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Information about the effect of the cropping history on the seed yield of oil-seed rape is extremely scarce. In 1992/93 and 1994/95, the effects of different preceding crop combinations (winter barley and winter wheat as preceding crops, oil-seed rape and wheat as pre-preceding crops) on the yield of six double low oil-seed rape cultivars were examined in a field trial at Hohenschulen Experimental Farm, north-west Germany. In addition, eight nitrogen treatments (different amounts and distribution patterns) were tested for their potential to reduce negative effects of the preceding crops. Following the cropping sequence of oil-seed rape then wheat, oil-seed rape yielded only 3.12 t ha−1; after oil-seed rape then barley, the yield was 3.43 t ha−1 compared with 3.77 t ha−1 following wheat then barley and 3.71 t ha−1 following wheat then wheat. The number of seeds per m2 showed a similar pattern, whereas the thousand-seed weight partly compensated for the reduced seed number. It was highest if oil-seed rape was grown 2 years previously. The cultivars differed significantly in their yield potential. Express (3.79 t ha−1) yielded 0.6 t ha−1 more than Falcon (3.18 t ha−1). Increasing amounts of fertilizer-N (80–200 kg N ha−1) increased the seed yield from 3.21 t ha−1 to 3.84 t ha−1. Changes in the distribution pattern within one fertilizer amount had no effect on seed yield. In addition, no interactions between preceding crop combination and the different cultivars or N treatments occurred. It is concluded that crop management cannot totally eliminate the negative effects of an unfavourable cropping history on the seed yield of oil-seed rape.  相似文献   

Water deficit is an important constraint for wheat yield generation under Mediterranean environments. However, nitrogen (N) availability could limit yield in a more important way than poor water conditions. The aim of the work was to analyze, using the Ceres-Wheat crop simulation model, to what degree N fertilization constitutes a tool for reducing the gap between attainable and potential yield. Firstly, the model was calibrated and validated under a wide range of N and water conditions for the region of the Ebro Valley (NE Spain). Anthesis and maturity date were adequately predicted by the model. Predictions of yield tended to be quite accurate in general, though under severe water deficits precision was lower. We then assessed the gap between attainable and potential yield considering different N availabilities at sowing taking into account a weather database of 17 years for the location of Agramunt (NE Spain), representative of cereal growing conditions of the Mediterranean Catalonia. Potential yield ranged between 3.5 and 8.1 Mg ha−1. Variations in potential yield were explained by the duration of the period from sowing to anthesis and by the level of incident radiation during the period immediately previous to anthesis. Average attainable yield was 1.8 Mg ha−1 for N availability of 50 kgN ha−1; but increased to 2.8 Mg ha−1 for higher N availabilities (100–250 kgN ha−1). In the 25% of the worst years there was no effect of N availability on attainable yield. Increasing N availability beyond 100 kgN ha−1 generated a gain in yield only in 6% of the years. Variations between years in attainable yields were mainly explained by rainfall during the period from sowing to anthesis, whereas differences in attainable yield between N treatments increased with increases in rainfall. The gap between potential yield and attainable yield was higher in years with higher potential yield. On the other hand, the higher the attainable yield, the lower the gap. Thus, the proportion of the yield gap ascribed to N availability varied depending on the conditions of the growing season. In the high-yielding potential years, the main restriction for growth was water shortage, and fertilizing only slightly reduced the gap. Conversely, in rainy years characterized by low potential yields and mild water stresses, N management may constitute a simple tool for effectively reducing yield gap under rain-fed conditions.  相似文献   

Availability of water and nitrogen are key constraints to primary productivity in arid and semiarid ecosystems. Theoretically, plant growth is maximised when all resources are equally limiting. This paper tested the hypothesis that for a given amount of available water, the gap between actual and attainable yield of dryland crops in semiarid southern Australia is inversely proportional to the degree of nitrogen and water co-limitation.

Field and simulation experiments were combined in an analysis involving three steps. Step 1 assessed the capacity of a crop simulation model to estimate yield and its responses to water and nitrogen inputs in the semiarid Mallee region. Step 2 derived a boundary function relating grain yield and water availability using simulations with long-term weather records. Step 3 explored the link between degree of co-limitation and deviations between actual yield and the boundary function. Degree of co-limitation (CWN) was calculated as a function of model-derived nitrogen (NSI) and water stress indices (WSI), i.e. CWN = 1 − |NSI − WSI|. Stress indices range from zero (no stress) to 1 (maximum stress), and CWN tends to 1 when both resources impose constraints of similar magnitude to crop growth.

The field experiment combining locations, seasons and management practices generated a range of grain yield from 0.6 to 3.8 t ha−1. Water availability, i.e. seasonal rainfall plus change in soil water content from sowing to harvest, ranged from 127 to 370 mm. Nitrogen fertiliser varied from nil to 36 kg N ha−1 and inorganic nitrogen in the soil profile at sowing ranged from 29 to 497 kg ha−1. For these ranges of conditions, the relationship between simulated and measured yield was statistically undistinguishable from the y = x function.

A factorial modelling experiment combining sites, seasons, initial soil water content and dose of nitrogen fertiliser was used to derive a boundary function which provided an objective and independent upper limit for the field data. Actual yield was below the boundary function in most cases. The difference between actual and attainable yield was inversely proportional to CWN. This study thus supported the hypothesis that yield and water-use efficiency of water- and nitrogen-stressed crops increase with increasing degree of co-limitation.  相似文献   

Sustainable soil and crop management practices that reduce soil erosion and nitrogen (N) leaching, conserve soil organic matter, and optimize cotton and sorghum yields still remain a challenge. We examined the influence of three tillage practices (no-till, strip till and chisel till), four cover crops {legume [hairy vetch (Vicia villosa Roth)], nonlegume [rye (Secaele cereale L.)], vetch/rye biculture and winter weeds or no cover crop}, and three N fertilization rates (0, 60–65 and 120–130 kg N ha−1) on soil inorganic N content at the 0–30 cm depth and yields and N uptake of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) and sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench]. A field experiment was conducted on Dothan sandy loam (fine-loamy, siliceous, thermic, Plinthic Paleudults) from 1999 to 2002 in Georgia, USA. Nitrogen supplied by cover crops was greater with vetch and vetch/rye biculture than with rye and weeds. Soil inorganic N at the 0–10 and 10–30 cm depths increased with increasing N rate and were greater with vetch than with rye and weeds in April 2000 and 2002. Inorganic N at 0–10 cm was also greater with vetch than with rye in no-till, greater with vetch/rye than with rye and weeds in strip till, and greater with vetch than with rye and weeds in chisel till. In 2000, cotton lint yield and N uptake were greater in no-till with rye or 60 kg N ha−1 than in other treatments, but biomass (stems + leaves) yield and N uptake were greater with vetch and vetch/rye than with rye or weeds, and greater with 60 and 120 than with 0 kg N ha−1. In 2001, sorghum grain yield, biomass yield, and N uptake were greater in strip till and chisel till than in no-till, and greater in vetch and vetch/rye with or without N than in rye and weeds with 0 or 65 kg N ha−1. In 2002, cotton lint yield and N uptake were greater in chisel till, rye and weeds with 0 or 60 kg N ha−1 than in other treatments, but biomass N uptake was greater in vetch/rye with 60 kg N ha−1 than in rye and weeds with 0 or 60 kg N ha−1. Increased N supplied by hairy vetch or 120–130 kg N ha−1 increased soil N availability, sorghum grain yield, cotton and sorghum biomass yields, and N uptake but decreased cotton lint yield and lint N uptake compared with rye, weeds or 0 kg N ha−1. Cotton and sorghum yields and N uptake can be optimized and potentials for soil erosion and N leaching can be reduced by using conservation tillage, such as no-till or strip till, with vetch/rye biculture cover crop and 60–65 kg N ha−1. The results can be applied in regions where cover crops can be grown in the winter to reduce soil erosion and N leaching and where tillage intensity and N fertilization rates can be minimized to reduce the costs of energy requirement for tillage and N fertilization while optimizing crop production.  相似文献   

The residual effect of 2-year-old swards of clover-ryegrass mixture and ryegrass in monoculture on yield and N uptake in a subsequent winter wheat crop was investigated by use of the 15N dilution method and by mathematical modelling. The amount of N in the wheat crop, derived from clover-ryegrass residues was 25–43% greater than that derived from residues of ryegrass which had been growing in monoculture. Expressed in absolute values, the N uptake in the subsequent winter wheat crop was 23–28 kg N ha −1 greater after clover-ryegrass mixture than after ryegrass in monoculture. Up to about 54 kg N ha−1 of the N mineralised from the clover-ryegrass crop was calculated to be leached, whereas only 11 kg N ha−1 was leached following ryegrass in monoculture.  相似文献   

In the Mediterranean zone, efforts to optimize combinations of supplemental irrigation (SI), improved varieties, nitrogen (N) and sowing dates aim to improve and stabilize cereal yields and maintain quality, especially for durum wheat. Thus, a 4 year field study (1992/1993 to 1995/1996) on a deep clay soil in northern Syria assessed the impact of SI (rain-fed, 1/3, 2/3 and full SI) combined with variable N application rates (0, 50, 100, 150 kg ha−1) and sowing date (early, normal, late) for four improved durum wheat varieties adapted to rain-fed and irrigated conditions. As rainfall and evapotranspiration varied over the 4 years, the amount of SI water required also varied. Yields varied with the season, and the main factors, except variety, were significant. Delaying sowing from November to January reduced yields and response to both SI and N. With irrigation, crop responses were generally significant up to 100 N ha−1, whereas the optimum response for rain-fed conditions occurred with 50 kg N ha−1. Limited SI (1/3) significantly increased yields, but almost maximum yields were obtained by 2/3 of full SI. Water- and N-use efficiencies were greatly increased by SI, with little variation among varieties. However, irrigation and delayed sowing decreased grain protein levels, which were partially compensated for by added N. A similar effect was observed for kernel vitreousness. Models developed from the response data can facilitate the potential transfer of these findings. Thus, in most growing seasons, minimum irrigation during the winter growing season, combined with appropriate fertilization, can enhance wheat output and yet maintain grain quality.  相似文献   

In sloping areas with high precipitation, planting maize into live winter cover crop sods may help to alleviate the environmental problems associated with clean-tillage production systems of maize. The present study evaluates the performance of silage maize (Zea mays L.) under several cultivation methods: CC (conventional cropping system, i.e., maize was sown into the bare, autumn-ploughed soil); LGS/CK (maize was planted into a living Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) sod which was subsequently herbicidally killed); and LGS/MR (similar to LGS/CK, but the ryegrass was mechanically regulated). The research was conducted in the midlands of Switzerland on a fertile sandy loam under humid conditions during three cropping seasons. With 110 kg N ha−1 (fertilizer nitrogen plus mineral nitrogen of the soil at maize planting), the CC system was much more productive than were the LGS/CK and LGS/MR systems in terms of dry matter and nitrogen yields of maize. Increasing the nitrogen supply to 250 kg N ha−1 considerably reduced the yield advantage of CC over the LGS/CK and LGS/MR systems, indicating that nitrogen was the most limiting factor for maize yield in the mulch seeding systems. With 250 kg N ha−1, the LGS/CK and LGS/MR systems produced greater total yields of digestible organic matter (maize plus ryegrass) than did the CC system, whereas the total nitrogen yield was similar for all cropping systems. The whole-shoot concentrations of nitrogen were highest under CC, irrespective of the level of nitrogen supply. With 110 kg N ha−1, concentrations of phosphorus and magnesium were clearly higher for the mulch seeding systems. There were only minor differences among the cropping methods in the concentrations of potassium and calcium in the whole shoot. When 250 kg N ha−1 were applied, there were no significant variations among the cropping systems in the concentrations of minerals. Changes in the botanical composition of the cover crop sod and in the time and method of cover crop control may help to reduce the competition for nitrogen between maize and the living mulch.  相似文献   

New high yielding early maturing cultivars of lupins have been introduced in north-west Europe as grain protein crops in crop rotations. This paper reports on a comparative study of lupins with peas and oats, and of their effect on yield of subsequent winter barley crops. These crops were given five levels of N under irrigated and non-irrigated conditions on sand and loam. Under rain fed conditions the grain yield of pea, oat and lupin varied between 24–36, 34–53 and 18–37 hkg DM ha−1, respectively. Supplemental irrigation raised grain yield of oat to 50–60 hkg DM ha−1, while grain yield in pea was not affected and grain yield in lupin in most cases decreased due to gray mould attack and excessive vegetative growth in the indeterminate lupin variety. Under rain fed conditions, the grain nitrogen content of pea, oat and lupin varied between 137–172, 61–80 and 189–226 kg N ha−1, respectively, and was significantly higher in lupin as compared with pea. On sandy soil, similar low-root densities were found for pea, oat and lupin below 30 cm depth. On sand, at final harvest the residual soil-N of lupin and pea, as measured in a subsequent winter barley crop not supplied with N fertilizer, was 15 and 8–10 kg N ha−1 higher than in winter barley following oat, respectively. The nature of the probably more N-root residues of lupin is discussed. On loam, the residual N of lupin and pea was similar, 18–27 kg N ha−1. On sand, under rain fed conditions preceding lupin and pea as compared with oat, increased the barley grain yield at zero N-application 77 and 49%, respectively; the effect of lupin was significantly higher than that of pea until the highest N-level 120 kg N-application ha−1. On loam under rain fed conditions preceding lupin and pea increased the barley grain yield at zero N-application by 36 and 62%, respectively, as compared with oat; at N-application>60 kg N ha−1 the grain yield was similar after all three crops. For both soil types the same level of effect was found under irrigated conditions. Conclusions: Supplemental irrigation might result in lower grain yield in lupin due to gray mould attack and excessive growth if indeterminate lupin varieties are used. Grain nitrogen yield of lupin is significantly higher than that of pea. On sand, the effect of lupin on the subsequent winter barley grain yield is significantly higher than that of pea, probably due to greater N-root nitrogen residues. On loam, lupin and pea have similar effects on the subsequent winter barley crop.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate the possibility of reducing energy input in giant reed (Arundo donax L.) as a perennial biomass crop, a field experiment was carried out from 1996 to 2001 in central Italy. Crop yield response to fertilisation (200–80–200 kg ha−1 N–P–K), harvest time (autumn and winter) and plant density (20,000 and 40,000 plants per ha) was evaluated. The energy balance was assessed considering the energy costs of production inputs and the energy output obtained by the transformation of the final product. The crop yield increased by +50% from the establishment period to the 2nd year of growth when it achieved the highest dry matter yield. The mature crop displayed on average annual production rates of 3 kg dry matter m−2, with maximum values obtained in fertilised plot and during winter harvest time.

Fertilisation mainly enhanced dry matter yield in the initial period (+0.7 kg dry matter m−2 as years 1–6 mean value). The biomass water content was affected by harvest time, decreasing by about 10% from autumn to winter. With regard to plant density, higher dry matter yields were achieved with 20,000 plants per ha (+0.3 kg dry matter m−2 as years 1–6 mean value).

The total energy input decreased from fertilised (18 GJ ha−1) to not fertilised crops (4 GJ ha−1). The higher energetic input was represented by fertilisation which involved 14 GJ ha−1 (fertilisers plus their distribution) of total energy costs. This value represents 78% of total energy inputs for fertilised crops.

Giant reed biomass calorific mean value (i.e., the calorific value obtained from combustion of biomass sample in an adiabatic system) was about 17 MJ kg−1 dry matter and it was not affected by fertilisation, or by plant density or harvest time. Fertilisation enhanced crop biomass yield from 23 to 27 dry tonnes per ha (years 1–6 mean value). This 15% increase was possible with an energy consumption of 70% of the overall energy cost. Maximum energy yield output was 496 GJ ha−1, obtained with 20,000 plants per ha and fertilisation. From the establishment period to 2nd–6th year of growth the energy production efficiency (as ratio between energy output and energy input per ha) and the net energy yield (as difference between energy output and energy input per ha) increased due to the low crop dry biomass yield and the high energy costs for crop planting. The energy production efficiency and net energy yield were also affected by fertilisation and plant density. In the mature crop the energy efficiency was highest without fertilisation both with 20,000 (131 GJ ha−1) and 40,000 plants per ha (119 GJ ha−1).  相似文献   

The effects of N rates and N timings on yield formation, N uptake at five growth stages and fertilizer N use efficiency of six-row and two-row winter barley were evaluated in field trials conducted from 1990/91 to 1992/93 at the TU Munich's research station Roggenstein.

On average over 3 years the six-row cultivar yielded most at a total rate of 110 kg ha−1 N including an early application of 40 kg ha−1 N up to EC 30 (Zadoks scale). The two-row cultivar achieved maximum yield at a total rate of 140 kg ha−1 N including early applications of 70 kg ha−1 N up to EC 30. The highest yielding N-treatments of six-row barley regularly took up less nitrogen at EC 32 (95 kg ha−1 N on average) than the non-optimally fertilized treatments, whereas full exploitation of the yield potential of two-row barley was associated with higher rates of N-uptake at EC 32 (113 kg ha−1 N on average).

Lodging did not occur in the trials conducted in 1991 and 1992 and no difference was detected between the two cultivars in fertilizer N use efficiency. With six-row barley the N treatment giving maximum yield also led to an optimum fertilizer N use efficiency. Full exploitation of the two-row barley yield potential was associated with suboptimal fertilizer N use efficiencies.  相似文献   

Wheat and barley yields from three farms in the Ebro river valley are shown to be strongly dependent on seasonal rainfall, particularly that during November-January and March-May of the cropping season. In the driest farm, in Monegrillo, Zaragoza province (seasonal rainfall, 251 mm), yields increased by c. 5.9 (wheat) and 9.4 (barley) kg ha−1 per mm of extra rain during the entire cropping season, taken as October-May inclusive. The other farms, at El Canós and Selvanera in Lleida province, had seasonal rainfalls of 364 and 334 mm, and yields of barley increased by 4.3 and 9.0 kg ha−1, respectively, per mm of extra rain in the cropping season, taken as September to May inclusive.

In Monegrillo, cereals are grown in a cereal-fallow rotation. Normal fallowing (duration 17 months) compared to minimum fallowing (5 months) increased the calculated water content of the top 100 cm of the dominant soils by 19 mm. This extra water was estimated to benefit yield by 7.0% (wheat) and 6.2% (barley), raising the average yields of crops greater than 300 kg ha−1 to 1222 and 1522 kg ha−1, respectively. Agronomic practices in Monegrillo during the fallow should focus on means of increasing the proportion of the rain stored in the profile during the fallow. At all three locations, decreasing water evaporation from the soil during the cropping season would likely benefit yield.  相似文献   

Maize (Zea mays L.) is a very important crop in many of the irrigated areas of the Ebro Valley (NE Spain). Intensive pig (Sus scrofa domesticus) production is also an important economic activity in these areas, and the use of pig slurry (PS) as a fertiliser for maize is a common practise. From 2002 to 2005, we conducted a field trial with maize in which we compared the application of 0, 30 and 60 m3 ha−1 of PS combined with 0, 100 and 200 kg ha−1 of mineral N at sidedress. Yield, biomass and other related yield parameters differed from year to year and all of them were greatly influenced by soil NO3-N content before planting and by N (organic and/or mineral) fertilisation. All years average grain yield and biomass at maturity ranged from 9.3 and 18.9 Mg ha−1 (0 PS, 0 mineral N) to 14.4 and 29.6 Mg ha−1 (60 m3 ha−1 of PS, 200 kg ha−1of mineral N), respectively. Grain and total N biomass uptake average of the studied period ranged from 101 and 155 kg ha−1 (0 PS, 0 mineral N) to 180 and 308 kg ha−1 (60 m3 ha−1 of PS, 200 kg ha−1of mineral N), respectively. All years average soil NO3-N content before planting and after harvest were very high, and ranged from 138 and 75 kg ha−1 (0 PS, 0 mineral N) to 367 and 457 kg ha−1 (60 m3 ha−1 of PS, 200 kg ha−1of mineral N), respectively. The optimal N (organic and/or mineral) rate varied depending on the year and was influenced by the soil NO3-N content before planting. For this reason, soil NO3-N content before planting should be taken into account in order to improve N fertilisation recommendations. Moreover, the annual optimal N rates also gave the lowest soil NO3-N contents after harvest and the lowest N losses, as a consequence they also could be considered as the most environmentally friendly N rates.  相似文献   

Efficiency of water use of early plantings of sunflower   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Rain fed crop production in Mediterranean environments depends to a large extent on strategies that avoid the intense summer drought. Early plantings of sunflower have given consistently higher yields in such environments, but the basis for such yield increases has not been explored. We conducted two field experiments at Cordoba (Spain) to investigate the effects of an early and a late planting date on the components of water-limited crop productivity; namely, water use (T), water use efficiency (TE) and harvest index (HI) of sunflower. The results were generalized by simulating rain fed sunflower yields, under early (1 January) and late (15 March) plantings, for a 25-year period with the aid of a simulation model of the Ceres type (OILCROP-SUN) which has been validated in Cordoba. Experimental seed yields of early plantings in 1989 and 1996 were 2.0 and 3.0 t ha−1, while late plantings yields were 1.3 and 2.4 t ha−1, for the 2 years. Average simulated yields were 2.7 ± 1.1 and 1.9 ± 0.7 t ha−1 for early and late plantings, respectively. For the 2 years, T of early plantings was higher than that of late plantings, but the response of TE and HI to planting date was not the same in the two experiments. In the simulation exercise, T and TE of early plantings were consistently higher than those of late plantings, while there were no differences in the HI for the two planting dates. We conclude that early plantings of sunflower increase rain fed yields by increasing both T and TE, while the impact of planting date on HI very much depends on the crop water stress pattern, which is quite variable from year to year even in the predictable Mediterranean environment.  相似文献   

Winter wheat was grown in three field experiments, each repeated over two or three seasons, to investigate effects of extending flag leaf life by fungicide application on the concentration, kg ha−1 and mg grain−1 of nitrogen (N) and sulphur (S) as well as N:S ratio and sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) sedimentation volume. The experiments involved up to six cultivars and different application rates, timings and frequencies of azoxystrobin and epoxiconazole. For every day the duration to 37% green flag leaf area (m) was extended, N yield was increased by 2.58 kg ha−1, N per grain by 0.00957 mg, S yield by 0.186 kg ha−1 and S per grain by 0.000718 mg. The N:S ratio decreased by 0.0135 per day. There was no evidence that these responses varied with cultivar. In contrast, the relationship between flag leaf life and N or S concentration interacted with cultivar. The N and S concentrations of Shamrock, the cultivar that suffered most from brown rust (Puccinia recondita), increased with the extension of flag leaf life whereas the concentrations of N and S in Malacca, a cultivar more susceptible to Septoria tritici, decreased as flag leaf senescence was delayed. This was because the relationships between m and N and S yields were much better conserved over cultivars than those between m and thousand grain weight (TGW) and grain yield ha−1.  相似文献   

The unpredictability of the Mediterranean climate causes a large fluctuation in wheat yield and quality but offers the opportunity for the production of high quality wheats which are lacking in the European Union.

This paper describes the effects of nitrogen fertilization rate and timing on five Triticum aestivum L. cultivars differing in bread-making quality, cultivated in six representative Italian sites (years/locations). Nitrogen was applied at each location at two rates, the first corresponding to the amount estimated to maximize grain yield, the second 30% higher. Three timings of nitrogen applications were tested including a late application at the boot stage. Bread-making quality was evaluated with the Chopin alveograph and each sample was assigned to the following qualitative classes of the Italian market: Class 1, improver wheat; Class 2, for direct bread-making; Class 3, ordinary wheat.

Cultivars differed significantly in all agronomic and qualitative traits. Grain yield was highest in the northern location (7.1 t ha−1) and lowest in the south of the Italian peninsula (2.61 ha−1), while in Sicily abundant rains in both years enabled a yield of 6.41 ha−1 to be obtained. As far as bread-making quality is concerned, the greatest proportion of grain samples belonging to Class 1 was obtained from the northern location. The year of cultivation strongly affected quality, particularly with regard to gluten tenacity, in all locations, though the quality ranking of the cultivars remained substantially stable across locations. Nitrogen applications greater than those considered optimal to maximize yield, combined with a better distribution during the life cycle, significantly improved bread-making quality.

It was concluded that high quality wheats can be obtained in a wide range of growing conditions in the Mediterranean climate. However the likelihood of genotype × environment interactions, statistically significant for both yield and quality, call for a more precise management of nitrogen fertilization in relation to the cultivars chosen and the climatic features of each site.  相似文献   

To optimize wheat segregation for the various markets, it is necessary to add to genotype segregation, a prediction before harvest of the values of yield and grain protein concentration (GPC) for the different fields of the collecting area. Different tools allowing a prediction of crop production exist. Among them, the evaluation of nitrogen concentration by a chlorophyll meter (Soil–Plant Analysis Development (SPAD) readings), classically used to adapt the nitrogen fertilizer application, has been used in few works to foresee grain yield and grain protein concentration. But the relationships between N crop status and SPAD measurements varies among varieties and this genotypic effect has rarely been incorporated in models of forecasting grain quality.

This paper compares several models to forecast yield, nitrogen uptake in grain (NUG) and grain protein concentration from trials carried out in 2001 and 2002 at the INRA experiment station of Grignon (West of Paris). Trials crossed nine varieties by four (2002) or five (2001) nitrogen rates. Input variables of those models are mainly chlorophyll meter measurements (SPAD) on the penultimate leaf at GS65 and on the flag leaf at GS71 Zadoks growth stages and ear number per square meter (NE).

A square root model of yield based on NE × SPAD gave the best fit (RMSE = 0.6 t ha−1 for both stages) if considering three different groups of genotypes. Based on the same variable, NE × SPAD, a quadratic model for NUG without significant effect of genotypes gave the best fit (RMSE, between 21 and 30 kg ha−1 depending of the growth stage). And, for GPC, considering the same three groups of genotypes, the slope of the linear model with the ratio of predicted grain nitrogen concentration to predicted yield, is the same at both stages and very close to the standard value used to calculate protein concentration from nitrogen concentration (5.7), but the predictive quality of the model is more than 10% higher at GS71 (R2 of 0.77) than at flowering (R2 of 0.64). Finally, the sensibility of the models to delay in the stage of measurement is discussed.  相似文献   

From 1990 to 1993 nutrient fluxes were monitored on 38 private arable farms that had adopted farming strategies aiming at reduced nutrient inputs and substitution of mineral fertilizers by organic fertilizers. The nutrient surplus was defined as the difference between inputs (including inputs through deposition, seeds and biological fixation) and outputs in crop products, and amounted to 117 kg nitrogen (N), 14 kg phosphorus (P) and 21 kg potash (K) ha−1 year−1 on average. Potato and sugar beet had relatively high nutrient surpluses resulting both from crop characteristics and the use of organic manure. The surplus varied markedly among farms due to differences in cropping frequency, fertilizer inputs and crop outputs. Averaged over the years, ca. 70% of the participants achieved surpluses below 150 kg N, 20 kg P and 50 kg K ha−1 year−1.

The amounts of residual soil mineral N (RSMN) exceeded those normally found in field experiments except for data collected after the wet summer of 1993. Distinct differences between crops were observed. Only in the case of potato a significant relationship was observed between the effective N input and RSMN. On a whole-farm level, RSMN amounted to more than 70 kg ha−1 N on 77, 74, 87 and 18% of the farms in the consecutive years.  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) mineralization and soil mineral N contents were measured at 2-week intervals over a 2-year period (June 1994–May 1996) on two different sites in the North West region of Portugal. The experiment was established in fields, which had for many years been under a double-cropping forage system with maize from May to September and a winter crop (mixture of cereals and Italian ryegrass) during the rest of the year. In addition to N fertilizers, dairy-cattle slurry was applied regularly at the sowing of each crop. On this intensive forage system, quantification of N released from slurry, crop residues and soil organic matter becomes important when better N use efficiency and reduced environmental impact from agricultural practices are required. Net N mineralization rates of the 0–10 cm soil layer fluctuated considerably between consecutive incubation periods and ranged from −0.88 to 1.87 mg N kg−1 day−1 with annual average rates of between 0.41 and 0.65 mg N kg−1 day−1. The total N mineralized in the 10 cm depth soil layer reached values between 122 and 224 kg N ha−1 year−1, showing that mineralization was a very important N source for the crops. The amounts of N released during the cold season (November–February) were equivalent to 27–48% of the yearly total. Regression analysis indicated that seasonal variation in N mineralization was only poorly explained by soil moisture and temperature. The changing balance during the year between soil moisture and temperature will contribute to the relatively constant N mineralization rates. Soil mineral N contents during the maize crop were high and exceeded the nutrient requirements for the optimum yield of this crop. Under the climatic conditions of the region and due to the poor development of the winter crop plants at the time, the mineral N left in the soil after the maize crop and released by mineralization during the cold season is particularly vulnerable to nitrate leaching losses.  相似文献   

A field experiment was carried out on maize (Zea mays, L.) to study the effects of different fertilizer management on nitrogen status in soil and plant response. Three different fertilizers, mineral (MN), mineral plus buffalo manure (MN + BM) and organo-mineral with peat (OMP), were added at the usual (140, 61 and 116 kg ha−1) and the reduced (70, 31 and 58 kg ha−1) rates of N, P and K. respectively. Soil samples were analyzed for N by both the Kjeldahl method and the electro-ultrafiltration technique (EUF). The soil Kjeldahl-N concentrations were scarcely affected by the different fertilizer treatments, while the EUF-N concentrations were closely correlated with the amounts of N added. The EUF also discriminated between the NO3-N and the sum of the ammonium and the easily extractable organic N forms (EUF-Norg + NH4). The largest proportions of EUF-Norg + NH4 were found in the untreated plots and in the plots treated with buffalo manure. The different fertilizer treatments significantly affected grain yield, which ranged from a minimum of 6.3 t ha−1 from the untreated plots, to a maximum of 11.9 t ha−1 from those supplied with 140 kg N, 61 kg P and 116 kg K ha−1 by OMP fertilizer. The highest agronomic efficiency index for N was exhibited in the OMP treatment at the reduced rate. The grain yield was closely correlated with the total extractable EUF-N, but different relationships were found between the rate of N added, the level of EUF-NO,-N in soil and grain yield for the different fertilizer treatments.  相似文献   

The long-term effects of undersowing a ryegrass catch crop in cereals was analysed with the FASSET simulation model. The model was tested on a 28-year field experiment with ryegrass catch crops in spring barley. The experiment included treatments with nitrogen (N) fertiliser rates, catch crop use and timing of tillage. The modelled effects of these treatments generally agreed with observations on crop production, soil carbon, soil nitrogen and nitrate leaching. Both the observations and the simulations predicted a yield increase of 7 kg N ha−1 and an increase in nitrate leaching of 13 kg N ha−1 due to a prehistory of 24 years with continuous use of catch crops compared to a prehistory without catch crops.

A range of scenarios was constructed to evaluate the fate of the reduced nitrate leaching on crop N uptake, N leaching, gaseous emissions and change in soil organic N, and how this fate interacts with soils and climate and management. These scenarios showed that 22–30% of the reduced nitrate leaching was subsequently leached during the following decades after termination of catch crop use. Between 35 and 40% of the reduced nitrate leaching was harvested in cereals. The exact distribution depended primarily on the soil texture. The scenarios showed that effects of catch crops should be evaluated on the long-term rather than consider short-term effects only.  相似文献   

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