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Chinese chive is produced year-round in Japan, therefore it is important to demonstrate the relationships of short-day (SD) conditions with flower stalk elongation and flower formation for optimizing the cropping system, e.g. the increase in harvests per year. To clarify the influence of short photoperiod on flower stalk elongation and flower formation in Chinese chive, 8 h SD treatments were applied at different developmental stages of flower stalk elongation and flower formation. When the SD treatment started from vegetative or floral-initiated stages, the earlier the SD treatment started, the fewer flower stalks appeared. Also, the earlier the SD treatment started, the less the flowers bloomed and the more the flower stalk elongation was inhibited at the end of SD treatments. Many involucres did not open and withered with death of florets in SD when the SD treatment started between the umbel or flower bud differentiation and the perianth to stamen-formation stages. Also, all or part of the florets aborted and there were no complete inflorescences in the later SD treatments. We found that, in Chinese chive, the development of flower stalk elongation and flower formation were inhibited with the earlier SD treatment, after vegetative or floral-initiated stages. Furthermore, it is considered that Chinese chive needs long-day (LD) for the flower stalk elongation and inflorescence formation after the initiation of the flower bud. The plant has a qualitative LD requirement with the same photoperiodic requirement for both flower bud initiation and flower development.  相似文献   

To determine the effect of light intensity on flower greening, the Japanese hydrangea phyllody (JHP) phytoplasma-infected hydrangea cultivars ‘Midori’, ‘Libelle’, ‘Rosea’ and ‘Madame E. Mouillere’ plants were grown under different shade conditions. In the first-year experiment, the results indicate that the flowers of the JHP-phytoplasma-infected hydrangea become green under shaded conditions (70% and 49% sunlight intensities). On the other hand, under full sunlight intensity (100% sunlight intensity), the flowers of ‘Midori’, ‘Rosea’, and ‘Libelle’ plants were blue, pink or white. To calculate the percentage of flower greening, inflorescences of these plants were separated and divided into individual flowers, and classified into four types by green-area ratio, calculated using Adobe Photoshop. Under shading with one sheet of cheesecloth (70% sunlight intensity), the inflorescences of ‘Midori’, ‘Libelle’ and ‘Madame E. Mouillere’ plants were composed of more than 40% completely green flowers (0.8 ≦ green-area ratio), whereas those of ‘Rosea’ plant had 0% completely green flowers. Under shading with two sheets of cheesecloth (49% sunlight intensity), the inflorescences of ‘Midori’, ‘Libelle’ and ‘Madame E. Mouillere’ plants had more than 75% completely green flowers; ‘Rosea’ plants had 28%. In the second-year experiment, under full sunlight intensity, ‘Midori’ plants had four types of flower depending on their green-area ratio, namely, completely blue or pink, pink-green, greenish and completely green flowers. Under shading with two sheets of cheesecloth, ‘Midori’ plants had more than 90% completely green flowers. The JHP-phytoplasma could not be identified by PCR analysis in flowers with a green-area ratio = 0 (completely blue/pink/white flowers). On the other hand, in flowers with a green-area ratio > 0, the JHP-phytoplasma was detected by PCR analysis. Thus, we conclude that shading enhances flower greening in hydrangea by increasing the JHP-phytoplasma concentration in the flowers.  相似文献   

[目的]以福建省平和县特色柑橘品种琯溪蜜柚为实验材料,进行不同分级花的形态和落花落果的养分含量及其脱落损耗的养分定量化研究,以期为蜜柚开花坐果期的养分管理和合理施肥提供科学依据.[方法]在平和县坂仔镇优势种植区选取盛果期琯溪蜜柚(8~15年生),分别开展不同分级花(Ⅰ-Ⅴ级)的形态、生物量、养分浓度特性以及落花落果的动...  相似文献   

The relationship between 9,10-ketol-octadecadienoic acid (KODA), GAs and jasmonic acid (JA) and flower bud formation influenced by fruit load in apples (Malus domestica Borkh.) was investigated. The endogenous KODA and JA concentrations in apical buds in plants subjected to flower thinning treatment (FTT), under which all flowers were removed were higher than those in plants subjected to heavy crop treatment (HCT), under which the number of leaves per fruit was adjusted to 20 from 60 to 120 days after full bloom (DAFB). In contrast, the gibberellic acid concentrations [total of gibberellin A1 (GA1) and gibberellin A4 (GA4)] in FTT plants were low compared with those in HCT plants. The result suggests that KODA and JA in contrast to GAs may have opposite effects on flower bud formation which is significantly influenced by fruit load in apples and that KODA and JA may also be associated with flower bud formation in apples.  相似文献   

The effects of photoperiod (12, 13, 14, 15 or 16 h), day temperature (12, 15, 18, 24 or 27 °C) and night temperature (6, 9 or 12 °C) and their interactions on flower and inflorescence emergence were investigated by exposing 4 week old runner plants of strawberry cvs. Korona and Elsanta during a period of 3 weeks. A daily photoperiod of 12 or 13 h resulted in the highest number of plants with emerged flowers. A photoperiod of 14 h or more strongly reduced this number, while no flowers emerged at a photoperiod of 16 h. Plants exposed to photoperiods of 12 or 13 h flowered earlier and had longer flower trusses. A day temperature of 18 °C and/or a night temperature of 12 °C were optimal for plants to emerge flowers and resulted in the shortest time to flowering. A night temperature of 6 °C strongly reduced the number of plants that emerged flowers, especially when combined with lower day temperatures. Photoperiod and temperature had no effect on the number of inflorescences, all flowering plants produced on average one inflorescence. The number of flowers on the inflorescence increased with decreasing day temperature and when photoperiod was raised from 12 to 15 h. In general, ‘Korona’ was more sensitive to photoperiod and temperature as ‘Elsanta’, and had a lower optimal day temperature for flower emergence. Results of this experiment may be used to produce high quality plant material or to define optimal conditions when combining flower induction and fruit production.  相似文献   

《Scientia Horticulturae》2002,92(2):125-135
The influence of pre-blossom temperatures on flower development and fruit set is ascertained in apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.), a species without previous records on the effect of pre-blossom temperature on fruit set, but that is particularly prone to erratic fruit set. A polyethylene cage was used during pre-blossom development of flower buds to increase maximum temperatures by 6–7 °C and mean temperatures by 3 °C in orchard conditions. This increase in temperature accelerated flower bud development, caused a hastening in flowering time and following hand-pollination, reduced fruit set. At anthesis, flowers that had developed in warmer conditions weighed less and showed less development of the pistil than control flowers. Pistil growth of flowers under warm conditions did not differ from that of the control flowers when both the populations were compared on a real time scale in spite of the fact that warmed buds were at an advanced external phenological stage. Thus, hastening of external floral development by warm pre-blossom temperatures was not accompanied by advance in pistil development. This lack of synchrony resulted in premature flowering of flowers with underdeveloped pistils that had a reduced capability to set fruit. The results are discussed in terms of flower quality and its implications in fruit set and subsequent crop load.  相似文献   

The seasonal change in petal color and pigmentation of 29 commercial Eustoma cultivars was studied. The flowers are basically divided into four groups according to the major anthocyanidin phenotype in association with petal coloration, i.e., delphinidin (Dp)-based (purple flower), cyanidin (Cy)-based (reddish purple flower), pelargonidin (Pg)-based (pink flower), and none (white flower) groups. The constitution of petal anthocyanidins was not changed by forcing treatment in most of the flowers. Lightness (L*) and chroma (C*, color saturation) showed a change along with the increase/decrease of hue angle difference (ΔH*), thus simultaneously the chromatic tonalities tended to move to redder and bluer, respectively. Floral pigment clustering described two flower groups in a dendrogram, based on anthocyanidin constitutions as phenetic markers, which are apparently the Dp- and Pg-based phenotypes of anthocyanidin syntheses. The Cy-based flowers made a subcluster with the Pg-based flowers, indicating a close relationship in the biosynthesis of the two anthocyanidins, and suggesting the Dp- and Pg-syntheses complement one another.  相似文献   


Results from two trials carried out under different environmental conditions indicated that the high temperatures reached in greenhouses during the Spring-Summer growing season are the main environmental factor inducing production of zucchini fruits with attached flowers. The fact that the incidence of this characteristic is genotypedependent, with the percentage of fruits with attached flowers varying from 1.4 – 73% among the different cultivars grown during the Spring-Summer season, provides an opportunity for direct counter-selection for this trait in current zucchini squash breeding programmes. High temperatures in the Spring-Summer growing season also induced male-ness in all the cultivars analysed, delaying the production of female flowers, and increasing the number of male flowers on the main stem. Indeed, those flowers that remained attached to harvested zucchini fruits were transformed into bisexual flowers, exhibiting different degrees of stamen development, and were arrested as immature, closed floral buds. A detailed analysis of the maturation and abscission times in female and male flowers of different zucchini cultivars indicated that, although abscission time did not differ, maturation time was longer in male than in female flowers. By comparing sexual expression in different cultivars in different environments, we concluded that inhibition of female flower bud maturation occurs concomitantly with a delay in flower abscission, a process accompanied by the conversion of the female bud into a bisexual bud. Given that Spring-Summer conditions promote the maturation of both female and male flowers, and that the arrest of female flower maturation and abscission are associated with floral sex determination, it is possible that the arrest of female flower maturation is not directly induced by high temperatures, but is mediated instead by hormones such as ethylene or gibberellins.  相似文献   

石榴花芽形态分化的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作者连续5年观察了安徽怀远石榴的花芽形态分化过程,各种花的着生位置,退化花的成因。观察结果表明,石榴的花芽形态分化可分为6个时期,历时约10个月。退化花子房内空,胚珠发育到珠被时即停止发育。  相似文献   

黄瓜种质资源单性结实性评价   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
 在春季日光温室条件下,对75份黄瓜种质资源的单性结实性进行了评价。结果表明:75份材料的单性结实率在0~100%呈连续分布。其中强单性结实材料40份,占53.3%,中等单性结实材料24份, 占32%,弱单性结实材料11份,占14.7%。其中的24份品种资源中,强单性结实品种20个,占83.3%,其余为中等单性结实。单性结实性强弱表现为坐果率的差异,不同种质资源无籽果实与有籽果实的单瓜重和瓜形指数基本相似。单性结实性一般随着节位升高而增强,其评价工作可侧重于20节内的低节位。  相似文献   

高温对黄瓜生殖生长及产量形成的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
黄瓜不同品系的耐热方式存在多样性。与不耐热品系新泰密刺相比 ,高温下品系EP 6通过较高的雌花节率和较强的单性结果能力耐热 ;品系XC 1通过较多的总生长节位和较高的雄蕊及花粉活力耐热 ;品系NY 1则在上述产量形成的诸因子中均有一定优势。在播种后 10~ 50d内 ,黄瓜遭遇高温的苗龄越小 ,产量下降就越多。高温减少黄瓜雌花的效应具有后作效果。  相似文献   

上海地区栽培的欧洲甜樱桃花器发育的观察   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
 为了探讨上海地区甜樱桃结实不良的原因,以5年生欧洲甜樱桃(Prunus avium L.)为试验 材料,就其花器发育状况进行了探讨。结果表明,上海地区生长的甜樱桃花芽形成良好,雌蕊、雄蕊外观形态无异常。花粉粒形态正常,发芽率达50%左右,但有98.2%的子房发育不正常,其中无胚珠分化的子房占26.3% ,有胚珠而无胚囊分化的子房占71.9% 。胚珠、胚囊发育不良是上海甜樱桃不能正常结实的主要原因。  相似文献   

影响番茄兼性单性结实及果实发育的因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
兼性单性结实番茄Severianin,RP75/59,PSet 1,Oregon Spring和Santiam可在不利环境条件下自然结果,但用植物生长调节剂点花能显著促进结果,而非单性结实番茄在相同条件下自然坐果率极低。人工蕾期辅助授粉能显著提高单性结实番茄的坐果率和单果种子数,并降低其单性结实率。去雄处理导致 Severianin和Oregon Spring的坐果率显著降低,而去雄同时授无生活力花粉能使 RP75/59的坐果率显著提高,但这两处理对其它品种的坐果率无明显影响。单性结实番茄的单果重与果内有无种子以及种子多少无明显相关,但大果型品种OregonSpring无籽果实有更高的平均单果重。  相似文献   

The main factor affecting floral initiation of Geraldton Wax-Flower (Chamelaucium uncinatum) is the photoperiod, while temperature is the major factor affecting flower development. Four weeks of short days (SD) are generally required for obtaining full flowering. The number of flowers produced per plant increases with increasing the number of SD. Under mild temperatures of 2014°C (day/night), plants initiated flowers even in long days (LD). However, fewer flowers were produced and on higher nodes as compared to SD plants. Chlormequat promoted flowering under prevailing summer conditions of high temperatures and LD. Under prevailing autumn conditions favourable for flower initiation, LD treatment or weekly sprays with gibberellic acid (GA) reduced the number of flowers per plant. Combined treatment of LD and GA reduced both the flowering percentage and the number of flowers per plant. Discontinuing the LD or the GA treatments caused a resumption of full flower initiation.  相似文献   

Violet, lilac and red flower colors segregated in an F3 population obtained from hybridizing blue and orange breeding lines of Anagallis monelli at UNH. One individual per color was studied, as well as “true-blue” cultivar ‘Skylover Blue’. Anatomical examination revealed typical petal layout with upper epidermis, loose mesophyll and lower epidermis. Cells in upper and lower epidermis were categorized by their vacuole color. Blue and red individuals had mostly blue and red cells, respectively. Lilac and violet individuals had blue and bicolored (red and blue) cells on both surfaces, and red cells on the lower epidermis only. Violet individuals had more blue cells on the upper epidermis than lilac individuals. Anthocyanidins were determined by HPLC for each petal epidermis. Blue flowers had only malvidin in both petal surfaces, red flowers had mostly delphinidin with traces of malvidin. Lilac and violet flowers had more malvidin than delphinidin. For violet and lilac flowers respectively, 2 and 3% delphinidin in upper petal surfaces result in a reddish tone while in the lower surface 33 and 25% delphinidin result in a red color. pH in upper and lower petal surfaces were significantly different for each individual, which may affect final flower color.  相似文献   

薛林宝 《园艺学报》2000,27(6):458-459
甜椒植株摘去 50 %叶片比不摘叶处理生物学产量大幅下降 ,落果率高。初果生长速率在相同节位和相同时期 ,摘叶和不摘叶间表现相似 ,初果坐果节位为 5和 7的生长速率最大 ,其第 10节位试验果落果率最高。无性器官与试验果的生长量之和与试验果落果率呈直线相关。  相似文献   

《Scientia Horticulturae》2001,89(4):309-316
The effect of fruit load and auxin application on the flower morphology and flower number of two aubergine cultivars was investigated under greenhouse conditions. The flowers of plants that did not set fruit showed only minor fluctuations in flower and pistil mass, and in style and anther length. However, when plants were allowed to set fruit by pollination, flower and pistil mass, and style (but not anther) length were significantly reduced during the stage of fruit growth. Style length was also reduced in flowers formed after fruit had been set parthenocarpically by the application of auxin (IAA), but there was no significant effect of IAA on style length in the absence of fruit development. The number of flowers was reduced in the presence of IAA (with or without fruit set), or following fruit set by pollination. It is suggested that fruit load and development affect flower mass and style length of aubergine whereas auxin influences the number of flowers.  相似文献   

李昀辉  李玉花 《园艺学报》2005,32(3):458-462
 本篇论文主要研究了草原龙胆单重瓣花器官的发育特征。取花部发生的第1个和第2个花芽为试材, 直接用于实体解剖观察。结果表明: 1. 单瓣花和重瓣花花芽分化过程均可分形态分化前期、萼片原基分化期、花瓣原基分化期、雄蕊原基分化期、雌蕊原基分化期5个时期, 各轮花器官按照向心顺序发育。2. 到雌蕊原基形成为止, 单瓣花花器官各原基的分化过程大约需要12 d, 重瓣花的整个分化过程大约需要15 d。3. 单瓣花和重瓣花都包含5枚萼片、5枚雄蕊和1枚雌蕊, 而单瓣花花瓣是5枚, 重瓣花约是15枚。  相似文献   

温度和蕾期去雄及去柱头处理对茄子单性结实性的影响   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
刘富中  连勇  陈钰辉  宋燕 《园艺学报》2005,32(6):1021-1025
 以6个茄子单性结实自交系为试材, 研究了自然低温和蕾期去雄及去柱头处理对其单性结实性的影响。试验结果表明, 供试材料的单性结实性属于温度敏感型, 在低温下表达。诱导单性结实基因表达的温度在7~15℃之间, 在此温度范围内, 其坐果率为88.9%~100%。蕾期人工去雄和去柱头不影响单性结实果实的正常生长发育, 蕾期去柱头可用于茄子单性结实性的快速准确鉴定。  相似文献   

为了提高彩椒坐果率和降低畸形果率,以彩椒品种世季红为试材,研究3种配方保花保果剂对彩椒产量、坐果数和商品果率的影响,并在低温弱光照、亚适温弱光照和高温条件下比较最优配方在朝天椒、线椒和牛角椒上的应用效果。结果表明,喷施配方P_2(A液:复硝酚钠0.03 g·m L~(-1),B液:赤霉素0.10 g·m L~(-1)、2,4-D钠盐0.01 g·m L~(-1)、萘乙酸钠盐0.10g·m L~(-1))对彩椒保花保果效果最佳,小区产量、坐果数均显著高于对照,且商品果率和单果质量与对照无显著差异。在逆境条件下不同类型辣椒喷施配方P_2后,小区产量和坐果数均显著提高,商品果率和单果质量与对照无显著差异。综上,配方P_2能解决甜(辣)椒畸形果率与坐果率的矛盾且稳定性好,不同类型辣椒品种在不同逆境下均可应用配方P_2进行保花保果。  相似文献   

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