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A 720 degrees uterine torsion was diagnosed in a cow at 161 days of gestation. The uterine torsion was reduced by laparotomy and intra-abdominal manipulation. An emphysematous fetus was removed vaginally. The cow was treated medically for associated metritis and peritonitis. Uterine torsions in cattle most commonly occur at parturition and only rarely exceed 360 degrees.  相似文献   

Ruptured urinary bladder in a post-parturient cow   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Rupture of the urinary bladder at the time of parturition occurred in a 2 year old Angus cow. Anamnesis included a dystocia followed by a gradual (16 days) onset of anorexia and abdominal distension. Prominent findings on the physical examination were marked dehydration, symmetrical distension of the lower abdomen with ascitic fluid, pneumoperitoneum, absence of rumen contractions, and constipation. Significant laboratory findings were elevations of plasma protein, serum urea nitrogen (SUN) and creatinine, hypochloremia, hyponatremia, hyperkalemia, and metabolic acidosis. The ascitic fluid was present in large quantities (50 liters) and had a markedly elevated urea nitrogen and creatinine concentration when compared to serum values for these substances. Parotid salivary secretion had a reversal of the normal sodium: potassium ratio which was attributed to an increase in aldosterone levels brought about by the hyponatremia. A ventral tear in the urinary bladder was successfully repaired by laparotomy.  相似文献   

Melanosis of the urinary bladder in a cow   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Melanosis of the urinary bladder is a very rare condition characterized by an abnormal black or brownish-black pigmentation of the organ. The pigmentary disorder can involve both the urothelial cell layers and/or the submucosa. The biologic potential of the melanosis of urinary bladder remains unknown because only a few cases have been reported in medical literature. So far melanosis of the urinary bladder is not known to occur in cattle. Here we describe the first case of melanosis of the urinary bladder in an inbred red-spotted, 7-year-old cow. Light, ultrastructural, and immunohistochemic investigations demonstrated melanin pigment in the submucosa and lamina propria but not the urothelium of the bladder. In addition, biochemical characterization of the pigment-laden cells demonstrated that the pigment of this disorder consisted mainly of eumelanin, thus corroborating the morphologic studies. Finally, virologic examination revealed the presence of bovine papillomavirus type 2.  相似文献   

The bladder of a 750-kg Clydesdale mare had everted through the urethra into the vagina immediately after parturition. The bladder was reinverted into the peritoneal cavity by an attending veterinarian, but 4 days later, the bladder was everted again in the vagina. The mare was able to void urine through both ureters, which could be seen in the mucosal surface of the bladder. The everted bladder had become edematous and could not be reinverted through the urethra. A considerable portion of the fundus was necrotic. The mare was administered xylazine epidurally to induce perineal analgesia, and the necrotic portion of the bladder was resected and healthy bladder tissue was opposed with a double layer of simple continuous sutures. The urethral sphincter was longitudinally incised through the vaginal mucosa to allow reinversion of the bladder through the urethra. A purse-string suture inserted in the urethral opening decreased the urethral diameter and prevented recurrence of the condition. An inflated Foley catheter was maintained in the bladder for 5 days. The mare recovered normal urination after the catheter was removed.  相似文献   

Urinary bladder torsion is rare in dogs. It is characterised by rotation of the organ along its longitudinal axis and is potentially life‐threatening because of urinary flow obstruction with subsequent urine retention, hydroureter, hydronephrosis and azotaemia. This report describes the computed tomographic features of urinary bladder torsion in two dogs. In both cases, the hallmark indicative of torsion was the “whirl sign,” originating from the twisted pelvic urethra and urinary bladder neck encircling the ureters, blood vessels and bladder ligaments in a characteristic spiral pattern. The imaging features correlated well with surgical findings, demonstrating high sensitivity of computed tomography in the preoperative diagnosis of urinary bladder torsion.  相似文献   

A case of urothelial carcinoma in situ of urinary bladder is reported in a 10-year-old cow naturally grazing on bracken-infested land. The cow suffered from enzootic hematuria for more than 5 years. The presence of bovine papillomavirus type 2 (BPV-2) DNA sequences was detected by polymerase chain reaction. The carcinoma in situ was characterized by the presence of anaplastic cells with amphophilic cytoplasm and pleomorphic nuclei containing granular, irregularly dispersed chromatin. Focal areas within the tumor contained large isolated and/or clustered cells. These cells had pale acidophilic cytoplasm, large nuclei with single or multiple nucleoli, and well-defined borders resembling Paget's cells. Immunohistochemically, all malignant cells were negative for vimentin and S-100 and positive for cytokeratins. In addition, normal and neoplastic cells expressed fragile histidine triad (FHIT) protein; surprisingly, some pagetoid cells did not. FHIT, the tumor suppressor gene at 3p14.2, encodes a protein of 147 amino acids (16.8 kd) with diadenosine triphosphate hydrolase activity and is a common target of deletions in human cancers of epithelial origin. Antibody to laminin detected a continuous epithelial basement membrane, thus clearly showing that neoplastic changes were limited to urothelial cells without invading stromal tissue. To our knowledge, this is the first report of an unusual pattern of spread of urothelial carcinoma in situ in a cow.  相似文献   

An 11-year-old female domestic shorthair cat with a previous history of having been spayed, presented with signs of abdominal distension, lethargy and anorexia of 1 week's duration. On the basis of radiological and ultrasonographic findings a tentative diagnosis of pyometra was made. Exploratory coeliotomy revealed a 900 degrees left horn uterine torsion along the longitudinal axis. Ovariohysterectomy was performed without correction of the torsion. To the authors' knowledge this is the first case report of uterine torsion in a non-gravid cat.  相似文献   


A three-year-old dairy cow was noted to have a fist-sized mass of tissue protruding per vaginum immediately after an apparently uncomplicated parturition. Examination revealed that the protruding mass originated from the floor of the vagina, to which it was attached by a neck of tissue about 5 cm in diameter. The whole protrusion was congested and showed shallow ulceration. At this stage the cow appeared quite bright, although there was some uneasiness and frequent passage of small quantities of urine.  相似文献   

A 15-year-old Standard-bred mare was examined because of signs of abdominal discomfort in late gestation. Palpation per rectum revealed tight broad ligaments above and below the uterus, with the right broad ligament running across the top of the uterine body down toward the left, ventral side of the abdomen. A diagnosis of counterclockwise uterine torsion was made and surgical correction was approached via a left, flank laparotomy with the horse standing. The uterus was repositioned and a uterine tear encompassing 180 degrees of the uterine surface was found in the lateral, uterine body just cranial to the cervix. A live colt was delivered vaginally after uterine repositioning and the laparotomy incision was closed. The uterine tear was then repaired via a blind, vaginal approach. The mare was discharged 10 days after surgery. Repair per vaginum of a uterine tear is presented as an alternative treatment in cases for which the tear is recent, abdominal contamination is minimal, and the tear is easily accessible from the vaginal approach.  相似文献   

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