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<正>番茄冬春茬栽培是日光温室蔬菜周年生产中产量效益最好的一茬,该茬一般在8月上旬播种育苗,9月上旬定植,11月中下旬采摘,直至来年3—4月拉秧。在漫长的生长期内需要经历夏季高温酷暑和冬季低温寒冻的影响,因此栽培技术性较强。笔者根据多年生产指导实践,寻找出影响日光温室冬春茬番茄生长的障碍因素并采取相应对策,收效甚好。  相似文献   

陇丰早成是1个优质、早熟,耐低温寡照,适合日光温室等保护地栽培和露地早熟栽培的优良杂交种。中抗西瓜枯萎病,较耐叶部和果实病害,耐湿性好。露地栽培全生育期在90天以内,果实发育期约28天。品质优良,平均中心可溶性固形物含量11.5%~12%,瓤色大红,口感风味好,瓜皮硬韧,耐贮运。每hm2日光温室秋冬茬栽培产量可达40500kg,日光温室早春茬栽培可达46875kg,露地栽培多年多点平均产量63525kg。  相似文献   

优质、早熟西瓜新品种陇丰早成的选育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陇丰早成是1个优质,早熟,耐低温寡照,适合日光温室等保护地栽培和露地早熟栽培的优良杂交种。中抗西瓜枯萎病,较耐叶部和果实病害,耐温性好。露地栽培全生育期在90天以内,果实发育期约28天。品质优良,平均中心可溶性固形物含量11.5%-12%,瓤色大豆,口感风味好,瓜皮硬韧,耐贮运,每hm^2日光温室秋冬茬栽培产量可达40500kg,日光温室早春茬栽培可达46875kg,露地栽培多年多点平均产量63525kg。  相似文献   

优质哈密瓜新品种西州密25号的选育   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
西州密25号是新疆维吾尔自治区葡萄瓜果开发研究中心以05-89为母本、02-17为父本杂交选育的哈密瓜类型甜瓜新品种。该品种全生育期115~125d(新疆鄯善露地直播75~80d、春季日光温室77~80d、秋季日光温室80d),秋茬95~105d,果实发育期53~58d(新疆鄯善露地直播40~45d、春季日光温室40~45d、秋季日光温室50d);果实椭圆形,麻绿底,网纹细密全,果形指数约为1.22,平均单果质量2.0kg;果肉橘红色,肉质细、松脆,蜜甜、风味好,肉厚3.1~4.8cm,中心可溶性固形物含量15.6%~18%,品质稳定;抗蚜虫,抗病性较强。适合我国南北方保护地或西北露地栽培。2012年3月通过广西壮族自治区非主要农作物品种审定。  相似文献   

西北高海拔地区日光温室秋冬茬厚皮甜瓜栽培技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1999年,甘肃省农业科学院蔬菜研究所永昌蔬菜试验基点在金昌市永昌县焦庄乡陈家寨村示范种植日光温室秋冬茬厚皮甜瓜获得成功(该村海拔2100m,元月最低气温可达-31℃)。2000~2004年,在金昌市海拔1450~2300m的区域内示范种植日光温室秋冬茬厚皮甜瓜210hm2,在元月中、下旬上市,无裂瓜,畸形瓜率低,品质好,商品性佳,单瓜质量0.8~1.6kg,可溶性固形物含量15.6%~17.2%,平均产量达2360kg.(667m2)-1,较普通栽培方式提高了16.8%。现将日光温室秋冬茬厚皮甜瓜优质栽培技术总结如下,以供同类地区参考。1日光温室主要结构参数及覆盖材料日光温室为拱圆…  相似文献   

无花果属桑科、无花果属,果实营养丰富、食药兼用,被称为天然保健水果。威海是中国无花果的主产区之一,近年来当地政府将无花果这一传统名产作为调整农业产业结构的重要树种之一,使无花果的苗木需求量猛增。传统的春季硬枝扦插育苗操作方便,成活率高,但苗木仍供不应求。为解决生产中急需用苗问题,2007年笔者进行了夏季嫩枝扦插和冬季在日光温室内利用电热温床进行硬枝扦插育苗试验,实现了无花果的周年育苗。现将技术介绍如下。  相似文献   

赵亮  丁明元 《北方园艺》2011,(21):55-56
自2009年以来,临泽县大力推广日光温室番茄一年两茬高产高效栽培技术,改一年一茬(越冬茬)为一年两茬,第1茬为冬、春栽培,即11月上旬育苗,翌年1月上、中旬移栽,4月中旬至6月采收上市,解决了春季蔬菜短缺的问题,产品主要销售到兰州、西宁及周边等地;第2茬为夏、秋栽培,即6月上旬播种育苗,7月上旬移栽,9月下旬至春节采收上市(夏种秋产冬卖),产品主要销售到酒泉、新疆等地.  相似文献   

为选育出适于宁夏自治区秋冬茬日光温室种植的番茄新品种,在日光温室对57份大果番茄新组合进行了品种比较,通过调查植株性状、果实性状、番茄花叶病毒病病情指数和产量,并采用逼近理想解排序法(DTOPSIS法)对番茄单果质量、可溶性固形物含量、花叶病毒病病情指数和产量数据进行综合评价,结果表明:通过应用DTOPSIS法综合评价...  相似文献   

1)品种特征特性。陇蜜无籽西瓜植株长势较强,茎蔓粗壮,根系较发达;叶片深绿肥厚,茸毛较稀,裂刻较深;果实圆球形,翠绿底上布深绿色窄齿条带;瓤大红色,酥脆,无硬壳籽,少白秕籽,风味口感好,品质优良。日光温室秋冬茬、早春茬栽培时成熟果实中心可溶性固形物含量可达12.6%,露地栽培  相似文献   

为丰富北方都市农业温室栽培品种,将南方露地枇杷经温室护根育苗定植到日光温室中。通过整形修剪培育矮化树冠,采用控水肥促早花,夏季使用遮阳网、微喷等手段降温,实现了早于南方2~3个月上市。在温室栽培"早钟6号"枇杷,遵从其常绿果树周年生长特性,结合北方日光温室冬春季低温高湿生产实际生产条件,发挥日光温室夏季遮阳覆盖降温和冬季保温的功能,总结出北方温室枇杷水肥管理综合栽培技术措施。  相似文献   

冬草莓无土栽培技术的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
筛选出在长江中下游地区不经人工促进花芽分化处理,在不加温大棚套小拱棚栽培条件下,进行冬季草莓生产的优良品种-丰香、南农09。这两个品种采用无土栽培,不论水培或基质培均可在 12月开始上市,陆续采收到翌年 4月下旬。折合666.7m2 的产量在1000 kg以上,品质好、产量高,且灰霉病发病较轻,是比较理想的冬草莓品种。  相似文献   

以‘上野’温州蜜柑为试材,研究了加温促成栽培柑橘果实成熟期间着色变化与糖、酸积累特性及加温起始时间对柑橘物候期变化的影响。结果表明,12月13日加温可使柑橘1月开花,6月下旬成熟,比露地栽培成熟期提早4个月以上;加温延迟,物候期相应推迟。加温促成栽培柑橘果实的色差值随果实成熟而上升,但成熟时色差a*和b*值都比露地成熟果实低。促成栽培柑橘果实可溶性固形物和糖分含量随果实成熟而上升,可滴定酸与有机酸含量随果实成熟而下降。促成栽培的柑橘果实以积累果糖为主,其次为葡萄糖,蔗糖含量最低,不到总糖含量的1/3。加温促成栽培柑橘着色不良与糖分构成的改变可能与果实成熟期间所处的高温环境有关。  相似文献   

‘d'Anjou’ pear fruit, harvested at optimum maturity with flesh firmness of 6.8 kg, were stored at ?1.1°C. Fruit were ripened at 20°C for 15 days following storage for 1–8 months. Dessert qualities were evaluated organoleptically on Day 10 of each ripening period. Changes in fruit firmness, extractable juice, titratable acids, solubl solids, respiration, ethylene production and internal ethylene were determined daily during each ripening period. Fruit firmness declined continually from 6.8 kg at harvest to 4.5 kg after 8 months of storage. Fruit stored for 2–8 months softened with a similar pattern during a 15-day ripening period at 20°C, while fruit stored for 1 month softened at a slower rate during ripening to 3.2 kg, with a coarse and dry texture after 15 days at 20°C. Fruit stored for 2–4 months ripened with the desirable buttery and juicy texture, while those stored for more than 5 months ripened with a coarse or mealy and dry texture. The buttery and juicy texture was highly correlated with a lower extractable juice, which could be used for quantitative determination of storage life based on ripened fruit quality. Changes in titratable acids and soluble solids during each ripening period were not associated with changes in dessert qualities of the ripened pears. Rates of respiration, ethylene production and internal ethylene during ripening at 20°C varied with duration of storage, but were not associated with changes in dessert qualities of the ripened fruit.  相似文献   

大棚草莓果实固酸含量变化初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以4个大棚草莓栽培品种为试材,从采果开始到采收结束,每月1次测定可溶性固形物含量和可滴定酸含量,分析随季节的光温改变果实固酸含量变化情况.结果表明:在11月至翌年8月内,光温改变可滴定酸含量呈“W”形变化,可溶性固形物含量及固酸比呈“M”形变化,且12月至翌年3月固酸变化趋势相同,其它月份变化相反.  相似文献   

 ‘申粉918’是上海市农业科学院园艺所专门针对现代化大型温室而选育的保护地专用番茄一代杂种。中早熟, 无限生长, 粉红果, 大果型, 平均单果质量200 g以上。果实圆整, 圆球形, 耐贮运,可溶性固形物含量4.6%。苗期接种鉴定表明, 该品种高抗烟草花叶病毒ToMV, 中抗CMV, 抗叶霉病1.2.3小种。在冬季加温或保温条件下生长期达到10个月以上, 果实采收期7个月左右。  相似文献   

厚皮甜瓜栽培品种比较试验   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了筛选出适应北京大兴地区不同栽培目的的优良厚皮甜瓜品种,对引进的4个厚皮甜瓜品种进行各个时期植株高度、茎粗度、叶面积、成熟后可溶性固形物含量及单瓜质量等指标的测定。结果表明:‘一品红’单瓜质量、坐果率、667 m2产量和边部可溶性固形物含量表现最好,分别为1.29 kg、1.15%、2 076.9 kg和11.07%,果皮黄色、果肉橙红色,成熟后口感有酒香味,商品性好。‘京玉月亮’中心可溶性固形物含量最高为16.18%,边部可溶性固形物含量第2为10.42%,田间转色最快,果皮白色,果肉橙黄色,圆形果,果实成熟后果肉细嫩爽口。‘黄流星’单瓜质量与‘一品红’并列第1为1.29 kg,667 m2产量位居第2,果皮黄色带有不规则绿色条带。‘苏甜1号’果实发育期最短为35 d,全生育期无病株出现,果实成熟后有浓浓的瓜香味。参试品种生长势均表现良好,以高产种植为目的的可选择种植‘一品红’,以观光采摘、礼品销售为目的可选择种植‘京玉月亮’,个性化市场消费或观光为主的可选择种植‘黄流星’,‘苏甜1号’适合春季大棚栽培。  相似文献   

High-temperature effects on tomato fruits of various genotypes ripened on the vine in the greenhouse were studied. A significant reduction in fruit quality was found in fruits ripened in a greenhouse where the temperature was greater than 30°C for an average of 9 h/day. The parameters studied included colour, total soluble solid content and acidity. There was no significant change in the major carotenoid pigments concentrations in these fruits compared with fruits ripened at optimal temperatures. This finding was not in agreement with that obtained in an earlier study using detached fruits ripened in incubators. Diurnal temperature fluctuation and translocation processes in the plant are suggested as the major factors accounting for these differences. “White tissue”, a colour disorder, was a major factor affecting fruit quality at high temperature. Fruits of a breeding line UCX100 15-2-2 had the highest quality, did not develop colour disorders and were relatively insensitive to high-temperature effects.  相似文献   


In New Zealand, 6.2% soluble solids concentration (SSC) is the minimum maturity at which kiwifruit destined for export can be harvested. Ambient temperature during the fruit maturation period has been shown to affect the soluble solids accumulation rate. The purpose of the present study was to describe variation in the rate of fruit soluble solids accumulation in different regions and seasons and to develop a means of quantifying the effects of temperature on the rate of fruit maturation. Measurements of fruit SCC were made over a three year period on one orchard in each of six principal kiwifruit-growing regions across New Zealand. The date at which fruit reached 6.2% SSC varied by 34 d across all sites and years. There was an 18 d range in the average date across all sites, with Riwaka, the coolest site being the earliest, and Kerikeri, the warmest site, being the latest. The variation from year to year across all sites was 12 d. We formulated a non-linear, time-dependent model to predict the rate of change of SSC with time, given the temperature and the time since flowering. This model accounted for nearly 60% of the variation in the date that 6.2% SSC was reached and 70% of the variation in the date that 6.5% SSC was reached, if a common initial SSC was assumed across all sites and seasons. No improvement was obtained if the initial SSC was measured about three months after flowering, rather than assumed. A similar model which used the day of year rather than days since flowering was found to be slightly less accurate. However, all three versions of the model performed better than a linear regression model based on mean temperature for the fruit growth period and the date at which 5.0% SSC was reached.  相似文献   

The ‘Pluk Mai Lie’ papaya (Carica papaya L.) is a promising cultivated fruit for use in fresh and processed products due to its firm flesh, but the aroma it releases is flat. Changes in quality and volatile profiles were analyzed during on- and off-tree fruit ripening. Detached fruit ripened faster than attached fruit, accumulating high internal ethylene levels. Aside from peel color, which was redder in on-tree ripened fruit, most quality attributes changed similarly in the two ripening situations. A slight increase in total soluble solids (TSS) was measured from the onset of the preclimacteric stage, whereas titratable acidity (TA) remained stable throughout the development. Whereas 2-ethyl-1-hexanol was found specifically in green fruit, ethyl octanoate emerged only in fully-ripe fruit. Furthermore, benzyl isothiocyanate was the most abundant volatile and was present in fruit at every stage except full ripening. The production of total esters, highly correlated with a loss of firmness and an increase in cavity ethylene accumulation, was about 10-fold higher in off-tree ripened fruit. The levels of methanol and ethanol sources in fruit increased steadily throughout ripening, with esters formed from ethyl alcohol predominating from the half-ripe through the senescence phases. The alcohol dehydrogenase activity in the mesocarp increased dramatically during the early ripening stages, whereas alcohol acetyltransferase was active throughout ripening. No difference in volatile profiles was found in the papaya fruit during on-tree and postharvest ripening.  相似文献   

避雨栽培对金柑留树保鲜果实品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以阳朔金柑为试材,从2010年12月20日至2011年4月15日进行了盖膜避雨栽培处理,以露地栽培为对照,分析阳朔金柑留树保鲜期间果实品质动态变化,以探讨避雨栽培对金柑留树保鲜过程中果实品质的影响。结果表明:采用避雨栽培留树保鲜技术,可以延长果实采收期至翌年4月中旬,留在树上的好果率仍有98.9%,避雨栽培不但能缓解留树保鲜金柑果实硬度的降低,保持后期较高的VC含量,而且能有效增加果实可溶性固形物含量、固酸比和糖酸比。在整个留树保鲜过程中,盖膜处理的果实硬度比露地栽培的高10.08%~14.26%,可溶性固形物比对照高2.12%~5.86%,可滴定酸比对照低13.64%~14.29%;盖膜处理的金柑果实可溶性糖、固酸比和糖酸比均高于对照。留树保鲜的金柑果实VC含量呈现先升后降的趋势,留树保鲜第2个月达到最大值,第2个月后金柑果实VC含量迅速下降,但盖膜处理的金柑果实VC含量比对照高8.69%~14.73%。  相似文献   

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