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该论文作者对一组高效降解纤维素林丹的复合微生物菌系在不同培养条件下的降解能力进行了研究,结果表明,该复合菌系对滤纸、脱脂棉、稻秸粉和锯末等不同纤维素材料均有较强的降解能力,但相比之下对天然纤维素含量高的碳源(如滤纸、脱脂棉)降解效果更好.最佳的碳源浓度为0.5%和1%.有机复合氮源对降解效果的影响明显优于无机氮源,氮源浓度以0.25%和0.5%为宜.它能在较大的pH值范围内均保持高的纤维素降解活性,但在中性及偏碱环境中活性最强.在纤维素降解最佳的pH值7~9范围内,也同样有利于林丹的降解,而在纤维素降解较少的pH值为10的条件下,林丹的降解率仍高达49.6%.培养复合菌系的溶解氧范围以0.07~0.13 mg/L,为宜,最适生长和降解纤维素林丹的温度为50~60℃.  相似文献   

The influence of soil chemical properties and soil nutrition on cotton yields was studied by means of establishing mathematical models. The nultivariate quadratic regression equations developed by a stepwise regression method not only presented the single effect of soil factors but also displayed the interaction (synergistic or antagonistic) of soil nutrients. The effect of individual factor and the way of nutrient interaction were further analysed by the path analysis method. The results showed that among major factors affecting cotton yields, there existed the interactions between macronutrients(available P × available K), and between macronutrients and microelements (N × Zn, P × Mo, P × Cu, P × Zn, K × Mo) besides the single effect of soil pH, total P, available Cu and available Zn.  相似文献   

Published studies of rhizobial populations, communities and other strain collections were analysed to identify trends in strain richness, strain dominance and genetic diversity within and between locations. For individual populations and communities, strain richness indices were calculated by dividing the number of strain types identified by the number of isolates recovered. Where possible, strain dominance (the proportion of rhizobial isolates represented by each strain type) was also calculated. Analysis of the genetic diversity of populations, communities and rhizobial strain collections originating from diverse legume hosts and locations, was confined to studies using multilocus enzyme electrophoresis (MLEE) so that diversity could be compared on the basis of published H values. Strain richness indices were highly variable (0.02-0.94) and were influenced by both the discriminatory power of the strain typing method and the type and number of legume species used to recover rhizobia from soil. The strain richness of populations recovered either directly from soil, or from the nodules of trap hosts inoculated with the same soil, was similar. Because the arithmetic relationship between the number of strain types and number of isolates varies between different populations and communities, strain richness curves are proposed as the most appropriate method for reporting rhizobial structural diversity. Comparison of over 50 rhizobial populations and communities from published studies showed that strain dominance patterns in nodules were often similar. Typically, a single strain type occupies more than 30% of nodules with the majority of strain types being recovered at low frequency (∼75% of published populations and communities). Rhizobial populations and communities characterised by MLEE varied in their genetic diversity, with H values ranging from 0.06 to 0.78. In several studies, most of the genetic diversity within a site could be recovered from the nodules of a single plant. When hierarchical analyses were performed on populations within and between sites, the genetic diversity within sites was similar to the genetic diversity between sites. Similarly, the genetic diversity of strain collections originating from multiple hosts and locations was no more diverse than some individual populations and communities. Strain richness and genetic diversity measures were not always correlated for rhizobial populations. Populations with low strain richness were sometimes genetically diverse, and the relationship between the diversity measures varied for different legume species at the same location. We suggest that both strain richness and genetic diversity measures are required to fully describe rhizobial population and community diversity.  相似文献   

Lotus uliginosus is generally nodulated by rhizobia of the genus Bradyrhizobium when used for improvement of Uruguayan pastures. The genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationships of 111 isolates from nodules of L. uliginosus collected from four fields with or without prior inoculation history were analyzed in this study. Genetic diversity estimated by ERIC-PCR revealed 75 different genomic fingerprints, and showed a relatively greater value compared with other methods and varied by soil type. 16S ribosomal RNA gene RFLP analysis revealed three different ribogroups, A, B and C, with 71 isolates in ribogroup A, three isolates in ribogroup B and only one in ribogroup C. Phylogenetic analyses based on 16S RNA gene sequences, ITS, as well as atpD, recA and glnII gene sequences indicated that ribogroup A strains were affiliated with B. japonicum bv. genistearum strains. The three isolates in ribogroup B did not clearly associate with any Bradyrhizobium species described previously and could represent a novel species within this genus. Unlike B. japonicum strains these isolates were able to nodulate and fix nitrogen with other Lotus species as well as with Spartium, a leguminous shrub. The unique isolate in ribogroup C clustered with Mesorhizobium and appeared genetically and phenotypically related to broad host-range Mesorhizobium sp. NZP2037. Our data suggest that Uruguayan soils contain native or naturalized bradyrhizobia that are able to nodulate L. uliginosus as efficiently as the commercial strain NZP2309 but could have adaptive advantages making them more suitable for inoculant purposes.  相似文献   

纯种固态发酵喷雾接种的喷雾系统可能会直接影响微生物的活性,造成微生物的死亡。该文利用固-液两相流理论分析了喷雾接种两相流体中微生物的受力状况,并对该两相流流态特征进行了定性,分析了流体微元体对微生物损伤程度综合衡量参数——黏性能量耗散率公式的理论依据,为后续喷头内部流场仿真奠定了基础。在FLUENT里创建了一个通过流场信息来计算黏性能量耗散率的用户自定义函数,在合理设置边界条件和初始条件的基础上,对在不同孔口尺寸、入口压力条件下空心锥雾喷头的黏性能量耗散率等内部流场进行了数值模拟;设计并制造了一套喷雾接种试验系统,确定了相应的测试试验酵母菌活性的方法。采用CFD仿真和试验验证的方法量化分析了喷头孔口尺寸、喷雾参数等因素对喷雾后生物活性的影响。结果表明,用喷雾接种实现纯种固态发酵过程的自动化、保证接种的均匀性是可行的;接种时喷雾压力越大、喷头孔口尺寸越大,喷头内部流场内能量耗散率极值也越大,菌种死亡率越高,据此可以找到保证接种后微生物存活率的最佳喷雾特性参数。该文的研究为固态发酵喷雾接种或病虫害防治喷施生物农药的应用提供了基础,并可为进一步研究其他喷头对微生物活性的影响提供借鉴。  相似文献   

A greenhouse pot experiment was conducted to investigate the influence of soil moisture content and plant species on soil microbial community structure using cultivation-independent methods. White clover and ryegrass were grown individually or in a mixture. Plants were subjected to soil moisture content corresponding to 60% field capacity (FC) and 80% FC. Total plant biomass of white clover and ryegrass increased with increasing soil moisture contents. At a given soil moisture content, total biomass of white clover was lower in the ryegrass–clover (RC) mixture compared with those grown individually, while total biomass of ryegrass was higher. Microbial community structure assessed by phospholipid fatty acid analysis (PLFA) was more affected by plant species than soil moisture. Community level physiological profiles (CLPP), in terms of diversity of substrate utilization and average well colour development (AWCD) were affected by plant species and soil moisture. Soil moisture effects were more pronounced in clover than in ryegrass. AWCD and diversity of substrate utilization in the ryegrass–clover mix were similar to those of sole clover while they differed from that of ryegrass suggesting a dominant effect of clover in the mix.  相似文献   

Biological communities differ over time and in space, and in the forest these communities often vary according to trees and tree gaps, mediated by mechanisms that are likely to change over time and as a tree are removed. In this paper we ask the questions: What is the influence of individual trees on soil microbial community structure? Does the soil microbial community change in the short-term when a tree is removed, and does this change depend on the initial influence of the tree? We use phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) analysis and a geostatistical approach to study effects of trees and tree removal (thinning) on soil microbial community structure in a young boreal Norway spruce (Picea abies) forest. An experiment was setup where half (four) of the included trees were cut and soil was collected prior to (t0) and one month after (t1) tree felling. The samples were collected along two perpendicular transects originating from each of the eight study trees. A tree influence index was calculated for each sample point from the distances to neighbouring trees, weighted by tree diameter. We found that individual trees are important in structuring the soil microbial community as microbial community structure responded to the gradient in tree influence. Also strong spatial structure was found corresponding to the patch structure induced by trees. Changes in microbial community structure before and after tree felling (t0 and t1) was found to differ significantly between felled and non-felled trees: samples from felled trees came to resemble samples with a low value of tree influence and samples from below non-felled trees came to resemble samples with a high value for tree influence. We thus found that soil microbial community structure in a boreal forest is spatially structured by the distribution of single trees, and that soil microbial community structure varies seasonally and is affected by tree removal, in an intricate manner that reflects the initial influence of trees.  相似文献   


This study was designed to identify strains of Bradyrhizobium sp. (lespedeza) which could improve the plant performance and N status of Lespedeza cuneata (Dumont) G. Don (sericea lespedeza). Based upon preliminary screening for nodulation capability and acetylene reducing activity (ARA), six strains of rhizobia were chosen to be evaluated in the greenhouse for plant growth effects and N2‐fixing ability.

The L. cuneata symbiosis with two strains, VPI 142 and VPI 163, resulted in the greatest plant growth, total N accumulation, and highest nodule nitrogenase activity (acetylene reduction activity). The high correlation (significant at the 1% level) of shoot dry weight with root dry weight (r = .94), nodule dry weight (r = .92), total shoot N (r = .98), total root N (r = .92), as related to nitrogenase activity of the nodule mass (r = .71), indicates that plant dry weight could be used as an easily determined measurement for screening isolates to be used with L. cuneata.

The identification of efficient rhizobial strains capable of increasing N input should benefit revegetation systems using L. cuneata as the principal legume.  相似文献   

The objective of the present work was to examine the effects of phosphate fertilizers on the microbial activity of pasture soils. Various microbial characteristics were measured using soils from an existing long-term phosphate fertilizer field trial and a short-term incubation experiment. The measurements included basal respiration, substrate induced respiration, inhibition of substrate-induced respiration by streptomycin sulphate (fungal activity) and actidione (bacterial activity) and microbial biomass C. The long-term field trials was initiated during 1985 to examine the effectiveness of different sources of phosphate fertilizers (single superphosphate, North Carolina phosphate rock, partially acidulated North Carolina phosphate rock, and diammonium phosphate) on pasture yield. The incubation experiment was conducted for 8 weeks using the same soil and the sources of phosphate fertilizers used in the field trial. In the incubation experiment the fertilizer addition caused an initial decrease in basal and substrate-induced respiration but had no effect on total microbial biomass. The initial decline in basal and substrate-induced respiration with the fertilizer addition was restored within 8 weeks after incubation. In the field experiment the fertilizer addtion had no significant effect on basal respiration but increased substrate-induced respiration and microbial biomass C. The short-term and the long-term effects of phosphate fertilizer addition on the microbial characteristies of the soils are discussed in relation to its effects on pH, salt concentration, and the nutrient status of the soils.  相似文献   

The composition of microbial communities and the level of enzymatic activity in the soil are both important indicators of soil quality, but the mechanisms by which a soil bacterial community is generated and maintained are not yet fully understood. Two soil samples were collected from the same location, but each had been subjected to a different long-term fertilization treatment and was characterized by different microbial diversity, biomass and physicochemical properties. These samples were γ-sterilized and swap inoculated. Non-sterilized soil samples along with sterilized and inoculated soil samples were incubated for eight months before their nutrient content, microbial biomass, enzymatic activity and bacterial composition were analyzed. Total phosphorus, and potassium concentrations along with the overall organic matter content of the non-sterilized soil were all equal to those of the same soil that had been sterilized and self/swap inoculated. Additionally, the microbial biomass carbon concentration was not affected by the specific inoculum and varied only by soil type. The activities of catalase, invertase, urease, protease, acid phosphatase and phytase were smaller in the sterilized soils that had been inoculated with organisms from chemical fertilizer amended soil (NPK) when compared to sterilized soil inoculated with organisms from manure and chemical fertilizer amended soil (NPKM) and non-sterilized soil samples. Bacterial 16S rRNA examined by 454-pyrosequencing revealed that the composition of bacterial community reconstructed by immigrant microbial inoculum in the soil was mainly influenced by its physicochemical properties, although the microbial inoculum contained different abundances of bacterial taxa. For example, the pH of the soil was the dominant factor in reconstructing a new bacterial community. Taken together, these results demonstrated that both soil microbial composition and functionality were primarily determined by soil properties rather than the microbial inoculum, which contributed to our understanding of how soil microbial communities are generated and maintained.  相似文献   

Plant species effects on microbial communities are attributed to changes in microbial community composition and biomass, and may depend on plant species specific differences in the quality of resources (carbon) inputs. We examined the idea that plant-soil feedbacks can be explained by a chance effect, which is the probability of a highly productive or keystone plant species is present in the community and will influence the functions more than the number of species per se. A 13C pulse labelling technique was applied to three plant species and a species mixture in a greenhouse experiment to examine the carbon flow from plants to soil microbial communities. The 13C label was given as CO2 to shoots of a legume (Lotus corniculatus), a forb (Plantago lanceolata), a grass (Holcus lanatus) and a mixture of the three species. Microbial phospholipid fatty acids (PLFA) was analysed in order to determine the biomass and composition of the soil microbial community. The incorporation of the stable isotope into soil microorganisms was determined through GC-IRMS analyses of the microbial PLFAs. Plant species identity did not influence the microbial biomass when determined as total carbon of microbial phospholipid fatty acids. However, the labelled carbon showed that the grass monoculture (H. lanatus) and the plant mixture allocated more 13C into bacteria and actinomycete biomass than the other plant species. H. lanatus monocultures had also the highest amounts of 13C allocated to AM-fungi and saprophytic fungi. The carbon allocation from plants to soil microorganisms in a plant species mixture can thus be explained by the presence of a highly productive species that influence soil functions.  相似文献   

Physical and chemical constituents of the Missouri River near Brownville, Neb. U.S.A. were studied during the period May, 1970 through December, 1972. Considerable variation in river discharge was observed. The changing hydrological conditions affected the concentrations of both the dissolved and suspended constituents in the river. Rain and snowmelt runoff increased the river discharge and also contributed to increased turbidity and total suspended solids. A number of parameters including total phosphorus, total organic nitrogen, oxygen demand and certain metals correlated with increased suspended solids. However, most of the major anions and cations measured showed decreased concentrations as a result of increased river discharge.  相似文献   

To improve the quality of forest soils by applying basic rock powders tests were carried out in Vorarlberg (Austria) in 1987: in the vicinity of Möggers on Stagno-Mollic Gleysol under Abieti-Fagetum luzuletosum, in Nenzing on Calcaric Regosol and Cambisol under Abieti-Fagetum luzuletosum and in Montafon on Stagno-Dystric Gleysol under Homogyno-Piceetum. The effects of a low dosage of rock powder application on nitrification, basal respiration, microbial biomass, xylanase, phosphatase and protease activities, the amount of nitrate nitrogen (NO3?-N), and the soil pH were investigated. Additions of rock powder increased protease, NO3?-N content and pH, but decreased phosphatase in the Ah-horizon of the Stagno-Mollic Gleysol. After 3 years the Ah-horizon from the experimental site Nenzing showed statistically verified differences of all investigated parameters except xylanase. In the acid spruce forest soils of the Montafon site the rock powder had no statistically significant effect on microbiological parameters. Only the soil pH increased. It can be postulated that the application of rock powders furthered C- and N-mineralization. In the long run this affects the turnover of mineral nutrients in forest ecosystems.  相似文献   

Communities of resident rhizobia capable of effective nodulation of pulse crops were found to vary considerably over a range of soil environments. These populations from soils at 50 sites in Southern Australia were evaluated for nitrogen fixing effectiveness in association with Pisum sativum, Vicia faba, Lens culinaris, Vicia sativa, Cicer arietinum and Lupinus angustifolius. The values for nitrogen fixing effectiveness could be related to soil pH as determined by soil type and location. It was found that 33% of paddocks had sufficient resident populations of Rhizobium leguminosarum bv viciae for effective nodulation of faba bean, 54% for lentils, 55% for field pea and 66% for the effective nodulation of the vetch host plant. Mesorhizobium cicer populations were very low with only 7% of paddocks surveyed having sufficient resident populations for effective nodulation. Low resident rhizobial populations (<10 rhizobia g−1 soil) of R. leguminosarum bv viciae and M. cicer were found in acid soil conditions. In contrast, Bradyrhizobium populations increased as soil pH decreased. Inoculation increased faba bean yields from 0.34 to 4.4 t ha−1 and from 0.47 to 2.37 t ha−1 for chickpeas on acid soils. On alkaline soils, where resident populations were large there was no consistent response to inoculation. Observations at experimental field sites confirmed the findings from the survey data, stressing the importance of rhizobial inoculation, especially on the acid soils in south-eastern Australia.  相似文献   

Microbial communities drive soil organic matter (SOM) decomposition through the production of a variety of extracellular enzymes. Climate change impact on soil microbial communities and soil enzymatic activities can therefore strongly affect SOM turnover, and thereby determine the fate of ecosystems and their role as carbon sinks or sources.To simulate projected impacts of climate change on Swiss Jura subalpine grassland soils, an altitudinal soil transplantation experiment was set up in October 2009. On the fourth year of this experiment, we measured microbial biomass (MB), microbial community structure (MCS), and soil extracellular enzymatic activities (EEA) of nine hydrolytic and oxidative extracellular enzymes in the transplanted soils on a seasonal basis.We found a strong sampling date effect and a smaller but significant effect of the climate manipulation (soil transplantation) on EEA. Overall EEA was higher in winter and spring but enzymes linked to N and P cycles showed higher potential activities in autumn, suggesting that other factors than soil microclimate controlled their pool size, such as substrate availability. The climate warming manipulation decreased EEA in most cases, with oxidative enzymes more concerned than hydrolytic enzymes. In contrast to EEA, soil MB was more affected by the climate manipulation than by the seasons. Transplanting soils to lower altitudes caused a significant decrease in soil MB, but did not affect soil MCS. Conversely, a clear shift in soil MCS was observed between winter and summer. Mass-specific soil EEA (EEA normalized by MB) showed a systematic seasonal trend, with a higher ratio in winter than in summer, suggesting that the seasonal shift in MCS is accompanied by a change in their activities. Surprisingly, we observed a significant decrease in soil organic carbon (SOC) concentration after four years of soil transplantation, as compared to the control site, which could not be linked to any microbial data.We conclude that medium term (four years) warming and decreased precipitation strongly affected MB and EEA but not MCS in subalpine grassland soils, and that those shifts cannot be readily linked to the dynamics of soil carbon concentration under climate change.  相似文献   

Total microbial population and their activity (CO2 evolution), macronutrients (N, P, K) and enzymes (dehydrogenase and phosphatase activities) in the uningested pressmud, fresh casts and 15- and 30-d-old pressmud vermicasts of two composting worms, Lampito mauritii and Eudrilus eugeniae, have been determined. Enhancement of microbial population and activity, NPK content and enzyme activities in the fresh casts are due to enhanced mineralization of nutrients, high substrate concentrations and high moisture level. As the vermicast become aged, there is a reduction in the moisture level leading to reduction in microbial population and activity. Consequently reduced microbial activity leads to reduced enzyme activity and NPK contents. Dryness of aged vermicasts implies the loss of N through volatilization, leaching and denitrification. Reduction in P is due to lesser conversion of organic to inorganic P due to reduced microbial activity. Loss of K input is due to leaching.


La population microbienne totale et son activité (dégagement de CO2), les nutiments (N, P, K) et les activités enzymatiques (déshydrogénase et phosphatase) dans des résidus de canne à sucre (bagasse), ainsi que dans des turricules frais et des turricules âgés de 15 et 30 j, formés à partir de ce matériau organique par deux vers de terre composteurs, Lampito mauritii et Eudrilus eugeniae, ont été étudiés. L'augmentation de la population bactérienne et son activité, des teneurs en N, P, K et des activités enzymatiques dans les turricules frais sont liés à un accroissement de la minéralisation des nutriments, à la forte concentration en substrat organique et à la forte teneur en eau. Lorsque les turricules vieillissent, la réduction de cette teneur en eau conduit à une diminution de la population bactérienne et de son activité. Ceci conduit également, par conséquent, à une diminution des activités enzymatiques et des teneurs en N, P, K. La dessiccation des turricules entraîne une perte d'azote par volatilisation, lessivage et dénitrification. La réduction des teneurs en phosphore est due à une moindre conversion du P organique en P inorganique par les microorganismes. La perte de potassium se fait par lessivage.  相似文献   

The microbial population of a Brown Chernozemic soil was labelled in situ by adding 14C-glucose and 15NH415NO3 to the plow layer. The loss of 14C, nitrogen immobilization-mineralization reactions, bacterial numbers (plate count, direct count) and fungal hyphal lengths were determined periodically throughout the growing period in amended and unamended microplots and in the surrounding field soil. After 5 days, 90 per cent of the labelled N occurred in the organic form with little subsequent mineralization. Of the labelled C added, 63, 56 and 39 per cent, remained in the soil after 3, 14 and 104 days, respectively.The ratio of fungal C to bacterial C increased as soil moisture decreased. Viable (plate count) and total numbers of bacteria in samples from unamended plots and field soil were significantly correlated with each other and with soil moisture. Fungal hyphal lengths from amended soil were also significantly related to moisture but the rate of loss of 14C and mineralization of 15N were not. The synthesized microbial material (tissue and metabolites) exhibited a high degree of stability throughout the study. The half-life of labelled C remaining in the soil after 30 days was calculated to be 6 months compared to only 4 days for the added glucose C. The amount of energy used for maintenance by the soil population under field conditions was calculated from measurements of biomass C, respired labelled C and respired soil C.  相似文献   

Serine protease inhibitors (PIs) are involved in several physiological processes, such as regulation of endogenous proteinases and defence against phytophageous insects. Transgenic modifications have enhanced protease inhibitor expression to develop insect resistant cultivars in several important crops. The fate of protease inhibitors released from genetically engineered plants is an important issue because of possible inhibition of soil proteases and effects of the insecticidal protein and its codifying sequence on soil microorganisms. The persistence of transgenic sequence mustard trypsin inhibitor-2 in soil and its hypothetical acquisition by soil microorganisms by horizontal gene transfer and the effect of transgenic plant material on soil microbial community structure and soil protease activity were investigated. With the aim to simulate the effects of plant litter on soil microorganisms, a microcosm experimental model was used. Despite the persistence of transgenic DNA sequences, no recombination event was detected between plant DNA and soil bacteria; molecular analysis of bacterial community also showed no significant influence on the dominant members of the bacterial community and soil protease activity was not inhibited by the release of constitutively over-expressed protease inhibitor.  相似文献   

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