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BACKGROUND: Clove oil, derived from the plant Syzygium aromaticum (L.) Merr. & Perry, is active against various organisms, and was prepared in a soy lecithin/detergent formulation to determine concentrations active against the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne incognita (Kofoid and White) Chitwood. RESULTS: In microwell assays, the mean effective clove oil concentration that reduced egg hatch by 50% (EC(50)) was 0.097% (v/v) clove oil; the EC(50) for second-stage juvenile (J2) viability was 0.145% clove oil (compared with carrier control treatments). Volatiles from 5.0% clove oil reduced nematode egg hatch in water by 30%, and decreased viability of hatched J2 by as much as 100%. Reductions were not as large with nematodes in carrier. In soil trials with J2 recovered from Baermann funnels, the EC(50) = 0.192% clove oil (compared with water controls). CONCLUSION: The results demonstrated that the tested formulation is active against M. incognita eggs and J2, that the EC(50) values for J2 in the microwell studies and the soil recovery tests were similar to each other and that direct contact with the clove oil is needed for optimal management results with this natural product.  相似文献   

Several concentrations of DL-methionine were tested in the laboratory for their effects on Meloidogyne incognita (Kofoid & White) Chitwood egg hatching and juvenile activity in aqueous suspensions and infested soil. After 7 days in methionine solutions, the proportions of hatched eggs were reduced by 23.3% at 0.25 mg litre(-1) methionine and by 76.4% at 25 g litre(-1) when compared with controls in tap water. An effect of methionine solutions on juvenile activity was also apparent after 24 h in the 25 g litre(-1) treatment, where the percentage of active M incognita juveniles was reduced by 16.3%. Further reductions in nematode mobility were observed as the time of exposure increased, and at lower methionine concentrations over longer exposure times. When methionine solutions were applied to soil infested with M incognita, reductions in egg hatching and juvenile activity were observed at 0.1 and 1 mg methionine g(-1) soil in both sand and clay-loam soils. The percentage of hatched eggs one week after methionine application at rates of 1 mg g(-1) was lower in sand (5.6%) and clay-loam soil (20.8%) than in controls where egg hatch was 52.0% and 48.0% in sand and soil, respectively. Non-active juveniles were found at 1 mg methionine g(-1) soil one week after its application to soil.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The small number of available nematicides and restrictions on the use of non‐fumigant nematicides owing to high toxicity to human and non‐target organisms hinder effective nematode control. The nematicidal efficacy of MCW‐2, a new nematicide of the fluoroalkenyl group, was evaluated against the root‐knot nematode Meloidogyne javanica (Treub.) Chitwood. RESULTS: MCW‐2 showed irreversible nematicidal activity against second‐stage juveniles of M. javanica in vitro, following exposure for 48 h at concentrations as low as 0.5 mg L?1, in contrast to fenamiphos or cadusafos. When exposed to MCW‐2 for shorter periods, motile juveniles became immobile with time after rinsing in water. MCW‐2 at 8 mg L?1 inhibited nematode hatching, which, however, recovered after rinsing in water. In pot and plot experiments, 0.5 mg MCW‐2 L?1 soil and 2 kg MCW‐2 ha?1, respectively, controlled M. javanica similarly to or better than fenamiphos or cadusafos at the same concentrations or at their recommended doses. In the soil, the nematicidal activity of MCW‐2 was less persistent than that of fenamiphos. CONCLUSION: MCW‐2 has potential to be used as a new non‐fumigant nematicide that probably has a novel mode of action. Copyright © 2009 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Nematicidal activity of the leaf powder, leaf extracts and formulated leaf extracts of Myrtus communis, an evergreen shrub that is widely distributed in Israel and other Mediterranean countries, was evaluated using the root‐knot nematode Meloidogyne javanica in in vitro and pot experiments. Leaf powder added to sand at 0·1% (w/w) reduced the number of juveniles recovered from the sand by more than 50%. Reduction in galling index and number of nematode eggs on tomato roots was also observed by incorporating the leaf powder at 0·1–0·4% (w/w) in the soil in pot experiments. Leaf powder extracts with methanol or ethanol showed the highest nematicidal activity among all extracts tested. Emulsifiable concentrates of leaf‐paste extract at a concentration as low as 0·005% (a.i., w/w) reduced the number of juveniles recovered from treated sand and the gall index of cucumber seedlings. The extract paste at 26 g m?2 was also effective in reducing the gall index of tomato plants in field‐plot experiments. The leaf powder at 0·2% and the formulated leaf‐paste extract at 0·02% were also nematicidal to Tylenchulus semipenetrans and Ditylenchus dipsaci, but not to Pratylenchus penetrans or Steinernema feltiae. At least three nematicidal compounds were found in the leaf extract upon fractionation by thin‐layer chromatography. The results suggest that the leaf powder and paste extract of M. communis are potential nematicides against root‐knot nematodes.  相似文献   

阿维菌素和硫线磷对南方根结线虫的毒力   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用阿维菌素和硫线磷处理南方根结线虫离体卵与幼虫,测试其对线虫卵和卵块孵化以及对2龄幼虫的致死作用、活动能力、侵入能力的影响。结果表明阿维菌素和硫线磷均对线虫卵和卵块的孵化表现很强的抑制作用,阿维菌素5 μg/mL处理24 h对卵孵化抑制率高达82.57%,而硫线磷40 μg/mL处理24 h对卵孵化抑制率为73.05%;阿维菌素和硫线磷处理48 h对2龄幼虫的LD50分别为7.346 1、13.345 6 μg/mL;在阿维菌素2 μg/mL和硫线磷3 μg/mL处理中,2龄幼虫在沙柱中的平均移动距离仅为0.04 cm和0.05 cm,而对照处理的线虫平均移动距离为1.04 cm;在阿维菌素2 μg/mL和硫线磷50 μg/mL处理2龄幼虫48 h后,对番茄根部的侵入率为0.12%和0.45%,而空白对照处理线虫的侵入率达21.85%。  相似文献   

为探明酸黄瓜南方根结线虫病抗性的内在机理,以抗病材料酸黄瓜与感病材料北京截头为试材,对南方根结线虫侵入与幼虫发育、根的解剖学及线虫侵入诱导形成的取食位点的细胞学结构进行了比较研究。结果表明,抗病材料酸黄瓜根系中线虫侵入率极显著低于感病材料北京截头(P0.01),酸黄瓜能够有效抵抗南方根结线虫的侵入;抗、感材料根系中雌雄虫个体比例分别为1∶12和1∶5(P0.01),抗性反应能够抑制线虫取食和幼虫发育;酸黄瓜根的解剖结构与普通栽培黄瓜相似,酸黄瓜的根不具有结构抗性;抗病反应中细胞发生过敏性坏死,感病反应中无此类现象发生。抗侵入、抑制取食和坏死反应是抗病材料酸黄瓜抗性反应的主要特征。  相似文献   

Ochradenus baccatus is a widely distributed shrub in desert regions of the Middle East and North Africa. This plant's nematicidal activity against the root‐knot nematode Meloidogyne javanica was evaluated because it has been found to contain exceptionally high levels of glucosinolates. In in vitro assays with aqueous extracts of the plant, 100% of second‐stage juveniles were immobilized after exposure to 4% root‐core extract for 48 h; 8% root‐core extract suppressed their hatching by 87%, whereas stem, flower and root bark showed lower activity. Incorporation of root core or bark into the soil, as fresh or dry powder at 1 and 0·5% (w/w), respectively, reduced the number of nematodes recovered from the soil by 95–100%, whereas the flower and stem were much less effective. Results from further pot experiments indicated that only the root bark consistently contains nematicidal compounds which are effective in soil, whereas the nematicidal activity of the root core in soil was inconsistent. The presence of non‐volatile lipophilic and lipophobic nematicidal compounds in the root bark was suggested by extraction with different polar solvents, but these compounds do not seem to be isothiocyanates – glucosinolate‐hydrolysed compounds with nematicidal activity. Very poor host status of Ochradenus baccatus to M. javanica, Mincognita and M. hapla, but with root‐penetration rates of juveniles similar to those in tomato roots, suggest that this plant may be used as a cover plant or trap plant to reduce nematode populations in the soil.  相似文献   

华南地区主要番茄品种对南方根结线虫的抗性评价   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
通过人工接种方式, 对华南地区番茄主要栽培品种对优势根结线虫——南方根结线虫(Meloidogyne incognita)的抗性进行了评价。结果表明,广东栽培品种年丰、红宝石、新星、福安、粤红玉、穗丰、金丰、益丰、丰顺、大丰顺、满丰和法国品种SAINT PIERRE均高度感病; 而法国品种 PIERSOL VFN高度抗病,根结率为0。根据SAS8.0多重比较分析表明,在F0.01的水平上, 品种PIERSOL VFN与其余品种之间对根结线虫的抗性均存在显著性差异,而其他12个品种间对根结线虫的抗性差异不显著。  相似文献   

采用触杀法研究了10种植物干材料无水乙醇提取物、乙酸乙酯提取物和石油醚提取物对南方根结线虫2龄幼虫的毒杀活性。结果表明,这10种植物材料的3种有机溶剂提取物对根结线虫都有不同程度的毒杀活性。其中,牡丹皮、丁香、八角茴香、何首乌和地肤子的无水乙醇和乙酸乙酯提取物的毒杀活性最强,48h校正死亡率均大于90%;八角茴香石油醚提取物也表现出较高毒杀活性,48h校正死亡率也达到了80%以上。  相似文献   

Pathogenicity and host‐parasite relationships in root‐knot disease of celery (Apium graveolens ) caused by Meloidogyne incognita race 1 were studied under glasshouse conditions. Naturally and artificially infected celery cv. D’elne plants showed severe yellowing and stunting, with heavily deformed and damaged root systems. Nematode‐induced mature galls were spherical and/or ellipsoidal and commonly contained more than one female, males and egg masses with eggs. Feeding sites were characterized by the development of giant cells that contained granular cytoplasm and many hypertrophied nuclei. The cytoplasm of giant cells was aggregated along their thickened cell walls and consequently the vascular tissues within galls appeared disrupted and disorganized. The relationship between initial nematode population density (Pi) and growth of celery plants was tested in glasshouse experiments with inoculum levels that varied from 0 to 512 eggs and second‐stage juveniles (J2) mL?1 soil. Seinhorst's model y = m + (1 – m)zP–T was fitted to height and top fresh weight data of the inoculated and control plants. The tolerance limit with respect to plant height and fresh top weight of celery to M. incognita race 1 was estimated as 0·15 eggs and J2 mL?1 soil. The minimum relative values (m) for plant height and top fresh weight were 0·37 and 0·35, respectively, at Pi ≥ 16 eggs and J2 mL?1 soil. The maximum nematode reproduction rate (Pf/Pi) was 407·6 at an initial population density (Pi) of 4 eggs and J2 mL?1 soil.  相似文献   

采用室内离体测定方法,测试了15种有机酸对南方根结线虫(Meloidogyne incognita) 2龄幼虫致死率和卵孵化抑制率。结果表明,甲酸和丙酸对2龄幼虫和卵的生物活性最高,明显优于其他供试有机酸,但是活性低于对照药剂阿维菌素。对生物活性结果及有机酸化学结构进行比对发现,小分子量化合物对南方根结线虫具有较高生物活性。  相似文献   

3种杀线虫剂防治蔬菜根结线虫研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
在保护地用98%棉隆微粒剂、5%硫线磷颗粒剂、10%噻唑膦颗粒剂处理土壤,防治黄瓜和番茄上根结线虫试验结果表明,3种药剂均可有效地控制根结线虫的危害。在番茄地3种处理的病指分别为27.6、41.3和46.7,增产率分别为77.9%、63.8%和52.8%,空白对照病指达100。在黄瓜地3种处理病指分别为2.69、3.49和9.11,增产率分别为56.6%、45.3和44.2%,空白对照病指为31.11,差异极显著。  相似文献   

9种杀线剂对香蕉根结线虫病的防效评价   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对9种不同作用机理的杀线虫制剂进行了田间防效评价试验。结果表明,10%噻唑磷颗粒剂、35%威百亩水剂和98%棉隆微粒剂对根结线虫具有良好的防效,不仅能控制土壤中2龄幼虫数量,而且能非常有效地抑制根结的形成,同时具有速效性好、持效期长、残留毒性低等优点,可作为根结线虫防治的首选药剂;5%丁硫克百威颗粒剂和0.5%阿维菌素颗粒剂具有较好的防效,对土壤中2龄幼虫数量和作物根结的形成具有中等水平的控制能力,速效性好、同时具有一定的持效性;生防制剂5亿活孢子/g淡紫拟青霉颗粒剂和2.5亿孢子/g厚孢轮枝菌微粒剂在香蕉生长前期防效较差,而在生长中期的防效逐渐上升并保持稳定;2.5%二硫氰基甲烷可湿性粉剂的表现一般,但可在生长季节多次灌根使用,同时具有毒性低、使用方便的优点,是当前为数不多的、能在作物生长季节里施用的广谱型杀线虫制剂;50%氰氨化钙颗粒剂的表现最差,仅能一定程度地控制根结线虫数量,未能有效地抑制病害的发展,对2龄幼虫的控制能力不超过60 d,生长中后期的2龄幼虫数量和根结指数增长较快。  相似文献   

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