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Purple and yellow nutsedge are two of the most troublesome weeds in the world. In the south-eastern USA, both weeds are common in vegetable crops and are the most difficult weeds to control in this region. A greenhouse experiment was conducted to evaluate the herbicidal activity of five liquid isothiocyanates (ITCs) (benzoyl, o -tolyl, m -tolyl, tert -octyl, and 3-fluorophenyl) on purple and yellow nutsedge. All ITCs were applied to soil in jars at 0, 100, 1000, 5000, and 10 000 nmol g−1 of soil and sealed for 72 h to prevent gaseous losses, followed by nutsedge growth evaluations after an additional 18 days. All ITCs reduced purple and yellow nutsedge shoot density and shoot biomass over the concentrations evaluated, with differences in the effectiveness on each species apparent among the compounds. Based on the lethal concentration values for shoot density, all ITCs were more effective in suppressing purple nutsedge than yellow nutsedge. Benzoyl and 3-fluorophenyl were generally the most effective of the five ITCs evaluated.  相似文献   

The herbicide benfuresate applied preplanting to cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) fields infested with purple nutsedge (Cyperus rotundus L.) inhibited nutsedge growth for several weeks and was found selective for cotton. The best nutsedge control was achieved when the herbicide was mechanically incorporated following a preplant broadcast or band application which was activated by a sprinkler irrigation. The rate of benfuresate needed for effective and selective nutsedge control in cotton ranged from 0.80 to 1.60 kg/ha, the higher rates necessary in soils with higher clay and organic matter contents.  相似文献   

Five herbicides were tested in the dry and in the wet season for their effectiveness in conlrolling perennial nutsedge (Cyperus rotundus L.) in direct-seeded upland rice in the tropics. K-223 [N-(α,α-dimethylbenzyl)-N'-P-tolyl urea] gave the best results. When broadcast sprayed at 8.0 kg a.i./ha in the dry season and 10 kg a.i./ha in the wet season and immediately mixed into the soit just before drilling, K-223 gave excellent perennial nutsedge control with no visible crop damage and increased the grain yield. Bentazone at 2.0 kg a.i./ha applied 7 days after crop emergence was highly selective and gave fair control of nutsedge without being toxic to the crop. MBR 8251 [1.1,1-trifluoro-4′-(phenylsulfonyl) methane-sulfono-o-toluidide] at 2.0 kg a.i./ha, mecoprop (MCPP) at 1.5 kg a.c./ha and fenoprop (silvex) at 1.0 kg a.e./ha applied 7, 14 and 7 days, respectively after crop emergence provided a fair degree of nutsedge control. Fenoprop and MBR 8251 caused slight and mecoprop moderate initial toxicity, but the injury sustained did not significantly affect crop yield.  相似文献   

Tubers of Cyperus rotundus L. were planted in pots, and growth and development followed by washing out every 3 days. New tubers were first recorded 16 days after shoot emergence began, and tuber production proceeded at the rate of one every 4 days. By 51 days a single tuber had produced approximately nine new tubers, nine shoots and nearly 90 cm of rhizome. Treatment with 2,4-D or paraquat at 34 days severely checked shoot growth, but tuber production appeared to he only temporarily checked. Parent tuber dry weight fluctuated between 017 and 0–55 g and the parent tuber appears to act as a source of food in times of stress. Expériences sur le Cyperus rotundus L. I. Croissance et dé-veloppement: effets du 2,4-D et du paraquat Des tuberules de Cyperus rotunds L. ont été plantés dans des pots retires d'où ols lis ont été retirés tous les 3 jours pour en suivre la croissanec et le développement. On a enregistré l'apparition de nouveaux tubercules 16 jours après le début de la levée. La production de tubercules s'est poursuivie á raison d'un tous les 4 jours. Au bout de 51 jours, un tubercule avait produit approximativement 9 nouveaux tubercules, 9 pousses et prés de 90 cm de rhizome. Le traitement avec le 2,4-D et le paraquat au bout de 34 jours a provoqué un freinage important de la croissance de la partie aérienne mais la production des tubercules n'a été ralentie que temporairement. Les poids sees des tubercules initiaux ont varié entre 0.l7 g et 0.55 get ces tubercules paraissent jouer le röle d'une source de maliéres nutritives pendant les périodes difficiles. Versuche mit Cyperus rotundus L. I. Wachstum und Entwick-lung und Wirkung von 2,4-D und Paraquat Knollen von Cyperus rotundus L. wurden in Gefässe gepflanzt und das Wachstum und Entwicklung durch Auswaschen im Abstand von jeweils 3 Tagen verfolgt. Neue Knollen wurden zuerst 16 Tage nach dem Beginn der Sprossbildung beobachtet. Alle 4 Tage wurde eine weitere Knolle gebildet. Nach 51 Tagen hatte eine einzelne Knolle etwa 9 neue Knollen und fast 90 cm Khizom produziert. Eine Behandlung mit 2.4-D Oder Paraquat nach 34 Tagen hemmte das Sprosswachstum stark, aber die Knollenbildung schien nur vorübergehend gehemmt zu sein. Das Trockengewicht der Mutterknollen schwankte zwischen 0,17 und 0,55 g. Die Mutterknolle scheint in Zeiten in denen die Pflanze Belastungen ausgesetzt ist als Nährstoffquelle zu wirken.  相似文献   

Benfuresate (2-3-dihydro-3,3-dimethylbenzofu-ran-5-yl ethanesulfonate) is a selective herbicide for the control of purple nutsedge in cotton. Under outdoor conditions, purple nutsedge was sensitive to benfuresate incorporated in soil up to eight days after initiation of shoot sprouting from the tuber. Older seedlings recovered from the damage. During the period of susceptibility to benfuresate, young shoots more sensitive than the roots. Under controlled environmental conditions, benfuresate applied directly to apical buds developing from the tuber caused severe damage to the treated bud and induced abrupt development of axillary buds. Negligible amounts of the applied herbicide were translocated from the treated part to the other buds and roots. Application of the herbicide to fully developed leaves had no effect, probably because of its rapid metabolism and low basipetal mobility. Its relatively high volatility may also contribute to its low foliar post-emergence activity. Tubers also absorbed herbicide vapours. Root uptake of 14C-benfuresate resulted in a rapid accumulation of 14C in the shoot, which had no effect on the purple nutsedge plant, regardless of concentration. The herbicide is rapidly converted, mainly to a non-phytotoxic polar product. These results may explain the high sensitivity of the weed to benfuresate at early growth stages, and the lack of sensitivity in mature plants.  相似文献   

The growth of both species (as characterized by their total dry weight, inflorescence dry weight, root and rhizome dry weight and number of shoots per pot) was similar, but they differed in the manner in which the dry weight was partitioned to reproductive structures. Each species partitioned less than 2% of its dry weight into floral formation. However, yellow nutsedge (Cyperus esculentus L.) partitioned only 28% of its dry weight to tubers, whereas purple nutsedge (C. rotundus L.) partitioned 50% of its dry weight to fewer and larger tubers. The allocation of dry weight to reproductive structures was related to changes in day-length. Yellow nutsedge tuber formation increased as day-length decreased from 14.5 to 12.5 h, while floral formation did not begin until the day-length dropped below 14 h. Purple nutsedge formed inflorescences earlier and production continued throughout the remainder of the study, but tuber formation was curvilinear and accelerated as the day-length decreased.  相似文献   

Tuber composition in yellow nutsedge (Cyperus esculentus (L.)) variants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Yellow nutsedge variants from California, Georgia, Illinois, Maryland, Minnesota and Oklahoma were analysed for intraspecific differences in tuber composition. Tuber size varied from 70 to 710 mg. Carbohydrates ranged from 45 to 77% of tuber dry weight. Starch was the most abundant carbohydrate in all the tubers. The saccharides, fructose, glucose, sucrose and melibiose were found at least in trace quantities in all the tubers; only tubers of the Georgia and Maryland variants contained significant quantities of all four saccharides, and the other three variants containted principally sucrose. Triglycerides constituted more than 80% of the lipids in the tubers. The major acid present in all tubers was oleic. Composition du tubercule chez divers biotypes de Cyperus esculentus (L.) Des biotypes de Cyperus provenant de Californie, de Géorgie, de l'Illinois, du Maryland, du Minnesota et de l'Oklahoma ont été analysés en vue de rechercher des différences intraspécifiques dans la composition du tubercule. Le poids du tubercule a varié de 70 à 710 mg. Les hydrates de carbone représentaient de 45 a 77% du poids sec du tubercule. L'amidon a été l'hydrate de carbone le plus abondant dans tous les tubercules. Les saccharides: fructose, glucose, saccharose et mélibiose ont été trouvés au moins à l'état de traces dans tous les tubercules; seuls les tubercules des biotypes de Géorgie et du Maryland contenaient des quantités significatives des quatre saccharides et les trois autres biotypes contenaient principalement du saccharose. Les triglycérides constituaient plus de 80% des lipides des tubercules. Le principal acide gras présent dans tous les tubercules était l'acide oléique. Inhaltsstoffe der Knollen verschiedener Herkünfte von Cyperus esculentus (L.) Herkünfte von Cyperus esculentus aus Kalifornien, Gorgia, Illinois, Maryland und Oklahoma wurden auf Unterschiede in ihrer Knollenzusammensetzung untersucht. Die Knollenge-wichte variierten zwischen 70 und 710 mg. Die Kohlenhydratgehalte schwankten von 45 bis 77% des Knollentrockengewichtes. Stärke war in alien Knollen das häufigste Kohlenhydrat. Die Saccharide Fructose, Glucose, Sucrose und Melibiose waren in alien Knollen zumindest in Spuren festzustellen. Lediglich Knollen aus Gorgia und Maryland enthielten größere Mengen aller 4 Saccharide. DieTestlichen 3 Herkünfte enthielten haupt-sächlich Sucrose. Triglyceride bildeten mehr als 80% der Knol-lenlipide. Die häufigste Fettsäure war Ölsäure.  相似文献   

Imperata cylindrica and Cyperus rotundus were grown under three different light regimes; unshaded, 50% shade, and 75% shade and no shade plus 75% shade before and after spraying, (temporary shade) in a heated greenhouse. Six weeks after the start of the experimenis, glyphosate was applied to the plants at 0·2, 0·4 and 0·8 kg/ha (for Imperata) or 0·3, 0·6 and 1·2 kg/ha (for Cyperus). Glyphosate toxicity was enhanced as shade increased. In Imperata, all shade regimes at all rates of glyphosate eaused greater damage to the plants than the unshaded regime. The reduction in shoot dry weight, rhizome dry weight and total carbohydrate content of Imperate rhizotties at 75% continuous and temporary shaiie conditions, with the lowest rate of glyphosate, was almost twice as much as the reduction in the same features m the unshaded plants caused by the highest rate of glyphosate. In Cyperus. glyphosate at the intermediate and highest rates decreased the shoot dry weight at 75% continuous shade by 79% and 98% respectively. Plants in 50% shade were significantly affected only at the highest rate of glyphosate. Sprouting ability of the tubers al 75% continuous shade was inhibited when the tubers were replanted for recovery. Enhanced toxicity of glyphosate in reduced light intensity was attributed to the morphological changes in the nature of the leaves caused by shade.  相似文献   

Two sesquiterpene ketones, cyperotundone and α-cyperone, were isolated from dried tubers of purple nutsedge ( Cyperus rotundus L.) as major constituents: ≈0.26% and 0.1% of dried tuber, respectively. These allelochemicals affect plant growth, but we consider that these terpenoids undergo modification when they are released into the rhizosphere from the donor plant. For the structure–activity relationship study, cyperotundone was oxidized with selenium dioxide in acetic acid to 4-patchoulene-2,3-dione and 4-patchoulene-2,3,6-trione. Subsequent hydrogenation of 4-patchoulene-2,3-dione and 4-patchoulene-2,3,6-trione gave hydroxylated derivatives, cyperotundon-2-ol and 3-hydroxy-4-patchoulene-2,6-dione, respectively. 4-Patchoulene-2,3-dione inhibited the hypocotyl growth of lettuce seedlings but promoted radicle elongation at 0.1−2 mg L−1 concentration without chlorosis. Moreover, this radicle elongation recovered with the addition of galactose and was not antagonized by gibberellin A3. The effect of 4-patchoulene-2,3,6-trione showed a similar chlorosis, caused by 3,6,9-sugetriol triketone, against lettuce seedlings. These ketones did not show the radicle elongation.  相似文献   

Experiments with Cyperus rotundus L. III. Seasonal variations in growth   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
John L.  Hammeron 《Weed Research》1975,15(5):339-348
Nutgrass tubers were planted in pots on thirteen occasions at 4-weekly intervals, and growth and development followed by sampling at 5-day intervals from 10 to 45 days after planting. Growth rates, final shoot numbers, dry weights and rhizome lengths, and new tuber production were highest in plantings made 1 and 29 March and 26 April. Correlation coefficients suggested that mean daylength during growth was a major factor influencing growth and development, but mean temperature appeared to be important in determining new tuber size and the proportion of dry-matter as new tubers. Shoot number appears to be a reliable guide to rhizome and tuber production.  相似文献   

Post-emergence applications of glyphosate [N-(phosphonomethyl)glycine] have been shown not to eradicate purple nutsedge (Cyperus rotundus L.) in the field. It was not known if this was due to failure to control emerged plants or if dormant tubers produced new plants after application. Studies with individual plants were conducted in screenhouse facilities to determine the effects of glyphosate rate, time for translocation, area of foliage treated, and shade on the sprouting ability of tubers attached to treated plants. Rates of 1.5–2.0 kg/ha glyphosate inhibited tuber sprouting; 72 h were required for complete translocation at 1.0 kg/ha whereas 36 h were sufficient at 2.0 kg/ha. Treating less than all of the foliage reduced foliar control and increased tuber sprouting. Shading treated plants reduced control of the foliage but did not affect glyphosate translocation to the tubers. These studies showed that glyphosate kills C. rotundus foliage and the tubers attached to treated plants. Therefore, regrowth after glyphosate application under field conditions is due to dormant tubers which sprout after treatment.  相似文献   


Orobanche is the most debilitating plant parasite of tobacco in Andhra Pradesh. The crop suffers considerably for about six weeks before the parasite appears above the ground. In the absence of effective herbicides for controlling Orobanche especially in this pre-emergence phase, it was felt worthwhile to evaluate the effectiveness of various cultivated crops as trap crops. A preliminary pot trial was conducted with 17 crop plants and the results are presented.  相似文献   

Four experiments were conducted at six week intervals to determine the seasonal activity and persistence of soil-incorporated EPTC (5-ethyl N,N-dipropyl(thiocarbamate)) for Cyperus rotundus L. control and tolerance of okra (Hibiscus esculentus L.), cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.), lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.), red beet (Beta vulgaris L.) and carrot (Daucus carota L.) during the dry and wet seasons in Viçosa, Brazil. Satisfactory control of C. rotundus was obtained at 2 kg/ha EPTC during the dry season and 4 kg/ha or more during the wet season. Only red beet and carrot tolerated these doses of EPTC when the crops were planted five days after application. However, selective control of C. rotundus was obtained when the planting date of lettuce was delayed for three or six weeks after EPTC application. EPTC controlled C. rotundus at half the dose that was required to control three species of annual grass that germinated near the soil surface. EPTC persisted longer when applied to air dry soil and incorporated with a rototiller than when incorporated into moist or wet soil.  相似文献   

Glyphosate at 2 kg/ha was more effective in reducing regrowth of purple nutsedge (Cyperus rotundus L.) scapes at 90% than at 50% relative humidity (r.h.), and more effective at ?2 bars than at ?11 bars of plant water potential. Regrowth of treated plants subjected to water potentials of ?1 to ?8 bars was reduced 54–60% while at ?11 bars growth inhibition was only 34%. A time interval of as little as 8 h between application and excision was sufficient to give 47% reduction in regrowth at 90% r.h. None of the treated plants, except those clipped immediately after application, produced new shoots from the basal bulb, while all the untreated control plants produced one or more new shoots. Experiments using 14C-glyphosate substantiated these results. Three times more 14C-label was translocated into the underground parts of nutsedge at 90% than at 50% r.h. Twice as much translocated at ?2 bars than at ?11 bars of water potential.  相似文献   

Soil-incorporated butylate, EPTC and vernolate had only small effects on nutgrass (Cyperus rotundus L.) shoot numbers and the germination of recovered tubers. MSMA, 2,4-D, glyphosate and cyperquat all killed top growth and reduced the germination of recovered tubers in both field and pot trials. Naptalam increased shoot number and tuber production. Foliar sprays of abscisic acid, chlorflurenoi and CCDP (3-carboxy-1-(p-chlorophenyl)-4,6-dimethyl-2-pyridone) had little or no effect. Ethephon slightly increased the number of attached tubers with shoots, but NIA 10637 (.ethyl hydrogen-1-propylphosphonate) had inconsistent efl'ects. MH inhibited tuber bud germination, TIBA increased shoot numbers slightly, and daminozide reduced tuber production and the germination of detached tubers. None of the growth regulators tested appears potentially useful for nutgrass control. Expériences avec le Cyperus rotundus L. II. Action de quelques herbicides et substances de croissance Le butylate, l'EPTC et le vernolate incorporés au sol n'ont eu que peu d'efficacité contre le cyperus (Cyperus rotundus L.) en ce qui concerne le nombre de pousses et la germination des tubercules récoltés. Le MSMA, le 2,4-D, le glyphosate et le cyperquat ont tous détruit la zone terminale de croissance et réduit significativement la germination des tubercules récoltés dans les essais, soit au champ, soit en pots. Le naptalame a augmenté le nombre de pousses et la production de tubercules. Des pulvérisations sur les feuilles d'acide abscissique, de chlorflurénol et de CCDP (3-carbo.xy-1-(p-chlorophényl)-4,6-diméthyl-2-pyridone) n'a eu que peu ou pas d'effets. L'ethéphon a légérement accru le nombre de tubercuies fixés aux racines, mais le NIA 10637 (hydrogéne-1-propylphosphonate d'éthyle) n'a eu que des effets incohérents. L'hydrazide maléique a inhibé la germination du bourgeon du bulbe, le TIBA a accru légérement le nombre de pousses, et le daminozide a réduit la production des tubercules et la germination des tubercules détachés. Aucune des substance de croissance essayées n'apparait potentiellement utilisable pour la lutte contre le cyperus. Versuche mit Cyperus rotundus L. II. Wirkung einiger Herbizide und Wachstumsregulatoren In den Boden eingearbejtetes Butylat, EPTC und Vernolat hatte nur eine geringe Wirkung auf die Anzahl der Sprosse und den Austrieb der Knollen von Cyperus rotundus L. MSMA, 2,4-D, Glyphosate und Cyperquat toteten die oberirdischen Pflanzenteile ab und verringerten den Austrieb der Knollen in Feld- als auch in Gefässversuchen. Naptalam bewirkte eine Zunahme der Sprosszahl und erhöhte die Knollenbildung. Blattspritzungen mit Abscisinsäure, Chlorflurenoi und CCDP (3-Carboxy-1-(p-chlorphenyl)-4,6-di-methyl-2-pyridon) hatten eine geringe oder gar keine Wirkung. Durch Ethephon nahm die Anzahl der Knollen mit Sprossen zu, NIA 10637 (Äthyl hydrogen-1-propylphospho-nat) hingegen zeigte widersprüchliche Wirkungen. MH hemmte den Austrieb der KnoUenknospen, TIBA förderte leicht die Zahl der Sprosse und Daminozid verringerte die Knollenbildung und den Austrieb abgetrennter Knollen. Von den gepruften Wachstumsregulatoren scheint keiner fur die Bekampfung von Cyperus rotundus geeignet zu sein.  相似文献   

The effect of herbicide placemem in the soil on control of Cyperus rotundus L. was studied in the greenhouse with EPTC, alaehlor, norfiurazon, perlluidone, napropamide, trifluralin, and naptalam, EPTC was the mosl active herbicide, increasing the number of sprouts per tuber but inhibitmg bud development at an early stage of growth. The effect was greatest when EPTC was incorporated with the soil around the tubers. The effects of alaehlor were similar, but higher doses were required. Another active herbicide, norfiurazon, was taken up by the roots but its effect was to produce small, chlorotic leaves, Perfluidone was mosl effective when incorporated into the soil around the tubers or when placed in a layer 1 cm above them. Very little effect of napropamide trifluralin and naptalam was observed. In studies of growth and deveiopmenl with different planting depths, C. rotumtus produced basal bulbs, roots and most of its early reproductive parts in a layer of soil 1–3 cm from the surface, irrespective of the depth at which the tubers were planted. Shoots etncrged from 35 im deep but not from 50 cm.  相似文献   

Research conducted in El Salvador, Central America, demonstrated that an interval of 3 days between application of glyphosate and tillage was sufficient to cause 90% reduction in purple nutsedge (Cyperus rotundus L.) plants, while delays of 11–23 days generally gave slightly less reduction. à second application to the same plots 35 days following tillage resulted in more than 90% reduction with all intervals. Approximately 3 months after the initial treatment, tuber numbers had been reduced to half the original population. Germination of the remaining tubers was reduced by more than 50%. Glyphosate applied during the dry season caused an average of 79% reduction in plant numbers compared with 88% in the rainy season. However, in the dry season, the remaining plants had no competition from other weeds and after 5 months there was only à 40% reduction in nutsedge population. During the rainy season, 1, 2 and 3 kg/ha were equally effective, but 1 kg/ha was not sufficient in the dry season.  相似文献   

Control options for Cyperus rotundus and Cyperus esculentus (purple and yellow nutsedge) were evaluated within three cropping systems in the low desert of southern California: (1) standard vegetable crop rotation (weed‐free, uncontrolled nutsedge and cultivation) with spring cantaloupe (Cucumis melo) – summer fallow – winter broccoli (Brassica oleracea), (2) cover crop rotation (halosulfuron and smother crop) with spring wheat (Triticum aestivum)/corn (Zea mays) – summer sudangrass (Sorghum sudanense) – Winter Fallow, (3) rotation with solarization (non‐solarization and solarization) with spring wheat – summer fallow/solarization – winter broccoli. After two growing seasons, broccoli was planted without Cyperus control, to study the effect on yield. Cyperus rotundus tubers increased from 0.66 tubers per m2 to 1260 tubers per m2 in the uncontrolled treatment over two seasons. Cultivation during the growing season reduced C. rotundus tubers by 93% compared with the uncontrolled plots. Cover crop rotation did not reduce the number of C. rotundus tubers significantly, despite the dense sudangrass canopy shading the soil during most of the summer. Cyperus rotundus was effectively controlled by the solarization treatment. All methods controlled C. esculentus, especially when there were no crops growing in the summer. When broccoli was grown after two years of various management strategies, the cultivation treatment showed a 44% yield reduction compared with the weed‐free control, while the solarization treatment increased broccoli yield by 64% compared with the non‐solarization treatment. Rotations that included sudangrass had low broccoli yield when either C. rotundus or C. esculentus were present.  相似文献   

Selective control or suppression of Cyperus rotundus L. in carrot (Daucus carota L.) was investigated in Brazil using post-emergence applications of nitrofen (2,4-dichlorophenyl 4-nitrophcnyl ether) or a herbicidal oil (11–7% aromatics). Night applications of nitrofen in water, nitrofen in the herbicidal oil and the herbicidal oil alone were more effective in suppressing the growth of C. rotundus foliage than day applications. Nitrofen and the herbicidal oil were, respectively, 50 and 30% more active in suppressing C. rotundus during the warm, wet season (October to March) than the cool, dry season (April to September) in Viçosa. Night applications of nitrofen (1, 2 and 4 kg/ha) in water and the herbicidal oil alone (100, 200 and 400 1/ha) suppressed C. rotundus by 60% or more, and resulted in similar carrot yields to the hand-weeded control. Combinations of nitrofen in the herbicidal oil were more effective in suppressing C. rotundus than either herbicide applied alone, but the combinations tested were toxic to the carrots. Elimination du Cyperus rotundus L. dans les cultures de carrottes au moyen d'applications nocturnes de nitrofène ou d'une huile herbicide..  相似文献   

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