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We amplified the cDNA encoding the feline FcgammaRIIIA (CD16) homologue from peripheral blood mononuclear cells by polymerase chain reaction and cloned two forms of FCGR3A cDNA. Sequencing analysis revealed that the open reading frame of feline FCGR3A cDNA consists of 750 or 747 base pairs encoding 250 or 249 amino acid residues, respectively. Comparison of the predicted amino acid sequence of feline FCGR3A cDNA with those of other mammalians' homologues revealed that the extracellular domain has a relatively low homology. However, the cytoplasmic domain contained an 8-amino acid motif, Leu-Phe-Val-Val-Asp-Thr-Gly-Leu, which was considered to interact with an accessory molecule such as the gamma chain of Fc receptors for IgE to form heterodimeric complexes.  相似文献   

In the culture fluid from cells infected with feline calicivirus (FCV) F4 strain, the infectious and smaller non-infectious subunit particles were detected by complement fixation (CF) test after sucrose gradient centrifugation. The results of sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and immunoblot analyses confirmed the existence of the subunit particles of FCV, and showed that the infectious and subunit particles were mainly composed of 65K capsid protein. The subunit particles were further purified by ion-exchange chromatography and sucrose gradient centrifugation. The purified subunit and infectious particles had the same neutralizing epitope on 65K protein detected by immunoblot analysis with a neutralizing monoclonal antibody. Antigenic comparison between the infectious and subunit particles by the CF tests using an antiserum against heterologous strain of FCV F14 indicated that the subunit particles might have more highly conserved antigens of FCV than the infectious particles.  相似文献   

Recently, we combined a retrovirus-mediated expression cloning with a simple screening method using non-adherent cells and panning [Anal. Biochem. 315 (2003) 138]. In this study, we applied this method to identify the antigen recognized by an uncharacterized monoclonal antibody raised against a feline cell line, and identified it as the feline homologue of CD63. This simple method is useful for characterizing unknown antibodies that recognize cell surface molecules. Furthermore, the monoclonal antibody identified as an anti-feline CD63 antibody will be useful for studying feline molecular function(s).  相似文献   

The antibody produced by a murine hybridoma obtained from the fusion of SP2/0 plasmacytoma cells with splenocytes of a mouse immunized with feline bone marrow was found to react with 60% of bone marrow cells and 80% of peripheral blood leukocytes (PBL); reactivity in the latter tissue was restricted almost entirely to mononuclear cells. Two-color FACScan analyses of this antibody with mAbs specific for feline lymphocytes revealed positive and negative populations of CD4 and CD8 cells. The reactivity for CD4 and CD8 cells was animal age dependent, binding to a higher percentage of the cells in young (2-9 months) versus older animals (> 4 years). In a mitogen driven assay for IgG production by PBL the addition of this antibody to the cultures enhanced the suppressor activity of CD8 cells, a function attributed to activation of a CD4 suppressor-inducer population; removal of CD8 cells negated any induction of suppression. Mild papain digestion of bone marrow and PBL completely removed the antigen detected by this antibody while not affecting reactivity of a pan-T antibody. Western blot analysis showed binding of the antibody to polypeptides of approximately 200 kDa on feline bone marrow and PBL. The data suggest that this mAb is identifying the feline homologue of the leukocyte common antigen of cells with a functional specificity characteristic of a CD45RA isoform.  相似文献   

This work reports the cloning and sequence determination of the horse alpha subunit of the integrin CD11c/CD18, a marker of dendritic cells. A cDNA clone of 4582 base pairs was obtained. It encodes a protein segment of 1086 amino acid residues of the extracellular domain with 10 potential sites of glycosylation, a transmembrane domain of 32 residues and a C-terminal cytoplasmic tail of 24 residues. A phylogenetic analysis of this integrin shows close similarity (83%) with that of Canis familiaris.  相似文献   

The 43 monoclonal antibody raised against feline T cells was found to react with a single-chain glycoprotein of Mr 72,000 that is present on most thymocytes, 60% of lymph node cells, 20% of splenocytes, and 45% of blood mononuclear cells. All CD4+ and CD8+ T cells were found to express the 43-reactive determinant, as did a small subpopulation of CD4-/CD8-/IgM- lymphocytes in the periphery. The 43-reactive determinant was not detected on B cells, macrophages, or other types of blood cells. The 43 antigen was phosphorylated in resting and activated T cells. Its expression was upregulated by stimulation with phorbol myristate acetate and with phytohemagglutinin. When added to concanavalin A-stimulated T-cell cultures in low concentrations, the 43 antibody was found to augment mitogenesis. The data indicate that this antibody may identify a CD5 homologue on feline T cells.  相似文献   

The specificity of F21.A, a monoclonal antibody raised against bottlenose dolphin leucocytes, was characterized in killer whale on the basis of immunoprecipitation of a protein of 94 kDa, as well as flow cytometric analysis. While minimally expressed on resting cells, F21.A labeled a homologue to beta-2 integrin in 89-97% of PMA-activated neutrophils, 53-66% of activated monocytes, and activated B cells but not T cells. Activation of neutrophils reached its maximum 10 min after PMA stimulation. F21.A did not label intracellular stores as did both cross-reacting anti-canine CD11b and CD18, suggesting that an activation-induced conformational change would expose a neoepitope recognized by F21.A. F21.A labeling was largely inhibited by pre-incubation with plasma, suggesting a binding site closely related to that for fibrinogen. In vitro phagocytosis and respiratory burst were almost fully inhibited upon pre-incubation with F21.A, demonstrating its functional importance. This antibody is foreseen as a possible valuable diagnostic and research tool in cetacean immunology.  相似文献   

Clostridium perfringens phospholipase C (Cp-PLC), also called alpha-toxin, is encoded by the plc gene and has been implicated in several diseases; however, only a few studies have described polymorphisms in this gene. The aim of this study was to analyze polymorphisms in the Cp-PLC nucleotide and amino acid sequences obtained from isolates from different regions and to compare them to Clostridium phospholipase C sequences deposited in the NCBI database. Environmental samples (sediment, poultry feed, sawdust) and stool samples (from poultry, bovine, swine, horse, caprine, bird, dog, rabbit, toucan) were collected from healthy and sick animals. A total of 73 isolates were analyzed with the majority of samples belonging to the toxin type A subtype and possessing the gene encoding for the beta-2 toxin. Comparison of plc gene sequences from respective isolates revealed a high genetic diversity in the nucleotide sequences of mature Cp-PLC. Sequence comparisons identified 30 amino acid substitutions and 34 isoforms including some isoforms with substitutions in amino acids critical to toxin function. Comparison of sequences obtained in this study to Cp-PLC sequences obtained from the NCBI database resulted in the identification of 11 common haplotypes and 22 new isoforms. Phylogenetic analysis of phospholipase C sequences obtained from other Clostridium species identified relationships previously described. This report describes a broad characterization of the genetic diversity in the C. perfringens plc gene resulting in the identification of various isoforms. A better understanding of sequences encoding phospholipase C isoforms may reveal changes associated with protein function and C. perfringens virulence.  相似文献   

Non-culturable acid-fast bacteria from two spontaneous cases of so-called feline leprosy were transmitted to rats and cats and further passaged in rats or cats. Two to six months after infection, cats developed cutaneous lesions that were indistinguishable from spontaneous cases, including the occurrence of nasal granulomata in one cat. When injected into rats, the mycobacteria caused a generalized mycobacteriosis and the granulomatous reaction was composed chiefly of macrophages without polymorphonuclear granulocytes. Infection of cats with Mycobacterium lepraemurium did not produce any lesions. The feline disease may be a suitable model for the study of human leprosy (Hansen's Disease).  相似文献   

Objective To characterize conjunctival lymphoid nodules obtained from the nictitans of healthy cats to determine if the follicle‐associated epithelium (FAE) of conjunctiva‐associated lymphoid tissue (CALT) in this species contains membranous (M)‐cells analogous to those described in other regions of mucosa‐associated lymphoid tissue (MALT). Methods Lymphoid follicles from nictitan bulbar surfaces of 10 healthy cats (20 eyes total) were examined. Nictitans from five cats were harvested immediately post‐mortem and a minimum of 12 lymphoid nodules from each third eyelid were isolated using a Zeiss operating microscope. At least three lymphoid follicles from each eye were examined using light microscopy (LM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) using standard fixation and embedding protocols. Nictitan‐lymphoid follicles from another five healthy cats were processed for immunohistochemistry to characterize the distribution of T‐ and B‐lymphocytes present beneath the FAE. Results The FAE overlying CALT from 10 healthy cats demonstrated morphology characteristic of M‐cells including attenuated apical cell surface with blunted microvilli and microfolds, invaginated basolateral membrane forming a cytoplasmic pocket, and diminished distance between the apical and pocket membrane. Immunohistochemistry of lymphoid tissue subtending the FAE demonstrated B‐cell dependent regions in the germinal centers surrounded by T‐cell dependent interfollicular zones. Conclusions Healthy feline CALT contains morphologic features analogous to those described in other regions of MALT. Documentation of feline conjunctival M‐cells is of clinical relevance in the study of primary infectious, allergic, and autoimmune ocular diseases, as well as a potential means of vaccination or drug delivery.  相似文献   

Laboratory diagnosis of feline leukemia virus (FeLV) and feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) usually involves both viruses, as the clinical signs are similar and coinfection may occur. Serological methods may not represent an accurate diagnosis: maternal antibodies or cross-reactions may give false positive results to FIV, and false negative results may occur in latent FeLV status, or in certain FIV infection stages. A nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique was designed to detect FeLV, FIV and feline endogenous retrovirus simultaneously. The detection of endogenous sequences was considered indicative of successful DNA extraction. The technique was used to diagnose FIV and FeLV in the blood cells of 179 cats. The kappa value with the serological data was 0.69 for FeLV and 0.87 for FIV. The joint detection of FeLV and FIV by this novel nested PCR is sensitive, specific, fast and convenient, and its applicability for clinical diagnosis is promising, as the direct evidence of the presence of the virus is more realistic than the indirect data provided by the serological detection.  相似文献   

We cloned a cDNA fragment encoding a feline homologue of L-selectin (CD62L). The extracellular region of the feline CD62L fragment contained a calcium-dependent (C-type) lectin domain, an epidermal growth factor-like domain, and two Sushi/CCP/SCR domains. The flow cytometric analysis confirmed that the feline CD62L molecule, which was expressed 293T cells, retained an epitope recognized by an anti-human CD62L monoclonal antibody (Leu-8).  相似文献   

Recently we cloned 140 kDa form of feline CD56 cDNA. In this study, we expressed the feline CD56 molecule by the baculovirus expression system. We found that the molecule was expressed on the cell surface when examined by the indirect immunofluorescence assay using an anti-human CD56 monoclonal antibody. Immunoblotting analysis revealed that the molecular weight of the major expressed product was 140 kDa. Interestingly we found that the insect cells expressing the feline CD56 molecule aggregated, indicating that the expressed molecule mediates homophilic adhesion.  相似文献   

Feline alpha(1)-acid glycoprotein (fAGP) increases during feline infectious peritonitis (FIP). We have recently identified a 29 kDa protein that we named feline AGP-related protein (fAGPrP) due to its cross-reactivity with an anti-human AGP monoclonal antibody. In this work we describe the tissue distribution of fAGPrP during FIP, and its relationship with feline coronavirus (FCoV) and myeloid cells. Tissues from five control cats and from 15 cats with FIP were examined by immunohistochemistry using monoclonal antibodies against human AGP, FCoV and myeloid antigens. Diffuse fAGPrP positivity within the lesions, likely due to vascular plasma leakage, endothelial and epithelial lining were detectable. Compared to controls, fAGPrP-expressing cells often increased in number and were diffusely distributed in lymph nodes, as usually occurs for IgM-producing plasma cells during early immune responses. These findings did not depend on the presence of FCoVs or of myeloid cells, suggesting that fAGPrP is not directly involved in the pathogenesis of FIP.  相似文献   

To characterize neutralizing antigenicity in relation to env genotypes of feline foamy virus (FeFV), serological analyses were performed using FeFV-infected cat sera and several field isolates including two env genotypes (F17- and FUV-types). Since three cats from which FeFV were isolated were found to have undetectable titers of virus neutralization (VN) antibodies, even to the homologous virus, VN antibodies were further examined with complement supplementation as an enhancement factor. With the presence of complement, the VN titers of FeFV-infected cat sera increased drastically. Although most of serum samples neutralized strains of either env genotype, sera sampled from two cats neutralized all the strains examined at similar titers, suggesting that superinfection with both env genotypes of FeFV might have occurred in the two cats. Further, we produced a monoclonal antibody (mAb) specifically neutralizing FeFV strains of FUV-type. The mAb was shown to have higher affinity to an epitope on Env of FUV-type than that of F17-type by immunoprecipitation assay. This study supplies basic information important for studies on FeFV vector development as well as on the relationship between the virus and the host immune response.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether FIV infection in captive African lions is associated with changes in immune cell variables similar to those detected in domestic cats infected with FIV. ANIMALS: 5 captive African lions naturally infected with FIV (FIV+) and 5 lions not infected with FIV (FIV-). PROCEDURE: Peripheral blood samples were collected from FIV+ lions during annual examinations conducted during a 7-year period and at a single time point from the FIV- lions. From results of CBC and flow cytometry, lymphocyte subsets were characterized and compared. RESULTS: Flow cytometric analysis revealed that the percentage and absolute number of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells were significantly lower in FIV+ lions, compared with these values in FIV- lions. In FIV+ lions, severe depletion in the absolute number of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells was detected, although this did not correlate with clinical signs. Muscle wasting was the most consistent clinical sign of infection. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggest that FIV+ African lions develop lymphocyte deficiencies, including significant decreases in the absolute number of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells; these findings of immune dysfunction are similar to those defined for FIV+ domestic cats. It is important to monitor the number of CD4+ T cells in infected animals as a measure of disease progression.  相似文献   

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