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Impact of crop rotation, fertilizer treatments and herbicidal applications on the long term maintenance of soil fertility
V. Comparative studies regarding chemical and physical factors of the yield potential of a soil over a ten year experimental period
In order to examine the influence of different crop management practices such as crop rotation, fertilizer treatments and herbicide applications on the yield potential of a soil, the Crop Science Department of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zurich) conducted a long term field experiment commencing 1973. The experimental location was at the Swiss Federal Research Station for Farm Management and Agricultural Engeneering at Tanikon/TG (northeastern Switzerland).
After the ten year period, chemical and physical soil properties were not found to be substantially affected by the various experimental treatments. Organic carbon and total nitrogen were more influenced by fertilizer treatments than by crop rotation and herbicide applications. Both cation exchange capacity and pH proved to be fairly stable values.
Aggregate stability and organic matter exhibited similar profiles, although soil bulk density was affected by crop rotation. The volume of large and medium sized pores was similarly affected in that the corn-dominated crop rotation resulted in a quantifiable impact upon soil compaction.
Depending upon weed control efficiency, the grain yields of the winter wheat test crop clearly exhibited the effects of crop rotation whereas the lowest yields resulted from the corn-dominated crop rotation.  相似文献   

Effect of location, N-fertilization, variety and harvest date on the yield of fermentable sugars of Jerusalem artichoke tops and tubers
In the past, the production of fermentable sugar with Jerusalem artichoke ( Helianthus tuberosus L.) resulted nearly exclusively from tubers.
It should be investigated to what extent the tops can be used beside tubers as a source of fermentable sugars, connected with studies about diverse components of yield and morphological characteristics.
In field trials at three locations in the south-west of Germany in 1983 and 1984 yields of "Total Fermentable Sugars" (TFZ) with Jerusalem artichoke tops up to 6.7 t/ha were achieved according to variety, N-fertilization and harvest date. While harvesting Jerusalem artichoke tubers yields of TFZ up to 8.3 t/ha had been feasible.
The presented correlations between components of yield and morphological plant characteristics refer to interesting mechanisms of reaction and dependence on the formation of yield with this crop. The high yield level of Jerusalem artichoke and its adaptability to different locations also present this crop as an interesting renewable biomass crop for the south-west of Germany.  相似文献   

NO3 dynamics in the soil, yield formation and N uptake of winter wheat as influenced by dosage and distribution effects of N-fertilizer application
In a 4 year series of field trials carried out with 9 regimes of nitrogen fertilizer application at two trial sites with rather shallow top soil layers but large deviations in soil characteristics, grain yield varied between 50 dt/ ha and 120 dt/ha with nitrogen doses from 0–170 kg N/ha. Soil nitrogen supply for wheat grain formation on unfertilized plots reached 80 kg N/ha/year within the narrow range of 75–95 kg N/ha in different years at both sites which amounts to 1.5 % and 0.5 % of the highly different N-content of the trial sites.
The most successful nitrogen application regimes are characterized by modest fertilizer doses in early spring and the delay of supplemental fertilizer doses until growth stage EC 32. They resulted into modest NO) soil content from EC 29 to EC 32 and/or a noticable decrease of soil NO3 content during growth stage EC 30–32, which seems to be responsible for the development of only modest stand densities and reduced straw yield, while the delayed supplementation with nitrogen fertilizer overcompensated these effects mainly by increased grain numbers/ear and a remarkable improvement of harvest index.
The contribution of soil borne nitrogen to kernel yield formation started to decrease with even low dosages of supplemental nitrogen fertilization with the exception of the highest yielding season 1987/88. Top levels of grain yield have been regularly obtained with supplemental nitrogen fertilizer dosages about 40 kg N/ha below grain yield nitrogen extraction if they were added within favorable application regimes.  相似文献   

Investigations into the effect of location, planting density, N-fertilization, variety and harvest date on yield and contents of sweet sorghum
Looking for high yielding plant species as renewable resources, sweet sorghum ( Sorghum bicolor [L.] Moench) seems to be an interesting crop.
In field trials at three locations in the south-west of Germany in 1983 and 1984 should be investigated the effect of N-fertilization, planting density, variety and harvest date on yield, different morphological characteristics and contents of sweet sorghum.
The results indicate that yields of 15-20 t DM/ha are only feasible when the given temperature sum is higher than 2000 °C (> 5°C). The maximum yield of 22.7 t DM/ha resp. 6.5 t/ha "Free Fermentable Sugar" (FFZ) was realized when a sufficient water supply and N-fertilization had been guaranteed.
The different possibilities of utilization of sweet sorghum e.g. as sugar crop, agricultural raw material for combustion or as forage crop urge the plant breeder to intensify the breeding efforts adapting this crop at the climatic conditions of Germany.  相似文献   

Effects of preceding "break crops" on winter wheat and influence of cultural practices
Between 1979—83 there was tested the effect of 5 "break crops" (biennial alfalfa, clover-grass, faba bean, winter-rape, silomaize) on succeeding winter wheat and the interaction with changed cultural practices such as N-fertilization and conventional or reduced primary tillage (plough ↔ rotary tiller).
After the break crops wheat yield decreased within a range of 4 dt/ha as follows: alfalfa → beans → rape/ clover-grass/maize. Raising N-fertilization hardly allowed to improve the value of the break crops; most likely that of maize and with rotavating. Adaption of N-dressings promised greater influence.
The manner of primary tillage exerted stronger influence on the yield than the level of N-fertilization. Concerning long-term yield the rotary tiller equaled the plough after 4 break crops; after faba bean it was superior. Increasing N-fertilization tendentially favoured the rotary tiller after bean, rape and maize. Using the rotary tiller, at beginning of growth there may be calculated on 15 % higher NO3-values and/or higher N-mineralization or N-transformation.
Eyespot disease could not be prevented sufficiently and purposefully by an other break crop, N-fertilization or primary tillage. Recurrent rotavating suppressed weed less than ploughing.  相似文献   

以砂姜黑土区小麦玉米轮作制为研究对象,探讨不同有机肥替代化肥比例对小麦、玉米产量和土壤物理、化学性质的影响,为砂姜黑土区有机肥合理施用提供理论依据。2012—2020年,在安徽省蒙城县开展了定位试验,试验设置不施氮肥对照(CK)、常量化肥(F)、在常量化肥基础上有机肥氮替代20%化肥氮(F0.8M0.2)、在常量化肥基础上有机肥氮替代40%化肥氮(F0.6M0.4)、在常量化肥基础上有机肥氮替代60%化肥氮(F0.4M0.6)、在常量化肥基础上有机肥氮替代80%化肥氮(F0.2M0.8)、有机肥氮替代100%化肥氮(M)等7个处理,小区面积30 m2,重复3 次。结果表明:有机肥替代比例为20%时,小麦多年平均产量增加1.8%,玉米上有机肥替代比例为40%时,多年平均产量增加0.2%,随有机肥替代化肥比例的增加,作物产量有降低趋势。回归分析表明,小麦上有机肥替代比例为10.4%、玉米上为25.6%时可获得最高小麦、玉米产量。随着试验年限的延长,高比例有机替代处理小麦、玉米相对产量逐渐提高。有机肥替代化肥能提高土壤pH,能降低土壤容重。有机肥替代化肥可以提高土壤有机质和全氮含量,随着有机肥替代比例的增加,土壤有机质和全氮含量呈上升趋势;有机肥替代化肥对土壤有效磷和速效钾含量的影响受磷钾素投入量、作物产量、土壤中磷钾素的有效性等因素综合影响。砂姜黑土区小麦玉米轮作下,小麦季适宜的有机替代比例为20%,玉米上为40%,高于这一比例,小麦、玉米产量下降,随着试验年限的延长,有机肥残效迭加效应增加;有机肥替代部分化肥可以改善土壤生态环境,提高土壤有机质和全氮含量,提高土壤肥力水平;有机肥替代化肥作物的产量效应受有机肥替代比例、试验持续年限等众多因素的影响,只有通过连续多年的定位研究,才能得出适合区域的有机肥氮替代化肥氮的最佳比例。  相似文献   

The effects of different soil tillage systems, crop rotations and short time cover crops on soil losses and runoff
Soil and water losses were carried out from 1979 to 1986 on a pseudogley-parabrownearth of the farm Ihinger Hof throughout the growth period of green maize and sugar-beet, both planted by plough and rotary hoe. From 1983 to 1986 the effect of short time soil cover crops (October—Dezember) were also studied.
The soil losses under rotary hoe were significantly lower in comparison to plough, but the differences in runoff between the tillage treatments were not significant. Under sugar-beet the erosion caused by rainfall was less than under maize. From the short time soil cover crops, the legume mixtures were found to have the best influence on soil and water conservation, and on the maize growth as well. There was no relationship between runoff or rainfall amount and soil losses. The soil losses correlated strongly to EI30-indices, and this means that the USLE equation of W ischmeier and S mith (1965) can be applied in our experimental Farm in Ihinger Hof.  相似文献   

Influence of form and placement of N- and P-fertilisation on the root development, the P-uptake, and the growth of sunflower ( Helianthus annum ) and sweet sorghum ( Sorghum bicolor ).
In pot- and rhizotrone-experiments with Sorghum bicolor and Helianthus annuus , a higher P-uptake was achieved by placement of diammonphosphate (DAP) than by either placement of triplesuperphosphate (TSP) or by broadcasting DAP or TSP, respectively. Dual placement of TSP and ammonia increased the P uptake but it was less effective than placement of DAP for sunflowers, but not for sweet sorghum. Placement of nitrogen resulted in a local root accumulation, where ammonia had a greater effect than nitrate for both of the species. Single placement of TSP had no effect on either P uptake or root development.
Thus, the higher P uptake at DAP placement could be attributed to three main factors: the local root accumulation caused by the placement of nitrogen, a specific physiological ammonia-effect, and the lower binding intensity of the phosphate in the DAP-band compared with placed TSP (W erner and S trasser 1993). The improvement in spatial availability caused by the NH4+ -induced root accumulation was of a greater importance for the P-uptake than was the improvement of chemical availability in the DAP-band. The better response of sunflowers in comparison with sweet sorghum was attributed to better acquisition ability in sweet sorghum.  相似文献   

Influence of nitrogen supply on dry matter production, yield and quality of sugar beet with special reference to temperature and irradiance in pot experiments
The influence of nitrogen on yield and quality of sugar beet has been studied in many experiments. In comparison, little is known about the changes in sugar beet metabolism caused by increasing the nitrogen supply. The experiments described in this series of papers deal with the influence of nitrogen supply on mineral metabolism. This first paper describes the influence of nitrogen on dry matter production, yield and quality of beet with special reference to temperature and irradiance. The experiments, conducted in 1988 and 1989 using sand culture in pots, included five nitrogen levels. These treatments were sampled five times during the season and at harvest time. Overall, in 1989 sugar yield (g/pot) was 30 to 50 % greater than in 1988. In 1989 there was only a little more irradiance and duration of sunshine (7 and 11 % respectively) than in 1988, and the larger yield in 1989 was probably caused by a bright period of four weeks in May/June. Where least nitrogen was supplied, deficiency symptoms appeared in early June. When this happened an ammonium-urea solution was added to the leaves: it increased growth, but not enough to equal the white sugar yield of the treatment where the sand was given the same amount of N at the beginning of the season.  相似文献   

Effect of inoculation, late N- and PK-manuring and irrigation on seed yield and N-accumulation in the seed of several varieties of soybean at two locations in Germany
Effect of inoculation with rhizobium, late N- and PK-fertilization and irrigation on yield and N-accumulation in seeds of four soybean cultivars was tested in a polyfactoral experiment design.
Seed yield ranged from 11.5 to 43.7 dt DM/ha and N-accumulation in seeds from 52 to 247 kg/ha. Irrigation and inoculation were the most effective production techniques. Cultivar MA96 yielded 38.0 dt DM/ha in Frankenthal on a sandy soil when plants were irrigated and inoculated. No further yield increase was obtained with additional NPK-fertilization. Cultivar KW269 resulted in a significant higher yield (43.7 dt DM/ha) when late N-fertilization was given to irrigated and inoculated plants.  相似文献   

The influence of main species (Lolium multiflorum Lam., Lolium X boucheanum Kunth, Lolium perenne L. and Dactylis glomerata L.), sward density, nitrogen and time on yield, energy content, crudeprotein/energy ratio and nitrate content The aim of this investigation was to determine the influence of different rates of nitrogen fertilizer and of varied sward density on yield and chemical composition of some non-perennial (Lolium multiflorum, Lolium X boucheanum) and some perennial species (Lolium perenne, Dactylis glomerata) in a field experiment. Excepted 600 kg N ha?l - yr?1 the non-perennial species produced the highest energy yields. At a fertilization level of 400 kg N ha?1 yr?1 had sward density an influence on energy yield of Lolium multiflorum. It appeared that almost the energy content of the Lolium species was higher than in Dactylis glomerata. In most cases there were little differences between the Lolium species. There was a positive correlation between the NFEcontent and the content of water soluble carbohydrates and the energy content which was depressed by applying increasing rates of fertilizer. Generally at the lowest rate of nitrogen used (200 kg N ha?1 yr?1) there were positive effects on crude protein/energy ratios. The crude protein/energy ratio was higher of Dactylis glomerata than that of the Lolium species. The nitrate content increased to critical values when applying 400 kg N ha?1 yr?1. Dactylis glomerata had the highest and Lolium perenne the lowest nitrate content. At high rate of fertilizer, plots with high sward density sometimes had higher nitrate contents than open swards. The results of the experiment indicate that there are differences in quality even between species with high performance. Regarding the quality of grass swards, future attention should be focused on the main species and on sward density.  相似文献   

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