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壳斗科植物具有丰富花蜜和花粉.2007年4~7月,对云南哀牢山中山湿性常绿阔叶林壳斗科蜜源植物开发利用的潜力进行了初步研究.在该季节,中华蜜蜂可利用的壳斗科植物主要有木果石栎、景东石栎和腾冲栲.3种植物的花期均为50天左右.放置在原始森林林缘蜂群的取蜜量明显高于放置在原始森林内和附近次生林的蜂群.一群放置在林缘、群势为5标准框的中华蜜蜂蜂群,一个花期可以取蜂蜜约5 kg.  相似文献   

环境或气候变化引起蜜蜂采集有毒蜜源植物的花蜜或蜜露,导致生产出含有植物源毒素的有毒蜂蜜,食用此类有毒蜂蜜容易引发中毒。尽管国内外食用蜂蜜中毒的具体原因存在差异,但多数食用蜂蜜中毒事件与有毒蜜源植物之间存在着较大的关联性。我国地域广阔,蜜源植物种类多样,梳理清楚有毒蜜源植物资源及其毒性对蜂蜜安全生产、毒性成分溯源等工作具有极其重要的意义。在广泛文献调研的基础上,对我国分布的15科29种有毒蜜源植物种类、分布区域及花期等进行总结,并结合文献报道的急性毒性试验结果对有毒蜜源植物毒性进行归纳,以期为蜜蜂放养场地选择、蜂蜜安全生产及中毒原因追溯提供科学参考。  相似文献   

Microsporidiosis caused by infection with Nosema apis or Nosema ceranae has become one of the most widespread diseases of honey bees and can cause important economic losses for beekeepers. Honey can be contaminated by spores of both species and it has been reported as a suitable matrix to study the field prevalence of other honey bee sporulated pathogens. Historical honey sample collections from the CAR laboratory (Centro Apícola Regional) were analyzed by PCR to identify the earliest instance of emergence, and to determine whether the presence of Nosema spp. in honey was linked to the spread of these microsporidia in honey bee apiaries. A total of 240 frozen honey samples were analyzed by PCR and the results compared with rates of Nosema spp. infection in worker bee samples from different years and geographical areas. The presence of Nosema spp. in hive-stored honey from naturally infected honey bee colonies (from an experimental apiary) was also monitored, and although collected honey bees resulted in a more suitable sample to study the presence of microsporidian parasites in the colonies, a high probability of finding Nosema spp. in their hive-stored honey was observed. The first honey sample in which N. ceranae was detected dates back to the year 2000. In subsequent years, the number of samples containing N. ceranae tended to increase, as did the detection of Nosema spp. in adult worker bees. The presence of N. ceranae as early as 2000, long before generalized bee depopulation and colony losses in 2004 may be consistent with a long incubation period for nosemosis type C or related with other unknown factors. The current prevalence of nosemosis, primarily due to N. ceranae, has reached epidemic levels in Spain as confirmed by the analysis of worker honey bees and commercial honey.  相似文献   

张巧  董霞 《蜜蜂杂志》2011,31(12):17-19
简单介绍了昆虫的嗅觉识别过程和分子机制,对蜜蜂强大的嗅觉能力进行了简要说明。综述了蜜蜂的嗅觉受体基因的研究进展与概况,为进一步研究蜜蜂的嗅觉行为及分子机理提供依据,同时也为通过嗅觉研究蜜蜂的社会性行为提供参考。  相似文献   

以安徽本地意蜂为育种素材,通过系统选育与定向选育,采用闭锁集团繁育与蜜蜂人工授精技术,选育出九州意蜂品种配套系,该品种配套系蜂王日有效产卵量高,春繁速度快,群势强,越夏越冬效果好,适应安徽地区生态环境和蜜粉源条件,具有蜂蜜高产、蜂王浆高产、蜂蜜和蜂王浆双高产的生产性能。其“中九州1号”(Eg1)属于蜂蜜高产型优良蜂种,同一花期蜂蜜产量明显高于本地意蜂(E(a)P﹤0.01),“九州2号”(Eg2)属于王浆高产型优良蜂种,同一花期王浆产量明显高于本地意蜂(E(a)P﹤0.01),10-HDA含量最高达2.14;水分、蛋白质、酸度基本接近,“九州3号”(Eg3)属于蜂蜜、王浆双高产型优良蜂种,同一花期蜂蜜、王浆产量均明显高于本地意蜂(E(a)P﹤0.01),适应于现代养蜂生产。  相似文献   

转基因产品对蜜蜂和熊蜂的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着更多的转基因农作物商业化,人们需要更多的信息以了解它对蜜蜂和熊蜂的影响.如果转基因在花粉、花蜜或树脂中得到表达,那么转基因编码所表达的蛋白被蜜蜂吸收后,会对蜜蜂产生直接影响;如果改变了花的表现型,将会对蜜蜂产生间接影响.讨论了Bt、蛋白酶抑制剂、几丁质酶、葡萄糖酶和生物素结合蛋白基因等对蜜蜂的影响.迄今为止的结果表明转基因植物对授粉者的影响将依赖于所涉及基因的个案分析以及被蜜蜂吸收植物的基因表达情况.  相似文献   

温室内果菜类蔬菜缺乏昆虫授粉,产量低。笔者曾多次利用蜜蜂为温室内单性能结实的黄瓜“长春密刺”品种,荷兰引种的西红柿品种以及苦瓜、冬瓜和辣椒授粉,试验表明:其座果率、产量和质量比无蜂对照区都有明显提高。温室内西红柿利用蜜蜂授粉可代替已被淘汰的喷施2,4─D生长素的效果。  相似文献   

Nosemosis caused by the microsporidia Nosema apis and Nosema ceranae are among the most common pathologies affecting adult honey bees. N. apis infection has been associated with a reduced lifespan of infected bees and increased winter mortality, and its negative impact on colony strength and productivity has been described in several studies. By contrast, when the effects of nosemosis type C, caused by N. ceranae infection, have been analysed at the colony level, these studies have largely focused on collapse as a response to infection without addressing the potential sub-clinical effects on colony strength and productivity. Given the spread and prevalence of N. ceranae worldwide, we set out here to characterize the sub-clinical and clinical signs of N. ceranae infection on colony strength and productivity. We evaluated the evolution of 50 honey bee colonies naturally infected by Nosema (mainly N. ceranae) over a one year period. Under our experimental conditions, N. ceranae infection was highly pathogenic for honey bee colonies, producing significant reductions in colony size, brood rearing and honey production. These deleterious effects at the colony level may affect beekeeping profitability and have serious consequences on pollination. Further research is necessary to identify possible treatments or beekeeping techniques that will limit the rapid spread of this dangerous emerging disease.  相似文献   

熊蜂和蜜蜂为塑料大棚西瓜授粉对比试验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
熊蜂和蜜蜂为塑料大棚西瓜授粉试验得出,熊蜂授粉比蜜蜂授粉的平均单瓜重较重,差异不显著(P>0.05);单位面积产量较多,差异不显著(P>0.05);瓜型更周正,差异显著(P<0.05);VC含量较高,增加0.14%;总糖较高,增加2.22%;糖酸比较高,增加2.23%;可溶性固形物较低,降低2.04%;硝酸盐相同;说明熊蜂授粉比蜜蜂授粉产量略高,瓜较重,外观较好,VC含量较高,糖含量较高,口感相差不大,均可达到有机食品标准。证实了熊蜂授粉技术可以代替蜜蜂授粉技术。  相似文献   

国占宝 《蜜蜂杂志》2009,29(1):18-21
春季管理是养蜂生产的关键环节,也是蜂群发展最困难的阶段,因此受到广泛关注.分析春季繁殖的条件、蜂群的生物学特征和快速繁殖所需的条件,结合春季繁殖阶段的管理任务,综述冷暖分区饲养法在春季繁殖中的应用,旨在能够更好地完善和推广此项技术,为模式化养蜂技术的发展奠定基础.  相似文献   

Increasing numbers of specialists have been concerned with the problem of friendly environment in relation to man as well as to farm and wild animals. Greater interest in the biological monitoring of environment and ecosystem contamination can be observed. Determination of residues of organic and inorganic substances in bees (Apis mellifera) and in their products is one of effective possibilities of environmental pollution monitoring. Our work was aimed at the study of mercury levels in bees and their products. Mercury levels were determined in the head, abdomen and thorax of bees (Apis mellifera) from 20 bee populations coming from industrially contaminated areas with a dominant load of mercury (10 populations) and from uncontaminated areas. Mercury levels were determined simultaneously in honey coming from both contaminated and uncontaminated areas. The following mercury levels were found in bees from the contaminated area: heads 0.029-0.385 mg/kg, thorax 0.028-0.595 mg/kg and abdomen 0.083-2.255 mg/kg. Mercury levels in samples from uncontaminated areas ranged from 0.004 to 0.024 mg/kg in the heads, from 0.004 to 0.008 mg/kg in the thorax and from 0.008 to 0.020 mg/kg in the abdomen. In honey samples from the contaminated and uncontaminated areas mercury levels ranged from 0.050 to 0.212 mg/kg and from 0.001 to 0.003 mg/kg, respectively. The results of sample analyses for mercury loads in bees and honey from both contaminated and uncontaminated areas are given in Tab. I. Mean mercury levels in the single parts of the body in Apis mellifera and in honey from contaminated and uncontaminated areas are given in Figs. 1, 2, 3.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

蜜蜂授粉在促进现代农业发展中的生态价值、经济价值正在被越来越多的人所认识到。以蜜蜂授粉发展较快的浙江省为例,系统分析了蜜蜂授粉与高效生态农业互促发展的现状,对二者发展推进中存在的认识不到位、种养主体衔接不紧密、养殖户经济效益分享有偏、优质农产品市场机制不完善等问题进行分析。在此基础上,较为深入地剖析了蜜蜂授粉与高效生态农业互促共进的机理,最后从加大宣传示范力度、加快先进适用授粉技术的研发、促进配套的服务体系建设以及完善蜜粉源植物保护、推进授粉农产品市场认证机制等方面提出了加强蜜蜂授粉业与高效生态农业互促发展的政策建议。  相似文献   

通过通过箱体、实行中蜂贮蜜与繁殖分区管理,解决流蜜期繁殖与贮蜜的矛盾,发挥蜂群繁殖与采集的积极怀,增加蜂蜜的产量,获得纯正的成熟蜂蜜。三个阶段的试验结果表明:中蜂改造式蜂箱与中蜂标准箱、即氏蜂箱相比每群平均多增蜂1.0框,多造牌0.3和,越冬蜂损失少0.2框,提高蜂蜜产量30%以上,增加浓度1-2Be,中囊病病情指数低13.2%。  相似文献   

为了弄清西方蜜蜂在不同方法下进行分蜂后的繁蜂效果和生产性能,对2011年石榴花期前1个月左右已达11脾的蜂群,采取异地和本地分蜂两种方法进行人工分蜂,并对两种分蜂方法的蜂群增殖情况和蜂蜜产量进行了分析。结果表明,第1种分蜂方法优于第2种分蜂方法。第1种分蜂方法分出的蜂繁殖快、进蜜好,是一种理想的分蜂方法。  相似文献   

Disposition of mirosamicin, a macrolide antibiotic, to honeybee adults, larvae, honey and royal jelly in the beehive after in-feed administration to adult bees was studied. Treatment was initiated at the end of July when the availability of natural pollen and nectar was poor. The drug was mixed with pollen-substitute paste and administered to honeybee colonies continuously for a week at a dossage of 200 mg/hive/week. High distributions in adult bees, jelly, larvae and a relatively low distribution in honey, of mirosamicin were observed. One day dosing of microsamin in sucrose syrup, a nectar substitute, resulted in a very high and long lasting residue in honey. Both royal and worker jelly, secreted from the jelly glands of adult bees, are acidic, so that a high distribution of a basic drug, such as mirosamicin, in jelly can be expected. This mechanism was considered to be responsible for a high concentration of mirosamicin in honeybee larvae, the host of Paenibacillus-larvae infection (American foulbrood), as primary larval food is jelly.  相似文献   

The inbreeding coefficients are considered in breeding decisions, and the inverse numerator relationship matrix A ?1 is a prerequisite for breeding value estimation. Polyandry and haploid males are among the specifics of relationships between honey bees. Brascamp and Bijma (2014) averaged out the manifold possible relationships among honey bees that appear to have the same parents in a pedigree and assigned a single entry in A to animals that behave as a unit, for example, the workers of a hive. Their methods of calculation connected full‐sibs in the variance matrix of the Mendelian sampling terms D , via nonzero off‐diagonal elements. This impedes the inversion of A and the closely connected calculation of inbreeding coefficients, because efficient algorithms for this task take D to be a diagonal matrix. Memory limitations necessitate their use for large data sets. We adapted the quickest of them to the block diagonal matrix D , that is postulated for the honey bee. To our knowledge, the presented algorithm is the first one that facilitates the method of Brascamp and Bijma (2014) on large data sets.  相似文献   

经过冬蜜花期对以湖北鄂西中蜂为母本、广东粤东地中蜂为父本的杂交一代与本地中蜂进行比较,结果表明:杂交一代的繁殖力和产蜜量分别比本地中蜂高4.4%和11%。夏季乌桕花期对回交代进行对比结果表明:其繁殖力和产蜜量分别比本地中蜂高6%和21%。  相似文献   

Viruses of the honey bee have been known for a long time; however, recently the attention of scientists and apiculturalists has turned towards the relationship between these viruses and the parasitic mite Varroa jacobsoni. Although clinical symptoms indicated the presence of some of the viruses of bees in Hungary, none have previously been isolated or identified. During July unusual adult bee and brood mortality was observed in some colonies of an apiary in Budapest known to be infested with Varroa jacobsoni. Large amounts of acute paralysis virus (APV) were detected serologically in healthy honey bee pupae killed by the injection of a bacteria-free extract of diseased adult bees. Crystalline arrays of 30 nm particles were seen in ultrathin sections of the tissues of injected pupae and naturally infected adult bees. In spite of the application of acaricide treatments the bee population in several colonies had collapsed by the end of summer and the apiary suffered severe wintering losses.  相似文献   

野桂花是一种特色蜜源,其蜂蜜色、味俱佳,被称为"蜜中之王"。但采野桂花蜂蜜的蜂群产量不高、质量不稳定。根据中蜂生物学特性,改良设计了一种中蜂蜂箱,同时开展蜂群采野桂花蜂蜜优质高产饲养技术的研究工作。结果表明:实验组蜂群繁殖速度、野桂花蜂蜜产量都显著高于对照组,但2组生产的野桂花蜂蜜浓度差异不显著。  相似文献   

本文对蜂鸟的分类地位、分布、习性、生态作用及蜂鸟的保护等方面进行了综述,并对蜂鸟与蜜蜂及蜜源植物的生态关系进行了探讨,提出蜂鸟与蜜蜂一样,为植物传花授粉,是长期与植物协同进化的产物,属于蜜蜂的生态竞争者,并非仅仅是蜜蜂敌害。  相似文献   

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