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小麦杂交组合早代耐盐性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过300个杂交组合F0代种子盐水发芽实验、F1代植株盐土盆栽试验,研究了杂交组合亲缘与早代后裔耐盐性的关系,旨在寻求耐盐品系选育的最佳方法。研究结果表明在母本为高代耐盐材料的298个组合中,F0代种子发芽组合数占49.33%,母本同亲缘组合较好的耐盐材料×(耐盐材料×本地材料);F1代植株成穗组合占总组合数的6.33%,在成穗19个组合中,最好的2个组合母本亲缘外地材料×耐盐材料;倒3叶干尖比较小的组合母本亲缘为外地材料×耐盐材料;收获粒数较好的为外地材料×耐盐材料,表现最好的为耐盐材料的3交;平均单穗粒数在30以上的组合为4个,3个为多交。由此可见含有耐盐材料母本亲缘的单交,有利于提高F1代植株的耐盐性;含有耐盐材料的母本亲缘的3交,有利于提高盐土中F1代产量。  相似文献   

研究了K型杂交小麦组合“901”在春播条件下,父母本差期播种,父本施尿素,母本施磷酸二铵等措施对亲本花期相遇和制种效果的影响。结果表明:“901”组合春播条件下父本较母本晚播16d左右,在拔节期父本施尿素5kg/亩,母本施磷酸二铵5kg/亩均能显著提高母本平均结实率,从而提高制种产量,3种措施综合运用的效果更显著。此外还运用生长温度日数法结合本研究的父母本生育进育进程资料提出:春播条件下父本较母本  相似文献   

化学杂交剂诱导小麦雄性不育的试验方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
化学杂交剂的生物学评价包括诱导雄性不育效果和对雌蕊和其它器官的影响,取决于小麦品种(系),施药量,喷药时期等,这些因素之间存在的显著的互作效应,在符合方法中的规定的条件下,按化学杂交剂应具备的条件评价,本方法可作为小麦化学杂交剂田间试验的设计和操作参考。  相似文献   

以 20个普通小麦品种为母本 ,采用二裂式裂区设计 ,研究了化学杂交剂 Genesis的诱导雄性不育效果和不同品种间的遗传差异 ,结果表明: 1)Genesis对普通小麦有良好的诱导雄性不育效果 ,供试的 20个品种的不育率为99.2 %~100% ,杂交率为 83%~100% ,反应度为 2~7级; 2)不同施用剂量间的杀雄效果存在显著差异 ,以3kg/hm2 的剂量最优 ,其不育率近100 %; 3)不同喷药时期 (Feeke`s stage8.0和9.0)间差异不显著 ,适喷期 7d左右。根据试验结果 ,还讨论了Genesis的药害问题与适喷期小麦发育的形态指标。  相似文献   

稻瘟病菌三个杂交组合后代菌株的致病性分离   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
稻瘟病菌3个杂交组合的后代菌株在4个水稻品种和4个龙爪稷品种上致病性分离结果表明:不同组合在不同水稻品种或龙爪稷品种上的致病性分离情况各不相同。根据子囊孢子菌株对两种寄主的致病性将其划分为3组:①只对水稻有致病性,②只对龙爪稷有致病性,③对二者都无致病性。有的子囊孢子菌株失去了对部分供试水稻品种或龙爪稷品种的致病性,有的组合能分离到与亲本菌株致病性相同的后代菌株,有的组合则分离不到。这些说明,本试验所用的亲本菌株对供试的水稻或龙爪稷的不同品种的致病性是受不同的基因控制的,而且基因的数量可能也不尽相同,因而导致其后代菌株在各个品种上致病性的严重分离。  相似文献   

陇东旱原小麦玉米组合种植的增产增效研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1991-1995年研究了龙东旱原冬小麦玉米组合系统的增产增收,土壤水分利用,组合耗水量及补偿供水效应。结果表明:(1)小麦玉米组合具有增产增收和水资源集约利用的优势,土地当量比,收益当量比分别达到1.215,1.199。(2)在组合系统中,冬小麦边行优势总值达到94.9%-144.5%,其补偿率为18.90%-28.99%。(3)冬小麦对土壤水分的竞争利用是玉米带土壤水分不足的主要原因,系统组合  相似文献   

合成和筛选优良的化学杂交剂是应用化学杂交剂培育杂交种的关键之一。化学杂交剂的筛选主要通过田间试验,费时费工,建立室内离体筛选的方法很有必要。通过研究化学杂交剂BAU-9403的作用机理,发现其对同工酶活性有显著影响,用BAU-9403处理离体过氧化物酶同工酶及酯酶同工酶,分析其对同工酶活性影响与大田试验的一致性,探讨建立化学杂交剂离体筛选的可能性。试验结果表明,离体直接加药处理对过氧化物酶同工酶的影响与大田喷施的影响基本一致,对酯酶同工酶的作用不明显,但也和大田处理一致。试验表明,有可能通过离体试验进行化学杂交剂的筛选,认为有必要进行进一步的研究和探讨。  相似文献   

采用田间微区试验以及地下部种间根系分隔技术研究了玉米覆膜与不覆膜两种情况下小麦/玉米间作优势及地上部因素和地下部因素对间作优势的相对贡献。结果表明,玉米不覆膜时小麦/玉米间作籽粒产量和生物产量土地当量比分别为1.30、1.29,具有明显的产量间作优势,玉米覆膜时小麦/玉米间作籽粒产量和生物产量土地当量比分别为1.41、1.40,具有极显著的产量间作优势;玉米不覆膜时小麦/玉米间作氮、磷、钾养分吸收优势明显,玉米覆膜时小麦/玉米间作具有极显著的氮、磷、钾养分吸收优势。地上部因素和地下部因素对小麦/玉米间作中籽粒产量和生物产量间作优势的相对贡献,当玉米不覆膜时分别为75%、25%,当玉米覆膜时均为地上部占67%、地下部占33%。当玉米不覆膜时,地上部和地下部因素对小麦/玉米间作氮、磷养分吸收优势的相对贡献均分别为67%与33%,钾则地上部与地下部贡献相等(各占50%);当玉米覆膜时,地上部和地下部因素对小麦/玉米间作氮、钾养分吸收优势的相对贡献均具有同等重要性(各占50%),对磷吸收的贡献分别占55%与45%。  相似文献   

小麦赤霉病是松滋市小麦常发病害,为筛选对小麦赤霉病防治效果较好的化学药剂,确保小麦稳产保质保收,本试验采用48%丙硫菌唑SC等4种药剂组合开展田间药效试验,明确了4种药剂组合对小麦赤霉病的防效。结果表明,在小麦抽穗扬花期间隔7 d施用2次药剂后,48%丙硫菌唑SC、48%丙硫菌唑+30%肟菌酯·戊唑醇SC、48%丙硫菌唑+12.5%氟环唑SC、28%丙硫菌唑·多菌灵SC的防治效果依次是99.19%、98.84%、98.95%、97.80%,防治效果均较理想,有推广防治大田小麦赤霉病的良好潜力。  相似文献   

抗虫杂交棉新组合筛选及杂种优势评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
为了研究抗虫杂交棉的杂种优势和筛选高优势杂交组合,用一组转基因抗虫棉为供体亲本,与一组常规丰产、抗病、抗虫品种(系)杂交,培育了一批抗虫杂交棉新组合,在田间进行了经济性状、农艺性状和早熟性等方面的鉴定,在网室进行了抗红铃虫鉴定。结果表明,抗虫杂交棉在产量上有明显的竞争优势和超亲优势,皮棉增产幅度分别为11.7%~54.6%和0.0~36.9%;各组合的纤维品质一般优于对照品种鄂棉18,有些纤维品质指标也优于亲本,具有一定的超亲优势;在抗红铃虫方面,杂交棉的抗虫性与抗虫供体亲本相当,并明显优于对照品种鄂棉18,其抗虫性达高抗或抗级水平,具有很强的竞争优势。  相似文献   

由大麦黄矮病毒(barley yellow dwarf viruses, BYDVs)侵染引起的小麦黄矮病(wheat yellow dwarf disease)是世界小麦上的主要病害之一, 对小麦生产及粮食安全构成了严重威胁。本文综述了BYDVs的生物学特征、分类地位、致病机理及抗性育种等相关研究, 并基于相关研究进展, 提出了进一步扩大抗性基因挖掘、加快优异抗病基因克隆、加强抗病机理研究等方面的建议, 旨在为我国小麦黄矮病抗性育种及科学防治提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

通过陆地棉早、中、中晚不同熟性品种杂交,研究不同熟性陆地棉品种间杂种优势表现及其遗传效应,探讨早熟、高产、优质相结合的组合类型及遗传效应.结果表明,陆地棉品种间早×中和中×中组配方式不论早熟性还是产量和纤维品质都有较强杂种优势,陆地棉早×早在早熟性上有更多超亲组合,但是产量和品质性状不及其他组配方式,而早×中晚、中×中晚和中晚×中晚虽然也有早熟性超亲组合,但总体生育期要比早×中、中×中长,产量和品质性状不及中×中和早×中.  相似文献   

Miedaner T  Korzun V 《Phytopathology》2012,102(6):560-566
Marker-assisted selection (MAS) provides opportunities for enhancing the response from selection because molecular markers can be applied at the seedling stage, with high precision and reductions in cost. About each of 50 genes conferring monogenic resistances and hundreds of quantitative trait loci (QTL) for quantitative disease resistances have been reported in wheat and barley. For detecting single-major gene resistance, MAS could be easily applied, but is often not necessary because the resistances are selected phenotypically. In quantitative disease resistances, MAS would be very useful, but the individual QTL often have small effects. Additionally, only a few monogenic resistances are durable and only a few QTL with high effects have been successfully transferred into elite breeding material. Further economic and biological constraints, e.g., a low return of investment in small-grain cereal breeding, lack of diagnostic markers, and the prevalence of QTL-background effects, hinder the broad implementation of MAS. Examples in which MAS has been successfully applied to practical breeding are the wheat rust resistance genes Lr34 and Yr36, the eyespot resistance gene Pch1, the recessive resistance genes rym4/rym5 to barley yellow mosaic viruses, mlo to barley powdery mildew, and two QTL for resistance to Fusarium head blight in wheat (Fhb1 and Qfhs.ifa-5A). Newly identified broad-spectrum resistance genes/QTL conferring resistance to multiple taxa of pathogens offer additional perspectives for MAS. In the future, chip-based, high-throughput genotyping platforms and the introduction of genomic selection will reduce the current problems of integrating MAS in practical breeding programs and open new avenues for a molecular-based resistance breeding.  相似文献   

小麦抗旱节水生理遗传育种研究进展   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
以国内外近20年来80余篇参考文献为基础,从抗旱小麦品种演变,抗旱节水生理遗传育种机理的历史和最新研究进展,包括抗旱性和节水性的生理生化机制以及抗旱节水遗传等方面,对小麦抗旱节水生理遗传育种的研究进展做了综述。认为随着小麦抗旱高产育种研究的不断深入,旱地育种研究逐渐从抗旱性生理遗传育种研究发展到现在的抗旱节水性生理遗传育种研究,通过育种手段提高小麦水分利用效率成为节水农业一个重要研究方向。  相似文献   

新疆耐盐小麦新品系选育及其主要性状   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1997~2004年,通过大量组合有性杂交、系统筛选,初步选育出53个耐盐新品系。耐盐新品系均含有适应本地盐碱地种植的基因型材料,在含盐量为5‰~9‰时,与普通小麦一样的常规管理条件下,均正常生长发育,全生育期均未表现出盐害现象;具有植株较矮、穗较长、小穗多、穗粒数多、籽粒大等特点。  相似文献   

Wheat spindle streak mosaic virus (WSSMV) is a major concern for cereal crops in Europe and North America. A strong increase in the occurrence of WSSMV has been observed in each French region where susceptible cultivars are cultivated. Most European bread wheat cultivars are resistant, but assessing the status of newly registered cultivars or breeding lines regarding WSSMV resistance is of importance. This paper describes a genome-wide association study carried out on a panel of 163 cultivars and tested for their resistance to WSSMV. Two regions on chromosomes 5B and 7D showed minor effects on WSSMV resistance. More importantly, a large genomic region on chromosome 2D explained most of the resistance to WSSMV. More than 99% of the cultivars carrying the AA genotype at the most associated marker (Excalibur_c15426_661) were resistant to WSSMV, while 100% of the cultivars showing the GG genotype were susceptible. This large genomic region of 45.8 Mb was found distal to the centromere and showed very high linkage disequilibrium. It is hypothesized that this region may be an alien introgression originating from a wild related species. This region contains a total of 2605 predicted genes based on the Chinese Spring IWGSC RefSeq v. 1.0 including genes potentially involved in plant disease resistance. A kompetitive allele-specific PCR (KASP) single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) marker was designed in order to identify breeding lines or registered cultivars resistant to WSSMV.  相似文献   

Twenty-four wheat cultivars and breeding lines were screened for isolate-specific resistance to septoria tritici blotch (STB) caused by 12 isolates of Mycosphaerella graminicola. New isolate-specific resistances that could be used in wheat breeding were identified. Major sources of resistance to STB used in world breeding programmes for decades, such as Kavkaz-K4500, Veranopolis, Catbird and TE9111, have several isolate-specific resistances. This suggests that 'pyramiding' several resistance genes in one cultivar may be an effective and durable strategy for breeding for resistance to STB in wheat. Several cultivars, including Arina, Milan and Senat, had high levels of partial resistance to most isolates tested as well as isolate-specific resistances. Resistance to isolate IPO323 was common, present in all but one of the major sources of resistance tested. This suggests that resistance to IPO323 may be an indicator of varietal resistance to STB in the field.  相似文献   

Wheat is an important cereal food crop providing key nutrients to humankind. Rusts are the most destructive pathogens of cereal crops, with the exception of rice, across the world and resistant cultivars have been widely employed to reduce the yield losses caused by them. The modern intensive monoculture of cultivars and changing climatic conditions has created congenial conditions for the emergence of new virulent races such as Ug99, which is a great concern for world food security. Conventional breeding efforts have not been effective in quickly developing new varieties with durable and broad‐spectrum resistance against the rapidly evolving rust pathogen races. However, in the last two decades, biotechnological methods such as marker‐assisted selection (MAS) and transgenic technology have provided novel strategies for enhancing resistance levels and durability in crop plants in a short span of time. Nevertheless, broad application of transgenics in agriculture is hindered by biosafety apprehensions. In recent years, improved versions of biotechnological breeding methods such as genomic selection, genome editing technologies, cisgenesis and intragenesis, RNA‐dependent DNA methylation (RdDM), agroinfiltration and reverse breeding are gaining popularity. These technologies provide a tremendous capability to manipulate crop plants more precisely than before and accelerate crop improvement efforts for sustained food production as well as overcoming safety concerns associated with food crops.  相似文献   

利用矮败基因源育成抗旱冬小麦平凉42号   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
平凉42号是以应用显性雄性核不育单基因(Ms2)和显性矮秆基因(Rht10)连锁控制的"矮败"小麦为材料,在Tal长武131//[平凉38号/82(51)F3]组合中选育而成的冬小麦新品种.该品种在甘肃省冬小麦区试三年27点次平均产量3 321.45 kg/hm2,较对照兰天4号增产9.5%,株高77.5 cm,千粒重38.9 g,籽粒粗蛋白含量13.03%~15.19%,赖氨酸0.46%~0.48%,条锈病情指数0~43.12%,越冬率92.32%,抗旱系数0.83,水分利用率10.7 kg/(mm·hm2).具有高产优质、抗旱节水、抗病耐冻等优良性状,适宜在陇东黄土高原旱地、河谷川台中等以上肥力地块上种植.  相似文献   

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