区设置304个网格(50 m×50 m),每头江豚出水1次,在相应网格位置以黑点标注。皖河入口端线中点为圆心,以半径500 m半圆面积为有效观察窗,根据江豚平均游动速度(4.3 km/h),窗内群体之间的时间间隔超过7 min,视为2个独立的群体。结果表明,自然状态下,江豚在皖河口觅食活动主要在支流区和滞留区,9:00、12:00和14:00出现3个活动高峰期;集群规模在1~8头,平均为3.67头。投放活体幼鱼后,江豚在分离区和急流区平均出水次数增多,而滞留区减少;出水次数骤然升高,以后逐渐降低;集群规模在2~10头,均值为5.80头,可见投放鱼饵后江豚集群规模明显增大(P<0.05)。在皖河18次调查的144个样本中,有效观察时间为1400 min,共记录江豚活动87次,累计记录309头(含重复数),分为156个亚群类型,以夫妻型居多(37.10%),家庭型最少(14.67%)。自然状态下,每天观察到江豚约15头,投放鱼苗时观察到约24头,两者差异不明显(P>0.05),但出水平均次数明显增多(P<0.05)。所以在其经常出没的汇流水域投放鱼苗可以减缓施工对江豚捕食的负面影响。  相似文献   

近年来海洋仔鱼消化系统,包括胃、肠道以及胰脏发育的研究进展进行了综述,描述了其消化系统在发育过程中形态和功能的变化,对仔鱼发育过程中包括胃蛋白酶、胰酶、肠酶及其他消化酶的变化以及饵料组分的影响进行了总结。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   The genetic diversity of wild and hatchery-released Pacific herring Clupea pallasii collected from three brackish lakes and two bays in Honshu and Hokkaido, Japan was examined with five microsatellite loci. All loci showed high genetic variability with expected heterozygosities ranging from 0.815 to 0.945. Significant differences in genotypic and allelic distributions were detected among all locations except for between the two bays in Honshu Island. Pairwise population analysis based on the F ST values showed close genetic relationships among the locations in Hokkaido Island, and the hierarchical analyses of molecular variance showed significant genetic difference between the two islands. Those results suggest the existence of subpopulations due to natal homing. In addition, stocked fish showed as much genetic diversity as the wild fish. The pairwise population analyses also showed close relationships between the hatchery fish and the wild fish in respective stocking areas, showing that no effects of stocking programs on genetic diversity of wild populations were detected.  相似文献   

黄瑞芳 《福建水产》2004,(4):29-31,28
本文通过对厦门海水养殖鱼虾病害的病原、流行情况、危害程度等的调查和研究,分析海水养殖鱼虾病害流行的主要特点以及病毒病、细菌病和寄生虫病的发病规律,从病害的检疫防疫,养殖模式,健康抗病苗种的培育,宏观调控和健康养殖,渔药的使用和管理,技术培训等方面提出海水养殖鱼虾病害控制对策。  相似文献   

A survey was performed on ornamental fish imported into the EU to detect viral agents belonging to the genus Ranavirus. The objective was to gain knowledge of the potential for these systemic iridoviruses to gain entry into the EU via international trade in ornamental fish. A total of 208 pooled samples, representing 753 individual fish, were tested. The samples included 13 orders and 37 families, originating from different countries and continents. Tissues from fish that died during or just after transport were collected and examined by standard virological techniques in epithelioma papulosum cyprini cells, by transmission electron microscopy and by PCR for the detection of the major capsid protein and DNA polymerase gene sequences of ranaviruses. Virus was isolated from nine fish species but ranavirus was not identified in those samples. The results suggest that ranaviruses are not highly prevalent in ornamental fish imported into the EU.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   In relation to the stock enhancement program for barfin flounder, hatchery juveniles produced in 2001 were genotyped using microsatellite DNA markers (msDNA) and then released to natural waters. Subsequently, recaptured individuals, designated as 'tentative recaptured', were examined using msDNA. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the stock enhancement program, pairwise F ST and genic differentiation tests were used to estimate the genetic divergence between the wild samples, the hatchery broodstock, and the tentative recaptured samples. Analysis showed significant differentiation among these three groups. Pedigree determination by msDNA was used to establish the origin of the tentative recaptured individuals, in order to elucidate whether they were hatchery produced, 'real recaptured', or wild specimens. Wild individuals were not found. The effective population size of the real recaptured stock was very low ( N e = 16.6). Equal family survivability was observed between the released and real recaptured stocks, indicating that the genetic variability of the released stock was maintained in the natural environment. Future broodstock management, breeding designs, and family contribution equalization of the offspring to be released will be required in this rare species to avoid unintended genetic differentiation between the wild population and the hatchery broodstock.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   Spotted halibut Verasper variegatus hatchery juveniles produced in 2002 were genotyped using three microsatellite DNA markers (msDNA) and then released into natural waters. Subsequently, recaptured individuals were examined using msDNA. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the stock enhancement program, from the genetic point of view, a pairwise F ST test was implemented to estimate the genetic divergence between the wild captive broodstock, the hatchery offspring and the recaptured samples. The analysis showed significant differentiation between the broodstock and recaptured samples. Pedigree determination using msDNA was used to calculate the effective population size of the recaptured stock, which was found to be very low ( N e ≈ 8). Equal family survivability was observed between the two recaptured stocks, but not between the released and recaptured stock. The number of identified families was higher and more equalized in the hatchery offspring compared to the recaptured samples, where the number of families declined. This fact was caused by an unequal family survivability just before or just after release. Separately, the number of contributing parents to the hatchery offspring was lower than the broodstock census number. Consequently, these two facts caused the genetic divergence of the recaptured stock from the broodstock.  相似文献   

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