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胆碱是生物体内不可缺少的基本组分之一,通常被认为是B族维生素类的一种(也称为维生素B_4),它在生物体内具有不可替代的基本功能,主要体现在3个方面:它是细胞膜的组成成分之一;促进脂肪的分解(避免脂肪肝);传递神经信号。当动物体内胆碱不足时,将表现胆碱缺乏症:  相似文献   

大米草作为饲料原料的开发利用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大米草作为一种入侵种,曾受到很多质疑,但是作为潜在资源,却没有得到重视。本文就近年来国内外的文献报道,综述了大米草作为饲料原料在畜禽生产上的应用及其对畜禽生长性能、健康以及经济效益的影响研究,同时阐述了开发利用大米草的广阔前景。  相似文献   

王继强  张波 《饲料研究》2003,(11):24-25
当前秸秆和干牧草是我国草食动物冬季主要粗饲料 ,但秸秆、干牧草营养成分低 ,木质素含量高 ,饲喂动物生长速度慢 ,生长周期长。因此研究和开发新的饲料资源是畜牧工作者现在和将来的一项重要工作。而大豆皮是一种较理想的饲料资源 ,有很大的潜力。1 大豆皮的营养价值大豆皮是大豆制油工艺的副产品 ,占整个大豆体积的 1 0 % ,占整个大豆重量的 8%。大豆皮主要是大豆外层包被的物质 ,颜色为米黄色或浅黄色 ,由油脂加工热法脱皮或压碎筛理两种加工方法所得。主要成分是细胞壁和植物纤维 ,粗纤维含量为38% ,粗蛋白 1 2 .2 % ,氧化钙 0 .5 3% ,…  相似文献   

舒小舟 《饲料工业》2002,23(3):35-36
在南方每年6月份至9月份为高温季节,最高温度可达37℃~38℃,仓库内温度可达40℃左右,适宜害虫的生长和繁殖,给饲料厂带来很大的危害,造成很大的经济损失。危害之一:害虫汲取饲料原料中的营养,造成饲料原料中的营养成分的损失;其二,污染饲料原料,造成饲料原料的适口性下降,影响畜禽的采食量,降低饲料的转化率;其三,害虫进行呼吸作用,造成饲料原料的发热、发霉、变味,大大地降低饲料原料的质量。饲料原料被害虫侵害是饲料厂常见的现象。因此,必须消灭害虫,对饲料原料进行熏蒸,以提高饲料产品的品质,下面具体谈谈…  相似文献   

Producing dairy products which are safe for consumers requires the constant monitoring of the microbiological quality of raw material, the production process itself and the end product. Traditional methods, still a "gold standard", require a specialized laboratory working on recognized and validated methods. Obtaining results is time- and labor-consuming and do not allow rapid evaluation. Hence, there is a need for a rapid, precise method enabling the real-time monitoring of microbiological quality, and flow cytometry serves this function well. It is based on labeling cells suspended in a solution with fluorescent dyes and pumping them into a measurement zone where they are exposed to a precisely focused laser beam. This paper is aimed at presenting the possibilities of applying flow cytometry in the dairy industry.  相似文献   

夏冬 《中国乳业》2003,(6):34-35
优质原料奶是一个广泛意义上的概念,简单的定义是:来自健康奶牛的乳房,鲜奶感官正常.营养成分均衡,其它理化指标符合国家标准,微生物指数低,无抗、无药物残留,不掺假的自然乳。优质原料奶对乳制品的质量起到了至关重要的作用,它是乳制品企业的第一生产车间,得到了乳制品企业的高度重视。但生产优质原料奶是一个复杂系统的过程,它直接贯穿奶牛生产的整个始终.  相似文献   

1我国饲料原料仓仓储现状1.1仓型及储存方式目前国内大宗饲料原料(如玉米、豆粕(饼)、鱼粉等)及成品(粉状饲料、颗粒饲料)的存放要么采用立筒仓(钢板仓、混凝土仓、砖圆仓等),要么采用房式仓。对于立筒仓,物料多通过散装的形式存放,而对于房式仓,物料多采用包装形式堆放。1.2现有仓型的优、缺点1.2.1立筒仓立筒仓作为一种比较重要的散装原料仓,在储存散装饲料原料方面占有很大比例,一般情况下,饲料厂大多配置有1座~3座立筒仓,筒仓平面形式多采用圆形或正方形。圆形筒仓的直径,当为钢筋混凝土结构时,一般为…  相似文献   

前言哺乳仔猪实行早期断奶在养猪生产上具有很大的优越性。目前,仔猪断奶日龄普遍提前,规模化猪场在乳猪出生后7~10d开始补饲代乳料,断奶日龄为21~28d。但是,以目前国内的生产水平,大规模地推广早期断奶技术还存在不少困难,其中最主要的难题是难以有效地防止乳猪早期断奶后腹  相似文献   

PCR as a diagnostic tool for brucellosis   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Numerous PCR-based assays have been developed for the identification of Brucella to improve diagnostic capabilities. Collectively, the repertoire of assays addresses several aspects of the diagnostic process. For some purposes, the simple identification of Brucella is adequate (e.g. diagnosis of human brucellosis or contamination of food products). In these cases, a genus-specific PCR assay is sufficient. Genus-specific assays tend to be simple, robust, and somewhat permissive of environmental influences. The main genetic targets utilized for these applications are the Brucella BCSP31 gene and the 16S–23S rRNA operon.

Other instances require identification of the Brucella species involved. For example, most government-sponsored brucellosis eradication programs include regulations that stipulate a species-specific response. For epidemiological trace back, strain-specific identification is helpful. Typically, differential PCR-based assays tend to be more complex and consequently more difficult to perform. Several strategies have been explored to differentiate among Brucella species and strains, including locus specific multiplexing (e.g. AMOS-PCR based on IS711), PCR-RFLP (e.g. the omp2 locus), arbitrary-primed PCR, and ERIC-PCR to name a few. This paper reviews some of the major advancements in molecular diagnostics for Brucella including the development of procedures designed for the direct analysis of a variety of clinical samples. While the progress to date is impressive, there is still room for improvement.  相似文献   

在欧洲,小麦因其淀粉和蛋白含量高而成为家禽日粮中一种主要的饲料成分。然而,众所周知,小麦中的非淀粉多糖(Non-Starch Polysaccharides,NSP)对家禽有抗营养作用,此外,其浓度非常不定,而目前的饲料配方没有考虑该变异性。本文将讨论NSP在肉鸡营养中的重要性,以及近红外光谱法(Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy,NIRS)监测其浓度的可能性。  相似文献   

Instructors at the Ontario Veterinary College (OVC) have a long-standing commitment to the use of radiographic films in teaching introductory anatomy in the DVM program. The imaging component of the course has evolved from being heavily instructor-dependent, with small group teaching in each laboratory session, to being almost self-taught. The manner in which recognition of structures in radiographic images is examined has also changed. In 2001 a novel examination process was introduced. Here we report the approach to the teaching and examining of anatomy by use of radiographic images implemented for phase 1 of the new DVM curriculum at the University of Guelph.  相似文献   

Occurrence of individual polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) congeners in the environment, foodstuffs and other biological materials was assessed. Analysis of specific PCB congeners (28, 52, 101, 138, 153, 180), occurring in animal raw materials and foodstuffs most frequently, has been implemented. Sample processing, isolation of fat from milk, meat, organs, fat tissue and eggs, and separation of PCB from fats using the sorbents Florisil or Ekosorb (a new Czechoslovak sorbent based on modified silica gel, Kavalier Glassworks, Votice) are described in detail. Individual PCB congeners were determined by capillary gas chromatography (gas chromatograph Varian VISTA 6,000, equipped with a 63Ni ECD; silica capillary column SPB-5, 30 m x 0.32 mm I.D., 0.25 micron film; column temperature programme: 60 degrees C for 2 min, then to 250 degrees C at 20 degrees C/min and held for 13 min; splitless injection). Chromatograms of commercial chemicals Delor 103 and Delor 106 (corresponding to Aroclor 1242 and 1260, respectively), of a mixture of six specific PCB congener standards and of a PCB--containing milk sample are presented in Fig. 1-3. Methods of PCBs estimation, currently used in Czechoslovakia, and benefits of congeneric analysis of PCBs (reproducibility of results, quantification of individual congeners) are discussed. Analysis of specific PCB congeners is used for the assay of PCBs in foodstuffs and investigations of PCBs dynamics in food chains and distribution and accumulation of PCBs in animal organisms. Contents of specific PCB congeners in milk, pork and pig liver and kidney samples are given in Tab. II.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Fecal samples of cattle and swine and samples of raw material and pulverized dehydrated meat taken from three rendering plants were investigated with special enrichment methods on the presence of Clostridium botulinum to get a view about the hygienic risk by the incidence of C. botulinum in rendering plants. Eight-six specimens were examined: 25 fecal specimens each of swine and cattle, 11 of raw material and 25 of pulverized dehydrated meat of three rendering plants. Twelve specimens contained C. botulinum: 7 fecal specimens, 6 of swine and one of cattle, 4 raw material specimens and one of pulverized dehydrated meat. C. botulinum was detected by its toxin production in culture medium. Six times C. botulinum type E, twice C. botulinum type B and one time C. botulinum type C was identified. C. botulinum could not be typed in other cases because the toxin quantities were too small. C. botulinum type E was detected in raw material and pulverized dehydrated meat in one of the three examined rendering plants.  相似文献   

2005年,我国水产饲料的总产量已经超过1000万t,水产饲料占饲料总产量的比例基本稳定在10%左右,已经成为我国饲料行业的重要组成部分.就水产配合饲料质量而言,饲料配方设计是关键,而饲料原料质量是重要基础,加工技术是保障.饲料原料的选择、原料的质量对配合饲料的质量具有重要的作用,许多配合饲料质量问题是由饲料原料引起;饲料原料的质量、价格也是决定配合饲料产品质量的关键性因素.同时,水产品市场价格低迷要求水产配合饲料降价,而饲料原料尤其是鱼粉、菜粕、棉粕等价格不断上涨又导致水产配合饲料涨价,饲料原料掺假技术不断发展、涉及掺假的原料种类增多、掺假物对鱼类健康和疾病发生的影响不断增加,在这三重市场压力下水产配合饲料如何发展?这对饲料原料的选择和质量控制技术提出了更高的要求.因此,笔者就淡水鱼类饲料原料的选择和质量控制技术进行分析,提出一些意见供参考.  相似文献   

颜铤  徐磊 《中国饲料》2022,1(4):117-120
本研究评估了日粮添加昆虫蛋白粉(黄粉虫)替代豆粕对肉兔生长性能、养分消化及饲养成本的影响.试验选择平均体重为(712.16±0.37)g的60只肉兔,随机分为2组,每组5个重复,每个重复6只.对照组和处理组肉兔在整个为期8周的饲养试验中分别饲喂8%豆粕型和8%黄粉虫型基础日粮.结果:处理组肉兔12?w体重较对照组显著提...  相似文献   

The new Swiss ordinance on veterinary drugs poses a new challenge to the veterinarians, specially those working with farm animals. A complete overview about the registered veterinary drugs and immunobiologicals is absolutely necessary to cope with these new tasks: the internet version of the Swiss Veterinary Drug Compendium is a versatile tool to satisfy this needs (http://www.tierarzneimittel.ch). Due to the frequent updates and powerful search possibilities, this database is a reliable and comprehensive information system regarding Swiss veterinary drugs. We will demonstrate how this system can be used as a valuable help in the case of reconversions of drugs (e.g. use of small animal drugs in farm animals).  相似文献   

叶元土 《饲料广角》2006,(13):37-38,50
3淀粉类饲料 鱼类利用淀粉作为能量来源的能力远不如陆生动物,但淀粉类饲料又是最廉价的饲料原料,所以在淡水鱼饲料中依然占有很大的比例。  相似文献   

叶元土 《饲料广角》2006,(12):38-41
2005年.我国水产饲料的总产量已经超过1000万t,水产饲料占饲料总产量的比例基本稳定在10%左右.已经成为我国饲料行业的重要组成部分。就水产配合饲料质量而言.饲料配方设计是关键.而饲料原料质量是重要基础.加工技术是保障。  相似文献   

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