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Summary A germ plasm collection of safflower, Carthamus tinctorius L., with about 900 lines from over twenty countries was evaluated in Utah, USA for head width and outer involucral bracts (OIB) dimensions, traits affected by both human and natural selection. The regional germ plasm pools contained considerable variability for these traits. Plants bearing short or long as well as narrow or wide OIB were well adapted. Geographical clines were detected for the means of OIB dimensions, indicating possible gene flow. The correlations of the OIB dimensions with yield, yield components, oil content and growing period were not instructive and at times very inconsistent. Primary head diameter varied considerably within the regional gene pools. Its correlations with yield/plant, number of heads/plant, seed weight and oil content were inconsistent. Capitulum width was positively and significantly correlated with the number of seeds per head. Head diameter, however, can vary considerably without affecting seed yield per unit area.  相似文献   

Summary A germplasm collection containing 23 accessions of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) was sown in 1993/94 as a winter crop in southern Spain to perform a comparative evaluation. Morphological, physiological and chemical characters were evaluated. Considerable diversity was found in the group. Only one Mexican accession was dwarf (40 cm tall). Most accessions were spiny but there were two spineless Iranian accessions and others with few spines. Variations were also evident for head and seed size. Seed yield per plant varied from 2.5 to 103.5 g and it was correlated with the number of heads, number of branches and plant height. Cultivars with oil content over 35% were identified. Most accessions were of the high linoleic type but there were two with high or intermediate levels of oleic acid, corresponding to the cultivars Ole and Oleic leed. Sowing in November in southern Spain has produced a long growing period (180–240 days) but earliness is common in Indian accessions. A Chinese phenotype with a prolonged rosette stage could be better adapted for cold tolerance. Red flowered spineless cultivars were present in the collection and will be preferred for ornamental or dye purposes.  相似文献   

The objective of the present research was to develop an effective and practical method for hybrid seed production in safflower, by inducing male sterility with gibberellic acid (GA3). Seeds of the spiny line ‘5‐154’ and the non‐spiny variety ‘Dincer 5‐118’ were sown in alternate rows and the plants of the non‐spiny female variety were exposed to various concentrations of GA3 for male sterility induction. Three successive sprays (75, 82 and 89 days after sowing) of 100 p.p.m. of GA3 to safflower buds of <0.5 cm diameter at a pre‐meiotic interphase stage resulted in reduced pollen viability from 81.6‐6.7% compared with the control. An average hybrid seed percentage of 80.7% (87.5% in the secondary heads), identified by the use of the spiny‐capitulum marker variety ‘5‐154′, was obtained. The GA3 treatments did not significantly affect the production of viable achenes. The results showed that GA3 could be successfully used as a chemical hybridizing agent in hybrid safflower production.  相似文献   

Path analysis was performed on plant characters of six safflower genotypes grown in a two year field experiment to determine for seed yield, the direct and indirect effects of the following traits: total biomass, stem yield, number of primary branches/plant, number of secondary branches/plant, number of seeds/m2, number of seeds/capitulum, number of capitula/plant, capitulum diameter, 1000-seed weight, seed weight/capitulum, distance between ground level and the first fertile branch, plant height, number of days to the beginning of branching, number of days to the beginning of flowering, number of days to 50% flowering, number of days to full flowering and flowering duration. Seed yield was significantly correlated with the following traits: total biomass, stem yield, capitulum diameter, 1000-seed weight, seed weight/capitulum, distance between ground level and the first fertile branch, number of days to the beginning of branching and flowering duration. Total biomass, seed weight/capitulum, distance between ground level and the first fertile branch, 1000-seed weight and flowering duration had substantial direct effects, in that order, on enhancement of seed yield. The significant positive correlation coefficient of capitulum diameter with seed yield resulted from positive indirect effects of total biomass, seed weight/capitulum and 1000-seed weight. Conversely, the significant negative correlations between number of days to the beginning of branching and distance between ground level and the first fertile branch and seed yield resulted from negative indirect effects of the same three traits. Stepwise multiple regression analysis showed that 94% of the total variation in seed yield could be explained by variation in total biomass and by number of days to the beginning of branching (84 and 10%, respectively). Results suggest that total biomass and number of days to the beginning of branching are primary selection criteria for improving seed yield in safflower.  相似文献   

Genetic male sterility (GMS) exists naturally in safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.). In the existing safflower GMS lines, sterile and fertile plants are distinguishable at flowering. This causes delay in fertile plants rouging and reduction in hybrid purity. In this investigation, a cross between a spiny GMS parent 13‐137 and a spiny non‐GMS parent ‘A1’ was effected. One sib cross, SC‐67, producing non‐parental‐type non‐spiny sterile and spiny fertile plants in F3 was advanced to F9 through sib crossing between non‐spiny sterile and spiny fertile plants. Mendelian digenic segregation was not observed for non‐spiny trait and male sterility. The results revealed strong linkage between these traits. The linkage was confirmed in F2 generations of crosses between a non‐spiny marker‐linked GMS line (MGMS) and five elite lines. Male sterility–linked non‐spiny trait could distinguish sterile and fertile plants at elongation stage. The MGMS would be useful in production of pure F1 hybrid seed and development of elite populations.  相似文献   

A total of 415 sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) accessions representing different regions of Ethiopia, Eritrea and a group of introduced lines were evaluated for 15 quantitative characters to determine the extent and geographical pattern of morphological variation. The extent of variation was highly pronounced for agronomically important characters for sorghum. These characters included plant height, days for 50% flowering, peduncle exsertion, panicle length and width, number and length of primary branches per panicle and thousand seed weight. Significant regional variation was also observed for most of the characters. The results implied that environmental factors such as altitude, rainfall, temperature and growing period are important in regional variation. Mean for plant height and for days for 50% flowering showed clinal variation along the gradients of rainfall pattern and growing period in Ethiopia. Moreover, there were significant positive correlation coefficients between most of the characters. This included the correlation between agronomic characters of primary interest in sorghum breeding such as plant height and days for 50% flowering and also between various characters and the altitude of the collection sites. The implications of the results in plant breeding, germplasm collection and conservation as well as the probable sources of the wide range of variation are discussed. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) oil with high oleic acid content (>75%) has a great value for both food and non-food uses. The trait has been reported to be environmentally stable and controlled by recessive alleles at one single gene Ol, even though the influence of modifying genes has been suggested. Additionally, germplasm with higher oleic acid content (>85%) has been reported. The objective of the present research was to study the inheritance of high oleic acid content in genetic sources with both levels of high oleic acid content (>75 and >85%, respectively). A genetic study was conducted by crossing the nuclear male-sterile line CL1 (18% oleic acid) and the high oleic acid lines CR-6 (80%) and CR-9 (87%). The evaluation of the F1 and F2 seed generations of the crosses CL1 × CR-6 and CL1 × CR-9 indicated that in both cases the high oleic acid trait was controlled by partially recessive alleles at a single locus. The observation of F2, F3, and F4 segregants with high oleic acid phenotype but lower oleic acid levels than the parents revealed the presence of modifying genes affecting the trait. Crosses between the two high oleic acid lines produced no transgressive segregation other than that caused by the mentioned modifying genes, suggesting that the high oleic acid lines CR-6 and CR-9 share the same alleles at the Ol locus. Differences for oleic acid content between both lines were hypothesized to be produced by the accumulation of genes with a minor effect on the trait.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to investigate the effect of different planting dates (25 April, 5 May and 15 May 1998 and 30 April, 15 May and 25 May 1999) on the seed yield, oil content and fatty acid composition of three safflower (Carthamus tinctorius) cultivars (Yenice 5‐38, Dincer 5‐118 and 5‐154) grown in fields of the research facility of Akdeniz University in Antalya, Turkey. While seed yield, oil content, and palmitic acid, stearic acid, and oleic acid contents decreased, linoleic acid content increased from 50.86 to 55.72 % with delay in planting date. The effect of genotype on fatty acids was greater than that of environment.  相似文献   

R. Ecker  Z. Yaniv 《Euphytica》1993,69(1-2):45-49
Summary Inheritance of fatty acid composition was studied in an F1 diallel cross in Sinapis alba. Crosses were made among accessions having contrasting amounts of oleic (C18:1) and erucic (C22:1) acid. Concentrations of oleic, linoleic (C18:2), eicosenoic (C20:1) and erucic (C22:1) acids were determined by gas-chromatography for each mating combination. Genetic analysis confirmed that the composition of the fatty acids was controlled mainly by the nuclear genes of the embryo. Additive gene action with partial dominance for the reducing alleles was noted for oleic and linoleic acids, while erucic acid showed an additive mode of inheritance with partial dominance for the enhancing alleles. Positive heterosis was demonstrated for eicosenoic acid content. Erucic acid content was strongly negatively correlated with oleic acid, suggesting a genetic interdependence between the two fatty acids. Broad-sense and narrow-sense heritability estimates for each of oleic, linoleic and erucic acids were very high, due to low between-plants non-genetic component of variance.Contribution No. 3662-E, 1992 series.  相似文献   

Abdollah Bassiri 《Euphytica》1977,26(3):709-719
Summary Acid phosphatase and cathodal peroxidase isozyme patterns were used to identify nine introduced and five local cultivars of common safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) and seven ecotypes of wild safflower (C. oxyacantha Bieb.). Nineteen and nine bands, respectively, were readily observed for the phosphatase and peroxidase systems in the extracts from seedling shoots. Results indicated that both systems could be used jointly for complete identification of all the 21 seed sources used.Band frequencies and polymorphic indices (PI) were determined from acid phosphatase patterns using at least 92 individual seedlings of five introduced and five local cultivars and three wild ecotypes. Band frequencies ranged from complete absence in some to total presence in other populations. The mean PI for the introduced, local and wild safflowers were found to be 0.069, 0.052 and 0.058, respectively.The banding patterns of either enzyme system were similar in some instances for the cultivated and wild safflowers and there was as much variation between two cultivars as between a cultivar and a wild ecotype, indicating close genetic relationships between C. oxyacantha and C. tinctorius.  相似文献   

The single seed descent (SSD) method of selection has been evaluated in safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.). The initial population of this study was a BC2F1 from a cross between a well adapted and a high oil cultivar. Transgressive segregation for yield and oil content producing lines with considerably higher values than the better parent was observed in BC2F4 and BC2F5 generations. These results and the great saving of time and effort makes the SSD method a very desirable tool for safflower breeders.  相似文献   

Summary A geographically representative selection of germplasm of Beta vulgaris, section Beta has been assessed for characteristics important in sugarbeet breeding, including downy mildew resistance, resistance to aphid colonisation and infection by the beet virus yellow complex. The occurrence of maintainer lines for cytoplasmic male-steriles was also investigated. Desirable qualities were found in some accessions, including nothern European wild vulgaris ssp. maritima and some old multigerm cultivars of fodder beets.  相似文献   

Summary The chick pea germplasm collection maintained at ICRISAT Center, Patancheru, India, is the largest collection of this crop available in one place. This collection was grown in instalments and described for qualitative and agronomical traits. The importance and distribution of six qualitative traits, namely flower colour, plant colour, growth habit, seed shape, seed surface and seed colour have been discussed.Approved as J. A. No. 365 by the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRI-SAT).  相似文献   

Summary Microspore embryogenesis technology allows plant breeders to efficiently generate homozygous micros-pore-derived breeding populations of oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) without traditional generations of inbreeding. This study was conducted to compare the frequency distribution of microspore-derived population and single seed descent populations with respect to fatty acids of seed oil. Both microspore-derived populations and single seed descent populations were produced from each of three crosses made between selected parents containing contrasting amount of erucic, oleic, linoleic and linolenic acids. The fatty acid content of F3 plants derived lines (F5 seed) developed by single seed descent was compared to that of microspore-derived populations. The means, ranges and distribution pattern of seed fatty acid contents were similar in both populations for each fatty acid studied, although a few heterozygous lines were observed in the single seed descent populations. The results indicated that microspore-derived population form random, homozygous F1 plant derived gametic arrays for all fatty acids evaluated. Selection for altered fatty acid composition in microspore-derived and single seed descent homozygous populations should be equally efficient, in the absence of linkage of traits investigated.  相似文献   

Summary Groat oil of oat (Avena sativa L.) is a well-balanced oil with respect to saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated fatty acids. In this study, we measured the effect of six cycles of recurrent selection for high groat-oil content on the fatty acid composition of the groat oil. From each cycle of selection, 50 oat lines were grown in a replicated field experiment at two sites and were evaluated for groat-oil content and fatty acid composition.Concentrations of palmitate and linolenate decreased moderately over cycles of selection, whereas stearate content increased. A major increase occurred in the content of oleate and a major decrease in linoleate. Most of the modification of fatty acid composition took place within the saturated and unsaturated classes. The ratio of unsaturated to saturated fatty acids increased over cycles of selection. Significant genetic variation was present for each fatty acid, indicating that selection for different desired fatty acid compositions in groat oil of oat should be possible in this population.Abbreviations GO groat-oil content - 16:1 palmitate - 18:0 stearate - 18:1 oleate - 18:2 linoleate - 18:3 linolenate  相似文献   

Genetic variation and genotype × environment interactions for important agronomic characters were estimated for eleven Norwegian populations of white clover (Trifolium repens L.), originating from between 58°52′N and 69°30′N latitude, and from altitudes of 10 to 450 m a.s.l. The populations were evaluated in monoculture clonal field plots for two years at two locations in Norway. The medium-leaved Danish cultivar Milkanova was also included in the experiment as a standard market cultivar. Considerable variation between populations was observed for winter survival, spring growth, morphological characteristics, dry matter yield, general performance, earliness and seed yield. Winter survival, measured as plant cover after two years, was significantly different at the two locations. All the populations had sufficient winter survival at the southern, continental highland site (61°07′N).At the northern coastal location (69°30′N),where the winter climate is unstable with physical stresses such as frost, ice-encasement and water-logging frequently occurring, only the northernmost, coastal populations showed sufficient winter survival. Highly significant interactions were found between populations and locations, and between populations and years for all characters measured at both locations and in both years, respectively. Interaction effects between populations, locations and years were significant only for leaflet length. The largest leaf lamina's were observed in the most southern populations. However, genotypes possessing relatively long leaflets were also found in the northernmost populations, although at low frequencies. In general, the populations originating from the northernmost locations had lower biomass production, and were smaller-leaved, more prostrate and exhibited shorter internodes and stolons compared to the populations from South and Middle Norway. These populations also initiated inflorescences earliest, and were among the lowest seed yielding populations. Otherwise, no clear clinal variation in growth characteristics was observed which could be related to the latitude or altitude of origin of the populations. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The objective of this work was to evaluate the potential of near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) as a rapid method to estimate the fatty acid composition of the oil in intact-seed samples of rapeseed. A total of 549 samples (3 g intact seed) from selected mutant and breeding lines were scanned by NIRS, and 220 of them were selected and scanned again by using two different adapters, which reduced the sample size to 300 and 60 mg, respectively. Selected samples were analysed by gas liquid chromatography and calibration equations for individual fatty acids were developed. Calibrations for oleic, linoleic, linolenic, and erucic acid were highly accurate, with values of r2 in cross validation from 0.95 to 0.98 (samples of 3 g), from 0.93 to 0.97 (300 mg), and from 0.84 to 0.96 (60 mg). Calibrations for palmitic and stearic acid were less accurate, with values of r2 in cross validation always lower than 0.8, probably because of the narrow range available for these fatty acids. The accuracy of the calibration equations for eicosenoic acid was very low (r2 = 0.69 in 3 g samples), although improved equations were developed (r2 from 0.78 to 0.91) when the relationship between erucic and eicosenoic acid was taken into account. We conclude that NIRS is a powerful technique to estimate the fatty acid composition of the oil in rapeseed, provided that samples covering a wide range of fatty acid levels are available, with the advantage that such estimation is possible with few additional costs when NIRS is used for the determination of other seed quality traits. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The potential of near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) for the simultaneous analysis of seed weight, total oil content and its fatty acid composition in intact single seeds of rapeseed was studied. A calibration set of 530 single seeds was analysed by both NIRS and gas-liquid chromatography (GLC) and calibration equations for the major fatty acids were developed. External validation with a set of 75 seeds demonstrated a close relationship between NIRS and GLC data for oleic (r = 0.92) and erucic acid (r = 0.94), but not for linoleic (r = 0.75) and linolenic acid (r = 0.73). Calibration equations for seed weight and oil content were developed from a calibration set of 125 seeds. A gravimetric determination was used as reference method for oil content. External validation revealed a coefficient of correlation between NIRS and reference methods of 0.92 for both traits. The performance of the calibration equations for oleic and erucic acid was further studied by analysing two segregating F2 seed populations not represented in the calibration set. The results demonstrated that a reliable selection for both fatty acids in segregating populations can be made by using NIRS. We concluded that a reliable estimation of seed weight, oil content, oleic acid and erucic acid content in intact, single seeds of rapeseed is possible by using NIRS technique. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Summary In the present studies, distinct variations for chemical characters were obtained. The juice obtained from the grains of Tree No. 23 and 4 was highly red coloured followed by Tree Nos. 5, 21 and 26. The sugar to acid ratio was maximum in Tree No. 22 followed by Tree Nos. 16 and 23.  相似文献   

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