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The present study examined, at identical daily nutrient intakes, the impact of separating protein and lactose intakes across two daily meals on the metabolic and endocrine status in heavy veal calves. Calves were assigned to one of six degrees of separating protein and lactose over the two meals (termed nutrient synchrony, SYN 1-6; 6 calves/treatment). They were fed the protein-rich (P-)meal and the lactose-rich (L-)meal at 06:00 and 18:00h, respectively, or vice versa. At SYN 1, calves were fed with 50% of the daily protein and 50% of the daily lactose intake in each meal. Protein and lactose were iso-energetically exchanged between the two daily meals from SYN 1 to 6. At SYN 6, 85% of the daily protein and 20% of the daily lactose was fed in the P-meal and the remainder in the L-meal. Blood samples were collected hourly during 24h. Mean 24h glucose concentrations increased and insulin concentrations decreased from SYN 1 to 6. Postprandial 5h areas under concentration curves (AUC(0-5h)) of glucose increased with increasing meal lactose content. AUC(0-5h) of non-esterified fatty acids increased after P- and L-meals from SYN 1 to 6. Urea concentrations increased after L-meals from SYN 1 to 6, but decreased after P-meals from SYN 1 to 6. Insulin AUC(0-5h) decreased after L-meals and after P-meals from SYN 1 to 6. Nutrient asynchrony did not affect insulin-like growth factor-1, glucagon, growth hormone, leptin, 3,5,3'-triiodothyronine and thyroxine. In conclusion, separation of protein and lactose intake over meals inhibited insulin responses to a lactose-rich meal in heavy veal calves despite high plasma glucose concentrations.  相似文献   

The effect of true milk use in the diet of Spanish Brown Swiss male calves on animal performance, carcass and meat quality, and fatty acids composition was studied. In experiment 1, the effect of milk intake [ad libitum continuous (ADLIB) feed vs. restricted 0.7 during 75 days followed by ad libitum feed (RESTR)] and slaughter endpoint (225 kg vs. 5 month) were studied. In experiment 2, ad libitum concentrate feeding [grain-fed (GF)] was compared with milk supplementation until slaughter [milk-fed (MF)] in calves slaughtered at 345 kg. As regards to milk intake, carcass weight and degree of fatness were higher in the ADLIB group (P<0.05). The RESTR group revealed a higher percentage of saturated fatty acids (P<0.05). In experiment 2, the MF group exhibited a higher fat percentage (P<0.05), lower press and cooking losses (P<0.05), and higher scores for tenderness and juiciness (P<0.05) than the GF group. The percentage of saturated fatty acids was higher in the MF group (P<0.05). The results suggest that true milk use in veal production could be an advantageous alternative in terms on production costs, animal performance, and carcass and meat quality.  相似文献   

Mammary uptake of nutrients is dependent on their availability in the circulation but the role of hormones in that process is not known. Arteriovenous differences (AVD) of glucose and key hormones across the mammary glands were therefore determined in sows fed varying levels of protein. Sixteen lactating sows (four/dietary treatment) were fed a 7.8, 13.0, 18.2 or 23.5% crude protein (CP) isocaloric diet throughout lactation and their litters were standardized to 11 pigs within 48 h of birth. The anterior main mammary vein and a carotid artery were cannulated on day 4+/-1 of lactation and blood samples were collected every 30 min over 6h on days 10, 14, 18 and 22 of lactation to measure glucose, insulin, IGF-I, and prolactin (PRL) concentrations. Amino acid data from these sows were previously published and used here to determine residual correlations. Dietary treatments had no effect on any of the insulin or PRL variables measured (P>0.1) and, on day 18 only, IGF-I AVD was greater (P=0.05) for sows on the 23.5% compared to the 18.2% diet. On days 18 and 22, sows fed the 13% CP diet had greater arterial, venous and AVD glucose concentrations than sows fed other diets (P<0.05). Total arterial amino acid concentrations were correlated to arterial insulin (P<0.001) and PRL (P<0.05) concentrations, but not to those of IGF-I (P>0.1). Mammary AVD for total (P<0.001) and essential amino acids (P<0.05) were correlated to arterial concentrations of insulin, but not to those of IGF-I (P>0.1) or PRL (P>0.1). Mammary AVD of both total (P<0.01) and essential (P<0.05) amino acids were also correlated to mammary PRL AVD. In conclusion, dietary protein level did not affect mammary AVD and circulating lactogenic hormone concentrations. Yet, amino acid utilization by the sow mammary gland seems to be regulated via both circulating insulin concentrations and PRL binding to and uptake by porcine mammary cells.  相似文献   

Background: The combined glucose‐insulin test (CGIT) is helpful for evaluating insulin sensitivity. A continuous glucose monitoring system (CGMS) reports changes in interstitial glucose concentrations as they occur in the blood. Use of the CGMS minimizes animal contact and may be useful when performing a CGIT. Hypothesis: Results obtained using a CGMS are useful for the evaluation of glucose responses during the evaluation of insulin sensitivity in equids. Animals: Seven mature, obese ponies. Methods: Ponies were equipped with CGMS for determination of interstitial glucose concentrations. Glucose (150 mg/kg, IV) and insulin (0.1 U/kg, IV) were administered and blood glucose concentrations determined at (minutes after time zero) 1, 5, 15, 25, 35, 45, 60, 75, 90, 105, and 120 with a hand‐held glucometer. Blood chemistry results were compared with simultaneously obtained results using CGMS. Results: Concordance coefficients determined for comparison of blood glucose concentrations determined by a hand‐held glucometer and those determined by CGMS after the zero time point were 0.623, 0.764, 0.834, 0.854, and 0.818 (for delays of 0, 5, 10, 15, and 20 minutes, respectively). Conclusions and Clinical Importance: Interstitial glucose concentrations obtained by the CGMS compared favorably to blood glucose concentrations. CGMS may be useful for assessment of glucose dynamics in the CGIT.  相似文献   

Eighteen Iberian barrows of 100 kg initial BW were used in a comparative slaughter experiment to investigate the effects of feeding level (FL; 0.70 and 0.95 × ad libitum) on growth, protein- and fat-deposition rates and body composition. They were fed on a diet supplying the optimum level of digestible ideal protein:ME ratio (4.82 g/MJ) and slaughtered at 150 kg BW. The apparent digestibility of DM, OM, total N and GE, and the ME:GE and ME:DE ratios were not affected by FL. The average daily gain increased with the increase in FL (691 and 918 g/day respectively). Neither the gain:feed (g/g DM) nor the gain:ME intake (g/MJ) ratios were significantly affected however. An energy cost of 59.9 kJ ME/g gain was calculated. The rate of whole-body protein deposition was not significantly altered by FL. On average it reached 80 g/day. The pigs fed at the lowest level exhibited lower fat deposition (P < 0.01) and total energy retention (P < 0.01) than those in the group subjected to only a slight feed restriction. The overall efficiency of utilization of ME for energy gain (ER:ME intake) remained at 0.363 on average, irrespective of the FL imposed. Relative proportions of energy retained as protein and fat were not statistically altered by changes in FL. Mean values for ERP:ER and ERF:ER were 0.100 and 0.903 respectively. No differences between treatments were observed in fat, ash, water or energy content of the whole-body (g/kg) at 150 kg empty BW, the mean values (n = 12) being 512 ± 8.5, 27.6 ± 0.63 and 353 ± 6.7 g/kg for fat, ash and water respectively and 22.90 ± 0.31 MJ/kg for energy. Nevertheless, the proportion of protein tended to decline with the increase in FL (111 vs 104; P = 0.069). At 150 kg the Iberian pigs contained more fat and energy and less ash and water than at 100 kg. Whilst the percentage of lean tissue decreased significantly (P < 0.05) and protein content in the carcass showed a strong tendency to decline in the pigs fed close to ad libitum (104 vs 96; P = 0.056), the proportions of fat, ash, water and energy remained constant at 564 ± 9.0, 22.2 ± 0.91, 312 ± 6.6 g/kg, and 24.82 ± 0.32 MJ/kg, respectively. It was concluded that a degree of feed restriction may result in a discernible improvement in carcass quality.  相似文献   

The incretin glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) enhances insulin secretion. The aim of this study was to assess GLP-1, glucose and insulin concentrations, Homeostatic Model Assessment (HOMAinsulin sensitivity and HOMAβ-cell function) in dogs with pituitary-dependent hyperadrenocorticism (PDH), and compare these values with those in normal and obese dogs. The Oral Glucose Tolerance Test was performed and the glucose, GLP-1 and insulin concentrations were evaluated at baseline, and after 15, 30, 60 and 120 minutes. Both basal concentration and those corresponding to the subsequent times, for glucose, GLP-1 and insulin, were statistically elevated in PDH dogs compared to the other groups. Insulin followed a similar behaviour together with variations of GLP-1. HOMAinsulin sensitivity was statistically decreased and HOMAβ-cell function increased in dogs with PDH. The higher concentrations of GLP-1 in PDH could play an important role in the impairment of pancreatic β-cells thus predisposing to diabetes mellitus.  相似文献   

Four Nili-Ravi buffalo calves (100 ± 4 kg) were used in 4 × 4 Latin Square Design to evaluate the influence of varying ruminally degradable protein (RDP) to ruminally undegradable protein (RUP) ratio on dry matter intake (DMI), digestibility and nitrogen (N) metabolism. Four experimental diets A, B, C and D were formulated to contain RDP:RUP of 70:30, 65:35, 60:40 and 55:45, respectively. The calves were fed ad libitum. Dry matter intake by calves fed C diet was higher (P < 0.05) than those fed D diet and lower (P < 0.05) than calves fed A diet, however, it was similar to those fed B diet. There was a linear decrease (P < 0.01) in DMI with decreasing the RDP to RUP ratio. Similar trend was noticed in crude protein (CP) intake. Neutral detergent fiber (NDF) intake was significantly different across all treatment. The decrease in CP and NDF intake was due to decreasing trend of DMI. Dry matter (DM) digestibility in calves fed A and B diets was higher (P < 0.05) than those fed C and D diets. A linear decrease (P < 0.01) in DM digestibility was observed with decreasing the RDP to RUP ratio. Crude protein digestibility remained unaltered across all treatments. Neutral detergent fiber digestibility was higher in calves fed A and B diets than those fed C and D diets. Higher NDF digestibility in calves fed A and B diets was due to higher level of dietary RDP that might resulted in higher ruminal ammonia concentration which stimulate activity of cellulytic bacteria and ultimately increased NDF digestibility. The N retention (g/d) was similar among the calves fed B, C and D diets, however, it was higher (P < 0.05) than those fed A diet. Decreasing the RDP to RUP ratio resulted in linear increase (P < 0.01) in N retention. The N retention, as percent of N intake was significantly different across all treatments. Decreasing RDP to RUP ratio resulted in linear increase (P < 0.01) in N retention, as percent of N intake. A similar trend was noticed in N retention, as percentage of N digestion. Blood urea nitrogen (BUN) concentration in calves fed B diet was higher (P < 0.05) than those fed D diet and was lower (P < 0.05) than those fed A diet, however, it was not different from calves fed C diet. Decreasing dietary RDP to RUP ratio resulted in linear decrease (P < 0.05) in BUN concentrations. The decrease in BUN concentration was because of decreasing level of dietary RDP. The N retention can be increased by decreasing RDP to RUP ratio in the diet of growing buffalo calves and diet containing RDP to RUP ratio 55:45 is considered optimum regarding N retention in buffalo calves.  相似文献   

The high rate of protein synthesis in skeletal muscle of dairy calves can benefit their first lactation even lifetime milk yield. Since the rate of protein synthesis is relatively low in the post‐absorptive state, the aim of this research was to determine whether leucine supplementation could increase the post‐absorptive essential amino acid (EAA) utilization and protein synthesis in the skeletal muscle. Ten male neonatal dairy calves (38 ± 3 kg) were randomly assigned to either the control (CON, no leucine supplementation, n = 5) or supplementation with 1.435 g leucine/L milk (LEU, n = 5). Results showed that leucine significantly increased the length and protein concentration in longissimus dorsi (LD) muscle, whereas it decreased creatinine concentration and glutamic‐oxalacetic transaminase (GOT) activity. Compared to the control group, leucine supplementation also reduced the glutamic‐pyruvic transaminase (GPT) activity. Supplementation of leucine improved the phosphorylation of mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR), eukaryotic initiation factor 4E‐binding protein 1 (4EBP1) and substrates ribosomal protein S6 kinase 1 (p70S6K). Supplementation of leucine resulted in increased concentrations of glucose, methionine, threonine, histidine and EAAs and decreased concentration of arginine in serum. Liver glucose concentration was higher and pyranic acid was lower in LEU compared to CON. In conclusion, leucine supplementation can promote post‐absorptive EAA utilization and hepatic gluconeogenesis, which contributes to protein synthesis in skeletal muscle of dairy calves.  相似文献   

Neonatal mammals need adaption to changes in nutrient supply because energy intake shifts from continuous parenteral supply of nutrients (mainly glucose, lactate, and amino acids) via the placenta to discontinuous colostrum and milk intake with lactose and fat as main energy sources. Besides ingested lactose, endogenous glucose production is essential in the neonate to assure sufficient glucose availability. Fetal endogenous glucose production is low, but endocrine changes (especially the prenatal rise of glucocorticoid production) promote maturation of metabolic pathways that enable marked glycogen synthesis before and enhanced gluconeogenesis after birth to establish an adequate glucose status during postnatal maturation. In preterm born farm animals gluconeogenic activity is low, mainly because of a low glucocorticoid and thyroid status. In full-term neonates, endogenous glucose production increases with age. Colostral bioactive components (such as growth factors, hormones, bioactive peptides, and cytokines) do not have a direct effect on endogenous glucose production. However, colostrum feeding stimulates intestinal growth and development, an effect at least in part mediated by bioactive substances. Increased nutrient and glucose absorption thus allows increased glucose supply and hepatic glycogen storage, which improves the glucose status. The improved energetic status of colostrum-fed neonates is reflected by an accelerated maturation of the somatotropic axis, leading especially to enhanced production of IGF-I in the neonate. Secretion and production of hormones involved in the regulation of glucose and fat metabolism in neonates depend on the developmental stage and the response to feeding. In addition, many such hormones have actions in the neonate that differ from adult animals. Endocrine action to support endogenous energy supply in neonates is probably not fully established, and therefore, needs postnatal maturation. Therefore, our knowledge on energy metabolism in the neonate needs to be extended to better understand the function and the failure and to assess endocrine responses during the neonatal period.  相似文献   

We studied the influence of dietary protein concentration (PC) on the adaptation mechanism of maternal glucose metabolism to gestation, and on maternal body weight (BW) gain using pregnant rats fed 4% (low protein, LP), 10% (medium protein, MP) or 20% (high protein, HP) dietary protein concentration. Feed (FI), energy (EI) and protein (PI) intakes were recorded. Plasma glucose, insulin and GH were determined, and insulin:glucose (insulin resistance) and insulin:GH ratios computed. Correlation and regression analyses were used to determine the physiological relationships between metabolic and ponderal variables. MP dams with greater FI and EI (12%), and lower PI (44%) than HP dams showed similar maternal and fetal growth performance because of the maintained energy efficiency (EE). LP dams, with similar FI and EI, and lower PI (81%) than HP dams, failed to catch up due to the low EE. PC exerted a non-linear influence on BW gain, insulin and GH, through EI and EE modifications. The EI linearly influenced hormone concentrations with the maximum and minimum hormone response in MP and LP dams, respectively. Insulin resistance increased as PC decreased, whereas the GH lipolytic effect appeared to predominate over insulin action. Circulating hormones and metabolites affected nutrient partitioning between dam and fetus, with the result that the competing demands for materno-fetal growth of HP and MP dams, but not the LP dams, were satisfied. A deeper knowledge of the nature of the materno-fetal energy relationships will enhance the manipulation of the growth performance of the fetus in several animal species.  相似文献   

Genetic parameters for feed intake and performance traits of 514 bulls and carcass traits of 22 099 of their progeny, and the relationships of measures of feed intake with performance and carcass traits were estimated. Feed intake traits were dry matter intake (DMI), concentrate intake (CONI), roughage intake, ratio of roughage intake to DMI, metabolizable energy intake (MEI) and digestible crude protein intake (DCPI). Performance traits included daily gain, metabolic weight, live weight at the end of test, dry matter conversion ratio and residual feed intake. Progeny carcass traits were carcass weight, percentage of meat yield, rib eye area (REA), subcutaneous fat, marbling score, meat colour (MCS), fat colour (FCS) and meat quality grade. All the feed intake and performance traits were moderately heritable. The heritabilities for REA and MCS were moderate, and that for FCS was low, while those for the other carcass traits were high. Selection against DMI, CONI and DCPI would reduce excessive intake of feed, but would have undesirable effects on growth and most of the carcass traits. Selection against MEI would lead to improvements in feed efficiency and growth traits. Selection against DCPI would also improve feed efficiency; however, responses in growth traits would decrease. Results indicate that selection against MEI might be better than any other measures of feed intake to improve feed efficiency with simultaneous improvement in growth and most of the carcass traits.  相似文献   

Six Japanese Black (Wagyu) steers (average initial weight 467 ± 45 kg) fitted with a ruminal cannula were used in a split‐plot design experiment comprising a 3 × 3 Latin square design (whole‐plot) and a randomized block design (subplot). The whole‐plot treatments were three different feeding levels of urea‐treated potato pulp (PP) silage‐based concentrate: 1.00%, 1.75% and 2.50% of body weight (BW) (on a dry matter (DM) basis). The subplot treatments consisted of the concentrate formulated to contain either soybean meal (SBM) as a rapidly rumen‐degraded protein source or corn gluten meal (CGM) as a slowly degraded protein source. Dry matter intake tended to be lower (P = 0.071) for CGM (8.9 kg/day) than for SBM (9.4 kg/day). Protein sources had no significant effect on digestibility and in situ degradation. Ruminal ammonia nitrogen (NH3‐N) was lower (P = 0.033) for CGM (7.5 mg/dL) than for SBM (9.5 mg/dL). Protein sources did not affect ruminal pH and the total volatile fatty acids (VFA) concentrations. The molar proportions of ruminal acetate and valerate were higher (P = 0.032) for CGM than for SBM. The maximum daily intake of the PP silage‐based concentrate expressed as a percentage of BW was approximately 1.4% of BW. Dry matter intake was higher (P = 0.046) for steers fed at 1.0% of BW of the PP silage‐based concentrate than for steers fed at 1.75% or 2.5% of BW of the concentrate. The feeding levels of the PP silage‐based concentrate had no effect on DM and nutrients digestibility, except for crude protein (CP) digestibility. CP digestibility tended to be lower (P = 0.071) for steers fed at 1.75% of BW of the PP silage‐based concentrate than for steers fed at 1.0% or 2.5% of BW of the concentrate. The feeding levels of the PP silage‐based concentrate also did not affect the in situ degradation parameter of hay and PP silage. The feeding levels of the PP silage‐based concentrate did not affect ruminal pH, NH3‐N and total VFA concentrations. The molar proportion of acetate was highest for steers fed at 1.0% of BW of the concentrate. In conclusion, in the urea‐treated PP silage‐based concentrate, CGM seems to be more effective than SBM for stabilizing the ruminal NH3‐N concentration and to be advantageous for fiber digestion in the rumen. The feeding levels of the PP silage‐based concentrate did not change the amount of VFA production in the rumen and the DM digestibility.  相似文献   

Cidea and Cidec are two members of Cell death‐inducing DNA fragmentation factor‐alpha‐like effector family proteins, which could be involved in lipid or fat metabolism. To better understand the roles of Cidea and Cidec in fatty liver hemorrhagic syndrome (FLHS), 150 healthy 155‐day‐old Hyline Brown laying hens were randomly divided into control group (fed with basic diet) and experimental group (fed with high‐energy low‐protein [HELP] diet). Analysis of the liver by tissue sectioning and hematoxylin and eosin staining showed that the HELP diet induced micro‐vesicular steatosis in laying hens. Subsequently, based on the liver color scores and the range of lipid accumulation observed in histological examination, we classified livers with <50% vacuolization as mild FLHS and >50% as severe FLHS. The results showed that the levels of Cidea and Cidec mRNA expression were markedly elevated in the liver and adipose tissues with FLHS and the levels of Cidea and Cidec mRNA expression in the liver with severe FLHS were significantly higher than that in the liver with mild FLHS. Thus, the present study revealed that the Cidea and Cidec genes may be involved in pathways of FLHS formation.  相似文献   


Following EDS'76 virus (BC14 virus) infection of breeder chickens by the conjunctival route, vertical transmission occurred in the first week after infection. In the progeny which had been infected with EDS'76 virus by the vertical route, increasing haemagglutination inhibiting (HI) litres to BC14 virus and increasing numbers of birds with HI litres were observed from 3 weeks to 15 weeks of age. Sixty‐one per cent of the hens and 77 per cent of the cocks had 2log HI BC14 virus litres exceeding 4 at an age of 15 weeks.

Some birds which had been serologically negative throughout the rearing period, seroconverted between 25 and 28 weeks of age. This phenomenon occurred in hens as well as in cocks. Simulation of stress twice during the laying period by injection of corticosteroid hormone did not increase the number of birds serologically positive to EDS'76 virus.

EDS'76 was observed in the group of hens that was vertically infected, since egg production was significantly depressed between 28 and 34 weeks of age. Probably this was mainly the result of a production drop in the hens showing seroconversion at 27 or 28 weeks of age.

In the group of fowl vertically infected with EDS'76 virus, serologically positive birds appeared to be protected for the greater part to BC14 virus challenge at 50 weeks of age, while negative birds seemed to be fully susceptible. Chicks hatched from eggs collected in the third and fourth week after infection of the dams had maternal antibodies. Fertility and hatchability of apparently normally shelled eggs seemed not to be affected after BC14 virus infection of the dams. Intensive contact with contaminated faeces is probably an indispensable condition for lateral transmission of the virus.  相似文献   

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