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Vintal  H.  Ben-Noon  E.  Shlevin  E.  Yermiyahu  U.  Shtienberg  D.  Dinoor  A. 《Phytoparasitica》1999,27(3):193-200
The possibility of suppressingAlternaria dauci (Kühn) Groves & Skolko, the causal agent of Alternaria leaf blight in carrot, by excess application of fertilizer was examined in greenhouse and field experiments. Reducing the rate of fertilization by one half from the optimal rate (100 ppm N, 19 ppm P and 74 ppm K) resulted in a 23–30% increase in the severity of Alternaria leaf blight. However, doubling the rate of fertilization resulted in only a 10–15% decrease in disease severity. Inoculating with different concentrations ofA. dauci spores (103 or 104 spores/ml) did not alter the response of the plants to the fertilization rate, although significantly higher disease severity was observed in plants inoculated with the higher spore concentration. These results were corroborated in the field, where neither disease severity nor harvested yield was significantly affected by tripling the amount of soil fertilization. Application of foliar fungicides, on the other hand, had substantial effects on both disease and yield. Therefore, it was concluded that carrot crops should be fertilized and maintained for optimum yield, and thatA. dauci should be managed by properly timed applications of fungicides during the growing season. Contribution no. 533/99 from the Inst. of Plant Protection, Agricultural Research Organization.  相似文献   

Alternaria leaf blight (ALB), caused by Alternaria dauci, is one of the most damaging foliar diseases of carrot worldwide. The aim of this study was to compare different methods for evaluating levels of carrot resistance to ALB. Three techniques were investigated by comparison with a visual disease assessment control: in vivo conidial germination, a bioassay based on a drop‐inoculation method, and in planta quantification of fungal biomass by quantitative PCR (Q‐PCR). Three carrot cultivars showing different degrees of resistance to A. dauci were used, i.e. a susceptible cultivar (Presto) and two partially resistant genotypes (Texto and Bolero), challenged with an aggressive or a very aggressive isolate of A. dauci. Both partially resistant genotypes produced a higher mean number of germ tubes per conidium (up to 3·42±0·35) than the susceptible one (1·26±0·18). The drop‐inoculation results allowed one of the partially resistant genotypes (Bolero, log10(S+1) = 1·34±0·13) to be distinguished from the susceptible one (1·90±0·13). By contrast, fungal growth measured by Q‐PCR clearly differentiated the two partially resistant genotypes with log10(I) values of 2·77±0·13 compared to the susceptible cultivar (3·65±0·13) at 15 days post‐inoculation. This result was strongly correlated (r2 = 0·91) with the disease severity index scored at the same date. Data obtained with the different assessment methods strongly suggest that the Texto and Bolero genotypes have different genetic resistance sources.  相似文献   

Alternaria dauci (Kühn) Groves and Skolko, the cause of leaf blight of carrot, was observed to produce chlamydospores and microsclerotia in vitro. Four different isolates produced chlamydospores on potato dextrose agar, V8 agar and Czapek-Dox agar at 10, 18 and 28°C, from neighbouring cells of hyphae of the submerged mycelium, forming long chains. Formation of chlamydospores was completed in a multiple stage process, including swelling of cells, development of secondary septa, rounding up of cells and cell wall thickening. Mature chlamydospores were released from the mycelium mostly in clusters and in short or long chains, and sometimes in pairs. They were globose to ellipsoid, smooth or verrucose, pale brown in colour, and averaged 13.87?×?11.37 μm, (length × width). Microsclerotia were formed on PDA, by only one isolate, at 28°C first at the edges of the colony, by close contact of hyphae that exhibited extensive branching and intermingling. In their final form microsclerotia were multi-celled, closely attached masses of short and broad dark grey cells, less compact woven at the edges of the microsclerotium. This is the first illustration of chlamydospore and microsclerotia formation in Alternaria dauci.  相似文献   

Nine Alternaria species have been reported to be associated with sunflower leaf blight worldwide, and A. helianthi has been recognized as the most prevalent and damaging species. However, the population structure of Alternaria species causing leaf blight of sunflower in China had not been examined thoroughly prior to this study. During 2010 to 2013, a total of 272 Alternaria isolates were obtained from infected sunflower leaves in 11 provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities of China. Based on morphological traits and sequence analyses of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions of ribosomal DNA (rDNA) and the partial coding sequences of the histone 3 gene, 227 (83.5 %) isolates were identified as belonging to Alternaria tenuissima, the remainder 45 isolates were grouped to A. alternata (16.5 %). Compared with the ITS regions of rDNA, sequence analyses of the partial coding sequences of histone 3 gene displayed a critical role in discrimination of the small-spored Alternaria species. Phylogenetic analysis of the partial coding sequence of histone 3 gene clearly divided the representative Alternaria isolates into two main clades, A. tenuissima and A. alternata. The pathogenicity of A. tenuissima and A. alternata on detached leaves of sunflower cv. Gankui No.2 did not significantly differ between the two species or among isolates from different geographical origins. Our results indicate that the population structure of Alternaria species associated with sunflower leaf blight differed from that reported previously in China since A. helianthi was not found in this study. In addition, this is the first report about A. tenuissima causing leaf blight on sunflower in China.  相似文献   

The aggressiveness of Alternaria dauci isolates was investigated in greenhouse conditions. Twenty‐seven isolates were pre‐selected from a large collection to represent high diversity according to geographic or host origins and intergenic spacer (IGS) polymorphism. IGS sequence analysis revealed that isolates were grouped within three different clusters. Eleven isolates were selected and inoculated on a susceptible carrot cultivar. Three criteria (mean lesion number, mean necrotic leaf area and mean disease index) were used to assess the aggressiveness of isolates. Continuous variation in aggressiveness was shown and no clear division into isolate classes was evident. For the host range study, two isolates were inoculated under greenhouse conditions onto nine cultivated Apiaceae species, two wild Daucus species and six cultivated non‐Apiaceae species representing six botanical families. Lesions varying in severity were observed on all dicot species (Apiaceae and non‐Apiaceae), but no symptoms developed on the two monocots studied (leek and sweetcorn). Plant species were also differentiated on the basis of expanding lesions (cultivated and wild carrot, dill and fennel) or non‐expanding lesions (other dicot species). Typical A. dauci conidia were observed after in vitro incubation of leaves with symptoms. Fungal structures were isolated from lesions and A. dauci was confirmed on the basis of conidial morphology and specific conventional PCR results. Genotyping of individual isolates performed with microsatellite markers confirmed the presence of the inoculated isolate. The results clearly showed that, in controlled conditions, the host range of A. dauci is not restricted to carrot.  相似文献   

The current study was initiated to evaluate the efficacy of physical methods (hot water, aerated steam, electron treatment) and agents of natural origin (resistance inducers, plant derived products, micro-organisms) as seed treatments of carrots for control of Alternaria dauci and A. radicina. Control of both Alternaria species by seed treatment with the resistance inducers was generally poor. Results were also not satisfactory with most of the formulated commercial micro-organism preparations. Based on the average of five field trials, one of these, BA 2552 (Pseudomonas chlororaphis), provided a low but significant increase in plant stand. Among the experimental micro-organisms, the best results were obtained with Pseudomonas sp. strain MF 416 and Clonostachys rosea strain IK726. A similar level of efficacy was provided by seed treatment with an emulsion (1%) of thyme oil in water. Good and consistent control was generally achieved with the physical methods aerated steam, hot water and electron treatment. Aerated steam treatment was, apart from the thiram-containing chemical standard, the best single treatment, and its performance may at least partially be due to extensive pre-testing, resulting in dosages optimally adapted to the respective seed lot. In some of the experiments the effect of the hot water treatment, which was tested at a fixed, not specifically adapted dosage, was significantly improved when combined with a Pseudomonas sp. MF 416 or C. rosea IK726 treatment. The results are discussed in relation to the outcome of experiments in which the same seed treatment methods and agents were tested in other seed-borne vegetable pathosystems.  相似文献   

何希树 《植物保护》2002,28(1):23-25
经多年调查研究 ,初步明确引致安庆地区小麦成株期叶枯病的病原主要为 4种真菌 ,其中细链格孢菌(Alternaria tenuis)发生最普遍 ,雪霉叶枯菌 (Gerlachia nivalis)危害最重。一般是几种叶枯病混合发生 ,较少单一出现。病害由下向上蔓延 ,中下部叶片发生多 ,小麦中后期多雨高湿病重。不同品种抗病差异明显。两年药剂试验表明 ,复配剂36%粉霉灵悬浮剂防病增产效果显著  相似文献   

棉红叶枯病的发生与控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
卢礼生  刘定忠  凌兵  魏鹏元  欧阳照 《江西植保》2004,27(4):180-180,179
棉红叶枯病又称红叶茎枯病、凋枯病、赤旗病,是棉花生长中后期一种重要病害。此病在我市棉花上屈偶发性,年度间发生不平衡,自2001年以来,我县的发生面积不断扩大,发病时间前移,病情逐年加重。2001年为零星发生,病株率一般6%-12%,2002-2003年逐步扩展,2004年发病面积进一步扩大,为害程度进一步加重,发病地块病株率一般  相似文献   

Field experiments were conducted in 2015 and 2016 to classify the resistance level to early blight of the main potato cultivars in Denmark. A total of 38 cultivars were used. The experiment was designed as a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with four replicates. The potatoes were inoculated by spreading barley (Hordeum vulgare) kernels infested with Alternaria solani and A. alternata. Disease assessment was done at weekly intervals starting from the onset of the first symptoms. The disease progress curves (DPC) of early blight on the cultivars were compared to that of Bintje. A multivariate analysis was performed with the apparent infection rate, the relative area under the disease progress curve, the time to reach 50% severity, the daily defoliation, the disease severity in the middle of the epidemic and the duration of the epidemic to classify the resistance level of the cultivars. The analysis of the DPC of the cultivars showed that none of the cultivars was completely resistant to early blight. However, the epidemic development differed between the different cultivars. The resistance levels of the cultivars were thus classified into classes I, II, III and IV interpreted as ‘very susceptible’, ‘susceptible’, ‘moderately slow blighting’ and ‘slow blighting’, respectively. All the late maturity cultivars were classified as class IV, and the earlier maturing cultivars were either class I or class II.  相似文献   

棉花红叶茎枯病又称凋枯病,是一种缺钾引起的生理病害,在大同湖农场常年发生较重,特别是近几年来杂交抗虫棉面积的推广应用,该病有逐年加重的趋势,作者于2005年在大同湖农场调查,红叶茎枯病一般引起产量损失在20%,高的每666.7m^2减产籽棉达90kg,已成为影响我场棉花产量的限制因素之一。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Spatial pattern of the incidence of strawberry leaf blight, caused by Phomopsis obscurans, was quantified in commercial strawberry fields in Ohio using statistics for heterogeneity and spatial correlation. For each strawberry planting, two transects were randomly chosen and the proportion of leaflets (out of 15) and leaves (out of five) with leaf blight symptoms was determined from N = 49 to 106 (typically 75) evenly spaced sampling units, thus establishing a natural spatial hierarchy to compare patterns of disease. The beta-binomial distribution fitted the data better than the binomial in 92 and 26% of the 121 data sets over 2 years at the leaflet and leaf levels, respectively, based on a likelihood ratio test. Heterogeneity in individual data sets was measured with the index of dispersion (variance ratio), C(alpha) test, a standard normal-based test statistic, and estimated theta parameter of the beta-binomial. Using these indices, overdispersion was detected in approximately 94 and 36% of the data sets at the leaflet and leaf levels, respectively. Estimates of the slope from the binary power law were significantly (P < 0.01) greater than 1 and estimates of the intercept were significantly greater than 0 (P < 0.01) at both the leaflet and leaf levels for both years, indicating that degree of heterogeneity was a function of incidence. A covariance analysis indicated that cultivar, time, and commercial farm location of sampling had little influence on the degree of heterogeneity. The measures of heterogeneity indicated that there was a positive correlation of disease status of leaflets (or leaves) within sampling units. Measures of spatial association in disease incidence among sampling units were determined based on autocorrelation coefficients, runs analysis, and a new class of tests known as spatial analysis by distance indices (SADIE). In general, from 9 to 22% of the data sets had a significant nonrandom spatial arrangement of disease incidence among sampling units, depending on which test was used. When significant associations existed, the magnitude of the association was small but was about the same for leaflets and leaves. Comparing test results, SADIE analysis was found to be a viable alternative to spatial autocorrelation analysis and has the advantage of being an extension of heterogeneity analysis rather than a separate approach. Collectively, results showed that incidence of Phomopsis leaf blight was primarily characterized by small, loosely aggregated clusters of diseased leaflets, typically confined within the borders of the sampling units.  相似文献   

Alternaria solani causes diseases on foliage (early blight), basal stems of seedlings (collar rot), stems of adult plants (stem lesions), and fruits (fruit rot) of tomato. Early blight is the most destructive of these diseases and hence receives considerable attention in breeding. For over 60 years, breeding for early blight resistance has been practiced, but the development of cultivars with high levels of resistance has been hampered by the lack of sources of strong resistance in the cultivated tomato and by the quantitative expression and polygenic inheritance of the resistance. In some accessions of wild species, high levels of early blight resistance have been found, but breeding lines still have unfavorable horticultural traits from the donor parent. Recently, the first linkage maps with loci controlling early blight resistance have been developed based on interspecific crosses. These maps may facilitate marker-assisted selection. This overview presents the current knowledge about the A. solani–tomato complex with respect to its biology, genetics, and breeding.  相似文献   

培育和种植抗病品种和研发新型绿色杀菌剂是防治水稻白叶枯病和条斑病的有效措施。最近几年有关稻黄单胞菌Xanthomonas oryzae致病效应蛋白调控水稻抗(感)病性研究取得了突破性进展, 为水稻抗性品种培育提供了新思路、新策略。本文对稻黄单胞菌-水稻互作系统中已知的TALE效应蛋白与水稻抗(感)病基因(R 或 S)的对应关系进行了归纳, 就tal基因与水稻R或S基因的协同进化进行了分析, 结合生物农药和高效低毒杀菌剂的应用现状, 提出了我国水稻白叶枯病和水稻条斑病绿色防控关键策略。  相似文献   

Parasitic Orobanche spp are major constraints to vegetable crop production in the Mediterranean basin (to eastern Europe) and in localized places in India, China and the USA. Transgenic target-site herbicide resistance (eg, to acetolactate synthase inhibitors) allows for movement of unmetabolized herbicide through the crop to the photosynthate sink in the parasite, as well as through the soil. We report the successful engineering of a mutant acetolactate synthase (ALS) gene into carrot, allowing control of broomrape already in heterozygotes of the first back-crossed generation, by imazapyr, an imidazolinone ALS inhibitor. It is expected that homozygotes will have higher levels of resistance.  相似文献   

2012年玉米大斑病重发原因和控制对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
刘杰  姜玉英  曾娟 《植物保护》2013,39(6):86-90
玉米大斑病是由真菌引起的世界性玉米病害,常给生产造成严重损失。2012年玉米大斑病在东北、华北地区大流行,本文归纳了玉米大斑病全国发生概况、区域分布和各地病情。总结了2012年玉米大斑病发病时间早,流行速度快,品种间和地区间发病程度差异大等发生特点,分析了适宜天气条件、主栽品种不抗病、栽培管理措施不合理是导致大斑病重发的主要原因。并针对性地提出了重视玉米病害的预测预报、推荐种植抗病品种、加强病害综合防治的对策建议,旨在对今后进一步做好玉米大斑病测报工作,指导玉米病害防治、有效控制其危害、保障玉米生产有所裨益。  相似文献   

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