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Application of ultrasound to disperse soil aggregates has been critical in enabling researchers to separate and analyze aggregate building blocks that include organic and mineral particles as well as mineral associated organic matter. But the forces generated in the process may also alter the dispersion products and, thus, potentially interfere with the interpretation of experimental results. This review summarizes present knowledge on experimental conditions that may lead to physical damage and chemical modifications of aggregate building blocks. The energy level at which physical disintegration of organic particles could be detected was as low as 60 J mL–1. Physical damage of sand‐ and silt‐sized mineral particles was observed to commence at energy levels exceeding 700 J cm–3. No evidence was found for the disintegration of particles within the clay‐size fraction of soils even though studies analyzing pure minerals such as kaolinite revealed particle breakage after application of energy amounts > 12,000 J cm–3. Here we outline a strategy to minimize artifacts such as physical damage of mineral or organic particles resulting from ultrasonication by adopting a stepwise dispersion protocol involving successively higher energy levels, accompanied by a sequential separation of organic and mineral compounds.  相似文献   

To conserve tropical forests, it is crucial to characterise the disturbance threshold beyond which populations of tropical trees are no longer resilient. This approach is still not widely employed, especially with respect to the effects of moderate disturbances. Compensation effects, such as positive interactions among plants, are addressed even more rarely. We attempt to identify the extents to which the distribution of the keystone palm tree Ceroxylon echinulatum is regulated by various regimes of deforestation in a threatened tropical montane cloud forest in the North-West Andes of Ecuador. The demographic structure of this palm tree was examined in three habitats: old-growth forest, forest disturbed by selective logging, and deforested pasture. Patterns were related to stand structure, microclimate, and soil composition. Seedling desiccation owing to severe aboveground water stress led to the absence of juvenile palms in pastures, and thus was predictive of a near extinction of the species in this habitat. However, shade provided by dominant bunchgrass in pastures considerably reduced above- and belowground water stress by diminishing light intensity. Selective logging resulted in a higher density of individuals in disturbed forests than in old-growth forests, but was associated with a spoiled spatial structure. Therefore, the protection of residual old-growth forests is a prerequisite for the conservation of C. echinulatum, although secondary forests might act as provisional refuges that promote its resilience. The reduction of water stress by nurse grasses in pastures represents a promising approach to promote the resilience of tropical tree species and their associated communities after deforestation.  相似文献   

Conservation is increasingly central to the botanic garden mission. Living plant collections are important components of conservation. Critical evaluation of living conservation collections with population genetic analysis can directly inform ex situ conservation strategy. Here, we quantify the degree of genetic variation captured through a population-based collection protocol, and explore optimal sampling for ex situ conservation. An extensive living collection derived from one population of Leucothrinax morrisii (Arecaceae) provided a model system. We compared 58 specimens from the ex situ collection with 100 individuals from throughout the parent population via 6 ISSR loci. Random bootstrapped resamples of the data were made to model differently structured ex situ collections. Mean diversity (He) differed little between the collection (0.204) and the population (0.216), and genetic distance (D) was very close (0.036). Very few private alleles were found between the collection and the population. Allelic capture, as measured by percent of private alleles, was greater than 94%. Resampled collections of different sizes captured from 48% to 94% of alleles. Pairwise comparison of bootstrapped resamples suggests that increasing the representation of half-sibling groups does not significantly increase allele capture. Increase in allele capture with increasing sample size is greatest at low resample sizes, and showed diminishing returns as resample size increased. No appreciable increase in allele capture was gained through maintaining different half-sibling groups. These data inform sampling for ex situ conservation purposes, and recommend sample sizes of at least 15 individuals, with the upper limit based on resources.  相似文献   

Nitrous oxide (N2O) is a potent greenhouse gas, and nitrate () is a water contaminant. In grazed grassland, the major source of both leaching and N2O emissions is nitrogen (N) deposited in animal excreta, particularly in the urine. The objective of this study was to determine the effectiveness of two nitrification inhibitors: (i) a solution of dicyandiamide (DCD) and (ii) a liquid formulation of 3,4‐dimethylpyrazole phosphate (DMPP) for reducing N2O emissions and leaching from urine patch areas in two grazed pasture soils under different environmental conditions. In the Canterbury Templeton soil, the nitrification rate of ammonium from the animal urine applied at 1000 kg N/ha was significantly decreased by the application of DCD (10 kg/ha) and DMPP (5 kg/ha). N2O emissions, measured over a 3‐month period, from dairy cow urine applied to the Canterbury Templeton soil were 1.14 kg N2O‐N/ha, and this was reduced to 0.43 and 0.39 kg N2O‐N/ha by DCD and the liquid DMPP, respectively. These are equivalent to 62–66% reductions in the total N2O emissions. Nitrate leaching losses from dairy cow urine applied to the Waikato Horotiu soil lysimeters were reduced from 628.6 kg ‐N/ha to 400.6 and 451.5 kg ‐N/ha by the application of DCD (10 kg/ha) or DMPP (1 kg/ha), respectively. There was no significant difference between the DCD solution and the liquid DMPP in terms of their effectiveness in reducing N2O emissions or leaching under the experimental conditions of this study. These results suggest that both the liquid formulations of DCD and DMPP have the potential to be used as nitrification inhibitors to reduce N2O emissions and leaching in grazed pasture soils.  相似文献   

Many natural vegetation species have been shown to be negatively affected by ozone. This study has investigated how the presence of competing species in a community affects two common responses to ozone: visible injury and senescence. Monocultures and mixtures of Trifolium repens and Lolium perenne were grown in large containers and were exposed in solardomes to either a rural episodic ozone profile (AOT40 of 12.86 ppm h) or control conditions (AOT40 of 0.02 ppm h) for 12 weeks. The proportion of ozone-injured or senesced leaves was different in the different regions of the canopy. The highest proportions of injured/senesced leaves were in the plant material growing at the edge of the canopy and the upper canopy, with a significantly lower proportion of injured leaves in the inner canopy. The presence of L. perenne increased the proportion of ozone-injured leaves in T. repens at the final harvest, whilst the presence of T. repens decreased the proportion of senesced leaves in L. perenne. In L. perenne, the proportion of injured leaves at the edge and inner canopy decreased significantly when grown in competition, whilst for T. repens the reverse effect occurred in the inner canopy only. Different mechanisms appeared to influence the interaction between response to ozone and competitors in these two species. In L. perenne the response to ozone may have been related to nitrogen supply, whereas in T. repens canopy structure was more important.  相似文献   

Since November 1997 the Madagascar Fauna Group (MFG) has released 13 captive-bred black and white ruffed lemurs (Varecia variegata variegata) into the Betampona reserve in eastern Madagascar. Five of the thirteen are currently surviving, including one male who has integrated into a wild group. Five of the released lemurs fell victim to predation by fossa (Cryptoprocta ferox), one died of malnutrition, one disappeared from the reserve and one was withdrawn from the release programme. Ten of the released lemurs survived for more than one year post release, although all required varying levels of supplementary feeding. One pair bred twice—the first time the infants did not survive, but on the second occasion triplets were successfully raised beyond weaning. One of the triplets (male) is still surviving. One male has integrated into a wild group and sired a single infant in 2002 and a female released in 2001 gave birth to twins sired by a wild male also in 2002. The release programme has thus achieved a major objective of reinforcing the existing wild population. To date there is no significant difference in survival rates between animals born and raised in free-ranging environments and those raised in cages, between animals greater than or less than 5 years old at time of release, or between males and females.  相似文献   

In a context of frequent intensification or de-intensification of management in grasslands, a better understanding of how quickly soil microbiota responds to changes in management is required. The kinetics of changes in the structure of the bacterial community (using ribosomal intergenic spacer analysis) was studied in grassland mesocosms after changes of aboveground grazing regime, taking into account bacteria micro-localisation by separating the bacteria located inside stable aggregates (inner soil fraction) and the bacteria easily washed out, i.e. mainly located in macropores (outer soil fraction). Four treatments were used: (i) control grazed mesocosms, (ii) control ungrazed mesocosms, (iii) application of grazing on previously ungrazed mesocosms, (iv) cessation of grazing on previously grazed mesocosms. Each grazing event was simulated by application of synthetic sheep urine and plant clipping. Application of grazing led to a change in the structure of the whole soil bacterial community within 5 months, whereas changes were observed only 12 months after cessation of grazing. Changes in plant species composition and soil organic carbon content observed after cessation of grazing were found to be possible drivers of the changes in the bacterial community structure. However, after application of grazing, changes of the bacterial community structure occurred prior to changes in plant species composition and soil organic carbon content, suggesting that supply of urine and/or impact of labile carbon were likely the main drivers of changes. After 12 months, the application of grazing significantly affected the bacterial community structure in both inner and outer soil fractions. Conversely, 12 months after cessation of grazing, community structure was affected only for bacteria located in the outer fraction. This study shows that the bacterial community structure responded faster and more deeply after application than after cessation of grazing, and may be driven by different environmental factors between both scenarios. This study also shows that, 2 years after the changes in grazing regime, the bacterial community structure was determined by both the past and new grazing regimes.  相似文献   



The mineralization/immobilization of nutrients from the crop residues is correlated with the quality of the plant material and carbon compartments in the recalcitrant and labile soil fractions. The objective of this study was to correlate the quality and quantity of crop residues incubated in the soil with carbon compartments and CO2-C emission, using multivariate analysis.

Materials and methods

The experiment was conducted in factorial 4?+?2?+?5 with three replicates, referring to three types of residues (control, sugarcane, Brachiaria, and soybean), and two contributions of the crop residues in constant rate, CR (10 Mg ha?1 residue), and agronomic rate, AR (20, 8, and 5 Mg ha?1 residue, respectively, for sugarcane, soybean, and Brachiaria), evaluated five times (1, 3, 6, 12, and 48 days after incubation). At each time, we determined the CO2-C emission, nitrogen and organic carbon in the soil, and the residues. In addition, the microbial biomass and water-soluble, labile, and humic substance carbons fractionated into fulvic acids, humic acids and humin were quantified.

Results and discussion

Higher CO2-C emissions occurred in the soil with added residue ranging from 0.5 to 1.1 g CO2-C m?2 h?1 in the first 6 days of incubation, and there was a positive correlation with the less labile organic soil fractions as well as residue type. In the final period, after 12 days of soil incubation, there was a higher relation of CO2-C emission with carbon humin. The sugarcane and soybean residue (20 Mg ha?1) promoted higher CO2-C emission and the reduction of carbon residue. The addition of residue contributed to an 82.32 % increase in the emission of CO2-C, being more significant in the residue with higher nitrogen availability.


This study shows that the quality and quantity of residue added to soil affects the carbon sequestration and CO2-C emission. In the first 6 days of incubation, there was a higher CO2-C emission ratio which correlates with the less stable soil carbon compartments as well as residue. In the final period of incubation, there is no effect of quality and quantity of residue added to soil on the CO2-C emission.

We evaluated floristic and ecological changes in plant communities after disturbance in Southern Atlantic Rain Forests, in the Brazilian states of Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Paraná and Santa Catarina. We compiled data for 410 tree species from 18 forests ranging from 4 to 120 years after disturbance, and classified them by dispersal mode (animal vs. non-animal), successional group (pioneer vs. non-pioneer), vertical position (understorey vs. non-understorey) and geographic distribution (Atlantic Forest vs. widespread). We found that both geographical location and time since disturbance affect species distribution and β-diversity. Regression analyses showed significant, positive and strong relations (0.26 ? r2 ? 0.63; P < 0.05) between fragment age and species richness, proportion of animal dispersed species, of non-pioneer species, of understorey species and with restricted distribution. Applying our data to values found in literature we predict that a forest needs about one to three hundred years to reach the proportion of animal-dispersed species (80% of the species), the proportion of non-pioneer species (90%) and of understorey species (50%) found in mature forests. On the other hand much more time is necessary (between one and four thousand years) to reach the endemism levels (40% of the species) that exist in mature forests. Our findings indicate that disturbance results in significant changes in species composition (decrease in endemic species) and ecological guilds (decrease in zoochory and in non-pioneer and understorey species), but forests can gradually recover over time spans of hundreds of years.  相似文献   

Recent papers have considered whether the present system of single-blind reviewing results in bias against women or other groups of authors in biological journals. If so, double-blind reviewing might be an alternative approach that avoids such bias. We investigated the effects of gender, nationality (English-speaking countries only), academic age, year of review, and handling editor on the decisions made on a sample of 1856 papers submitted to the journal Biological Conservation between 2004 and 2007. There is no evidence of differences in acceptance rates among genders, nationalities, academic age, or year, nor is there evidence for interactions among these factors. Individual handling editors differed in the proportions of papers that they accepted, rejected following review, and rejected without review, but did not show biases based on any of the factors we examined. Overall, we did not find evidence supporting a change in the present review system, although the low rate of acceptance of papers from certain non-English-speaking countries is an issue that needs to be addressed. We believe that these types of audits of the editorial system are necessary, so that all submitting authors feel that the editorial process is fair, unbiased and rigorous.  相似文献   

Re-vegetation of eroded soil restores organic carbon concentrations and improves the physical stability of the soil, which may then extend the range of microhabitats and influence soil microbial activity and functional stability through its effects on soil bacterial community structure. The objectives of this study were (i) to evaluate the restorative effect of re-vegetation on soil physical stability, microbial activity and bacterial community structure; (ii) to examine the effects of soil physical microhabitats on bacterial community structure and diversity and on soil microbial functional stability. Soil samples were collected from an 18-year-old eroded bare soil restored with either Cinnamomum camphora (“Eroded Cc”) or Lespedeza bicolour (“Eroded Lb”). An uneroded soil planted with Pinus massoniana (“Uneroded Pm”) and an eroded bare soil served as references. The effect of microhabitats was assessed by physical destruction with a wet shaking treatment. Soil bacterial community structure and diversity were measured using a terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) approach, while soil microbiological stability (resistance and resilience) was determined by measuring short-term (28 days) decomposition rate of added barley (Hordeum vulgare) powder following copper and heat perturbations. The results demonstrated that re-vegetation treatment affected the recovery of physical and biological stability, microbial decomposition and the bacterial community structure. Although the restored soils overshot the Uneroded Pm sample in physical stability, they had lower microbial decomposition and less resilience to copper and heat perturbations than the Uneroded Pm samples. Soil physical destruction by shaking had the same effect on soil physical stability, but different effects on soil microbial functional stability. There were significant effects of vegetation treatment and perturbation type, and interactive effects among vegetation treatment, shaking and perturbation type on bacterial community structure. The destruction of aggregate structure increased resilience of the Eroded Lb sample and also altered its bacterial community structure. Both copper and heat perturbations resulted in significantly different community structure from the unperturbed controls, with a larger effect of copper than heat perturbation. Bacterial diversity (Shannon index) increased following the perturbations, with a more profound effect in the Uneroded Pm sample than in the restored soils. The interactive effects of vegetation treatment and shaking on microbial community and stability suggest that soil aggregation may contribute to the generation of bacterial community structure and mediation of biological stability via the protection afforded by soil organic carbon. Differential effects of re-vegetation treatment suggest that the long-term effects are mediated through changes in the quality and quantity of C inputs to soil.  相似文献   

Species with strong preferences for early or late successional stages after fire may be extinction prone under current fire regimes. However, the extent of specialisation to time since fire is poorly understood, and, for reptiles, succession models for predicting responses are in the development phase. In this study we tested predictions of a reptile succession model, and identified species that may be fire specialists. Reptiles were sampled in five burnt and unburnt mallee Eucalyptus woodlands, Australia. Two, 400 m transects within each burn treatment were sampled using 11 pairs of pitfall-traps that were opened for five weeks over two summers. A habitat accommodation model of succession that was previously developed for mallee reptiles correctly predicted the observed responses of three of 16 common reptile species. A further four species showed non-significant trends in the predicted direction. However, eight other species showed unexpected responses. One species showed a strong interaction between burn age and location, requiring a two-dimensional successional model in contrast with the usual linear models explaining reptile responses to fire. One third of common species were not affected by fire and so may not have increased risks of extinction due to the fire suppression/incineration cycle. However, approximately half to two-thirds of common reptiles did have a fire response, so the risk of deterministic extinction in small fragments may be substantial. Further model development is needed to better predict fire responses and to assist the design of fire mosaics that can accommodate early and late successional fire specialists.  相似文献   

 In the central highlands of Mexico, heavily eroded soils are often colonized by catclaw (Mimosa buincifiera): an N2-fixing shrub. An experiment was carried out to investigate how this shrub affected characteristics of the soil and its biological functioning. Soil was sampled from outside and under the canopy of catclaw at three sites characterized by different degrees of erosion and an increase in plant density. The soil microbial biomass C, total amounts of bacteria, fungi, actinomycetes and free-living N2-fixing micro-organisms were measured, while production of CO2 and dynamics of nitrate (NO3 ), nitrite (NO2 ) and ammonium (NH4 +) were monitored in an aerobic incubation at 22±1  °C for 35 days. The C content was 1.6 times greater in the area with the largest density of plants and the least erosion (RECUP) compared with the site with the lowest density and greatest erosion (DEGR), while it was 1.2 times greater under the canopy of the catclaw than outside it (average of the three sites). The incorporation of N into the soil organic matter was greater under the canopy of the catclaw than outside it as the C:N ratio was on average 8.4 and 9. 1, respectively. The microbial biomass C, as a percentage of soil organic matter, was 1.5 times greater in the RECUP than in the DEGR site. Greatest total number of colony-forming bacteria and fungi (mean of organisms found under and outside the canopy) were found in the RECUP treatment and lowest in the DEGR treatment. Free-living N2-fixing organisms and actinomycetes showed opposite trends. Greater total numbers of colony-forming bacteria, fungi, actinomycetes and free-living N2-fixing organisms (mean of the three treatments) were found under the canopy of catclaw than outside of it, Production of CO2 was 1.8 times greater in the RECUP than in the DEGR and 1.6 times greater under the canopy of catclaw than outside. Production of NO3 was 1.3 times greater in the RECUP than in the DEGR and 3.5 times greater under the canopy of catclaw than outside. There was no significant effect of location or canopy on NO2 and NH4 + concentrations. It is concluded that the natural vegetation of catclaw increased microbial biomass and soil organic matter content under, but also outside its canopy, and preserved N better, releasing greater amounts of inorganic N upon mineralization. Catclaw can serve as a first colonizer of heavily eroded soil and be replaced by other vegetation, natural or crops, when fertility is restored. Received: 4 November 1999  相似文献   

Journal of Soils and Sediments - Mining areas are low-quality habitats for macro- and microorganisms’ development, mainly due to the degradation of the soil quality by metal pollution. The...  相似文献   


This field study was performed to assess the variation in chemical and agronomic properties and total and extractable concentrations of heavy metals in soils fertilized with regulated doses of urban sewage sludge (USS) for 6 consecutive years in the framework of an agronomic treatment program.

Materials and methods

Chemical and agronomical properties, total contents and extractable concentrations of Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb and Zn were determined in agricultural soils treated with USS for 6 consecutive years, agricultural soils cultivated using mineral fertilizers and uncultivated soils representative of the local geochemical background.

Results and discussion

USS application caused a decrease in pH and an increase in extractable concentrations of Cr, Cu, Pb and Zn. No organic carbon, total nitrogen and total phosphorus enrichment trend was observed in the treated soils due to biodegradation of the organic compounds supplied by USS. The decomposition of USS organic matter was presumably the main process responsible for the pH decrease in the USS-fertilized soils. There was no heavy metal accumulation in treated soils, and total heavy metal contents were below the corresponding maximum threshold concentrations set by European and Italian legislation. Increased availability of Cr, Cu, Pb and Zn was found in treated soils due to an increase in their extractable concentrations in the treatment period.


The results of this study suggest that the environmental risks related to the accumulation and availability of heavy metals in agricultural soils fertilized with USS are limited when treatment observes recommended doses in agronomic treatment programs.


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