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The transient analysis of mini disc infiltrometer (MDI) measurements is an established method for characterising near-surface hydraulic characteristics of soils. The reliability of hydraulic characteristics obtained from transient analysis depends on the (1) adequacy of model, (2) adequacy of data, (3) measurement time and (4) measurement footprint. The measurement time dependence recommendations are reported only for a few soil textures, initially wet samples and tension infiltrometer (TI) with a higher measurement footprint than the MDI. This study investigated the adequacy of infiltration data (using cumulative linearization [CL] and differentiated linearization [DL]) and measurement time influence on the hydraulic parameters determined from the transient analysis of MDI measurements for six soil textures. The objective of the study is to identify suitable MDI measurement durations for different soil textures for the initially dry state, considering both adequacy of data and time fractionation (measurement time influence). The data adequacy time obtained from the DL (TDL) was found to be 0.8 times less than the value obtained from CL (TCL). The marginal difference in TDL and TCL had a significant influence on the determination of infiltration equation coefficient C1 and negligible influence on coefficient C2. The time fractionation procedure adopted for identifying adequate MDI measurement time (Tm) was found to be comparable based on sorptivity (S0) and hydraulic conductivity (K0). The average Tm was also comparable with TDL and TCL with a strong positive correlation. The C2 values obtained based on Tm, TDL, and TCL were in better agreement than the corresponding C1 values. The adequate MDI measurement times identified by considering Tm, TDL, and TCL were texture dependent, ranging from 45 min for silt to 120 min for silt loam and silty clay loam. For loamy sand, it was 50 min; for sand, it was 70 min, followed by 60 min for loam.  相似文献   

扩散率与吸水率关系的解析方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A simple method was developed to relate soil sorptivity to hydraulic diffusivity and water absorption experiments were conducted utilizing one-dimensional horizontal soil columns to validate the relationship. In addition, an estimation method for hydraulic diffusivity with disc infiltrometer was developed. The results indicated a favorable fit of the theoretical relation to the experimental data. Also, the experiment with disc infiltrometer for estimating the diffusivity showed that the new method was feasible.  相似文献   

The two-ponding depth (TPD) analysis procedure of single-ring infiltrometer data can yield invalid results, i.e., negative values of the field-saturated soil hydraulic conductivity or the matric flux potential, denoting failure of the two-level run. The objective of this study was to test the performance of the TPD procedure in analyzing the single-ring infiltrometer data of different types of soils. A field investigation carried out in western Sici]y, Italy, yielded higher failure rates (40%) in two clay loam soils than in a sandy loam soil (25%). A similar result, i.e., fine-textured soils yielding higher failure rates than the coarse-textured one, was obtained using numerically simulated infiltration rates. Soil heterogeneity and reading errors were suggested to be factors determining invalid results in the field. With the numerical data, allowing a less generic definition of soil heterogeneity, invalid TPD results were occasionally obtained with the simultaneous occurrence of a high random variation (standard deviation ≥ 0.5) and a well developed structural correlation for saturated hydraulic conductivity (correlation length 〉 20 cm). It was concluded that a larger number of replicated runs should be planned to characterize fine-textured soils, where the risk to obtain invalid results is relatively high. Large rings should be used since they appeared more appropriate than the small ones to capture and average soil heterogeneity. Numerical simulation appeared suitable for developing improved strategies of soil characterization for an area of interest, which should also take into account macropore effects.  相似文献   

A technique is proposed for establishing a representative core collection of S. officinarum accessions from the world collection of sugarcane germplasm maintained at the Sugarcane Breeding Institute-Research Centre, Cannanore, India. In the proposed method, the accessions were first sorted based on their relative contributions to the total variability by means of principal component scores based on a set of quantitative characters. Then, the cumulative proportion of their contributions to the total variance was computed. A logistic regression model was fitted to evaluate the functional relationship between the cumulative proportion of variance and the number of accessions. The size of the core set was decided as the inflection point on that fitted curve, i.e., the point beyond which the rate of increase in cumulative proportion of variability contributed by an accession began to decline. A method for eliminating entries with a high degree of similarity from the selected core set is also proposed.  相似文献   

The principal aims of a core collection are: 1) to include the maximum of diversity of the base collection in a sample of minimum size; and 2) to avoid redundancies. We present here a new method (the Principal Component Scoring) which fulfills these aims. The use of P.C.S. has consequences for sampling stratification and choice of sample size. P.C.S. requires quantitative data, but with small changes can be used for qualitative data.  相似文献   

The mechanism of atmospheric,surface and soil water interactions( water transformation) in hillslope under natural conditions was analyzed,and a dynamic model was developed to simulate infiltration,overland flow and soil water movement during natural rainfall in hillslope,by bringing froward concepts such as rainfall intensity on slope and a correction coefficient of saturated soil water content for soil surface seal.Some factors,including slope angle,slope orientation and raindrop inclination,which affect the rainfall amount on slope, were taken into account while developing the dynamic model.The effect of surface seal on infiltration and water balance under a boundary condition of the second kind was aslo considered. Application of the model in a field experiment showed that the model simulated precisely the infiltration,overland flow and sol water monvement in hillsope under natural rainfall conditions.  相似文献   

Conservationists need information on trends in the ranges of species in order to set priorities and to assign threat statuses using IUCN criteria. For many taxonomic groups in many countries, the best data available for this purpose come from atlases that map the distributions of species in grid cells. This paper presents a method of calculating an index of relative change in range size using atlas data for two periods. The method allows for the effect of variations in the geographical coverage and intensity of recorder effort. A weighted linear regression model is fitted to the relationship between counts of grid cells (as logit-transformed proportions) in the earlier and later periods. The standardised residual for each species provides an index of its relative change in range size. The method is illustrated by analyses of three British data sets. Previous methods of assessing change from atlas data are briefly reviewed and the advantages and limitations of the new method are discussed.  相似文献   

Root mucilage may play a prominent role in understanding root water uptake and, thus, there is revived interest in studying the function of root mucilage. However, mucilage research is hampered by the tedious procedures of mucilage collection. We developed a mucilage separator which utilizes low centrifugal forces (570 rpm) to separate the mucilage from seminal roots without the need of handling individual seeds or removing the germinated seeds from the tray/mesh to a centrifuge tube. For the different plant species, between 1 and 3.7 mL tray?1 of hydrated mucilage could be produced, with 6 trays being handled successively within 45 min. For Triticum aestivum, which showed a dry matter content of 0.5%, this was equivalent to 98.6 mg mucilage dry matter. The lowest total production was found for Zea mays with just 34 mg dry matter. The amounts of mucilage produced normalized to root tip agree well with literature data. The mucilage obtained by the new method was used to measure its effect on repellency of soil as this property directly relates to the phenomenon of lower rhizosphere soil water content during rewetting. It could be shown that repellency of the rhizosphere is affected by the quantity as well as by species‐dependent quality of mucilage in the rhizosphere. Among the species tested (Lupinus albus, Vicia faba, Zea mays, Triticum aestivum), the largest differences were observed between the two legumes. For Zea mays seminal root mucilage obtained with the new system was compared to mucilage of air born brace roots. The differences between these two mucilages, representing different root orders, indicate clearly that there is still a need for methods which enable the investigation of roots from older plants.  相似文献   

For over a decade, community level physiological profile (CLPP) assays, which assess a microbial community's capacity to metabolize specific sole carbon sources under defined laboratory conditions, have been popular for study of environmental soil samples. One such assay, BiOLOG™ allows for the colorimetric measurement of metabolism through the reduction of a tetrazolium dye, which yields optical density (OD) data for each substrate. Bacterial communities are extracted from soil and 150 μL of this extract is inoculated directly into each well of the microtitre plate. The combined metabolic data obtained are most often analyzed with multivariate statistical analyses, such as principal component analysis (PCA). The objectives of this study were (1) to develop a simple, visual, statistically valid method of determining community capabilities to utilize specific substrates in CLPP studies and (2) to test the number of samples needed for such discrimination to be reliable. This was done by direct comparison of the OD values obtained for two closely related microbial communities (surface and subsurface soil), plotted against a one-to-one (y=x) line. Due to variability in the portion of the soil microbial community inoculated into the individual test wells, the accuracy of the method was dependent on the number of replicates analyzed. A variety of data set sizes were tested, from n=3 samples/soil depth to n=40 samples/depth. The method was statistically valid for all data sets tested. Those substrates that deviated from the one-to-one line consistently had F values greater than 1. Additionally, data sets of n=30,35 and 40 samples/depth consistently allowed identification of the eight substrates whose metabolism varied significantly between the two test soil communities. In conclusion, this one-to-one comparison has been shown to be a statistically valid analytical method to compare individual substrate usage between soils.  相似文献   

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