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‘都江堰方竹’是由刺黑竹(Chimonobambusa neopurpureaYi)资源经人工引种、筛选、培育成的早笋型栽培新品种。秆较高,挺拔优美,具紫褐色纵条纹,地下茎复轴型,枝叶相对浓密。发笋较早,笋期较长,达120 d,有二次发笋现象。笋形尖削,近锥形。笋肉细腻,质地脆嫩,营养丰富。  相似文献   

 '华碧玉’苦瓜是用强雌性系Z-1-4 作母本,高代自交系88-3-7 作父本配组育成的杂交一代 新品种。植株生长势旺盛,分枝能力强,节间较短,早熟,第一雌花节位在主蔓第6 ~ 8 节,侧蔓节位较 低,侧蔓间隔3 节左右连续着生2 ~ 3 朵雌花。商品瓜长40 cm 左右,横径5.6 cm 左右,果肉厚0.9 cm 左 右,单瓜质量340 g 左右,绿色,嫩果刺瘤较尖,苦味适中,产量在48 t · hm-2 以上。耐低温,抗(耐) 白粉病、霜霉病。适于湖北、湖南、广东和山东等地种植。  相似文献   

陈松河  黄克福 《园艺学报》2018,45(5):1013-1014
‘绿矮脚’竹是由绿竹[Dendrocalamopsis oldhami(Munro)Keng f.]资源经人工引种、筛选、培育的新品种。竹竿较矮,胸径较小,节间较短,分枝较低。出笋期较长(5月下旬至10月下旬),笋柄歪斜大,笋体较小,尖削度大。笋肉细腻脆嫩,营养丰富,品质好。  相似文献   

‘小草坝方竹’是由野生金佛山方竹(Chimonobabusa utilis)变异植株经进一步分离、移栽、培育而成的新品种。与原生种金佛山方竹的区别在于其秆型高大,秆基部数节气根发达;笋壳红褐色,秆壁较厚。笋期9月底—10月中旬,笋产量高,是优良的笋用竹品种。  相似文献   

赵尊练  逯明辉  吴庆强  郭建伟 《园艺学报》2013,40(10):2089-2090
 线辣椒新品种‘陕椒2012’用LR-03-05为母本,以育种系L-33-5为父本进行杂交和系统选育而成。株冠紧凑,株高71 ~ 75 cm,株幅30 ~ 35 cm,主茎第12、13节开花结果。果实簇生,粗线型,长17.3 cm,粗1.46 cm,单果质量(鲜)9.8 g左右,生物学成熟果红色。对病毒病、叶斑病、疫病具有较强的抗(耐)性。在陕西关中线辣椒产区的区域试验中,平均鲜椒产量为27.7 t · hm-2。  相似文献   

龙治坚  胡尚连  罗学刚  任鹏  曹颖  卢学琴  徐刚 《园艺学报》2020,47(Z2):3139-3140
‘西科1号’是由梁山慈竹(Dendrocalamus farinosus)通过甲基磺酸乙酯诱变,再进一步筛选出的新品种。一年生竹秆厚被少量白粉,多年生的主枝不明显,纤维素含量高(55.28%),木质素含量低(20.02%),良浆得率高(39.29%),硫酸盐浆的撕裂指数大(16.96 mN · m2 · g-1),耐折度强(2.1),竹材性能好,笋营养丰富,且具有一定观赏性,是优质的工业用、笋用和观赏用竹种。  相似文献   

笋用竹引种试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对‘早竹’、‘雷竹’等6个笋用竹品种引种试栽,从引栽竹子成活率及当年发新竹情况、引栽以来(2008~2010年)发新竹情况、新发竹与引栽母竹粗度比较等方面分析表明,几个笋用竹品种在临海市小芝地区成活率高,达96.5%;发展快,引栽仅3年,每667m2立竹达1045.5株,且生长正常。  相似文献   

龙椒11号甜椒 龙椒11号为甜椒胞质雄性不育一代杂种,中早熟,生育期110d(天)左右。植株生长势强,分枝性弱,株高60cm左右,开展度60cm,茎较粗,叶片肥厚,深绿色,卵圆形,始花节位为第9—10节,花白色,中型。连续坐呆能力强,果实长方形,果面光滑,  相似文献   

 芦笋‘井冈111’是以‘Atlas’中的优良雌株‘AT3’为母本,以全雄品种‘Backlim’中 两性株自交S1 群体中的优良超雄株‘B25(04)-15’为父本育成的全雄一代杂种。生育期约280 d,平均茎高 214 cm。笋粗细均匀,包头紧密,质地细嫩,口感好。鲜笋含水量93%,维生素C 0.21 mg · g-1,总糖(以 葡萄糖计)2.83%,蛋白质2.12%,粗纤维0.60%,灰分0.57%。抗锈病和褐斑病,较耐茎枯病和根腐病, 平均产量18 000 kg · hm-2,适宜作绿笋种植。  相似文献   

‘金丝雷竹’是由早竹栽培品种‘雷竹’(Phyllostachys violascens‘Prevernalis’)的变异植株经进一步分离、培育而成的新品种。呈明显花秆状,秆绿色具黄色条纹,或黄色具绿色条纹,且条纹宽窄不等,遍布全秆,适合城市园林栽培观赏。笋期4—5月,笋期早,产量高,也是优良的笋用品种。  相似文献   


Between 2004 and 2008, the effects of different grafting heights on sylleptic shoots were tested in the apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) cultivars ‘Granny Smith’ and ‘Gloster’, and cumulative fruit yields were evaluated. MM106 apple rootstocks were grafted 10, 20, 40, or 60 cm above soil level in August 2004. The results showed that an increased grafting height significantly decreased tree height in both cultivars. The tallest and shortest trees were observed at grafting heights of 10 cm (153.0 and 170.0 cm) and 60 cm (141.3 and 143.5 cm) in ‘Granny Smith’ and ‘Gloster’, respectively.Among the various grafting heights tested, 60 cm in ‘Granny Smith’ and 20 cm in ‘Gloster’ gave the largest stem diameters (17.6 mm and 16.8 mm, respectively). The number of lateral shoots increased significantly with increased grafting height in both cultivars. The largest numbers of lateral shoots in ‘Granny Smith’ (10.75) and ‘Gloster’ (2.00) were obtained from a grafting height of 60 cm, while 2.55 and zero lateral shoots occurred at 10 cm grafting height in ‘Granny Smith’ and ‘Gloster’, respectively. Shoot lengths decreased significantly by increasing the grafting height. Grafting heights of 10 cm and 60 cm resulted in the tallest and shortest shoots in both cultivars. Cumulative fruit yields were significantly affected by grafting height in both cultivars. The highest yield was found for a 60 cm grafting height in both ‘Granny Smith’ (11.295 kg tree–1) and ‘Gloster’ (4.818 kg tree–1).The results of this study suggest that grafting heights of 40 cm and 60 cm have the potential to promote branching and early bearing for apple fruit production in sustainable and organic agricultural systems.  相似文献   

‘秦淮淡妆’是以南京艺莲苑育成的观赏荷花‘新红13D’为母本,在其自然杂交的后代中选育出的花色新颖、观赏性佳的新品种。中小株型,半重瓣复色系。叶高35 ~ 55 cm,叶径21 ~ 42 cm × 18 ~ 37 cm。花瓣数约24枚,花径11 ~ 15 cm,花色红、白、黄、绿,4色相映;着花14 ~ 18朵 ? m-2。  相似文献   

魔芋葡甘聚糖涂膜处理对麻竹笋采后贮藏效果的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了浓度分别为0.4%和0.6%的魔芋葡甘聚糖液态保鲜膜处理对5℃低温条件下贮藏的麻竹笋的保鲜效果。试验结果表明,经过魔芋葡甘聚糖保鲜膜涂膜处理的麻竹笋生理代谢活性缓慢,呼吸速率得到有效的抑制,水分散失量小,蛋白质、还原糖含量分解速率降低,营养成分得到了有效的维持,苯丙氨酸解氨酶(PAL)、过氧化物酶(POD)活性贮藏保鲜期内变化幅度小,纤维素、木质素含量的增加量小,老化进程显著低于对照。其中以0.6%魔芋葡甘聚糖保鲜膜保鲜效果最佳。  相似文献   

魔芋多糖和竹叶汁对绿竹笋保鲜效果的研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
以易变质的绿竹笋为试材,通过天然产物魔芋多糖和竹叶中的有效成分对绿竹笋进行涂膜处理,并在3℃低温下贮存。结果表明:经涂膜的绿竹笋,其失重率,老化程度大大低于未经涂膜的。涂膜的绿竹笋在低温下贮存至第20天时,其木质纤维化程度低,有效地阻绿竹笋的老化变质,延长了贮藏期,且外观品质良好。  相似文献   

Poor stands of ‘Queen Cox’ apple bud-grafted in summer onto M.9 rootstock were shown to be due to the scion bud not growing, or growing too late to produce a worthwhile ‘maiden’ tree, despite virtually all scion graft-chips forming unions with the rootstock. This problem was caused by raising the budding height to 30 cm above ground, as a method of increasing the height of lateral branches. The key element in higher budding which depressed subsequent scion bud growth was the complete removal of all rootstock shoots to a height of 35 cm to give a traditional ‘clean leg’ during the budding year. Removing rootstock shoots only at the budding position gave good stands of high quality trees. This appears to be a general effect, with the benefits of retaining rootstock shoots applying also to Malus tschonoskii when budded at 30 cm on M.9 rootstock. For both ‘Queen Cox’ and M. tschonoskii, failure of scion buds to grow vigorously often resulted in the development of ‘papery bark canker’ on the M.9 rootstock. The main benefit of root- stock shoots retained in the budding year was to ensure that scion buds grew early in the following ‘maiden’ year, whereas allowing these and new rootstock shoots to remain for the first two months of ‘maiden’ growth reduced the number of secondary scion buds which developed, and raised the height of laterals by delaying their emergence.  相似文献   

金盛219为早春大白菜一代杂种,由自交不亲和系HS99-11与HS6289配制而成。定植后55~60 d(天)收获,植株长势强,株高43 cm,叶球合抱、紧实,炮弹形,叶球高30 cm,横径18 cm,叶球内主薹长3.1 cm,叶色深绿,外叶7~9片,叶柄白色,心叶嫩黄。单球净质量2.8 kg,净菜率68.4%,每667 m~2产量7 000 kg左右。叶帮薄,粗纤维少,口感好、品质优。抗TuMV,中抗霜霉病,适合山东省及相近气候条件地区保护地早春种植。  相似文献   

以12 a生富士苹果(Malus domestica Borkh cv.Red Fuji)为试材,研究了改良高干开心形树冠不同层次相对光照强度的分布、季节动态变化与枝叶数量间的关系。结果表明,树冠相对光照强度从上部到下部逐渐降低,同一冠层内相对光照强度从内膛到外围逐步增加;树冠最上层5—10月呈平稳趋势,而中下部5—7月呈下降趋势,7月份后趋于稳定;小于30%的相对光照强度的树冠体积在年生长周期内逐渐增加:5—6月份为15%,7—8月27%,9—10月30%。新梢的空间分布研究表明,>30 cm的长枝(梢)、15~30 cm的中长枝(梢)、5~15 cm中枝(梢)和小于5 cm的短枝(梢)分别集中分布在冠层高度2.0m以上、1.5~2.5m、1.0~2.0m和1.0~2.5m冠层内;生长季总枝量100.39万条/hm2,长、中长、中和短梢占总枝量的比例分别为6.44%、5.52%、14.40%、73.64%,多于6片叶的短梢占总短枝量的42.08%。应用多元统计分析的方法建立了树冠相对光照强度与枝(梢)叶量关系的回归方程,相对光照强度值与累计枝梢数量和叶面积系数呈负指数关系,苹果优质生产和最佳利用光能的群体结构参数为总枝(梢)量小于96万条/hm2,叶面积系数控制在3.9以下,长、中、短梢比例分别为10.91%、13.70%和75.39%。  相似文献   

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