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Early separation of maturing from immature fish would be very valuable in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) culture. Possible morphometric predictors of maturation in one sea-winter Atlantic salmon were investigated from measurements of body weight, length and depth and adipose fin length undertaken at 14 day intervals from May until August in a population of 80 individually tagged fish, 61 (male and female) of which were subsequently found to be maturing (i.e. grilse). Stepwise discriminant analysis revealed that a combination of forklength and condition factor proved to be the strongest and most consistent predictor of maturation (over 88% accurate) until August. In August when maturing fish could be easily distinguished by shape and colour, forklength and condition factor no longer had any discriminatory power, but body depth at the anal and dorsal fins were good predictors. A second trial was performed on a separate stock of fish for which the same predictors proved robust. The discriminant functions derived from one stock of fish did not, however, produce the same discriminatory power when applied to the other stock. Hence there does not appear to be a simple mathematical means for the general discrimination of maturing and immature salmon. However the morphological predictors described above could be used for visual discrimination when ‘grilse grading’.  相似文献   

Four groups of 1+ year-old Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, pre-smolts were reared under various temperature regimes: constant 10 °C from November onwards; ambient temperature until either 15 December or 1 February, then 10 °C; or ambient temperature throughout (control; 2–3 °C November–March). From 20 May onwards, temperature in all groups was ambient, increasing from 10 °C to 17 °C in late July. Rearing temperature had no significant effect on either the timing of completion of smolting, or the duration of the smolt-window. Mean gill Na+-K+ ATPase activity was not significantly affected by temperature regime; it increased in all groups from < 2.0 mol Pi mg protein–1 h–1 (units) in January to 5–7 units in mid-April, then back to < 2.0 units in July. Survival in 96 h, 37) salinity (S) tolerance tests was similar in all groups, increasing from < 10% in early March, to > 90% from mid-April to mid-June, then decreasing to < 20% by early July. Increased winter temperature significantly increased growth and condition factor compared with the control, but during April–May all four groups exhibited similar temporary decreases in condition factor in association with the completion of smolting.  相似文献   

Aggression in groups of 0+ Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) was monitoredat weekly intervals in two tanks containing 100 fish each. Three 1 + salmonparr were added to one of these. After 5 weeks, fish weights were measuredin both tanks and the conditions reversed. At ten weeks, weights of fish inboth tanks were measured again. In both populations, levels of aggressionamong the smaller fish were significantly lower and growth ratessignificantly higher when the large fish were present. Although the largefish attacked the small ones, the rate at which they did so was an order ofmagnitude lower that the rate at which small fish attacked each other in theabsence of larger conspecifics. This raises the possibility that levels ofaggression among farmed salmon might be reduced by the addition of a fewlarge conspecifics.  相似文献   

Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) exposed to either simulated natural photoperiod (SNP) or continuous light (L24) were used to examine developmental changes in the presence and absence, respectively, of the parrsmolt transformation. Plasma osmolarity and ion concentrations were unaffected by photoperiod treatment. Gill Na+, K+-ATPase specific activity increased 150% between February and June in SNP fish and was low and unchanged in L24 fish. Kidney Na+, K+-ATPase specific activity varied within similar, narrow limits in both groups. Citrate synthase of liver, gill and kidney, expressed as specific activity or activity/g total body weight (relative activity), increased 25–60% between March and June in SNP fish. With the exception of kidney relative activity, citrate synthase activity declined to initial (March) levels by August. Liver, gill and kidney cytochrome c oxidase activity of the SNP group underwent similar though less marked changes. Liver, gill and kidney citrate synthase and cytochrome c oxidase activities of the L24 group remained relatively constant between March and August, and where significant differences occurred, they were lower than those of the SNP group. These results indicate that respiratory capacities of the liver, gill and kidney increase in smolls concurrent with preparatory osmoregulatory changes, and subsequently decline. The findings are consistent with a hypothesized transient increase in catabolic activity during the parr-smolt transformation that may be due to the metabolic demands of differentiation.  相似文献   

The fluid uptake rate of the posterior intestine of salmonids increases during the parr-smolt transformation. Intestinal fluid uptake in post-smolt Atlantic salmon was investigated after treatment with cortisol and growth hormone (GH), alone or together. Two replicate experiments were conducted in August 1991 and August 1992. Cortisol was emulsified in vegetable shortening and vegetable oil (1:1) and implanted into the peritoneal cavity. GH was administered as intraperitoneal injections in a saline vehicle on days 0 and 2. On days 5 and 6, plasma cortisol levels, gill Na+,K+-ATPase activity, andin vitro measurements of fluid transport rate (Jv) across the posterior intestine were measured. Implants of cortisol elevated the plasma cortisol levels within a physiological range, and resulted in elevated gill Na+,K+-ATPase activity, as expected. The fluid uptake rate across the posterior intestine was roughly doubled by cortisol treatment. GH treatment did not affect intestinal fluid transport, gill Na+,K+-ATPase activity, or plasma cortisol concentrations. The seawater-adapting increase in the rate of fluid uptake by the posterior intestine of smolting salmon is probably stimulated by elevated plasma cortisol concentrations.  相似文献   

Juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), selected from the upper modal group, were first held for 122 days (from December to May) in freshwater, and then for 49 days in seawater (34% salinity). In freshwater, the fish were exposed to either standing water or water currents corresponding to a swimming speed of 1 Bl s–1. Natural light conditions prevailed throughout the whole experiment.In the freshwater phase, food intake, growth rate and condition factor of the fish increased with increasing daylength. Condition factors, however, decreased slightly during the last month of the freshwater period, suggesting that the fish underwent parr-smolt transformation. The growth rate and food intake of the fish subjected to standing water were approximately 15% lower than those of fish exposed to water currents.Transient suppression of appetite and growth, and an increase in plasma concentration of Cl, were seen after exposure of the fish to seawater. Within 28 days, all these parameters had been restored to pre-transfer levels. Previous exercise did not appear to have influenced the hypoosmoregulatory capacity of the fish. Growth rate and food intake observed during the seawater phase were similar, irrespective of the treatment experienced by the fish during freshwater rearing.  相似文献   

Oxygen consumption rates of post-smolt Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) were recorded during various growth trials at four land-based salmon farms in south-west Norway, during the period 1988–1992. Principle component analysis indicated that fish size, water temperature and current speed had the greatest influence on oxygen consumption of fish in all the farms. A multiple regression analysis showed that 70% of the variation in the oxygen consumption could be explained by these three parameters. The predicted effect of fish size, water temperature and current speed on oxygen consumption are consistent with those reported in studies conducted on salmonids held in tunnel respirometers. The model described in this study may be a useful tool for the estimation of oxygen and water requirements needed for the design and operation of land-based farms.  相似文献   

Abstract Variations in the age structure and number of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., running into the River Eo in northern Spain were assessed from catch records of sport fisheries for the period 1949 to 1991. The analysis focused on two periods (1951–1960 and 1981–1991) for which more complete data on fish number, size and age were available. Over the whole period, no evidence for a decline in the total salmon run was found, but the last few years revealed significant changes in both the number and age structure of salmon caught. The catches were mainly composed of multi-sea-winter salmon, and this did not change from the 1950s to the 1980s as the proportion of grilse remained unchanged. However, since 1980, there was a marked decline in both the proportion of 3-sea-winter salmon (versus 2-sea-winter fish) and the frequency of previous spawners among the multi-sea-winter salmon. These changes were probably linked because most of the previous spawners re-entered the river as 3-sea-winter or older salmon. River age of salmon caught in the 1950s was low and constant (about 90% of the catch had smolted at one year) but the mean age of smolting increased in the 1980s.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effect of different smolt production strategies on vertebral morphology (radiology), composition (mineral content) and mechanical strength (load-deformation testing) in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Rapid-growing underyearling (0+) smolt were compared with slower-growing yearling (1+) smolt and a reference group of wild smolt (w). The underyearling and yearling smolt were transferred to seawater in October 2002 and May 2003, respectively. The underyearling smolt were reared under continuous light and the yearling smolt under natural light during the first twelve weeks in seawater, at ambient temperatures. Thus, the underyearling smolt hit seawater at 13 °C and were reared at 10-13 °C during the early seawater phase, whereas the yearling smolt hit seawater at 7 °C and were reared at 7-10 °C during the early seawater phase. All groups displayed increased longitudinal growth (up to 9% increase in relative length) of the caudal vertebrae during parr-smolt transformation. However, at transfer to seawater, the underyearling smolt had significantly lower vertebral mineral content (0+ 44%, 1+ 47%, w 50%) and higher incidence of deformed vertebrae (0+ 1.5%, 1+ 0%, w 0%), and at twelve weeks after transfer to seawater significantly lower vertebral mineral content (0+ 36%, 1+ 41%, w 43%), yield-load (0+ 6492 g, 1+ 8797 g, w 9150 g) and stiffness (0+ 7578 g/mm, 1+ 15,161 g/mm, w 20,523 g/mm), and significantly higher incidence of deformed vertebrae (0+ 2.5%, 1+ 0.3%, w 0%). There was a significant correlation between the mineral content and mechanical properties of the vertebrae. The underyearling smolt had significantly elevated plasma concentrations of total Ca, and P and Ca2+ during the parr-smolt transformation and in the early seawater phase.The results show that underyearling smolt may have an increased risk of developing vertebral deformities. It is possible that this risk can be reduced by postponing the start of the short-day treatment. This will reduce the temperature during smoltification, the temperature and daylength during the early seawater phase, and increase the age at smoltification.  相似文献   

Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) were fed diets containing fish oil supplemented with 22:6n-3 (FO diet) or linseed oil supplemented with 20:5n-3 (LO diet) for 6 months. The effects of these diets, both containing about 36% n-3 fatty acids, on the esterification, desaturation and elongation of [1-14C] 18:2n-6 and [1-14C] 18:3n-3 were investigated in isolated hepatocytes. The percentages of radioactivity which was esterified from [1-14C] 18:2n-6 or [1-14C]18:3n-3 into total lipids, were approximately 20% lower in hepatocytes from fish fed the FO diet than in hepatocytes from fish fed the LO diet. The percentages of radioactivity esterified in both groups were further reduced when 0.1 mM unlabelled 22:6n-3 was added to the incubation. The percentage of desaturation and elongation products formed from [1-14C] 18:2n-6 was twice as high in hepatocytes from salmon fed the FO diet as it was in hepatocytes from fish fed the LO diet. The ratio of 18:2n-6 to 18:3n-3 was five times higher in the FO diet, and this probably promoted the conversion of 18:2n-6 to longer chain n-6 fatty acids. When 0.1mM unlabelled 22:6n-3 was added to the incubation medium, the percentages of desaturation and elongation products formed were unchanged. Thus, a high level of 22:6n-3 in the diet is apparently not inhibiting the conversion of 18:2n-6 to 20:4n-6, as long as the amount of 18:2n-6 present is substantially higher than that of 18:3n-3. No desaturation and elongation products were recovered from the phospholipids of hepatocytes incubated with [1-14C] 18:3n-3 in any of the groups. However, the `dead end' elongation product 20:3n-3 was found in the triacylglycerol fraction, and the percentage of this fatty acid increased when 22:6n-3 was added to the incubation medium.  相似文献   

The effect of seawater acclimation and adaptation to various salinities on the energetics of gill and kidney of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) was examined. Smolts and non-smolts previously reared in fresh water were exposed to a rapid increase in salinity to 30 ppt. Plasma osmolarity, [Na+], [Cl], [K+] and [Mg++] increased in both groups but were significantly lower in smolts than non-smolts. Gill Na+, K+-ATPase specific activity, initially higher in smolts, increased in both groups after 18 days in seawater. Kidney Na+, K+-ATPase specific activity was not affected by salinity in either group. Gill and kidney citrate synthase specific activity was not affected by seawater exposure in smolts but decreased in non-smolts. In a second experiment, Atlantic salmon smolts reared in fresh water were acclimated to 0, 10 or 30 ppt seawater for 3 months at a temperature of 13–14°C. Gill Na+, K+-ATPase was positively correlated with salinity, displaying 2.5- and 5-fold higher specific activity at 10 and 30 ppt, respectively, than at 0 ppt. Kidney Na+, K+-ATPase specific activity was not significantly affected by environmental salinity. Citrate synthase and cytochrome c oxidase specific activities in gill were slightly (6–13%) lower at 10 ppt than at 0 and 30 ppt, whereas kidney activities were lowest at 30 ppt. Oxygen consumption of isolated gill filaments was significantly higher when incubated in isosmotic saline and at 30 ppt than at 0 ppt, but was not affected by the prior acclimation salinity. The results indicate that although high salinity induces increased gill Na+, K+-ATPase activity, it does not induce substantial increases in metabolic capacity of gill or kidney.  相似文献   

赵峰 《水产学报》2006,30(4):444-449
对史氏鲟在盐度驯化过程中鳃Na+/K+ATP酶活力、血清渗透压及血清离子(Na+、K+、Cl-)浓度进行了检测和分析,探讨了史氏鲟驯化过程中血清渗透压调节机制。研究表明:史氏鲟在不同盐度(10、20、25)下经过驯化,鳃Na+/K+ATP酶活力显著高于对照组鳃Na+/K+ATP酶活力(P<0.05),其活力是对照组的2~2.5倍。驯化过程中,3种不同盐度阶段下鳃Na+/K+ATP酶活力首先表现为下降,随着驯化时间的延长,活力逐渐增加,最后下降并趋于平稳。血清渗透压也随盐度的增加而上升,盐度10时最高,达到(328.77±26.78) mmol·kg-1,此后逐渐下降并稳定在290 mmol·kg-1左右,略高于淡水中血清渗透压。不同盐度下,血清渗透压和鳃Na+/K+ATP酶活力的变化趋势相同。3种不同盐度下史氏鲟血清K+浓度平均值保持在3.00~3.30 mmol·L-1之间,与对照组相比无显著差异(P>0.05)。3种盐度下血清Na+和Cl-浓度变化趋势基本一致,随着盐度的增高而增高,盐度20时达到最高。盐度20以下血清Na+和Cl-含量没有显著差异(P>0.05)。史氏鲟血清渗透压调节可以分为3个阶段:一是应激反应阶段,主要表现为鳃Na+/K+ATP酶活力受到抑制,陡然下降;二是主动调节阶段,鳃Na+/K+ATP酶被重新激活,且活力逐渐上升;三是适应阶段,鳃Na+/K+ ATP酶趋于平稳。  相似文献   

Peculiarities of reproduction, early ontogeny, methods of egg incubation, and influence of temperature on development are compared in wolffish (Anarhichas lupus L.) and in salmonids, mainly Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.). Reproductive indices of females are similar in both species, but differ in males due to the small production of sperm in wolffish, a difference explained by internal fertilization in the latter species. The rate of embryonal development until the beginning of differentiation of fin fold at the same temperature is similar in both species, but the period from activation to hatching is more than twice as long in wolffish as in Atlantic salmon. Wolffish hatch at a more advanced stage with a small remnant of yolk sac and begin to feed shortly thereafter. As in Atlantic salmon, eggs and larvae of wolffish have a wide range of temperature resistance except before and after hatching. Based on the difference of life cycles in wolffish and salmon, technologies for their artificial breeding are compared.  相似文献   

Proper monitoring of all stages of sea lice is imperative to ensure the strategic timing of treatments. Although sea lice receive close attention and management for production purposes, there are no regulations for the reporting of lice burdens on salmon farms in Atlantic Canada, nor are there officially standardized protocols for conducting sea lice counts in the field. The purpose of this study was to complete a survey of Atlantic salmon farms in the Bay of Fundy, NB, Canada. The survey addressed many aspects of sea lice monitoring and control, including methods for sea lice sampling at the site, types of treatments administered for control of sea lice and management practices and decisions regarding the control of sea lice. A total of 83 surveys were completed from July to December 2002. Twelve of the 60 respondents owned and/or operated more than one site and completed a survey for each of their sites at the time of the interview. The position of individuals surveyed included 48 site managers (representing 63 sites), three site owners (representing 11 sites), eight individuals who were both owner and manager (representing nine sites) and one site veterinarian (representing one site). Surveys were completed on 30 sites from the Limekiln Bay and surrounding areas, 23 sites from Grand Manan Island, 18 sites from Deer Island, six sites from Campobello Island and six sites from Passamaquoddy Bay. Fish farmers, in concert with their veterinarians, generally perform intensive monitoring and control practices. However, there is a continued reliance on emamectin benzoate (SLICE®) for sea lice control on Atlantic salmon farms in the Bay of Fundy, which raises concerns regarding the potential for sea lice to develop resistance to the drug.  相似文献   

为了探讨盐碱胁迫条件下鱼类渗透生理调节机制,以尼罗罗非鱼(Oreochromis niloticus)为实验材料, PCR扩增得到了Na+/HCO3-共转运子(NBCe1)基因cDNA部分序列,比较了单盐(盐度10、盐度15)、单碱(1.5 g/L、3 g/L NaHCO3)、盐碱混合(盐度10,碱度1.5 g/L;盐度15,碱度3 g/L)胁迫后不同时间(0 h、6 h、12 h、24 h、48 h、72 h、96 h)血清渗透压、离子浓度(Na+、K+、Cl-、Ca2+)以及鳃碳酸酐酶(CA)活性、CANBCe1基因mRNA表达变化。结果显示,不同胁迫条件下,血清渗透压、离子浓度、鳃组织CA酶活、CANBCe1基因mRNA表达变化均与胁迫强度呈正相关。随时间推移,血清渗透压、离子浓度呈现先上升后下降的变化趋势,单盐、盐碱混合组血清渗透压值较单碱组高。单盐、单碱、盐碱混合组中, NBCe1基因mRNA在鳃中均呈略微上调,但不显著(P>0.05)。单碱组和盐碱混合组鳃CA活性较单盐组高,低盐碱胁迫(盐度10,碱度1.5 g/L)下CA活性较晚达最高值;不同胁迫条件下, CA基因mRNA表达均表现上调,单碱、盐碱混合组更为显著(P<0.05),推测CA较NBCe1对体内HCO3-转运作用更为显著。研究结果为尼罗罗非鱼盐碱适应生理调节提供了基础资料。  相似文献   

As the supply of marine fish oil is becoming a limiting factor in the production of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), new diets and alternative sources of energy are being tested. Plant oils are natural potential candidates to replace fish oil, but the different levels of essential polyunsaturated fatty acids may influence the health and growth of salmon. In this study, we have investigated the resistance to transport stress and bacterial infection, phagocytic activity in head kidney macrophages and eicosanoid metabolism in salmon fed three different diets. In high-energy fishmeal based diets, 50% and 100% of the supplementary fish oil (FO) was replaced with soybean oil (SO). The three dietary groups were fed for 950 day-degrees at 5 °C (27 weeks) and 12 °C (11 weeks) before challenging the fish with Aeromonas salmonicida, analyzing the lipid composition of head kidney and examining macrophage function in vivo and in vitro. Dietary fatty acids affected the lipid composition of the kidney. The level of eicosanoid precursor’s 20:4n-6 and 20:3n-6 were 3 and 7-fold higher in the 100% SO group compared with the FO group. The total fraction of n-3 lipids in kidney was 19% in the SO group, compared to 16% and 12% in the 50% or 100% SO groups, respectively. However, the production of leucotriene B4 (LTB) and prostaglandin E2 (PGE) immunoreactive materiel from exogenously added arachidonic acid in head kidney macrophages was only affected by the composite diet (increased) at 5 °C. In addition, the phagocytic activity of kidney macrophages in vivo and in vitro was not affected by diet. No effect of diet was observed on transport stress or susceptibility to a bacterial infection with Aeromonas salmonicida. Atlantic salmon therefore seems to tolerate a diet solely based on soybean oil as lipid source, without any detrimental effects on growth, health and immune functions.  相似文献   

Replacement of fish oil with sustainable alternatives, such as vegetable oil, in aquaculture diets has to be achieved without compromising the nutritional quality, in terms of n-3 highly unsaturated fatty acid (HUFA) content, of the product. This may be possible if the level of replacement is not too high and oil blends are chosen carefully but, if high levels of fish oil are substituted, a fish oil finishing diet prior to harvest would be required to restore n-3HUFA. However, a decontaminated fish oil would be required to avoid increasing undesirable contaminants. Here we test the hypotheses that blending of rapeseed and soybean oils with southern hemisphere fish oil will have a low impact upon tissue n-3HUFA levels, and that decontamination of fish oil will have no major effect on the nutritional quality of fish oil as a feed ingredient for Atlantic salmon. Salmon (initial weight ~ 0.8 kg) were fed for 10 weeks with diets in which 60% of fish oil was replaced with blends of soybean, rapeseed and southern hemisphere fish oil (SVO) or 100% decontaminated northern fish oil (DFO) in comparison with a standard northern fish oil diet (FO). Decontamination of the oil was a two-step procedure that included treatment with activated carbon followed by thin film deodorisation. Growth performance and feed efficiency were unaffected by either the SVO or DFO diets despite these having lower gross nutrient and fatty acid digestibilities than the FO diet. There were also no effects on the gross composition of the fish. Liver and, to a lesser extent flesh, lipid levels were lower in fish fed the SVO blends, due to lower proportions of neutral lipids, specifically triacylglycerol. Tissue lipid levels were not affected in fish fed the DFO diet. Reflecting the diet, flesh eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and total n-3 fatty acids were higher, and 18:1n-9 lower, in fish fed DFO than FO, whereas there were no differences in liver fatty acid compositions. Flesh EPA levels were only slightly reduced from about 6% to 5% although docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) was reduced more severely from around 13% to about 7% in fish fed the SVO diets. In contrast, the liver fatty acid compositions showed higher levels of n-3 HUFA, with DHA only reduced from 21% to about 18% and EPA increased from under 8% to 9–10% in fish fed the SVO diets. The evidence suggested that increased liver EPA (and arachidonic acid) was not simply retention, but also conversion of dietary 18:3n-3 and 18:2n-6. Increased HUFA synthesis was supported by increased hepatic expression of fatty acyl desaturases in fish fed the SVO diets. Flesh n-3HUFA levels and desaturase expression was significantly higher in fish fed soybean oil than in fish fed rapeseed oil. In conclusion, partial replacement of fish oil with blends of vegetable oils and southern hemisphere fish oil had minimal impact on HUFA levels in liver, but a greater effect on flesh HUFA levels. Despite lower apparent digestibility, decontamination of fish oil did not significantly impact its nutritional quality for salmon.  相似文献   

An experiment with 0.2‐kg Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar in saltwater was conducted to determine if the fish could grow normally, and maintain normal nitrogen (N) and mineral balance when fed a diet with the majority of the protein (75%) derived from soy‐protein concentrate (SPC). The two diets contained 50% SPC and 15% fish meal (FM) or 60% FM as the sources of protein. No calcium phosphate was added to the diets in order to assess the availability of P from the ingredients. A second aim was to investigate if whole‐body concentrations of essential elements and growth were related in individual salmon. Growth (SGR=0.88–0.89) was similar in salmon fed the two diets, and the fish nearly doubled their body weights during the 84 days of feeding. Feed conversion was more efficient for the FM diet (0.81 kg intake kg?1 gain) than for the SPC diet (0.89 kg kg?1). The intake of N was similar, faecal loss of N was lower, while the metabolic N excretion was greater in the fish fed the FM than the SPC diet. This resulted in a total excretion of 35.4 g N kg?1 gain for the salmon fed the FM diet and 35.5 g N for the fish fed the SPC diet. Both the intake, faecal and metabolic excretion of P were higher in the fish fed the FM diet than the SPC diet, resulting in a total excretion of 10.5 g P kg?1 gain for the FM diet and 7.2 g P for the SPC diet. Whole‐body concentrations of Ca, Mg, P and Zn were lower in the fish fed the SPC diet, while the Ca–P ratio was decreased, both when compared with the fish at the start of the experiment, and the fish fed the FM diet. The differences in elemental composition were ascribed to a combination of reduced availability of elements due to phytic acid and lower concentration of elements in the SPC than in the FM. No reduction in growth of individual fish, which could be ascribed to reduced availability of essential elements, was seen.  相似文献   

The mudskipperB. boddaerti, was able to survive in waters of intermediate salinities (4–27). Fish submerged in dechlorinated tap water suffered 60% mortality by the fifth day while 60% of those in 100% sea-water (sw) died after the third day of exposure. After being submerged in 50% or 80% sw for 7 days, the plasma osmolality, plasma Na+ and Cl concentrations and the branchial Na+ and K+ activated adenosine triphosphatase (Na+,K+-ATPase) activity were significantly higher than those of fish submerged in 10% sw for the same period. However, the activities of the branchial HCO3 and Cl stimulated adenosine triphosphatase (HCO3 ,Cl-ATPase) and carbonic anhydrase of the latter fish were significantly greater than those of the former. Such correlation suggests that Na+,K+-ATPase is important for hyperosmotic adaptation in this fish while HCO3 -Cl-ATPase and carbonic anhydrase may be involved in hypoosmotic survival.  相似文献   

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