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试验以肥满度、平均规格、饲料系数、生长速度等生长性能指标,pH值、溶解氧、氨态氮、亚硝态氮等水质指标为依据,比较"太湖1号"F1及F2代与日本沼虾的生长性能。结果显示,饲料系数从低到高依次为:"太湖1号"F1<日本沼虾<"太湖1号"F2,其中F1和F2差异显著(P<0.05)。平均规格及上市成虾比例从高到低依次为:"太湖1号"F1>"太湖1号"F2>日本沼虾,其中F1代显著高于日本沼虾(P<0.05)。"太湖1号"的肥满度与日本沼虾差异不明显。9—10月吃食旺盛季节,杂交青虾"太湖1号"的体质量与体长均高于日本沼虾,其中,F1代达到显著水平(P<0.05),但体质量与体长的瞬时增长率优势不明显。9—10月份"太湖1号"F1养殖池的氨态氮、亚硝态氮等水质指标显著低于F2和日本沼虾池,而溶解氧与pH值的差异不大。养殖效益分析表明,尽管杂交青虾的增产优势不明显,但因其规格大,销售价格高,其产值与净利润仍高于日本沼虾,且F1代达到显著水平(P<0.05)。所以,杂交青虾"太湖1号"F1代的养殖性能显著优于日本沼虾,但F2代的生长优势不明显。 相似文献
The current status of the farming of Macrobrachium species in China is presented, including the scale of production and with an emphasis on its farming technology. The problems faced and research needed for the further development of freshwater prawn farming of China is also reviewed. Finally, this paper discusses the prospects and future expansion in this sector of national aquaculture. 相似文献
The objective of this study was to evaluate different hatchery systems used for the larviculture of the Macrobrachium carcinus based on survival, larval development and production of post-larvae. The experimental culture was carried out in three phases designated as Phase I (Zoea VI to VIII – ZVI – VIII), Phase II (Zoea VIII to X – ZVIII – X), and Phase III (Zoea X to PL – ZX – PL), with densities of 30, 27.5 and 25 larvae / L, respectively. The M. carcinus larvae (ZVI) were reared in four culture systems, two being open (Greenwater – GW and Clearwater – CW) and two being closed (Biofloc – BFT and Bio-filter – RAS), distributed in twelve 10 L plastic containers, filled with 20 ppt brackish water, equipped with constant aeration, and water circulated by air lift and heated with thermostat (∼30 °C). The GW treatment was maintained with Chlorophyceae algae in the density of 3–5 × 105 cells/mL. In the CW, the water was previously filtered through a 5 μm mesh screen, sterilized with 10 ppm active chlorine and, dechlorinated with vitamin C and subjected to aeration for 24 h. The BFT received water rich in bioflocs that was matured prior to the experiment and used molasses as a source of organic carbon. In the RAS, the culture water circulated through an external “Dry-Wet” biological filter. The feeding was carried out ad libitum four times daily, alternating a wet diet formula with a commercial diet, which was supplemented with newly hatched Artemia nauplii at a rate of 40–50 per larvae/day. Temperature, dissolved oxygen and pH were monitored daily and the salinity two times per week. Total ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, orthophosphate, alkalinity, total suspended solids, chlorophyll-a, COD and BOD were also analyzed. The best water quality (P < 0.05) was obtained in the RAS, with 0.49 (±0.38), 0.23 (±0.22), and 9.0 (±1.5) mg/L of TAN, NO2-N and NO3-N, respectively. In the GW, the nitrogen species showed high fluctuations and higher concentrations at 2.32 (±1.68), 3.53 (±3.53) and 18.2 (±12.9) mg / L of TAN, NO2-N and NO3-N, respectively. Considering the three phases (ZVI – PL), the overall survival was 0.03, 1.97, 2.23 and 17.32 % for the BFT, CW, GW and RAS, respectively. When considering the phases separately, the survival in Phase I (ZVI – VIII) was highest in the GW system at 58.7 % while the RAS was the highest in Phases II (ZVIII – X) and III (ZX – PL) at 70.6 % and 60.3 %, respectively. The BFT showed 8.4 (±3.5) PL/L, which was higher (P < 0.05) than that obtained in the RAS (2.8 ± 1.2 PL/L) and the GW (1.3 ± 1.1 PL/L) and similar to that obtained in the CW (5.6 ± 2.0 PL/L). Thus, the larviculture for the M. carcinus may be optimized by adopting a multiphase management strategy, which the intermediate larval stages (ZVI – IX) are reared in the GW system and the final stages (ZX – PL) are reared in the BFT system. 相似文献
采用RT-PCR和RACE末端扩增技术,从日本沼虾(Macrobrachium nipponense)卵巢组织中获得了5种不同构型的RXR基因cDNA序列。结果显示:RXR基因中MnRXRL2含有最长的开放阅读框(open reading frame,ORF),其全长1698 bp,编码337个氨基酸。对比5个不同构型的核苷酸序列,有四个不同的剪接位点,一个发生在5′端A/B区域,产生了3种不同形式的5′端序列;一个在RXR受体结构的D区即铰链区域,使T-盒区长度也有3种形式(VQEERQR/VQVGGIEEERQR/VQVGGIE);两个发生在LBD区,其中一个是在H2-H3螺旋区域,产生了2种不同形式(MnRXRL/MnRXRS),另外一个是在D区产生了中断,缺失了E/F区域(MnRXRM)。将各个序列编码的氨基酸序列与其他物种相比,与甲壳类的同源性较高,表明RXR在进化中较为保守。 相似文献
Freshwater prawn production in India that includes farming and wild capture of the giant freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii and the monsoon river prawn, M. malcolmsonii has increased steadily since 1999 reaching a peak output of 42 780 t in 2005, but then declined to 6568 t in 2009–2010. Stunted growth and diseases in ponds because of poor seed quality and the broodstock which had been inbred over several generations; pond water quality issues; and increased cost of production on account of feed, labour and the mandatory certification requirements are suggested to be some of the factors leading to the production declines. While majority of the output occurs in Andhra Pradesh, single crop paddy–prawn production systems in the low‐lying fields of Kerala have helped gradual transformation to a sustainable, organic mode of farming of both rice and prawns, suitable for other states of India. Although the trends by June 2011 indicate that the sector is set to a revival, future prospects of freshwater prawn farming in India will also depend on the expansion of whiteleg shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei that was introduced recently in India and provided a more profitable opportunity for farming. 相似文献
Md Abdul Wahab Sk Ahmad‐Al‐Nahid Nesar Ahmed Mohammad M Haque Mahmudul Karim 《Aquaculture Research》2012,43(7):970-983
Giant river prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) farming plays an important role in the economy of Bangladesh. Presently, it is cultured in around 50 000 ha area with total annual production of 23 240 t. Traditional extensive prawn farming has been expanding over the last three decades through the introduction and adoption of improved culture systems, such as culture of prawn‐carps, prawn‐shrimp‐fish and prawn‐fish‐rice as concurrent and rotational systems. Efforts for the development of improved techniques on broodstock management, seed production and rearing and grow‐out of prawn have been made over the last decade. The outcomes are low‐cost feed for broodstock, production of post‐larvae in net cages (hapa), all‐male prawn culture, periphyton based prawn‐tilapia culture, C/N based prawn culture, organic prawn farming, prawn‐mola culture and prawn‐carp‐mola polyculture. Despite the development of culture technologies, a number of challenges for sustainable development of prawn farming need to be overcome to realize the potentials of this promising sector. Good aquaculture practises at all levels and application of measures for quality control and food safety would ensure sustainable development of prawn farming in Bangladesh. 相似文献
Thailand was second only to P.R.China in annual production of giant river prawn. This article briefly describes the seed production of giant river prawn technology in Thailand and notes that broodstock management has paid scant attention to genetic issues. There are, however, ongoing selective breeding programmes on giant river prawn aimed to improve growth and disease resistance. In the conventional culture technology, postlarvae are stocked at a high density and prawns are harvested partially. The cropping period is long and the practice has led to disease outbreaks and deteriorated pond bottoms that result in frequent detection of antibiotic residue. The improved culture technology involves manual sexing of the prawns at 3 months and restocking only the male prawns into new ponds at low density. The technique gives higher yield and reduces incidence of disease and thus the need for prophylactics. The constraints to giant river prawn culture business in Thailand include low yield and a limited export market. The article describes three ways to expand and sustain the business of giant river prawn farming in the country: development of more genetically improved strains; culture of all‐male stock, and new culture techniques. 相似文献
This study compared the performance of larvae of giant freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) from Thailand and Vietnam. Thai broods were collected from a farm and Vietnamese broods were collected from a river. Larvae from these two sources were raised in identical environments, and their rates of development and survival as well as their ability to withstand environmental stresses were assessed. The first postlarval stage was observed in both strains on day 22. All larvae (100%) from Thai broods completed metamorphosis by day 36, but only 89% of the Vietnam strain completed metamorphosis by day 45. The stages of development were more uniform in larvae from the Thai stock than the Vietnamese stock. Survival differences were observed within the first week (92% in the Thai group vs. 55% in the Vietnamese group). These differences were most pronounced beginning in week 5 (52% and 16% respectively) and week 7 (33% and 2% respectively). No clear difference was found in brood size and fecundity between the two groups. No difference in survival was observed between the two groups of larvae challenged with salinity, oxygen or formalin. Differential development rates of larvae in the same batch would naturally create conditions favourable for cannibalism and impaired ability to capture food. The earlier and more uniform rate of development, and subsequent higher rate of survival of Thai stock compared with the Vietnamese wild stock is suggested to be due to inadvertent selection in the domesticated stock. 相似文献
James H Tidwell Louis R D'Abramo Shawn D Coyle & David Yasharian 《Aquaculture Research》2005,36(3):264-277
Research and development efforts concerning freshwater prawn farming have in the past been principally conducted in tropical regions. However, activities in temperate regions also date back several decades. Culture of Macrobrachium in temperate zones offers positive opportunities, despite the inability to culture year‐round. Unique problems imposed by a restricted growing season must be addressed, and opportunities capitalized on, to attain commercially viable production in these regions. Much recent research in the South and Central USA has been directed towards intensifying production (kg ha?1) without decreasing average harvest sizes or deteriorating water quality. Particular areas of research include evaluating and maximizing the relative contributions of natural foods, effects of artificial substrates on growth and prawn population structure and grading of animals before pond stocking to reduce heterogeneous individual growth and aggressive interactions. Recent studies have concentrated on combining these factors into a ‘best management practices’ (BMPs) production model. With these factors combined, production has increased from an average of 1000 kg ha?1 of 30 g animals to almost 3000 kg ha?1 of 40 g animals produced in research ponds in 110 days of culture. In commercial ponds, 1500–2000 kg ha?1 has been achieved in a similar period using BMPs. 相似文献
Piera S. Sun Tina M. Weatherby Marilyn F. Dunlap Kristi L. Arakaki Donis T. Zacarias Spencer R. Malecha 《Aquaculture International》2000,8(4):327-334
Although the mechanism of sex-differentiation in crustaceans has yet to be defined, the androgenic gland (AG) is thought to be the exclusive organ that produces the androgenic hormone (AH) which induces male sexual development. This paper presents results of light and transmission electron microscopy and total protein analysis of androgenic glands from three male morphotypes (orange-claw, orange-blue-claw and blue-claw) of the freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii. Highest protein content (76 µg//AG) was found in the blue-claw morphotype as compared to the orange-blue-claw (45 µg/AG) and the orange-claw morphotype (19 µg/AG). Sodiumdodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-page) analysis of the cell free extract of the AG from the three morphotypes revealed four polypeptides (16, 18, 23 and 26 Kd) which quantitatively increase from the sexually immature orange-claw to the sexually mature blue-claw morphotype. The 16 and 18 Kd polypeptides could be the AHs. 相似文献
Rasmus Ern Do Thi Thanh Huong Van Cong Nguyen Tobias Wang Mark Bayley 《Aquaculture Research》2013,44(8):1259-1265
The extensively farmed giant freshwater shrimp, Macrobrachium rosenbergii, can survive salinities up to 26 g L?1, but the commercially important grow‐out occurs exclusively in freshwater areas. Recent studies suggest the shrimp equally capable of growing in brackish as fresh water and a better understanding of how this species responds to changing salinity could significantly impact freshwater prawn farming in deltas and coastal areas. Here, the effect of salinity (0 and 15 g L?1) on standard metabolic rate (SMR) and critical oxygen tension (Pcrit) was measured in adult M. rosenbergii using intermittent closed respirometry. SMR was 79.8 ± 3.1 and 72.7 ± 2.9 μmol kg?1 min?1 in fresh and brackish water, respectively, with no significant difference between the two salinities (P = 0.122). During hypoxia M. rosenbergii maintained oxygen uptake down to a Pcrit of 26.3 ± 1.4 mmHg in fresh and 27.2 ± 2.0 mmHg in brackish water (P = 0.682), showing that salinity had no overall effect on oxygen conductance in the animals. These findings are in agreement with recent growth studies and provide further evidence that grow‐out phase could be accomplished in brackish water areas. Thus, the predicted intrusions of brackish water in tropical deltas as a consequence of future global warming may not impact this important production. 相似文献
Postlarvae (PL) of Macrobrachium rosenbergii (de Man 1879) were stocked at 1, 2, 3 and 4 PL m?2. Prawns were fed only pellets (P) and a combination of pellets and snail meat (PS) with three replications in 100 m2 plots in the rotational prawn–rice system. Water levels were 0.3–0.6 m in rice growing areas. The water temperatures at noon in the hot months were higher than the suitable range for prawns. The final mean weights of prawns in treatments 1, 2 and 3 PL m?2 were significantly higher than in treatment 4 PL m?2 (P<0.05). The yields from different density treatments ranged from 194±82 to 373±32 kg ha?1 and increased significantly with the increases in prawn densities (P<0.05). There was no significant difference between the two types of feed on production parameters (P>0.05). The total cost significantly increased at higher densities (P<0.05), but it was not different between feed types (P>0.05). Net profit and cost benefit ratio of treatment PS were significantly higher than in treatment P. In the present study, treatment 3 PL m?2 and treatment PS offered the optimal results. 相似文献
Z.L. Ding L.Q. Chen J.G. Qin S.M. Sun E.C. Li N. Yu M. Li Y.L. Chen Y.Q. Kong 《Aquaculture Nutrition》2014,20(4):399-409
A fatty acid‐binding protein (FABP) gene designated as MnFABP10 was cloned and characterized from the freshwater prawn Macrobrachium nipponense. The full‐length cDNA of MnFABP10 was 646 bp encoding a 130 amino acid. Real‐time quantitative RT‐PCR showed that the MnFABP10 gene was expressed in various tissues with the highest expression in the hepatopancreas. The MnFABP10 mRNA levels in the hepatopancreas and ovary of M. nipponense were dependent on the stages of ovarian development. Western blot results revealed a single immunoreactive band with an estimated molecular mass of approximate 14 kDa in the developmental ovary. Then, M. nipponense with an initial body weight of 0.090 ± 0.0010 g were fed with four isonitrogenous and isocaloric diets with different oils, that is, beef tallow (BT), soybean oil (SO), pollack fish oil (FO) and a mixture of fish oil and soybean oil (FO/SO 2 : 1 w/w) for 52 days. The mRNA levels of MnFABP10 in the hepatopancreas were influenced by different lipid sources, with a peak expression observed in prawns fed SO. This study suggests that MnFABP10 may have a putative function in ovary maturation, and its mRNA expression in the hepatopancreas can be regulated by the source of dietary lipids in M. nipponense. 相似文献
Effects of C/N ratio and periphyton substrates on pond ecology and production performance in giant freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii (De Man, 1879) and tilapia Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus, 1758) polyculture system 下载免费PDF全文
M Rezoanul Haque M Ashraful Islam M Mojibar Rahman Mst Farzana Shirin M Abdul Wahab M Ekram Azim 《Aquaculture Research》2015,46(5):1139-1155
The production performances of giant freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii and Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus in C/N‐controlled periphyton‐based polyculture systems were evaluated in triplicate. Three different management practices were compared: the traditional practice without addition of periphyton substrates and carbohydrate (Control), addition of maize flour to maintain a carbon: nitrogen rate of 20:1 (treatment CN) and addition of both maize flour and periphyton substrates (treatment CN+P). This experiment used a pre‐optimized stocking density of tilapia and freshwater prawn by Asaduzzaman et al. Aquaculture [286 (2009) 72]. All ponds were stocked with prawn (3 m2) and monosex Nile tilapia (1 m?2). Bamboo side shoots were posted vertically into the pond bottoms as periphyton substrate covering an additional area of 171 m2 for periphyton development. A locally formulated and prepared feed containing 17% crude protein with C/N ratio close to 15:1 was applied twice daily in all ponds considering the body weight of freshwater prawn only. Water quality parameters, except total alkalinity did not vary significantly (P > 0.05) among treatments. Both, organic matter and total heterotrophic bacterial loads (THB) in the sediment were significantly (P < 0.05) higher in treatment CN+P followed by treatment CN and control. Periphyton biomass in terms of dry matter and chlorophyll a values constantly decreased during the culture period. Substrates contributed 66% and 102% higher net yield of freshwater prawn than CN and control treatment respectively. 相似文献
James H Tidwell 《Aquaculture Research》2012,43(7):1023-1028
Production of freshwater prawns has expanded in the US with some production in >20 states. Two different approaches to reducing production costs have evolved, one based on minimizing input costs and maximizing harvest sizes, the other on maximizing production (kg/ha). Profitability in both is largely dependent on optimizing selling prices by offering product forms which do not face direct import competition (i.e. live, fresh, whole) Prawns have been recognized as one of the most environmentally sustainable aquaculture crops, and attribute which is very appealing in many markets, especially those emphasizing local foods. 相似文献
Effects of native medicinal herbs (Alternanthera sessilis,Eclipta alba and Cissus quadrangularis) on growth performance,digestive enzymes and biochemical constituents of the monsoon river prawn Macrobrachium malcolmsonii 下载免费PDF全文
S. Radhakrishnan P. Saravana Bhavan C. Seenivasan T. Muralisankar R. Shanthi 《Aquaculture Nutrition》2015,21(4):496-506
The medicinal herbs such as Alternanthera sessilis, Eclipta alba and Cissus quadrangularis were used to assess the growth promoting ability, enhancement of muscle biochemical constituents and profiles of amino acid in the freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium malcolmsonii. The herbal powders were separately incorporated with basal diet, and these diets were fed to M. malcolmsonii postlarvae for a period of 90 days. At the end of experiments, the survival of prawn significantly improved in herbal incorporated feed. In addition, the growth parameters, such as weight gain, specific growth rate and protein efficiency rate were significantly (P < 0.05) higher in herbal diets fed groups when compared with control. The activities of digestive enzyme, biochemical constituents, profile of amino acid, energy utilization parameters, concentrations of vitamin C and E were significantly (P < 0.05) elevated in experimental diets fed groups when compared with control. The profiles of essential amino acids were also found elevated in herbal incorporated diets fed PL. Among the three herbs tested, C. quadrangularis incorporated diet fed group showed better performance followed by the E. alba and A. sessilis. The present study suggests that these herbs can be incorporated in artificial feed formulations for Macrobrachium culture. 相似文献
2001年5、7、9月对黑龙江上游的黑河段、中游抚远段的浮游动物的种类组成、密度等进行了研究,浮游动物共计55属种,其中上游黑河段29属种,中游抚远段42属种。两江段浮游动物均以原生动物、轮虫为主,浮游动物的种类、密度均与水的丰度密切相关。 相似文献