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Commercial barium-Impregnated polyethylene spheres (BIPS) were administered to 12 healthy adult cats according to the manufacturer's Instructions (30 small BIPS and 10 large BIPS to each cat) together with 60 g of a canned food. Radiographs were taken at hourly Intervals until seven hours after feeding, and then at eight, 10,12,14,17,23 and 30 hours or until all the BIPS had left the stomach and at least 50 per cent had entered the colon. SIX cats were sedated Immediately after being fed the BIPS and six cats remained unsedated. For small BIPS (1–5 mm diameter), the gastric transit the (first exit of BIPS from the stomach) In the sedated cats had a median of 6 hours (range 3 to 8) and In the unsedated cats a median of 2–5 hours (range 2 to 6). Values for other transit times were not significantly different between the two groups, and the pooled data revealed a median 50 per cent gastric emptying time of 6-4 hours (range 2–5 to long), a complete gastric emptying time of 12 hours (range 6 to 27), an orocaecal transit time (first appearance of BIPS In the colon) of 6-5 hours (range 4-0 to 12-0) and a 50 per cent orocaecal transit time of 8-8 hours (range 4–6 to 12.8). The gastrolntestinal transit of large BIPS (5 mm diameter) was significantly correlated with the passage of small BIPS but, except for the complete gastric emptying the, was significantly slower.  相似文献   

Hematologic and serum biochemical values were determined in 174 llamas of all age groups and both sexes from ranches in California and Nevada. Compared with hematologic values for horses and cattle, llama erythrocytes were more numerous (10.1 to 17.3 x 10(6)/microliters), but the PCV was lower (25 to 45%) because the smaller elliptical cells pack tighter. The mean corpuscular volume was half that of horses and cattle (22 to 29.5 fl). The mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration was higher (38.9 to 46.2 g/dl), and the mean corpuscular hemoglobin slightly lower (9.6 to 12.6 pg). Most serum biochemical values were similar to those of cattle and horses, with the exception of triiodothyronine (48 to 468 ng/dl) and thyroxin (9.8 to 30 micrograms/dl), which are up to 10 times higher than values for other domestic species.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the effect of sevoflurane on cardiac energetic and hemodynamic parameters in ferrets. ANIMALS: 7 healthy domesticated ferrets. PROCEDURE: Sevoflurane was used as the sole anesthetic agent for general anesthesia in ferrets. Standard midline laparotomy and median sternotomy were performed to permit instrumentation. Myocardial blood flow was determined by use of colored microsphere technology. Measurements and blood samples were obtained at 1.25%, 2.5%, and 3.75% expired concentration of sevoflurane. RESULTS: A dose-dependent decrease in arterial blood pressure, left ventricular pressure, systemic vascular resistance, aortic flow, and dp/dt (an index of contractility) was detected as expired concentration of sevoflurane increased. Heart rate, central venous pressure, coronary vascular resistance, myocardial oxygen extraction ratio, and tau (the time constant of relaxation) were unchanged. Cardiac external work decreased, as did myocardial oxygen consumption, causing increased cardiac efficiency at higher concentrations of sevoflurane. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Sevoflurane caused minimal and predictable cardiovascular effects in ferrets without increasing myocardial metabolic demands. Data obtained from this study have not been previously reported for a species that is being commonly used in cardiovascular research. These findings also support use of sevoflurane as a safe inhalant anesthetic in ferrets for clinical and research settings.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to establish a normal reference range (mean ± 2 SD) and assess reliability of renal dimensions obtained using transabdominal ultrasonography in Thoroughbred horses (n = 7). A minimum of three ultrasonographic cineloops were obtained from each intercostal space and the left paralumbar fossa by two observers daily for three consecutive days. Renal length, width, and thickness and cortex, medulla, and pelvic dimensions were obtained. Measurements were undertaken by both observers, who were unaware of prior measurements, to assess reproducibility and measured on three separate occasions to evaluate short-term measurement repeatability. Measurements from images obtained by both operators were compared to evaluate image repeatability. The left kidney was consistently identified in the left 15th-17th intercostal space and the paralumbar fossa with maximal length in the 16th intercostal space (12.7 ± 2.0 cm) and maximal width in the paralumbar fossa (7.9 ± 1.1 cm). The right kidney was consistently identified in the right 15th-17th intercostal space with maximal length and maximal width in the 15th intercostal space (16.0 ± 0.7 cm and 7.9 ± 1.0 cm). Reproducibility, image repeatability, measurement repeatability were good to excellent, although were less good for the smaller structures. There were no differences in renal dimensions between horses. Overall renal ultrasonography was reliable and a normal reference range for Thoroughbred horses was established. Renal dimensions vary between rib spaces. As repeatability and reproducibility were excellent for renal length and width, it may be prudent to use those measurements in rib spaces where parameters were maximal.  相似文献   

Objective To determine reference ranges for healthy yearling farmed saltwater crocodiles by performing routine biochemical and haematological laboratory tests on blood samples.
Design A clinico-pathological study.
Procedure Blood samples were collected from 120 healthy yearlings from four Northern Territory crocodile farms and body weight and length were measured. All animals had been fasted for 2 days before sample collection. Routine biochemical analytes were determined on 120 samples and haematological values determined on 30 samples (from one farm).
Results Reference ranges for biochemical and haemato-logical values were determined for farmed yearling saltwater crocodiles in the Northern Territory.
Conclusion The results were comparable with published reference ranges for other crocodilian species. Other published results of haematological values from saltwater crocodiles were from very young (6-week-old) hatchlings and older (2- to 4-year-old) crocodiles. Differences in values were presumed to be caused by age-related factors.  相似文献   

Background — The harp seal (Phoca groenlandica) is one of the most important predators in the Northeastern Atlantic ecosystem. Establishing biochemical reference intervals is important for evaluating the health status of harp seals kept in captivity and for evaluating the effects of environmental changes on the health of populations in the wild. Objective — The purpose of this study was to determine reference values for serum biochemical parameters in wild adult harp seals using readily available current methods. Methods — Blood samples were obtained from 14 adult female harp seals and 9 suckling pups on the pack ice of the Greenland Sea in early March 1998. Seven seals were humanely killed on the ice by permission of the Norwegian Directory for Fisheries and in conjunction with several other research projects. The seals were sampled within 15 minutes postmortem. Remaining seals were captured alive and sampled via the extradural intravertebral vein. Serum biochemical parameters were measured using a Technicon Axon analyzer and included electrolytes (sodium, chloride, potassium, magnesium, and calcium), substrates (free fatty acids, triglycerides, fructosamine, and glucose), end products (urea and uric acid), and proteins (total protein, globulins, and albumin). Serum protein electrophoresis also was done. Data were tested for normality and reference limits were calculated as mean ±1.96 × SD. Results between groups were compared using 2‐tailed t‐tests. Results — Serum levels of glucose and triglycerides were lower, but serum levels of urea were higher in dead animals than in animals that were captured alive. Serum levels for 7 of 17 parameters were significantly different in pups compared with adults. Separate reference intervals were calculated for adult seals and seal pups. Conclusion — Both sampling method and age should be considered when evaluating the results of analysis of serum parameters in wild and captive harp seals.  相似文献   

A procedure for descenting ferrets   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  



In 1986 I described an epidemic of congenital Toxoplasma-like disease in ferrets (1) Thornton, RN and Cook, TG. 1986. A congenital Toxoplasma-like disease in ferrets (Musrela putorius furo). New Zealand Veterinary Journal, 34: 3133. [Taylor &; Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]. The protozoan was subsequently confirmed immunohistochemically as Toxoplasma (Dubey, personal communication) but this was not reported. I wish to report this fact now in light of the recent discovery of the protozoan Neospora caninum, which is morphologically similar to Toxoplasma gonii, but which can be distinguished immunohistochemically (2) Dubey, JP. 1990. Neospora caninum: A look at a new Toxoplasma-like parasite of dogs and other animals. Compendium on Continuing Education for the Practicing Veterinarian, 12: 653663.  [Google Scholar]. The life cycle of Neospora caninum is not yet known so it is of interest to establish the fact that the ferrets in our report were confirmed as having toxoplasmosis.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare values of blood parameters in rockfish obtained by use of a point-of-care portable blood analyzer with values determined by a veterinary diagnostic laboratory, calculate reference ranges for various blood parameters in black rockfish, and compare values of blood parameters in clinically normal fish with those of fish with clinical abnormalities. DESIGN: Prospective study. ANIMALS: 41 captive adult black rockfish (Sebastes melanops) and 4 captive adult blue rockfish (Sebastes mystinus). PROCEDURE: Rockfish were anesthetized with tricaine methanesulfonate for collection of blood samples. Heparinized blood samples were immediately analyzed with a point-of-care analyzer. Blood sodium, potassium, chloride, urea nitrogen, and glucose concentrations; Hct; pH; partial pressure of carbon dioxide; total carbon dioxide concentration; bicarbonate concentration; base excess; and hemoglobin concentration were determined. A microhematocrit technique was used to determine PCV, and a refractometer was used to estimate total plasma protein concentration. Paired heparinized blood samples were transported to a veterinary diagnostic laboratory for analyses. RESULTS: Data obtained with the point-of-care analyzer were reproducible; however, values for most blood parameters were significantly different from those obtained by the veterinary diagnostic laboratory. Fish with poor body condition had several blood parameter values that were lower than corresponding values in clinically normal fish. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Point-of-care blood analyses may prove useful in rockfish. Point-of-care data for a large number of clinically normal fish must be obtained for reference ranges to be calculated, and further assessments of clinically abnormal fish are necessary to determine the relevance of the data.  相似文献   

The domestic ferret (Mustela putorius furo) continues to grow in popularity as a pet species in North America as well as many countries around the world. With this rapid growth comes an increased potential for small and exotic animal practitioners to expand their ferret clientele. This article reviews the commonly used therapeutics in ferrets, as well as the general principles and guidelines for their use.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to establish echocardiographic reference values for healthy Icelandic horses. For this purpose cardiologic examinations were performed on 44 healthy trained and untrained Icelandic horses without known cardiologic or pulmonary disease. The atrial diameter of the trained horses were significantly greater than in the untrained horses and the left ventricular free wall diameter was also higher in the trained than in the untrained horses. These findings confirm that the changes of the heart caused by training which have previously been described by other authors in warmbloods, thoroughbreds, dogs and humans are present in Icelandic horses as well. However, in contrast to the findings in race horses, no enlargement of the left ventricle was found in trained Icelandic horses, which may indicate that training conditions of Icelandic horses are not comparable to those of race- or jumping-horses in high level training. The reference values established in this study will serve as basis for the current interpretation of the results of echocardiographic examinations in Icelandic horses. This should enable cardiologists to perform a more detailed and precise examination similar to cardiological examinations in warmbloods and race horses.  相似文献   

In order to establish reference values for blood parameters of South American camelids in Switzerland, 273 blood samples were collected from 141 llamas and 132 alpacas. These animals were classified in three categories (young animals < six months, adult females and males). Forty-one parameters were measured (red blood cell count, white blood cell count, electrolytes, metabolites and enzymes). Significant differences between llamas and alpacas were evident for 26 parameters. This study also showed that differences between young animals, females and males must be taken into consideration. A comparison of blood values with the results of fecal analysis for parasite eggs showed that an infestation with Dicrocoelium dendriticum was associated with elevated activity of two liver enzymes (GLDH and gamma-GT) in the serum. In contrast, no differences were found in the results of blood analyses between animals shedding eggs of gastrointestinal strongyles or not.  相似文献   

In this study, we demonstrated growth curves and reference values for hematological and serum biochemical parameters of Microminipigs, the world smallest experimental minipigs. In both male and female animals, the body weights (BWs) at 3 and 6 months of age were <5 kg and <10 kg, respectively, and growth curve revealed almost plateau (approximately 20 kg BW) after 18 months of age. Major hematological and serum biochemical parameters showed no gender differences and the values were very similar to those in G?ttingen and Yukatan minipigs. The values obtained in this study can serve as fundamental reference, and thereby facilitate the use of Microminipig in life science research.  相似文献   

Pancreatic endocrinopathies, especially insulinomas, are a common finding in ferrets. Surgical resection remains the treatment of choice for insulinomas because it can provide longer disease-free intervals and survival times. Because of the high rate of metastasis, owners should be advised that treatment is rarely curative and is aimed at controlling the clinical signs of hypoglycemia by stopping or slowing the progression of the insulinoma. Although less common, diabetes mellitus can occur in ferrets, but is often a postsurgical sequela to insulinoma resection. Current advancements in diabetes management can be applied to ferrets with diabetes mellitus.  相似文献   

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