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Owing to the development of Greyhounds as racing sighthounds, these dogs have acquired unique physiologic adaptations that distinguish them from other breeds. Reference intervals for many analytes in retired racing Greyhounds (RRGs) differ from those of other breeds; most of the hematologic differences have also been described in other sighthounds. In this review, we provide a survey of the literature on clinical pathology of Greyhounds and other sighthounds and results of laboratory testing, including analysis of CBCs, biochemical profiles, coagulation tests, and blood gases, in RRGs at The Ohio State University. Major clinicopathologic differences in this breed include higher RBC mass, creatinine concentration, glomerular filtration rate, activities of hepatic enzymes, and concentration of cardiac troponin, as well as lower WBC, neutrophil, and platelet counts, thromboelastographic values, and concentrations of serum haptoglobin, total globulins, and T4.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the ranges of normal pelvic limb range of motion in adult Greyhound dogs, and to explore which factors influence hip range of motion in a population bred to meet the specific demands of racing. Design A cross-sectional study design. METHOD: Thirty-two dogs (17 male and 15 female) 13 to 81 months old were randomly selected from a local pool of 160 Greyhounds. Goniometric measurements of hip, stifle and hock range of motion were recorded in triplicate. Signalment information collected included sex, weight and age of each Greyhound. The outcome factors for the study were range of hip flexion and hip extension. The theorised exposures, age, sex, weight, racing history and hock and stifle range of motion, were modelled against the outcome variables by linear regression analysis. RESULTS: Male dogs were significantly heavier (P < 0.001) and older (P < 0.002) than female dogs. Mean hip flexion was 71.75 degrees and mean hip extension 128.10 degrees. The determinants of hip flexion were sex (P = 0.008) and range of stifle flexion (P = 0.002). Race training did not influence the range of hip flexion in the sample. Determinants of hip extension included range of stifle extension (P = 0.015), history of race training (P = 0.004) and hock flexion. The mean hip extension of raced Greyhounds was 134.95 degrees compared with 121.25 degrees for unraced Greyhounds (mean difference -13.70, 95% confidence interval -18.12, -9.29; P < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: This study has reported isolated pelvic limb joint range of motion in the racing Greyhound. Hip range of motion was affected by stifle range of motion, sex and race training. Dogs that had received race training had greater flexibility, possibly due to training having an active stretching role on muscles, tendons and other structures limiting the hip range of motion.  相似文献   

Background: Hematologic and biochemical reference intervals depend on many factors, including environment and age. Reference intervals for Norwegian grower pigs are lacking, and previously published reference intervals for similar pigs from other countries are now outdated due to significant changes in management and breeding on the pig farms. Objectives: The aim of this study was to determine updated reference intervals for hematologic and biochemical analytes in healthy crossbred grower pigs, and to compare the results among 3 different farms. Methods: Blood samples were collected from 104 clinically healthy pigs of the most common Norwegian crossbreed (Landrace Yorkshire sow × Landrace Duroc boar). The pigs were 12–16 weeks old, weighed 30–50 kg, of both sexes, and lived on 3 farms in eastern Norway. Automated hematologic and biochemical analysis were performed using ADVIA 2120 and ADVIA 1650 analyzers. Results: Five samples were excluded because of hemolysis (1) or outliers (4). Reference intervals were calculated using parametric or nonparametric methods, depending on data distribution. Mean, median, minimum, and maximum values were tabulated. Conclusions: The reference intervals calculated in this study will be useful for the diagnosis and monitoring of disease in this widespread crossbreed pig. Compared with previously published reference values, reference intervals for total WBC count, creatine kinase and alanine aminotransferase activities, and albumin, bilirubin, and urea concentrations in this study differed notably.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo determine the behavioral effects and pharmacokinetics of methadone in healthy Greyhounds.Study designProspective experimental study.AnimalsThree male and three female healthy Greyhounds.MethodsMethadone hydrochloride, 0.5 mg kg−1 IV (equivalent to 0.45 mg kg−1 methadone base), was administered as an IV bolus. Trained observers subjectively assessed the behavioral effects of methadone. Blood samples were obtained at predetermined time points and plasma methadone concentrations were measured by liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry. Pharmacokinetic variables were estimated with computer software.ResultsMethadone was well tolerated by the dogs with panting and defecation observed as adverse effects. Mild sedation was present, but no vomiting, excitement, or dysphoria was observed. The elimination half-life, volume of distribution, and plasma clearance were 1.53 ± 0.18 hours, 7.79 ± 1.87 L kg−1, and 56.04 ± 9.36 mL minute−1 kg−1, respectively.Conclusions and clinical relevanceMethadone was well tolerated by Greyhounds. The volume of distribution was larger than expected, with resultant lower plasma concentrations than expected. Higher doses may need to be administered to Greyhounds in comparison with non-Greyhound dogs in order to achieve similar plasma drug concentrations. A dosage of 1–1.5 mg kg−1 every 3–4 hours is suggested for future studies of analgesic efficacy of methadone in Greyhounds.  相似文献   

Background: Retired racing Greyhounds are popular as pets. Greyhounds have several differences in physiological values compared with other breeds, including lower serum α‐ and β‐globulin concentrations. We hypothesized that lower acute phase protein (APP) concentrations could contribute to lower α‐ and β‐globulin concentrations in this breed. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to compare serum concentrations of several APPs in Greyhounds with those of other dog breeds. Methods: We measured the serum concentrations of C‐reactive protein (CRP), haptoglobin (Hp), acid‐soluble glycoprotein (ASG), ceruloplasmin (CP), and serum amyloid A (SAA) in 15 clinically healthy retired racing Greyhounds and 11 age‐ and gender‐matched healthy nonGreyhound controls using previously validated methods. Results were compared by Student's t‐tests. Results: The concentration of Hp by both colorimetric and immunoturbidimetric methods was significantly lower in Greyhounds than in nonGreyhound dogs (P=.0009 and .019, respectively). The concentration of ASG was also significantly (P=.007) lower in Greyhounds, but CRP and CP concentrations were not significantly different between groups. SAA concentration was below the detection limit of the method in all dogs. Conclusions: The low serum concentrations of Hp and ASG should be taken into consideration when interpreting APP results in Greyhounds. Because both Hp and some ASG migrate in the α‐globulin fraction, these results may explain the low α‐globulin concentrations in Greyhounds.  相似文献   

Background: The ADVIA 120 is a laser-based hematology analyzer with software applications for animal species. Accurate reference values would be useful for the assessment of new hematologic parameters and for interlaboratory comparisons.


Objective: The goal of this study was to establish reference intervals for CBC results and new parameters for RBC morphology, reticulocytes, and platelets in healthy dogs and cats using the ADVIA 120 hematology system.


Methods: The ADVIA 120, with multispecies software (version 1.107-MS), was used to analyze whole blood samples from clinically healthy dogs (n=46) and cats (n=61). Data distribution was determined and reference intervals were calculated as 2.5 to 97.5 percentiles and 25 to 75 percentiles.


Results: Most data showed Gaussian or log-normal distribution. The numbers of RBCs falling outside the normocyticnormochromic range were slightly higher in cats than in dogs. Both dogs and cats had reticulocytes with low, medium, and high absorbance. Mean numbers of large platelets and platelet clumps were higher in cats compared with dogs.


Conclusions: Reference intervals obtained on the ADVIA 120 provide valuable baseline information for assessing new hematologic parameters and for interlaboratory comparisons. Differences compared with previously published reference values can be attributed largely to differences in methodology.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The tawny owl (Strix aluco) is a protected species in Italy. Orphaned, injured, and ill owls often are sheltered and treated in rehabilitation centers, where hematologic and biochemical analyses would be helpful to evaluate and monitor the status of their health. OBJECTIVES: The major aim of this work was to assess hematologic and biochemical constituents together with protein electrophoretic fractions in healthy tawny owls. In addition, we compared laboratory methods for determining hemoglobin (Hgb), total protein, and albumin concentrations. METHODS: Heparinized blood samples were collected from 10 clinically healthy adult captive tawny owls between March 2001 and November 2003 for CBC, routine biochemical analysis, and protein electrophoresis. Alternate methods for Hgb (estimation as HCT/3 vs spectrophotometry), total protein (biuret vs refractometry), and albumin (bromcresol green vs electrophoresis) concentrations were compared in 34 samples from 16 unhealthy adult owls and 8 nestlings. RESULTS: Results were reported as mean, median, and range (minimum-maximum). Significant differences and poor concordance were observed between methods for Hgb, total protein, and albumin. CONCLUSIONS: Hematologic and plasma biochemical values in captive tawny owls may be useful in evaluating and monitoring the health of this species in captivity.  相似文献   

Background: Hematology and serum biochemistry reference intervals in dogs may be affected by internal factors, such as breed and age, and external factors, such as the environment, diet, and lifestyle. In humans, it is well established that geographic origin and age may have an impact on reference intervals and, therefore, more specific reference intervals are sought for subpopulations. Objective: The objective of this study was to validate and transfer standard laboratory reference intervals for healthy Bernese Mountain dogs and to create new intervals for analytes where the established laboratory reference intervals were rejected. Methods: The procedure was performed using the human Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute‐approved model modified for veterinary use. Thirty‐two dogs were included in the study using a direct a priori method, as recommended. Results: While 23 of the standard laboratory reference intervals were readily validated, 7 of the analytes (eosinophils, MCHC, alkaline phosphatase [ALP], γ‐glutamyltransferase, total bilirubin, amylase, and cholesterol) required new reference intervals according to the standard. These were calculated using the robust method. In particular, the new reference range for ALP was wide compared with the established laboratory reference interval. No clinical causes were found for differences in the results of these analytes. Conclusion: We found significant differences in 7 hematologic and serum biochemical analytes for which a breed‐specific variation appears to be the most plausible explanation. Breed‐specific reference intervals for Bernese Mountain dogs will help avoid misinterpretation of laboratory results in the diagnostic process.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Retired racing Greyhounds are becoming common as pets. Because of their unique physiology, results of routine laboratory tests are frequently outside the reference interval for dogs. Compared with other breeds, Greyhounds have low serum protein concentrations, but the concentrations of different serum protein fractions have not been reported. OBJECTIVES: Our objectives were to evaluate the results of serum protein electrophoresis (SPE) in healthy, retired racing Greyhounds and compare them with a control group of age- and gender-matched non-Greyhound dogs. METHODS: Agarose gel electrophoresis was done using a standard method; the gels were stained with amido black and scanned with a Cliniscan 2 densitometer (Helena Laboratories, Beaumont, TX, USA). Protein fractions were identified by visual inspection of the electrophoretogram. A Student's t-test assuming equal variances was used to compare the concentration of the different fractions between groups. RESULTS: The concentrations of total protein, total globulins, and alpha-1-, alpha-2-, beta-1-, and beta-2-globulins were significantly lower and the albumin to globulin (A:G) ratio was significantly higher in Greyhounds than in non-Greyhound dogs (P < .05). There was no significant difference in albumin or gamma-globulin concentrations. CONCLUSIONS: Low serum protein concentrations in Greyhounds are the result of low concentrations of a- and b-globulins. These results should be kept in mind when evaluating both healthy and sick Greyhounds. Additional studies are needed to identify the individual proteins associated with low alpha- and beta-globulin concentrations in Greyhounds.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Serum biochemical and hematologic parameters are important in the management of game species in Iran, such as Persian squirrels. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to establish baseline serum chemistry and hematology values in Persian squirrels (Sciurus anomalus) and describe blood cell morphology and the electrophoretic pattern of hemoglobin. METHODS: Blood samples were collected from 30 Persian squirrels (Sciurus anomalus) maintained in captivity in the Tehran Zoo. Blood was placed into EDTA and serum clot tubes and analyzed using standard manual hematology and biochemical techniques. Hemoglobin electrophoresis was done on cellulose acetate paper strips. RESULTS: Minimum, maximum, and median values were obtained for 11 hematologic and 12 serum chemistry parameters. Hypersegmented neutrophils were observed frequently. We did not find basophils or band neutrophils. Hemoglobin electophoresis resulted in a band slightly anodal to that of human hemoglobin A. CONCLUSION: Biochemical and hematologic values in Persian squirrels were comparable to those of related species, and may be used as a standard profile for healthy Persian squirrels kept in captivity.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To survey the vitamin D status of a population of Greyhounds in New South Wales, and to establish a reference range for plasma 25(OH)D. To investigate whether any seasonal fluctuation in vitamin D status is detectable in these animals. DESIGN: Vitamin D status was assessed in Greyhounds and crossbred dogs presented to the University of Sydney for teaching purposes over a 24 month period. PROCEDURES: Plasma 25(OH)D concentration was measured as an estimate of vitamin D status. Physical examination and plasma calcium concentration were used to verify the health of the animals, particularly with respect to metabolic bone disease. RESULTS: A plasma 25(OH)D concentration range of 10 to 76 nmol/L was found in healthy adult Greyhounds. There was no sex- or season-dependent variation in vitamin D status in Greyhounds. Concentrations in crossbred dogs did not differ significantly from those in Greyhounds. CONCLUSION: The reference range for plasma 25(OH)D concentration in Greyhound dogs is similar to that previously reported for humans. It would seem that healthy dogs in the Sydney region do not exhibit a seasonal fluctuation in their vitamin D status.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Normal response to different types of exercise needs to be established before performance, training level, or exercise intolerance can be assessed. OBJECTIVES: The aim of this research was to describe the hematologic and biochemical changes that dogs undergo during an agility competition. METHODS: Fifteen dogs were subjected to an agility test that covered a distance of 360-400 m with 40 obstacles. Basal venous blood samples were drawn 1 week before the competition, immediately after exercise, and at 5, 15, and 30 minutes of recuperation. A CBC, plasma biochemical profile, and lactate concentration were determined by standard methods using automated analyzers. Serum cortisol concentration was measured by competitive immune-enzyme analysis; insulin was measured by sandwich ELISA. RESULTS: Hematologic response to the agility test consisted of significant increases in RBC count, hemoglobin concentration, and HCT, with no change in total protein concentration. Serum triglyceride concentrations were increased postexercise, with highest values observed at 30 minutes of recuperation. Postexercise lactate concentrations exceeded the anaerobic threshold of 4 mmol/L. Serum lactate dehydrogenase activity was significantly higher after 30 minutes of recuperation. Significant differences were not observed in other analytes. CONCLUSIONS: Our results indicate that agility competitions induce mild to moderate changes in hematologic and biochemical results consistent with splenic contraction, increased lipolysis, and utilization of anaerobic pathways involved in energy resynthesis in muscle.  相似文献   

Background: Greyhounds frequently have laboratory values that are outside reference intervals established for dogs. Our recognition of increased serum creatinine concentrations in several Greyhounds posed a problem when evaluating a Greyhound with suspected renal disease.
Objective: The purpose of this study was to compare serum creatinine concentrations between Greyhound and non-Greyhound dogs.
Methods: Thirty retired racing Greyhounds and 30 age-and gender-matched control non-Greyhound dogs were evaluated. Serum creatinine concentrations in both groups were measured using a standard biochemical method and compared statistically using a Kruskal-Wallis test.
Results: Creatinine concentration was significantly higher in the Greyhounds ( P < .01) than in the control group.
Conclusion: Greyhounds have a higher serum creatinine concentration than do non-Greyhound dogs. This idiosyncrasy should be taken into account when evaluating healthy Greyhounds and those with suspected renal disease.  相似文献   

Background: This study describes compound failure of the endocrine and exocrine pancreas in Greyhounds, a condition that has not been reported in the veterinary literature.
Objective: To describe the clinical and pathologic findings in 12 Greyhounds with juvenile pancreatic atrophy.
Animals: Ten Greyhounds presented for necropsy examination and 2 sibling Greyhounds presented for clinical evaluation before necropsy, all with a history of small-bowel diarrhea.
Procedures: Retrospective study of laboratory and pathologic findings in 12 Greyhounds, including serum trypsin-like immunoreactivity assays, oral glucose tolerance testing, and serum anti-insulin antibody concentrations.
Results: Gross pancreatic atrophy was found in all 12 dogs. Histopathologic lesions were found in both the endocrine and exocrine pancreas and included acinar cell apoptosis, zymogen granule loss, cytoplasmic clearing or vacuolar change, lobular atrophy, islet loss, and lymphocytic or lymphoplasmacytic pancreatitis. Antemortem test results on the 2 Greyhound puppies indicated concurrent exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI) and insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM).
Conclusions and Clinical Importance: Compound failure of the exocrine and endocrine pancreas is rarely reported in dogs and neither disease is well recognized in the Greyhound. This condition is of potential economic importance to the Greyhound racing industry.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To characterize the frequency and types of ophthalmic findings in a group of retired racing Greyhounds. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Complete ophthalmic examinations of both eyes of 100 retired racing Greyhounds were performed. Anterior segment examinations were performed by slit-lamp biomicroscopy. Tear production was measured by Schirmer tear test. Intraocular pressures were obtained by applanation tonometry. The posterior segments were examined by binocular indirect ophthalmoscopy following pharmacologic dilation. A photographic record of abnormalities was obtained whenever possible. RESULTS: Mean tear production by Schirmer tear test was 21 mm/min (range 11-30 mm/min). Mean intraocular pressure by applanation tonometry was 16 mmHg (range 9-28 mmHg). The most prevalent anterior segment findings were cataracts (17% dogs, 11% eyes), corneal degeneration/scarring (6% dogs, 4% eyes), and suspected typical and atypical 'pannus' (total 4% dogs, 4% eyes). The most prevalent posterior segment abnormalities were vitreal degeneration (31% dogs, 38% eyes) and chorioretinal degeneration/scarring (7% dogs, 4% eyes). Other findings included anterior chamber vitreal strands, stretched lens zonules, periocular alopecia, a case of mild unilateral chemosis, and a distichium. CONCLUSIONS: Ophthalmic abnormalities are not uncommon in retired racing Greyhounds.  相似文献   

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