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Clemastine fumarate was administered to 72 atopic dogs. The pruritus in seven dogs was eliminated with this treatment. Another 14 dogs improved considerably with treatment but had some residual pruritus. Side effects were uncommon and only three dogs had to be withdrawn from treatment because of adverse reactions.  相似文献   

Antihistamines clearly have a place in the management of pruritus in the atopic dog and cat and, in this paper, important aspects of pharmacology and pharmacokinetics, adverse effects and precautions, and clinical use of these compounds are reviewed. Successful use of antihistamines is dependent on, among other considerations, the adherence to recommended doses and frequencies of administration, the recognition and control of concurrent and secondary factors, the willingness to try several different compounds, and the realisation that these agents are best employed in a preventive fashion.  相似文献   

Efficacy of chlorpheniramine maleate for management of pruritus in cats   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Chlorpheniramine maleate was administered orally (2 mg, q12 h) to 26 cats with pruritic skin disease. Pruritus was completely eliminated in 19 cats, and was reduced by 50% in 1 cat. Six cats had no response to treatment. Serious or long-lasting clinical side effects were not observed in any cat.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To develop a high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) assay for cetirizine in feline plasma and determine the pharmacokinetics of cetirizine in healthy cats after oral administration of a single dose (5 mg) of cetirizine dihydrochloride. ANIMALS: 9 healthy cats. PROCEDURES: Heparinized blood samples were collected prior to and 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 24 hours after oral administration of 5 mg of cetirizine dihydrochloride to each cat (dosage range, 0.6 to 1.4 mg/kg). Plasma was harvested and analyzed by reverse-phase HPLC. Plasma concentrations of cetirizine were analyzed with a compartmental pharmacokinetic model. Protein binding was measured by ultrafiltration with a microcentrifugation system. RESULTS: No adverse effects were detected after drug administration in the cats. Mean +/- SD terminal half-life was 10.06 +/- 4.05 hours, and mean peak plasma concentration was 3.30 +/- 1.55 microg/mL. Mean volume of distribution and clearance (per fraction absorbed) were 0.24 +/- 0.09 L/kg and 0.30 +/- 0.09 mL/kg/min, respectively. Mean plasma concentrations were approximately 2.0 microg/mL or higher for 10 hours and were maintained at > 0.72 microg/mL for 24 hours. Protein binding was approximately 88%. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: A single dose of cetirizine dihydrochloride (approx 1 mg/kg, which corresponded to approximately 0.87 mg of cetirizine base/kg) was administered orally to cats. It was tolerated well and maintained plasma concentrations higher than those considered effective in humans for 24 hours after dosing. The half-life of cetirizine in cats is compatible with once-daily dosing, and the extent of protein binding is high.  相似文献   

Cyproheptadine hydrochloride was administered to 20 presumed or proven allergic cats to determine its efficacy in controlling pruritus. Each cat received 2 mg, orally, every 12 h. The pruritus was satisfactorily controlled in 9 cats. Side effects were seen in 8 cats, and included polyphagia, sedation, vocalization, affectionate behavior, and vomiting.  相似文献   

Abstract This prospective study evaluated the cause(s) of dermatitis in a series of cats with signs suggestive of allergic skin disease. Twenty cases completed the díagnostic evaluation, which included intradermal skin testing, a rigorous flea-control programme, and a 4-month stabilization period on a restricted protein source commercial diet, followed by rechallenge with the cat's original diet. The most common final díagnoses included flea allergic dermatitis (seven cases), and flea allergic dermatitis together with atopy (seven cases). Three additional cases which did not complete the study were also considered to be atopic. No cases were considered to be primarily associated with food hypersensitivity, an observation supporting previous data indicating this to be a rare cause of allergic skin disease in the cat. These observations emphasize the value of a rigorous flea-control programme as part of the management of many cases of feline allergic dermatitis. Résumé Une étude étiologique prospective a été réalisée dans une population de chats suspects de dermites allergiques. Des tests cutanés intradermiques ont été réalisés ainsi qu'un contrôle antipuce rigoureux et un régime d'élimination, faisant appel à une alimentation du commerce restreinte en protéines pendant 4 mois, suivi par une réintroduction de l'alimentation initiale du chat. Le díagnostic le plus fréquent est la Dermite par Allergie à la Piqûres de Puce (DAPP) (7 cas), une DAPP associée à une atopie (7 cas). Trois cas supplémentaires sont atopiques. Aucun cas n'est en rapport avec seulement une allergie alimentaire. Cette observation montre que l'allergie alimentaire est une cause rare de dermite allergique chez le chat. Ces observations confirment par ailleurs l'intérêt d'un contrôle antipuce rigoureux dans la gestion thérapeutique des dermites allergiques du chat. [O'Dair, H.A., Markwell, P.J., Maskell, I.E. An open prospective investigation into aetiology in a group of cats with suspected allergic skin disease (Etude étiologique prospective ouverte dans une population de chats suspects de dermite allergiques). Veterinary Dermatology 1996; 7 : 193–202.] Resumen Este estudio prospective evalúa la(s) causa(s) de dermatitis en un grupo de gatos con sintomas sugestivos de dermatosis alérgica. Se evaluó el díagnóstico de veinte casos, incluyendo pruebas cutáneas intradérmicas, programa riguroso de control de pulgas y un periodo de cuatro meses de estabilización con una dieta comercial con fuente de proteina restringida, seguido de una re-exposición a la dieta original del gato. El díagnóstico final más frecuente fue de dermatitis alérgica a las pulgas (siete casos) y dermatitis alérgica a las pulgas con atopia (siete casos). Tres casos más que no completaron el estudio fueron también considerados atópicos. Ninguno de los casos fue considerado estar principalmente asociado a una hipersensibilidad alimentaria, lo que apoya hallazgos previos indicativos de que este tipo de hipersensibilidad es poco frecuente en el gato. Estos hallazgos resaltan la importancia de un programa rigurosos de control de pulgas en el protocolo de manejo de muchos casos de dermatitis alérgica felina. [O'Dair, H.A., Markwell, P.J., Maskell, I.E. An open prospective investigation into aetiology in a group of cats with suspected allergic skin disease (Investigacion prospectiva abierta de la etiologia en un grupo de gatos sospechosos de dermatosis alérgica). Veterinary Dermatology 1996; 7 : 193–202.] Zusammenfassung Diese prospektive Untersuchung wertete die Fälle von Dermatitis bei einer Reihe von Katzen aus, die Symptome aufwiesen, welche auf eine allergische Hautkrankheit deuteten. Zwanzig Fälle wiesen eine vollständige díagnostische Untersuchung äuf, die intradermale Hauttests, striktes Flohbekämpfungsprogramm und eine viermonatige Stabilisierungsphase mit einer kommerziellen Diät mit begrenzten Eiweißquellen, gefolgt von einer Provokation mit dem bisher üblichen Katzenfutter, beinhaltete. Die häufigste endgültige Diagnose bestand in Flohbißdermatitis (sieben Fälle) und Flohbißdermatitis zusammen mit Atopie (sieben Fälle). Drei weitere Fälle durchliefen die Studie nicht vollständig, wurden aber als atopisch angesehen. Kein Fall wurde primär in Verbindug mit Futtermittelhypersensibilität gesehen, eine Beobachtung, die frühere Daten unterstützt, die dies als seltene Ursache bei allergischen Hautkrankheiten der Katze nennt. Diese Beobachtungen betonen die Bedeutung des genauen Flohbekämpfungsprogramms als Teil des Management vieler Fälle von allergischen Hautkrankheiten bei der Katze. [O'Dair, H.A., Markwell, P.J., Maskell, I.E. An open prospective investigation into aetiology in a group of cats with suspected allergic skin disease (Offene prospektive Untersuchung über die Ätiologie bei einer Gruppe von Katzen mit Verdacht auf allergische Hautkrankheiten). Veterinary Dermatology 1996; 7 : 193–202.]  相似文献   

Clemastine fumarate was administered to 10 presumed or proven atopic cats to determine its efficacy in controlling their pruritus. Initially, each cat received 0.34 mg orally every twelve hours for 14 days. When none responded satisfactorily, the dosage was increased to 0.68 mg/cat every twelve hours. At that dosage, the pruritus in five cats (50%) was eliminated. Diarrhea was seen in one cat. Under the conditions of the study, clemastine was a useful antipruritic agent for the cat.  相似文献   

盐酸特比萘芬对犬猫皮肤真菌病的疗效观察   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
笔者2001年7月至2002年1月对盐酸特比萘芬溶液及片剂(癣净溶液、抗癣特片)进行了临床验证,观察其对犬、猫皮肤真菌病的疗效,同时与克霉唑溶液进行平行比较,报告如下。  相似文献   

The efficacy and field safety of marbofloxacin (Zeniquin) for the treatment of superficial and deep bacterial pyoderma were evaluated. Seventy‐two dogs were treated with 2.75 mg kg?1 of marbofloxacin orally once daily for 21 or 28 days. Sixty‐two dogs (86%) had superficial pyoderma and 10 (14%) had deep pyoderma. A history of prior pyoderma was reported in 39/72 dogs. Pretreatment aerobic bacteriologic cultures of skin lesions were performed in 47 cases and the predominant pathogen isolated was Staphylococcus intermedius. Treatment was successful in 62/72 (86.1%) dogs, improvement was noted in 6/72 (8.3%) dogs and treatment failed in 4/72 (5.6%) dogs. Adverse effects associated with treatment included listlessness, anorexia, vomiting, soft stool, flatulence and polydipsia; these adverse effects were seen in only 6/81 dogs. Marbofloxacin was safe and effective for the treatment of superficial and deep pyoderma in dogs at the dosage used in this study.  相似文献   

Increasing numbers of cats are living to become elderly and they commonly develop behavioral changes. The objectives of this article are to consider the possible causes and prevalence of behavioral problems in pet cats, to describe how cognitive dysfunction syndrome (CDS) typically presents, and how its diagnosis and management are often complicated by the concurrent presence of multiple interacting disease processes. The most frequently reported behavioral problems in old cats are loss of litter box training and crying out loudly at night. The most common causes of these problems are CDS, osteoarthritis, systemic hypertension (commonly secondary to chronic kidney disease or hyperthyroidism), hyperthyroidism (even without hypertension), deafness, and brain tumors. These conditions all occur frequently in older cats, many of which suffer from a number of concurrent interacting conditions. Owners and veterinary surgeons often mistake these for "normal aging changes," so many treatable conditions are neglected and go untreated. Almost one third of cats 11 to 14 years of age develop at least one geriatric-onset behavior problem that appears to relate to CDS, and this increases to over 50% for cats 15 years of age or older. For optimum management of elderly cats with behavioral problems, all interacting conditions need to be diagnosed and addressed concurrently with management for CDS.  相似文献   

Chlorpheniramine maleate (2 mg/cat every 12 h orally) and a fatty acid supplement (0.5 ml/cat every 24 h orally) were administered in combination to 11 pruritic cats. Although none of the cats had responded to the two products when they were administered as single therapeutic agents, six of the cats (54%) had an excellent response to the combination. Adverse effects were not seen. Under the conditions of this study, the combination of antihistamine (chlorpheniramine) and the omega-3/omega-6 fatty acid-containing supplement exhibited a superior antipruritic effect to either product alone.  相似文献   

Introduction: STI571 (Gleevec, imatinib mesylate) is a receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitor with selectivity for Bcr‐Abl, platelet‐derived growth factor (PDGF), stem cell factor (SCF), and c‐Kit. Side effects with use in humans include vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, myalgia, edema, and cutaneous reactions. Renal and hepatic toxicity have also been reported. In dogs, there is significant hepatic toxicity at sub‐clinical doses. The purpose of this prospective study was to determine the toxicity level and potential treatment protocol in tumor bearing cats. Methods: A phase I clinical trial was performed in client owned cats using an escalating dose of STI571 in tumor bearing cats. Cats included in the study had a histologic diagnosis of fibrosarcoma or other tumors and were staged with CBC, biochemical profile, thoracic radiographs, and abdominal ultrasound. None of the cats received concurrent chemotherapy, but those previously treated with surgery, radiation therapy, or chemotherapy, were not excluded. The initial starting dose was 5 mg/cat PO SID and was gradually increased to 10 and 20 mg/cat PO SID at a 2–6 week interval depending on laboratory work and disease progression. A repeat physical examination, CBC, and biochemical profile, were performed every 2 weeks for 2 rechecks, then every 4 weeks. Results: Six cats were enrolled in the study. Four cats had oral squamous cell carcinoma, and two cats had cutaneous fibrosarcoma. One cat demonstrated leukocytosis, increased liver enzymes, and signs of acute renal failure two weeks after initiating therapy (5 mg PO SID). No dose escalation was made in this cat. Five cats endured dose escalations of 10 mg PO SID in two cats and 20 mg PO SID in three cats and were treated for 2–4 months. None of these cats experienced any signs of toxicity as measured by CBC and biochemical profile. Conclusions: Only one cat experienced toxicity that may have been associated with low dose administration of STI571. As most cats tolerated the drug without an adverse effect, further evaluation of STI571 in a phase II clinical trial is warranted.  相似文献   

The ability of two non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to modify the clinical manifestations of pain associated with locomotor disease was assessed. Sixty-nine cats with acute or chronic locomotor disorders were recruited from 14 first opinion UK veterinary practices and randomly allocated to one of two treatment groups. Group A received meloxicam drops (0.3 mg/kg orally on day 1 followed by 0.1 mg/kg daily for four more consecutive days) and group B received ketoprofen tablets (1.0 mg/kg orally once daily for five days). Each cat underwent a full clinical examination before treatment, 24 hours after initiation of treatment and 24 hours after completion of treatment. General clinical parameters (demeanour and feed intake) and specific locomotor parameters (weightbearing, lameness, local inflammation and pain on palpation) were scored using a discontinuous scale scoring system. The two groups did not differ in terms of age, weight, gender distribution or duration of clinical signs; nor did they differ in terms of general clinical or specific locomotor scores pretreatment. Both treatment regimens resulted in a significant improvement in demeanour, feed intake and weightbearing, and a significant reduction in lameness, pain on palpation and inflammation. No significant difference was observed between the two treatment groups with respect to any of the parameters measured and both treatments were associated with minimal observed side effects. Meloxicam and ketoprofen were found to be effective analgesics and well tolerated in cats with acute or chronic locomotor disorders when administered for short-term treatment (five days) in such cases. However, meloxicam was assessed to be significantly more palatable than ketoprofen.  相似文献   

Background – Oral triamcinolone (T) and methylprednisolone (M) have been recommended at various dosages for the control of pruritus associated with feline allergic dermatitis. Objectives – The first objective was to determine effective dosages of methylprednisolone (Pfizer, New York, NY, USA) and triamcinolone (Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica, Inc., St Joseph, MO, USA) required to induce remission from pruritus associated with feline allergic dermatitis. The second objective was to compare efficacy of several different alternate day maintenance dosages. The third objective was to determine whether laboratory abnormalities occurred at effective dosages. Animals – Thirty‐two client‐owned allergic cats were randomly assigned to the M or T groups. Methods – Owners reported weekly on pruritus score and behavioural changes. Remission was defined as a pruritus score of ≤2/10, with 0 as the least and 10 as the most pruritic. Serum chemistry, complete blood count, fructosamine and urinalysis were assessed on day 0, at the end of the 7–14 day induction phase and at study completion. Results – Mean once daily doses required for induction were 1.41 mg/kg for M and 0.18 mg/kg for T. Mean alternate day maintenance doses were 0.54 mg/kg for M and 0.08 mg/kg for T. There was a statistically significant decrease in eosinophils and increase in fructosamine for both groups from baseline to study completion. Fructosamine levels did not exceed the reference range in any case. Conclusions – These results suggest that triamcinolone is approximately seven times as potent as methylprednisolone, and that these dosages are efficacious and well tolerated for the control of pruritus in allergic cats.  相似文献   

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