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The laser induce damage threshold electric field instensity strengths of different materials used in the ultraviolet region, have been calculated by the model of multiphoton absorption ionization, avalanche model and a combination of the two. Avalanche model can not be used in the ultraviolet region, the result of the combination model can be used as reference. The authors analyze the relations between the laser induce damage electric field strengths to optical thin film and laser frequency, pulse duration. The relations between materials band gap and damage threshold electric field strengths is analyzed.  相似文献   

The control signals of conventional car lighting and signal control system which is not possess self-diagnosing function are transmitted via special wiring harness, with which the drivers are not able to discover a trouble and an accident may be occur when car running. To solve the problem, a new control system based on optical fiber communication is proposed. Its fundamental control function, self-diagnosing function, hardware designing and software developing are introduced.  相似文献   

RS-232 serial communication has to be adopted in the communication between computers and some equipments without TCP/IP enclosed. First, the main properties and events of MSCOMM32.ocx component are discussed in this paper. And then we expatiate on the method of using the MSCOMM32.ocx component to obtain serial communication under Delphi environment via a real application example of Telecommunication industry. In the mean time the designing framework implementing the serial communication is presented. At last we discuss the problems that should be considered in the communication control program.  相似文献   

为了寻找遗传稳定、抑菌性能更好的拮抗菌株,以实验室选育的酵母菌Y1-3为出发菌株,通过UV处理30 s的正变株离体筛选和活体拮抗试验,获得了一株对柑橘绿霉病抑制效果最佳的突变株UY5-22。该菌株在低氮营养培养中比原出发菌株生长快,液体培养14 h,稀释菌悬液光密度差值高达0.440。在锦橙果实活体针刺接种试验中绿霉病发病率分别比对照和出发菌株降低了82.40%和21.38%;各项检测指标的拮抗效应均在首位。  相似文献   

The eutrophication of water body will destroy the balance of ecological environment.To determine the total nitrogen content in water body exactly,is one of the most important evaluating indicators that whether the water body has been polluted by eutrophication or not.After the foundation of the Three Gorges Reservoir,current velocity lowers and it may result in the eutrophication of water body.In terms of the Lambert-Beer Law,the authors adopt potassium sulpersulphate oxidation-ultraviolet spectrophotometry to determine the total nitrogen content in the Three Gorges Reservoir.By analyzing a variety of possible factors,they bring forward a method to determine the total nitrogen which can be used in lab and also have high performance.With this improved method,the authors determine the factual water samples of the Three Gorges Reservoir in the main urban area of Chongqing,and the result is that the total nitrogen content is(0.6~1.0) mg/L,less than the limiting value(2.0 mg/L) in national standard.So the water body of the Three Gorges Reservoir still eutrophication does not take place.So eutrophication does not take place in water body of the Three(Gorges) Reservior.  相似文献   

Existing mobile satellite communication ground stations mostly achieve satellite tracking with laser gyro.But such stations are not only expensive but also ponderous for installation in moving vehicles,and they can only track geostationary satellite.In order to solve these problems,a tracking scheme using grads tracking method is proposed.With this scheme,not only the expensive laser gyro can be eliminated from the system,but also non-geostationary satellite can be tracked.A tracking scheme based on GRAD-DBF(grads-digital beam forming)are presented.The tracking system can eliminate both the laser gyro and the mech-electronic rotating pedestal and servo system,at the same time it has the ability of tracking multiple non-geostationary satellites.Simulation programs and results of the tracking scheme are given by the software Mathcad.  相似文献   

刘立成  刘颖 《中国农学通报》2019,35(27):121-127
在气候变化背景下我国现代农业发展面临着科技传播体系的缺失,具体表现为“传者本位”思想突出,农业适应气候变化的先进理念和先进技术无法传播到农村弱势群体;传播渠道过于狭窄,农业适应气候变化的先进理念和先进技术无法准确及时得到传播;农民科学素养不高,农业适应气候变化的先进理念和先进技术无法得到农民的追随与认同、扩散;传播内容受到限制,农业适应气候变化的先进理念和先进技术无法得到主动持续更新;“科教推用”难以结合,导致农业适应气候变化的先进理念和先进技术传播的效果不佳。因此,应构建“五个W分层分级环形互动科学传播体系模式”,即构建气候变化背景下的“现代农业科技传播者系统”;构建气候变化背景下的“现代农业科技讯息系统”;构建气候变化背景下的“现代农业科技媒介系统”;构建气候变化背景下的“现代农业科技受传者系统”;构建气候变化背景下的“现代农业科技效果系统”。这一体系模式既是适应气候变化的,也是适应现代农业发展趋势的。  相似文献   

The scheme of rapid protection will be possibly implemented by using the channel of communication, as the communication network of distribution power system being increasingly perfect and particular foundation of optical cable. The feeder protection based on communication can quickly and selectively isolate fault section and restructure the distribution network. This method is the direction of distribution automation. The action principles of feeder protection using blocking and allowing signals of directional over-current are analyzed. The directional over-current protection utilizing blocking signals is suitablefor distribution automation. The scheme can locate the fault section and instantly separate it. When feeder terminal unit (FTU) fails to act or communicate is interrupted, the feeder protection in the substation can backup.  相似文献   

为优化灵芝酸紫外吸收及香草醛-高氯酸比色法分析,采用紫外可见光谱分析不同灵芝酸及其对照品光谱差异,并基于不同对照品的紫外吸收法和香草醛-高氯酸比色法分析灵芝发酵菌丝及子实体灵芝酸含量。结果显示:灵芝酸A、C、C2、E和赤芝酸A有相似的紫外可见光谱,形成一个波峰,254 nm附近有最大吸收波长;百里酚显示2 个波峰,246 nm为波谷。熊果酸和齐墩果酸的香草醛-高氯酸显色反应紫外可见光谱相似,544 nm及552 nm分别有最大吸收;灵芝酸A显色反应弱且无吸收峰,不可作为灵芝酸对照品。以灵芝酸A 和百里酚为对照品,紫外吸收法显示灵芝发酵菌丝灵芝酸含量分别为0.7 mg/100 mg和1.3 mg/100 mg,子实体分别为2.1 mg/100 mg和4.0 mg/100 mg;以熊果酸和齐墩果酸为对照品,香草醛-高氯酸比色法显示灵芝发酵菌丝灵芝酸含量分别为0.45 mg/100 mg和0.49 mg/100 mg,子实体分别为1.55 mg/100 mg和1.71 mg/100 mg。由此可知灵芝酸紫外吸收法和香草醛-高氯酸比色法分析以及紫外吸收法基于不同对照品的分析值有显著差异(P<0.05)。本研究对灵芝酸分析方法的优化和改进具有重要参考价值。  相似文献   

In the interest of realizing carrier communication using LVPL, it is sticking point to analyse and design the coupling circuit of the communication. Higher efficiency of loading carrier signals is necessary. On the other hand, disturbs from LVPL should be overcome. Penman commendably resolved the difficult problem with the "complex-coupling-technology" of combining " electromagnetism - coupling" to "RC-coupling". Based on the " complex - coupling-technology" , "the interface circuit of the communication is analyzed and designed with LVPL. Simulation results and experimentation results show : the coupling circuit not only has higher efficiency of loading carrier signals but also can completely close off 50 Hz signal from LVPL. Therefore, the coupling circuit can apply to communication systems on LVPL.  相似文献   

The paper analyzed the effect of disturbances that occur during transmission in the fiber and the influence of the selectivity of coupling implement on the fiber on the basic of experiment and theory.  相似文献   

现代化的灌溉用水管理是实现农业高效用水的重要措施之一,它可实现灌溉水资源的合理配置和灌溉系统的优化调度,达到节水增产目的,使有限的水资源获得最大的效益。采用手工方式进行灌溉用水管理,难以及时提供水资源利用最优化方案,因此急需研制出具有网络通信功能的可视化操作界面的灌溉信息管理系统,为灌区水资源评价和利用、规划等工作奠定良好的数据基础。GIS不仅具有强大的空间数据管理功能,还具有丰富的多元地学数据分析处理能力和直观的图形显示效果,因此利用GIS进行灌区的管理与建设将会有效提高灌区的工作效率和经济效益。笔者在实践调研的基础上,根据灌溉信息管理系统的功能规划及结构设计,利用MapX组件工具开发了陕西省冯家山灌区灌溉信息系统,对提高灌溉用水的管理效率进行了实例尝试,并着重对下列关键技术的运用进行了实践与思考:(1)阐述了利用可视化编程工具结合数据库管理技术、地理信息系统组件技术、网络通信技术等进行系统开发的过程;(2)着重介绍了基于MapX组件的空间数据库的建立与关联技术、灌溉管理信息的网络通信实现技术;(3)最后对在灌溉管理工作中运用GIS技术进行科学管理等相关问题进行了有益的探讨。  相似文献   

适用于低钾条件下棉花苗期根冠通讯研究的三种嫁接方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了满足棉花叶片衰老(以缺钾诱导)过程中根冠通讯研究的需要, 在营养液培养条件下探索了棉花子叶期至一叶期幼苗的单接穗单砧木嫁接、双接穗单砧木(Y型)和单接穗双砧木(A型)嫁接技术。通过研究营养液中钾浓度、砧木和接穗的苗龄配合、嫁接部位及砧木保留子叶对嫁接成活率的影响, 综合考虑嫁接成活率和成活后用缺钾诱导嫁接苗衰老的速度, 确定接穗单砧木嫁接和Y型嫁接的砧木均在不含钾的沙床中出苗后(萌发后3 d)转移至钾浓度为0.1 mmol L-1(中度钾胁迫)的1/2改良Hoagland营养液中培养5 d至第1片真叶出现, 接穗在不含钾的沙床中出苗后(萌发后3 d)再生长2 d, 采用砧木留子叶法在子叶节处嫁接。A型嫁接的适宜条件和方法为砧木和接穗苗龄(第1片真叶刚出现)相同, 嫁接前的培养方法同Y型砧木, 嫁接部位在砧木子叶节下2~3 cm处。单接穗单砧木、Y型和A型嫁接的平均成活率分别可达到95%、85%和90%以上。  相似文献   

介绍以鲜驼乳为原料,经过验收、净化、标准化、均质、巴氏杀菌、添加发酵剂、发酵而成酸驼乳的加工技术。通过正交试验,以乳酸菌数为指标进行感官评价。研究表明,当菌种比例为2:1,加糖量为10%,接种量为3%,杀菌条件为60℃、30min时,产品乳酸菌数≥1×106cfu/mL,凝乳均匀、乳清析出少,口味适中,色泽一致、呈乳白色,最终得到较为理想的酸驼乳产品。  相似文献   

采用青皮竹与水稻进行远缘杂交,从中选育出竹稻966和竹稻989,用于农业生产,属国内首创。核心部分:研究的关键技术:1、掌握青皮竹开花习性。每年3~6月为开花季节,每天早晨5:00~7:00为盛花时段,花粉超过25℃易干死。2、选择最佳母本和授粉授精最佳时段。采用饶科F4作母本,并于早晨5:00用45℃~46℃温水处理3~4min杀死水稻雄性花粉后套袋,再收集青皮竹的花粉授粉2~3次,又随即套袋。3、采用0.05%的秋水素液浸杂种一代的宿根分蘖苗3h。4、采用二种竹稻的复合体进行反复回交、复交。不能忽略部分:青皮竹的开花习性,选择最佳母本和杀雄授粉的最佳时段,0.05%的秋水仙素液处理杂种一代的蓿根分蘖苗,用二种竹稻的复合体回交、复交  相似文献   

日光温室茄子冠气温差与环境因子之间的关系研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
系统地研究了日光温室内茄子冠气温差的变化规律与环境因子之间的关系,运用回归方法建立了主要气象因子与冠气温差之间的数量关系。深入分析了不同土壤水分条件下日光温室内茄子冠气温差与土壤含水量的关系,并建立了二者之间的相关方程,得出了诊断茄子水分状况的指标。  相似文献   

基于传播学视角的我国农产品品牌培育研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
黄修杰 《中国农学通报》2010,26(24):416-420
内容摘要:随着农产品市场竞争的日益加剧,农产品的品牌研究日益受到关注。本文基于传播学视角,从我国农产品品牌的现状和必要性出发,深入剖析当下农产品品牌存在的突出问题,包括品牌传播的难度、层次、理念及方式等。针对这些问题,文章提出了广告运用、公共关系、网络推广、实地体验推广及终端推广等品牌营销策略。  相似文献   

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