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The rhizome biology of Pennisetum macrourum was studied in a series of field and glasshouse experiments. The total available carbohydrate content of rhizomes remained between 15 and 22% of dry weight throughout the year, with fluctuations, related to the seasonal growth pattern. The percentage regeneration or rhizome fragments of one, two and four nodes buried at 15 cm was 13, 33 and 57, respectively. Thirty percent of 4-node rhizome fragments regenerated from a depth of 25 cm. In 11 desiecation experiment, regeneration of 3-node rhizome fragments occurred until rhizome moisture content was reduced to 14%, The time taken to reach this moisture content varied from 4 to 10 days depending on the temperature. The significance of these results for the control of P. macrourum is discussed.  相似文献   

Although large numbers or viable seeds of C. arvense arc formed in some districts of Victoria, the germination percentage declines rapidly in the first 2 years. No seedlings were established from seed artificially spread on pastures, although at two sites 6–8% and 12–6% of seed sown 0–5–1′0 cm deep into bare soil gave emerged seedlings, and 78% and 93% respectively of the seedlings survived. It is unlikely that C arvense is spreading rapidly by seed under the present management of permanent grassland. Patches of C. arvense were shown to have a pattern of development similar to plants such as Pteridium and Calluna that degenerate behind an advancing front. The annual rate of vegetative spread in pastures was about 150 cm and extremely variable (range 4–341 cm).  相似文献   

The creeping weed, Chrysopogon aciculatus (Retz.) Trin., is widely known for its use as folk medicine, while its phytotoxic potential has not been examined. Therefore, we carried out an investigation into the phytotoxic potential of C. aciculatus to identify phytotoxic substances. C. aciculatus extracts showed inhibitory effects on shoot and root growth of cress, lettuce, rapeseed, and Italian ryegrass. Inhibition was both species‐dependent and concentration‐dependent. Two substances, (9S,10E,12Z)‐9‐hydroxyoctadeca‐10,12‐dienoic acid (9‐HO‐ODDEA) and rhizopycnin A, were isolated using chromatographies and characterized by spectral analysis. 9‐HO‐ODDEA retarded shoot and root growth of cress at concentrations higher than 1.0 and 0.3 mM, respectively, while on cress seedling by rhizopycnin A, the inhibition began from 1.0 mM. The concentrations needed for 50% inhibition of the shoot and root growth of test plants ranged from 1.71–2.31, and 0.71–0.72 mM for 9‐HO‐ODDEA and rhizopycnin A, respectively. These results indicate that these substances may contribute, to a certain extent, to the phytotoxic activity of C. aciculatus.  相似文献   

The phytotoxicity of extracts from the roots and foliage of Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop, was studied using seven test species. Water and alcohol extracts of C. arvense inhibited the germination of its own and Trifolium subterraneum L. seed, and inhibited the growth of its own seedlings, three annual thistles, and Lolium perenne L., T. subterraneum and Hordeum distichon L. The results are related to phytosociological patterns observed in the field, and it is suggest that the presence of phytotoxins in the soil may make the establishment of some pasture and crop species difficult in areas infested with C. arvense. Activité allélopathique du chardon Cirsium arvense L. Scop, en Tasmanie La phytotoxicityé d'extraits obtenus à partir des racines et du feuillage de Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop, a étéétudiée en tulisant sept espèces servant de tests. Des extraits aqueux et alcooliques de C. arvense inhibèrent sa propre germination et celle des semences de Trifolium subterraneum L. Ils inhibèrent également la croissance de ses propres plantules, de trois chardons annuels, de Lolium perenne L. de T. subterraneum et de Hordeum distichon L. Les résultats sont rapprochés des évolutions phytosociologiques observées au champ, et il est suggéré que la présence de phytotoxines dans le sol puisse rendre difficile l'implantation de certaines espèces fourragères ou autres dans les endroits infestés par C. arvense. Die allelopathische Aktivität von Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop. in Tasmanien Wurzel- und Blattextrakte von Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop. wurden auf ihre phytotoxische Wirkung mit sieben Test-pflanzen geprüft. Wasser- und Alkoholauszüge von C. arvense hemmten die Keimung der eigcnen und der Samen von Trifolium subterraneum L. Das Wachstum der eigenen Keimlinge, sowie von drei annuellen Distelarten, von Lolium perenne L., T. subterraneum und von Hordeum distichon L, wurde gehemmt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen einen Zusammenhang mit pflanzensoziologischen Feldbeobachtungen und es ist denkbar, dass die Gegenwart von Phytotoxinen im Boden den Aufwuchs von Grünlandpflanzen und Feldfrüchten in Fiächen, die mit C. arcense verseucht sind, erschweren kann.  相似文献   

The biology of Johnson grass (Sorghum halepense)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
N. MONAGHAN 《Weed Research》1979,19(4):261-267
The literature on various aspects of the biology of Johnson grass. Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers. is reviewed. Topics discussed include its distribution, cytology, taxonomy, life cycle, variability and the dormancy and germination of its seeds and rhizomes.  相似文献   

B. A. AULD 《Weed Research》1976,16(5):323-330
The native perennial shrub, Bassia birchii. occurs as a weed over large areas of semi-arid eastern Australia. Its germination requirements and seedling growth were investigated and related to field observations and to possible means of control. Seeds cannot germinate until the woody fruit has broken down. Laboratory experiments showed that seeds would germinate throughout the year with most germinating at autumn and spring temperatures. Seedling deaths in the field are attributed to poor root growth, before the effects of water stress occurs. The spasmodic appearance of Bassia birchii infestations, particularly after droughts, is related to the dependence on the death of mature plants to provide propagules and fruit breakdown for germination. The unpredictable infestation pattern and the early development of spined fruits and basal buds on seedlings hinder control. Short period rotational or strategic grazing are suggested as possible means of control of seedlings in areas where perennial pastures can be established.  相似文献   

Very few seeds of M. pulegium germinated in the absence of light, but relatively high levels of germination were attained over a wide range of temperatures when seeds were exposed to light. This response to temperature was reflected in patterns of seedling appearance in several field sites, where new plants were recorded between autumn and early summer. Initial mortality rates differed between cohorts which occurred within and outside a pasture community, and were higher in the presence of pasture species. Seedlings survived prolonged periods of inundation and new plants were detected under water to a depth of 10 cm. The capacity for growth under water is considered to be an important aspect of the ability of M. pulegium to invade and persist in sites which are flooded seasonally.  相似文献   

Germination of skotodormant (imbibed or redried dormant in the dark) seeds of Johnson grass [Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers.] is temperature dependent. There was better germination at 40°C than at lower temperatures. Alternating temperatures of 40/28 and 35/22°C were best, overall, for imbibed and re-dried dormant seeds, respectively. For the imbibed, dormant seeds, there was apparent stimulation of germination by light, gibberelent A3 (GA3) and immersion in 700 mm sodium hypochlorite (NaOC1). However, the combinations of GA3+light, NaOC1+light, and NaOC1+GA3+light all had synergistic effects on the stimulation of germination of imbibed, dormant seeds. Germination of dry seeds treated with 900 min H2O2 was not affected, whereas the same treatment given to imbibed, dormant seeds resulted in about 40–60% germination. Stimulation of germination by H2O2 depends not only upon seed moisture content, but also upon concentration of H2O2 and previous NaOC1 immersion. Dry seeds immersed for 15 min in concentrated H2SO4 and incubated on water gave almost complete germination while no imbibed, dormant seeds germinated following this treatment. However, as little as 4 h of re-drying of these imbibed, dormant seeds, prior to the same H2SO4 treatment, stimulated about 40% germination. It is suggested that the induction and breakage of skotodormancy in imbibed or re-dried seeds in response to seasonal fluctuations in temperature and moisture may provide a survival mechanism for S. halepense. Induction de la germination des graines dormantes de Sorgho D'Alep, Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers. La germination de graines dormantes (imbibées ou ressechées à l'obscurité) de Sorgho d'Alep dépend de la température. La germination est meilleure à 40°C qu'à des températures plus basses. Des alternances de 40/28 et 35/22C étaient optimales respectivement pour les graines imbibées ou ressechées. Pour les imbibées, il y a une stimulation par la lumière, la gibberelline A3 (GA3) et l'immersion dans une solution 700 mm d'hypochlorite de sodium (NaOC1). Cependant, les combinaisons GA3+lumière; NaOC1+lumière, et NaOC1+GA3+lumière ont toutes des effets de synergisme de la stimulation de la germination des graines dormantes imbibées. La germination des graines sèches traitées avec une solution 900 mm de H2O2 n'est pas affectée tandis que le même traitement appliqué aux imbibées résulte dans 40 à 60%de germination des semences dormantes. La stimulation de la germination pour H2O2 ne dépend pas uniquement de la teneur en humidité de la graine, mais également de la concentration en H2O2 et de la préimmersion dans NaOC1. Des graines sèches immergées pendant 15 min dans H2SO4 concentré et incubées à l'eau, donnent une germination presque complète tandis que des graines imbibées ne germent pas après ce traitement. Cependant, après un reséchage aussi petit que 4 h, les graines imbibées après un même traitement à H2SO4 germent à environ 40%. On peut conclure que l'induction et la levée de dormance des graines en relation avec les fluctuations saisonnières de température et d'humidité, fournissent un moyen de survie au Sorgho d'Alep. Keimungsinduktion bei skotodormanten Samen der Aleppo-Hirse (Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers. Die Keimung skotodormanter, d.h. im Dunkeln dormanter Samen (gequollen oder wiedergetrocknet) der Aleppo-Hirse (Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers.) ist temperaturabhängig: Die Keimung war bei 40°C besser als bei niedrigen Temperaturen, und Wechseltemperaturen von 40/28 und 35/22°C waren allgemein am wirkungsvollsten für vorgequollene bzw. wiedergetrocknete dormante Samen. Für gequollene donnante Samen waren offensichtlich Licht, Gibberellin A3 (GA3) und Tauchen in 700 mm Natriumhypochlorit (NaOC1) keimungswirksam, und die Kombinationen GA3+Licht, NaOC1+Licht und NaOC1+GA3+Licht hatten alle eine synergistische Wirkung auf die Stimulation der Keimung vorgequollener dormanter Samen. Die Keimung trokener Samen blieb von einer Behandlung mit 900 mm H2O2 unbeeinflusst, während sie bei vorge-quollenen dormanten Samen zu etwa 40 bis 60% Keimung führte. Diëse Art Keimungsstimulation hängt nicht nur vom Feuchtigkeitsgehalt der Samen ab, sondern auch von der H2O2-Konzentration und einer vorausgehenden Behandlung mit NaOC1. Wurden trockene Samen 15 Minuten in konzentrierte H2SO4 getaucht und danach über Wasser inkubiert, keimten sie fast vollzählig, während vorgequollene dormante Samen nach dieser Behandlung nicht keimten, doch keimten sie zu etwa 40%, wenn sie vor derselben H2O2-Behandlung nur 4 h getrocknet wurden. Es wird angenommen, dass die Induktion und Brechung der Skotodormanz der je nach jahreszeitlichem Wechsel der Temperatur und Feuchtigkeit gequollenen oder wiedergetrockneten Samen einen Überlebensmechanismus für Sorghum halepense bilden.  相似文献   

Several laboratory and glasshouse experiments were conducted to assess seed germination, seedling establishment and growth patterns of wrinklegrass (Ischaemum rugosum Salisb.) influenced by temperature and light regimes, and chemical media. Wrinklegrass was a positively photoblastic species, and seed germination was temperature‐dependent and light‐mediated. Seeds soaked in distilled water for 24 h, or oven‐dried at the respective temperature regimes of 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, or 40°C prior to treatment in distilled water and incubated in darkness, failed to germinate. Likewise, no germination prevailed when the seeds were exposed to similar temperature regimes and treated with 0.2 m KNO3, 5% H2O2 or 0.01 m HNO3, and incubated under continuous darkness. Seeds treated with 5% H2O2 at 30°C, or oven‐dried and treated with 0.01% M HNO3 at 35°C registered 10 and 20% germination. Approximately 75 and 90% of the light‐exposed seeds for all treatments germinated in the first three and six days at 25°C. No germination occurred at 15°C in the first three days after treatment. Seeds subjected to 40°C for six days after treatment recorded 36% germination. The optimum temperatures for seed germination were 25–30°C. Seed drying and soaking treatments widened the windows of the optimal temperatures for wrinklegrass germination. The acidic media of KNO3, H2O2 or HNO3 favored seed germination. Less than 5% of seed germination occurred with burial or water inundation at depths exceeding 2 cm. Seed burial or inundation at ≥2 cm depths inhibited seed germination. Seeds sown onto moist paddy soils registered ca. 50% germination. Free‐floating seeds on the water surface registered ca. 98% germination within the first six days after seeding. The mean number of seedlings that survived was inversely proportional to water depths, with close to 100% mortality at the 14 cm depths of inundation. Both plant height and seedling survival were linearly proportional to the amount of root mass of seedlings which penetrated the soil. The weed was a prolific seed producer (ca. 6000 seeds/genet or 18 000 seeds/genet per year). The vegetative and reproductive efforts of each wrinklegrass plant registered values of 0.68 and 0.32, respectively.  相似文献   

Button grass (Dactyloctenium radulans) is a native, widely spread summer grass weed species in Australia. However, limited information is available on the seed germination biology of this species. Experiments were conducted to evaluate the effect of environmental factors on the germination and emergence of two populations of D. radulans. The seeds of these populations were collected separately from Dalby, Queensland and Coleambally, NSW. Seeds were germinated at a range of constant and alternating temperatures (25/15, 30/20, 35/25 and 40/30°C day/night). The greatest seed germination was at a constant temperature of 30°C. Seed germination was reduced at the lowest alternating temperature (25/15°C). Germination of both populations was strongly stimulated by light, suggesting a great amount of emergence of D. radulans on bare ground, such as crop seedbeds. Germination of the D. radulans population collected from a northern cotton farming system (Dalby) was more tolerant to a greater range of salt stress than the population sourced from the south (Coleambally). Seeds of both populations germinated over a wide range of pH, between 4 and 10. However, germination was the greatest in a high pH buffer solution, indicating that the species prefers to germinate in alkaline soil. These results showed that D. radulans seeds possess a wide range of tolerance mechanisms to different environmental stresses. Information obtained in this study will help in developing more sustainable and effective integrated weed management strategies for the control of this weed and weeds with similar responses in summer cropping systems, such as cotton.  相似文献   

瑞丽桔小实蝇、瓜实蝇生物学特性的观察   总被引:22,自引:1,他引:22  
在瑞丽,桔小实蝇一年发生5-6代,以第5代和第6代成虫越冬,完成一个世代需要120-150天。瓜实蝇一年发生7-8代,以第7代和第8代成虫越冬,完成一个世代需要90-120天。温度影响卵、幼虫及蛹的历期,湿度影响羽化率。用不同寄主饲养桔小实蝇,其产卵量、孵化率、幼虫成活率及幼虫历期具明显差异。  相似文献   

Two biotypes of Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers., (Johnson grass) one which overwinters and one which does not overwinter from rhizomes at the northern limit of their North American ranges, were compared for rhizome production, rhizome survival and physiological tolerance to cold. The two biotypes differed in both the amount and depth of rhizome production under field conditions, with the non-overwintering biotype producing very few rhizomes 20 cm below the soil surface. Rhizome survival was clearly related to depth of burial for both biotypes. Survival was much reduced in the top 20 cm of soil and increased at greater depths to nearly 100% survival at depths of 40 to 50 cm. Differences in rhizome survival were apparent between the two biotypes and under the two climatic conditions tested, with greatly reduced survival of the overwintering biotype in the more extreme northern field plot. Similar levels of cold hardiness were observed in both hardened seedlings and rhizomes of the two biotypes. These levels were low and, in general, would not provide major protection against freezing temperatures. La profondeur des rhizomes; facteur critique de la siurvie hivernale de Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers. (Sorgho d'Alep) Deux biotypes de Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers. (Sorgho d'Alep), l'un capable et l'autre incapable d'hiverner à l'état de rhizomes à la limite septentrionale de leurs aires nord-américaines, ont été comparés pour leur production en rhizomes, la survie de ces rhizomes et la tolérance physiologique au froid. Les deux biotypes différaient à la fois par la quantité et le niveau de profondeur de leur production de rhizomes au champ :le biotype incapable d'hiverner produisait très peu de rhizomes à une profondeur de 20 cm. La survie des rhizomes était clairement reliée à la profondeur d'enfouissement pour les deux biotypes. La survie était réduite dans les premiers 20 cm de sol et augmentait avec la profondeur jusqu'à presque 100%à des profondeurs de 40 à 50 cm. Des différences de survie des rhizomes étaient apparentes entre les deux biotypes sous les deux conditions climatiques étudiées, le biotype capable d'hiverner présentant un taux de survie fortement réduit dans la parcelle expérimentale située le plus au Nord. Des niveaux similaires d'endurcissement au froid ont été observés dans des plantules et des rhizomes endurcis des deux biotypes. Ces niveaux étaient bas et en général ne fournissaient pas de protection majeure contre le gel. Tiefenlage der Rhizome: der kritische Faktor fur das Ueberleben von Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers. während des Winters Zwei Biotypen von Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers. von der nördlichen Grenze ihres Verbreitungsgebietes in N-Amerika wurden in Bezug auf Rhizomproduktion, Ueberleben ihrer Rhizome und physiologisch bedingte Kälteresistenz miteinander verglichen. Der eine der beiden Biotype überwintert nicht, der andere überwintert, d.h. reproduziert neues Wachstum aus den bestehen-den Rhizomen. Die beiden Typen zeigten unter Feldbedingungen Unterschiede in der Rhizom-bildung, sowohl bezüglich Menge und Tiefenlage der neubildung, wobei der nicht überwinternde Biotype sehr wenig Rhizome tiefer als 20 cm unter der Bodenorberfläche bildet. Das Ueberleben während des Winters war für beide Biotypen eindeutig mit der Tiefenlage der Rhizomasse korreliert. Die Uebelebensrate war in den obersten 20 cm sehr reduziert und nahm mit zunehmen der Tiefe bis zu fast 100% in 40–50 cm Tiefe zu. Es wurden eindeutige Unterschiede in der Ueberlebensrate zwischen den beiden Biotype unter den zwei untersuchten Klimabedingungen festgestellt, wobei ein stark verringertes Ueberle-benspotential des überwinternden Typs unter den extremeren nördlicheren Feldbedingungen beobachtet wurde. Abgehärtete Sämlinge und Rhizome beider Biotypen wiesen einen ähnlichen Grad von Kälteresistenz auf. Diese Resistenz war relativ gering und stellte in der Regel keinen genügenden Schutz gegen Frost dar.  相似文献   

Seven new species of feather mites belonging to families Analgidae, Falculiferidae, Pterolichidae, Pteronyssidae and Xolalgidae are described from Columbiformes, Cuculiformes, Piciformes and Passeriformes of Surinam.  相似文献   

Eight species of birds of the families Fringillidae (3), Motacillidae (2), Prunellidae (1), Pycnonotidae (1) and Turdidae (1) were found to be parasitized by 8 species of the genus Proctophyllodes, 3 of them being new to science: P. danieli sp. n. from Pycnonotus leucogenys, P. macrophallus sp. n. from Prunella collaris and P. puniceus sp. n. from Pyrrhospiza punicea. Other species recorded are P. anthi, P. cotyledon, P. glandarinus, P. leucosticti and P. aff. poublani. All hosts were collected in the region of the Barun river valley in East Nepal in the altitude of 3,600-4,900 m a. s. l.  相似文献   

Pacific oysters (Crassostrea gigas Thunberg) from 19 sites in Tasmania were surveyed for pesticide residues. All samples were analyzed for dieldrin and DDT, and five samples were analyzed for hexachlorobenzene (HCB) and lindane. Only DDT was found in all samples. Dieldrin levels were high in oysters from the Tamar River, but were highest (0.39 mg/kg wet weight) in samples from Ruffin's Bay. In contrast, other residue levels were low. Distribution of pesticides in Tamar River samples differed: dieldrin could be correlated with industrial uses upstream and DDT could be correlated with low-level widespread agricultural use.  相似文献   

The infestations of two biotypes of Panicum miliaceum L. were monitored over a 5-year period (1981–1985) as they occurred in two townships in southwestern Ontario, Canada. On average, 16·5% of the cultivated fields in Hullett township were infested with the black-seeded biotype while 12·9% of the fields in North Norwich township were infested with the golden-seeded biotype. Neither population showed clear signs of increasing. The two biotypes were similar in their ability to persist as adult infestations. The black-seeded biotype showed a greater potential for colonizing uninfested fields. The crops grown in this region showed different susceptibilities to infestation by P. miliaceum. Corn (maize) fields were susceptible while most grain fields were resistant to infestation. White beans were susceptible to infestation by the black-seeded biotype. Wheat and oat crops were more resistant to infestation by the golden-seeded biotype than to those of the black-seeded biotype.  相似文献   

稻田稗草生物学特性及其综合防除   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
稗草为世界性恶性杂草,能够危害大部分农作物如水稻、大豆、棉花、玉米、小麦、蔬菜、果树和牧草。我国稗草有9种5变种,广泛分布于各省耕田和路边。由于种子休眠、不同环境条件下的萌发以及在与水稻竞争中强的生长势,稗草是稻田中分布最广、危害最重的杂草。本文从稻田稗草的休眠与萌发方面详细综述了其生物学特性,并探讨了稻田稗草综合防治方法,展望了今后稗草防治的新动向。  相似文献   

Knock-down resistance in Musca domestica, which provides cross-resistance between DDT and pyrethroids, has been genetically separated from three different resistant populations. After careful purification of each factor, the cross-over rates between them and the visible mutants brown body and green eye were estimated. This indicated that these factors are probably identical. The influence and implications of the knock-down resistance factor, kdr, on the total resistance of populations that include it are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Experiments are described in which plants from six different populations of the outbreeding annual weed Tripleitrospermum inodorum were grown with barley in field plots and sprayed with 4-chloro-2-melhyIphenoxyacetic acid (MCPA) at a number of doses. The populations showed significant differences in reduction of weight, the most resistant population having an ED50 of 181 ± 36·9 mg/m2 a.e. MCPA, 2·49 limes as great as the ED50 of the least resistant population. In a second experiment in which plants from these two populations were again grown with barley in field plots and sprayed with several doses of MCPA at three different stages of growth, their resistance to MCPA was found to differ consistently at all three stages of growth, the more resistant population having a mean LD50 of 1103 ± 161·5 mg/m2 a.e. MCPA, 2·09 times as great as the mean LD50 of the less resistant population. The populations were similar in other respects. The differences in the spraying histories of the two populations were consistent with the supposition that the differences in resistance to MCPA had resulted from natural selection for MCPA resistance in the more intensively sprayed population, but other processes may also have been involved.  相似文献   

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