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本文在对西双版纳现有混农林系统进行广泛调查的基础上,根据国际混农林研究委员会(ICRAF)P.K.R.Nair的分类方法,将其进行了分类和评价。结果表明,该地区现存混农林系统的模式极为丰富,并以经济植物为主体的模式占较大优势。这些模式,有的已经发挥出较好的生态、经济和社会效益,有的仍处于实验阶段,有的则对合理利用当地自然资源造成不良的影响。提出了必须合理开发利用当地自然资源,积极创立和引进以粮食作物为主体的混农林系统模式的见解。  相似文献   

混农林系统是一种于林、于农、于环境都有利的土地利用方法,比单一种植具有更好的生态、经济和社会效益。应用于热带山地的开发利用,其实用技术包括:塘雅系统;刀耕火种休闲地的改善;家庭田园和多种多层复合种植;树巷种植法;多用途树种的应用;人工生态群落等。  相似文献   

通过对贵州省28个典型县共56个点的有关调查,对混农林的经营结构和效益及分布状况了讨论,并对其中5个典型类型进行详述,同时提出了5点建议。  相似文献   

王记祥 《绿色科技》2012,(10):42-44
对浙农林大校园内的树木病害进行了一次较全面的调查,调查的内容主要有每种病害的症状、病原菌鉴定和病害的严重程度。通过调查共鉴定出了13种病害,它们全部是真菌性病害,病原菌分属于8个属,为今后病害综合治理提供依据和参考。  相似文献   

本文比较研究了10种水稻害虫在3个树种(Akashmoni,Jhau和Albida)与稻子混栽的农-林复合生态系统中的发生情况,通过3个树种的冠幅大小、透光率以及害虫发生程度相比较,提出农-林复合生态系统中,水稻害虫的发生与树冠的透光率呈密切的负相关关系。  相似文献   

本文选择了德江县马尿水集水区作为乌江中下游的试验点,进行坡耕地混农林滞留型防护林结构模式研究,初步探讨了这一特殊防护林的设计依据和原则,并叙述设计结果和造林对策。  相似文献   

云南保山地区农村用杉木为主的用材林树种与农作物间作的造林方式对村社林业的发展起着积极的促进作用, 并能够长期、稳定地发挥着良好的社会、经济和生态效益, 其主要间作模式有杉木+ 农作物、杉木+ 茶叶+ 农作物。本文在对主要杉木混农组合类型介绍的基础上, 对其效益进行了分析。  相似文献   

固氮植物在林业上的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文概述了豆科和非豆科固氮植物在林业上应用的状况,综合评论林业上应用固氮植物的四种基本途径:1)固氮植物与非固氮树木轮作,2)固氮树木与非固氮树木混交,3)固氮树木为目的经营树种的纯林,4)固氮植物作为林下植物与非固氮树木伴生,最后提出林业上应用固氮植物需考虑的技术关键。  相似文献   

国外混农林业系统中林木与农作物的相互关系研究进展   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:15  
总结了近年国外混农林业系统中林木和农作物在地上和地下部分的相互作用关系的研究进展。其中林木根系分布与管理研究内容是通过对林木根系类型的筛选,选择与农作物根系矛盾较小的树种;水分关系研究中探讨了林木与农作物的水分矛盾;养分关系中主要说明林木枝叶对农作物的有利作用和它们对养分的竞争作用;他感作用研究指出某些树种的枝叶虽然有一定的毒性,但对农作物生长影响不大;地上部分的研究说明,林木对作物的遮荫作用是主要的,而作物对林木的影响是次要的。  相似文献   

概述云南热区混农林系统的六种组分镶嵌结构粪型,包括它们的特点、作用和常见模式,并对镶嵌结构与混农林系统组分组成和功能的关系进行探讨。研究表明:相同的物种组成可以构成多个镶嵌结构不向的混农林系统,不同镶嵌结构的混农林系统其功能和目标不同或差别很大。这种混农林系统镶嵌结构的多样化、以及与组分组成.功能关系对混农林系统的设计与评价具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

A sustainable agroforestry tree germplasm supply system is vital to resource-constrained smallholder farmers who depend on agroforestry to improve the productivity of their farm enterprises. Successful adoption of agroforestry hinges on the development of a sustainable agroforestry tree germplasm supply system. This paper reviews the agroforestry tree seed supply system in Malawi, with a view to determining its sustainability and quality. Currently, more than 90% of the documented agroforestry tree seed distributed to farmers is produced by smallholder farmers collected mainly from scattered farmland trees, the remainder being produced from seed orchards and seed stands owned or controlled by research organizations. Three organizations—namely the Land Resources Centre (LRC), National Tree Seed Centre (NTSC) of the Forestry Research Institute of Malawi (FRIM) and the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF)—were identified as major procurers of agroforestry tree seed produced by smallholder farmers. Agroforestry germplasm is distributed to farmers by non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and government agricultural and forestry extension departments. The procurement and distribution of germplasm to farmers is in general effective. The major challenge to sustainability of agroforestry tree germplasm distribution in Malawi is dependence on donor funding. The agroforestry tree seed system is, to some extent, sustainable with regards to production, although the genetic quality of the germplasm is low. Germplasm storage facilities at national level are available and possibly adequate, but knowledge and information on effective low-cost tree germplasm storage systems at household level are limited. Sustainability could be enhanced by strengthening of grass-root organizations involved in tree seed production to institutionalize the distribution through farmer–farmer exchange. There is also a need to support the development, promotion and adoption of low-cost tree germplasm storage facilities by smallholder farmers.  相似文献   

In this study, Porter’s framework is used to analyse the forces that coordinate and control the market for agroforestry tree seedlings in the Nyando basin in Western Kenya where smallholder farmers were assisted by non-governmental and research organisations to start tree seedling nurseries, with a view to fostering adoption of agroforestry in the region. In addition, financial viability of the enterprise is assessed and the resources and interventions required to improve the operators’ competitiveness and make the enterprise sustainable are identified. Primary data collected from eight nursery operators and sixty agroforestry farmers are used and supplemented with secondary information obtained from relevant literature to gain an insight into the tree seedling industry within and outside the region. The results indicate that the tree seedling industry is highly competitive and is characterised by several small-scale operators who employ similar strategies and produce and sell nearly homogenous products. Consequently, competition is based on price rather than on strategies that require capital investments such as branding, product differentiation and product promotion. The enterprise is financially viable but the gross margins, particularly those of timber tree seedlings, are sensitive to low seedling prices suggesting that competitors are exerting pressure on prices and profitability. Thus, to gain an edge over the competitors, the small-scale operators need to build competitive advantage by adopting strategies that allow them to charge higher prices for their products, maintain customer brand loyalty and understand the coordination, control and relationships within the industry.  相似文献   

文章从农林复合系统的结构选择、对生态环境的影响和系统内部作物与环境相互作用三个方面对农林复合系统研究现状进行分析,并指出要在把握农林系统整体性的基础上,采用多种方式开展复合结构模式研究,重点开展农林复合系统种间相互作用机理的研究。  相似文献   

Islam  Mahmuda  Dey  Anna  Rahman  Mizanur 《Small-Scale Forestry》2015,14(1):91-101
Small-scale Forestry - Tropical agroforestry systems have immense potential to sequester carbon both in aboveground and belowground biomass and soil. Homegarden agroforestry is a popular land-use...  相似文献   

农林复合经营系统研究现状   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
综述了当代农林复合经营系统的概念、内涵、产生的背景以及发展历史。分析了国内外农林复合经营系统在分类、组分间的相互作用、模式建立及优化、系统功能和作用、系统的整体效益评价以及技术推广等各方面的研究现状,并对当代农林复合经营系统的研究前景进行展望。  相似文献   

Increasingly, plantations for food, fiber and wood, are necessary to provide a growing world population. Agroforestry systems become more and more important, however these systems usually develop in marginal conditions, limited land, restricted funding, occasional technical support and above this, there is limited documentation and evaluation of innovated traditional systems in indigenous and small-scale contexts, which challenge forest scientists. The aim of this research was to assess the quality of trees in plots managed by Mayan indigenous farmers who planted agroforestry systems with fine wood species to increase the value of land and labor in localities with highly-marginal social conditions in Northern Chiapas, México. Twenty oldest plots were selected within a group of previously established plots (eight with improved fallow, six with shaded coffee and six with maize crop associated to trees) where forest inventories were carried out in nested 100 and 1000 m2-circular plots. In all plots tree diameter, height, quality indicators and the incidence of the pest Hypsipyla grandella were measured. Trees in the maize-associated-to-trees system are favored by the practices applied to annual crop during the first 3rd–5th years, a period in which they are free from the interference of other trees and benefit from favorable light conditions, weeding and a higher intensive care from the farmer while shaded coffee and improved fallow have higher tree densities and a more closed canopy condition than maize associated to trees. In consequence, maize associated to trees shows 68.1 % stems with good form; shaded coffee and improved fallow averaged 40.5 and 39.7 % of good quality stems, respectively; improved fallow exhibited a greater number of suppressed trees than shaded coffee and maize associated to trees (p < 0.0001). In addition, maize associated to trees showed the highest proportion of trees with commercial value with 56.9 %, followed by improved fallow with 28.2 %, and shaded coffee with 11.8 % (p < 0.0001); the rest were trees with domestic uses. However, maize associated to trees significantly result with high incidence of H. grandella probably due to the crown exposure. Timber volume averaged 92.9 ± 68.9 m3 for improved fallow, 77.3 ± 24.8 m3 for shaded coffee, and 52.5 ± 39.7 m3 for maize associated to trees. The value of the fine wood represents increment in income, variety of products and self-employment for households. Nonetheless, improved fallow and coffee plantations might benefit from the elimination of competitors from larger trees to favor promising immature ones and pruning, while maize crop associated to trees might benefit from opportune pruning for controlling the stem borer as well as tree replacement to achieve long term replacement and harvesting.  相似文献   

豆科及非豆科固氮树种是重要的生物固N资源。作为混交树种,在混交林中发挥着改善林地养分及水分状况,维持地力,提高林地生产力,很好地促进主要树种生长的重要作用。  相似文献   


This study compared the total carbon (C), mineral nitrogen (N) contents and N mineralization potentials of the rhizospheric and bulk soils, collected at two depths in three forest sites in France. The site at Breuil is a comparative plantation of different species with or without fertilization, the Fougères site is a time sequence of four Fagus sylvatica L . stands including a limed plot, and the Aubure site is a comparison between adjacent young and old Picea abies. (L.) Karst stands with different nitrifying activity. Mineral N was extracted from fresh soil with K 2 SO 4 and after laboratory incubation at 15°;C for 2 days or 1 week. The moisture, C and N contents of the rhizospheric soil were higher than in the bulk soil in the A 1 horizon, but only slightly higher or similar in A 1 B horizons. Soil-extractable NH 4 and net mineralization were much larger in the rhizospheric soil than in the bulk soil. Soil-extractable NO 3 and net nitrification were not significantly different. Soil-extractable NH 4 and net N mineralization were linearly and positively related to the soil C (or N) contents, but the relationship was stronger and the amount of mineral N per gram of carbon was higher for rhizospheric soil. This suggests that the quality of rhizospheric carbon should be taken into account. Net N mineralization was negatively related to the soil C/N ratio. In summary, tree roots appear to have a strong influence on N transformation in soils.  相似文献   

盐胁迫下沙枣生物固氮能力及氮素分配研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
[目的]应用15N自然丰度法研究盐胁迫条件下沙枣的生物固氮能力,并探讨几个耐盐树种的氮素分配情况。[方法]通过耐盐树种的室内砂培试验,确定盐渍生境条件下以空气氮为唯一氮源的沙枣15N相对丰度B值及其适宜的参比植物;估测室内和野外盐渍生境中沙枣的生物固氮能力;并通过测定碳、氮、磷元素含量探讨了几种耐盐树种的氮素分配情况。[结果]室内盐胁迫砂培试验条件下,沙枣的B值为-1.41‰;柽柳和白蜡可作为沙枣的参比植物;沙枣的生物固氮百分率为55.03%。野外中度盐渍环境中,沙枣生物固氮百分率为69.69%。试验条件下,沙枣、柽柳和白蜡3个耐盐树种中,沙枣植株及其叶、茎、根含氮量最高,且与其它树种差异显著(P0.05);沙枣植株氮/碳含量比以及氮/磷含量比最高;沙枣叶、茎和根的氮/磷含量比最高。野外中度盐渍环境中,沙枣叶的氮/碳含量比以及氮/磷含量比均为最高。[结论]15N自然丰度法可用于研究盐胁迫条件下沙枣的生物固氮能力,柽柳和白蜡可作为参比植物;沙枣在盐胁迫下的固氮能力较强,是可应用于盐渍土生物改良的优良树种。本文为盐胁迫条件下利用15N自然丰度法研究生物固氮作用提供方法参考,对于盐碱地生物治理中植物材料的选择和耐盐树种资源的综合开发利用具有重要意义。  相似文献   

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