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A 5‐year‐old Welsh Pony mare presented with a history of dullness and inappetence and a large swelling on the left side of the neck extending to the pectoral region. Flunixin meglumine had been administered intravenously 10 days previously for treatment of laminitis. The pony was anaemic at presentation. Clostridium perfringens was isolated from an abscess overlying the left external jugular vein. Treatment consisted of supportive treatment, drainage of the abscess and administration of sodium benzyl penicillin G intravenously. A marked improvement in the mare's demeanour and a gradual increase in packed cell volume over a period of one month were observed. The historical, clinical and clinicopathological findings were consistent with immune‐mediated haemolysis associated with C. perfringens infection.  相似文献   

AIM: To describe the prevalence and spatial distribution of cattle herds infected with Ikeda and non-Ikeda types of Theileria orientalis in New Zealand between November 2012 and June 2013.

METHODS: Pooled serum samples collected historically between November 2012 and June 2013 were obtained from cattle herds throughout New Zealand. Each pooled sample consisted of approximately 20 individual cattle samples from that herd, and was provided with details of the spatial location of the herd (n=722). DNA from all samples was tested using two quantitative PCR assays for the detection of T. orientalis (all types) and the Ikeda type. The proportion of herds that were positive for T. orientalis and Ikeda type, or that were positive for T. orientalis but negative for Ikeda type (non-Ikeda positive) was determined for different regions of New Zealand.

RESULTS: The highest prevalence of herds infected with Ikeda type was detected in the Northland (33/35; 94%) and Auckland and the Waikato (63/191; 33%) regions. Only 2/204 (1%) herds were positive for the Ikeda type in the South Island. A high percentage of herds that were positive for non-Ikeda types was detected in the Gisborne and Hawkes Bay (23 (95%CI=13–37)%), Auckland and Waikato (22 (95%CI=16–29)%) and Bay of Plenty (24 (95%CI=10–44)%) regions.

CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The high prevalence of Ikeda type detected in cattle herds in the Northland, Auckland and Waikato regions represents a risk to naive cattle being introduced into these regions. There is also the potential for resident cattle herds in the Gisborne and Hawkes Bay, Auckland, Waikato and Bay of Plenty regions to experience increased infection with the Ikeda type.

The overall impact experienced by regions will depend on other factors such as the number of herds present and the predominant type of farming, as well as the interplay between tick ecology, cattle immunity and movement patterns of cattle.  相似文献   

CASE HISTORY AND CLINICAL FINDINGS: On 7 September 2012 the Ministry for Primary Industries was notified of a dairy cow with regenerative anaemia (haematocrit (HCT) 0.08?L/L) in a herd of 465 Jersey-Friesian cross cows (index case herd) in the Northland region of New Zealand. Organisms consistent with Theileria spp. were present in red blood cells on a blood smear. No other causes of anaemia were detected following examination of affected cows. Blood samples collected from 29 randomly selected cows on 26 September 2012 showed that 24 (83%) were anaemic (HCT≤0.24 L/L) and therefore fitted the case definition for bovine anaemia associated with Theileria orientalis infection.

LABORATORY FINDINGS: Using a T. orientalis type-specific PCR assay that targeted the single subunit rRNA gene, all of six animals tested were positive for T. orientalis type Ikeda. Blood samples collected from clinically affected cattle in 11 subsequent outbreaks from throughout the North Island showed that T. orientalis Ikeda type was a common finding, but mixed infections with Chitose type were also identified. In addition, using a PCR assay that targeted the major piroplasm surface gene, T. orientalis type 5 was detected in one cow from the Waikato region.

DIAGNOSIS: The presence of T. orientalis type Ikeda, as well as type 5, was confirmed in cattle from outbreaks of bovine anaemia in herds throughout the North Island of New Zealand.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Two new types of T. orientalis were identified in this investigation, that were associated with a sudden rise in cases of bovine anaemia. The body of evidence showed that the Ikeda type was implicated as the cause of disease observed in this epidemic.  相似文献   

AIMS: To describe the epidemiology of the epidemic of bovine anaemia associated with Theileria orientalis infection (TABA) in New Zealand between 30 August 2012 and 4 March 2014.

METHODS: Blood samples and associated data were obtained from cases of TABA. The case definition for TABA was met when piroplasms were present on blood smears and the haematocrit was ≤0.24?L/L. Samples were analysed using quantitative PCR (qPCR) assays for the detection of T. orientalis Ikeda type. Only cases that were positive in the qPCR assays were included in the analysis. A case herd was defined as a herd that had ≥1 animal positive for T. orientalis Ikeda.

Movement records for farms were accessed through the national animal identification and tracing scheme. The OR for cattle movements onto a case farm compared to a non-case farm was estimated using a generalised estimating equation model and the geodesic distance for movements onto case and non-case farms compared using Student's t-test. The kernel-smoothed risk of disease at the farm level was calculated using an extraction map and the clustering of diseased farms in time and space was measured using the spatial temporal inhomogeneous pair correlation function.

RESULTS: In the first 18 months there were 496 case herds; 392 (79%) were dairy and 104 (21%) beef herds. Of 882 individual cases, 820 (93.0%) were positive for T. orientalis Ikeda in the qPCR assays. Case herds were initially clustered in the Northland, then the Waikato regions. The OR for a case farm compared to a non-case farm having ≥1 inward cattle movements was 2.03 (95% CI=1.52–2.71) and the distance moved was 26 (95% CI=20.8–31.3) km greater for case farms. The risk of disease was highest in a north, north-eastern to south, south-western belt across the Waikato region. The spatial-temporal analysis showed significant clustering of infected herds within 20–30 days and up to 15?km distant from a case farm.

CONCLUSIONS: Theileria orientalis Ikeda type is likely to have been introduced into regions populated with naïve cattle by the movement of parasitaemic cattle from affected areas. Local spread through dispersed ticks then probably became more important for disease transmission between herds once the disease established in a new area.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Dairy and beef farming in the North Island of New Zealand will be significantly changed in the coming years by the incursion of this new disease.  相似文献   

A 6‐year‐old Quarter Horse gelding was presented for bilateral uveitis resulting in vision loss as well as icterus. Anaemia with autoagglutination was consistent with a presumptive immune‐mediated haemolytic anaemia. Urinary PCR was positive for Leptospira spp. and microscopic agglutination test (MAT) titres were elevated to multiple serovars supportive of a diagnosis of leptospirosis. Treatments included broad spectrum antibiotics and aggressive anti‐inflammatory medications. While the horse was hospitalised, the development of bilateral corneal ulcers precluded the use of topical ophthalmic anti‐inflammatories for a number of days. The corneal ulceration resolved, vision returned in both eyes and the immune‐mediated haemolytic anaemia resolved. After 9 days of hospitalisation, oral minocycline was administered for 2 weeks at home as well as low dose oral flunixin meglumine and topical ophthalmic diclofenac and atropine. This case represents the first published case of haemolytic anaemia associated with leptospirosis in a horse.  相似文献   

Theileria orientalis (also known historically as T. sergenti and T. buffeli) is responsible for benign or non-transforming theileriosis, and exerts its major effect through erythrocyte destruction. The life cycle of T. orientalis is essentially similar to that of other Theileria species, except that the schizonts do not induce transformation and fatal lymphoproliferation. The pathogenesis of anaemia as a result of infection is not clearly established and may be multifaceted. Clinical signs of weakness, reluctance to walk and abortion are early but non-specific indications of disease, particularly if accompanied by a history of cattle being moved. Physical examination may reveal pallor (pale eyes, vaginal mucosa), pyrexia, and elevated heart and respiratory rates. T. orientalis is an economically important parasite of cattle in New Zealand, Australia and Japan, especially where naïve animals are introduced into an endemic area or in animals under stress. Increased awareness of the risks posed by the parasite is required to enable management practices to be implemented to minimise its impact.  相似文献   

CASE HISTORY AND CLINICAL FINDINGS: A dairy cow, from a herd in the Waikato region of New Zealand, was reported with regenerative anaemia on 12 September 2014. Testing of blood from the animal using PCR assays for Theileria orientalis produced a negative result for both Chitose and Ikeda types.

LABORATORY FINDINGS: Using PCR and DNA sequencing, blood from the cow was positive for Candidatus Mycoplasma haemobos. Further testing of another 12 animals from the case herd, 27 days after the affected cow was first reported, showed 11 animals were positive for Candidatus M. haemobos or Mycoplasma wenyonii in the PCR. None of these cattle were clinically anaemic or positive for T. orientalis Ikeda type using PCR.

A convenience sample of 47 blood samples from cattle throughout New Zealand, submitted to the Investigation and Diagnostic Centre (Ministry for Primary Industries) for surveillance testing for T. orientalis Ikeda, was selected for further testing for bovine haemoplasmas. Of these samples, 6/47 (13%) and 13/47(28%) were positive for M. wenyonii and Candidatus M. haemobos, respectively. There was no difference in the proportion of samples positive for the bovine haemaplasmas between cattle with anaemia that were negative for T. orientalis (6/20, 33%), or without anaemia or T. orientalis (10/18, 56%), or from cattle herds experiencing anaemia and infection with T. orientalis Ikeda type (3/9, 33%).

DIAGNOSIS: Bovine haemoplasmosis.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The presence of bovine haemoplasmas in blood does not establish causality for anaemia in cattle. Diagnosis of anaemia associated with haemoplasmosis would require exclusion of other causes of regenerative anaemia and an association of the agent with anaemia in affected cattle herds. The data collected in this study did not provide evidence that bovine haemoplasmas were associated with a large number of outbreaks of anaemia in cattle in New Zealand.  相似文献   

This study was carried out to investigate fifteen cases of acute lethal infection of calves (≤ 4 months of age) by the protozoan parasite Theileria (T.) annulata in the south of Portugal. Calves developed multifocal to coalescent nodular skin lesions, similar to multicentric malignant lymphoma. Infestation with ticks (genus Hyalomma) was intense. Theileria was seen in blood and lymph node smears, and T. annulata infection was confirmed by isolation of schizont-transformed cells and sequencing of hypervariable region 4 of the 18S rRNA gene. At necropsy, hemorrhagic nodules or nodules with a hemorrhagic halo were seen, particularly in the skin, subcutaneous tissue, skeletal and cardiac muscles, pharynx, trachea and intestinal serosa. Histologically, nodules were formed by large, round, lymphoblastoid neoplastic-like cells. Immunohistochemistry (IHC) identified these cells as mostly CD3 positive T lymphocytes and MAC387 positive macrophages. A marker for B lymphocytes (CD79αcy) labeled very few cells. T. annulata infected cells in these nodules were also identified by IHC through the use of two monoclonal antibodies (1C7 and 1C12) which are diagnostic for the parasite. It was concluded that the pathological changes observed in the different organs and tissues were caused by proliferation of schizont-infected macrophages, which subsequently stimulate a severe uncontrolled proliferation of uninfected T lymphocytes.  相似文献   

AIMS: To use quantitative PCR assays to detect Theileria orientalis Ikeda type in cattle presumed infected with T. orientalis, to examine the relationship between theilerial piroplasm count and haematocrit (HCT), and the relationship with quantification cycle threshold (Cq) values.

METHODS: Blood samples in EDTA (n=1,024), derived from herds affected by anaemia associated with T. orientalis infection (TABA) between April and October 2013, were submitted for testing using quantitative PCR (qPCR) assays for T. orientalis and Ikeda type. Nucleotide sequencing of the major piroplasm surface protein (MPSP) gene was performed on 16 samples to identify T. orientalis types. Blood smear and/or HCT results were supplied with most samples. For data analysis, the number of theilerial piroplasm per 1,000 erythrocytes counted was categorised as negative (0), low (1–9), moderate (10–100) or high (>100). HCT was categorised as severely anaemic (<0.15 L/L), mildly anaemic (0.15–0.24 L/L) or not anaemic (>0.24 L/L). Differences between categories in proportion of samples positive for Ikeda type or mean Cq value were examined using χ2 tests or analysis of variance, respectively.

RESULTS: Of 1,022 samples containing amplifiable DNA, 916 (90%) were positive for T. orientalis and 789 (77%) were positive for Ikeda type. Nucleotide sequencing of MPSP amplicons also identified the presence of Chitose and Buffeli types in 11 samples without Ikeda. Ikeda was detected in a greater proportion of severely anaemic (288/302; 95%) than mildly anaemic (227/252; 90%) cattle (p=0.02). In non-anaemic cattle, 344/406 (85%) were positive for T. orientalis and 247/406 (60%) were positive for Ikeda type. In samples from cattle that were piroplasm-positive, a greater proportion of anaemic (483/505, 96%) than non-anaemic (211/307; 69%) cattle were positive for Ikeda type (p<0.001). In piroplasm-negative cattle, 20/37 (54%) anaemic and 25/78 (32%) non-anaemic cattle were Ikeda-positive (p<0.05). The distributions of Cq values differed between piroplasm count and HCT categories (p<0.001). Mean Cq differed between high and negative, and low piroplasm categories (p<0.001), but not between high and moderate categories (p=0.81), and differed between severely anaemic and mildly anaemic (p<0.001), and non-anaemic categories (p<0.001).

CONCLUSIONS: The Ikeda type was found in a high proportion of cattle during outbreaks of TABA in New Zealand. Analysis of Cq values suggested a relationship of Ikeda parasitaemia with severity of anaemia, but further investigation is required to better understand the role of parasitaemia in the pathogenesis of TABA.  相似文献   

The clinical, clinicopathological and pathological findings are described in three Bull Terrier bitches with advanced renal disease. The bitches were less than four years old and showed variable presenting signs but anorexia, lethargy and polydipsia were the most frequent. All three dogs were azotaemic and isosthenuric. Urinary protein was measured in two of the three cases. Both were proteinuric. At necropsy all dogs had shrunken kidneys. Histological examination revealed nephron loss, atrophy of glomerular tufts, interstitial fibrosis, and mineralisation of basement membranes.

The progressive renal disease in these dogs was similar to the condition reported in Bull Terriers in Australia, and is probably familial and inherited.  相似文献   

AIMS: To present the haematology and biochemistry profiles for cattle in New Zealand naturally infected with Theileria orientalis Ikeda type and investigate if the results differed between adult dairy cattle and calves aged <6 months.

METHODS: Haematology and biochemistry results were obtained from blood samples from cattle which tested positive for T. orientalis Ikeda type by PCR, that were submitted to veterinary laboratories in New Zealand between October 2012 and November 2014. Data sets for haematology and biochemistry results were prepared for adult dairy cattle (n=62 and 28, respectively) and calves aged <6 months (n=62 and 28, respectively), which were matched on the basis of individual haematocrit (HCT). Results were compared between age groups when categorised by HCT. Selected variables were plotted against individual HCT, and locally weighted scatterplot smoothing (Loess) curves were fitted to the data for adult dairy cattle and calves <6 months old.

RESULTS: When categorised by HCT, the proportion of samples with HCT <0.15 L/L (severe anaemia) was greater for adult dairy cattle than for beef or dairy calves, for both haematology (p<0.002) and biochemistry (p<0.001) submissions. There were differences (p<0.05) between adult dairy cattle and calves aged <6 months in the relationships between HCT and red blood cell counts, mean corpuscular volume, mean corpuscular haemoglobin, mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentrations, lymphocyte and eosinophil counts, and activities of glutamate dehydrogenase and aspartate aminotransferase. In both age groups anisocytosis was frequently recorded. The proportion of blood smears showing mild and moderate macrocytosis was greater in adults than calves (p=0.01), and mild and moderate poikilocytosis was greater in calves than adults (p=0.005).

CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The haematology and biochemistry changes observed in cattle infected with T. orientalis Ikeda type were consistent with extravascular haemolytic anaemia. Adult dairy cattle were more likely to be severely anaemic than calves. There were differences in haematology and biochemistry profiles between adult dairy cattle and calves, but most of these differences likely had a physiological rather than pathological basis. Overall, the haematological changes in calves aged <6 months appeared less severe than in adult dairy cattle.  相似文献   

The study aimed to (1) define the proportion of dogs with immune-mediated haemolytic anaemia (IMHA) that have associative and non-associative disease and (2) evaluate the utility of screening diagnostic tests in identifying potential triggers of associative IMHA. Medical records of 78 dogs diagnosed with IMHA at a specialist hospital in Sydney from July 2008 to August 2017 were reviewed. The original diagnosis was revised according to published guidelines (Garden et al., 2019) as either diagnostic, supportive or suspicious for IMHA. Associative IMHA was confirmed if immunosuppressive therapy was discontinued within six weeks of effective treatment of a potential trigger. Associative IMHA was considered possible when a potential trigger was identified but its significance could not be confirmed. Associative IMHA was confirmed (3) or suspected (7) in 10 dogs (13%, confidence interval [CI] 7.1%–22%), with 68 cases presumed to be non-associative. Associative IMHA was present in 3/29 (10.3%) of dogs with criteria diagnostic for IMHA, 4/42 (9.5%) of dogs with criteria supportive for IMHA and 3/7 (42.9%) of dogs with criteria suspicious for IMHA. Abdominal ultrasound was performed in 68 dogs and identified possible triggers in five (7.3%, CI 3.2% to 16%). Thoracic radiographs were performed in 70 dogs but did not identify any potential triggers (0%, CI 0% to 5.2%). Urine culture was performed in 22 dogs and was positive in three (14%, CI 4.7% to 33.3%). Routine screening tests, particularly thoracic radiographs, have a low yield in identifying potential triggers of associative IMHA, but are more likely to be useful in dogs fulfilling less stringent diagnostic criteria of IMHA.  相似文献   

本研究根据GenBank上发表的牛瑟氏泰勒虫18S rRNA基因的核苷酸序列设计并合成1对特异性引物,对寄生于牛体内的瑟氏泰勒虫基因组DNA进行扩增,得到1 356 bp的18S rRNA基因片段,测序后blast分析表明该虫种属牛瑟氏泰勒虫。将该基因片段序列与GenBank中8种已知泰勒虫的相应序列进行比较分析,建立系统发育树。结果表明,牛瑟氏泰勒虫吉林分离株与水牛泰勒虫亲缘关系最近,与小泰勒虫亲缘关系较远。这一结果说明宿主因素对泰勒虫的基因型影响较大。  相似文献   

A 2‐year‐old Quarter Horse gelding presented for anaemia, icterus, depression and intermittent colic 2 weeks after routine castration. Bilateral septic funiculitis with Streptoccocus equi ssp. equi with secondary immune‐mediated haemolytic anaemia were diagnosed. A blood transfusion was required to facilitate general anaesthesia for surgical excision of the septic funiculitis. Antibiotic therapy was provided initially with chloramphenicol and later enrofloxacin. Immunosuppressive therapy was provided with dexamethasone and later azathioprine. The horse responded well to treatment and was discharged 8 weeks after presentation. Streptococcus equi ssp. equi should be considered in cases with septic funiculitis and the potential for a secondary immune‐mediated haemolytic anaemia exists with this bacterial species.  相似文献   

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