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【目的】以冀北山地蒙古栎天然次生林(35年生)为研究对象,探究不同间伐强度下植被因子对地表产流和土壤侵蚀的影响。【方法】设置5个间伐强度,采用径流小区法对不同间伐强度的地表径流、土壤侵蚀特征进行监测分析,利用灰色关联法对产流、产沙的影响因素进行关联度分析。【结果】1)2016和2017年各间伐强度产流特征均呈现:25%间伐强度 20%间伐强度 50%间伐强度对照 30%间伐强度 40%间伐强度,最大和最小产流差值在3.6 m~3/hm~2左右。2)2016年和2017年各间伐强度产沙特征略有不同,但都表现为50%间伐强度产沙量最大,与最小产沙量差值分别为6.38和3.11 kg/hm~2,20%间伐强度产沙量次之,25%、30%和40%间伐强度产沙量较少。3)灰色关联分析得出,除降水外,各影响因素对于产流影响大小依次为:郁闭度枯落物厚度林分密度冠幅灌草层盖度,对于产沙影响大小依次为:林分密度枯落物厚度冠幅郁闭度灌草层盖度。【结论】本区蒙古栎天然次生林水土保持效果较好,不同间伐强度土壤侵蚀模数变化范围为0.21~0.85 t/(hm~2·a),研究表明林分结构因子在本区蒙古栎天然次生林水源涵养中起主导作用,间伐抚育主要是通过林分结构的改变,改善林地水土保持的效果。  相似文献   

统计建阳区2000—2014年的火灾时间、火灾地点、起火原因等数据,分析研究区域内森林火灾发生的时间与空间分布特征,结果表明:21世纪以来,建阳区共统计森林火灾133起,时间格局上,其年均为8.87起,林改前、林改期间、林改后呈现明显的不平衡性。水平格局上,火灾频发于将口镇与麻沙镇;垂直格局上,火灾集中分布于100~300m。  相似文献   

通过对比分析2002—2019年间世界各国林火预测预报的研究,了解中国与国际在该领域研究的现状和差距,以期为我国今后在该领域的研究提供借鉴。利用Web of Science(WOS)和海研全球科研项目数据库,通过主题词检索分析国内外关于林火预测预报的研究文献,采用CiteSpace软件进行可视化处理,比较中国与国际在该领域研究情况。研究发现:1)在林火预测预报领域中,美国科研人数比其他国家有明显优势,美国和澳大利亚的学者合作发文量较高,而我国学者国际间合作相对较少;刊载文献数量最多是澳大利亚的《International Journal of Wildland Fire》杂志,在此期刊我国的发文量仅约占总发文量的3%。2)我国在WOS的发文量最多的机构为中科院,但相比美国和澳大利亚科研机构数量,我国数量相对较少;相比美国和加拿大,我国在林火预测预报领域科研项目数量上相对较少。  相似文献   

11月5日,国家林业局召开非法侵占林地清理排查专项行动部署电视电话会,云南省林业厅副巡视员王哲及有关部门负责人出席云南分会场会。11月11日,云南省林业厅召开全省清理排查非法侵占林地暨保护野生动物资源专项行动部署电视电话会。11月13日,云南省林业厅参加云南人民广播  相似文献   

~~2002年1-5月中国绿化基金会绿化捐赠榜  相似文献   

管宁 《国际木业》2008,38(9):21-21
过去40多年中,美国阔叶材需求发生了很大变化,主要影响因素是材料的替代、建筑和翻新(CR)产品市场的变化和经济全球化。1963年,家具制造用去了国内制造业阔叶材总用量的36%,其中家用家具用了68%;CR产品,主要是地板用了32%;工业木制品,主要是托盘和包装用品用了26%。1967-1982年期间,家具制造的需求基本未变,  相似文献   

2002年中国竹藤产品进出口分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
竹藤产品分为三大类11个品种,2002年累计出口创汇3.14亿美元,出口至世界五大洲的122个国家和地区。本文对竹藤产品的进出口数量、金额和国别进行了分析。  相似文献   

对济宁市近年来经济林产业发展面积、产量、单产、果品质量安全抽检、苗木供应等方面的统计数据变化趋势、原因进行了总结,对产业发展中存在的问题进行了分析,并提出了下一步工作措施。  相似文献   

2002年我国主要木材产品进出口分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

1984年大事记3月5日,林业部、公安部向国务院呈报《关于林业公安体制问题的请示》,请求将林业公安机构列入国家公安序列,人员编制、经费开支由林业部门承担.在林业部设置林业公安局,列入公安部序列.5月3日,经国务院批准,劳动人事部发出《关于林业公安体制问题的通知》,同意林业部设立林业公安局,列入公安部序列,实行双重领导;地方林业公安机构列入国家公安序列,实行双重领导,以地方为主的体制.6月16日,林业部印发党组会议纪要,明确了林业部设置林业公安局有关问题.8月,公安部发出《关于将林业公安局编入公安部序列的通知》,将林业公安局正式编入公安部序列,列为十六局.  相似文献   

近年来随着我国文化事业的迅猛发展,各地博物馆建设迅速崛起。广大观众对文化工作高品位的需求以及高科技的发展和材料的翻新,对博物馆的陈展方式提出了更高的要求。现结合近年来黄河口湿地博物馆的陈列形式设计谈几点看法。1创作原则就一个陈列而言,不管是什么样的内容,“主题先行”应该是毫无疑问的。所谓主题先行,即首先要确立陈列的主题,也就是要陈列什么。事实上,在陈列形式工作开始之前,陈列提纲的完善和确定,就应该包含和解决这一问题。有了这个基础,陈列形式设计的创作才有真正的意义。黄河三角洲自然保护区是以保护黄河口新生湿地…  相似文献   

Freezing and thawing indices are not only of great significance for permafrost research but also are important indicators of the effects of climate change.However,to date,research on ground-surface freezing and thawing indices and their relationship with air indices is limited.Based on daily air and ground-surface temperatures collected from 11 meteorological stations in the source region of the Yellow River,the freezing and thawing indices were calculated,and their spatial distribution and trends were analyzed.The air-freezing index(AFI),air-thawing index(ATI),ground surface-freezing index(GFI),ground surface-thawing index(GTI),air thawing-freezing index ratio(Na)and surface ground thawing-freezing index ratio(Ng)were 1554.64,1153.93,1.55,2484.85,850.57℃-days and 3.44,respectively.Altitude affected the spatial distribution of the freezing and thawing indices.As the altitude increased,the freezing indices gradually increased,and the thawing indices and thawing-freezing index ratio decreased.From 1980 to 2014,the AFI and GFI decreased at rates of 8.61 and 11.06℃-days a-1,the ATI and GTI increased at 9.65 and 14.53℃-days a-1,and Na and Ng significantly increased at 0.21 and 0.79 decade-1.Changes in the freezing and thawing indices were associated with increases in the air and ground-surface temperatures.The rates of change of the ground surface freezing and thawing indices were faster than the air ones because the rate of increase of the groundsurface temperature was faster than that of the air and the difference between the ground surface and air increased.The change point of the time series of freezing and thawing indices occurred in 2000–2001.After 2000–2001,the AFI and GFI were lower than before the change point,and the changing trend was lower.The ATI,GTI,Na and Ng during 2001–2014 were higher,with faster rates than before.In addition,the annual thawing indices composed a greater proportion of the mean annual air temperature and mean annual ground surface temperature than the annual freezing indices.This study provides the necessary basis for research on and prediction of permafrost changes,especially changes in the depth of the active permafrost layer,climate change,and possible evolution of the ecological environment over the source region of the Yellow River on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.  相似文献   

以滨州市滨城区为例,研究了黄河三角洲地区表层土壤(0~20cm)中DDTs残留现状、分布特征。土壤中6种DDT同系物(ρ,ρ′-DDT,σ,ρ′-DDT,ρ,ρ′-DDE,σ,ρ′-DDD,ρ,ρ′-DDD)的总含量为63.81~315.65gg/kg,平均浓度为190.52g/kg,沿城区农村这一梯度呈现明显的上升趋势。源解析表明该地区土壤中DDTs主要来源于滴滴涕和三氯杀螨醇的施用。依据我国土壤环境质量标准,研究区土壤DDTs属轻度污染,需加强对该地区土壤中I)DTs迁移转化情况进行监测,采取可行的措施,降低土壤中DDTs含量。  相似文献   

Soil moisture is a major limiting factor for plant growth on shell ridge islands in the Yellow River Delta.However, it is difficult to carry out situ experiment to study dominant plant photosynthesis physiological on the shell ridge islands under extreme soil water stress. To evaluate the adaptability of plants to light and moisture variations under extreme soil moisture conditions present on these islands, we measured photosynthetic gas exchange process,chlorophyll fluorescence, and stem sap flow variables for3-year-old trees of Tamarix chinensis Lour, a restoration species on these islands, subjected to three types of soilwater levels: waterlogging stress(WS), alternating dry–wet(WD), and severe drought stress(SS) to inform decisions on its planting and management on shell ridge islands. Gas exchange, chlorophyll fluorescence, and stem sap flow in T.chinensis were then measured. Net photosynthetic rate(PN), transpiration rate(E), and water use efficiency(WUE)were similar under WS and alternating dry–wet conditions,but their mean E and WUEdiffered significantly(P \ 0.05).Under SS, the PN, E and WUEof T. chinensis leaves varied slightly, and mean PN, E and WUEwere all low. Apparent quantum efficiency(AQY), light compensation point(LCP),light saturation point(LSP), and maximum net photosynthetic rate(PNmax) of leaves were not significantly different(P [ 0.05) under WS and dry–wet conditions; however,under extreme drought stress, compared with the dry–wet conditions, LCPwas higher, LSPwas lower, and AQYand PNmaxwere both at the lowest level. Therefore, drought stress weakened light adaptability of leaves, and the efficiency of light transformation was poorer.(3) Maximum photochemical efficiency(Fv/Fm) and the actual photochemical efficiency(UPSII) were similar under waterlogged stress and dry–wet conditions, indicating a similar healthy photosynthetic apparatus and photosynthetic reaction center activity, respectively. Under SS, Fv/Fmwas 0.631, and the coefficient of non-photochemical quenching(NPQ) was0.814, which indicated that while the photosynthetic mechanism was damaged, the absorbed light energy was mainly dissipated in the form of heat, and the potential photosynthetic productivity was significantly reduced. The daily cumulants of sap flow of T. chinensis under dry–wet alternation and severe drought stress were 22.25 and63.97% higher, respectively, than under waterlogging stress. Daily changes in sap flow velocity for T. chinensis differed under the three soil water levels. Stem sap flow was weak at night under severe drought stress. Under dry–wet alternation, daytime average stem sap flow velocity was the highest, and night stem flow accounted for 10.26%of the day cumulants, while under waterlogged stress, the average nightly stem flow velocity was the highest,accounting for 31.82% of the day cumulants. These results provide important information for regional vegetation restoration and ecological reconstruction.  相似文献   

  湿地被称为“生命的摇篮”、“地球之肾”和“鸟类的乐园”,与人类生存、繁衍、发展息息相关,是自然界中生物多样性最丰富的生态系统,也是人类最重要的生存环境之一。湿地生物资源丰富,虽然湿地覆盖地球表面仅为8.6%,却蕴藏着地球上20%的已知物种。它既是陆地上的天然蓄水库,又是众多野生动植物资源特别是珍稀水禽的繁殖和越冬地。  相似文献   

中华民族的母亲河——黄河,在中国大地上蜿蜒曲折,奔腾千里,穿过青藏高原,黄土高原,挟带着滚滚黄沙。浊浪排空。在孟津冲出了最后一段峡谷,奔向广阔的华北平原,最终注入渤海。然而,由于人们无节制的索取和开发,今日的母亲河已是形容枯槁,累累伤痕。作为母亲河的儿女,眼前的一切怎能不引起我们的自责与深思?为此,我们特邀请中央民族大学陈梧桐教授为我们撰写了这篇《黄河母亲的欢乐与忧伤》。[编者按]  相似文献   

以黄河中游(龙门—汾河入黄口)河漫滩湿地生态系统为研究对象,采用系统取样法设置了13个样地,并对各样地内土壤环境因子进行了调查。同时引用课题组对以上样地内植物的α多样性和功能多样性的测度结果,分析了各个多样性指数和土壤因子之间的相关关系,并用回归分析的方法进行验证。结果表明:(1)黄河中游湿地植物的物种丰富度受到土壤pH值和土壤含盐量的影响,物种均匀度与各土壤因子之间不存在显著相关性;(2)黄河中游湿地植物的功能丰富度和功能离散度受到土壤pH值、土壤含盐量的影响,功能均匀度与各土壤因子之间均不存在显著相关性。  相似文献   

Timber harvest is typically the largest area of anthropogenic disturbance in forested watersheds, and harvested areas may generate from one to five times more erosion than undisturbed areas (Motha et al., 2003). When sediment from harvested areas reaches stream channels it can degrade water quality and aquatic habitat. Streamside management zones (SMZs) are often prescribed to minimize sediment delivery, but there is little information about sediment delivery through these zones. Hence the objectives of this study were to: (1) determine the frequency of sediment delivery pathways (“features”) from timber harvest units; (2) measure the physical characteristics and connectivity of these features; and (3) develop models to predict the length and connectivity of features from harvest units to streams.  相似文献   

通过对山东黄河沿岸防护工程、自然环境、人文历史等资料的简要介绍,从景观、生态、游憩的角度对山东黄河沿岸景观建设现状进行分析,同时对其景观规划建设原则提出相应的建议。  相似文献   

从历史、地理、自然、生态的角度,大跨度、高视野、多方位对黄河中游生态环境演变过程进行了探讨。认为,造成黄河流域千疮百孔、生态恶化、积重难返的原因是多方面的,但首当其冲的根本原因是林草植被的严重破坏。因此,欲扭转生态系统的恶性循环,减免自然灾害的严重威胁,关键在于修复并重建以林草为主的生态系统,这是彻底根治黄河的主导方略。  相似文献   

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