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中国茶诗,源远流长,为世界文明的重要组成部分。自唐代以来,众多著名诗人、文学家、学者,如李白、杜甫、白居易、卢仝、皮日休、陆龟蒙、杜牧、欧阳修、苏轼、梅尧臣、黄庭坚、杨万里、陆游、黄宗羲、郑板桥等,都创作了许多脍炙人口的茶诗。就连唐代的唐玄  相似文献   

正荞麦全身都是宝:花是重要的蜜源;茎杆可做饲料及沤肥;荞壳也是很好的保健材料;籽实含有丰富的蛋白质、多种维生素、纤维素、镁、钾、钙、铁、锌、铜、硒等及其他禾谷类粮食所缺乏的芦丁和叶绿素,营养价值居所有粮食作物之首,可制成城乡人民喜爱的各种辅助食品,有降血脂、保护视力、软化血管、降低血糖的功效,同时还有清凉、消炎、帮助消化、  相似文献   

正"2012北京国际茶业展"受到广大传媒全方位、立体式的报道,电视、电台、报纸、网络、微博等齐上阵,中央媒体、地方媒体、行业媒体争相报道。据组委会的统计,本次展会不但吸引了中央电视台、中央人民广播电台、新华社、人民日报、人民网、中国国际广播电台等十余家中央主流媒体的关注,还得到了北京电视台、北京人民广播电台、新浪  相似文献   

5月26日上午9时许,由中国记协主办、湖北省记协、湖北日报传媒集团三峡分社承办的全国百家主流媒体看宜昌活动正式启动,来自人民日报、新华社、中央电视台、中国国际广播电台、中新社、光明日报、经济日报、法制日报、解放军报、工人日报、中国妇女报、农民日报12家中央媒体和全国各地主流媒体的130余名编辑、记者抵达宜昌萧氏高新科技工业园,开始了走进宜昌实地采访的第一站。  相似文献   

正《中国茶叶》是由农业部主管、中国农业科学院茶叶研究所主办的茶叶技术刊物,其宗旨是宣传、推广、普及茶叶科学技术,弘扬茶文化,传播茶叶信息。主要报道茶叶生产、科研、流通、经贸、教育等领域的实用技术、先进经验、最新研究成果和新方法,以及茶文化、茶与健康、茶叶基础理论、学术动态等。设有本刊特稿、政策法规、专题·综述、试验研究、经济·管理、技术指南、产业论坛、基层园地、历史文化等栏目。本刊是广大茶叶干部、技术推广人员、茶叶经营者、茶厂(场)工人、茶农和茶艺工作者、茶叶爱好者的良好读物,也是茶叶科研人员、  相似文献   

《中国糖料》为中国农业科学院甜菜研究所主办的农业科技期刊,主要报道甜菜、甘蔗、甜叶菊等糖料作物的育种、良种繁育、耕作栽培、病虫害防治、生物技术等方面的研究成果、先进实用的高产栽培技术及国内外科研、生产动态等。主要栏目有试验研究、调查研究、问题与探讨、综述、实用技术等。本刊面向  相似文献   

棉花集“棉、粮、油、饲、肥、药、(建)材、能(源)”于一身,耐旱、耐盐碱、耐瘠薄,还可以在重金属污染的农田里替代粮食作物种植,修复土壤。论述了棉花的多功能利用,主要包括:服装家纺、油脂佳肴、化工军工、美容医药、造纸造币、饲料菌料、建材原料、燃料肥料、美景花艺,并总结了其综合利用效益。  相似文献   

正《中国茶叶》是由农业部主管、中国农业科学院茶叶研究所主办的茶叶技术刊物,其宗旨是宣传、推广、普及茶叶科学技术,弘扬茶文化,传播茶叶信息。主要报道茶叶生产、科研、流通、经贸、教育等领域的实用技术、先进经验、最新研究成果和新方法,以及茶文化、茶与健康、茶叶基础理论、学术动态等。设有本刊特稿、政策法规、专题·综述、试验研究、经济·管理、技术指南、产业论坛、基层园地、历史文化等栏  相似文献   

心血管疾病是现代社会中引起人类死亡率最高的疾病类别之一,包括心脏和血管(动脉和静脉)部分的疾病。人体肥胖、高血压、高血脂都和心血管疾病有密切关系;因此减肥、降压、降血脂都有益于预防心血管疾病的发生.饮茶具有降血脂、降血压、减肥、降低血黏度、抗血小板凝集、减轻动脉粥样硬化等功效。在我国古代医书中也早已有饮茶减肥、消脂、降压的记载。  相似文献   

朱跃进  王若任 《茶叶》2009,35(4):261-261,265,266
本刊讯 金秋十月,浙江省茶叶学会组团代表中国赴美参加第十二届国际无我茶会,学会组成以常务副理事长梁月荣教授为团长,须海荣、王岳飞为副团长,倪晓英为秘书长,朱跃进、俞利妹、胡民强、潘建义、龚淑英、商建农、孙利育、李文校、吴晓红为副秘书长的有46人参加的代表团出席此次大会.代表团聘请杨贤强、赵启泉、滕鸣远、胡醒为顾问.团员分别来自广东省、江苏省和浙江杭州、宁波、温州、绍兴、金华、衢州、台州、丽水等市县的企事业单位、会员,以及浙江大学、中华全国供销合作总社杭州茶叶研究院、浙江万向钱潮学院等茶叶教学科研单位代表参与,代表广泛,人数众多,涵盖茶叶教学、科研、种植、加工、销售、茶具设计、茶艺表演等多个领域的老、中、青三代茶人.行前,学会名誉理事长刘祖生教授、理事长毛祖法研究员对代表团提出了希望和要求,童启庆教授和朱晓玲老师还专门为代表团进行了无我茶会培训.  相似文献   

Selection for yield per se has greatly contributed to yield improvement in many crops. It is expected that selection based on plant traits is more effective in increasing crop yield potential. This study was conducted to compare the effectiveness of trait-based and yield-based selection in increasing rice yield and to determine whether lines with ideotype traits have the potential to express higher yield under optimal crop management conditions. Lines were selected based on plant traits or on grain yield measured in a breeder's replicated yield trial. The main target traits for selection were plant height, leaf and panicle morphology, grain size, total dry weight, and grain-filling percentage. Yield performance of trait-based selection was compared with that of yield-based selection in an agronomic trial with optimum crop management for three seasons. Trait-based selection increased leaf area index and total dry weight but reduced spikelet number per m2 and harvest index compared with yield-based selection. Consequently, selection based on plant traits did not increase grain yield compared with selection based on yield per se. In one of the three seasons, yield of trait-based selection was significantly lower than that of yield-based selection. Among all tested breeding lines, maximum yield was produced by yield-based selection and minimum yield came from trait-based selection. These results suggest that lines with ideotype traits did not express higher grain yield than lines selected based on yield per se under optimal crop management conditions, and yield-based selection was as effective in increasing rice grain yield as trait-based selection in the late generations of the breeding cycle.  相似文献   

玉米数量性状相关遗传力的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
阮培均 《玉米科学》1995,3(2):010-013
本文对玉米28个双列杂交组合的8个数量性状进行相关遗传力分析。结果表明,通过穗粗在早代间接选择单株产量可达到对单株产量进行直接选择的效率,在选择强度相同时,而通过其它性状间接选择的效率均比对单株产量的直接选择效率低。通径分析表明,通过稳行数、千粒重和株高在早代选择单株产量也可获得理想的效果.  相似文献   

Few studies have assessed the effective gains achieved by collaborative decentralized participatory breeding, in terms of yield and other agronomic traits, in comparison with centralized conventional breeding using the same breeding schemes. Our study concerned an experience of participatory improvement of tortillero sorghum for low-input cropping systems in northern Nicaragua. It set out to compare the effect of two breeding schemes simultaneously managed on-station and on-farm. Two synthetic populations were used as sources of genetic variability. The study was designed to distinguish between three “selection modes”: farmers’ selection on-farm (FoF), breeder’ selection on-station (BoS) and breeder's selection on-farm (BoF). After two selection cycles, we found that FoF selection reduced phenotypic variability as much as BoS selection. In general, BoS selection produced higher-yielding lines under the target on-farm conditions. But FoF selection was more effective in promoting lines with higher values for an index of agronomic suitability (IAS), expressing a better balance between earliness, plant height, grain size and yield. Such genotypes might cope more easily with local environmental constraints and farmers’ preferences. BoF selection did not prove to be effective for either yield or IAS. This research shows the need for close collaboration between farmers and breeders as well as complementarities between the selection phases managed on-farm and on-station, to make breeding for difficult environments fully efficient.  相似文献   

李新海  王金陵 《大豆科学》1997,16(3):199-204
以不同进化程度的三种类型大豆四个品种配制的三个杂交组合后代为材料,采用系谱法,组合内选优株法和随机选株法在海南岛按相同目标进行定向选择,以研究大豆南繁加代的选择方法衣相庆的组合类型。结果表明,在海南岛各种选择方法入选材料的生育期,株高,产量性状的实际遗传进度均很小,选择效果不大,而抗倒伏性,炸荚度及种粒大小的遗传进度较大。  相似文献   

本文以三个蛋白质含量改良群体为材料研究了在蛋白质含量选择之后,产量的选择潜势和选择方法。结果表明:三个大豆蛋白质含量改良群体的产量均具有较大的遗传变异和选择潜势。群体中产量与蛋白质含量之间的相关不显著,表明在大豆高蛋白质含量育种中先进行蛋白质含量的改良再进行产量选择是一种可行的策略。在产量改进的选择中,株行世代直接选择的实际效果较差。  相似文献   

玉米自交系选育的理论基础与实践经验   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:7  
选拔是生物演化(天然选拔)及动植物改良(人为选拔)的有效工具。生态环境的多元化差异、遗传基因的多样性、基因的不同变异方式以及与环境的互作是玉米育种的遗传学基础。本文依据多年形成的选系理论,对选系实践经验加以探讨。  相似文献   

改良HS相互轮回选择与玉米育种   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
彭泽斌  田志国 《玉米科学》2004,12(1):018-020
群体改良是现代玉米育种的基础环节,非常重要,在国外被称作前育种(Pre-breeding),是玉米种质改良创新的核心技术.为了适应玉米杂交育种的需要,必须把群体改良技术转向相互轮回选择.CIMMYT已经全面转向相互轮回选择,而沿用了几十年的全同胞、半同胞、S1、S2及改良穗行法等已很少使用.美国、印度、津巴布韦、巴西等国也逐渐转向相互轮回选择.文章详细介绍了CIMMYT重点利用的改良HS相互轮回选择技术,并提出了对方法的优化及与育种结合的方案。  相似文献   

甘蔗杂交组合的模糊综合评判与后代选育效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用模糊综合评判方法,以甘蔗实生苗锤度、茎径、株高和丛茎数为评价性状,以性状综合优级评语和锤度优级隶属度为评价标准,对139个甘蔗杂交组合进行了综合评判;并用不同选育阶段的组合入选率和株系入选率对评价结果进行验证。结果表明,有14个、22个、15个、39个和49个组合可分别评为优级、较优级、一般级、较差级和差级组合;它们在预试品比圃的组合入选率为35.71%、36.36%、26.67%、23.08%和6.12%;株系入选率为0.23%、0.14%、0.02%、0.06%和0.03%。选育效率为优级和较优级组合>一般级和较差级组合>差级组合;差级组合在品比圃没有糖料甘蔗株系入选;所有锤度优级隶属度为0的组合在预试圃已被全部淘汰。表明将模糊综合评判方法应用于甘蔗杂交组合评价,对甘蔗杂交组合的筛选是有效的,有利于提高甘蔗育种效率。  相似文献   

海南岛冬繁一代对大豆一些主要形态和数量性状未发现有显著的自然选择效应;继续进行着繁一代时有使主茎节数少量下降的趋势,其他性状未发现显著的自然选择效应。  相似文献   

Drought is a major production constraint in rainfed rice (Oryza sativa L.). Lack of effective selection criteria is a major limitation hampering progress in breeding for drought tolerance. In an earlier report, we showed in two populations that one cycle of direct selection was effective in increasing grain yield under stress. In the present study, we retested the efficiency of direct selection for grain yield under drought stress in rice using four populations derived from crossing upland-adapted, drought-tolerant varieties (Apo, Vandana) to high-yielding, lowland-adapted, drought-susceptible varieties (IR64, IR72). Each population was subjected to two cycles of divergent selection either under drought stress in upland or under nonstress conditions in lowland conditions. Following selection, approximately 40 high-yielding lines selected under each protocol from each population, along with a set of unselected lines, were evaluated in a series of selection response trials over a range of moisture levels. Significant response to direct selection under stress was realized in 9 out of 15 combinations of populations and stress environments, and in 6 of the 7 severe stress trials. Averaging over all the populations and stress environments, the stress-selected lines had a yield advantage of 25 and 37% over nonstress-selected and random lines, respectively. In contrast to this, under nonstress, the nonstress-selected lines had an average yield advantage of only 7 and 13% over stress-selected and random lines, respectively. Direct selection in managed stress trials during dry seasons gave significant response (25% on average relative to indirect selection in nonstress conditions) under naturally occurring wet season stress. In addition, direct selection under stress in upland gave an average gain of 16 and 45% over nonstress-selected and random lines, respectively, under stress in lowland. The yield advantage of the stress-selected lines appears to result mainly from maintenance of higher harvest index. These results show that direct selection for grain yield under stress is effective and does not reduce yield potential. Overall, this is the first report in rice demonstrating that (a) selection under managed drought stress in the dry season can result in yield gains under natural stress in the wet season, and (b) that selection under upland drought stress can, at least under the conditions of the present study, result in gains under lowland drought conditions.  相似文献   

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