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50个小麦生产及后备品种(系)的抗白粉病基因推导   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为明确我国小麦品种(系)中抗白粉病基因的组成,利用25个不同毒性的小麦白粉菌菌株对50个小麦生产及后备品种(系)进行抗白粉病基因推导,结果表明,参试的50个小麦品种(系)中有8个小麦品种(系)对供试的25个菌株全部感病,5个品种含有抗病基因Pm8,2个品种含有Pm4a,9个品种含有Pm2+6,4个品种含有Pm2,22个品种(系)可能含有供试基因之外的其他抗性基因或新基因。此研究结果可为小麦抗病育种以及品种利用提供依据。  相似文献   

 本文对6个小麦新品系所含的抗白粉病基因进行了遗传分析。将感病品种Liaochun10分别与SM 20121、SM 203390、SM 20125、SM 200332、SM 20126、SM 20005杂交和自交,并将这6个品系互配成半双列杂交组合。用小麦白粉菌15号小种的单孢堆菌系对各杂交组合的亲本、F1、F2代群体及F3代家系进行了苗期抗病性鉴定。遗传分析表明,供试的6个品系对小麦白粉菌15号小种的抗性均由1对显性基因控制。等位性分析推断:SM 20121、SM 203390、SM 20125和SM 200332含有抗白粉病基因Pm12;SM 20126含有抗白粉病基因Pm21;SM 20005含有抗白粉病基因Pm16。建议将这6个品系作为优良抗病亲本利用。  相似文献   

L-methionine inhibits development of powdery mildew on cucumber leaf discs, floating on a 8×10–4 M solution of this compound. All other natural amino acids are ineffective in this way. This effect was reversed by 10–4 M folic acid. The possible interference of L-methionine with folic acid metabolism, and its importance for powdery mildew development are discussed.Samenvatting L-methionine verhindert de ontwikkeling van meeldauw op schijfjes komkommerblad, die op een 8×10–4 M oplossing van deze verbinding drijven. Alle andere naturrlijke aminozuren zijn in dit opzicht onwerkzaam. Een antagonering van dit effect werd verkregen door 10–4 M folinezuur aan de oplossing toe te voegen. De mogelijke invloed van L-methionine op de folinezuurstofwisseling en de gevolgen hiervan voor de ontwikkeling van meeldauw worden besproken.  相似文献   

小麦慢白粉品种的抗性组分研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
 2003~2004年度和2004~2005年度在田间测定了16个小麦品种(系)对小麦白粉菌E20菌株的抗性组分,包括潜育期、侵染几率、产孢量、病斑扩展和传染期。结果表明,小麦慢白粉品种(系)与高感对照品种相比,表现为潜育期长、侵染几率低、产孢量低、病斑扩展慢的特点,且这4个抗性组分与对照的差异都达到了显著和极显著水平,但慢白粉品种的传染期变化无一定规律。参试慢白粉品种的抗性组分参数与病情曲线下面积(AUDPC)的相关分析表明,潜育期与AUDPC呈负相关,但相关性不显著;产孢量和病斑扩展与AUDPC呈正相关,两年数据相关性均达到显著水平;侵染几率与AUDPC呈正相关,但2003-2004年度相关性不显著,而2004~2005年度相关性显著;传染期与AUDPC相关关系不明显。由此可见,在慢白粉品种的病害流行中起主要作用的是产孢量、病斑扩展,而侵染几率、潜育期和传染期作用相对较小。  相似文献   

[目的] 采用基因推导法对目前甘肃省小麦主要生产品种及高代品系进行抗白粉基因分析,为甘肃省白粉病的抗病育种和品种使用及布局提供依据。[方法] 利用21个小麦白粉菌株,结合品种系谱对甘肃14个小麦生产品种及28个高代品系进行抗白粉基因推导。[结果] 14个生产品种中,1个含Pm8,1个含Pm4b,4个含未知抗病基因,其余8个对所有供试菌株全部表现感病;28个高代品系中,5个含Pm8〖STBZ〗,2个含Pm〖STBX〗3〖STBZ〗a,1个含Pm〖STBX〗4〖STBZ〗b,1个含Pm〖STBX〗30〖STBZ〗,5个含未知抗病基因,其余14个对所有供试菌株全部表现感病。[结论] 目前甘肃小麦生产品种及高代品系中缺乏抗白粉病基因,一旦条件适宜,小麦白粉病在甘肃地区极易发生和流行,应该引起生产管理部门和育种专家的注意和重视。  相似文献   

 本文对白粉菌侵染后田间小麦叶片叶绿素含量与光谱反射率的关系进行了研究。用不同浓度的药液控制田间病害的发生梯度,于灌浆期对不同严重度小麦冠层的光谱反射率进行了测量,同时测定小麦叶绿素含量并调查病情指数,分析叶绿素含量与病情指数、冠层光谱反射率的关系。结果表明,药剂对叶绿素含量无显著影响;受白粉病危害后,小麦叶片叶绿素含量明显降低,抗性不同的品种之间下降速度存在差异,与病情指数之间也有极显著的相关性。绿光波段与叶绿素含量之间的相关性达到了显著水平;基于多波段建立的模型要优于单波段,可以利用绿光、红光波段的反射率估计叶绿素含量。红边参数与叶绿素含量之间也有较好的相关性,其中以红边面积的相关系数最大。  相似文献   

Abastract The photosynthesis and transpiration rates of winter wheat leaves were measured at different developmental stages and at various levels of mildew infection. Even at low levels of infection, circa 4% leaf area being covered, both the assimilation and transpiration rates at light satiation were considerably reduced. Light use efficiency and dark respiration were not significantly affected. The physiological background of these effects was analysed by photosynthesis measurements at different external CO2 concentrations. It was shown that the carboxylation resistance was increased due to mildew infection and that stomatal resistance, boundary layer resistance and transport resistance in the mesophyll were only indirectly affected.A simulation model was used to compute the consequences of these effects on daily growth rate of a winter wheat canopy at different development stages and with different levels of mildew severity. These computations show that a low infection level may result in a considerable reduction of the crop growth rate. This effect was more pronounced when the sky was clear than overcast.Samenvatting Bepalingen van fotosynthese en verdamping werden verricht bij verschillende ontwikkelingsstadia van wintertarwe, die in verschillende mate was aangetast door meeldauw. Zelfs bij vrij lage infectiepercentages (circa 4%) was er al een aanzienlijke reductie van assimilatie en verdampingssnelheid bij lichtverzadiging. Lichtbenuttingsefficiëntie en donkerademhaling werden niet significant beïnvloed.De fysiologische achtergrond van deze effecten werd onderzocht door fotosynthesemetingen bij verschillende externe CO2 concentraties. Er werd aangetoond dat de carboxylatieweerstand werd verhoogd door meeldauwinfectie en dat de huidmondjesweerstand, grenslaagweerstand en transportweerstand in het mesofyl indirect werden beïnvloed.De gevolgen van deze effecten op de dagelijkse groeisnelheid van een wintertarwegewas in verschillende ontwikkelingsfasen en met verschillende LAI werd nagegaan met een simulatiemodel. Deze berekeningen tonen aan dat een geringe meeldauwaantasting resulteert in een aanzienlijke reductie van de groeisnelheid van het gewas. Dit effect was duidelijker bij heldere dan bij bewolkte hemel.  相似文献   

小麦品种(系)抗白粉病基因推导及分子标记鉴定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用基因推导法和分子标记对我国主要麦区的小麦品种(系)进行了抗白粉病基因的鉴定。结果表明,南30-10等15个品种(系)含有Pm8,新麦2号等9个品种(系)含有Pm4,中植4号等9个品种(系)含有Pm21,郑麦113含有Pm4b+5b,杨09-111和新紫1号含有Pm2+mld。研究发现,基因推导和分子标记相结合,可大大提高小麦品种(系)抗白粉病基因鉴定结果的准确性,鉴定结果可为抗病育种和品种布局及白粉病的防治提供依据。  相似文献   

Members of a new class of fungicide containing benzylaminopyrimidine as a core structure were synthesized and their fungicidal potencies against wheat brown rust, Puccinia recondita, and barley powdery mildew, Erysiphe graminis, were assessed. Among these fungicides, N-(fluoroalkoxy or fluorophenoxybenzyl)-4-pyrimidinamines showed notable preventive activities. The potency of the new pyrimidines was increased when a difluoromethoxy or tetrafluorophenoxy group was introduced at the 4- or 3-position of the phenyl moiety and a methyl or ethyl group was introduced at the benzyl position. Structure–activity relationships are discussed. © 1998 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

创建BP神经网络模型预测小麦白粉病   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述了主分量分析法的原理与步骤,分析了河南省中原地区1990~2007年小麦白粉病病情及相关气象资料,得出影响其流行的主要分量,最后利用得到的主要分量作为BP神经网络的输入,对中原地区2008~2010年小麦白粉病流行情况进行预测,并与未进行主分量分析而建立的全要素BP网络模型进行比较。结果表明,该模型可以快速准确地预测小麦白粉病的流行程度,有效地减少小麦产量损失。  相似文献   

 为了解甘肃小麦白粉病菌的毒性变化动态及其群体遗传结构,利用毒性监测及多基因家系法,对采自甘肃省大陇南地区陇南、天水两市的49个小麦白粉菌的单孢子堆分离物进行群体遗传结构研究。毒性监测结果显示:供试菌株对抗病基因Pm12、Pm16、Pm18、Pm21的毒性频率均低于10%,表明上述抗病基因可以在育种和生产中继续使用;近些年定名的抗病基因Pm23、Pm25、Pm30、Pm34、Pm35的毒性频率为35%~95%,并在陇南、天水两市间存在差异,说明这些基因的利用需要慎重;对Pm4b的毒性频率已大幅度上升;在相似系数为0.752时,除11号菌株之外,其余聚为四类。选择AOX、EFA、PKA、PPA、TUB五个基因片段对供试菌株的多基因家系分析表明:基因序列聚为两类,病菌在陇南、天水两市间及各县市间存在传播。甘肃省大陇南地区病菌毒性多态性较高;白粉菌在各地区间存在交流的同时,也存在一定的独立进化。  相似文献   

明确我国当前小麦审定和区试品种含有的抗白粉病基因, 可为这些品种在小麦抗病育种中的应用及品种合理布局和轮换提供依据。本研究采用24个不同毒性的小麦白粉菌菌株对36个小麦审定和区试品种(系)进行抗白粉病基因推导, 参试品种(系)与46个已知抗病基因小麦品种(系)抗谱比较的结果表明, 11个小麦审定品种中有5个品种对所有供试白粉菌菌株表现抗性, 结合亲本溯源, 推测其中有3个品种可能携有Pm21基因; 另外6个审定品种中有5个品种可能含有抗病基因Pm2, 且其对应的亲本或亲本组合中含有抗病基因Pm2。25个区试品种(系)中有3个可能含有Pm21, 10个含有Pm2, 1个含有Pm2+6,2个含有Pm4b,1个含有Pm8。另外, 参试的36个品种(系)中还有9个品种(系)和已知基因品种抗谱存在一定差异。总体上, 推导出已知基因的品种以含有Pm2基因的品种最多, Pm21基因的品种次之, 建议在生产上加强对Pm21基因品种(系)特别是已审定的携有Pm21基因品种的推广和应用, 应该注意一些省份在育种和生产上应慎用或少用含Pm2基因的品种(系)。  相似文献   

Field assessment of resistance to powdery mildew in mature wheat plants   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Rankit transformation of mildew scores was used in regression analyses to compare the times and methods of scoring resistance. This showed that time and method of assessment significantly altered the relative rank positions of different cultivars. Examination of 10 cultivars in detail showed that changes in rank were associated with differences in organ resistance.
Whole plot assessments based on a 0–9 scale provided a rapid and reliable means of ranking cultivars. Where possible, and particularly for breeders, at least two assessments are recommended, the first at or soon after flowering to estimate foliar infection, and the second 2 or 3 weeks later to estimate ear infection. For general comparisons of cultivars, sufficient information may be acquired from a single assessment when all plant organs are present and when the disease has had time to become well established.  相似文献   

创制农药氯啶菌酯对小麦白粉病防治效果   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
沈迎春  陈浩  仇广灿 《植物保护》2009,35(2):163-165
对我国新创制的甲氧基丙烯酸酯类杀菌剂氯啶菌酯防治小麦白粉病进行了试验。小麦白粉病菌孢子萌发抑制试验表明,20、10、1 μg/mL氯啶菌酯对孢子萌发的抑制率为83.54%、67.78%、19.24%。室内盆栽试验确定氯啶菌酯对小麦白粉病的EC50为4.172 3 μg/mL。田间试验结果表明,15%氯啶菌酯乳油有效用量60、40 g/hm2防治效果极显著高于20 g/hm2,与对照15%三唑酮可湿性粉剂防效相当。  相似文献   

Wheat powdery mildew, caused by the fungal pathogen Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici (Bgt), is a destructive wheat disease worldwide. The key issue for the disease forecast is to timely and accurately estimate and quantify the latent infection levels in volunteer seedlings where the pathogen over-winters or over-summers to serve as sources of initial inoculum of epidemics. To improve the conventional method, a real-time PCR assay had been established in this study to quantify latent infection level of wheat leaves. Artificially and naturally infected leaves in wheat fields at different geographical locations in China were collected and processed to determine the latent infection levels. Linear relationships between the molecular disease index (MDX) and the observed disease index (DX) were obtained from artificial inoculation experiments. Field experiments showed that the spatial distribution patterns of MDX matched well with those of DX in the most cases. This study demonstrated that the real-time PCR assay was a useful tool to rapidly and accurately quantify the latent infection levels of wheat powdery mildew and to efficiently estimate the initial inoculum potentials of epidemics in the fields.  相似文献   

小麦抗白粉病基因在甘肃的有效性及评价   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
采自甘肃各地的小麦白粉菌株接种在含有已知抗白粉病基因的小麦品种(系)上,测定其毒性频率,并对这些品种进行了异地成株期抗性鉴定。根据已知抗病基因对白粉苗群体的抗性程度,对其进行抗性效能的评价。结果表明,Pml、Pm3c、Pm3f、Pm5、Pm6、Pm7、Pm8和Pm17在甘肃抗性差,已失去利用价值;Pm2、Pm3a、Pm3b、Pm19抗性较低,不宜单独作为抗源利用;Pm4b、Pm13、Pm20、Pm21和含有Pm4的白兔3号、肯贵阿1号及含有Pm“XBD”的我国农家品种小白冬麦抗性表现好,可作为抗性亲本利用。组合基因如Pm2 6、Pm2 Mld、Pml 2 9等都表现出较好的抗性,这表明利用抗源材料进行基因累加有望培育出优良的抗性品种。文中还结合抗源材料的农艺性状对其利用提出了建议。  相似文献   

通过对荆州地区小麦白粉病19年历史资料的研究分析,初步明确了决定病害发生程度的主要因素是当年早春3月上旬的菌源基数,3月的平均温度,3月的降水量以及3月份降水量与3月平均温度的乘积。提出了病害发生程度中期观测式:Y=4.686615+0.0708637599xl-0.2924674784x2-0.02424710805x3+0.002597252644x4,历史符合率90.5%,经1981 ̄199  相似文献   

小麦抗白粉病基因Pm21 的抑制基因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 小麦-簇毛麦6VS. 6AL 易位染色体含有抗白粉病基因Pm21,在我国的小麦育种中被广泛应用。近年来,一些含有Pm21 基因的小麦品种(系)开始感染白粉病。为探索含Pm21 的品种(系)感染白粉病的原因,本研究在6VS. 6AL 易位系与小麦品系(种)R14 和川农12 的杂交后代中利用分子标记CINAU17-1086 和CINAU18-723 辅助选择的遗传背景相对简单的F7 和F8 近等基因系为材料,研究了小麦抗白粉病基因Pm21 的抗病性表达。结果发现,在3 个含有6VS. 6AL 易位染色体的感病F6 植株繁殖的F7 近等基因系中发生了白粉病抗性的分离,分离比率符合13 感病︰ 3 抗病的理论值。在随机选取的F7 感病小麦单株所繁殖的F8 近等基因系中,有7 / 13 的株系一致地重感白粉病,有6 / 13 的株系发生了抗白粉病的分离,其中2 / 13 的株系分离比符合3 感病︰ 1 抗病、4 / 13 的株系分离比符合13 感病︰ 3 抗病的分离模式。这一结果指出,小麦株系中的抗白粉病基因Pm21 的抗性表达受小麦基因组中的一对显性抑制基因所控制,该基因来源于小麦品种(系)川农12或R14,建议命名为SuPm21。本研究指出,在把外源基因引入小麦的研究中,有利的外源基因与不含抑制基因的受体遗传资源同等重要。  相似文献   

Powdery mildew, caused by Podosphaera pannosa, is a very common disease in greenhouse potted roses, resulting in poor marketing value and hence economic losses. Alternatives to chemical control are necessary, and therefore the ability of silicon (Si) applied to roots to control the disease was investigated, as well as the mechanisms behind the observed disease reductions. Four genotypes of miniature potted roses representing different genetic backgrounds and susceptibility to disease were studied. Plants were watered with a nutrient solution containing either 3·6 mm Si (100 ppm) supplied as K2SiO3 (Si+) or no Si (Si?) before inoculation with P. pannosa. Si application increased leaf Si content two‐ to four‐fold compared to control plants. Confocal microscopy showed that Si deposition was larger in Si+ than in Si? plants and that deposition mainly occurred in the apoplast, particularly in epidermal cell walls. Si application delayed the onset of disease symptoms by 1–2 days and disease severity was reduced by up to 48·9%. The largest reduction was found in the two most resistant genotypes, which also had the highest increase in Si uptake. The Si‐induced disease protection was accompanied by increased formation of papillae and fluorescent epidermal cells (FEC) as well as deposition of callose and H2O2, especially at the sites of penetration and in FEC, which are believed to represent the hypersensitive response. Si treatment reduced powdery mildew development by inducing host defence responses and can therefore be used as an effective eco‐friendly disease control measure.  相似文献   

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